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oambuted with 

;on  n  EH  TT^.  d^>  m 


lE&QiiTiONS  THE  STARS  SHOULD  MAKE  by  Hedda  Hopper 


Starring  in 
a  Warner  Brothers  Picti 

f&t  com&j&Htevffctt^ft, 

THE  SILVERWARE  SERVICE  of  the  STARS.  All  the  glamour  isn't  in 
Hollywood!  Back  east .  .  .  up  north  .  .  .  down  south  —  up-and-coming  young 
Americans  are  glamorizing  their  tables  with  the  selfsame  lovely  silverware 
their  favorite  stars  select.  Your  silverware  dealer  will  show  you  that  this  is 
much,  much  easier  than  you'd  believe  ...  for  just  think  of  it  —  services  start 
at  $19.95  and  Planned  Payments  can  make  your  choice  — yours  TODAY! 


73-PIECE  SERVICE  lor  6 


106-PIECE  SERVICE  lor  13 


in  the  Miss  America 

(All  Prices  include  Federal  Tax) 



neida  Ltd. 


KV        ,f    KT 


BUT  HEADS  WILL  TURN  ..  if  your  Smile  is  Right! 

There's  magic  in  a  lovely  smile! 
Help  yours  to  be  sparkling  — 
with  Ipana  and  Massage. 

IOOK  about  you,  plain  girl!  The  most 
4  popular  girl  isn't  always  the  pretti- 
est girl.  It's  true  in  the  world  of  the 
stage  and  screen— it's  true  in  your  own 
small  world. 

Heads  do  turn— eyes  do  follow— hearts 
do  respond— to  even  the  plainest  face  if 
it  flashes  a  winning,  glamorous,  spar- 
kling smile. 

Make  your  smile  your  beauty  talis- 

man. Keep  it  as  enchanting  as  it  should 
be.  Help  it  to  be  a  smile  that  wins  for 
you  the  best  that  life  has  to  give.  But 
remember  that,  for  a  smile  to  keep  its 
brightness  and  sparkle,  gums  must  retain 
their  healthy  firmness. 

"Pink  Tooth  Brush" — a  warning! 

If  you  ever  see  "pink"  on  your  tooth 
brush— see  your  dentist  right  away.  It  may 
not  mean  serious  trouble,  but  let  him 
decide.  He  may  say  simply  that  your 
gums  need  more  work  . . .  the  natural  ex- 
ercise denied  them  by  today's  soft  foods. 

And  like  thousands  of  dentists,  he  may 
suggest  "the  helpful  stimulation  of 
Ipana  and  massage.'' 

Ipana  is  specially  designed,  not  only 
to  clean  teeth  brilliantly  and  thoroughly 
but,  with  massage,  to  help  firm  and 
strengthen  your  gums. 

Massage  a  little  extra  Ipana  onto  your 
gums  every  time  you  brush  your  teeth. 
Notice  its  clean,  refreshing  taste.  And 
that  invigorating  "tang"  tells  you  circu- 
lation is  increasing  in  your  gums— help- 
ing them  to  better  health.  Get  a  tube  of 
Ipana  Tooth  Paste  today. 


say  beauty  editors  of  23  out  of  24  leading  magazines 

Recently  a  poll  was  made  among  the  beauty  editors  of  24 
leading  magazines.  All  but  one  of  these  experts  said  that  a 
woman  has  no  greater  charm  than  a  lovely,  sparkling  smile. 
They  went  on  to  say  that  "Even  a  plain  girl  can  be  charm- 
ing, if  she  has  a  lovely  smile.  But  without  one,  the  loveliest 
woman's  beauty  is  dimmed  and  darkened." 



A  Product  of  Bristol-Myers 

JANUARY,    1942 















Published  in 
this  space 
every  month 

The  greatest 

star  of  the 


Tis  the  month 
before  Christmas 
and  all  through 
the  movie  houses 
there  are  a  lot  of 
wonderful  films 
to  be  seen. 

•      •      • 
This  column  is  in 
the  present  and 
future  tense.  Since  it  is  a  Christmas  is- 
sue, we  will  first  talk  about  the  present. 

•      •      •      • 
There  is  the  Garbo   picture.    Of 
"Ninotchka"  caliber  — debonairy  and 

JANUARY,    1942 

VOL.  20,  NO.  2 

It  is  called  "Two-Faced  Woman"  — 
practically  a  double  feature  in  itself. 

•  •      •      • 

And  every  single  feature  of  Garbo  is 
something  to  behold.  Ask  co-star 
Melvyn  Douglas. 

•  •  • 
Comes  too,  "H.  M. 
Pulham,  Esq." — 
which  so  many  have 
read.  Hedy  Lamarr 
and  Robert  Young 
step  right  from  the 
pages  as  the  saying 

•  •      •      • 
"Panama  Hattie",  the  famed  Broadway 
trip-hammer  of  hilarity,  gives  us  more 
Ann  Sothern  hospitality  and  Red  Skel- 
ton's  hornpipes  of  pandemonium. 

•  •      •      • 
Spencer  Tracy,  the  matinee  and  evening 
idol,  and  Katharine  Hepburn,  who  also 
is  no  idle  idol,  appear  in  the  picture  of 
the  year. 

M    \ 

Entitled  "Woman  of  The  Year". 

•  •      •      • 

And  then  also  on  this  Yule  season  list, 
we're  including  "Babes  on  Broadway" 
which  we  deliver  with  all  sorts  of  golden 
predictions  of  being  something  to  dance 
in  the  streets  about. 

•  •      •      • 

That  is,  the  dancing  in  the  streets  will 
be  done  after  you've  seen  the  dancing 
in  the  theatre. 

•  •      •      • 
It's  all   to    the 
merry,  merry. 

•      *      * 
And  at  the  same 
time  let  us  wish  you 
a    happy,    happy. 

— Scutta  lea 

Advertisement  for    Metro-Goldwyn-Maver  Picturta 


Executive   Editor 

combined  wttk 

LTD   COD  WD    CB 
ica  n  eh  eh  <x>  LH 


Associate    Editor 

Holiday   Greetings  18 

Personal  messages  from  the  stars  to  you 

Resolutions  the  Stars  Should   Make    Hedda  Hopper     20 

Hollywood   columnist  tells    Hollywood   what   to   do.     Result:     Fireworks 

Flight   Officer   Olivier   Reporting —  22 

An   intimate   letter  from  the   London   Oliviers  to  the   Douglas   Fairbankses  Jr. 

— And  They're  Over  There  Too 24 

Last-minute   news  of  other   Hollywood   stars   in   England 

"I   Feel   Like  a  Heel  about  Errol" 

Says  Olivia  de  Havilland  to  Irene  Zarat     26 

An   inside   look   at   Livvie's  own   ideas   of  that   guy   Flynn 

No  Runaway  Marriage  for  These  Two! Kay  Proctor     28 

Jackie   Cooper  and    Bonita   Granville   have  their   own    plans   about   weddings 

Love  among  the   Reagans Ida  Zeitlin     30 

A   cheerful    little    earful    about    Ronnie    and    his   two    "Delinquent    Girls" 

Strictly  Zanies ...        33 

Make   up   your   mind    about   Olsen    and    Johnson    only   after   you've    read   this 

How  Not  to  Trim  Your  Christmas  Tree Fredda  Dudley     34 

Laraine   Day  and  Jeffrey  Lynn   ring   some   bells  on   Christmas   presents 

Don't  Hitch  Your  Wagon — John  R.  Franchey     36 

Throw  out  those   old   adages  and   go   modern   with    Brian    Donlevy 

Right  This  Way  Folks! 38 

Star  performers  in  the  greatest  show  on  earth  caught  by  Cameraman  Hyman  Fink 

The  Male  Animal    Fiction   version   by  Norton   Russell     40 

A  story  that  will  have  everyone  in  the  family  chuckling   out  loud 

Things  I  Wish  Men  Would  Do Joan  Bennett     44 

Ida,  the  Mad   Lupino Howard  Sharpe      52 

I  Wake  Up  Screaming! Steve  Fisher     54 

These  two   men   and   the   girl   were   playing   the   most  fantastic  game   on   earth 

Say  Hello  to  Nicky  Jr 56 

Introducing   the   newest  branch   on   the   "Thin   Man"   family  tree 

The  Truth  About  Stars'   Salaries "Fearless"     57 

GL  A  M  O  U  R 

Natural  Color  Portraits  of  Charles    Boyer 32 

These    Popular   Stars: 

d  ±x      n  or       Portraits: 

Bette    Davis 25 

Olivia   de   Havilland 27           Philip  Dorn 42 

The  Ronald  Reagans 30           Joan   Fontaine    43 


Close   Ups  and    Long   Shots —                    Ring   in  the  New 50 

Ruth    Waterbury 4       Brief  Reviews 58 

Speak  for  Yourself 6      Star  Finds  in  the  Stores 60 

Inside  Stuff— Cal  York 8      Ladies    Invited 84 

The  Shadow  Stage 14      Casts  of  Current  Pictures 85 

Hi,  Miss  Winter! 45      Candy  Kid                           86 

COVER:     Barbara   Stanwyck,    Natural   Color   Photograph   by   Paul    Hesse 
Miss  Stanwyck's  ski  suit  designed   by  Lanz  of  Los  Angeles 

PHOTOPLAY  combined  with  MOVIE  MIRROR  Is  published  monthly  by  I  uhun  PUBLICATIONS,  INC..  Wash- 
ington and  South  Avenues,  Dunellen.  Now  Jersey.  Editorial  offices.  12:  East  4  2nd  St..  New  York  N, .  Y.  Execu- 
tive  office  205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York.  N.  Y.  O.  J.  Elder,  President:  li.tydo,  k  Miller,  secretary;  t  harles  H.  Shattuck. 
Treasurer;  Walter  Hanlon.  Advertising  Manager.  Advertising  offices.  122  E.  -12nd  St.,  New  York.  N.  Y.  Chicago 
office  22 i  North  LaSalle  St..  E.  E.  Lethen,  .Ir..  Mgr.  Pacific  Coast  office:  San  Francisco.  420  Market  St..  Lee  Andrews 
Mlt    '    Entered    as    second-class    matter    September    2  1.     1931,    at    the    post    office    in    Dunellcn.    New    Jersey,    under    the 

,  V  .  ,1  M.ncli  :).  1H7H  Vl.iitional  entry  at  Chicago.  III.  Price  in  the  United  states  and  Possessions  and  Newfound- 
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Member  of  Macfadden   Women's  Group. 

Copyright,     11*41,    by    Macfadden    Publications.     Inc. 

The     contents    ol     this     magazine     may     not     be     reprinted     either   .WhoUy^OrJta     part     without  ^permission.       Reelstro 

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N  icional    de    la    Propiedad    Inteleclual.      Title    trademark    registered    In    U.S.    Patent    Office. 
■  mted    in  U.   S     A,    by    ATI    Coli  ■   Printing  Co..    Dunellen.    N.   J. 

photoplay  combined  U'itli  movie  mirror 


we   give   you 

as  the   high   point 

of   our    February    issue. 

Bright  star  of  the  fiction  year, 
this  is  above  all  about  a  man 
and  a  girl  in  war,  in  escape, 
in  love. 

In  their  lives  you  see  the 
struggle  of  a  new  world — 
the  deep  moving  passion  they 
both  try  to  deny  .  .  . 

— the  bitterness  of  the  man 
who  survived  Dunkerque  to 
say:  "A  man  will  die  for  his 
own  freedom  and  never  com- 
plain. But  when  his  children 
ache  with  hunger,  he'll  swap 
it  for  a  loaf  of  bread  and  call 
it  a  better  bargain  .  .  ." 

— the  sublimity  of  the  girl  who 
faces  the  coming  of  her  baby 
to  say:  "You're  going  to  have 
a  better  time  of  it  than  we 
did.  We're  going  to  win  this 
war  because  we  can  stick  it. 
And  then,  God  willing,  we're 
going  to  win  the  peace — for 
you  and  the  millions  of  others 
like  you  to  come  .  .  ." 

In  Twentieth  Century-Fox's 
greatest   1942  love  story  star- 
ring  Tyrone    Power   and    Joan 
Fontaine — 


Be  Lovelier!  So  very  Soon ! 
Go  on  the 


This  lovely  bride,  Mrs.  Alfred  L.  Powell  of  New  ^ork,  N.  Y.,  says:  "I'm  so  devoted  to 
the  Camay  'Mild-Soap'  Diet !  I  tell  all  my  friends  about  this  wonderful  aid  to  loveliness." 

Start  this  exciting  course  in  beauty 
care !  It's  based  on  the  advice  of  skin 
specialists-praised  by  lovely  brides! 

WHISPERED  praises  in  the  moonlight 
—''Your  skin  is  so  lovely  to  look  at. 
so  delightful  to  touch". . .  Every  woman 
should  hear  these  compliments.  Do  you? 

If  not,  then  the  Camay 
"Mild- Soap"  Diet  offers 
you  a  promise  of  new  love- 
liness. For,  unknowingly, 
you  may  be  clouding  the 
real  beauty  of  your  skin 
through  improper  cleans- 
ing.   Or,    like    so    many 

women  failing  to  use  a  beauty  soap  as 
mild  as  it  should  be. 

Thousands  of  brides  have  found  the 
key  to  loveliness  in  the  Camay  "Mild- 
Soap"  Diet.  One  such  bride  is  Mrs. 
Powell  who  says:  "My  skin  has  reacted  so 
beautifully  to  the  Camay  'Mild-Soap'  Diet 
I'd  never  try  any  other  beauty  treatment!' 
Skin  specialists  advise 
regular  cleansing  with  a 
fine  mild  soap.  And  Camay 
is  milder  than  the  10  other 
famous  beauty  soaps  test- 
ed. That's  why  we  say  "Co 
on  the  Camay  'Mild-Soap' 
Diet  .  .  .TONIGHT!" 


Work  Camay's  milder  lather overyour skin, pay- 
ing special  attention  to  the  nose,  the  ba6e  of 
nostrils  and  chin.  Rinse  with  warm  water  and 
follow   with   thirty   seconds  of  cold   splashings. 

Then,  while  yon  sleep,  the  tinj  pore  openings  are 

free  to  function  for  natural  beauty.  In  the  morn- 
ing—one  more  quick  session  with  this  unl.l.r 
Camay  and  your  skin  is  ready  for  make-up. 

ANUARY.    1942 

Caro\e  Lombard I  *  ^ 


{or  a  stna 

who*   Pr,ce 

sh  film; 

j  ponders 

s+  found 
.e.,   made 

ut  ho* 



i   •     busv  *fcese   daf 
UoWvvood   «s  »     V 0;rbanks  Jr. 

THE  speed  with  which  the  pattern 
of  Hollywood  is  changing  becomes 
more  apparent  with  every  passing 
day,  this  winter  of  1941  ...  on  "the 
projection  room  circuit"  .  .  .  that  is,  in 
the  projection  rooms  in  the  private 
homes  .  .  .  the  homes  of  the  absolute 
top  directors,  of  the  really  top  stars,  of 
almost  every  producer  ...  in  those 
projection  rooms  where  movies  are 
seen  days  and  weeks  and  sometimes 
months  before  the  public  sees  them 
and  where  many  a  star  is  born  and 
killed  .  .  .  there,  the  current  conversa- 
tion is  centering  on  John  Ford  ...  on 
Douglas  Fairbanks  Jr  ....  on  Betty 
Grable  ...  on  what  may  happen  to 
Alice  Faye  ...  on  the  amazing  case  of 
Carole  Lombard  .  .  .  and  on  the  Bioff 
case  .  .  .  (everybody  in  Hollywood 
calls  that  one  the  Buy -off  case,  which 
was  what  it  was  supposed  to  be,  only 
the  "fix"  didn't  stick).  .  .  . 

Ah,  weird  and  wonderful  is  the  talk 
that  goes  round  and  round  in  those 
projection  rooms.  .  .  . 

Since  he  has  a  hit  ready  and  wait- 
ing, they  talk  first  of  John  Ford,  these 
nights  .  .  .  John  Ford,  who  represents 
the  spirit  of  artistic  independence.  .  .  . 
You  know  him,  of  course,  this 
sturdy,    unfettered    Irishman    whose 


cim  in 

real  name  is  Sean  O'Fearna  ...  he 
who  directed  that  most  artistic  of 
movies,  "The  Informer"  .  .  .  who  a 
year  ago  made  "The  Long  Voy- 
age Home"  and  a  season  before  that 
"Stagecoach"  .  .  .  and  who  in  between 
made  slick  movies  for  Twentieth  Cen- 
tury, notably  "Grapes  Of  Wrath".  .  .  . 

Well,  right  now,  Mr.  Ford  has  fin- 
ished "How  Green  Was  My  Valley" 
and  it  is  a  miracle  .  .  .  because,  up 
until  now  when  Mr.  Ford  did  a  pic- 
ture at  Twentieth,  he  washed  his 
hands  of  it  the  moment  he  finished 
shooting  .  .  .  that  is  why  a  film  like 
"Drums  Along  The  Mohawk"  could 
bear  his  name  and  yet  emerge  so  un- 
distinguished. .  .  . 

For  there  is  a  rule,  you  see,  at  Twen- 
tieth Century  that  Darryl  Zanuck,  the 
studio  head,  can  cut  any  picture  any 
way  he  chooses  .  .  .  John  Ford,  the  free 
man,  wouldn't  compromise  ...  he 
would  direct  a  picture  just  as  his  con- 
tract specified  .  .  .  but  when  it  came 
to  cutting  them  .  .  .  either  he  cut  them 
all  by  his  own  ...  or  he  had  no  part  in 
the  cutting  of  them  .  .  .  thus  he  cut 
none  of  his  Twentieth  Century  pic- 
tures .  .  .  but  made  them  quickly  and 
efficiently  .  .  .  then  took  his  own 
money  and  went  elsewhere  to  make 
the  pictures  he  loved  .  .  .  and  which  he 
knew  only  a  small  audience  would 
love,  too.  .  .  . 

Then  along  came  the  story,  "How 
Green  Was  My  Valley"  .  .  .  Twentieth 
bought  it  .  .  .  John  Ford  was  assigned 
to  direct  it  .  .  .  and  he  couldn't  be 
quietly  businesslike  about  such  a  tale 
...  he  had  to  put  all  his  imagination 
and  heart  and  Irish  emotionalism  into 




the  telling  of  it  .  .  .  the  result  is  such 
a  beautiful,  poignant  film  as  happens 
very,  very  rarely.  .  .  . 

The  projection  room  circuit  sits 
back,  wonders  and  marvels,  at  a  story 
of  Welsh  mining  life,  done  with  a  "B" 
cast  turning  out  to  look  like  a  million 
dollars,  and  artistic  yet.  .  .  . 

Then  they  marvel  over  Douglas 
Fairbanks  Jr.  .  .  .  who  is  ceasing  to  be 
"young  Doug"  to  them  any  longer  .  .  . 
or  merely  the  son  of  his  father  ...  or 
Joan  Crawford's  ex-husband  ...  or 
Mary  Pickford's  stepson  .  .  .  but  a 
handsome,  intelligent,  deeply  sincere 
young  diplomatist  working  for  our 
country  .  .  .  giving  up  chances  at  fine 
roles  .  .  .  giving  up  the  income  he 
would  get  from  them  .  .  .  because  he 
wants  to  serve  America  in  the  way 
that  our  President  has  told  him  is  the 
most  helpful  way  that  he  can  serve. . .  . 

Many  of  the  inner  circle  Hollywood 
people  have  told  Doug  that  they  are 
proud  of  him  for  this  .  .  .  that  they 
think  he  is  doing  a  great  thing  not 
only  for  the  United  States  but  also 
for  the  movie  business  .  .  .  proving 
through  his  own  handsome  person  and 
through  his  clever  brain  that  actors 
are  people  .  .  .  that  they  are  part  of 
the  average   (Continued  on  page  65) 

photoplay  combined   With  movie  mirror 



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CfcS  EVERYBODY  DAN«  *  Y  %  „,,  A 

of      WE  Otf  5  ^^oJ^HAT  CHAN« 





Directed  by  IRVING  CUMMINGS  •  Screen  Play  by  Jerome  Chodorov  and  Joseph  Fields  •  Based  on  the  Musical  Comedy  by  Morrie  Ryskind  •  From  a  Story  by  B.  G.  DeSylva 


JANUAPV,    1942  g 

A  month  ago  the  name 
Jean  Wallace  didn't 
mean  much  to  Holly- 
wood; today  it's  being 
spoken  everywhere  in 
exclamation-point  tones. 
She's  the  girl  who  eloped 
with  Franchot  Tone;  here 
they  are  at  the  Mocambo 
just  two  nights  before 
they   pulled   the  quickie 

Left:  These  two  always  set 
flash  bulbs  popping;  this 
Mocambo  huddle  of  Paulette 
Goddard  and  Charles  Chap- 
lin set  tongues  wagging.  Rea- 
son: They  haven't  been  seen 
many  places  together  lately 



The    current    spice    of    Hollywood    life 


TIDBITS:  Hollywood  is  wondering 
it:  Deanna  Durbin  will  follow  in 
her  producer  husband's  footsteps 
and  leave  Universal  Studios,  which 
has  been  Deanna's  studio  home  since 
the  time  of  her  first  picture.  After 
all,  Universal  didn't  do  so  badly  for 
Vaughn  Paul,  who  just  two  years  ago 
was  an  assistant  director  trying  to  get 
along.  He  is  now  a  producer  and  no 
longer  at  Universal.  Young  Paul  has 
signed  with  RKO. 

Friends  applaud  Alice  Faye's  deci- 


sion  to  leave  the  screen  for  a  year 
until  after  her  expected  baby  is  born. 
Alice  and  Phil  Harris  were  remarried 
in  Texas  last  month,  just  to  make  the 
tie  stronger. 

Connie  Bennett  is  another  prospec- 
tive mother  and  husband  Gilbert  Ro- 
land couldn't  be  happier.  Connie  has 
one  son  by  a  former  husband,  the 
late  Phil  Plant. 

Jeanette  MacDonald  and  Gene  Ray- 
mond have  set  the  ball  rolling  with 
a     brand-new     idea     for    our    Uncle 

Sammy's  boys.  They  even  have  a 
name  for  their  idea.  They  call  it 
"Date  Leave."  Every  other  Sunday 
Gene  and  Jeanette  telephone  the 
U.  S.  O.  in  Los  Angeles,  who  select 
ten  or  twelve  boys  from  any  branch 
of  the  service,  herd  them  into  the 
Raymond  station  wagon  and  send 
them  off  for  the  day  to  the  Raymond 
home.  In  the  meantime,  the  Deans  of 
Women  of  the  University  of  Southern 
California  and  the  University  of  Cali- 
fornia at  Los  Angeles  select  an  equal 

photoplay  combined  totth  movie  mirror 


Left:     This   picture      x   i 

r  ^Mgtijmm 







The    implication    of    this    h,:   Li 
future    is   that   Robert   Stoc? 
having  fun  on  n  J i  i        .  ,    ck    ls 

T^ner  Sheila  p+flel0rd-La'1o 
Havilland  and  AnCr0'''^  de 
-essive  nig^n  feder. 

number  of  girls  to  be  guests,  with 
swimming,  singing  and  much  good 
eating  the  order  of  the  day. 

The  boys,  who  are  subject  to  much 
regimentation  in  camp,  are  not  urged 
to  participate  in  any  games  they  do 
not  feel  like  playing.  Everything  is 
left  up  to  the  boys  and  girls. 

One  or  two  of  the  lads  have  broken 
down  and  wept  out  their  thanks,  the 
loneliness  and  homesickness  that  have 
been  dispelled  by  the  kindness  of  the 

JANUARY,    1942 

Other  Hollywood  folk  are  following 
suit,  welcoming  boys  into  their  homes, 
treating  them  to  home-cooked  food 
and,  more  important  to  the  boys, 
making  it  possible  for  them  to  meet 
nice  girls.  And  maybe  you  think  the 
mothers  of  those  boys  aren't  grateful! 

Get  Out  Your  Copybook,  Ginger: 
Ginger  Rogers'  face  is  almost  as  red 
as  her  hair  these  days. 

A  few  weeks  ago  Ginger  went  to 
Kansas    City    to    visit    relatives    and 

while  she  was  there  she  paid  a  visit 
to  the  Benton  Grammar  School  where 
she  learned  readin',  writin'  and  'rith- 
metic.  (Incidentally,  Walt  Disney 
went  to  the  same  school  a  couple  of 
years  before  Ginger.)  Of  course,  la 
Rogers'  visit  was  a  sensation  and  she 
autographed  text  books  right  and  left. 
Imagine  her  surprise,  then,  to  receive 
a  letter  from  the  principal  after  her 
return  to  Hollywood: 

"Dear  Ginger:  We  loved  having  you 
here  and  we  are  proud  of  you.    But 

JniAk  otuff 

your  handwriting  is  still  terrible — and 
now  all  the  youngsters  are  trying 
to  copy  it.  So  from  now  on,  don't 
autograph  any  text  books  for  us!" 

Lookie,  Skyscraper  Girls:  There 
have  been  other  tall  girls  in  movies, 
but  never  one  that  has  caught  the 
attention  of  fans  as  has  Alexis  Smith. 
So,  to  meet  the  flood  of  letters  from 
up-in-the-air  fans,  Alexis  has  organ- 
ized a  Tall  Girls'  Club  for  girls  over 
five-foot-seven  throughout  the  coun- 
try. Letters  are  sent  by  Alexis  to 
members  with  nuggets  of  pure-gold 

For  instance,  Alexis'  suggestions  in 
her  first  letter  dealt  with  the  problem 
of  shorter  escorts.  Some  of  her  tip- 
offs  were: 

1.  Always  let  him  take  your  arm. 
Never  take  his. 

2.  Wear  small-crowned  hats. 

3.  Stand  straight  up. 

4.  Don't  gaze  down  at  him  while 
dancing.  You  can  always  keep  your 
eyes  closed  and  it's  more  flattering 
to  him. 

5.  Don't  wear  large-brimmed  hats. 
It's  hard  enough  for  him  to  see  around 
you  without  obstacles. 

Pretty  good  advice,  eh,  girls?  If 
you're  interested,  why  not  write 
Alexis  at  Warner  Brothers  and  get  on 
her  mailing  list?  And  happy  dating 
to  you  all. 

Col's  Chitchat:  We  have  Betty 
Grable's  word  for  it,  there  is  no  feud 
between  her  and  Carole  Landis.  "The 
fact  I  go  to  my  dressing  room  between 
scenes  on  the  set  does  not  mean  I  am 
feuding  with  anyone.  Nor  does  it 
mean  I  am  high-hat.  The  whole  thing 
is  ridiculous." 

Maybe,  but  those  two  lovely 
blondes,  Carole  and  Betty,  are  not 
the  closest  of  friends,  either.  Take 
our  word  for  it. 

Since  her  separation  from  Roger 
Pryor,  Ann  Sothern  is  the  belle  of 
the  ball,  with  Cesar  Romero,  Ann, 
John  Howard  and  Hedy  Lamarr  a 
happy  quartette.  Robert  Sterling  is 
a  bidder  for  Ann's  attention,  too. 


This  started  something  in  Holly- 
wood: Jeanette  MacDonald  and 
Gene  Raymond's  "Date  Leave" 
party   for   service   men   and   co-eds 

Barn-dancing,  cheek  to  cheek  ver- 
sion: the  George  Murphys  in  old- 
fashioned  gear  and  modern  mood 
at    the    West    Side    Tennis    Club 

Ham-and-corn  close-up  of  Gary 
Cooper  and  Claudette  Colbert 
in  a  back-to-the-farm  movement 
at    the    Tennis    Club    barn    dance 


%l^  i  Ri^^s  W' 

'j^Br  *"    ^1 

ML     ^Jm            8tt    A 

M    m 

■' Jte  Jta 


Jr "■■ ■■"■.  ^S         '-.  *■■**« 




The  premiere  of  "Sundown"  was 
the  occasion  for  the  biggest  party  of 
the  month.  Joan  Bennett  acted  as 
hostess,  as  husband  producer  Walter 
Wanger  was  called  to  New  York  on 
business  at  the  last  moment.  Ciro's 
was  jammed  from  roof  to  rafters,  with 
practically  everyone  in  Hollywood  on 
hand.  As  usual,  Marlene  Dietrich  cre- 
ated a  riot  in  a  mile-high  (or  so  it 
seemed)  hat  dripping  with  ermine 
tails.  More  ermine  tails  and  Jean 
Gabin  dripped  from  the  sides. 

Patricia  Morison  has  an  idea  that's 
catching  on  like  wildfire.  It's  called  the 
"Invite  a  soldier  for  Christmas  din- 
ner" movement  and  already  Pat  has 
twenty-seven  boys  lined  up  in  twenty- 
seven  homes  for  a  Merry  Christmas. 

Say  It  Right:  Take  Hedy  Lamarr's 
name.  It's  Haydee,  and  not  heady, 
please.  And  Charles'  name  is  Boy- 
yay,  which  at  least  is  close  enough 
to  the  French  pronunciation  to  make 
Monsieur  Boyer  happy. 

The  handsome  Nils  Asther  is  Neels 
Astor  and  Nelson  Eddy's  new  leading 
lady  is  Rees-ay  Stevens,  and  not  Rise 
as  in  Rise  and  Shine. 

There  are  three  syllables  to  Diet- 
rich's first  name.  It's  Mar-Lan-a,  to 
rhyme  with  "I  have  a  pain-a."  Miss 
Turner's  first  name,  on  the  other  hand, 
is  La-nah,  to  rhyme  with  Hannah. 

And  as  for  Jean  Gabin,  the  French 
actor,  he's  called  everything  from  G 
to  V.  According  to  his  studio,  it's 
(Continued  on  page  12) 

photoplay  combined  icith  movie  mirror 

What  to  do  when 

you  feel  a  COLD 

coming  on 

WHEN  you  start  to  sniffle  .  .  .  when  you  feel  a  chill  ...  or 
get  a  dry,  rasping  irritation  in  your  throat,  it's  time  to 
act — and  act  fast!  A  cold  may  be  getting  you  in  its  grip.  What  can 
you  do  to  ward  it  off? 

Unfortunately,  in  spite  of  all  the  time  and  money  spent  on 
studying  the  condition,  there  is  no  known  positive  specific. 
Certainly,  we  would  not  classify  Listerine  Antiseptic  as  one. 
Yet  tests  made  during  ten  years  of  intensive  research  have  con- 
vinced us  that  this  safe,  pleasant-tasting  germicide  often  has  a 
very  marked  effect. 

Over  and  over  again  these  tests  have  shown  that  those  who 
gargled  Listerine  Antiseptic  twice  daily  had  fewer  colds,  milder 
colds,  and  colds  of  shorter  duration  than  those  who  did  not. 

Kills  Germs  Associated  with  Colds 

The  reason  for  this  success,  we  believe,  must  be  that  Listerine 
Antiseptic  kills  vast  numbers  of  germs  on  mouth  and  throat 
surfaces  ...  so  called  "secondary  invaders"  which,  according 
to  many  authorities,  are  largely  responsible  for  the  distressing 
manifestations  of  a  cold.  Listerine  Antiseptic  kills  these  germs 
by  the  millions,  before  they  can  invade  the  delicate  membrane 
and  aggravate  infection. 

Tests  Showed  Outstanding  Germ  Reductions  on  Tissue  Surfaces 

Clinical  "bacteria  counts"  showed  germ  reductions  on  mouth 
and  throat  surfaces  ranging  to  96.7%  even  15  minutes  after 
gargling  with  Listerine  Antiseptic  ...  up  to  80%  an  hour  after 
the  gargle. 

Isn't  it  sensible,  then,  to  use  Listerine  Antiseptic  promptly 
and  often  to  help  combat  a  sore  throat  and  keep  a  cold  from 
becoming  troublesome  ? 

We  do  not  pretend  to  say  that  Listerine  Antiseptic  so  used 
will  always  head  off  a  cold  or  reduce  its  seventy  once  started. 
But  we  do  say  that  it  has  had  such  a  fine  record  in  so  many  test 
cases  that  it  is  entitled  to  consideration  as  a  reputable  first  aid. 

Get  the  habit  of  gargling  with  full  strength  Listerine  Anti- 
septic  morning  and  night;  and  if  you  feel  a  cold  coming  on, 
increase  the  frequency  of  the  gargle  and  call  your  physician. 

Lambert  Pharmacal  Company,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 



Go  to  bed  at  once,  take  a  mild  laxative  if  your  doctor  ad- 
vises it.  Drink  plenty  of  water  and  fruit  juices.  Fat  lightly. 

2  Gargle  with  Listerine  Antiseptic,  full  strength,  every 
three  hours.  Listerine  kills  millions  of  germs  on  mouth 
and  throat  surfaces  before  they  can  invade  the  delicate 
membrane  and  aggravate  infection. 


The  two  drawings  illustrate  height 
of  range  in  germ  reductions  on 
mouth  and  throat  surfaces  in  test 
cases  before  and  after  gargling 
Listerine  Antiseptic.  Fifteen  min- 
utes after  gargling,  germ  reduc- 
tions up  to  96.7%  were  noted;  and 
even  one  hour  after,  germs  were 
still  reduced  as  much  as  80%. 

3  At  night,  take  a  hot 
bath,  or  at  least  a  hot 
foot  bath,  before  getting  into 
bed.  Cover  up  with  plenty 
of  extra  blankets  to  "sweat 
the  cold  out  of  your  system." 

4  Don't  blow  your  nose 
too  hard.  It  may  spread 
infection  to  other  parts  of 
the  head.  Sterilize  used  hand- 
kerchiefs by  boiling.  Paper 
napkins   should   be   burned. 



JANUARY,    1942 


(Continued  from  page  10) 
Ja  Ga-ba,  which  sounds  like  so  much 
jabberwacky  to  old  Cal. 

Guess  we'll  just  call  him  "Dietrich's 
boy  friend"  and  let  it  go  at  that. 

The  twenty-five-year-old  genius  of 
the  movies  and  theater,  Laird  Cregar 
(Hollywood  is  raving  over  his  per- 
formance in  the  stage  play  of  "The 
Man  Who  Came  To  Dinner"),  is  a  bit 
upset  over  the  way  his  last  name  is 
manhandled.  It's  pronounced  "Kre- 
gar,"  to  rhyme  with  "Cigar."  Bette 
Davis'  first  name  is  pronounced 
"Betty,"  not  "Bet"  as  Bob  Hope  seems 
to  insist  over  the  air. 

The  luscious  Rita  Hayworth  is  Reeta 
and  Dottie's  last  name  sounds  like 
Lamoore  and  that  fascinating  villain, 
Conrad  Veidt,  answers  to  Vite  and 
Gene's  unmarried  name  is  pro- 
nounced "Teer-nee."  Her  husband's 
first  name  is  Oleg,  with  the  accent  on 
the  O.  "Casseenee"  comes  nearest  to 
Cassini.  And  Franchot's  name  is  pro- 
nounced "Franshow." 

Any  other  name  that's  been  stump- 
ing you  or  your  friends? 

Bob  Hope — the  Author:  Far  be  it 
from  us  to  turn  book  reviewer  (Cal 
Clifton  Fadiman  York),  but  we  can't 
resist  the  temptation  to  talk  about 
Bob  Hope's  new  book  in  which  Bob 
relets  to  the  Academy  Award  Oscars 
as  "Frozen  Quiz  Kids." 


After-ceremony  grins:  Loretta  Young, 
best  man  Cary  Grant,  bride  Rosalind  Rus- 
sell, bridegroom  Fred  Brisson,  Barbara 
Hutton,  Frank  Vincent,  Charlotte  Wynters 

Mid*  otuff 

Yes  sir,  Hopeless  Hope  has  cer- 
tainly penned  himself  a  tome  you  fans 
will  adore.  Bob's  book  is  different, 
too.  In  fact,  it's  the  only  one  written 
that  has  a  wait  after  every  sentence 
for  the  laughs. 

Bob's  Book -of -the -Mumps  (you 
can't  eat  a  pickle  while  reading  it) 
may  never  touch  "Berlin  Diary"  for 
sales,  but  if  it  ever  fell  into  the  hands 
of  an  enemy  it  would  confuse  him  into 
submission.  In  case  of  combat  we 
suggest  dispensing  with  pamphlets 
and  dropping  Bob's  book  in  the 
enemy's  general  direction.  General 
Direction  would  give  up  at  once. 

It  begins  with  a  Bing  and  ends  with 
a  bang.  Crosby  writes  the  introduc- 
tion— as  if  scoop-chin  Hope  needs  an 

Bob  begins  by  saying,  "There  was 
a  great  deal  of  excitement  at  the  little 
house  next  door  to  the  Barretts  of 
Wimpole  Street.     My  best  friend  was 

having  a  baby.    Me.    London  and  my 
father  were  very  foggy  that  night!" 

To  quote  at  random:  "I  was  such  a 
beautiful  baby.  My  parents  had  me 
kidnapped  twice  a  week  just  so  they 
could  see  my  picture  in  the  papers  .  . 
I  used  to  cry  so  much  they  had  to 
diaper  me  on  both  ends  .  .  .  My  father 
was  the  proud  father  of  seven  boys. 
In  fact,  he  was  the  Bing  Crosby  of 
his  day." 

Yes  sir,  Mr.  Hope  has  written  him- 
self one  long  streamlined  gag,  one  that 
will  take  you  roaring  away  from  what 
ails  you.  Anyway,  if  the  humor 
doesn't  get  you  the  illustrations  will. 
We're  still  laughing. 

Roz  takes  a  Bridegroom!  Roz  Rus- 
sell up  and  did  it!  Hollywood's  most 
famous  bachelor  girl  gladly  and 
willingly  gave  up  all  claim  to  the  title 
when  she  married  her  agent,  Fred 
Brisson.  Rosalind's  marriage  had  been 
rumored  and  threatened  for  some 
time,  with  Roz  repeatedly  denying 
the  rumor. 

Then,  a  few  days  after  her  mother 
in  the  East  announced  her  daughter's 
engagement,  Roz  and  Freddie  traveled 
up  to  the  historic  Santa  Ynez  mission 
in  the  little  Danish  community  of 
Solvang,  California,  and  in  company 
with  their  close  friends  were  married. 

Cary  Grant  made  a  handsome  best 
man.      As    one    guest    whispered,    it 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

must  seem  queer  to  Cary,  who  has 
been  Roz's  screen  husband  several 
times,  to  see  his  screen  wife  become 
the  bride  of  another.  And  what  a 
lovely  bride  Roz  made,  in  her  simple 
white  Danish-type  gown.  Actress 
Charlotte  Wynters  (actor  Barton 
MacLane's  wife)  was  matron  of 

After  the  ceremony  the  guests  were 
treated  to  something  new  in  wedding 
receptions — a  picnic  on  the  mission 
grounds,  under  the  live  oaks.  Around 
the  tables,  decorated  in  Danish  (the 
groom  is  a  Dane)  and  American  flags, 
sat  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  Powell,  the 
Nigel  Bruces,  the  Herbert  Marshalls, 
Barbara  Hutton,  Mildred  Crawford, 
Roz's  stand-in,  her  two  sisters  and 
their  husbands  and  her  mother.  The 
bridegroom's  parents  were  also  pres- 

It  must  be  all  of  ten  years  ago  that  a 
tall  lanky  boy  called  Freddy  Peterson 
roamed  around  the  Paramount  Stu- 
dios at  loose  ends  with  himself  and 
everybody  else.  "Oh.  that's  Carl 
Brisson's  brother,-'  was  the  way  Holly- 
wood dismissed  him.  Mr.  Brisson,  the 
Danish  prize  fighter  who  had  turned 
actor,  was  doing  his  best  to  catch 
America's  fancy  at  the  time. 

Then  Freddy  went  away  and  people 
forgot  him  until  one  day,  a  few  years 
ago,  he  came  back  in  Hollywood  as 
an  agent.  His  name  was  now  Freddie 
Brisson — he'd  really  been  Carl's  son 
all  the  time,  but  for  publicity  reasons, 
it  had  been  thought  best  to  deny  it. 
Freddie,  charming,  ingratiating, 
seemed  to  have  found  himself.  He 
also  found  Rosalind  Russell — as  a 

Cal  wonders  if  others,  too,  remem- 
ber that  rather  lost  bewildered  boy, 
who  has  now  married  Hollywood's 
most  sophisticated  glamour  girl. 

It's  a  funny  world  and  Cal  hopes  it 
will  always  be  a  wonderful  one  to 
Roz  and  Freddie. 

{Continued  on  page  73) 

The  men  will  look  at  Marlene 
Dietrich  at  Ciro's;  the  ladies  will 
spot  the  ermine-tail  scarf  and  hat 
and,    incidentally,   Jean    Gabin 



LASSO    BOOTS  — Ruiwr 

boot  style  for  the  ladies,  filched 
from  a  cowboy!  The  picture  of 
real  range  boots,  ton,  in  leather- 
like  fini-h  and  tooled"  leaf  de- 
sign— (thanks  to  the  patented 
Textran   process.)    HADE  IN  heel 

FLAT:;   '  TC       SPIKES 


—  Style  stolen   from   a 
Sergeant,  Chevrons  an 
all !   Pull  on  very  easily 
over  any  shoe!   Heels  to 
fit  brogans— cuban-heeled 
street    shoes — and    dressy 
types,     sporting     "spikes.' 
Choose   the   boots    that   su 
the  heels  you  use! 


JANUARY,    1942 

Military  Bo 

B-  f-  Goodrich 



A  reliable  guide  to  recent  pictures.     One   check  means  good;  two  checks,  outstanding 

A  film  to   remember:   Maureen   O'Hara,   Wal- 
ter Pidgeon  in  "How  Green  Was  My  Valley" 

Drama  plus  beauty:  Loretta  Young  and 
Dean  Jagger  in  "The  Men  In  Her  Life" 

^  How  Green  Was  My  Valley 
(20th  Century-Fox) 

It's  About:    The  story  of  a   boy's  life 
in  a  Welsh  mining  town. 

HERE  is  something  we  can  shout 
about,  weep  over,  love  forever 
and  forget  never. 

John  Ford  has  won  himself  a  star, 
if  not  an  Oscar,  for  his  beautiful  direc- 
tion of  a  story  narrated  by  a  man  who 
tells  of  his  boyhood  in  a  little  Welsh 
coal-mining  town. 

Poignantly  tender,  at  times  sonor- 
ously deafening  in  its  emotional  thun- 
der, it  never  once  gets  out  of  tone, 
out   of  harmony,   out   of   atmosphere. 

Marching  through  the  tale  is  the 
father,  Donald  Crisp,  and  the  mother, 
Sara  Allgood,  with  their  brood  of  boys, 
among  them  Patric  Knowles,  John 
Loder  and  little  Huw,  played  by 
Roddy  McDowall  with  unbelievable 
understanding.  Maureen  O'Hara  is  the 
beautiful  daughter. 

Walter  Pidgeon,  as  Mr.  Gruffydd, 
the  preacher,  gives  his  best  perform- 
ance to  date.  In  fact,  it  is  impossible 
for  us  to  find  a  single  flaw  in  this 
spellbinding  picture. 

Your   Reviewer  Says:    An   Academy 
Award  Contender. 

The  Best  Pictures  of  the  Month 
How  Green  Was  My  Valley 

Target  For  Tonight 
Hot  Spot 

The  Maltese  Falcon 
Appointment  For  Love 

Best  Performances 

Walter  Pidgeon  in  "How  Green 
Was  My  Valley" 

Roddy  McDowall  in  "How  Green 
Was  My  Valley" 

Donald  Crisp  in  "How  Green  Was 
My  Valley" 

Maureen  O'Hara  in  "How  Green 
Was  My  Valley" 

Sara  Allgood  in  "How  Green  Was 
My  Valley" 

Laird  Cregar  in  "Hot  Spot" 

Loretta  Young  in  "The  Men  In  Her 

~  Life" 

Conrad  Veidt  in  "The  Men  In  Her 

Humphrey  Bogart  in  "The  Maltese 

Sydney  Greenstreet  in  "The  Mal- 
tese Falcon" 

Mary  Astor  in  "The  Maltese  Fal- 

Charles  Boyer  in  "Appointment  For 

Li  i 

Margaret  Sullavan  in  "Appointment 

For  Love" 

^  The  Men  In  Her  Li*'e 

It's  About:     The  loves  in  the  life  of  a 
famous  ballerina. 

LORETTA  YOUNG  attempts  to  carry 
on  her  frail  shoulders  the  burden 
of  a  dated  story  that  carries  no  other 
name  so  strong  as  her  own.  She  does 
nobly  with  the  story  material  at  hand 
and  is  aided  by  some  strong  masculine 
support.  Conrad  Veidt  is  marvelous 
as  the  retired  dancer  who  takes  the 
raw  but  ambitious  young  Loretta  in 
hand  and  makes  of  her  a  world- 
famous  ballerina.  In  gratitude  Loretta 
marries  him  when  he  confesses  his 
love,  renouncing  the  man  of  her  own 
heart.  John   Shepperd. 

Young  Mr.  Shepperd  is  a  handsome 
newcomer,  radiating  the  kind  of  ap- 
peal that  women  respond  to.  Dean 
Jagger.  as  a  staid  American  million- 
aire and  father  of  Loretta 's  baby, 
seems  uneasy  in  his  role.  Little  Ann 
Todd,  as  the  child,  is  wide-eyed  with 
the  wonder  of  it  all.  Eugenie  Leonto- 
vich  and  Otto  Kruger  are  outstand- 
ing in  their  roles.  It's  an  odd.  out-of- 
the-way  film,  with  drama  and  beauty 
that  cannot  be  ignored. 

Your    Reviewer   Says: 

Portrait   with   a 



photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

*  Hot  Spot  (20th  Century-Fox) 

It's  About:  The  solving  of  a  New 
York  murder. 

Cregar  is  one  of  the  finest  actors  in 
the  business,  or  else  why  do  we  still 
have  those  goose  pimples?  As  the 
schizophrenic  detective  with  the  flat 
dull  voice  that  carries  more  menace 
than  a  sack  of  dynamite.  Cregar  is  the 
most  enormous  (and  we  mean  it) 
scary-cat  in  movies.  The  incongruous 
catch  to  the  whole  business  is  that 
Cregar  is  the  detective  on  the  side  of 
law  and  order,  in  search  of  the  mur- 
derer and  not — but  wait. 

The  story  has  Victor  Mature,  a  New 
York  promoter,  deciding  to  make  a 
glamour  gal  of  hash  slinger  Carole 
Landis.  His  two  friends,  ex-actor 
Alan  Mowbray  and  columnist  Allyn 
Joslyn,  aid  and  abet  Mature  in  his 
project  until  glamour  gal  Landis,  who 
succeeds  beyond  their  wildest  dreams, 
gets  herself  erased,  as  our  gangster 
friends  say. 

Betty  Grable,  sister  of  Carole,  and 
Mature  immediately  become  suspects 
and,  while  thrown  together  in  their 
troubles,  discover  they  love  each 
other.  Relentlessly  pursued  by  Cre- 
gar, the  pair  hides  like  animals  until 
their  capture  and  the  surprising 

It's  a  pip  of  a  little  picture,  moving 
fast,  piling  up  suspense  and  gathering 
no  moss  as  it  rolls.  Taken  from  Steve 
Fisher's  book,  it  lacks  the  title  of  "I 
Wake  Up  Screaming!"  Why  the 
change,  we'll  never  know. 

But  that  great  big  Cregar  Boy! 
Mama,  turn  the  light  on  quick. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  A  chiller,  a  kill- 
er, a  diller. 

^  Appointment  For  Love 

It's  About:  The  honeymoon  troubles 
of  a  professional  woman  and  her 
author  husband. 

BOYER  at  his  smoothest.  Sullavan  at 
her  slickest,  movies  at  their  trick- 
iest; a  combination  difficult  to  beat 
and  who  would  want  to? 

Never  has  Monsieur  Charles  so 
strongly  merited  his  number-one  lover 
rating,  as  the  playwright  who  mar- 
ries the  successful  doctor,  Margaret 
Sullavan.  Immediately  after  the  mar- 
riage, Dr.  Sullavan  puts  into  practice 
all  her  scientific  theories  concern- 
ing love  and  marriage  by  taking  her 
own  apartment  five  floors  above  her 

Boyer  tries  every  possible  scheme 
to  woo  her  downstairs.  She  fails  to 
become  jealous  (that's  only  a  secre- 
tion from  the  (Continued  on  page  79) 

JANUARY,    1942 





Based  on  a  novel  by  lad*  Eleanor  Smith  •  Screen  play  by  Frederick  Kohner.  Michael  Wilson.  Paul  Trlvers 






make  great  pictures! 

from  the  days  of  "THE  BIRTH  OF  A  NATION" 
and  "CIMARRON".  . .  through  "CAVALCADE" 
and  "BEAU  GESTE".  .  .  down  to  "THE 
WRATH"  and  "GONE  WITH  THE  WIND"... 

great  families  make 

. . .  and  now  to  the  screen  conies  the  brave 
story  of  a  family  never  conquered — not 
by  armed  men  or  hardship,  hunger  or 
hate — nor  by  the  turbulent  years  that 
stole  the  greenness  from  their  valley. 



as  IVOR 

■■■■   ■        :      ■         ;-'£--:      ,        I       ■:■■■!:■■ 







as  IANTO 

Twentieth  Century-Fox  presents 

Richard Llewellyn's 




John  Loder  •  Sara  Allgood  •  Barry  Fitzgerald  •  Patric  Knowles 

Produced  by  Directed  by 


Screen  Play  by  Philip  Dunne 

CLAUDETTE  COLBERT  <j%»*m6*  iteDy 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 



The  Chances  We  Take 

NO  magazine  can  hope  to  be  infallible,  can  hope  to 
avoid  occasional  errors  and  inconsistencies.  This 
is  particularly  true  of  magazines  which  deal  in 
personalities,  and  thus  are  frequently  affected  by  the 
vagaries  of  temperamental  human  beings. 

As  I  have  told  you  before  on  this  page,  PHOTOPLAY- 
MOVIE  MIRROR  prides  itself  on  trying  to  be  the  most 
up-to-the-minute  source  of  Hollywood  information.  Al- 
though a  magazine  bringing  you  beautiful  colored  pic- 
tures best  printed  by  the  complex  rotogravure  process 
cannot  hope  to  be  as  timely  as  a  newspaper  or  a  news 
magazine,  we  count  upon  our  sources  and  the  sources  of 
our  writers  to  bring  you  the  important  stories  first. 

But,  believe  me,  we  have  to  take  chances.  Why?  Well, 
let  me  give  you  an  example: 

Quite  some  time  before  the  news  broke  in  the  papers 
that  Stirling  Hayden  was  going  to  quit  Hollywood,  one 
of  our  most  reliable  sources  gave  me  this  information  and 
offered  a  story  explaining  why  Hayden  was  taking  the 
step.  You  have  heard  all  the  suspicions:  a  publicity  stunt, 
a  strike  to  get  better  salary,  maybe  even  a  momentary 
whim  that  would  blow  over.  I  was  in  Hollywood  and 
covered  all  possible  sources  of  information.  Helen  Gil- 
more  in  New  York  did  the  same.  We  learned  beyond  a 
shadow  of  a  doubt  that  Stirling  Hayden  meant  it.  But 
what  if  it  were  a  momentary  mood,  blown  away  by  the 
first  gust  of  a  changing  wind? 

Well,  that  was  a  chance  we  had  to  take  and,  in  taking 
it,  rely  only  upon  our  instinct  of  why  people  do  things — 
and  when.  It  was  not  until  weeks  later  in  my  office  in 
New  York  that  I  was  actually  able  to  look  into  the  clear, 
determined  eyes  of  Stirling  Hayden  and  know  definitely 
that  it  was  no  momentary  mood. 

Sometimes  we  are  not  so  fortunate.  Several  months 
ago  we  published  "Round-up  of  Romances,"  in  which 
Rosalind  Russell  stated  emphatically,  "I'm  not  going  to 
elope,  no  matter  what  the  newspapers  say."  Well,  she 
didn't  elope,  but  her  statement  to  Ruth  Waterbury,  most 
reliable  of  Hollywood  editors  and  reporters,  definitely 
gave  you  the  impression  that  she  did  not  intend  to  marry 
Fred  Brisson  at  all.    A  few  weeks  later  she  was  his  bride. 

Publishing  Mrs.  Brisson's  (nee  Russell's)  statement 
was  a  good  bet.     We  took  the  chance.     And  lost. 

But  take  the  case  of  the  romance  of  Ginger  Rogers  and 
George  Montgomery,  published  in  last  month's  issue.  As 
you  may  recall,  the  story  does  not  claim  that  George  and 
Ginger  are  going  to  get  married  or  that  the  relationship 
is  anything  more  than  a  charming  romantic  friendship. 

The  behind-the-scene  facts  about  that  story  are  amusing: 
When  I  received  the  manuscript,  Ginger  was  not  in 
Hollywood  and  her  mother,  Lela,  one  of  the  most  honest 
and  straight-shooting  women  I  know,  was  at  the  new 
Rogers  ranch  in  Oregon.  Most  of  my  pals  in  Hollywood 
were  telling  me  that  the  romance  had  ended  practically 
before  it  had  begun  (as  they  are  still  saying)  and  every 
evidence  pointed  to  the  desirability  of  "killing"  the 
story.  The  phone  rang.  It  was  Lela  Rogers,  just  re- 
turned from  the  ranch.  I  was  leaving  for  New  York  that 
night,  but  somehow  I  must  manage  to  verify  the  story. 
"When  can  I  see  you?"  I  asked  Lela.  "Tonight,"  she 
said.  "But  I'm  leaving  for  New  York,"  I  replied.  "I 
know,"  she  said,  "your  office  told  me.  Ginger  and  I  are 
going  East  on  the  same  train." 

So  in  that  case  we  didn't  have  to  take  a  very  big 
chance,  for  in  the  hours  we  all  spent  together  I  was  able 
to  verify  the  fact  that  George  Montgomery  had  definitely 
proposed  to  Ginger  and  that  their  friendship  was  still  on. 


F   course,   we   cannot    expect   stars    to   continue    in- 
definitely to  be  friends  because  they  once  said  they 

Nor  can  we  expect  them  always  to  carry  out  their 
plans,  since  often  fate  makes  them  "gang  agley." 

You  may  remember  the  odd  circumstance  that  attended 
Richard  Greene's  departure  from  these  shores.  Supposedly 
in  Hollywood  waiting  for  a  commission  in  the  Canadian 
army — and  open  to  criticism  for  his  actions — he  was 
actually,  according  to  a  tip  given  us,  in  New  York  pre- 
paring to  sail  for  England.  We  called  the  British  ship- 
ping commission  and  although  we  could  not  verify  it 
(war  censorship,  you  know)  the  tone  of  the  officer  in 
charge  gave  us  the  clue  to  its  truth.  We  took  a  chance 
there.    And  won. 

The  collective  instincts  of  our  staff  told  us — in  the  case 
of  Alice  Faye  and  Phil  Harris — that  they  were  not  going 
to  get  married.  But  Sara  Hamilton,  our  most  energetic 
newshawk,  insisted  it  was  on  the  level.  Doubting  her 
judgment,  we  still  took  a  chance,  assigned  her  to  an  inter- 
view with  Harris — and  thanks  to  her  superior  instinct 
we  had  a  scoop  when  the  marriage  was  announced 

So  it  goes.  We  can  check  the  highest  authorities.  We 
can  deal  with  only  the  most  reliable  writers,  verify  our 
sources  and  theirs.  And  still,  somewhere  along  the  line 
of  getting  a  scoop,  human  nature  being  what  it  is,  we 
usually  have  to  toss  a  coin. 

JANUARY,    1942 






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photoplay  co?nbi?ied  icith  movie  mirror 

*  * 



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JANUARY,    1942 


Don't  blame  us  —  it's  Hedda's  own  ideas  of  what  Hollywood's   1942  intentions, 
honorable  or  dishonorable,  should  be.     But  wait  till  Cary  Grant  sees  what  she  said! 


SEEMS  incredible  that  resolution  time  has  caught  up  with  us  again. 
This  year's  gone  by  faster  than  flit  can  catch  flies.  Some  of  my 
last  year's  resolutions  haven't  been  digested  yet,  but  I  always  say 
one  good  turn  deserves  another.  So  here  goes,  without  malice,  reser- 
vations, or  pap. 

If  we  ever  have  another  investigation  like  the  late  lamented  Wash- 
ington Follies,  I'm  hoping  the  first  person  put  on  the  witness  stand 
will  stand  up,  when  accused  of  making  propaganda  pictures,  and  have 
courage  enough  to  say,  "Sure  we  made  'em.  We  make  pictures  to  please 
all  the  people.  And  inasmuch  as  all  our  books,  radio,  short  stories, 
newspapers  were  filled  with  the  atrocities  of  Hitler,  we  put  a  few  of 
them  on  the  screen.  What  would  you  have  us  do — close  our  eyes  and 
pretend  a  war  isn't  going  on?"  But  when  the  public  proved  that  they 
didn't  want  war  pictures,  no  industry  ever  turned  about-face  more 
quickly  to  go  into  musicals,  comedies,  and  give  the  public  what  it 
wanted.  Let's  stand  up  to  our  obligations  and  when  accused  of  some- 
thing we  had  every  right  to  do,  say,  "Sure  we  did  it.  You  can't  shoot 
a  man  for  aiming  to  please — or  can  you?" 

Clark  Gable  should  resolve  to  throw  his  influence  to  get  Judy  Garland 


photoplay  combined   with  MOVIE  mirror 

yrone  Power:  Dattyi  Zonuck 
enow  letter 

Spencer  Tracy:  At  last  we  find" 
oat  wnot  he  cut  eyetaeth  on       / 

as  co-star.  Now  that  she's  grown  up  and  married,  she's  earned  that 
right  and  I  have  a  feeling  her  fans  would  applaud  it.  Sure,  I  know  she's 
wonderful  in  musicals.  She  and  Mickey  Rooney  in  "Babes  On  Broadway" 
ooze  so  much  talent  they're  frightening.  But  remember,  Clark  once 
did  a  song  and  dance — maybe  he  could  learn  to  do  another  one,  who 
knows?    Failing  that,  Judy  can  go  dramatic  with  him. 

Let's  hope  Jeanette  MacDonald  and  Gene  Raymond  decide  to  team 
up  again.  "Smilin'  Through"  went  over  with  a  bang,  after  the  producers 
had  howled  for  years  that  you  fans  wouldn't  like  to  see  husbands  kissing 
their  own  wives  on  the  screen.  Well,  if  they  can't  do  a  good  job  of  it 
after  so  many  rehearsals,  who  can? 

In  Ginger  Rogers'  busy  schedule  (gosh!  she's  wanted  for  every  picture, 
seems  to  me.  Yet  only  a  few  short  years  ago  there  were  grave  doubts 
that  she  could  do  drama)  I  wish  she'd  find  time  to  squeeze  in  another 
picture  with  Fred  Astaire,  because  the  musicals  they  did  together  never 
yet  have  been  topped  by  anyone. 

Let's  dig  up  another  "Woman  Of  The  Year"  like  Katharine  Hepburn 
for  Spence  Tracy.  He's  proven  in  this  that  he's  a  better  comedian  than 
he  was  horror  man  in  "Jekyll  And  Hyde."    Why  (Continued  on  page  83) 

JANUARY,    1942 



We  are  fortunate  to  be  able  to 
bring  you,  with  the  permis- 
sion   of    all    concerned, 
this   fascinating,    in- 
timate letter  from 

Laurence  Olivier 


Douglas    Fairbanks    Jr. 
and  Mary  Lee  Fairbanks 

Walking  down  a 
London  street:  Laur- 
ence Olivier  and 
wife    Vivien    Leigh 


photoplay  combi?ied  with  movie  mirror 


The  letterhead  bearing 
the  name  oj  the  "land" 
ship  mentioned  below 
was  removed  by  censors 

Dearest  Do 

shor»p    ■,     s-"ip»   o,r„   ,  ^^QcJresc;  your-  fr,?     - 

y'   London 

shor»p    ■,     s-"ip»   O,ro   ,  a<3(^rescJ  your-  fr,?     - 

•SiMaii.*"!'*'  toVgT>   is  V*  I  »ay  be  B  fr«ucishl 

»ait*r  mstPa/°  do*n  th        land"   ^.r6  *ovinc.  „ 

rt.a  /  bwu«  «.«.?£  «te  „^M«fc^. 

"t  »"*»««  So"lr?«s  „.„,  l"  boat..   hel« 

our    /"i163   from  iS  .»«h  »»    ._  .  °d   J 


a  fe*  faise   God 

W   ,?U<*  fro„    "   »ith  „«  g  a"d   J 

^thi„  ^th  the(0^s  lastayw^o'   Go/S10*  for 

^rT^ri^^thfif  °fficerqr    G   lords')        ^Qtfs 

For  last  minute 
newi  of  what 
other  Hollywood 
stars  are  doing 
in  England  please 
turn    the    page 

JANUARY,    1942 


,  .     .  ave  taken  part  in 
Reported  to  have  n  Q 

several  successful  ^  ^  ^en 

5ia  Franc:  M-ior 

Richard  Greene,  just  given  his 
commission  in  the  tank  corps,  was 
one  of  the  tireless  actors  who 
gave    shows    in    air-raid    shelters 

America  hailed  Ralph  Rich- 
ardson in  "The  Citadel  ;  he  s 
in    the    British    Navy 





OVER  the  air  in  England  one  night  soon,  from  the  British  Broadcasting 
Company,  will  come  a  crescendo  of  "V's,"  tapped  out  in  Morse  code  by 
the  nimble  feet  of  Fred  Astaire.  A  night  or  two  later  the  voice  of  Charles 
Boyer  will  be  heard  assuring  embattled  Britons  that  there  are:  "forty  million 
Frenchmen  with  an  English  accent  in  their  hearts." 

The  two  programs  are  among  the  recordings  which  Ben  Lyon  and  Bebe 
Daniels,  former  American  film  stars,  now  England's  favorite  air  entertainers, 
recently  took  back  to  London  from  a  quick  trip  to  Hollywood  to  enlist  the 
support  of  film  folk  there  in  the  British  campaign  to  keep  morale  high. 

Just  how  highly  the  English  government  values  the  aid  to  morale  of  stage, 
screen  and  radio  entertainment  is  testified  by  the  frequency  with  which  many 
of  the  English  actors  in  various  arms  of  the  service  are  released  from  their 
military  duties  long  enough  to  do  a  play  or  picture. 

David  Niven,  one  of  the  first  English  actors  to  volunteer,  is  now  a  major 
in  the  parachute  corps,  and  is  reported  to  have  taken  part  in  several  successful 
raids  on  Occupied  France.  But  as  important  as  this  assignment  is,  he  has  just 
been  borrowed  from  the  Army  by  Leslie  Howard  to  co-star  with  him  in  How- 
ard's film  production  about  the  famous  English  fighting  plane,  the  Spitfire. 
Howard,  an  officer  in  the  first  World  War,  was  too  old  for  military  service  in 
this  one,  but  returned  to  England  from  Hollywood  at  the  outbreak  of  hostilities 
to  help  keep  British  film  production  alive  during  the  emergency. 

Richard  Greene,  who  recently  won  his  commission  in  the  tank  corps,  was 
given  leave  to  make  two  films.  Latest  news  from  England  reported  that  Greene 
had  been  ordered  to  South  Africa  with  his  tank  unit. 

Tall,  droll  Ralph  Richardson  who,  through  such  pictures  as  "The  Citadel" 
and  "Four  Feathers,"  was  becoming  almost  as  well  known  to  American  audi- 
ences as  he  was  in  his  native  England  just  before  the  war  broke  out,  is  a  flight 
officer  with  the  air  arm  of  the  British  Navy.  Shortly  after  Dunkerque,  Rich- 
ardson was  reported  to  have  been  killed  in  action.  This  unhappy  news  later 
was  denied  and  Richardson  is  still  on  duty  with  the  fleet. 

Another  British  matinee  idol,  who  only  recently  has  become  well  known 
over  here,  is  Rex  Harrison  who  made  both  "Major  Barbara"  and  "Night  Train" 
while  on  leave  from  the  RAF.  Harrison's  latest  contribution  to  the  entertain- 
ment campaign  is  a  stage  production  of  "No  Time  for  Comedy." 

The  production  proposal  most  eagerly  awaited  by  fans,  "This  Above  All," 
co-starring  Vivien  Leigh  and  her  husband  Laurence  Olivier,  had  to  be 
abandoned  as  an  English  project  and  transferred  to  Hollywood  where  Tyrone 
Power  and  Joan  Fontaine  will  do  the  starring  roles.  This  was  not  because  of 
wartime  emergencies  but  because  of  Vivien's  impending  motherhood.  By  the 
time  leave  cbuld  be  arranged  for  Olivier,  it  was  too  near  January,  when  Vivien 
expects  her  baby. 




Color  Portrait  Series: 

Kette.   Va.v'i.5 

Starring,  via  the  brilliant  CBS  Sun- 
day night  coast-to-coast  broadcasts, 
on  the  Gulf  Screen  Guild  Theater; 
appearing  in  the  Warners'  picture, 
"The  Man  Who  Came  To  Dinner" 

page  25 

C/LLvia  de. 

Appearing   in  Warners' 

"The  Male  Animal" 

page  27 

The  /xonaLd  /xeaaanl 

Husband  Ronald  is  now  appearing 

in  Warners'   "Kings  Row";  wife 

Jane  Wvman  in  Warners" 

"You're   In,  The   Army   Now" 

page  30 

(2katUi   Royet 

Appearing   in   Universale 

"Appointment  For  Love" 

page  32 

photoplay  combined  with  mo\ie  mirror 


Postage  Stamp  1 


if    Mailed 

in    the 

United  States 


First    Class    Permit    No.   180.    Sec.    510   P.L.AR.    New    York.    N.    Y. 


205  EAST  42nd  STREET 

NEW  YORK,   N.  Y. 



says  Olivia  de  Havilland 

TVief0,e^il*  ' 



They  were  attracted  to  each  other 
when  they  first  met.  Then  things 
happened  that  made  her  call  Flynn 
"a   selfish    brute."      But   now   .   .   . 

OLIVIA  was  contrite,  Olivia 
wanted  to  make  amends, 
Olivia  had  learned  the  lesson 
preached  by  John  Doe— "Don't  con- 
demn your  neighbor,  try  to  under- 
stand him."  Olivia  had  condemned 
Errol  Flynn.  "He's  a  bad-mannered 
selfish  brute,"  she'd  stormed,  not  car- 
ing who  heard  her. 

"Now  I  feel  like  a  heel,"  she  wailed. 
"Oh,  not  because  I  thought  badly  of 
Errol.  We  all  make  mistakes  about 
people.  But  because  I  had  to  go  yap- 
ping my  head  off  to  anyone  who'd 
listen.  In  decency,  I  ought  to  round 
them  all  up  and  tell  'em  I  was  wrong, 
but  how  can  I?" 

She  looked  so  pretty  in  the  period 
dress  of  "They  Died  With  Their  Boots 
Oh,"  the  new  Flynn-De  Havilland 
opus,  that  you  concentrated  with  dif- 
ficulty on  her  distress.  Distressed  she 
unquestionably  was,  however.  We 
suggested  she  tell  the  story  for  pub- 
lication, easing  her  conscience,  giving 
us  a  break  and  righting  an  injustice 
all  at  a  single  blow.  We  could  call  it 
"Livvie  Done  Errol  Wrong." 

"It's  not  funny,  McGee,"  she  said 
absently,  thinking  it  over.  Then — 
"All  right,  I'll  do  it.  Call  it  'With 
Apologies  to  Flynn.'  " 

Olivia  thought  she  knew  Errol.  Off 
and  on,  over  a  period  of  eight  years, 


she'd  played  opposite  him.  They've 
been  screen  sweethearts,  they've  spent 
weeks  on  the  same  set,  they've  made 
personal  appearances  together,  she's 
been  charmed,  bored  and  infuriated 
by  him.  She  didn't  think  he  could 
ever  surprise  her. 

At  seventeen  Livvie  captivated  Max 
Reinhardt,  audiences  at  the  Hollywood 
Bowl  and  the  Warner  Brothers  by  her 
performance  as  Hermia  in  "Midsum- 
mer Night's  Dream."  Before  going  on 
tour  with  the  play,  she  was  signed 
by  Warners.  Flynn  was  signed  in 
England  at  about  the  same  time. 

The  Reinhardt  company  was  playing 
Chicago  when  Livvie's  phone  rang  one 
day.  A  Warner  man  calling.  "There's 
a  young  Irishman  coming  through  on 
his  way  to  the  coast.  Since  you're 
both  under  contract  to  Warners,  how's 
about  meeting  him  at  the  station  and 
taking  pictures  together?" 

Who,  the  Shakespearean  actress? 
"Certainly  not,"  Olivia  said  crisply, 
"it  would  be  most  undignified.'  She 
could  almost  feel  Ellen  Terry  patting 
her  on  the  back  for  upholding  the 
traditions  of  the  bard. 

The  tour  ended,  she  returned  to 
Hollywood  for  the  screen  version.  She 
was  green,  she  was  shy,  this  was  her 
first  hop  from  under  the  maternal 
wing,  she  romanticized  life  and  men. 


On  the  set,  when  she  wasn't  working 
she'd  go  off  to  a  corner  and  sketch. 
Once  she  felt  eyes  on  the  back  of  her 
head  and  turned  to  find  that  they  be- 
longed to  a  tall  smiling  young  man 
who  kept  them  on  her  with  a  trans- 
fixed expression  which  confused  her, 
since  she  couldn't  be  sure  whether  he 
was  flattering  or  making  fun  of  her. 

"Well — "  she  thought,  and  made  a 
stab  at  going  on  with  her  sketch.  Foot- 
steps sounded  behind  her  and  the 
young  man  dropped  on  one  knee  at 
her  side. 

"I  hope  you  don't  mind  my  intro- 
ducing myself.  I'm  Errol  Flynn  and  I 
was  supposed  to  meet  you  in  Chicago. 
What's  your  telephone  number?" 

It  really  wasn't  fair.  Not  with  a 
child.  All  he  needed  was  a  lance  and 
white  charger  and  he  didn't  really 
need  them.  Hewing  to  her  own  line, 
however,  the  child  didn't  do  so  badly 
after  all.  "I  never  give  my  telephone 

"Then  you've  got  to  have  lunch  with 
me  tomorrow." 

"I  eat  my  lunch  alone." 

"You'll  have  it  with  me  tomorrow, 
if  it  means  I've  got  to  knock  a  police- 
man down." 

She  lunched  alone  next  day,  won- 
dering whether  maybe  a  policeman 
had  knocked   (Continued  on  page  74) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 







No  runaway 

for  these  two! 

A  pretty  personal  discus- 
sion of  a  very  personal  sub- 
ject by  Bonita  Granville 
and  her  b.f.,  Jackie  Cooper 


Two,  who  say  they  won't,  talk  to  two 
who  did:  Bun  and  Jackie  with  recent 
elopers  Judy  Garland  and  Dave  Rose 


Cooper  both  love  pointless  stories 
and  thick  red  steaks.  They  both 
have  quick  tempers  and  a  genius  for 
saying  the  wrong  thing  at  the  wrong 
time.  And  they  both  believe,  heart 
and  soul,  in  old-fashioned  weddings 
with   all  the   romantic   trimmings. 

"No  runaway  marriage  for  me," 
said  Bun. 

"Elope?    Not  me,"  said  Jackie. 

Both  were  quick  to  point  out  it  was 
their  personal  opinion  they  were  ex- 
pressing, not  an  indictment  of  recent 
Hollywood  newlyweds  who  had  chosen 
to  dash  off  on  sudden  impulse  to  some 
distant  town  and  surround  the  mar- 
riage ceremony  with  semisecrecy.  If 
others  like  Judy  Garland  and  Dave 
Rose,  Gene  Tierney  and  Oleg  Cassini, 
Kathryn  Grayson  and  John  Shelton 
preferred  eloping,  then  elopements 
certainly  were  right  for  them.  It 
simply  was  a  matter  of  how  Bun  and 
Jackie,  as  individuals,  felt  on  the 

Immediately,  too,  they  insisted  they 
were  speaking  about  marriage  in  gen- 
eral, not  when,  how,  or  even  if  they 
themselves  get  married.  Not  only 
have  they  never  'announced  any  mar- 
riage plans,  Bun  and  Jackie  said,  but 
actually  they  never  have  made  any 
such  plans.     Cross  their  hearts! 

"It's  silly  to  talk  about  marriage 
when  we're  not  even  old  enough  to 
vote,"  Jackie  explained.  "Seems  to 
me  it  would  be  a  smart  idea  if  we 
finished  this  growing-up  business 
first.  After  all,  I've  just  turned 
nineteen    and    Bun's    even    younger. 

We've  got  lots  of  time  ahead  of  us." 
"Check!"  Bun  amended.  "And 
there's  another  reason — our  careers. 
Each  of  us  happens  to  be  at  a  pretty 
important  point  in  our  professional 
lives.  If  we  are  to  win  the  success  we 
want,  our  first  interest  and  considera- 
tion must  be  for  those  careers,  not 
marriage.  I  don't  believe  you  can  get 
married  and  then  say:  'Well,  that's 
that;  marriage  will  take  care  of  itself 
so  now  I'll  devote  myself  to  my 
career.'  Successful  marriage  doesn't 
work  that  way,  particularly  for  a  girl. 
It  has  to  come  first  and  neither  of  us 
is  ready  as  yet  to  pigeonhole  our 
screen  work  in  a  place  of  secondary 

Jackie  grinned.  "Lady,"  he  said, 
"you   said   a   smart   mouthful!" 

They  do  admit  to  being  boy  and  girl 
sweethearts  and  have  been  for  well 
over  a  year.  Bun  thinks  Jackie  is 
tops,  even  if  he  does  squander  his 
allowance  in  an  atrocious  fashion,  and 
Jackie  rates  Bun  as  aces,  even  if  she 
is  disgracefully  careless  about  being 
late  for  appointments.  And  maybe, 
when  the  time  is  right.  .  .  . 

BUN  first  met  Jackie  when  she  was 
a  giggly  fourteen,  during  the  mak- 
ing of  "White  Banners."  She  got  her 
first  nod  from  him  on  her  fifteenth 
birthday — a  bottle  of  perfume  for  a 
birthday  gift.  It  was  expensive  per- 
fume, too,  in  keeping  with  Jackie's 
belief  about  doing  things  right  if  you 
do  it  at  all.  Then,  apparently,  he 
forgot  anyone  named  Bonita  Granville 
was  on  earth.  (Continued  on  page 75) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mihror 


With  two  lively  females  on  his  hands, 
Ronnie  calls  his  home  "The  Ronald 
Reagan  Home  For  Delinquent  Girls" 


THE  Ronald  Reagans  were  chewing 
the  fat  with  a  couple  of  friends. 
Discussing  some  item,  the  other 
wife  said  to  her  husband,  "Oh  yes, 
that's  the  night  you  weren't  talking 
to  me." 

Jane  turned  on  Ronnie.  "Now  see? 
Now  there!"  she  wailed.  "Why  don't 
you  ever  not  talk  to  me  the  way  he 
sometimes  not  talks  to  her?" 

There  you  have  the  skeleton  in  the 
Reagan  closet.  Nearing  their  second 
anniversary,  they  have  yet  to  stage 
their  first  battle.  This  worries  Jane. 
"First,  it's  unnormal,"  she  argues. 
"Second,  there's  nothing  I  like  better 
than  a  good  fight.  Third,  if  you  don't 
fight,  you  can't  make  up — " 

Reagan  sees  his  wife's  point.  There 
ought  to  be  problems.  There  ought  to 
to  be  a  reasonable  degree  of  stress  and 
strain  in  adjusting  oneself  to  the 
marital  pattern.  The  books  say  so. 
He'd  be  glad  to  dig  up  a  problem  to 
oblige  the  books,  but  thus  far  it's 
eluded  him. 

He  and  Jane  get  along  as  amicably 
since  their  marriage  as  they  did  be- 
fore it —  "The  only   difference  being 

that  now,  when  I  beat  her,  it's  legal." 

Of  course  this  kind  of  talk  is  a  lot 
of  mullarkey.  Like  everyone  else, 
they've  had  to  adjust  themselves  to 
marriage.  It  soon  becomes  clear,  how- 
ever, why  these  two  slipped  into 
double  harness  without  wrenching. 
That  they're  crazy  about  each  other 
goes  without  saying.  So  are  plenty  of 
newlyweds  who  weep  and  growl  their 
bewildered  way  through  the  first  year. 
The  Reagans  also  have  intelligence 
and  the  kind  of  humor  that's  another 
word  for  perspective.  A  former  un- 
successful marriage  has  intensified 
Jane's  sense  of  values.  Most  young 
wives  take  their  happiness  for  granted. 
She. holds  hers  like  a  treasure  in  both 
hands.  As  for  Ronnie,  what  might 
irritate  other  husbands  amuses  him. 
"I'm  the  greatest  comic  round  my  own 
house,"  marvels  Jane.    For  instance — 

"We  don't  belong  to  the  golf  club 
any  more,"  she'll  inform  him. 

"Why  not?" 

"I  got  into  a  beef  with  the  guy  who 
runs  it  and  resigned." 

Instead  of  barking,  he  chuckles. 
They  both  know  he'll  go  back  and  re- 

join next  week.  Jane's  counting  on 
it.  This  feminine  quirk  tickles  Ron- 
nie, in  whom  the  comedy  sense  out- 
strips the  didactic. 

Or  she'll  phone  and  say:  "You're 
going  to  be  mad  at  me.  I  smashed  a 

"Are  you  all  right?" 

"Yup,  but  the  fender's  smashed." 

"How  did  it  happen?" 

"Well,  you  know  that  street  down 
so-and-so  where  the  stop  sign  is? 
Well,  I  didn't  stop." 

Now  there's  nothing  funny  to  Rea- 
gan in  careless  driving.  Nor  to  Jane 
either.  He  knows  she's  apologizing 
and  he  thinks  the  method  of  apology's 
cute.  So  he  skips  the  lecture  and  grins 
at  the  cuteness. 

A  couple  of  times,  he  admits,  he's 
gone  "like  this,"  "like  this"  being 
illustrated  as  a  not  too  formidable 
glower.  "Then  I  get  an  eyeful  of  that 
kisser  and  she  blinks  and  looks  all 
of  eight,  so  I  find  myself  talking  to 
her  like  a  father.  Between  you  and 
me,"  he  added,  regarding  the  kisser 
across  the  table,  "I  have  a  sweet 
nature."  (Continued  on  page  77) 

JANUARY,    1942 







Zanies  Olsen  and  John- 
son get  smart  with  a 
bathing  beauty,  same 
technique    as    .    .    . 

There's  a  thin  one  and  a  fat  one. 

We  don't  mean  Abbott  and  Costello. 

Yes,  we  do,  too!    That  is,  we  want 

to  say  Olsen  and  Johnson  aren't 

copycats  .  .  .  Well,  you  better  read  this 

A  LOT  of  people  in  a  lot  of  places  are  going  to  think,  when 
they  see  the  new  screen  team,  Olsen  and  Johnson,  in 
"Hellzapoppin' "  that  they're  1942  editions  of  the  1941  hits, 
Abbott  and  Costello.  But  the  Olsen-Johnson  team  dates  back 
to  1914  when  they  met  in  a  Chicago  Tin  Pan  Alley  and  started 
out  on  twenty-four  years  of  vaudeville  clowning  to  end  up  as 
the  stars  of  the  smash  New  York  stage  hit,  "Hellzapoppin'." 

They  did  everything  they  could  think  of,  the  screwier  the 
better,  to  put  their  names  before  the  public — milking  cows  on 
Broadway,  driving  down  Santa  Claus  Lane  in  Hollywood  on  the 
Fourth  of  July.  They  succeeded.  A  great  portion  of  the 
American  nation  know  them  as  prime  comedians  now;  after  the 
release  of  their  Universal  picture,  their  laughs  will  be  public 

Abbott  and  Costello  date  from  1930,  made  big-time  in  the 
same  fashion  as  Olsen  and  Johnson — i.e.,  by  long  hard  one- 
night  stands  in  vaudeville. 

It's  a  case  of  two  plus  two  equaling  four  comedy  geniuses. 
It's  also  a  case  of  four  smart  minds  who've  made  a  million 
dollars  selling  corn. 

JANUARY,    1942 

.  .  .  Abbott  and  Cos- 
tello. But  don't  draw 
any    zany    conclusions! 


How  not  to  trim 

mas  tree  this 
is,  you   see,   all 
decked    tor    Christ- 
mas   morning    with    gitts 
for   you   and   all   the   crew. 
What   joys   are    now   a-borning! 
A  girl  named  Day  here  has  her  say 
and  breathes  a  word  of  warning:  Make 
mem'ries     stick,     buy     gifts     that     click,     all 
silly   gimmicks   scorning   *   No   shoetrees,    please, 
or  gloves  that  squeeze  or  perfumes  light  and   airy. 
No  gold  fish  schools  *  Observe  these  rules  and   of  pet 
peeves  be  wary  *  Give  games  of  chance,  books  of  romance,  bright 


the  .  - 

gals  Q 

a  I  I 
carry    *    And     flashlights     new    or    stem- 
ware blue  will  make  her  Christmas  merry  * 

iraine  Day:  Listen  to 
her  and  you  won't  give 
gifts   that  are   Christ- 

LARAINE  DAY,  who  just  died  out 
of  the  Dr.  Kildare  series  so  that 
she  may  go  on  to  the  heaven  of  a 
big  role  in  M-G-M's  "Kathleen,"  has 
a  few  weighty  remarks  to  deliver  on 
the  problem  of  what  no  girl  wants 
to  find  under  her  Christmas  tree  on 
the  morning  of  December  25. 

Take  last  Christmas,  for  instance. 
When  Laraine  started  to  husk 
her  presents,  she  attacked  a  parcel 
wrapped  in  handsome  paper  and  tied 
with  ribbon  a  rnile  long  and  a  yard 
wide.  Here,  she  thought,  was  going 
to  be  something.  She  unwrapped  and 
she  unwrapped;  it  was  clear  that  she 
had  come  to  grips  with  one  of  those 
humorists  who  gets  a  kick  out  of  en- 
closing a  gift  in  more  petticoats  than 
were  worn  by  the  Infanta  of  Spain. 

Finally  she  got  to  the  crux  of  the 
situation;  out  of  the  last  wrapping  she 
extracted — half  a  dozen  green  velvet 
clothes  hangers. 

Hmmm.  Miss  Day's  closet  acces- 
sories are  all  blue. 

Oh,  well,  there  were  more  packages. 
There  was  a  very  important-looking 
box  done  up  with  silver  stars  and 
loops  of  cellophane.  This  she  divested 
with  speed  and  lifted  the  lid  off — guess 
what?  One  of  those  wooden  kitchen 
gadgets  with  household  needs  ar- 
ranged in  two  neat  rows.  You  put  a 
colored  peg  in  the  hole  opposite  the 
commodity  you  need  from  the  grocer; 
the  well-known  fact  that  Miss  Day 
lives  with  her  family  and  that  the 
family  has  an  adequate  cook  who 
looks  with  suspicion  on  Laraine's  do- 
ing more  than  squeezing  an  orange  in 
the  kitchen  hadn't  deterred  one  gift- 
giver  from  ringing  coins  on  a  counter 
without  ringing  the  Christmas  bell. 

In  rapid  succession  Laraine  also  un- 
wrapped (a)  a  bottle  of  a  perfume  to 
which  she  is  violently  antipathetic;  (b) 
one  of  those  (Continued  on  page  88) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

your  Christmas  tree 


JEFFREY  LYNN,  who's  about  to 
have  you  applauding  him  loudly 
in  Warners'  "The  Body  Disap- 
pears," can  be  very  explicit  about  his 
pet  holiday  peeve:  It's  those  ties. 
Those  no-time-but-Christmas  cravats, 
which  he  insists  are  dragged  out  into 
the  limelight  of  a  haberdashery  during 
the  one  period  of  the  year  when  The 
Little  Woman  may  be  found  lurking 
with  a  bargaining  eye  around  horren- 
dous necktie  and  handkerchief  sets. 

Mr.  Lynn  tells  about  the  sad  case 
of  a  theatrical  friend  who  was  given 
a  star-spangled  tie  by  his  honey  pf 
the  moment  He  didn't  want  to  hurt 
her  feelings  so  he  wore  the  tie,  but 
when  he  was  out  of  her  presence,  he 
tried  to  preserve  his  standing  in  the 
world  of  men  by  covering  most  of  the 
tie  with  an  open  palm.  This  hand-on- 
chest  gesture  was  misunderstood  by  a 
sympathetic  producer  in  New  York  to 
whom  the  young  man  was  applying  for 
a  job  and,  so  help  me,  the  producer 
gave  the  chap  enough  carfare  to  "go  to 
Phoenix  and  get  cured." 

Mr.  Lynn's  anonymous  hero  did 
come  west,  but  he  finally  took  a  job 
in  a  walnut  packing  plant  in  lieu  of 
starving  to  death  as  a  movie  extra. 
"On  Broadway  he  would  have  been 
great,"  says  Jeffrey  solemnly.  "See 
how  a  promising  career  was  wrecked 
by  a  dizzy  Christmas  tie?" 

So,  girls,  take  a  man's  advice  and 
don't  try  to  make  him  a  gift  of  neck- 
wear. Let  him  buy  his  own  and  only 
smile  if  the  result  resembles  a  cross 
between  a  Mexican  bull  fight  and  wa- 
termelon a  la  king. 

Jeffrey  also  puts  the  hex  on  mili- 
tary brushes.  Seems  that  bristles 
come  in  various  grades  of  stubborn- 
ness and  your  heart  interest  with  the 
violent  mane  isn't  going  to  admire  the 
same  brush  that  would  appeal  to  the 
Lothario  with  (Continued  on  page  88) 

JANUARY,    1942 

Saint  Nick,  you  know,  still  likes  to  go  down  chimneys  quite  old- 
fashioned  *  With  bulging  pack  upon  his  back  to  answer  notes  im- 
passioned *  Suave  Jeffrey  Lynn  herewith  steps  in  to  solve  a 
lady's  puzzle  *  "When  this  I've  read,"  he  sadly  said,  "I'll  wish 
I'd  worn  a  muzzle!        *      Yet,   for  the   cause   of  Santa  Claus. 

I  feel  I  should 
spare  all  guys 
ties,  loud  pro- 
e  d  *  So  do 
lady  fair,  and 


warning  w  cheap 
cause     regrets, 
by    New    Year's 
glamma  pix  make 
girl  friends  tern- 
luscious    pose 
seems  stale  compared  with  Mary  "*  Please  heed  these  tips  from  Jeffrey's 
lips   (there's  mistletoe  a-swinging),  just  read  below  and  you  will  know  the 
gifts  to  come  a-bringing  *  and  incidentally  how  to  set  those  wedding  bells  a-ringing 

be  candid  *  To 
from  Christmas 
test  is  demand- 
take  care,  my 
hark  to  further 
penman  sets  all 
they're  shelved 
morning  *  Those 
haste  to  nix  of 
porary  *  each 
of  Jean  or  Rose 

ONE  of  these  days  Brian  Don- 
levy  is  going  to  take  a  little 
trip  to  Washington  to  get  some 
legislation  passed  in  a  hurry.  The 
project  will  be  called  the  Quit-Fool- 
ing-The-Kids  Bill  and  will  aim  at 
protecting  the  unsuspecting  youth  of 
the  land  from  such  inspirational 
poppycock  as  "Hitch  your  wagon  to 
a  star." 

The  way  Mr.  Donlevy  sees  it,  get- 
ting the  bill  passed  will  be  no  trouble 
at  all.  He  will  point  to  his  own  per- 
sonal history  and  let  his  case  rest. 

Didn't  Mr.  D.  hitch  his  wagon  to  a 
star?  Of  course,  he  did.  So  what 
happened?  The  frisky  little  comet 
kicked  over  the  traces  and  left  him 

In  fact,  if  you  must  know  the  truth, 
it  was  a  series  of  accidents  and  not 
any  hitching-wagons-to-stars  that  is 
responsible  for  Brian's  present  plight, 
a  state  of  affairs  against  which,  by 
the  by,  he  has  no  complaint. 

According  to  Brian,  himself,  he  was 
supposed  to  be  a  girl,  which  was  no 
little  accident  as  you  may  have  gath- 

The  gentleman  in  question — Brian 
Donlevy.  He  is  an  asset  to  Para- 
mount's  "Birth  Of  The  Blues"  .  .  . 

hitch  your  wagon 

ered  if  you  are  a  Donlevy  fan.  A  trio 
of  Donlevy  pictures,  "The  Great 
Man's  Lady,"  "Birth  Of  The  Blues" 
and  "The  Remarkable  Andrew," 
which  you  will  be  seeing  soon,  will 
confirm  your  conclusion. 

The  bright  star  to  which  Brian 
Donlevy  hitched  his  wagon  was  lit- 
erature, the  hard -knit,  real  and 
rugged  brand  that  Mr.  Ernest  Hem- 
ingway later  got  around  to  writing. 
And  it  wasn't  a  case  of  wishing  will 
make  it  so.   Hardly. 

By  the  time  he  was  fifteen  and 
ready  for  prep  school  he  had  a  couple 
of  haversacks  full  of  his  writings, 
including  two  unfinished  novels,  three 
and  a  half  gross  of  poems,  a  skeleton 
of  a  play  called  "Tantamount,"  what- 
ever that  means,  and  a  miniature 
history  of  English  literature  with  all 
dates  omitted  so  as  not  to  confuse 
young  scholars. 

"As  a  lad,"  Brian  confesses,  "I 
hoped  to  become  a  writer.  But  my 
folks  didn't  have  the  money  to  give 
me  the  usual  preparation,  four  years 
at  some  ivy-league  college.    I  could 

He  has  an  asset  in  his  "Squirt," 
who  is  Mrs.  Brian  Donlevy  to  you. 
He  writes  her  sentimental  poems 

— to  a  star,   or  to  any  other  gold-brick 

adage.     Hitch  up  instead  with  Brian  Donlevy,  who's 

lived  and  learned.     The  guy  has  ideas! 


see  my  way  clear  only  by  one  route: 
I  would  become  a  military  man,  get 
stationed  at  some  remote  post  and 
thus  find  all  the  leisure  a  writer 

He  was  halfway  through  St.  John's 
Military  Academy  when  war  broke 
out.  Being  young,  adventurous  and 
patriotic  he  volunteered  and  sailed 
for  France. 

THE  Donlevy  war  record,  to  the 
publication  of  which  he  was  no 
party,  is  compounded  of  fact  and  fic- 
tion and  the  devil  take  the  hindmost. 
To  read  the  romance-ridden  accounts 
of  divers  writers,  Brian  Donlevy  was 
gyped  out  of  a  Congressional  Medal 
for  bravery,  the  Order  of  the  Purple 
Heart  and  only  Walt  Disney  knows 
what-all  else.  Judging  from  these 
awed  historians,  he  was  hands-down 
the  fanciest  flyer  in  France. 

But  mention  his  war  years  to  Don- 
levy  and  he  asks  you  in  that  vague, 
poking  way  that  he  employs  toward 
strangers:  "What  was  it  that  guy 
Sherman     said     about     war?"      You 

gather  that  he'd  rather  skip  the  whole 
subject.  Obviously,  it's  been  a  source 
of  embarrassment. 

Well,  after  the  Armistice  he  re- 
turned to  the  United  States  and  that 
bright  star  of  his.  He  tried  for  West 
Point  but  had  to  settle  for  Annapolis. 
There  Papa  Donlevy's  son  of  Sheboy- 
gan, Wisconsin,  was  no  great  shakes 
as  a  student.  But  in  nonnaval  mat- 
ters he  did  wonderfully  by  himself. 

By  way  of  proving  that  Noel  Cow- 
ard wasn't  the  only  many-talented 
man  in  circulation,  he  wrote  the  plebe 
class  musical,  did  several  skits  in  his 
show,  sang  a  few  songs  and  executed 
a  spot  of  hoofing. 

An  accident  during  sophomore  year 
revamped  his  life  once  more.  He  was 
anchored  in  the  infirrnary  (laid  low 
by  a  dental  infection)  when  he  hap- 
pened to  pick  up  a  newspaper.  The 
front  page  was  filled  with  talk  of  dis- 
armament and  the  scrapping  of  ships. 
Naval  men  were  quoted  as  saying 
that  the  drop-off  in  tonnage  would 
leave  the  Academy  with  hordes  of 
unwanted    (Continued    on    page   72) 

Their  Villa  Donlevy,  out  Brentwood  way, 
is  a  charming  manor  house,  part  modern, 
part  Cape  Cod  and  completely  happy  home 


THE      CAST 

Tommy  Turner Henry  Fonda 

Ellen  Turner Olivia  de  Havilland 

Joe  Ferguson Jack  Carson 

Patricia  Stanley Joan  Leslie 

Ed   Keller Eugene    Pallette 

Michael  Barnes Herbert  Anderson 

Cleota Ha+tie  McDaniel 

He    seemed    like    a    nice    specimen    of   tame 

Fiction  Version  by  NORTON  RUSSELL 

A  Warner  Brothers  picture.  Executive  producer,  Hal.  B.  Wallij. 
Associate  Producer,  Wolfgang  Reinhardt.  Directed  by  Elliott  Nugent. 
From  the  play  by  James  Thurber  and  Elliott  Nugent.  Screen  play 
by   Julius    Epstein,    Philip    Epstein    and    Stephen    Morehouse    Avery. 

THE  autumn  sunlight  was  mellow 
on  the  red-brick  buildings  of  Mid- 
western University.  It,  and  the 
smell  of  burning  leaves,  and  the  holi- 
day feeling  in  the  air,  all  spoke 
eloquently  of  football.  So  did  the  big 
banner  over  the  wrought-iron  campus 
gates.  It  said,  "Be  at  the  Rally  To- 
night.   Beat  Michigan  Tomorrow." 

The  Tommy  Turners  were  having 
people  in  that  evening  for  cocktails 
and  a  buffet  supper,  partly  because 
it  was  the  night  before  the  Big  Game 
and  partly  because  it  was  Ellen 
Turner's  birthday — although  Tommy, 
having  been  married  six  years  and 
not  having  too  good  a  memory  at 
any  time,  had  forgotten  that.  He 
came  home  about  four-thirty,  hum- 
ming to  himself  and  carrying  chrysan- 
themums and  a  bottle  of  rye. 

Tommy  Turner,  at  twenty -eight, 
was  rangy  and  bespectacled,  with 
clothes  that  hung  indifferently  on  his 
tall  loose  frame  and  a  slight  stoop  to 
his  shoulders.  In  moments  of  stress 
or  deep  thought — which  was  most  of 
the  time — he  had  a  habit  of  ruffling 
his  hair  so  that  he  looked  like  a 
puzzled  spaniel.  He  was  Associate 
Professor  of  English  at  the  University, 

but  that  morning  Dean  Damon,  the 
head  of  the  department,  had  told  him 
it  looked  as  if  he'd  be  made  a  full 
professor  at  the  end  of  the  term. 

Ellen  came  in  to  find  him  putting 
the  flowers  into  a  vase  already  too 
fulL  This  didn't  surprise  her.  She 
knew  the  flowers  weren't  for  her 
birthday,  because  she'd  asked  Tommy 
to  get  them,  and  she  would  naturally 
expect  him  to  put  them  in  the  least 
suitable  place.  Ellen  was  pretty  and 
dark-haired  and  Tommy  had  won- 
dered, when  they  were  first  married, 
how  in  the  world  he  had  managed  to 
win  her  over  the  competition  of  Joe 
Ferguson,  Midwestern's  great  half- 
back. After  the  first  year  or  so,  how- 
ever, he  seemed  to  stop  wondering 
and  begin  taking  her  for  granted, 
which  bothered  Ellen  a  little. 

Joe  Ferguson  was  coming  to  the 
party  tonight.  It  would  be  the  first 
time  Ellen  had  seen  him  since  her 
marriage.  He'd  been  living  in  Pitts- 
burgh and  doing  very  well — so  well 
that  until  this  year  he'd  always  been 
too  busy  to  come  back  for  the  Big 
Game.  And  Ellen  wondered  if  he'd 
changed,  or  if  he  was  still  the  same 
big,  handsome,  vital  Joe.  .  .  . 

"Oh,"  she  said  to  Tommy,  suddenly 
remembering,  "Dean  Damon  called. 
Cleota  took  the  message.  She  seemed 
to  think  the  Dean  wanted  you  to  go 
over  to  his  house  and  see  him." 

And  that  reminded  Tommy,  so  he 
told  her  about  the  full  professorship. 
When  she  had  finished  giving  him  a 
congratulatory  kiss,  she  said  anx- 
iously, "Have  the  trustees  voted  on 
it  yet?" 

"No,  but  that's  just  a  formality." 

"All  the  same,"  Ellen  said  wisely, 
"it's  a  good  thing  Ed  Keller's  coming 
to  the  party  tonight." 

Tommy  grumbled,  "Why  do  we 
have  to  have  Ed  Keller?" 

"He's  the  most  important  trustee — 
and  Joe  has  to  have  someone  to  talk 
football  with." 

Tommy  sighed.  Ed  Keller  was  the 
town's  biggest  real-estate  agent  and 
most  football-minded  alumnus  and 
trustee.  He  was  responsible  for  Mid- 
western's  stadium,  which  was  the 
biggest  between  Chicago  and  Cali- 
fornia and  which  Tommy  considered 
a  waste  of  money. 

"Well,"  he  said,  "I'd  better  go  see 
what  the  Dean  wants.    Come  along?" 

The  Dean   (Continued  on  page  66) 

sband.      But,    just   like   every   other    man,    he   wanted,    just    once,    to    roar    like    a    lion 


Looming  large:  Philip  Dorn  of  M-G-M's 
"Tartan's  Secret  Treasure";  a  faultless  actor 
imported  from  Dutch  films;  six-footer  hus- 
band, for  seven  years,  of  a  Holland   miss 

father  a  little  one:  Joan  Fontaine  of  RKO's 
'Suspicion";  witty,  ambitious,  clever  per- 
ton;  possessor  of  a  one-sided  smile;  pos- 
sessor, too,  of  a  husband  named  Brian  Aherne 

London    street    scene 
starring  Joan  Bennett 
in    uniform   for    Fox's 
"Confirm    Or    Deny" 

Give    the    Bennett    a    hand! 
She's  said  what  a  million  women 
wouldn't.   Here's  a  masterpiece 

6cf    csfoGuu    faJZAjuuaft~ 

hkai  S  itfibft  mm  umdi  <k 

REMEMBER  the  old  refrain  about, 
"If  I  had  a  magic  wand  to  bend, 
'    I'd  wish  seven  wishes  o'er  the 
land  o'  men?" 

My  first  wish  would  be  this:  That 
all  men  should  cultivate  a  sensitivity 
to  mood.  Then  they'd  never  spoil  a 
lovely  moment!  You  know,  it's  that 
quality  Spencer  Tracy  projects  from 
the  screen  to  the  nth  degree.  A  qual- 
ity based  on  thoughtfulness  and  con- 
sideration— and  that's  getting  all  too 
rare  these  days. 

One  day  last  spring,  for  instance,  a 
party  of  us  drove  up  into  the  moun- 


tains.  The  valley  below  was  like  a 
floral  carpet,  brilliant  with  thousands 
of  lupines,  poppies  and  those  lush  eve- 
ning primroses.  "Oh,  but  isn't  it  beau- 
tiful!" exclaimed  the  girl  in  the  front 

"Yes,"  said  the  man  absently  who 
was  driving.  "I  like" — looking  at  the 
car — "to  test  her  accelerative  speed 
on  different  grades  to  see  what  she'll 
do."  And  he  stepped  on  the  gas.  The 
scenery  went  by  in  a  rushing  blur. 

And  romance  evaporated  into  the 
air.  The  girl  had  been  thinking  of 
marrying  him.     She  quickly  changed 

her  mind.  "Why,"  she  said,  "he's  the 
sort  of  man  who  would  kiss  his  wife 
while  she's  balancing  a  check  book 
and  scold  her  about  extravagance  in 
the  midst  of  making  love  to  her!  I'll 
bet  he  sees  every  sunset  behind  a 
sporting  page." 

It  would  be  a  wonderful  world  for 
women  if  all  men  acquired  that  sense 
for  mood. 

And  if  (Wish  No.  2)  they  all  sud- 
denly burgeoned  forth  with  the  sense 
of  good  grooming!  Girls  are  just  as 
allergic  to  whiskers,  baggy  coats  and 
droopy  socks  (Continued  on  page  60) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Hello  to  Barbara  Stanwyck 

who  has  more  than  a  nodding 
acquaintance  with  skis  in  Co- 
lumbia's "You  Belong  To  Me." 
She  makes  a  pretty  cover;  she 
does  a  bit  of  interior  decora- 
tion here  in  a  gray  gabardine 
ski  suit  with  zipper-closed 
pockets,  a  reversible  jacket 
and  a  lambskin  coat  that  turns 
itself  inside  out  to  be  a 
smart   gray  gabardine  topper 


Miss       Stanwycn    s 

clothes    designed    by 




•c .  • 





*0?    ^\"v 

^      ^^'    _,«A   « 

Dress  With  Ideas:  It's  slate  blue, 
a  bright  note  in  any  crowd.     Its 
cross-over    bodice    has    four   fabric 
arrows   finished   with   silver   arrowheads. 
Its  corselet  waistline  and  skirt  with  over- 
lapped   folds   will    have   you   cutting   a 
figure  under  the  mistletoe.   Miss  Stan- 
wyck   pulls    an    all-one-color    pose, 
wears  slate  blue  gloves  and  hat 
and  steals  every  fashion  scene 

JANUABY,    1942 


Edith  Head  calls  it  a 
negligee;  we  say  it's  a 
triumph;  Barbara  Stan- 
wyck wears  it  because'  it's 
pretty,  it's  pink  and  it 
turns  most  any  woman  into 
a  siren  de  luxe.  Over  the 
fitted  satin  foundation, 
flesh-toned  chiffon  is 
worked  into  a  trailing 
skirt,  a  fitted  waist  and  a 
collarless  bodice  with  bal- 
loon sleeves  gathered  into 
a  diverting  inch-deep  cuff. 
It's  a  boudoir  must  and  a 
breakfast-table  trump  card 

v*     .-r^iiiww 





A    silver-spo©»-in-rte- 
mo«rHi  touch,  yours  for  the 
buying  of  this  whH»  crepe 
dinner    dress,    draped    on 
top  to  suggest  a   bolero, 
decorated   in  a   million- 
dollar   manner  with   sable 
bands  on  its  dolman  sleeves, 
I  slit  to  the  knee  just  to  show 
-  your  pretty  ankles  and  make 
people  turn  around.     Miss 
Stanwyck's  ten-skin  sable 
Jnole  and  gold  and  Topaz 
I  jewelry  finish  things  off  in 
irigh  style,  will  keep  audi- 
ences busy  looking  at  her 
in   "You   Belong   To    Me" 


In  tke  new... 

If  You're: 



ii1  ■    p^ 

Your    Hollywood    Prototype    Is: 

A  blonde  or  a  red- 
head who  can  look 
into  a  man's  eyes  in- 
stead of  at  his  necktie 

A  brunette  and  on  the 
tallish  side 


A    half-pint    sprightly 
blonde  or  redhead 

A  pocket-size  vivacious 


Psychologists  would  say 
Your  Animal  Prototype  Is 


A  swan 

■•-  '■■■ "' 






A  deer 


A  kitten 


Olivia  de 

■  ■'  '— 

A    chipmunk 

x  II  r      II  f  U/     V  0  II    I     Use  your  head' +ake  +his  to  hear+  and  yo 

•••  ■-         11    L    II  U    U      •        keep    on    ringing    bells    all    through     19 


v4en  Think  of  You  As: 

he  personification  of 
erenity;  a  bit  slow  to 
ccept  advances;  poised ; 
Lire  of  yourself;  ethereal 

oftly  feminine  in  ap- 
earance,  warm  by  na- 
ure,  smart-as-a-whip 
alker  on    world    events 

i  small  warm  person 
ho's  a  lot  of  fun  at  a 
arty  but  who  needs  to 
e  helped  over  curb- 
rones  on  the  way  home 

<  lively  little  girl  with 
i  glint  in  her  eye,  tongue 
i  her  cheek  and  a  ca- 
tacity  to  keep  the  ball 
oiling    wherever   she    is 


Your  Make-Up  Pitfall  Is: 

Looking  too  much  like  a 
pink-and-white  pretty. 
Be  sure  your  rouge  and 
lipstick  have  a  vivid 
orange  tone  in  them  and 
don't  get  a  too-pink  pow- 
der: you're  a  personality 
not    a    pastel    painting 

Getting  too  dark  a  pow- 
der shade.  Be  sure  your 
powder  has  a  pink  glow 
to  keep  you  from  look- 
ing too  much  like  an 
olive-skinned     gypsy 

Not  having  enough 
angles  in  your  face.  Try 
putting  on  your  rouge 
in  a  different  pattern; 
try  wearing  no  rouge 
and  using  a  vivid 
purple-toned      lipstick 

"■" m—w — 

Not  accentuating  any  of 
your  features.  Concen- 
trate on  your  eyes  or 
mouth,  make  them  stand 
out  in  your  small  face 

Your   Personality 
Bugaboo  Is: 

Probably  too  much  re- 
serve. Smile  a  little 
more  often  and  once  in 
a  while  tell  a  good 
story  —  on     yourself 

Probably  being  too  in- 
dependent. Never  argue 
too  much  and  shun  that 
"club-woman"     attitude 

Probably  being  too  much 
the  "pretty  girl"  type. 
Try  talking  about  the 
price  of  aluminum  the 
next  time  your  date  gets 
that     abstracted     look 

— — — — ^— 

Not  being  able  to  sit 
still  long  enough.  Turn 
into  a  languid  lady;  don't 
offer  too  many  sugges- 
tions; relax  and  tend 
to  your  knitting  and 
we    do    mean     knitting 

Look  Pretty  In: 

A  chantilly  black 
lace  blouse  and 
velvet  skirt  at  twi- 
light. Look  pretty 
in  anything  fragile 
for  that  matter. 
Black  is  a  "best" 
for  you;  white,  a 
next  best;  tweeds 
something  you 
wear  only  on  hikes 


A  red  velvet 
beaded  jacket  over 
a  black  crepe  dress. 
Wear  colors,  any 
and  all  of  them; 
try  bizarre  combi- 
nations; let  your 
zany  impulses  go 
when  it  comes  to 
buying    your    hats 

"■ ' 

A    Dublin    green      «£&■ 
corduroy  suit  and  4^\$ 
beret  to  match. r 
You're    pretty    in 
sweaters  and  skirts; 
you're    pretty    in 
pinafores;    you're 
beauteous  in  pale 
pink  —  providing 
it's    not   too   frilly 

A  white  jersey 
Sunday-night  sup- 
per dress,  made 
peasant  style,  em- 
broidered with  gay 
flowers.  Black  and 
white  makes  you 
look  sophisticated; 
a  deep  blue  makes 
you  look  cute-as-a- 
button;  jewel- 
toned  velvets  will 
start  things  going. 
Take   your   pick! 

•       F 


lV  > 

'     1 



'    \, 

Ida's    house    is   charming    an< 
comfortable;  so  is  her  devoted 
husband      Louis      Hayward 



She's   been  telling   a   lot  of   whoppers   about   herself  for 
ages.     Now  we're  afraid  we'll  have  to  tell  you  the  truth 

At  fifteen  (yes,  fifteen!)  she 
arrived  with  her  mother  (left) 
in  N.  Y.  en  route  to  Hollywood 
as  "the  English  Jean  Harlow" 

She  looked  like  this  so  they 
said  she'd  be  a  Sex  Draw.  To- 
day (below)  she's  pre-eminent 


THE  first  thing  people  will  tell  you 
about  Ida  Lupino  is  that  she's  a 
great  actress  and  a  charming 

The  next  thing  they  will  tell  you 
(whomever  you  ask),  is  that  Ida  is 
a  jitterbug,  qualifying  by  saying  that 
she  dances  only  one  step,  improvised 
by  St.  Vitus.  She  has  nervous  break- 
downs the  way  other  people  have  the 
common  cold,  if  you  listen  to  her 
critics,  being  able  to  work  one  up 
and  have  it  before  your  startled  gaze 
on  an  instant's  notice. 

Ida's  never  thrown  a  nervous  fit 
for  us,  not  once  during  the  five  years 
we've  known  her.  "Go  ahead,"  we 
said  the  last  time  we  were  at  the 
Haywards',  "give  us  the  works.  Be 
the  mad  Lupino." 

"I'm  not  in  the  mood,  dear,"  she 
said,  pushing  a  bunch  of  pillows 
around  behind  her  and  settling  back. 
"Life's  too  pleasant."  And  it  was, 
and  furthermore  is  for  Mrs.  Louis 
Hayward,  whose  comeback  is  recent 
and  satisfying,  whose  house  is  charm- 
ing and  comfortable,  whose  husband 
is  amusing  and  devoted,  whose  health 
on  the  whole  is  so  offensively  good 
that  she  almost  never  thinks  about 
it,  and  whose  conscience  is  pretty 
clear  about  the  stories  she's  told  since 
she  came  to  Hollywood. 

After  all,  Hollywood  told  some 
whoppers  about  her,  .too.  They  said 
she  was  essentially  a  Hotcha  Kid, 
around  1934,  a  combination  of  Alice 
White,  Clara  Bow  and  Jean  Harlow. 
Believe  us.  They  said  she  was  des- 
tined   to    be    the    Sex    Draw    of    the 

JANUARY,    194i 


generation.  They  said  she  had  a 
"pert,  up-tilted"  nose,  which  is  any- 
thing but  the  truth.  Ida's  nose  has  a 
curve,  slight  but  indisputable.  They 
said  she  was  beautiful,  which  it  would 
bore  her  to  be. 

We're  afraid  we  must  tell  you  the 
truth  about  Ida,  which  is  something 
she  has  almost  never  told  anyone 
about  herself.  She  had  a  good  enough 
reason,  though  it  may  sound  puny 
now  in  relation  to  her  history.  Ida's 
only  mildly  crazy,  which  is  to  say 
that  she's  too  intelligent  for  her  own 
good,  has  a  superabundance  of  nerv- 
ous energy  and  has  always — always — 
been  too  young  .  .  .  But  then,  you 
couldn't  possibly  understand  without 
knowing  the  whole  story. 

THE  point  is,  she  was  born  in  1918, 
during  a  seven-hour  air  raid  on 
London,  which  means  that  she  was 
not  quite  fourteen  when  she  played 
the  lead  in  Alan  Dwan's  premiere 
English  movie,  "Her  First  Affair"; 
which  means  that  she  was  incredibly 
only  fifteen  when  in  1933,  as  the  al- 
ready famous  "English  Jean  Harlow," 
she  arrived  on  the  Cunard  liner 
Berengaria  to  take  her  place  in  Holly- 

"I'm  young,  I  admit  it,"  said  Ida  to 
the  reporters.  "But  nevertheless  I 
have  crowded  into  my  short  seven- 
teen years  of  life  a  trifle  more  activity 
— or  shall  we  say  experience? — than 
most  girls  of  (Continued  on  page  70) 





JILL  LYNN — sister  of  the  murdered 
movie  actress,  Vicki  Lynn — and 
her  fiance,  Peg,  the  young  Holly- 
wood writer  who  had  been  trapped — 
on  circumstantial  evidence — by  De- 
tective Ed  Cornell,  manage  to  escape 
and  to  hide  out  on  the  Long  Beach 
waterfront.  Haunted  by  the  words 
Cornell  had  spoken  just  before  he 
lost  consciousness  from  Jill's  blow — 
"I'll  get  you  sometime!" — they  struggle 
along  from  day  to  day,  living  in  fear. 
They  know  that  even  though  there 
had  been  three  people  under  suspicion 
— Robin  Ray,  juvenile  actor  who  had 
gone  everywhere  with  Vicki,  Harry 
Williams,  switchboard  boy  who  had 
had  a  crush  on  the  young  star,  and 
Peg  himself — the  facts  as  Ed  Cornell 
would  present  them  could  condemn 

But  the  day  comes  when  there  is 
no  food  in  the  house,  when  Peg  is 
forced  to  leave  their  furnished  apart- 
ment and  look  for  work.  He  finds 
none,  but  during  the  day  he  suddenly 
thinks  he  knows  who  murdered  Vicki. 
His  suspicions,  backed  by  facts  he 
now  recalls,  center  on  Robin  Ray 
whose  shaky  career  could  not  have 
stood  the  bad  publicity  that  would 
have  resulted  from  Vicki's  decision, 
made  just  before  her  death,  to  throw 
him  over  for  Peg. 

He  rushes  back  to  the  apartment 
to  tell  Jill,  throws  open  the  door 
breathlessly.  But  the  apartment  is 
empty.    No  one  answers  his  call.  .  .  . 

I  MUST  have  gone  a  little  crazy.  I 
went  into  the  kitchenette  and 
shouted  her  name.  I  walked  all 
around  the  apartment.  I  was  shaking. 
I'd  never  felt  an  emotion  like  this.    I 


This  was  the  most  fantastic  game 
two  men  and  a  girl  ever  played 



haven't  any  word  for  it.  I  thought  I 
was  going  to  start  crying.  I  fumbled 
in  my  pocket  for  a  cigarette.  There 
weren't  any.  We'd  run  out  of  ciga- 
rettes as  well  as  food. 

The  apartment  was  so  darned 
empty!  I  tried  to  think.  Where  was 
she?  Now  I  saw  something  on  the 
chair.  It  was  her  corduroy  skirt  and 
brown  and  white  sweater.  On  the 
floor  there  was  a  little  wad  of  tinfoil. 
I  rushed  to  the  closet  and  opened  it. 
The  green  dress  was  gone.  She  was 
wearing  her  good  dress.  Perhaps 
she'd  left  me!  Maybe  she  was  sick  of 
all  this! 

I  couldn't  believe  it.  I  wanted  to 
go  out  and  search  the  streets  for  her. 
But  Long  Beach  was  a  big  town.  I 
wouldn't  have  had  a  chance  that  way. 
I  sat  as  though  I  were  made  of 
stone.  The  wind  rustled  the  curtains 
at  the  window  and  the  radio  across 
the  court  was  going.  Perhaps  Jill  had 
gotten  a  job.  Maybe  she  had  landed 
a  temporary  position  as  a  clerk  in  a 
store.  Sure,  that  was  it.  I  felt  re- 
lieved. I  got  up  and  paced  the  room. 
Maybe  Jill  was  at  the  taxi  dance 
trying  to  make  money  for  us.  The 
little  fool!  Would  she  do  that?  A 
thing  like  that?  It  was  possible.  Any- 
thing was  possible. 

Only,  Dear  God,  don't  have  it  that 
anything  happened  to  her.  I'll  do  any- 
thing you  say,  God,  only  make  Jill 
safe.  Don't  let  the  cops  get  her,  God! 
Don't  let  that  happen.  I'll  go  to  church 
every  Sunday  if  you  want,  but  don't 
let  the  cops  get  Jill! 

She  was  at  the  taxi  dance.  That  was 
it.  Poor  sweet  kid,  she'd  be  back  any 
time    now.    (Continued   on   page  61) 

It  was  late  afternoon  and 
the  sun  shone  dimly  on  the 
gray  stone.  Jill  came  out, 
down  the  steps,  into  my  arms 


MR.  and  Mrs.  Thin  Man  think  he's  the  nicest  son  they 
could  find  in  a  cabbage  field;  Asta  thinks  the  same 
admiring  thoughts  any  worthy  canine  has  about  a  small 
boy,  age  four. 

This  one  is,  in  particular,  Dickie  Hall  who's  the  Nicky, 
Jr.,  in  the  title  above,  the  gay  young  blade  from  Brooklyn 
who's  now  promenading  through  the  Thin  Man  series 
with  Myrna  Loy  and  Bill  Powell.  Hollywood — or  rather, 
Tallulah  Bankhead — found  him  playing  Bach  and  Bee- 
thoven at  three  on  the  stage  of  Carnegie  Hall  to  an 
astounded  New  York  audience.  Being  a  lady  with  a  smart 
eye  for  promising  young  men,  she  wired  the  West  Coast 
and  they  did  the  rest. 

The  gentleman  is  slick.  He  keeps  his  light-brown  hair 
smoothed  down,  practices  his  piano  every  day,  endeavors 
to  build  up  his  muscles  by  exercise.  The  gentleman  is 
also  popular.  He  eats  lunch  with  Myrna — and  Lana 
Turner,  when  he  gets  the  chance.  But  what  could  you 
expect  from  a  male  who  at  the  age  of  sixteen  months  sang 
"Gold  Mine  In  The  Sky"  over  the  radio? 

Now  that  you've  met  him,  you  probably  think  just  what 
everyone  who  knows  him  does.  That  he's  an  enterprising 
businessman,  a  heart-melter,  a  guy  who's  going  places. 

P.  S.:    He  walks  to  work. 

photoplay  combined  xoith  movie  mirror 




The  statement  made 
after  Ann  Sheridan's 
suspension  was  not  true 

Bill  Holden  had  to  fight 
violently  and  verbally 
to   right   money   matters 

Here  it  is  for  the  first  time  —  the   candid 
picture  of  the  shrewd  tricks,   the   boomerangs 
that  have  built  —  and  broken  —  Hollywood  careers 

hollering  his  wide,  strong 
lungs  out.  "They  talk  about 
freeing  the  slaves,  why  don't  they 
free  Mature?"  he  cried. 

The  cause  of  Vic's  pain  was  his 
stipend  of  four  hundred  and  fifty 
clams  weekly.  No  so  long  ago  Vic 
was  living  in  a  tent,  not  because  he 
is  wacky  for  tents  but  as  a  matter 
of  sheer  rent  necessity.  Thus  those 
four  and  fifty  shells  laid  on  the  bar- 
rel head  looked  mighty  pretty  until 
Hal  Roach,  who  holds  the  Mature 
contract,  began  going  around  the 
corner  and  renting  Vic  out,  his  new- 
est rental  fee  being  3000  clams  (or 
three  thousand  dollars  if  you  will  be 
conventional  about  it)  per  week  for 
his   labors   in   "Shanghai   Gesture." 

'Tis  often  thus  in  Hollywood.  The 
rich  producer  gets  richer  and  the 
poor  actor  takes  what  he  can  get.  The 
truth,  the  whole  truth  and  nothing 
but  the  truth  about  salaries  in  film- 
dom  is  rarely  even  glimpsed.  Come 
each  March  and  the  income  tax  boys 
in  Washington  do  their  bit  toward 
telling  the  world  about  Claudette  Col- 
bert's being  the  highest  paid  actress 
for  the  past  three  years,  what  with 
her  tidy  earnings  of  better  than 
$350,000  each  of  those  years.  From 
the  income  tax  lists  you  can  see  Gary 
Cooper's  $5,000  weekly,  and  Gable 
and  Lombard's  supercolossal  earn- 
ings, and  the  neat  fees  several  of  our 

JANUARY,    1942 

leading  directors  tote  home,  and  those 
half  to  three  quarters  of  a  million 
that  this  producer  and  that  earn. 
But  the  salaries  that  the  "discoveries" 
gather,  the  why  of  "bonuses"  after 
certain  pictures,  the  gold  that  is  made 
on  "loan-outs,"  these  subjects  are 
never  mentioned. 

Yet  it  is  because  of  the  "bonuses" 
and  the  "loanouts"  and  the  "deals" 
that  the  "discoveries"  try  to  strike 
while  the  box-office  is  hot.  That  was 
why  Ann  Sheridan  got  rebellious 
nearly  two  years  ago.  It  cost  her 
plenty.  It  probably  cost  Warners 
more.  To  save  their  pride,  after  keep- 
ing Annie  off  the  screen  for  a  year, 
they  announced  when  they  brought 
her  back  that  they  didn't  increase  her 
salary.  Annie  kept  silent  and  let  them 
talk.  But  the  statement  was  not  true. 
Ann  now  gets  better  than  twice  what 
she  got  before  her  walk-out.  Yet  that 
year's  layoff  did  her  harm.  The 
"oomph"  publicity  having  died  down, 
she  is  virtually  starting  all  over  again 
and  must  come  through  on  sheer  act- 
ing ability,  while  Rita  Hayworth 
walks  in  with  the  sex  sweepstakes. 

Vic  Mature  is  in  that  same  "dis- 
covery" class,  just  as  William  Holden 
was  not  so  long  ago  and  before  him 
Fred  MacMurray  and  Robert  Taylor 
and  Buddy  Rogers.  The  way  things 
have  worked  out  for  each  of  these 
players  illustrates  much  about  all  their 
characters,  just  as  as  the  way  things 

Pat  Morison 
almost  got 
strangled  by  a 
good    contract 

Clark  Gable's  financial 
ultimatum  on  "Gone 
With  The  Wind"  was 
the  reason  why  Vivien 
Leigh    was    discovered 

have  worked  out  for  Linda  Darnell 
versus  Nancy  Kelly  and  Brenda  Joyce, 
pnd  for  Veronica  Lake  versus  Pat 
Morison  tells  much  about  those  vari- 
ously beautiful  dolls. 

One  hundred  and  fifty  dollars  a  week 
was  what  Fred  MacMurray  earned  all 
the  way  from  his  original  click  in 
"The  Painted  Lily"  straight  up  until 
he  made  "Hands  Across  The  Table" 
with  Carole  Lombard,  two  years 
during  which  he  worked  inces- 
santly.   Fred   (Continued  on  page  82) 




Universal  view  of  what's  happening  today  in  Occupied 
France  is  "Paris  Calling"  with  Randolph  Scott  as  an  R.A.F. 
flyer  and  Elizabeth  Bergner  as  the  brown-eyed  beauty 
who     knows     all     about     politics — and     French    politicians 

ACCENT  ON  LOVE— 20th  Century-Fox:  When 
George  Montgomery  rebels  against  his  life  and  his 
marriage  that  can't  be  dissolved  because  of  family 
pride,  he  just  ups  and  becomes  a  ditchdigger  and 
digs  until  he's  straightened  out  all  his  problems. 
Osa  Massen,  J.  Carrol  Naish  and  Cobina  Wright 
Jr.  are  all  very  nice,  as  is  Montgomery,  but  the 
story's  too  laden  down  with  message  to  be  very  en- 
tertaining. (Oct.) 

mount: Dorothy  Lamour  is  back  again  in  Techni- 
color and  her  sarong.  Jon  Hall  is  the  native  who 
returns  from  the  states  with  his  new  education  to 
take  over  his  post  as  ruler  and  marry  his  betrothed, 
Miss  Lamour.  But  jealous  Philip  Reed  has  other 
ideas.    (Nov.) 

ARIZONA  BOUND— Monogram:  A  good  old-time 
Western  about  a  marshal  who  solves  a  series  of 
stagecoach  robberies.  Three  favorites.  Buck  Jones, 
Tim  McCoy  and  Raymond  Hatton,  band  together 
in  this  picture  for  some  out-west  shooting  and  rid- 
ing.  (Oct.) 

BACHELOR  DADDY— Universal:  Baby  Sandy 
gets  cuter  with  every  picture  and  in  this  one  she 
makes  up  for  a  lot  of  unfunny  episodes.  Kathryn 
Adams  is  Sandy's  mother  and  she  sends  the  child 
to  Edward  Everett  Horton,  Raymond  Walburn  and 
Donald  Woods  to  keep  while  she's  involved  with  the 
law.     It  isn't  very  funny.     (Oct.) 

y  BADLANDS  OF  DAKOTA  —  Universal: 
Straight-shooting  Western,  with  Robert  Stack  as 
the  Easterner  who  marries  his  brother's  (Broderick 
Crawford)  fiancee,  Ann  Rutherford,  which  starts 
all  the  rumpus.  Richard  Dix  is  Wild  Bill  Hickok, 
Frances  Farmer  is  Calamity  Jane,  and  Addison 
Richards  is  Custer.    (Nov.) 

BARNACLE  BILL— M-G-M:  Rough-and-ready 
fun,  with  Wallace  Beery  as  an  old  waterfront  rap 
scallion  always  in  trouble  until  his  daughter  Vir- 
ginia Weidler  succeeds  in  reforming  him.  Marjorie 
Main  lends  a  willing  hand  to  the  process.   (Oct.) 

y  BELLE  STARR— 20th  Century-Fox:  The  no- 
torious woman  bandit  of  the  1860's  has  been  so 
whitewashed  that  much  of  the  punch  of  the  picture 
is  lost.  Gene  Tierney  plays  Belle,  who  turns  out  to 
be  a  gently  bred  Southern  :^irl  who  attempts  to  re- 
fight  the  Civil  War.  She  marries  Southern  rebel 
Randy  Scott  and  participates  in  his  escapades  until 
she  finds  out  his  cause  is  only  a  front  for  thieving 
and  killing.     (Nov.) 


y  BIRTH  OF  THE  BLUES— Paramount :  In  this 
good-natured,  easy-going  movie,  Bing  Crosby,  a 
Southern  lad,  finally  rounds  up  the  first  white  band 
to  play  blues  music  and,  through  the  aid  of  Mary 
Martin's  singing,  gets  a  hearing.  You'll  like  every 
minute  of  it,  the  music  and  the  cast,  which  includes 
Brian    Donlevy    and    Rochester.    (Dec.) 

bia: The  ever-present  jewel  thieves  are  here  again 
in  this  tired  plot,  with  Florence  Rice  as  a  scheming 
actress  who  swipes  the  pearls  from  Leif  Erikson  and 
Gordon  Jones,  and  then  sets  out  to  win  Alexander 
D'Arcy,  only  to  find  herself  in  a  spot.    (Nov.) 

BLONDIE  IN  SOCIETY— Columbia:  The  Bump- 
steads  get  in  a  jam  again  when  Arthur  Lake  accepts 
an  enormous  great  Dane  dog  but  promises  not  to 
place  it  in  a  dog  show  and  Penny  Singleton  un- 
knowingly enters  it  in  a  show.  It's  a  lot  of  fun. 

BURMA  CONVOY— Universal:  Fast-moving, 
timely  melodrama  about  the  truck  caravans  bring- 
ing supplies  along  the  dangerous  Burma  Road. 
Charles  Bickford  is  the  leader  of  the  truck  drivers, 
Frank  Albertson  his  younger  brother,  and  Evelyn 
Ankers  provides  the  heart  interest.    (Dec.) 

yy  CHARLEY'S  AUNT— 20th  Century-Fox: 
'Charley's  Aunt"  gets  funnier  with  every  genera- 
tion. Jack  Benny  as  the  Oxford  student  who  is 
forced  to  play  the  aunt  of  a  fellow  student  is  at  his 
funniest.  Complications  set  in  when  the  real  aunt, 
Kay   Francis,  shows  up.    See  it  for  laughs.    (Oct.) 

yy  DIVE  BOMBER— Warners:  Timely,  in 
formative,  and  entertaining  is  this  picture  about 
the  experimental  work  of  flight  surgeons  in  the 
Naval  Air  Corps.  A  feud  between  Errol  Flynn  and 
Fred  MacMurray  is  the  framework  for  beautiful 
aviation  shots.  Alexis  Smith  registers  as  a  comer, 
and  Ralph  Bellamy  and  Regis  Toomey  lend  grand 
support.     (Nov.) 

Although  this  is  its  third  screen  version,  it's  a 
gripping,  compelling,  interesting  picture.  Spencer 
Tracy  as  the  scientist  overai  I  every  i  w  and  then, 
I  ana  Turner  is  beautiful,  but  it's  Ingrid  Bergman 
who  walks  nil   with   the  movie.    I,  Dec.) 

The  sudden,  tragic  death  of  Laraine  Day,  fiancee 
of   Dr.    Kildarc,   on   her   wedding   day   comes  as   a 

i'arring  shock.  Through  the  comfort  offered  by 
,ionel  Barrymore  as  Dr.  Gillespie,  Lew  Ayres  as 
Kildare  is  finally  able  to  return  to  work  after  his 
grievous  loss.    Nils  Asther  is  very  good.   (Nov.) 

Columbia:  Ralph  Bellamy  is  again  the  famous  de- 
tective who  solves  some  murders  in  a  hospital,  but 
it's  the  side-splitting  performance  of  two  dumb 
bunnies,  Paul  Hurst  and  Tom  Dugan,  who  play 
their  roles  straight,  that  provides  riotous  fun.  (Dec.) 

Gloria  Swanson's  return  is  the  biggest  news  of  this 
picture,  and  it's  good  news  indeed.  She's  perfectly 
cast  as  the  stage  star  who  retires  to  marry  Adolphe 
Menjou,  expecting  a  life  of  peace.  Instead,  Adolphe 
turns  out  to  be  a  playboy  and  his  son,  John  Howard, 
is  the  serious-minded  one.     (Oct.) 

FLYING  BLIND — Paramount:  Loads  of  noise  and 
thrills  and  romance  are  packed  into  this  thriller 
about  spies  and  intrigue  on  a  honeymoon  air  ex- 
press. Richard  Arlen  is  the  pilot  who  neglects  his 
romance  with  Jean  Parker  until  they  find  themselves 
in  a  plane  with  villains  Roger  Pryor  and  Nils 
Asther,  and  daffy  bride  Marie  Wilson.     (Nov.) 

FORCED  LANDING— Paramount:  Richard  Arlen 
is  the  hero  aviator  of  this  bang-up  little  movie  that's 
crowded  with  action.  When  enemy  agents  attempt 
to  wreck  defense  constructions,  Dick  steps  right  in 
and  plays  havoc  with  them.  Eva  Gabor,  a  beautiful 
blonde  newcomer,  provides  the  love  interest.  (Oct.) 

GENTLEMAN  FROM  DIXIE  —  Monogram : 
When  Jack  La  Rue  is  released  from  prison  he 
returns  to  his  brother's  stock  farm  down  South 
where  he  finds  villainous  John  Holland,  who  origi- 
nally framed  him.  Marian  Marsh  is  his  brother's 
wife,  and  little  Mary  Ruth,  who's  an  accomplished 
musician,  is  her  stepdaughter.     (Dec.) 

yy  HERE  COMES  MR.  JORDAN— Columbia: 
This  is  one  of  the  most  delightful  and  imaginative 
stories  ever  to  hit  the  screen.  It's  all  about  how 
heaven  makes  a  mistake  and  takes  Bob  Montgom- 
ery's soul  before  he's  due  to  arrive  there,  so  they 
have  to  find  him  a  new  body  to  inhabit.  Edward 
Everett  Horton,  James  Gleason  and  Claude  Rains 
are   wonderful.     (Oct.) 

y  HERE  IS  A  MAN— RKO-Radio:  Here's  a  pic- 
ture that  for  sheer  novelty  takes  its  place  among  the 
best  of  its  kind.  James  Craig  is  the  young  farmer 
who  sells  his  soul  to  Satan,  symbolized  by  Farmer 
Walter  Huston,  and  then  tries  to  get  out  of  his 
bargain.  Edward  Arnold  is  Daniel  Webster,  Simone 
Simon  the  devil's  henchwoman  and  Anne  Shirley 
is  Craig's  devoted  wife.    (Oct.) 

yy  HOLD  BACK  THE  DA WN— Paramount: 
Suspense,  drama  and  love  abound  in  this  picture 
about  the  struggle  by  immigrants  to  enter  the 
United  States  from  Mexico.  Charles  Boyer  is  an 
immigrant  who  marries  schoolteacher  Olivia  de 
Havilland  in  order  to  gain  entry  into  the  States  and 
Paulette  Goddard  is  the  foreigner  who  attempts  to 
weave  Boyer  into  her  schemes.    (Oct.) 

y  HOLD  THAT  GHOST— Universal :  You  won't 
care  what  Abbott  and  Costello  are  up  to  as  they 
wend  their  way  from  waiters  to  gas  station  attend- 
ants to  heirs  of  a  deserted,  haunted  gambling  house, 
because  they're  man-sized  panics  all  the  way  through 
the  hilarious  nonsense.   (Oct.) 

Very  funny  in  spots  is  this  Leon  Errol  comedy, 
with  Errol  inviting  the  Vice-President  of  the  U.  S. 
to  a  party  and  three  phonies  plus  the  real  V.  P. 
show   up.    (Oct.) 

KID  FROM  KANSAS,  THE— Universal :  A 
blight,  sabotage,  and  all  kinds  of  trouble  hit  the 
banana  plantation  of  Leo  Carrillo;  and  Andy  Devine 
and  Dick  Foran  receive  the  blame  for  it  all  until 
Foran  escapes  from  jail  and  uncovers  the  real 
rascals.  A  lot  of  action  is  mixed  up  in  the  story 
and  the  trio  of  actors  do  right  well.    (Dec.) 

yy  LADIES  IN  RETIREMENT— Columbia: 
This  famous  stage  play  is  superbly  translated  to 
the  screen  with  a  never-relaxing  suspense.  Ida 
Lupino  is  mainly  responsible  for  its  compelling 
quality  of  repulsion  and  sympathy,  as  the  com- 
panion who  ruthlessly  murders  to  provide  a  home 
for  her  mentally  ill  sisters.  Louis  Hayward,  too, 
rates  honors,  as  does  Evelyn  Keyes  as  the  maid, 
and  Edith  Barrett  and  Isobel  Elsom.     (Dec.) 

yy  LADY  BE  GOOD— M-G-M:  It's  a  parade  of 
star  personalities  through  a  Gershwin  musical,  with 
Ann  Sothern  and  Robert  Young  as  a  song-writing 
team  who  hits  the  divorce  courts  twice  before  things 
work  out.  Eleanor  Powell.  Dan  Dailey  Jr.,  Lionel 
Barrymore,  Red  Skelton,  John  Carroll  and  others 
all  add  to  this  big-time  musical.    (Oct.) 

LADY  SCARFACE—RKO  Radio:  Packages  of 
money  mailed  to  a  New  York  hotel  and  picked  up 
in  error  by  honeymooning  Rand  Brooks  and  Mildred 
Coles  motivate  a  lot  of  chasing  around.   (Oct.) 

M-G-M — Andy  grows  up  the  hard  way  when  he 
takes  a  fling  at  earning  his  own  living  in  New 
York;  and  hunger,  a  golddigger,  and  the  tragic 
death  of  a  friend  teach  him  a  much  needed  lesson. 
Mickey  Rooney  is  tops  as  Andy,  as  is  Judy  Garland 
as  the  annoying  girl  friend.  Pat  Dane  and  Ray 
McDonald  rate  plenty  of  raves.    (Nov.) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

uV  LITTLE  FOXES,  THE— Goldwyn  RKO 
Radio:  An  Academy  Award  contender  is  this  grip- 
ping tale.  Bette  Davis  as  the  ruthless  Regina  holds 
her  own  with  such  members  of  the  New  York  stage 
cast  as  Patricia  Collinge,  Charles  Dingle  and  Dan 
Duryea.  Herbert  Marshall  is  perfect  as  the  sick 
husband  and  newcomer  Teresa  Wright  is  a  coming 
star.      (Nov.) 

Laughs  follow  one  after  the  other  in  this  un- 
sophisticated comedy  about  a  radio  entertainer, 
Edgar  Bergen,  who  with  Charlie  McCarthy  lands 
in  a  small  town  where  he  helps  Fibber  McGei  md 
Molly  defeat  a  couple  of  lancf  sharks.  Lucille  Ball 
and  Neil  Hamiton  add  to  the  fun.    (Dec.) 

<S\/  LYD1A  —  Korda-U.A. :  Different,  fascinating 
and  heart-warming  is  this  flashback  review  of  the 
suitors  in  one  woman's  life.  The  men  who  loved 
Merle  Oberon  but  failed  to  win  her  are  Joseph  Cot 
ten,  George  Reeves,  Hans  Yaray  and  Alan  Mar 
shall     All  give  fine  performances.     (Nov.) 

y  MANPOWER— Warners:  George  Raft  and  Ed- 
ward G.  Robinson  are  tough  power  line  repairmen 
who  fight  it  out  for  the  affections  of  B  girl  Marlene 
Dietrich.  When  Marlene's  father  is  killed,  Robin- 
son marries  her,  but  she  falls  in  love  with  Raft.  The 
power  line  repair  scenes  are  excellent.     (Oct.) 

When  Leon  Errol  has  a  little  war  orphan  brought 
over  from  Europe,  he  hopes  it  will  fix  things  up 
with  the  troubled  marriage  of  Lupe  Velez  and 
Buddy  Rogers.  The  baby  turns  out  to  be  a  glamour 
girl,  but  the  story  gets  duller  and  unfunnier.  (Dec.) 

MR.  CELEBRITY — Producers  Releasing  Corp. :  A 
young  veterinarian.  James  Seay,  takes  his  nephew, 
Buzzy  Henry,  to  Celebrity  Farm  to  hide  out  from 
his  grandparents  and  so  retain  his  custody.  There 
he  encounters  Francis  X.  Bushman,  Clara  Kimball 
Young  and  Jim  Jeffries,  who'll  bring  you  nostalgic 
memories.  It's  sentimental,  but  lively  and  heart- 
warming, and  young  Buzzy  is  outstanding.    (Dec.) 

MURDER  BY  INVITATI ON—  Monogram:  Al- 
though this  thriller  has  the  same  old  plot  of  heirs' 
trying  to  get  a  millionairess  declared  insane,  it's 
fast-moving  and  suspenseful.  Wallace  Ford  is  the 
columnist  who  solves  the  murders  and  Marian 
Marsh  is  his  assistant.  (Oct.) 

Light,  sophisticated  comedy  about  a  husband's  ef- 
forts to  keep  his  wife  from  eloping  with  various 
admirers,  including  Gilbert  Roland  and  Reginald 
Gardiner.  Anna  Lee  is  the  fiuttery,  attractive  wife, 
although  why  she  should  want  to  leave  husband 
Ronald  Colman  is  beyond  us.    (Oct.) 

\/  NEW  WINE — Gloria  Productions-!'.  A.:  Alan 
Curtis  plays  composer  Franz  Schubert  who  is  aided 
and  encouraged  by  Ilona  Massey.  Although  the 
story  is  inconsequential,  the  glorious  flood  of  music 
and  Ilona's  beautiful  singing  of  the  "Ave  Maria"  are 
well  worth  your  time.  Albert  Basserman  contributes 
a  memorable  scene  as  Beethoven.    (Oct.) 

\S  NEW  YORK  TOWN  —  Paramount:  Fred 
MacMurray,  a  sidewalk  photographer  in  New  York, 
shows  naive  New  Englander  Mary  Martin  how  to 
live  off  the  town.  But  when  he  tries  to  marry  her 
off  to  prosperous  Robert  Preston,  he  learns  that  all 
the  best  things  in  life  are  free.  Akim  Tamiroff  and 
Lynne  Overman  aid  MacMurray  in  this  enchanting 
comedy.     (Nov.) 

NIAGARA  FALLS— Roach -U. A.:  In  spite  of  Slim 
Summerville  and  Zazu  Pitts'  determined  comedy 
efforts  as  the  honeymooning  couple  who  come  to 
Niagara,  the  picture's  not  funny.  Slim  neglects  his 
bride  to  meddle  in  the  affairs  of  quarrelsome  Tom 
Brown  and  Marjorie  Woodworth.     (Dec.) 

y  NOTHING  BUT  THE  TRUTH— Paramount : 
In  spite  of  its  bewhiskered  story,  Bob  Hope  makes 
this  picture  a  laugh-provoking  winner.  He  bets 
$10,000  of  Paulette  Goddard's  money  that  he  can 
tell  the  truth  for  twenty-four  hours.  Howls  of 
laughter  are  the  result.    (Nov.) 

Rochelle  Hudson  is  a  pretty  schoolteacher  who  re- 
fuses to  marry  Bruce  Bennett  for  fear  he'll  be 
killed  in  a  gun  battle.  He  almost  is,  too,  when  gang 
ster  Sidney  Blackmer  escapes  from  prison.    (Oct.) 

\/  OUR  WIFE — Columbia:  All  about  one  husband, 
Melvyn  Douglas,  and  his  troubles  with  two  women, 
one  an  ex-wife,  Ellen  Drew,  and  the  other  his  fiancee, 
scientist  Ruth  Hussey.  Charles  Coburn  is  Ruth's 
father,  also  a  scientist,  and  John  Hubbard  her  non- 
scientific  brother.     It's  got  a  lot  of  laughs.    (Nov.) 

01  I  LAWS  OF  THE  DESERT— Paramount:  The 
Araban  desert  background  of  this  colorful  and 
::il  Western  is  vivid  and  exciting  and  the 
'cries  of  adventures  that  involve  Bill  Boyd  as 
//.  palong  (  assidv  and  his  pals,  Andy  Clyde  and 
Brad    King,   provide   fast-moving  entertainment. 

OUTLAW  TRAIL.  THE— RKO-Radio:  Intend- 
ing to  aid  in  a  bank  robbery,  young  Tim  Holt  turns 
hero  instead  when  he  a  ds  the  marshal  in  catching 
the  robber  band  and  when  the  marshal  dies,  Tim 
takes  over  his  job  and  stays  a  good  boy  from  there 
on  it.     Fans  are  sure  to  like  Tim.    (Dec.) 

PARACHUTE    BA77ALIUK—  RKO-Radio:     An 

JANUARY,    1942 

interestingly  done  movie  of  (hose  lads  who  leap  from 
planes  in  Uncle  Sam's  behalf.  All  sorts  of  boys 
who  enter  the  service  are  revealed  in  the  unfolding 
of  the  story,  including  Robert  Preston  as  the  cocky 
recruit  and  Edmond  O'Brien  as  the  boy  who  fears 
fear.    Nancy  Kelly  is  the  girl.     (Oct.) 

PITTSBURGH  KID,  THE  Republic:  The  usual 
prize-fight  picture,  this,  relieved  in  its  mi  m  ti  m  us 
plot  by  the  casting  of  Jean  Parker  as  the  manager 
of  fighter  Billy  Conn.  You're  going  to  bi 
surprised  at  Billy,  who's  not  half  bad  as  a  screen 
personality.    Jean's  a  cuti    trick,  too.    (Dec.) 

REG'LAR  FELLERS— P.  R.  C. :  The  cartoon- 
strip  characters,  plaved  by  Billy  Lee,  Alfalfa 
Switzer  and  Buddy  Boles,  are  back  again  for  an- 
other series  of  fun.     It's  a  picture  for  kids.    (Nov  ) 

RINGSIDE  MAIS1E—M.GM:  Weakest  in  the 
series  is  this  installment,  with  Ann  Sothern  as  the 
good-hearted  taxi-dancer,  Maisie,  who  meets  up  with 
prize  fighter  Robert  Sterling  and  his  suspicious 
manager,  George  Murphy.  Young  Sterling  takes 
over  most  of  the  picture  and  there's  not  nearly 
enough  of  Maisie.    (Oct.) 

mid-RKO:  Scattergood  Baincs.  the  smalltown  Mr. 
Fix-it  played  by  Guy  Kibbee,  helps  William  Henry, 
the  village  playwright,  outwit  Frank  Jenks  and 
Bradley  Page  and  present  a  smash  Broadway  suc- 
cess. Its  homey  flavor  is  .embellished  by  some 
bright  comedy  and  corny  but  good  gags.  (Nov.) 

SING  ANOTHER  CHO R US— Universal :  Johnny 
Downs,  aided  by  Jane  Frazee,  tries  to  get  his  col- 
lege show  on  Broadway,  but  villainous  Walter 
Catlett  and  his  voluptuous  co-worker,  Iris  Adrian, 
throw  a  monkey  wrench  or  two  into  the  works. 
The  music    is    fair.     (Dec.) 

SKYLARK — Paramount:  Claudette  Colbert  is  the 
dissatisfied  wife  who  leaves  her  devoted  husband, 
Ray  Milland,  because  his  business  entanglements 
prove  too  annoying,  but  that's  a  silly  premise  for 
this  day  and  age.  Brian  Aherne  is  miscast  as  the 
other  man  in  her  life,  but  Milland  and  Walter  Abel 
win  our  hearty  approval.     (Dec.) 

L/'  SUNDOWN — Wanger:  Sustained  action  is  the 
keynote  of  this  story  of  a  British  government  out- 
post m  Africa.  Bruce  Cabot  as  Commissioner  of  the 
post  steals  most  of  the  honors,  and  George  Sanders 
also  shines,  as  does  Gene  Tierney  as  the  beautiful 
half-caste.  Reginald  Gardiner,  as  usual,  went  along 
for  the  laughs.     (Dec.) 

\S  SUN  VALLEY  SERENADE— 20th  Century 
Fox:  Sonja  Henie  is  a  Norwegian  refugee  adopted 
by  band  player  John  Payne,  who's  in  love  with 
Lynn  Bari,  the  band  singer.  When  the  orchestra 
goes  to  Sun  Valley,  Sonja  goes  along,  determined 
to  marry  John.  Sonia's  enchanting  and  her  skat- 
ing numbers  are  excellent.     (Nov.) 

yy  SUSPICION— RKO-Radio:  A  triumph  of 
direction  and  acting  is  this  emotional,  suspenseful 
masterpiece  about  a  naive  English  girl,  Joan 
Fontaine,  who  falls  in  love  and  marries  Cary  Grant, 
only  to  discover  his  worthlessness.  Then  dread  and 
suspicion  enter  their  lives  and  desperation  brings 
on   fearful  consequences.     (Dec.) 

TANKS  A  MILLION— Hal  Roach-U.A.:  Running 
about  fifty  minutes,  this  small-sized  panic  is  all 
about  a  draftee,  a  former  railway  information  clerk, 
William  Tracy,  who  annoys  his  superior  officers  by 
spouting  from  memory  long  passages  from  the  Army 
manual.  James  Gleason  is  the  enraged  officer  and 
Elyse  Knox  the  eye-filler.  But  it's  Private  Tracy's 
picture.    (Nov.) 

THIS  WOMAN  IS  MINE—  Universal:  Lus- 
cious Carol  Bruce  is  a  stowaway  on  a  trading  ves- 
sel during  the  18th  Century  with  John  Carroll, 
Franchot  Tone  anil  Walter  Brennan  all  on  the  ship. 
The  only  exciting  moments  in  the  picture  are  the 
last  scenes  depicting  the  conflict  between  the  Indians 
and  the  white  men.  Otherwise  it's  completely  un- 
inspired.   (Nov.) 

TILLIE  THE  TOILER —Columbia:  First  of  a 
new  series,  this  introduces  Kay  Harris,  who  is  pert, 
pretty  and  talented  and  makes  an  ideal  Tillie.  Wil- 
liam Tracy  is  Mac,  Jack  Arnold  the  smug  Mr. 
Whipple,  and  Daphne  Pollard  Mumsy.  It  flounders 
around  a  bit  due  to  poor  writing  and  direction,  but 
give  lillie  time.    (Nov.) 

TOM,  DICK  AND  HARRY  -RKO-Radio:  Cm 
ger  Rogers  is  the  little  telephone  operator  whi 
choose  between  three  suitors,  business  genius 
George  Murphy,  zany,  poverty-stricken  Burgess 
Meredith  and  rich  Alan  Marshall.  Ginger  dreams 
of  her  future  with  each  and  her  dreams  are  price- 
less  fun.      You'll   love  it.      (Oct.) 

lumbia: Trite,  corny  and  uninspired  is  this  story  of 
a  night-club  press  agent,  Joan  Davis,  wdlo  substitutes 
her  roommates  Jinx  Falkenburg  and  Joan  Wood 
bury,  a  song  and  dance  team,  for  two  Cuban 
tainers  who  failed  to  arrive.    ()i  ihing 

gets  very  complicated.     (Di      I 

y  UNFINISHED  BUSINESS  —  Universal: 
You'll  undoubtedly  enjoy  this  gay  movie  about 
smalltown  girl  Irene  Dunne  who  meets  and  falls 
in  love  with  debonair  Preston  Foster  who  promptly 
forgets  her.  Out  of  spite  she  marries  his  brother, 
Rob,  it    Montgomery,   but   she  can't  forget    Fo  ter, 

who  is  the  outstanding  performer  of  this  picture. 

\S    111- 1  IN    IIAU.U  Century- 

Fox:  Frothy,  gay  and  tuneful  is  tin-  typical  Zanuck 
musical,  pleasing  to  the  cms  and  ears.  The 
featherweight    |  New   York   shop  girl   Alice 

Faye   enjoying    a    Havana    vacation    at    the 
i     .i      teamsni]      com]    ny     and    a    roman 
executive   John    Payne.      Carmen    Miranda's 
in     hoi  pepperish    .md    Cesar    Romero   is   her   flirta- 
tious manager.     (Dec.) 

l/V  WHEN  LADIES  MEET— M-G-M:  A  star 
studded  picture,  (his,  smart  and  entertaining. 
Robert  Taylor  is  in  love  with  authoress  Joan  Craw- 
ford who  is  in  love  with  publisher  Herbert  Marshall 
who  is  married  to  Greer  Garson  with  obvioi 
plications.  Both  (he  girls  do  splendid  jobs,  but  Bob 
Taylor  walks  away   with  every   scene.      (Nov.) 

1/   WHISTLING    I\     i  ill'     DARK  M-G  M 

M  G  M's  new  priz<  comedian  Red  Skelton  is  intro- 
duced to  you  in  this  comedy,  and   Skelton  proves 

himself    a     prize     indeed     as     (he    radio    crim 
writer   who's    kidnapped   by    Conrad    Veidt    in   order 

a  perfi    i  ■  nine   for  Mr.  Veidt.     U 
we  admit,  but  it's  funny  and  gay.    (Nov.) 

WILD  GLV.SI  CALLING— 20th  Century-Fox: 
Henry  Fonda  is  the  boy  with  wanderlust  who 
mills  Joan  Bennett,  waterfron!  chorus  girl,  and 
marries  her.  But  he  follows  disreputable  Warren 
William  to  Alaska  and  meets  disillusionment  before 
he  finally  finds  contentment.  It's  slow  and  aimless 
and  dull,  and  loan  Benmtt  is  thoroughly  miscast. 

WORLD  PREMIERE— Paramount:  John  Barry 
more  is  a  movie  producer  who  takes  the  cast  of 
his  movie,  including  Ricardo  Cortez  as  the  star 
and  Virginia  Dale  the  heroine,  to  Washington  for 
the  world  premiere.  A  couple  of  saboteurs  ^r: 
mixed  up  with  the  troupe,  but  Barrymore  happily 
believes  it  all  a  publicity  stunt.  It  should  be  funny, 
but   it  turns  out   to  be  very  unfunny.      (Nov.) 

\/  YANK  IN  THE  R.A.F..  A— 20th  Century  Fox: 
An  exciting  and  timely  show,  with  Tyrone  Power 
as  the  fearless,  cocky  American  who  joins  the 
R.A.F.  and  woos  night-club  dancer  Betty  Grable  on 
the  side.  The  scenes  in  the  R.A.F.  provide  tre- 
mendous interest,  and  Reggie  Gardiner  and  lolm 
Sutton   are  very   good.     (Dec.) 


All  that  glitters  is  not  gold;  sometimes 
it's  tinsel,  as  is  the  case  of  Christmas 
Girl  Constance  Moore.  That  gleam  in 
her  eyes  probably  came  from  being 
gifted  with  presents  like  those  wished 
for     by     Laraine     Day     on     page     34 


btaJi  vwAb 



Gray's  Nut-Brown  Red  harmonized 
make-up.  Brown-red  lipstick,  nail 
polish,  rouge,  harmonized  box  of 
face    powder — all    for    only    $2.50. 


girl  who  has  everything,  a  sterling 
hand-etched  bracelet  bearing  her 
signature  in  her  own  handwriting. 
Found   at   B.  Altman,   N.  Y.,   $7.50. 

FOR  BOTH  OF  THEM:  Yardley's 
Combination  Gift  Set  makes  an 
ideal  present  for  the  married  couples 
on  your  list  since  both  of  them  will 
want  to  use  it.  Priced  at  $3.35  the  set. 

JUST  PICTURE  IT:  Even  beginners 
take  perfect  indoor  shots  with  East- 
man's new  camera — Brownie  Reflex 
Synchro  Model.  May  be  used  with  or 
without  flash  attachment.  About  $9. 

DESK  DECOR:  Farragut  Lamp  for 
nautical  readers  $2.50;  Anchor 
bookends  with  a  sea-going  air  $2.50; 
Three  Anchors  ashtray  $  I  a  pair. 
Chase     Brass     &     Copper     Co. 


FOR  HIM:  He'll  wear  his  initials 
with  pride  if  you  give  him  Artisto- 
gram's  gold-plated  cuff  links  by 
Swank.  They  cost  $1.50  a  pair  at 
leading  stores  or  Wanamaker's,  N.  Y. 

Things   I   Wish   Men 
Would    Do 

(Continued  from  page  44)  as  men  are 
to  the  unfair  skin  and  rundown  heels  the 
ads  are  constantly  reminding  us  about. 
They  want  us  to  be  fastidious — why  not 
return  the  compliment?  It's  like  the  re- 
mark May  Robson  once  made  about 
Douglas  Fairbanks  Jr.  '"He  could  be  a 
castaway  on  a  desert  island  and  he'd  still 
honor  any  co-castaways  with  his  neat- 
ness .  .  .  even  if  he  had  to  de-whisker 
with  a  pickax!" 

My  next  wish  has  to  do  with  the  mem- 
ory of  an  evening  a  group  of  us  enjoyed 
so  immensely — when  Charles  Boyer  or- 
dered dinner.  Perhaps  it's  because  he  has 
a  Frenchman's  flair  for  fine  food  but 
everything  about  the  meal  was  so  right. 
If  only  all  men  had  the  same  knack! 
"What  if  the  earth  is  topsy-turvy,"  said 
a  fellow-guest,  "there's  no  moratorium 
on  good  cheer  and  good  eating  while 
Charles  is   around!" 

Fourth  Wish:  That  men  would  show 
more  appreciation  and  not  take  for 
granted  everything  you  do  to  please 
them.  It's  funny  about  women.  Nothing 
is  too  difficult  for  them  if  a  man  really 
values  what  they  do.  There's  an  old 
couple  living  in  the  Valley,  for  example, 
who  have  never  had  much  money.  But 
contentment  rests  in  that  place  almost 
visibly.  "In  all  the  years  we've  been 
married,"  the  wife  told  me  one  day  when 
I  stopped  to  get  eggs  from  them,  "he's 
never  forgotten  to  say  'thank  you.'  No 
matter  how  small  the  thing  is  I  do  for 
him.  I've  worked  hard  in  my  time.  But  I 
never  minded  because  he  appreciated  so 
much  what  I  did."  And  that's  the  answer 
to  a  lot  of  happiness  for  a  woman. 

I  WISH  men  would  take  the  trouble  to 
■  grow  up.  In  their  ideas,  their  customs. 
There  may  be  a  certain  boyish  appeal 
about  the  perennial  sophomore,  but  no 
girl  wants  to  spend  the  rest  of  her  life 
being  his  rooting  section!  He's  bounded 
on  the  north  by  the  stock  market  and  on 
the  other  three  sides  by  golf,  poker  and 
the  paper.  That  is  as  far  as  his  vision 
goes,  until  he  decides  to  be  adult.  Then 
he  looks  beyond  himself  and  discovers 
the  world! 

Wish  No.  6  depends  on  a  man's  being 
mentally  matured.  (If  he  isn't,  it's  just  a 
waste  of  time!)  This  is  it:  That  he'd 
go  on  the  assumption  that  women  have 
an  opinion  of  their  own,  especially  on 
outside  affairs  of  importance.  Such  as 
Fredric  March  does,  for  example.  At  a 
reception  recently,  a  politician  and  his 
wife  were  talking  to  Freddy.  That  is,  the 
politician  was  talking  until  Freddy  ma- 
neuvered the  conversation  around  so  the 
wife  had  a  chance.  He  drew  her  out, 
listened  attentively.  What  she  had  to  say 
was  brilliant  and  thought-provoking.  Her 
husband  heard  her  with  amazement. 
"Why,  those  are  good  ideas,"  he  admitted. 
"And  I  never  knew  you  had  'em!" 

"You  never  bothered  to  find  out!"  she 

Perhaps  it  all  sums  up  in  the  seventh 
wish — to  have  the  whole  male  contingent 
put  chivalry  back  on  earth.  Most  men 
act  as  if  they  had  the  vitality  of  a  ven- 
triloquist's dummy  when  it  comes  to 
everyday  acts  of  courtesy.  Taking  off 
their  hats,  rising  when  you  enter  a  room, 
offering  to  light  your  cigarette  and  re- 
membering to  open  and  shut  a  car  door. 
They'll  ask  you  to  dance  when  they  can't 
dance — except  on  your  feet.  After  all,  it 
isn't  the  dragons  a  man  slays  that  matter. 
It's  the  little  things  he  does  that  make 
a  girl  want  to  keep  her  nose  powdered! 
The  End 

photoplay  combined  u-ith  movie  mirror 

(Continued  jroin  page  54)  We  would 
have  fun  when  she  got  back.  It  wouldn't 
even  matter  if  we  didn't  eat.  Just  so 
she  was  here.  There  was  no  night  with 
Jill  and  no  darkness.  You  can  love  a 
woman  and  it's  like  that.  I  love  every- 
thing about  her.  She'd  come  in  and  I'd 
laugh.  I'd  say,  "Hello,  honey.  Gee,  you 
look  swell,  honey!" 

I  sat  down  on  the  bed  and  laid  the  cards 
out  in  a  game  of  solitaire.  But  I  couldn't 
play.  It  was  getting  late.  Where  was 
she?  I  got  up  and  went  to  the  window. 
Where   are   you,  Jill? 

I  could  stand  it  no  longer  and  I  left  the 
apartment  and  went  out  on  the  street. 
The  main  avenue  was  a  quarter  of  a  block 
up  and  this  street  was  dark  and  empty. 
I  leaned  against  a  big  palm  tree. 

I  stood  there  very  quietly  against  the 
tree.  I  don't  know  how  long  I  was  there. 
Suddenly  I  was  aware  that  a  car  had 
slid  up  to  the  curb  and  stopped.  It  was 
a  radio  patrol  car! 

The  cops  in  it  didn't  see  me  there  in 
the  dark.  They  were  staring  into  the 
court.  My  heart  began  to  hammer.  Why 
were  they  here?    What  were  they  doing? 

The  cops  didn't  even  glance  my  way. 
I  began  to  make  out  what  they  were 

"See  anything?" 

"No.  This  is  a  pain  in  the  neck — hav- 
ing to  check  back  here  every  hour." 


"They  had  a  detective  in  there  until 
six  o'clock.  If  he  was  coming  back  he'd 
have  been  back  before  then." 


"Like  the  girl  said — he  must  have 
shipped  aboard  that  foreign  tanker  that 
left  last  night." 

"Yeah.  He  was  the  kind  of  a  heel  that'd 
do  that — take  a  powder  on  the  girl.  Say 
— the  lights  are   on   in  that   apartment!" 

"He  must  have  come  back.    Come  on!" 

They  piled  out  of  the  car  and  rushed 
into  the  court.  Sweat  was  rolling  off 
my  body  and  for  a  moment  I  couldn't 
move.  Jill's  arrested!  Jill's  arrested!  I 
heard  it  over  and  over.  It  was  a  scream- 
ing that   echoed  in  my  head. 

I  BEGAN  to  run.  I  ran  up  the  street, 
■  cut  through  back  yards.  I  ran  down 
another  street,  then  I  got  into  an  alley. 
In  the  alley  I  stopped  running. 

I  walked.  I  walked  along  the  dark 
streets  and  on  the  bright  ones.  I  walked 
through  the  park  on  Ocean  Avenue  and 
sat  under  the  city  lights.  In  a  big  wire 
trash  barrel  I  found  a  newspaper. 

The  headlines  were  big  and  black.  Jill 
Lynn  arrested.  Police  close  in  on  fugi- 
tive hide-out.  The  paper  said  I  had  de- 
serted Jill  last  night  and  gone  to  sea  on  a 
tanker  bound  for  Brazil. 

I  read  all  the  details  carefully.  The  po- 
lice had  worked  on  the  theory  that  we 
were  somewhere  in  Long  Beach.  First 
they  had  painstakingly  checked  all  re- 
cent hotel  registrations.  This  job  alone 
had  taken  almost  three  days.  After  that 
they  had  begun  checking  tenants  who  had 
rented  apartments  recently.  They  had 
third-class  detectives  all  over  town  do- 
ing this  and  in  the  course  of  the  sur- 
vey one  of  them  had  come  to  our 

Jill  had  been  calm.  The  paper  report- 
ed her  only  emotion  had  been  one  of 
bitterness.  The  money  had  run  out  and 
I  had  left  her.  The  woman  scorned.  She 
was  apparently  ready  to  talk.  They 
played  that  up  big. 

She  was  to  be  charged  with  aiding  the 
escape  of  a  fugitive  from  justice,  and 
assault  with  intent  to  kill  on  an  officer 
of  the  law! 

That  was  Ed  Cornell's  touch.  He  knew 

JANUARY,    1942 

I  Wake  Up  Screaming! 

as  well  as  I  did  that  she  hadn't  intended 
to  kill  him! 

There  were  pictures  of  the  corduroy 
skirt  and  the  sweater  which  were  of  no 
material  value  and  had  been  left  for  the 
photographers.  The  tinfoil  I'd  seen  had 
been  from  an  exploded  flashlight  bulb! 

I  skipped  over  all  the  rest.  It  didn't 
matter  Jill  had  lied  to  protect  me.  She 
had  kept  her  head  and  put  on  a  wonder- 
ful show.     All  for  me! 

I  thought  of  Ed  Cornell.  The  way 
he  had  watched  me.  The  way  he  had 
tormented  me  for  weeks.  Now  he  was 
spewing  his  bitterness  on  Jill.  Assault— 
with  intent  to  kill! 

I  dropped  the  paper.  I  began  to  walk. 
I  was  cold  with  hatred.  I  was  scarcely 
conscious  of  anything  else.  I  was  going 
to  Los  Angeles.  I  was  going  to  steal  a 
car  from  a  parking  lot  and  go  to  Los 

I  HAD  parked  the  stolen  car  and  for  a 
'  long  time  I  stood  there  on  the  hill  and 
watched  Robin  Ray's  house. 

Then  I  moved  silently  across  the  road 
and  my  shadow  was  pale  in  the  moon- 
light. I  reached  the  side  of  the  house  and 
began  to  climb  up  along  the  stones.  I 
made  no  sound  at  all.  When  I  was  at  the 
window  I  slashed  down  at  the  screen 
with  a  jagged  piece  of  rock.  It  tore  and 
I  jammed  my  fist  in  and  unlatched  it. 

I  crawled  through  the  window  into  the 
room.  Robin  was  stirring  on  the  bed.  I 
grabbed  the  floor  lamp  and  put  it  on  di- 
rectly oyer  him,  so  it  would  show  down 
on  his  face.     He  was  waking  up. 

Burning  up  celluloid  in  Fox's  "Hot  Spot" 
are  Betty  Grable  and  Vic  Mature, 
performing  as  their  fiction  models, 
Jill  and  Peg,  of  Photoplay-Movie 
Mirror's     "I     Wake     Up     Screaming!" 

"Don't   move,"   I   said. 


"If  you  move  I'll  kill  you!" 

"Who  is  it?"  he  said. 

I  told  him. 

It  was  half  a  minute  before  it  hit  him. 
Then  he  was  wide  awake,  trying  to  look 
past  the  light  and  into  the  darkness  at 
me.  Robin  was  washed  out.  His  eyes 
were  bloodshot. 

"Mind  if  I  light  a  cigarette,  old  man?" 
he  said 

"You  won't  need  one." 

He  was  motionless. 

"I'm  going  to  ask  some  questions,"  I 

"Sure.     Go   ahead." 

"I  want  the  answers,  Robin!" 


He  was  rubbing  his  mottled  skin.  Ap- 
parently he  was  able  to  see  me  now. 

"That  day  of  the  murder,"  I  said,  "you 
picked  up  Vicky  Lynn  outside  her  agent's 
office  on  the  Sunset  Strip." 

"That's  right." 

"How  come  you  never  told  the  police?" 

"I  didn't  at  first  because  I  figured  it 
would  have  put  me  under  suspicion,  and 
it  would  have." 

"What  do  you  mean  by  at  first?" 

"They   found  out  later,"  he  said. 

"Who  found  out?" 

"Ed  Cornell." 

I  was  jarred.     "Then  you  told   him?" 

"I  didn't  have  to  tell  him — I  wish  you'd 
let  me  have  a  cigarette — he  found  out  by 
himself.  You  see,  Vicky  and  I  had  an 

"About  her  leaving  you?" 

"Yes.  She  was  tossing  me  over  for — 
for  you." 

"Go  on." 

"We  had  this  argument.  It  meant  a  lot 
to  me.  Publicity  angles  and  all  that." 
He  changed  to  the  other  elbow.  "I  lost 
my  head.  I  began  to  yell  at  her  and  I 
didn't  look  where  I  was  driving.  I  ran 
into  a  guy.  No  damage,  except  the  bump- 
er and  windshield.  The  windshield  shat- 
tered. Cornell  found  out  about  that  and 
deducted  the  rest." 

CD  CORNELL  had  never  told  me  this. 
I-  Yet  I  remembered  he  had  not  accused 
me  of  having  picked  her  up  on  Sunset — 
which  had  been  the  first  police  theory: 
He  had  stated  I  was  waiting  in  the  apart- 
ment when  she  came  in.  I  was  sick  that 
Cornell  was  so  far  ahead  of  me;  that 
these  things  which  I  had  figured  out  he 
had  known  weeks  ago!  It  was  like  a 
terrible  race  between  us. 

"You  didn't  hit  her  in  the  car — and  kill 

"Good  heavens,  no!"  Robin  said. 

"After   the   accident   what   happened?" 

"I  took  her  home.  She  didn't  have  the 
key  to  her  apartment.  She  said  she 
usually  got  a  passkey  from  the  boy  at 
the  desk.  But  the  switchboard  was 
jammed   and   the   boy   was   gone." 

"What  did  you  do?" 

"She  said  she  knew  a  way  to  get  in. 
We  went  upstairs,  then  out  on  the  fire  es- 
cape and  crawled  in  the  living-room  win- 

I  was  stunned.  His  explanation  was  as 
good  as  mine,  even  better.  "Go  on,"  I  said. 

"That's  all.  In  the  apartment  we 
argued  some  more — and  I  left." 

"Was  Harry  Williams  downstairs  when 
you  went  out?" 

"No — the  switchboard  was  empty." 

I  moved  a  little  closer.  "Isn't  it  true 
that  after  you  and  Vicky  were  in  the 
apartment  you  lost  your  temper  and  hit 
her?  You  hit  hex- — and  you  had  that  big 
metal  ring  on  your  finger.  I  haven't  seen 
the  ring  since." 

"Haven't  you?  Let  me  get  up  and  I'll 
get  it." 

"All  right." 

I  moved  back  and  he  got  out  of  bed, 
crossed  the  room  in  his  pajamas  and 
opened  a  dresser  drawer.  He  took  out 
the  ring  and  tossed  it  to  me. 

"If  I  killed  her  that'd  be  Exhibit  A— 
the  weapon  of  murder.  So — I  make  you 
a  gift  of  it!" 

I  turned  the  ring  over  in  my  hand. 

"Would  I  do  that,"  he  said,  "if  I  were 


I  couldn't  speak. 

"I  appreciate  what  you're  trying  to  ac- 
complish," he  said.  "Personally,  I  never 
did  think  you  were  guilty.  None  of  us 

I  started  for  the  window.  "I'm  sorry  I 
bothered  you." 

"It's  all  right.  Need  any  dough?" 

"I  could  use  some,"  I  said. 

Robin  picked  up  his  wallet,  flipped  it 
open  and  took  out  all  that  was  there.  It 
amounted  to  forty  dollars. 

"Good  luck,"  he  said. 

I  drove  the  car  down  around  the  hills 
and  on  to  Cahuenga.  I  kept  driving.  I 
meant  to  turn  back  but  I  kept  driving. 
San  Fernando  fell  behind  me.  The  car 
ate  up  the  black  asphalt  highway.  My 
mind  was  turning  the  whole  thing  over. 
There  were  two  of  Ed  Cornell's  clues 
that  bothered  me.  Vicky's  shoe  some- 
body had  stood  on  and  crushed.  The 
cigarette  that  had  been  smashed  out  in 
the  closet.  Somebody  had  been  hidden  in 
the  closet  when  she  and  Robin  came  in. 
Who?  It  had  narrowed  down  to  this. 
The  answer  of  this  one  question  con- 
tained the  solution.  I  was  suddenly  pos- 
sessed  with   the   notion   that   I   knew   it. 

THE  town  of  Doris  in  California  is  near 
'  the  state  line.  It  is  a  small  town,  and  in 
the  hotel  where  I  had  a  room  it  was  very 
hot.  But  I  didn't  spend  much  time  in  the 
hotel.  Through  the  long  days  I  stopped 
every  person  I  met  and  asked  endless 
questions.  I  didn't  look  at  newspapers. 
I  didn't  want  to  know  what  they  were 
doing  with  Jill.    I  couldn't  stand  to  know. 

At  the  end  of  the  first  week  I  found 

It  was  on  a  Saturday  night  and  it  was 
raining  very  hard.  He  lived  in  a  ranch 
house  ten  miles  out  of  town.  I  stood 
there  at  the  door  and  rapped  my  knuckles 
against  it.  After  a  long  time  the  door 
opened  and  a  woman  peered  out.  She 
was  withered,  but  very  hard,  with  sharp, 
ugly  little  eyes. 

"What  is  it  you  want?" 

"I  came  to  see  Bill  Hunter." 

"Who  are  you?" 

"I'm  a   friend   of  his  from  Doris." 

She  opened  the  door.  "Come  in,  then. 
He's  there  in  the  living  room." 

I  came  in  and  she  closed  the  door.  He 
was  sitting  next  to  an  open  fire.  He 
turned  and  looked  up  at  me. 

"Hello,  Harry   Williams,"   I  said. 

He  stared  at  me.  The  old  woman  was 
his  aunt  and  she  was  saying:  "William 
gets  in  a  lot  of  trouble  at  the  pool  room, 
don't  you,  William?"  She  talked  to  him 
as  though  he  were  not  quite  bright.  But 
suddenly  it  struck  her  that  I  had  spoken 
his  real  name,  and  she  turned  to  me. 

"What  did  you  call  him?" 

"Harry    Williams." 

"But  he's  not!     How  foolish!      He's — " 

Harry  Williams  was  on  his  feet.  The 
big  yellow  eyes  behind  the  thick-lens 
glasses  were  horrible. 

"Harry,  who  is  this  man?"  she  de- 

"He's  from  Hollywood,"  Williams  said 

I  watched  him.  "You  killed  Vicky, 
didn't   you?" 

He  didn't  speak. 

"It  was  like  this,"  I  said.  "When  Lanny 
Craig  left — you  went  back  into  the  apart- 
ment to  wait  for  Vicky." 

"Yeah,"  he  said. 

"But  you  saw  her  coming  in  through 
the  fire  escape  and  Robin  was  with  her. 
You  weren't  supposed  to  be  hanging 
around  in  her  apartment  and  you  got 
scared.  It  was  too  late  to  make  a  break 
for  the  door — they'd  have  seen  you.  So 
you  beat  it  into  the  bedroom.  You  hid 
in  the  closet!  You  smoked  a  cigarette  in 
there  and  stood  on  one  of  her  shoes." 


"Yeah — yeah." 

"You  heard  her  and  Robin  arguing. 
You  heard  the  door  slam  when  Robin 
left.     You  came  out  of  the  closet — " 

"CTAND   clear,   Harry!" 

^    I  turned.  The  old  woman  had  a  shot- 
gun  leveled  at  me.      Harry   saw  it. 

"No!     Don't!     I'm  not  afraid." 

She  lowered  the  gun  but  it  was  still 
pointed  at  me. 

"Go  on,"  Harry  Williams  said.  "When 
you're  through — there's  something  I  want 
to  say." 

"You  came  out  of  the  closet.  Vicky 
saw  you  and  screamed." 


"You  were  in  love  with  her.  You  knew 
she'd  signed  a  movie  contract — was  going 
to  leave  the  apartment — " 

He  nodded;   now  he  began  to  talk. 

"Yeah.  She  screamed,  and  yelled  at 
me  to  get  out.  Her  screaming  got  me 
excited.      I  went  a   little   crazy   maybe — 

Latest  figures  on  the  Broadway  strip- 
teaser  Ann  Corio:  She's  making  news 
in  the  newest  Producers  Releasing  Cor- 
poration    picture,     "Swamp    Woman" 

listen,  here's  what  I  told  her — I  swear  I 
said,  'Vicky,  you're  going  away.  I  want 
just  one  little  kiss!'  That's  what  I  said." 
He  was  almost  sobbing.  "I  only  wanted 
one  little  kiss!     But  she  kept  screaming. 

"I  had  that  big  iron  key  ring,"  he  went 
on,  "the  ring  with  passkeys;  I  had  it 
in  my  hand.  I  don't  know  what  hap- 
pened. I  must  have  hit  her.  She  went 
limp  in  my  arms.  Her  eyes  fluttered 
closed.  I  ran  out  of  the  apartment.  I 
got  a  freight  train — I  came  back  here  to 
Doris.  They  hid  me.  We  changed  my 
name.    You  see — you  see — " 

The  old  lady  slammed  the  shotgun 
down  across  the  table.  She  wasn't  going 
to  use  it.    "Harry,  you're  a  fool!" 

"What's  the  difference?"  he  said.  "The 
cops  figured  this  all  out.  They  just  said 
lay  low  and  don't  talk  about  the  murder. 
They  understood  how  it  was.  This  guy'll 
understand,  too — " 

"What  was  it  you  said?" 

"I  said  the  cops,  they — " 


"Well,  no — just  one  detective,  by  him- 
self. I  suppose  he  told  the  others  how  it 
was.      He    was    a    guy    from    L.A..    this 

detective.    His  name  was — " 

It  was  noon.  In  Los  Angeles  the  traffic 
was  thick  on  the  streets  and  the  side- 
walks were  crowded  with  people.  I  was 
in  an  old  hotel.  I  knocked  at  the  door 
of  a  room.    Then  I  went  in. 

Ed  Cornell  looked  up. 

"Hello,   Operator   Thirteen,"   I   said. 

He  wore  white  pajamas.  In  the  shadow 
that  fell  across  the  room  from  the  win- 
dow his  face  was  long  and  evil.  He  had 
cards  laid  out  in  a  game  of  solitaire.  His 
face  was  jaundiced,  sickly — and  I  knew 
somehow  that  he  was  on  his  last  legs. 

There  were  six  different  pictures  of 
Vicky  around  the  walls.  They  were  large- 
size.  In  four  of  them  she  seemed  to  be 
looking  at  you.    I  felt  cold. 

I  remembered  all  the  things  Ed  Cor- 
nell had  said.  Harry  Williams  couldn't 
be  guilty.  Jealousy  was  the  only  strong 
motive.  Jealousy.  Rank,  bitter  hatred. 
The  blind  obsession  of  a  man  about  to  die. 
With  each  day  his  hatred  for  me  had 
grown.    It  was  very  clear  now. 

For  weeks  he  alone  had  been  fully 
aware  of  the  fact  that  Harry  Williams 
was  the  murderer! 

It  didn't  matter!  He  arrested  me  for 
the  murder  while  Williams'  confession 
still  rang  in  his  ears!  He  knew  what  he 
was  doing.  It  was  not  the  law  I  was 
fleeing — but  him.  He  had  trumped 
up  a   case,  manufactured  evidence. 

And  all  the  time  he  knew  that  Harry 
Williams  was  guilty. 

It  was  only  in  the  very  beginning  that 
he  must  have  honestly  believed  I  was 
the  killer.  He  was  too  good  a  detective 
to  hold  that  opinion  long. 

I  HAD  heard  Vicky  say  months  ago  that 
'  Harry  Williams  had  complained  about 
his  job  and  said  he  could  always  get  em- 
ployment in  Doris,  California.  He  was 
not  overly  bright  but  he  realized  that  the 
police  would  find  his  home  address  with- 
out   difficulty. 

The  place  in  Doris  was  an  ace  up  his 
sleeve;  and  this  only  because  his  cousin 
had  recently  dropped  him  a  card  to  the 
effect  that  fruit  pickers  were  needed  up 
there.  Probably  a  hundred  such  cards 
were  sent  out  to  every  address  the  cousin 
could  find.  When  the  fruit  is  ripe,  or  a 
week  or  so  earlier,  certain  ranchers  do 
this.  But  for  Harry  Williams  it  was 
obscurity.  He  went  to  Doris,  was  wel- 
comed by  a  shrewd,  mean  and  lonely 
old  woman. 

Ed  Cornell,  with  only  one  possible  clue 
— the  post  card  from  Harry's  cousin, 
which  might  have  been  left  in  his  room 
the  night  he  fled — had  journeyed  alone  to 
Doris,  discovered  Harry  without  diffi- 
culty, and  heard  his  confession.  And  for 
what  must  have  been  the  first  time  in 
Cornell's  life — turned  his  back  on  a  mur- 

Cornell  gambled  on  the  chance  that  no 
one  else  would  ever  find  Williams.  At 
least,  until  after  I'd  been  hanged.  If  he 
was  discovered  then — by  accident  some 
day — it  was  of  no  importance.  Ed  Cornell 
knew  that  his  own  days  were  numbered 
and  he  cared  nothing  for  the  fact  that  it 
would  be  revealed  he  had  deliberately 
sent  an  innocent  man  to  the  gallows.  But 
he  wanted  first  the  satisfaction  of  seeing 
me  hang.  His  was  the  most  fantastic 
game  in  the  world:  he  wanted  to  commit 
a  legal  murder! 

Even  now.  with  my  appearance  in  this 
room,  he  labored  under  the  impression 
that  his  plans  were  moving  with  flaw- 
less precision.  He  imagined  that  he  had 
cornered  me — that  I  was  in  a  trap  from 
which     there     was     no     possible     escape. 

He  laid  the  card  down  now.  He  sat 
very  still.  I  heard  the  sound  of  the 
clock:  and  I  could  hear  the  downtown 
traffic.     He      (Continued     on     paae     t'4 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

The  Light  of  Freedom 

Strange  and  prophetic,  the  words  of  Sir  Edward 
Grey,  and  full  of  meaning  for  Americans. 

For  the  lamps  of  America  are  not  going  out  —  now 
or  ever.  The  lights  of  America  must  continue  to  shine, 
not  only  as  a  symbol  of  our  own  freedom,  but  as  a 
beacon  of  encouragement  to  those  countries  whose 
lights  have  —  temporarily  —  been  blacked  out  by  the 
totalitarian  scourge  that  threatens  so  much  of  the  world. 

For  two  years,  we  have  urged  all  America  to  unite 
in  a  Night  of  Light  on  Christmas  Eve  as  a  symbol  ot 
our  belief  in  the  permanence  of  the  Light  of  Free- 
dom that  we  in  this  country  enjoy. 

For  two  years,  Governors  and  Mayors  have  issued 
proclamations,  patriotic  organizations  of  all  kinds 
and  descriptions  have  given  it  their  backing. 

For  two  years  America  has  been  a  blaze  of  light 
on  Christmas  Eve. 

This  year,  more  than  ever  before,  it  is  important  that 
we  Americans  re-examine  our  beliefs;  rededicate  our- 
selves to  the  traditions  that  made  us  and  the  tasks 
that  confront  us. 

So  again  we  ask,  as  a  means  ot  symbolizing  our  belief 
in  the  light  of  freedom  and  democracy,  that  we  light 
every  lamp  in  America  on  Christmas  Ei>e.  Doing  this 
depends  on  everyone — on  you,  and  you,  and  you. 

Will  you,  whether  you  can  light  a  single  candle 
or  throw  the  master  switch  of  a  whole  factory, 
Will  you  turn  on  the  lights? 

Will    you,   if  you    live   in    a    community  ivhere 
defense    requirements     make     this    inadvisable, 

Will  you  light  at  least  one  lamp  to  join  in 

spirit  in  this  symbol  of  freedom  1 

The  lights  of  America  must  never  go  out.  Will  you 
turn  on  yours  this  Christmas  Eve? 

JANUARY,    1942 


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(Continued  from  page  62)  spoke,  as 
though  he  were  talking  to  the  cards. 

"Come  to  give  yourself  up.  I  suppose 
you  want  to  make  a  deal — you'll  sur- 
render if  I  let  the  girl  go."  He  looked 
at  me  coldly.    "Well,  it's  no  good!" 

I  did  not  move. 

"You'll  excuse  me  if  I  don't  get  up," 
he  said.  "The  doctor's  got  me  in  bed. 
But  you  wouldn't  be  interested,  would 

"I  was  talking  to  Harry  Williams,"  I 

His  face  was  expressionless.  But  his 
eyes  went  chill. 

"I  heard  the  confession,"  I  said,  "and 
you  heard  it — weeks  ago,  and  yet — "  I 
could  feel  Vicky's  eyes  staring  down. 
"You  were  still  determined  to  hang  me." 

The  room  was  silent.  He  began  mixing 
the  cards.  Suddenly  he  leapt  from  the 
bed  and  toward  a  table.  I  grabbed  him 
and  slammed  him  back  across  the  bed. 
The  moment  he  fell  he  was  seized  with 
a  fit  of  coughing.  He  lay  there,  that 
cough  racking  his  throat.  His  police  gun 
was  on  the  table.  He  hadn't  reached  it. 
i   didn't  go  near   it. 


"Nothing,"  I  said.  "There's  no  words. 
It's  over.  I'm  released.  The  game  be- 
tween us  is  finished." 

He  just  watched  me.  I  turned.  One 
by  one  I  ripped  the  pictures  of  Vicky 
from  off  the  wall.  I  tore  them  into  bits. 
Then  I  leaned  back  against  the  dresser. 
I  was   breathing   hard. 

His  eyes  dropped.  He  looked  at  his 
hands.  He  was  sitting  on  the  edge  of  the 
bed,  his  pajamas  hanging  loose  on  his 
thin  body. 

"Call  the  D.A.,"  he  said.  "Tell  him  to 
come  over  here." 

|_j  OW  do  you  say  The  End?  What  are 
'  '  the  words  you  use?  For  there  is  no 
end,  really.  There  are  simply  episodes,  and 
all  of  the  episodes  put  together  make  one 
lifetime.  It's  rather  wonderful!  I  re- 
member I  could  not  end  the  first  play  I 
wrote  because  I  felt  the  drama  was  but 
a  particle  of  the  Jives  of  the  people  in  it, 
and  they  should  go  on.    I  cannot  end  this. 

Ed  Cornell  told  the  whole  story  to  the 
District  Attorney  and  Jill  was  released. 
Ed  Cornell  did  not  elaborate. 

He  offered  no  excuse  for  himself,  £.  .d 
I  made  no  charge  against  him.  Two 
weeks  ago  he  died  of  tuberculosis  in  a 
sanitarium  in  Arizona.  Harry  Williams 
was  arrested  in  Doris,  California,  and 
sentenced    to    life    in    San    Quentin. 

So  the  end  did  not  come  violently. 
It  was  all  gradual.  The  Williams  trial. 
The  death  of  Cornell.  And  that  day  in 
Santa  Barbara  when  Jill  and  I  were  mar- 
ried in  an  old  Spanish  mission.  There 
are  so  many  things!  The  opening  of  my 
first  picture,  "Winter  In  Paris,"  and  the 
nice  house  beside  the  sea  where  Jill  and 
I  live.  All  of  these  things  have  become 
reality,  but  if  this  were  a  screen  play 
I  think  I'd  go  back — back  to  that  day 
Cornell  confessed — and  write  the  fade- 
out  with  the  scene  of  Jill's  release  from 

It  was  late  afternoon,  and  the  sun  shone 
dimly  on  the  gray  stone  steps.  Pigeons 
strutted  up  and  down,  and  people  were 
coming  and  going.  Jill  came  out,  wearing 
a  green  skirt  that  was  tight  on  her  hips. 
and  the  sandals  with  red  cork  heels.  She 
came  down   the  steps,  and  she  saw  me. 

"Why,  darling,"  she  said,  "you've 

I  was  holding  her  in  my  arms  then  and 
it  was  very  hard  for  me  to  speak.  I  just 
held  her  close,  and  finally  I  said: 

"Hello,  mommy!" 

The  End. 

photoplay  combined   u-ith   movie  mirror 


Close  Ups  and  Long  Shots 

(Continued  jrom  page  4)  life  of  the 
average  human  society  .  .  .  and  then 
Douglas  confounds  them  by  not  agreeing 
with  them  at  all.  .  .  . 

"I'm  not  sure  I'm  doing  the  right  thing 
by  Hollywood,"  he  says  ...  "I  incline 
toward  believing  that  the  public  prefers 
to  think  of  its  stars  as  supernatural,  un- 
real beings,  set  apart  in  every ;  way  .  .  . 
maybe  that  is  really  an  actor's  mission 
in  life  ...  to  supply  dream  pictures  and 
appearances  .  .  .  but  for  me,  personally, 
I've  got  to  help  out  in  these  awful 
days.  .  .  ." 

Having  seen  the  new  box-office  fig- 
ures for  the  major  portion  of  the  year 
1940  ...  it  throws  all  Hollywood  .  .  . 
but  worst  of  all  Paramount  ...  to  see 
Miss  Betty  Grable  in  the  list  of  the  first 
box-office  ten  .  .  .  Betty's  too  forthright 
to  be  called  a  glamour  girl  .  .  .  too  curva- 
ceous to  be  called  a  dramatic  artiste  .  .  . 
too  cute  to  be  called  artistic  .  .  .  but 
there  she  is,  bringing  in  that  folding 
money.  .  .  . 

And  when  they  talk  of  Grable  these 
nights,  they  automatically  talk  of  Alice 
Faye  .  .  .  for  with  Alice's  retirement  from 
acting  for  a  year  in  which  to  have  her 
first  child  .  .  .  Grable  not  only  auto- 
matically becomes  queen  of  the  Twen- 
tieth Century  lot  .  .  .  but  queen  of 
Hollywood's  musical  comedies  .  .  .  they 
speak  with  amused  admiration  of  Grable 
and  her  success  .  .  .  but  when  inner 
Hollywood  talks  of  Alice,  they  talk  with 
tenderness.  .  .  . 

For  now  it  can  be  told  that  there  never 
has  really  been  a  time  in  all  her  movie 
days  that  Alice  has  been  quite  happy 
.  .  .  with  the  possible  exception  of  the 
first  few  months  she  knew  Tony  Martin 
.  .  .  she  attained  stardom  .  .  .  she  at- 
tained wealth  .  .  .  but  within  her  soul, 
Alice  was  always  troubled  and  lonely 
and  miserable.  .  .  . 

The  demands  of  her  career  always  con- 
fused her  .  .  .  interviews  frightened  her 
.  .  .  strangers  terrorized  her  .  .  . 

So  inside  Hollywood  isn't  absolutely 
sure  that  she  will  even  come  back  to  the 
screen  after  her  baby  is  born  .  .  .  she's 
wildly  happy  now,  married  to  Phil  Har- 
ris. .  .  . 

Thus  speaking  of  love,  they  think  of 
the  Gables  .  .  .  and  they  speculate  about 
Carole  Lombard  .  .  .  Carole  Lombard  in 
search  of  a  picture  .  .  .  vivid,  dynamic 
Carole  who  was  so  sure  that  what  she 
wanted  was  what  the  public  wanted,  too 
.  .  .  and  who  then  had  the  misfortune 
...  or  the  miscalculation  ...  to  get  three 
flops  in  a  row  .  .  .  today  her  health  is 
poor  .  .  .  she  looks  constantly  tired  and 
overstrained  .  .  .  yet  you  see  her  fran- 
tically reading  books,  plays,  original 
scripts  .  .  .  and  Hollywood  wonders  and 
wonders  .  .  .  she  should  be  so  happy  .  .  . 
the  price  on  some  careers  runs  very 
high  .  .  .  and  Carole  is  too  exciting,  too 
stimulating  for  Hollywood  to  want  her 
to  pay  too  high  a  price.  .  .  . 

But  it  is  a  changing  Hollywood  when 
even  the  inner  ring  will  consider  that  it 
might  be  wise  to  give  up  a  career  .  .  . 
as  Alice  Faye  may  ...  as  Stirling  Hay- 
den  has  .  .  .  and  it  is  a  changing  Holly- 
wood when  it  is  voluntarily  put  aside 
as  Douglas  Fairbanks  has  put  it  aside  "for 
the  duration"  .  .  .  and  it  is  a  wonderful 
Hollywood  when  a  picture  can  be  both 
artistic  and  commercial  as  "How  Green 
Was  My  Valley"  certainly  is  .  .  .  and 
when  it  comes  to  the  Bioff  case.  .  .  . 

Well,  what  Hollywood  says  about  that 
one  I  can't  tell  you  ...  as  much  as  I 
wish  I  could  ...  I  can't  tell  you  through 
the  pages  of  a  friendly  family  magazine 
.  .  .  ah,  no,  indeedy.  .  .  . 
The  End. 

JANUARY,    1942 


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They  were  all  in  there  rooting  for  the  team:  Ed  Keller,  the 
most  football-minded  alumnus  and  trustee,  Patricia  and  Michael 
Barnes.  Tommy  was  conspicuous  by  his  absence,  but  then, 
Tommy    thought     football     was     sometimes     a     waste     of     time 

The  Male  Animal 

(Continued  from  page  41)  did  not  want 
to  talk  to  Tommy  about  the  professor- 
ship. They  found  him  in  his  study,  look- 
ing grave.  With  him  was  Michael 
Barnes,  senior  and  editor  of  the  student 
body's  quarterly  Literary  Magazine.  The 
Turners  knew  Michael  well:  he  was  the 
rival  of  Wally  Myers,  the  reigning  star 
of  the  Midwestern  team,  for  the  affec- 
tions of  Patricia,  Ellen's  sister.  At  the 
moment  he  was  very  glum. 

"What's  the  matter?"  Tommy  asked. 

"Michael  has  written  another  of  his 
fiery  editorials,"  Dr.  Damon  said,  waving 
a  magazine  in  the  air.  "This  is  the 
Literary  Magazine,  which  comes  out  to- 
morrow. Perhaps,  to  save  time,  I  should 
read  the  editorial  aloud.  'When  this  so- 
called  University  forces  such  men  out 
of  its  faculty  as  Professor  Kennedy,  Pro- 
fessor Sykes  and  Professor  Chapman, 
because  they  have  been  ignorantly  called 
Reds,  it  surrenders  its  right  to  be  called 
a  seat  of  learning.  It  admits  that  it  is 
nothing  more  or  less  than  a  training 
school  for  bond  salesmen,  farmers,  real- 
estate  dealers  and  ambulance  chasers.  It 
announces  to  the  world  that  its  faculty 
is  subservient.  .  .  .'  " 

"Oh,  I  didn't  mean  you,  of  course,  Dr. 
Damon,"  Michael  said  hastily. 

" '.  .  .  to  its  trustees,  and  that  its 
trustees  represent  a  political  viewpoint 
which  is  sheer  Fascism.  Those  professors 
were  not  Reds.  They  were  distinguished 
liberals.  Let  us  thank  God  that  we  still 
have  one  man  left  who  is  going  ahead 
teaching  what  he  believes  should  be 
taught.' " 

THE   Dean   paused.     Tommy   lit   a   cig- 
arette   and    said    interestedly,    "Who's 

Instead  of  answering,  the  Dean  con- 
tinued reading:  "  'He  is  not  afraid  to 
bring  up  even  the  Sacco-Vanzetti  case. 
He  is  going  to  read  to  his  classes  on  the 
same  day  Vanzetti's  last  statement  and 
Lincoln's  letter  to  Mrs.  Bixby.  The 
hounds  of  bigotry   and   reaction   will,   of 


course,  be  set  upon  the  trail  of  this 
courageous  teacher,  but  they  will  find 
him  brave  as  a  tigress — '  Is  that  a  mis- 
print, Michael?" 

"Yes,  sir,"  Michael  said. 

"  'Our  hats  are  off  to  Professor  Thomas 
Turner  of  the  English  Department.' " 

"Michael,"  Tommy  said  sharply,  "I 
think  you  might  have  consulted  me  about 

"I — "  Michael  began,  but  Ellen  inter- 
rupted him.  "You  never  told  me  you 
were  going  to  bring  up  the  Sacco- 
Vanzetti  case   in  your  classes,   Tommy." 

"I  wasn't.  I  was  going  to  read  that 
letter  because  it's  a  fine  piece  of  English 
composition  and  I'm  teaching  a  class  in 
English  composition." 

CLLEN  said  reproachfully,  "Did  you 
*-  want  to  get  Tommy  kicked  out  of 
school,  Michael?" 

"No.  I  didn't  think  of  that,"  Michael 
admitted.  "I  thought  he  was  about  the 
only  man  we  had  left  who  would  read 
whatever  he  wanted  to  to  his  classes. 
I  thought  he  was  the  one  man  who  would 
stand  up  to  these  stadium  builders." 

"I'm  not  standing  up  to  anyone,  Mich- 
ael," Tommy  said  miserably.  "I'm  not 
challenging  anyone.  This  is  just  an  inno- 
cent little  piece  I  wanted  to  read." 

"I'm  afraid  you'll  have  to  deny  you 
ever  intended  to  read  it,"  the  Dean  said 
regretfully.  "With  Ed  Keller  and  the 
rest  of  the  trustees  rather  upset,  at  the 
moment,  over  the  late  presence  of — er — 
Reds — in  the  faculty.  .  .  ." 

"Of  course  Tommy'll  deny  it,"  Ellen 
said.  But  she  remembered,  later,  that 
he  didn't,  just  then,  confirm  that  state- 

The  interview  with  Dr.  Damon  cast  a 
pall  over  the  evening  for  Tommy  and 
Ellen — and  for  Ellen's  sister  Patricia,  too, 
when  she  heard  of  it.  Times  like  this, 
when  Michael  Barnes'  tendency  to  take 
himself  and  the  world  too  seriously 
landed  him  in  trouble  with  the  author- 
ities, made  Patricia  think  she  preferred 

Wally  Myers,  who  took  only  football 

Still,  the  cocktail  party  went  off  well 
enough — up  to  a  point.  Joe  Ferguson  ar- 
rived first,  driving  a  long,  low-slung 
limousine.  And  he  was  just  the  same, 
Ellen  thought.  He  hadn't  changed  a  bit. 
He  roared  when  he  saw  her: 

"Ellen!  How  are  you,  baby?  Boy,  you 
look  great!"  And  he  threw  his  arms 
around  her,  whirled  her  off  her  feet  in 
a  wide  circle. 

"Joe!  You  fool!  Put  me  down!"  Ellen 
shrieked,  laughing,  just  as  Tommy  came 
in  from  the  kitchen  bearing  a  full  cock- 
tail shaker. 

Fast  on  Joe's  heels  came  the  Kellers — 
Ed  about  forty-eight,  getting  heavy 
around  the  middle;  Myrtle  plump  and 
still  reminiscently  pretty.  Ed  and  Joe 
greeted  each  other  with  noisy,  affec- 
tionate insults  and  some  back-pounding, 
and  fell  into  eager  talk  about  the  chances 
of  the  Big  Red  Team  tomorrow.  The 
Damons  arrived  and  Myrtle  Keller  and 
Mrs.  Damon  spoke  of  mutual  friends  who 
had  been,  were  about  to  be,  or  should 
be,  operated  upon. 

Dean  Damon  picked  up  a  book  and 
Tommy,  bored,  drank  a  few  too  many 

Cleota,  the  Turners'  maid,  circulated 
sadly  around  the  room  with  a  tray,  re- 
peating to  everyone,  "Hore  doves?"  in 
her  soft  Southern  voice. 

|  T  was  Mrs.  Damon  who  made  the  fatal 
'  error.  In  a  conversational  lull  at  supper 
she  said  to  Patricia,  "Where's  Michael 
Barnes  this  evening?  Frederick  tells  me 
he's  written  a  remarkable  editorial." 

Patricia  said  nervously,  "He  couldn't 
come.  He  doesn't  like  parties." 

Chattily  pursuing  the  subject,  Mrs. 
Damon  said,  "I'm  always  so  interested 
in  the  Literary  Magazine.  What  was  the 
editorial,  Patricia?" 

"Eat  your  dinner,  my  dear,"  Dr.  Damon 
said.  "Remember,  Mr.  Keller  .  .  .  wants 
to  get  to  the  rally." 

Ed  perked  up.  "Who  is  this  Barnes? 
What's  this  about  an  editorial?" 

"Oh — it's   nothing,   really,"   Ellen   said. 

But  Tommy  said,  "Since  it's  come  up. 
Ellen,  we  might  as  well  tell  Mr.  Keller. 
He'll  read  about  it  tomorrow,  when  the 
Magazine  comes  out.  I  told  Michael  I  was 
going  to  read  something  to  one  of  my 
English  classes  and  he  got  a  mistaken 
idea  about  it  and  wrote  a  sort  of — " 

"What  was  it  this  kid  said  you  were 
going  to  read?    Anything  important?" 

Tommy  hesitated — then  took  the  step. 
"It's  a  short  but  beautifully  written  piece 
of  English  by  Bartolomeo  Vanzetti." 

"Never  heard  of  him,"  Ed  said  com- 
fortably. He  raised  his  fork  to  his  lips 
and  abruptly  lowered  it.  "Hey,  you  don't 
mean  Vanzetti  of  Sacco  and  Vanzetti — 
the  Reds  that  were  executed  in  Massa- 
chusetts for  murder?" 

"Yes,  the  same  man.  Only,  a  lot  of 
people  don't  believe  either  of  those  men 
committed  the  murder.  The  letter  is  part 
of  a  series.  I  read  many  such  letters  to 
my  class." 

"You  mean  letters  by  anarchists?" 

Tommy  restrained  himself.  "No,"  he 
said  quietly,  "letters  by  men  who  were 
not  professional  writers — like  Lincoln. 
General  Sherman — " 

"Well!"  Keller  puffed.  "It's  a  darn  good 
thing  you  changed  your  mind.  Putting 
Lincoln  and  General  Sherman  in  a  class 
with  Vanzetti!  Wouldn't  look  very  good. 
You  better  deny  it  quick,  Turner.  I  can 
promise  you  the  trustees  will  clamp  down 
on  any  professor  who  tries  anything 
funny.  I'm  telling  you  that  for  your 
own  good." 

Joe  came  to  the  rescue  of  the  tense 
situation  by  dragging  Ed  into  the  library 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

for  another  drink. 

"Tommy,"  Ellen  said,  "Tommy,  you're 
not  going  ahead  and   read  that  letter?" 

"Yes,  Ellen,  I  think  I  have  to.  Monday 

"Tommy!  Try  to  be  practical  for  once. 
Do  you  think  Joe  would  do  something 
that  would  get  him  into  trouble  just 
because  somebody  irritated  him?" 

"Joe!"  Tommy  snapped.  "I  don't  see 
why  you  don't  try  to  understand  how  I 
feel  about  this." 

They  were  saved  from  a  quarrel  only 
by  the  re-entry  of  Joe  and  Ed,  clamoring 
to  be  off  to  the  rally.  Tommy  said  he 
didn't  think  he'd  go  along — he  didn't 
feel  very  well.  Ellen,  pressing  her  lips 
together,  yielded  to  Joe's  insistence  that 
she  go  with  him. 

THE  following  morning  the  Literary 
Magazine  was  distributed  on  the  cam- 
pus. About  eleven  o'clock  reporters  de- 
scended upon  Midwestern  University. 
They  besieged  Ed  Keller  and  other 
trustees,  they  maintained  an  active  sur- 
veillance of  Tommy  Turner's  house.  But 
they  could  not  find  Tommy.  He  had  gone 
for  an  early-morning  walk. 

He  came  back  about  one  o'clock. 
Ellen  was  waiting  for  him  in  the 
library.  She  had  been  worried  over  his 
absence,  so  naturally  when  he  returned, 
looking  perfectly  normal,  she  was  angry. 
The  first  thing  she  wanted  to  know  was 
whether  or  not  he'd  denied  that  he  was 
going  to  read  Vanzetti's  letter.  When  he 
said  he  hadn't,  she  sighed,  "You  mean 
you've  decided  you  will  read  it.  Tommy, 
I  don't  know  what  to  say  to  you." 

Tommy,  about  to  go  upstairs,  turned. 
"I  think  maybe  you've  said  enough  al- 
ready. Last  night  I  began  to  see  you, 
and  myself,  clearly  for  the  first  time." 

Ellen  blushed.  "Oh — you  saw  Joe  kiss 
me!    I  thought  that  was  it." 

"No,"  Tommy  admitted,  "I  didn't.  Did 
he  kiss  you?" 

"Yes,  he  did!  And  I  want  you  to  stop 
this.  If  you're  going  to  be  jealous,  be 
jealous,  rave  or  throw  things,  but  don't 
act  like  the  lead  in  a  Senior  Class  play!" 

Running  a  hand  furiously  through  his 
hair,  Tommy  said,  "I'm  not  jealous!  I'm 
trying  to  tell  you  that  I  don't  care  what 
you  and  Joe  do!  It's  very  lucky  that  he 
came  back  just  now.  I  mean  on  the 
money  I  make,  I  can  go  on  fine  alone, 
reading  whatever  I  want  to  to  my  classes. 
That's  what  I  want." 

"Oh,  that's  what  you  want!  All  of  a 
sudden!    More  than  me?" 

"It  isn't  so  sudden,"  Tommy  said.  "It's 
logical.  We  get  in  each  other's  way.  You 
wear  yourself  out  picking  up  after  me. 
And  anyway,  you've  always  been  in  love 
with  Joe  Ferguson.  I  knew  it  last  night 
when  I  saw  you  two  together  again." 

"All  right.  Have  it  your  own  way," 
Ellen  said.  "If  you  want  to  be  free,  then 
I  want  to  be  free — and  I've  gone  around 
for  years  mooning  about  Joe.  Well,  may- 
be I  have — maybe  I  have,  because  I'm 
certainly  sick  of  you  right  now!" 

C  LLEN  went  to  the  game  that  afternoon 
L  with  Joe.  Tommy  listened  to  it  on  the 
radio,  in  company  with  Michael  Barnes 
and  the  remains  of  last  night's  liquor. 

"Do  you  know,"  Tommy  asked  Michael 
toward  the  end  of  the  afternoon,  "the 
first  law  of  human  nature?" 

"Yes.   Self-propagation." 

Tommy  shook  his  head.  "Not  any  more. 
Defense  of  the  home.  Against  prowlers 
and  predatory — prowlers.  Do  you  know 
what  the  tiger  does  when  the  sanctity 
of  his  home  is  jeopardized?" 

"Um — he  talks  it  over  with  the  other 
man,  quietly  and  calmly."  Michael 
helped  himself  to  another  drink. 

"He  does  not!"  Tommy  sputtered.   "Let 

JANUARY.    1942 


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us  take  the  wolf.  What  does  he  do?  I 
mean  when  they  come  for  his  mate?  He 
tears  'em  to  pieces." 

"But  we  are  civilized  men,"  Michael 
said.    "Aren't  we?" 

Tommy  pounded  on  the  top  of  the 
radio.  "And  so  does  the  leopard,"  he 
shouted,  "and  the  lion,  and  the  hawk. 
They  tear  'em  to  pieces.  Without  a  word. 
Let  us  say  that  the  tiger  wakes  up  one 
morning  and  finds  that  the  wolf  has 
come  down  on  the  fold.  What  does  he — ? 
Before  I  tell  you  what  he  does,"  Tommy 
explained  in  his  best  classroom  manner, 
"I  will  tell  you  what  he  does  not  do." 

"Yes,  sir,"  Michael  said. 

"He  does  not  expose  everyone  to  a 
humiliating  intellectual  analysis.  He 
comes  out  of  his  corner  like  this — " 
Tommy  jumped  up,  took  a  fighting  pose, 
swayed,  and  sat  down  again.  "The  bull 
elephant  in  him  is  aroused,"  he  said. 

"Can't  you  stick  to  one  animal?" 
Michael  asked. 

"No.  That's  my  point.  All  animals  are 
the  same,  including  the  so-called  human 
being.  We  are  all  male  animals,  too. 
Even  the  penguin.  He  stands  for  no 
monkey  business  where  his  mate  is  con- 
cerned. Swans  have  been  known  to 
drown  fierce  Scotties  who  threatened 
their  nests.  Think  of  the  sea  lion  for  a 
minute.  His  mate  is  lying  there  in  a 
corner  of  the  cave  on  a  bed  of  tender 
boughs.  Now.  who  comes  swimming 
quietly  in  through  the  early  morning 
mist,  sleek  and  powerful,  dancing  and 
whirling  and  throwing  kisses?" 

"Joe  Ferguson,"  Michael  said. 

And  what  do  I  do?" 

"You  say  'hello.'  " 

Tommy  nodded  sadly.  "But  the  sea 
lion  knows  better.  He  snarls,  he  gores, 
he  roars  with  his  antlers.  He  knows  that 
love  is  a  thing  you  do  something  about. 
He  knows  it  is  a  thing  that  words  can 
kill.  You  do  something.  A  woman  likes 
a  man  who  does  something.  I  hope  I 
have  made  all  this  clear  to  you.  Are 
there  any  questions?" 

"Yes,"  Michael  said.  "Who  are  those 
people  looking  at  us?" 

Tommy  turned  around.  Ellen  and  Joe 
were  in  the  doorway.  Ellen,  in  disgust, 
turned  and  went  upstairs.  "You  guys 
are  pie-eyed,"  Joe  said. 

Tommy  got  up  and  came  toward  him, 
crouching  a  little.  "So!"  he  said.  "You 
crept  into  this  house  to  take  Ellen  away, 
didn't  you?  You  thought  it  was  the 
house  of  a  weak  professor,  didn't  you? 
Well,  come  outside!  Come  outside,  where 
I  can  knock  you  cold." 

"Now,  wait  a  minute!"  Joe  protested, 
but  Tommy  had  him  by  the  arm  and 
was  tugging  him  toward  the  back  yard. 

It  was  about  this  time  that  things  be- 
came completely  confused  for  Tommy. 
He  remembered,  later,  launching  a  ter- 
rific haymaker  at  Joe's  chin.  It  landed 
instead  on  Joe's  nose,  which  began  to 
bleed.  Joe  seemed  to  push  him  and  after 
that  he  didn't  remember  anything  at  all. 

|_|  E  woke  up  with  a  terrific  headache. 
'  '  It  was  morning.  He  was  in  his  bed- 
room and  a  photographer  was  in  the  tree 
outside,  pointing  a  camera  at  him.  He 
got  up  and  pulled  down  the  blind. 
Through  the  window  on  the  other  side 
of  the  room  he  saw  Dean  Damon  in  the 
back  yard  next  door. 

The  Dean  looked  up.  "Hello,  Thomas," 
he  said.    "How  do  you  feel?" 

"I'm  not  sure,"  Tommy  said  weakly. 
"How  do  I  look?" 

"Er — I  think  we'd  better  drop  that 
subject,"  the  Dean  said  after  a  quick 
glance  at  Tommy's  battered  face.  "Do 
you  think  you'll  be  able  to  read  the 
letter?    That  is — if  you  plan  to  read  it — " 

"Yes,"  Tommy  said.  "I  plan  to.    Lucky 


"They  Got  Me  Cov- 
ered," Bob  Hope's 
chuckle  opus,  gets 
read  from  cover  to 
cover  by  Claudette 
Colbert,  rates  grins 
from  the  Colbert  who 
isn't  s©  bad  on  chuck- 
les herself.  Cal  York 
read  the  book  too — 
and  has  something  to 
say  about  it  on  p.   12 

today  is  Sunday — gives  me  all  day  to 
rest  up." 

"Correction,"  the  Dean  said.  "Today  is 
Monday.    Monday  noon,  to  be  exact." 

"Huh?  Wasn't  there  a  Sunday  this 

"Such  a  Sunday  as  I  hope  never  to  see 
again!  You  were  the  subject  of  every 
sermon  in  town." 

Tommy  groaned.  "Guess  I'd  better 
hurry  and  dress,"  he  said  without 

He  hoped  he'd  see  Ellen  before  he  left 
the  house.  But  she  wasn't  there.  Prob- 
ably had  gone  off  with  Joe  Ferguson 
already,  he  guessed.  He  couldn't  blame 
her,  after  the  way  he'd  acted. 

English  2-B  had  been  moved  into  the 
auditorium,  he  discovered  when  he 
reached  his  usual  classroom.  Too  many 
visitors  wanted  to  attend  the  class. 
Michael,  who  met  Tommy  on  his  way  to 
the  auditorium,  said  stoutly,  "They're 
trying  to  bluff  you,  Mr.  Turner,  with  a 
crowd.  Keller'll  probably  start  some 
rough  stuff.    They  think  you're  scared." 

"I  am,"  Tommy  said. 

He  entered  the  auditorium  by  the  stage 
door.  From  the  wings  he  could  hear 
the  murmur  of  a  packed  house  out  front. 
Ed  Keller  was  waiting  backstage  with 
Dean  Damon  and  pounced  upon  him. 
"See  here,  Turner,"  he  shouted,  "we  just 
had  a  trustees'  meeting  in  the  Presi- 
dent's office.  Michael  Barnes  is  out  and 
you're  on  your  way  out.  You'll  be  asked 
to  resign  tonight." 

"Sorry,  Mr.  Keller.  I'm  taking  my 

"There's  just  one  thing  that'll  save 
your  neck — go  out  there  and  say  you 
were  sick.  Say  you  didn't  know  any- 
thing about  Barnes'  editorial.  You  think 
it's  an  outrage.  You're  not  going  to 
read  this  Vanzetti  thing,  and  you  think 
Barnes  is  getting  what  he  deserves." 

Dean  Damon  said:  "Professor  Turner 
wouldn't  say  that  about  Michael,  Mr. 
Keller,   and   you   shouldn't  ask   him   to." 

Tommy  threw  the  Dean  a  grateful 
glance  and  walked  out  on  the  stage.  His 
first  impression  was  that  he'd  never  seen 
so  many  people  in  his  life.  He  wanted 
to  turn  and  run. 

Over  in  one  corner  he  caught  sight 
of  Ellen — with   Joe   Ferguson.    He   could 

not  tell  for  sure,  but  he  thought  she 
was  crying. 

"The  class  will  please  come  to  order," 
he  said — then  realized  he  couldn't  be 
heard  and  pitched  his  voice  higher.  "Last 
week — if  you  remember — I  happened  to 
mention  that  I  wanted  to  read  you  three 
letters,  written  by  men  whose  profession 
was  not  literature  but  who  had  some- 
thing sincere  to  say.  Once  I  had  declared 
that  harmless  intention,  the  world  began 
to  shake,  great  institutions  trembled  and 
football  players  descended  upon  me  and 
my  wife.  I  realized  then  that  I  was  doing 
something  important." 

He  paused  and  the  crowd  stirred  ex- 

"THE  men  whose  letters  I  picked  were 

'  Lincoln,  General  Sherman  and  Barto- 
lomeo  Vanzetti.  Originally,  I  chose  Van- 
zetti to  show  that  even  broken  English 
can  sometimes  be  very  moving  and  elo- 
quent. But  now — they  have  made  it 
more  than  that.  They  say  Vanzetti  was 
an  anarchist.  I  am  not  concerned  with 
his  politics — I  only  intended  to  read  this 
letter  for  its  value  as  English  composi- 
tion. This  is  a  dangerous  thing  to  bring 
up,  of  course,  and  an  even  more  danger- 
ous thing  to  keep  down.  I  am  not  a 
politician  and  had  no  idea  of  starting  all 
this.  But  if  they  want  to  make  it  poli- 
tical, all  right!  I'm  fighting  for  a  teacher's 
rights  and  a  student's  rights  and  the 
rights  of  everybody  in  this  land.  No- 
body can  suppress  ideas  just  because  he 
doesn't  like  them — least  of  all  in  a 
university,  where  it  is  our  job  to  bring 
light  into  this  muddled  world." 

There  was  complete  silence  in  the  hall. 
In  a  momentary  pause,  Tommy  looked  at 
Ellen.  She  didn't  seem  to  be  crying  now. 
Like  everyone  else,  she  was  listening 

"This  is  not  about  Vanzetti,"  he  went 
on.  "It  is  about  us.  And  if  I  can't  read 
this  letter  today,  tomorrow  none  of  us 
will  be  able  to  read  anything  except 
what  Edward  K.  Keller  and  the  trustees 
permit  us  to  read!  You  know  where 
that  leads — and  where  it  has  led  in  other 
places.  We  hold  the  fortress  of  free 
thought  and  free  speech  in  this  place 
this  afternoon." 

He  pulled  a  small  book  from  his  pocket. 

photoplay  combined  icith  movie  mirror 

"I'm  afraid  this  may  disappoint  many  of 
you.  It  is  not  inflammatory.  Vanzetti 
wrote  it  in  April,  1927,  after  he  and 
Sacco  were  condemned  to  die.  Here  it 
is:  'If  it  had  not  been  for  these  thing, 
I  might  have  live  out  my  life  talking  at 
street  corners  to  scorning  men.  I  might 
have  die,  unmarked,  unknown,  a  failure. 
Now  we  are  not  a  failure.  Never  in  our 
full  life  could  we  hope  to  do  so  much 
work  for  tolerance,  for  justice,  for  man's 
understanding  of  man,  as  now  we  do  by 
accident.  Our  words — our  lives — our  pain 
— nothing!  The  taking  of  our  lives — the 
lives  of  a  good  shoemaker  and  a  poor 
fish-peddler — all!  That  last  moment  be- 
longs to  us — that  agony  is  our  triumph!" 

He  lowered  the  book.  "That's  all,"  he 
said  tiredly.  "Class  dismissed."  And 
walked  off  the  stage. 

"Nice  work,  Turner,"  Ed  Keller  said 
sarcastically.  "Now  you're  out  of  a  job. 
You're  going  to  starve — "  But  Tommy 
went  on  past  him. 

HE  was  on  the  campus  when  he  heard 
them  coming  out  of  the  auditorium — 
the  whole  crowd  yelling.  A  car  whizzed 
up  to  him  and  Joe  Ferguson  called,  "Hey 
— get  in!    The  mob's  after  you!" 

Tommy  squared  himself  off.  "I  knew 
it,"  he  said  fatalistically.  "Let  'em  come!" 

"No,  no!  Get  in  the  car!"  Joe  grabbed 
him  and  hustled  him  into  the  back  seat. 

"They'll  hurt  Ellen!"  Tommy  protested. 

"No,  they  won't.  I'll  go  get  her — you 
lie  down  on  the  floor  out  of  sight!" 

Tommy  obeyed  orders  and  a  moment 
later  heard  Joe  ushering  Ellen  into  the 
front  seat.   The  car  started  off. 

"But  where's  Tommy?"  Ellen  de- 

Joe  laughed.  "I  wouldn't  worry  about 
that  guy,"  he  said  surprisingly.  "But  I 
suppose  you're  still  crazy  about  him, 
aren't  you?" 

"I'm  kind  of  scared  of  him,"  Ellen  said. 
"He  used  to  be  just — nice,  but  now  he's 

Tommy  slowly  sat  up  until  he  could 
see  Ellen.  She  was  sniffling  into  her 

"I  don't  think  he's  so  wonderful," 
Joe  said. 

"He  is,  too!  That  letter's  wonderful! 
What  he's  trying  to  do  is  wonderful.  He 
wouldn't  let  me  or  you  or  anyone  stop 
him.  When  he  read  that  letter — that's 
when  he  was  the  real  male  animal,  not 
when  he  punched  you  on  the  nose  Sat- 
urday." The  snifTLiig  changed  to  a  pitiful 
wail.    "Oh,  Joe — he's  so  wonderful!" 

Tommy  poked  his  head  across  the  seat. 
"I  think  you're  wonderful,  too,"  he  said. 

"You  were  listening!"  she  said  accus- 
ingly and  might  have  said  more,  but  at 
that  moment  a  flying  wedge  of  students 
appeared  out  of  a  side  street  and  blocked 
the  car's  progress.  Joe  had  to  stop.  Cries 
of  "There  he  is,  boys!  Let's  get  him!" 
filled  the  air.  Clutching  hands  lifted 
Tommy  bodily  out  and  tossed  him  to  the 
shoulders  of  a  brawny  football  star.  And 
suddenly  Tommy  realized  that  the  yelling 
he'd  heard  was  really  cheering  and  that 
they  weren't  bent  on  lynching  him  but 
on  carrying  him  home  in  a  triumphal 

Feeling  dazed,  happy  and  quite  foolish, 
he  was  borne  down  the  campus  to  his 
own  doorstep.  Ellen  came  running 
through  the  crowd  to  him.  With  every- 
one looking  on,  he  swept  her  into  his 
arms  and  kissed  her. 

"Tommy!"  he  heard  her  say.  "Don't 
be  so  rough!  And  comb  back  your  hair! 
You   look   terrible!" 

"Don't  give  me  that!"  he  ordered.  "I 
look  wonderful." 

"Yes,  dear,"  Ellen  said  hurriedly.  "Yes. 
dear.    You  look  wonderful." 
The  End. 

JANUARY,    1942 

I'm  known  at  home  as 
the  ugly  duckling 

"Hm!  Pretty  good-looking  duckling  to  me!  What  d'you  mean,  you're 
known  at  home  .  .  .  ?" 

"Dad  calls  me  that  on  account  of  what  I  used  to  be.  You  should  have 
known  me  then!  Thin,  skinny,  run-down— I  even  used  to  .  .  ." 

"Used  to  iv hat?" 

"Scare  babies,  like  this!  And  then 

I  was   told  I   had   a   Vitamin   B 

Complex   deficiency." 

"Say  it  in  English!" 

"It's  a  shortage  of  those  amazing 

vitamins  you  find  in  their  natural 

form  in  fresh  yeast.  So  I  bought  a 

week's  supply  of  fleischmann's. 

Took  two  cakes  a  day  in  nice  cool 

tomato  juice,  and  pretty  soon  . . ." 

"Pretty  soon— a  dream  come  true! 
But  what's  this  business  about 
tomato  juice?" 

"That's  the  new  way  to  take 
yeast.  Lookit!  Mash  a  cake  of 
fleischmann's  in  a  dry  glass 
with  a  fork,  add  a  little  tomato 
juice,  stir  till  blended,  fill  up  the 
glass,  and  drink.  Delicious!" 


All  1 1"  " 


^-— ' 

Ever  read  the  fleischmann 
label?  This  is  the  only  yeast  with 
all  these  vitamins.  And  the  only 
sources  of  the  important  Vitamin 
B  Complex  are  natural  sources, 
such  as  yeast  and  liver.  Remem- 
ber, if  you  bake  at  home,  that 
three  of  the  important  vitamins  in 
fleischmann's,  B,,  D,  and  G, 
are  not  appreciably  lost  in  the 
oven;  they  go  right  into  the  bread. 

Fleischmann's  Fresh  Yeast 
For  Natural  Vitamin  B  Complex 


(Continued  from  page  53)  my  age." 
That  should  have  been  the  tip-off. 
After  all,  the  studio  people  weren't 
fooled.  Within  a  few  days,  as  a  matter  of 
fact,  they  had  a  Little  Talk  with  Connie 
Lupino,  Ida's  mother.  "What  is  this?" 
they  asked,  not  very  politely.  "The  way 
this  kid  talks  to  reporters — she  ought  to 
be  posing  for  baby  food  ads." 

"Look,"  Connie  said,  "she  is  only  a 
baby.  .  .  ." 

".  .  .  without  a  trace  of  talent,"  said 
Connie  to  her  guest.  (Scene:  the  Stanley 
Lupino  drawing  room  in  London,  winter, 
1928.)  She  glanced  at  Ida  crouched  over 
a  book  in  the  bay  window  seat  and  low- 
ered her  voice.  "She's  ten,  but  not  at  all 
like  a  Lupino.  No  feeling  for  drama,  no 
ambition  toward  the  stage.  .  .  .  However, 
such  an  obedient,  sweet,  well-behaved 

From  the  window  seat  young  Ida  raised 
blase  eyelids  and  looked  at  her  mother 
with  what  she  felt  was  mingled  world- 
weariness  and  mystery  in  her  eyes.  How 
Little  They  Know,  she  thought.  The 
pages  of  her  book  were  blurred  by  a 
glaze  of  pleasurable  tears;  brushing  them 
aside  with  the  back  of  her  hand,  as  she 
had  seen  several  leading  ladies  do  in  such 
circumstances,  Ida  focused  again  on  the 
third  chapter  of  "Smilin'  Through." 

She  was  not  unaware  of  her  heritage. 
She  knew  the  Lupino  legend  by  heart — 
how  in  medieval  years  the  family  had 
been  jugglers  and  street  entertainers,  how 
they  came  to  England  from  Italy  about 
the  time  of  Shakespeare,  wore  stocks  for 
working  without  licenses  and  eventually 
spawned  a  brood  of  acting  Lupinos  that 
came  to  be  the  theater's  oldest  family. 

She  understood  how  important  it  was 
to  be  a  daughter  of  Stanley  Lupino,  Eng- 
land's foremost  comedian,  and  of  Connie 
Emerald.  But  Stanley  and  Connie  were 
busy,  after  all;  Connie  was  enchanted 
with  her  daughters,  and  by  them,  but 
when  there  was  a  job  to  do  it  was  enough 
that  they  were  well,  and  happy,  and  had 
good  manners. 

At  private  school,  the  Clarence  House 
school  at  Hove  where  Ida  stayed  until 
she  was  eleven,  she  knew  only  discipline 
and  routine.  Home  was  a  different  mat- 
ter. It  was  a  200-year-old  structure  full 

Ida,   the   Mad    Lupino 

of  dark  crannies,  paneling  and  stained- 
glass  windows,  and  it  was  almost  always 
crowded  with  itinerant  guests,  actors 
down  on  their  luck  who  came  to  Stanley 
because  they  knew  he  wouldn't  refuse 

The  air  rang  with  rehearsals,  with  the 
constant  undertone  of  people  muttering 
lines  to  themselves;  and  sometimes,  late, 
when  everyone — including  Nannie  and 
the  servants — were  asleep,  Ida  pulled  Rita 
out  of  bed  and  led  her  to  the  stair  land- 
ing where,  in  the  dim  light,  the  two  chil- 
dren gave  their  own  interpretation  of 
what  they  had  heard  that  day. 

THE  time  had  come  now,  however,  for 
■  greater  things.  The  two  Lupino  girls 
approached  Stanley,  asked  for  a  hut  to 
be  built  in  the  back  yard,  explained  they 
wanted  a  stage  large  enough  to  crawl 
onto  and  room  for  at  least  five  neighbor- 
hood friends  to  crouch  before  it.  "So  we 
can  give  plays,"  Ida  said,  when  Stanley 
asked  why. 

"All  right,"  he  said,  "but  that's  all  it 
will  be.  A  hut.  I'll  give  it  three  after- 
noons this  week." 

He  gave  it  eight  months,  all  told,  hav- 
ing become  utterly  charmed  with  the  idea 
after  that  initial  conference;  and  when 
the  hut  was  finished  it  had  employed  the 
services  of  eight  workmen,  besides  two 
electricians,  and  was  a  private  theater 
boasting  regularly  employed  prop  men, 
a  call  board,  fifteen  lots  of  scenery,  a 
foyer,  a  flyaway,  a  pit  and  real  stalls  with 
tip-up  chairs,  each  holding  a  cigarette 
tray  on  its  back.  The  entire  shebang  cost 
a  small  fortune  and  could  seat  100. 

"Well,  I  had  a  dream  of  such  a  theater 
when  I  was  a  boy,"  Stanley  explained  de- 
fensively when  the  scandalized  Connie 
saw  the  bills.    "Now  I've  got  it." 

"But  the  children,"  Connie  wailed.  "It 
was  supposed  to  be  for  them!" 

"Oh — oh  yes,"  said  Stanley.  "Well, 
and  they  shall  use  it,  too.  But  appro- 
priately, mind  you.  Appropriately."  And 
the  rolling  of  his  r's  was  fine  to  hear. 

Wherefore  the  child  Ida  was  given  roles 
in  "Hamlet"  and  modern  productions  of 
the  "Ladies  In  Retirement"  variety  at 
the  age  of  eleven,  clad  in  full  evening 
dress  and  allowed  to  perform  before  a 
chosen  audience  who  had  previously  been 

Getting  familiar  with 
the  Lupino  family: 
Father  Stanley,  Ida, 
Connie  and  Rita  in 
a  private  "at  home" 
musical      comedy 


warned  what  to  expect.  Now  it  cannot 
honestly  be  recorded  that  Ida  Lupino,  at 
eleven  years,  walked  out  on  that  stage 
and  appeared  to  be  a  tragic  woman  of 
thirty.  But  she  gave  a  strangely  accept- 
able imitation  of  such  a  woman.  The 
applause  at  her  exit  (the  night  of  her 
debut)  was  gratifyingly  loud,  although  it 
was  unaided  by  the  four  hands  you 
would  have  expected  to  clap  the  loudest. 

Connie  and  Stanley  were  too  deeply 
astonished  to  applaud.  "Why — it's  incred- 
ible," whispered  Ida's  mother  vaguely, 
still   staring   at  the   curtained   stage. 

"By  heaven!"  shouted  Stanley.  "The 
gel  can  act!" 

He  was  only  mildly  surprised,  there- 
fore, when  less  than  two  years  later  she 
knocked  on  the  door  of  his  study,  entered 
shyly  but  with  her  mouth  thin  and  deter- 
mined and  announced  she  wanted  to  quit 
school  for  a  career. 

"You're  only  thirteen,"  he  said. 

"And  a  half." 

"There's  your  school." 

"I'm  two  years  ahead,"  she  told  him, 
after  a  moment.    "I  cheated." 


"I  studied  at  night,"  she  said.  "I  sneaked 
downstairs  during  lights  out  and  studied. 
Because  I  thought  if  I  did  that  I  could 
get  out  sooner,  and.  .  .  ." 

"And  what?" 

"And  be  an  actress."  She  faced  him, 
chin  and  lower  lip  firm,  brow  defiant. 
Stanley  wavered,  folded  his  hands. 

"We'll  make  a  bargain,"  he  said,  as  so 
many  fathers  in  like  crises  have  said  be- 
fore him.  "I  want  you  to  go  to  Switzer- 
land for  a  time — there's  a  school  I've  in 
mind.  But  if  you  can  get  a  job  within  the 
next  six  weeks,  not  using  the  Lupino 
name  or  connections,  you've  my  permis- 
sion to  do  as  you  like."  That's  safe 
enough,  he  thought.     She  can't  do  that. 

But  she  did. 

SHE  was  abnormally  tall  for  her  years 
anyway  and  in  certain  of  Connie's 
clothes  she  looked  old  enough  to  match 
her  language,  which  was  the  language 
of  the  stage,  of  the  Lupino  social  set. 
Worldly  and  full  of  shop  talk  and  reek- 
ing of  the  theater,  that  language;  and 
she  used  it  well.  Besides,  she  had  found 
a  bottle  of  peroxide  in  the  medicine  cab- 
inet, so  that  her  hair  quite  suddenly  be- 
came sophisticated  hair. 

The  job  she  got  was  not  much.  A  stage 
manager  happened  to  need  someone  to 
play  a  maid.  A  thin,  haggard  girl  in 
someone's  obviously  cast-off  clothes  ap- 
plied for  the  part,  looked  the  part,  and 
furthermore  said  her  name  was  Ida  Ray. 
He  hired  her,  writing  in  the  minimum 
wage  allowable  to  salve  his  conscience. 

She  rushed  into  Stanley's  study  that 
evening,  full  of  triumph,  harsh-voiced 
with  fatigue.  "I've  done  it,"  she  croaked. 
"I've  got  a  job!  The  bargain's  done, 
you  made  it  yourself.  No  more  school.  .  .  ." 

She  looked  grotesquely  young,  pitifully 
vulnerable,  standing  there  in  her  shape- 
less dress  with  her  undisciplined  straw- 
colored  hair  awry  and  her  ankles  twisting 
on  unaccustomed  heels.  Stanley  must 
have  found  his  heart  full  of  pride  for  the 
kid,  plus  a  sharp,  nostalgic  understanding 
of  her  eagerness — he  was  an  actor  and 
therefore  a  sentimental  man.  He  walked 
slowly  to  the  window,  stood  looking  out 
with  his  back  to  Ida.  He  waited  the 
effect-pause  no  longer  than  was  abso- 
lutely  necessary. 

Then,  relieved,  he  turned  and  beamed 
on  the  child.  "Aren"t  you  the  one!"  He 
said.  And,  "Oh  now,  none  of  that.  Come 
here,  put  your  head  here.  Why  the  tears? 
You  knew  I'd  keep  my  promise." 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

THERE  were  the  next  two  years,  until 
she  was  fifteen,  and  they  were  too 
crowded,  too  full  of  things  and  people 
and  happenings,  so  that  even  today  they 
make  a  blur  when  she  thinks  of  them. 

At  the  Royal  Dramatic  School  of  Art, 
about  this  time,  she  met  a  boy  named 
Jack,  a  brilliant  youngster  whose  future 
in  the  theater  seemed  assured  and  who 
recognized  in  Ida  perhaps  more  than  the 
other  students,  or  even  her  parents,  knew 
was  there.  Ida  was  ever  a  dramatic 
child:  when  he  played  the  Knight  in 
Shining  Armor  to  her  Maiden  in  Distress 
(in  the  school's  experimental  produc- 
tions) she  translated  the  dialogue  into 
words  that  had  a  meaning  to  herself — 
and  so  did  he — 

They  fell  in  love,  which  is  important 
not  only  to  her  history  but  to  Ida  per- 
sonally, and  always  will  be,  since  it  was 
first  love,  dressed  in  all  the  ideals  such 
youth  as  theirs  could  invent.  From  it 
they  concocted  dreams.  "Someday,  when 
we  are  stars,  and  rich,  we'll  buy  a  castle 
with  a   moat.   .   .   ." 

Then,  finally,  it  was  over.  Jack  had 
gone  abroad,  and  Ida  was  busy  growing 
up.  But  the  dream  was  still  there.  She 
remembered  it  for  years,  until  another, 
greater  dream  supplanted  it. 

Playing  small  parts,  attending  the 
Royal  Academy  of  Art  and  falling  in  love 
occupied  her  during  the  first  of  those 
two  incredible  years.  The  second  is 
more  unbelievable  still.  It  began  with 
Allan  Dwan's  coming  to  England  to  do 
a  picture  and  with  Connie's  asking  Ida 
to  spend  an  afternoon  with  her  on  an 
Elstree  sound  stage  to  watch  cousin  Lu- 
pino  Lane  direct  Stanley  in  a  talkie. 
Dwan  came  up  to  Connie,  pointed  to  Ida, 
said,  "That's  the  first  English  girl  I've 
seen  who  looks  American  enough  for  this 
story.    Let  me  give  her  a  screen  test." 

"She's  too  young,"  Connie  said  absent- 
ly, watching  Stanley  rehearse. 

But  Dwan  was  persistent.  He  tested 
Ida  the  next  day,  the  forty-first  test  he 
had  run,  and  hired  her  forthwith.  Where- 
upon Connie  once  more  had  to  stand 
and  watch  her  fourteen-year-old  daugh- 
ter make  violent  love  to  a  man  of  thirty- 
five.  She  felt  ashamed,  in  a  way;  but 
at  the  same  time  she  knew  the  exultation, 
the  pride  that  Stanley  had  felt  that  eve- 
ning when  Ida  had  come  to  him  with 
her  first  job.  She  was  such  an  infant, 
that  Ida,  but  what     an  actress! 

It  was  the  year  of  the  quota  pictures 
in  England,  which  means  a  prescribed 
number  had  to  be  done  in  a  certain  length 
of  time,  and  Ida — it  seems  to  her  now, 
in  retrospect — did  them  all.  She  played 
a  hard-bitten  golddigger  in  "Money  For 
Speed";  she  starred  with  Ivor  Novello  in 
"I  Lived  With  You,"  an  extremely  naugh- 
ty role  indeed;  and  a  lot  of  others,  all  of 
a  type.  Her  hair  was  platinum  now,  and 
her  violet  eyes  were  heavily  shaded  under 
mascaraed  lashes;  her  eyebrows  were 
gone,  with  pencil  lines  in  their  places;  her 
figure  had  filled  out  a  little — you  could 
see  that,  because  of  the  gowns  she  wore. 
Sometimes,  looking  at  her,  Connie  recog- 
nized in  this  production  only  a  faint  re- 
semblance to  her  daughter  Ida. 

So  that  when  Paramount  offered  to  pay 
the  child  $600  per  week  on  a  five-year 
contract,  plus  traveling  expenses  for  both 
of  them  to  Hollywood,  Connie  didn't 
protest  very  much.  It  seemed  useless 
anyhow.  Ida  wanted  to  go.  She  wanted 
that  more   than  anything   in   the   world. 

If  Ida  had  known  what  Hollywood  was 
going  to  hand  her  those  first  discourag- 
ing years,  she  might  not  have  been  so 
anxious  to  leave  London.  That  sur- 
prising story  will  be  told  you  in  the  con- 
cluding installment  to  appear  in  Febru- 
ary Photoplay-Movie  Mirror. 

JANUARY.    1942 


YOU  want  to  be  yourself!  You're 
fed  up  with  pretending  to  be  gay  and  gurgly  .  .  .  when  you're 
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(Continued  from  page  37)  ensigns  on  its 
hands.  The  upshot  of  all  this  big  dis- 
armament talk  was  that  Brian  Donlevy 
quit  the  Academy. 

It  was  only  natural  that  he  should  head 
for  New  York.  All  writers  did,  didn't 
they?  But  writing  was  risky,  acting 
riskier.  He  had  to  eat,  so  (shades  of 
John  Paul  Jones  and  David  Glasgow 
Farragut!)  he  turned  collar-ad  model  for 
two  years. 

Then  one  day  he  heard  that  a  pro- 
ducer was  looking  for  a  former  marine 
to  play  the  part  of  a  leatherneck.  He 
made  a  beeline  for  the  office,  demanded 
an  interview,  swore  he  was  an  ex-marine 
and  got  the  part.  The  play  was  called 
"What  Price  Glory."  William  Boyd, 
George  Tobias  and  Louis  Wolheim  were 
also  (and  more  prominently)  in  the  cast. 

The  part  was  small,  the  play  was  great 
and  the  Donlevy  doom  inescapable. 
"After  that  I  was  sunk,"  is  how  he  puts 
it.  True,  he  tried  to  square  accounts 
with  his  bright  star  by  enrolling  for  a 
short  story  course  at  the  Columbia  School 
of  Journalism.  The  professors  ripped  his 
things  to  pieces.  He  quit  struggling  with 
Fate  after  a  month  and  gave  in  to  the 

There  followed  several  seasons  of  suc- 
cessful Broadway  plays,  with  certain 
notable  interims  of  inactivity  in  between. 
Still,  life  was  doing  all  right  by  Donlevy. 

THE  only  trouble,  he  discovered,  was 
that  one  by  one  his  chums  were  quit- 
ting the  legit  and  heading  for  Hollywood. 
First  it  was  Jimmy  Cagney.  Not  long 
afterward  Pat  O'Brien  took  off.  Then 
Frank  McHugh. 

By  the  time  he  was  doing  his  turns 
in  "Life  Begins  At  8:40"  he  was  getting 
a  raft  of  mail  from  his  pals  on  the  Coast. 
They  never  failed  to  describe  Hollywood 
as  "a  cinch"  and  invariably  wound  up 
with  this  admonition:  "Don't  come  here 
until  you're  asked." 

When  "Life  Begins"  breathed  its  last 
in  Detroit,  Brian  headed  for  New  York 
with  a  modest  little  poke  in  his  pocket 
and  practically  all  his  chums  in  Holly- 

If  you  are  guessing  that  Mr.  D.  is  about 
to  meet  up  with  another  of  his  accidents, 
you  are  definitely  psychic.    He  is  indeed. 

Back  in  New  York,  he  ran  into  a  bunch 
of  the  local  boys.  One  thing  led  to  an- 
other, which  in  turn  led  to  a  celebration 
in  honor  of  Donlevy 's  return. 

The  next  thing  our  Brian  knew  was 
that  when  he  looked  out  the  window 
he  saw  stars.  They  seemed  closer  than 
ever  before.  To  complicate  matters 
further,  he  thought  he  detected  a  loud 
humming.  All  of  a  sudden  it  dawned 
on  him:  He  was  aboard  a  plane.  You 
guessed  it,  reader,  he  was  en  route  to 

A  T  the  first  stop — and  the  next  four 
**  consecutive  stops — he  wired  his  best 
friend,  Hugh  O'Connell,  telling  him  he 
was  coming  and  no  more  of  Hughey's 
cracks  about  waiting  until  you're  asked. 
He  was  asleep  in  O'Connell's  bed  when 
that  honest  gentleman  checked  in  from 
work  late  that  night. 

"Hi,  sucker!"  is  how  his  pal  Hughey 
greeted  him. 

For  four  weeks  Donlevy  haunted 
Hollywood  looking  for  work.  But  no 
takers.  When  he  got  down  to  $160,  he 
bought  an  airplane  ticket  for  the  trip 
back.  O'Connell  wouldn't  hear  of  his 
leaving.  He  lent  him  $100  and  told  him  to 
stick  it  out.  The  money  gone,  Donlevy 
decided  that  Hollywood  wanted  no  part 
of  him.  The  one  man  who  didn't  agree 
with  him  was  Hugh  O'Connell. 


"Isn't  there  someone  here  you  know 
from  New  York — someone  connected  with 
handing  out  jobs,  maybe?" 

"I  know  Bob  Mclntyre.  Seems  to  me 
he's  in  this  racket." 

"Bob  Mclntyre — why,  he's  casting  for 

Mclntyre  was  a  soft  touch.  He  gave 
Brian  a  job,  sent  him  to  wardrobe  to 
get  outfitted. 

The  fellow  in  wardrobe  tossed  a  black 
shirt  at  him.  The  way  Brian  caught  it, 
he  couldn't  help  noticing  the  name  on 
the  back  of  the  collar.  The  name  was 
Clark  Gable. 

What  he  did  next  is  a  lesson  in 

Starting  with  that  black  shirt  Gable 
had  worn  in  "The  Call  Of  The  Wild,"  he 
requisitioned  a  complete  black  getup, 
black  to  the  smallest  detail.  Even  his 
derringer  was  black.  His  strategy  was 
this:  Due  to  his  black  costume,  the 
audience's  attention  would  naturally  be 
focused  on  his  face.  And  that  face  had 
to  be  remembered  or  Donlevy  had  to 
leave  Hollywood. 

The  reaction  to  Brian  Donlevy's  debut 
as  the  black-shirted  killer  in  "Barbary 
Coast"  was  terrific.  One  trade  paper 
ironically  compared  him  to  Clark  Gable! 
He  was  signed  to  a  term  contract  by  Fox. 
As  Warners  did  to  John  Garfield,  so  did 
Fox  to  Donlevy — they  made  him  a  crim- 
inal. He  stuck  it  out  for  three  years 
and  quit. 

He  went  over  to  Paramount  on  downs 
and  was  promptly  clapped  into  "Union 
Pacific,"  again  as  a  heavy.  They  re- 
warded him  for  his  fine  performance  by 
casting  him  as  Sergeant  Markoff  in 
"Beau  Geste."  Once  more  a  heavy.  He 
parted  with  Paramount  and  went  over 
to  Universal  by  invitation.  The  Uni- 
versal sachems  put  him  in  "Destry  Rides 
Again,"  an  opus  in  which  he  played  a 
deep-dyed  scoundrel. 

Things  began  to  look  hopeless. 

ON  one  of  his  off-days  he  dropped  by 
the  Paramount  lot,  strolled  into  the 
commissary  for  a  cup  of  coffee  and  was 
hailed  by  a  somewhat  distinguished 
gentleman  in  an  ascot. 

It  was  Preston  Sturges,  another  of 
Donlevy's  pals  who  had  drifted  West, 
the  same  Sturges  who  had  written  a  play 
called  "Maid  Of  Manhattan,"  which  hit 
Broadway  with  a  thud  despite  Donlevy's 
fine  performance. 

Well,  to  get  on,  Sturges  asked  him 
how  he  was  doing. 

"Terrible.  A  case  of  'heavy'  indi- 

"Interested  in  comedy?" 

"Very  much." 

"You're  in." 

The  comedy  was  called  "The  Great 
McGinty."  The  title  ought  to  have  been 
"The  Great  Donlevy."  It  showed  Holly- 
wood that  he  could  do  more  than  bully, 
torment,  scourge  and  slay  honest  citi- 
zens only  to  receive  his  just  doom  in  the 
final  reel. 

In  close-up  he  is  a  mild-mannered 
somebody  who  talks  as  if  he  were  think- 
ing of  something  else.  If  he  is,  it  is 
probably  gold  mines  of  which  baubles 
he  has  quite  a  few — none  of  them  pro- 
ducers as  this  goes  to  press.  Mrs.  Don- 
levy,  "Marge"  to  you,  is  always  shooing 
away  gents  whom  Brian  has  invited  to 
the  house  to  talk  business,  meaning  the 
purchase  of  a  new  mine. 

He  denies  that  clothes  mean  anything 
to  him,  yet  he  is  his  tailor's  delight.  The 
Donlevy  suits  run  along  the  sharp  side 
a  trifle,  but  they  are  costlier  getups 
than  most  of  the  top-drawer  writers  ever 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

One  of  the  most  popular  men  on  his 
ot,  he  is  everybody's  pal.  Even  Charles 
Boyer  stops  to  talk  with  him.  Paulette 
Uoddard  is  a  one-woman  fan  club.  The 
Paramount  moppets,  Susanna  Foster  and 
Betty  Brewer,  idolize  him.  On  his  side, 
Brian  sticks  pretty  much  to  the  old 
Broadway  gang,  McHugh,  Tracy,  Cagney 
and  the  rest. 

Not  to  mention  William  Holden,  with 
,vhom  he  became  great  pals  during  the 
ilming  of  "I  Wanted  Wings,"  a  fellow- 
ship which  will  be  continued  both  on 
md  off  screen  in  "The  Remarkable 
Andrew."  So  close  did  the  friendship 
Decome  that  it  was  Brian  and  Marge  who 
accompanied  Bill  and  Brenda  Marshall 
)n  their  sunrise  elopement  to  Las  Vegas 
ast  July. 

Robert  Taylor  is  on  the  list,  too,  way 
jp.  It  was  Taylor,  by  the  way,  who 
riade  Brian  see  red  one  particular  night. 
He  had  dropped  by  the  Troc  to  line  up 
i  date  for  that  evening  with  his  wife- 
;o-be  only  to  discover  that  Taylor  had 
Deaten  him  to  the  punch  and  was  taking 
ler  out  himself. 

Anent  the  wife-to-be  business,  Brian 
net  her  in  the  best  Donlevy  accidental 
fashion.  He  happened  to  drop  by  the 
}ld  Hollywood  Trocadero.  Marjorie  Lane 
ivas  singing  a  blues  number  when  he 
walked  in.  He  never  took  his  eyes  off 
fier  that  night. 

It  was  a  stormy  courtship.  From  the 
Deginning,  almost,  the  Troc's  sensational 
songbird  was  always  explaining  to  Don- 
levy  in  no  uncertain  terms  why  they 
weren't  meant  for  each  other  and  Brian 
would  explain  why  she  was  all  wrong, 
tn  the  end,  after  four  or  five  months  of 
debating,  they  were  married  on  Christ- 
mas Eve  in  Tia  Juana.  Nine  days  later 
they  were  married  again,  in  Los  Angeles, 
this  time. 

For  Brian  it  was  a  second  marriage. 
When  he  and  Yvonne  Donlevy  received 
their   final    decree    in    Reno    earlier    that 

year,  Brian  was  "through"  with  marriage. 
A  fortnight  later  or  so  he  met  Marjorie 

Villa  Donlevy,  out  Brentwood  way,  is 
a  charming  manor  house  with  a  living 
room  that  is  part  modern,  part  Cape  Cod, 
with  burnished  copper  kettles,  iron  grill 
work  and  tooled  leather  on  one  side  and 
on  the  other  a  huge  bar,  a  replica  of  a 
New  York  speak.  Here  Brian  presides, 
pouring  out  beer  in  mammoth  steins  or 
mixing  weird  concoctions  from  Irish 

He  calls  Marge  "Squirt."  She  calls 
him  a  million  names — anything  but 
"Daddy."  He  makes  the  money.  She  does 
a  good  job  of  putting  it  away,  as  good 
as  she  can,  considering  the  fact  that  he's 
eternally  bringing  home  gifts  for  her, 
gifts  which  he  has  charged  at  the  stores. 

In  a  box  of  orchids  she  has  found  a 
card  with  a  poem  beginning: 

"I'd  write  a  lovely  poem  betimes 
To  Marjorie. 

There's  nothing  (printable)  that  rhymes 
With  Marjorie. 

If  only  you  were  called  Louise, 
My  Marjorie, 
Then,   pressed   for   rhyme,    I'd   use   by- 

See,  Marjorie?" 

And  so  on. 

In  a  box  containing  a  gold  bracelet 
embossed  with  a  heart  fashioned  out  of 
rubies,  Marjorie  Donlevy  has  found  a 
card  with  the  written-for-the-occasion 

"This  is  no  fancy  poem. 
Nor  is  it  a  toast. 
But    something   to    remind   you 
I  love  you  the  most." 

Maybe  he  has  salvaged  something  out 
of  that  wrecked  writing  career  after  all. 
The  End. 

Inside  Stuff 

(Continued  jrom  page  13) 

Old     Cal     Goes     Back     to     the     Indians: 

Ever  wonder  what  transpires  when  a 
group  of  Hollywoodites  is  suddenly 
transplanted  to  some  far-off  spot  for  a 
location  jaunt? 

Wonder  no  more,  my  friends,  for  old 
Cal  himself  has  just  returned  from  a 
weekend  with  the  "Valley  Of  The  Sun" 
troupe  up  in  Taos,  New  Mexico.  After 
a  night  on  the  train  we  were  whisked 
(a  cowboy  in  a  station  wagon  did  the 
whisking)  over  the  old  Kit  Carson  trail 
to  picturesque  Santa  Fe  and  then  on 
ninety  miles  to  Taos,  a  spot  out  of  this 
world,  known  and  loved  by  artists,  writ- 
ers, Indians  and  geniuses. 

At  the  Sagebrush  Inn  we  gathered  up 
leading  lady  Lucille  Ball  and  her  hus- 
band Desi  Arnaz  and  with  Tom  Tyler 
lunched  at  the  picturesque  La  Fonda 
Hotel.  Indians,  swathed  in  blue  cotton 
blankets  from  the  local  store,  crowded 
the  crooked  streets,  the  white-booted 
squaws  meekly  trailing  their  husbands. 
These  are  the  pure  Taos  Indians  and 
they  rivaled  even  Hollywood  for  color 
and  glamour. 

Out  on  the  magnificent  broad  mesa, 
Director  George  Marshall  was  busy  with 
his  troupe.  In  a  covered  wagon  were 
Dean  Jagger  and  James  Craig,  while 
directly  behind  them  stood,  of  all  people, 
Billy  Gilbert.  Even  more  incongruous 
was  the  man  who  rode  by  their  side,  Sir 
Cedric  Hardwicke  of  London,  who  plays 
an  English  remittance  man. 

As  Director  Marshall  gave  the  word, 
the  wagon  drove  off  over  the  mesa  while 

JANUARY,  1942 

suddenly  from  over  the  plains,  coming 
straight  at  us,  were  several  hundred  real 
Indians  in  war  paint,  screeching  like 
fury.  What  happened  to  Craig,  Jagger, 
Billy  Gilbert  and  Sir  Cedric  we  haven't 
the  slightest  idea.  Lucille  Ball  finally 
dragged  us  out  from  under  a  sagebrush, 
limp,  but  with  our  scalp  still  intact. 

It  wasn't  until  we  visited  the  pueblo 
later  to  pay  our  respects  to  the  Indian 
Governor  that  we  learned  most  of  these 
Indians  are  college  graduates  who  speak 
at  least  three  languages. 

At  the  Sagebrush  Inn  that  night,  where 
the  entire  cast  gathered,  the  Indians  put 
on  their  native  dances,  their  almost  naked 
and  painted  bodies  quivering  to  the 
strange  rhythmic  beat  of  the  drums. 
Between  dances  Billy  Gilbert  calmly  plied 
his  needle  back  and  forth,  executing 
some  of  the  finest  needlepoint  work  we've 
ever  seen.  Mr.  Gilbert,  who  sneezes  for 
a  living,  is  very  serious  over  his  work 
and  brooks  no  kidding,  remember  that. 
Even  the  Indians  were  stopped  dead  in 
their  tracks  at  the  sight  of  Billy's  sewing. 

But  the  highlight  of  the  evening  ar- 
rived when  Cuban  Desi  Arnaz  formed 
a  la  Conga  line  of  painted  Indians,  with 
Sir  Cedric  gracefully  kicking  from  right 
to   left  in  the  rear. 

Yes,  from  Hollywood  to  Indians  may 
be  a  far  cry,  but  we  made  it  all  in  one 
glorious  week  end  and  wouldn't  have 
missed  it  for  worlds.  At  any  rate,  you 
have  some  idea  of  what  goes  on  on  a 
picture  location  and  that  was  our  main 

Santa  Fe 

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Arrid  is  the  largest 
selling  deodorant 
...  try  a  jar  today 



a  jar 

(Also  in  10  cent  and  59  cent  Jars) 

"I  Feel  Like  a  Heel  about  Errol" 


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{Continued  jrom  page  26)  him  down. 
That  afternoon  he  made  his  second  ap- 
pearance. Lunch  wasn't  mentioned.  He 
wanted  to  know  if  she'd  have  dinner 
with  him. 

"I  never  go  out  to  dinner  with  any 
young  man  who  isn't  a  friend  of  the 
family.  But  come  and  have  tea.  I'd  like 
my  mother  to  meet  you." 

He  quirked  a  brow,  said  oh,  and  didn't 
show  up  again.  A  couple  of  months  later 
he  was  married  to  Damita.  A  couple  of 
months  after  that  he  was  being  co-starred 
with  Livvie  in  "Captain  Blood." 

She  was  thrilled  when  they  told  her. 
Errol's  looks,  Errol's  dash,  her  own 
provocative  encounter  with  him  remained 
unforgotten.  She  thought  it  would  be 
wonderful  to  work  with  him,  and  it  was. 
Livvie  had  one  modest  success  behind 
her.  Errol  was  a  blank  newcomer,  grate- 
ful  for   her  friendliness. 

He  went  through  hell  in  "Captain 
Blood."  Even  a  veteran  would  have 
found  it  a  heavy  load,  but  a  veteran 
would  have  known  how  to  protect  him- 
self. Everyone  was  on  edge  and  Flynn 
bore  the  brunt  of  that  nervous  strain. 
To  Olivia's  earlier  liking  was  added  ad- 
miration for  his  grit.  Never  did  he  lose 
control  of  himself.  But  now  and  then 
she'd  surprise  a  lost  look  in  his  eyes  and 
her  heart  ached  for  him. 

Next  time  she  played  with  Errol,  he 
was  a  star.  Nothing  lost  about  him  now. 
Very  sure  of  himself  he  was,  and  she 
didn't  like  him  quite  so  well.  She  couldn't 
know  that  "Captain  Blood"  had  marked 
him,  that  his  mind  had  been  working  fast 
and  grimly  while  he  kept  his  mouth  shut, 
that  within  a  few  weeks  he'd  learned  a 
lesson  many  people  never  learn  about  the 
fiercely  competitive  movie  game.  This 
was  the  conclusion  he  reached:  "When 
you're  underdog,  they  kick  you  around. 
If  I  ever  get  to  be  topdog,  I'll  do  my 
darnedest  to  keep  out  of  a  spot  where 
they  can  ever  kick  me  around  again.  I'll 
watch  out  for  my  own  interests,  I'll  grab 
whatever's  cominp  to  me,  I'll  play  the 
game  their  way." 

OLIVIA  was  rehearsing  a  scene  with 
him,  which  had  been  written  as  a 
fifty-fifty  shot.  "Isn't  it  funny,"  she 
thought,  "I  seem  to  be  sitting  down 
wrong.  My  face  is  always  away  from  the 

Each  time  they  rehearsed,  she  adjusted 
her  chair  a  little,  but  to  no  purpose,  till 
it  finally  entered  her  head  that  Errol  was 
deliberately  maneuvering  things  his  way. 

"But  that's  ridiculous.  He's  a  star.  He 
doesn't  need  to  upstage  me  to  make  the 
picture  his.    Besides,  he's  not  like  that." 

She  kept  edging  up  till  there  was  no 
more  chair  to  sit  on.  Then  she  got  mad, 
decided  she'd  fix  him  and  moved  her 
chair.  As  the  cameras  started  grinding, 
Errol  walked  in,  kicked  his  own  chair 
upstage,  sat  down  and  grinned.  It  was 
funny.     It  was  also  exasperating. 

If  she'd  faced  him  with  it  then,  she'd 
probably  have  been  doing  him  a  favor. 
The  shell  he'd  grown  against  danger,  real 
and  fancied,  might  have  cracked  abruptly 
instead  of  little  by  little  as  it  did  later. 
But  she  was  young  and  hurt  and  proud, 
and  was  asking  no  favors  of  Errol  Flynn, 
who  had  once  been  a  knight  and  knelt 
beside  her  chair.  So  a  barrier  rose  be- 
tween them. 

They  played  in  picture  after  picture  to- 
gether and  with  each  their  relationship 
grew  more  deadening.  It  was  nothing  so 
active  as  open  hostility.  If  they'd  raged  at 
each  other,  at  least  some  life  would  have 
fanned  the  air.   This  way  it  was  stagnant. 

The  climax  came  with  "Santa  Fe  Trail." 
They  were  doing  night  work  on  location 


and  at  three  in  the  morning  had  one  more 
scene  to  shoot.  The  others  wanted  to  go 
on  and  get  it  done  with.  Errol  didn't. 
"Good  night,  boys,"  he  said,  "I'm  going 

Livvie  stood  there  flabbergasted.  Of  all 
the  unmannerly — !  All  right,  he  was  the 
star  and  he'd  worked  the  hardest.  But 
she  was  his  lead,  it  took  her  two  hours 
to  dress  and  make  up.  Not  even  to  ask  it 
they'd  mind  finishing  another  time.  Just 
good  night  boys,  I'm  going — 

She  went  after  him.  With  elaborate 
courtesy,  she  asked:  "Couldn't  you  possi- 
bly manage  to  finish  this  one  setup,  so 
we  won't  have  to  come  out  again  to- 
morrow night?" 

"Why  must  you  approach  me  on  a  per- 
sonal basis?"  he  inquired  coldly. 

Then  she  let  go.  "If  you  mean  by  per- 
sonal, that  this  involves  my  comfort  and 
convenience  as  well  as  that  of  a  lot  of 
other  people,  you're  right.  Otherwise,  I 
don't  know  what  you're  talking  about," 
and  she  turned  on  her  heel. 

He  almost  stopped  her.  What  was  eat- 
ing him  was  the  suspicion  that  she'd 
come,  not  on  her  own,  but  at  the  behest 
of  the  authorities  who  were  using  her  to 
soften  him  up.  Darn  the  authorities.  He 
turned  on  his  heel. 

THEY  had  a  day's  stills  to  do  together 
'  when  the  picture  was  finished.  As  they 
left  the  gallery,  Livvie  said  without  heat: 
"I'm  bored  to  death  with  you,  Errol,  and 
I  don't  want  to  work  with  you  again. 
Nothing  personal,  you  understand" — she 
got  that  dig  in  neatly — "I'm  sure  you  feel 
the  same  way  about  me.  It's  bad  for  us  to 
work  together.  Sooner  or  later  it's  bound 
to  show  up  on  the  screen.  I'm  going  to 
talk  to  Hal  Wallis  about  it.  But  you  have 
more  influence  than  I.  Will  you  talk  to 
Mr.  Warner?" 

"Glad  to,"  he  smiled.  "And  may  I  add 
that  I  agree  with  you?" 

Livvie  talked  to  Hal  Wallis,  Errol  to 
Jack  Warner,  the  difference  being  that 
Livvie  talked  for  herself,  Errol  for  Liwie. 
He  didn't  want  any  separation.  But  when 
a  lady's  bored,  what  can  a  gentleman 
say  but  good-by. 

So  it  was  arranged.  Brenda  Marshall 
teamed  up  with  Flynn  in  "Footsteps  In 
The  Dark."  But  Livvie  had  to  go  with 
him  and  the  company  to  Santa  Fe  for 
the  premiere  of  "Santa  Fe  Trail."  En 
route  the  train  stopped  at  a  little  town. 
The  star  and  his  lead  were  asked  to  step 
out  on  the  rear  platform  and  talk  to  the 
townsfolk  over  a  mike.  Unprepared,  they 
had  to  adlib  it.  Whether  Livvie  helped 
Flynn  out  or  Flynn  Livvie,  she  doesn't 
remember.  But  back  in  their  seats,  they 
looked  at  each  other  as  if  they  were  a 
couple  of  other  fellows. 

"Is  this  you?"  Livvie  demanded.  "Or 
is  the  other  one  you?" 

"Which  other  one?" 

"The  one  you've  been  all  these  years. 
The  guy  who  wouldn't  finish  the  scene 
that  night." 

He  was  sorry,  he'd  misunderstood,  he'd 
been  a  boor,  would  she  please  forgive 
him?  The  floodgates  burst.  He  told  her 
how  the  thing  had  started  and  become, 
without  his  realization,  a  kind  of  obses- 
sion. Remembering  "Captain  Blood." 
she  could  understand  that.  This  busi- 
ness between  them  had  been  her  fault 
too,  she  said — she'd  been  callow,  in- 
tolerant, overquick  to  judge.  So  they 
left  it  at  that  and  talked  about  everything 
under  the  sun,  learning  more  of  each 
other  in  an  hour  than  they  had  in  eight 
years.  They  were  still  talking  when  the 
dinner  call  came.  Errol  said  he'd  brush 
up  and  come  back  to  take  her  to  the 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Fifteen  minutes  later  a  forlorn  voice 
answered  his  knock  at  the  door.  "You'll 
have  to  go  to  dinner  without  me,  Errol. 
I  don't  feel  very  well." 

"Oh,  I'm  sorry.    Anything  I   can   do?" 

"No,  it  must  be  that  terrible  beef  stew 
I  had  for  lunch.  Thanks  just  the  same. 
I'll  be  all  right  in  the  morning." 

Her  temperature  shot  up  to  a  hundred 
and  two  and  the  first-aid  man  had  to  sit 
with  her  all  night.  At  the  Santa  Fe  hos- 
pital, her  beef  stew  was  diagnosed  as 
appendicitis.  Errol  called  with  Donald 
Crisp  and  a  huge  basket  of  flowers.  At 
the  dinner  that  evening  he  proposed  a 
toast  to  her. 

OPERATION  and  convalescence  behind 
her,  she  returned  to  the  studio.  It 
struck  her  that  she  was  being  handled 
more  tenderly  than  usual  by  the  front 
office,  consulted  about  details  they'd  never 
bothered  to  consult  her  about  before. 
"Surely  it's  not  just  because  I've  been 
ill,"  she  puzzled.  "Maybe  I'm  making  an 
impression  on  my  home  lot  at  last."  Her 
best  roles,  be  it  remembered,  have  been 
on  loanout — Melanie  in  "Gone  With  The 
Wind,"  the  delicious  Emmy  Brown  de- 
liriously played  in  "Hold  Back  The 

Then  she  received  the  script  of  "They 
Died  With  Their  Boots  On."  "I  like  it," 
she  admitted.  "But  you  know  how  Flynn 
and  I  feel  about  playing  together." 

"Maybe  you  feel  that  way,  but  Flynn 

"What  do  you  mean,  Flynn  doesn't?" 

"Well,  if  he  does,  he's  got  a  funny  way 
of  showing  it:   He  asked  for  you  in  this 

picture."  With  that,  the  story  came  out. 

Not  only  had  he  asked  for  her.  He'd 
pointed  out  that  his  fan  mail  clamored  for 
her  as  his  partner.  He  knew  that  his  own 
box-office  pull  was  greater  when  she 
played  with  him.  If  she  didn't  want  to,  he 
couldn't  say  that  he  blamed  her.  Not 
because  of  his  attitude  alone,  but  because 
the  studio,  he  felt,  had  handled  her  indif- 

Starry-eyed,  she  went  in  search  of  her 
champion.  "So  you  double-crossed  me, 
you  so-and-so.  Oh  Errol,  what  a  wonder- 
ful thing  for  you  to  have  done.  How  can 
I  ever  thank  you?" 

"For  what?" 

"Saying  those  things  about  me." 

"Oh,  that.  They  were  just  facts.  Are 
you  going  to  do  the  part?    I'm  glad." 

Which  is  where  we  came  in.  With 
Olivia  wailing.  "And  I  thought  he  was 
interested  only  in  himself.  Thought  it 
and  said  it.  Now  he  looks  so  different — 
as  if  you'd  peeled  off  a  whole  layer  of 
Errol  and  exposed  something  underneath 
you'd  never  suspected.  Oh,  it's  not  be- 
cause he  tossed  some  bouquets  my  way 
that  I  was  so  touched.  But  because  of 
what  he  did  for  me  with  the  front  office 
and  how  he  did  it.  Because  he  had  the 
imagination  to  realize  that  was  what  I 
needed  most  and  the  really  nice  heart  to 
go  to  bat  for  me.  Me,  the  smug  one, 
who'd  never  even  bothered  to  try  to  look 
below  the  surface  with  him.  Do  you 
wonder  I  feel  like  a  heel?  Do  you  won- 
der I'm  racking  my  head  for  some  way 
to  make  up?" 

This  is  to  make  up. 

The   End 

No  Runaway  Marriage  for  These  Two! 

(Continued  from  page  28)  Eleven  months 
later,  she  saw  him  again.  This  time  it 
was  at  a  "jam  session"  at  his  house,  and 
two  of  his  best  friends,  Buddy  Pepper 
and  Junior  Coghlan,  were  her  escorts. 
The  evening  was  memorable  to  Bun  for 
one  reason:  Since  she  had  nothing  in  the 
musical  line  to  contribute  to  the  "jam 
session,"  Jackie  ignored  her  completely 
in  favor  of  his  beloved  drum! 

The  day  before  Christmas  (almost  a 
twelve-month  lapse  this  time!)  Jackie 
telephoned  around  seven-thirty  in  the 
evening  and  asked  for  a  date  that  night. 
Bun  began  to  demur  in  the  expected 
feminine' way;  it  was  "awfully  late"  to 
be  asking  for  a  date. 

"You're  not  doing  anything,  are  you?" 
Jackie   demanded   point-blank. 

"No,"    Bun    admitted.     "But — " 

"Then  let's  go,"  he  said.  They  went. 
Dancing  at  the  Beverly-Wilshire  to 
heavenly  music  and  complete  forgetful- 
ness  of  anything  like  a  clock.  Bun  got 
a  scolding  for  being  late  but  decided  it 
was  worth  it. 

Christmas  day  Jackie  appeared  in  com- 
pany with  her  other  swains,  Pepper 
and  Coghlan,  and  gifted  her  with  a  charm 
bracelet  made  of  flags  of  all  the  nations. 

It  was  some  time  in  March  he  again 
telephoned  and  asked  if  she  would  like 
to  go  with  him  while  he  made  a  layout 
of  publicity  pictures  of  bowling,  swim- 
ming, ice  skating  and  so  on  in  the  after- 
noon. Bun  accepted  and  promptly 
amazed  Jackie  by  honestly  enjoying  the 
various  sports  and  proving  herself  re- 
markably proficient  at  them.  Here,  he 
decided,  was  something  pretty  swell  in 
a  girl. 

"Do  you  have  to  go  home  now?"  he 
asked.     Bun  said  no. 

"Then  let's  have  dinner  and  go  to  the 
preview,"  he  suggested. 

After  the  preview  he  again  asked  if  she 
had  to  go  home.     She  said  no. 

JANUARY,   1942 

"Then  let's  go  to  Ciro's  for  a  while." 
As  he  left  her  at  her  door,  one  thought 
was  pounding  in  the  back  of  young  Mr. 
Cooper's  head.  He  had  been  in  Miss 
Granville's  company  for  a  solid  twelve 
hours  and  darned  if  he  wasn't  wishing 
there  were  twice  that  time  still  to  go. 

THEY  started  dating  once  every,  two 
'  weeks.  Then  it  was  once  a  week.  Then 
it  was  twice  a  week.  By  June  of  last 
year  (1940)  they  had  reached  the  daily- 
telephone-call  stage  and  were  "going 
steady."  Since  then  neither  has  dated 
anyone  else.  Not  that  they  ever  had  one 
of  those  "we  will"  or  "we  won't"  agree- 
ments. Both  believe  such  decisions  label 
one  as  youthfully  naive.  Rather,  they 
just  slid  into  a  tacit  understanding. 

Daytime  dates,  when  picture  schedules 
will  allow  them,  are  given  over  to  swim- 
ming, horseback  riding  and  bowling. 
That's  one  reason  they're  both  so  excited 
about  working  together  in  "Syncopation" 
at  RKO;  each  will  have  free  time  at  the 
same  time.  It  was  tough  going  when 
Bun  was  making  "H.  M.  Pulham,  Esq." 
at  Metro  and  Jackie  was  crosstown  do- 
ing  "Glamour  Boy"   for  Paramount. 

Evenings  they  have  dinner  and  go  to 
the  movies  (both  are  movie  hounds)  or 
stay  home  and  play  phonograph  records. 
On  Saturday  nights,  as  a  rule,  Bun  and 
Jackie  step  out  in  style.  The  best  times, 
however,  are  those  dates  when  they  sit 
and    daydream    about    former    dates. 

"Heaven  help  me  if  I  get  a  July  night 
mixed  up  with  a  September  afternoon!" 
Jackie  said.  "Bun  has  a  memory  like  an 
elephant.  Doggone,  if  she  can't  remem- 
ber everything  I  said  six  months  ago 
and  why  I  said  it!" 

"Heaven  help  me  if  I  keep  him  waiting 
ten  minutes  for  anything!"  Bun  laughed 
back.  "Jackie  is  a  positive  maniac  about 
being  on  time!" 

They  have  made  all  sorts  of  interesting 


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discoveries  about  each  other  since  they 
have  been  sweethearts.  While  Jackie  has 
rhythm  in  his  blood,  Bun  has  none  at  all, 
though  she  is  a  good  ballroom  dancer. 
She  likes  classical  music  for  its  mood 
or    beauty,    he    for    its    instrumentation. 

They  disagree  violently  about  money 
with  Bun  claiming  Jackie  is  woefully 
extravagant  and  Jackie  accusing  Bun  of 
pinching  pennies  at  the  wrong  time.  They 
argue  over  her  trick  diets  (he  is  an  anti- 
diet  man  as  far  as  she  is  concerned) ,  her 
refusal  to  state  dining  and  dancing  pref- 
erences and  just  plain  arguments. 

"Jackie  gets  off  the  track  in  argu- 
ments," Bun  observed.  "He  winds  up  not 
knowing  what  we  were  arguing  about  in 
the  first  place." 

"And  Bun  can't  argue  quietly  and  rea- 
sonably," Jackie  countered,  with  a  teas- 
ing grin.  "She  always  winds  up  in  a 
lather.  But  at  least,"  he  knocked  on 
wood,  "we've  never  got  to  the  hang-up- 
the-telephone  stage.  Probably  because 
neither  of  us  would  give  in  that  far!" 

They  both  dislike  hypocrites,  phonies 
and  people  who  use  them  for  personal 
gain.  They  both  like  sports,  swing  music, 
puns,  spaghetti  and  tailored  clothes.  Both 
are  nervous,  tactless  and  unafraid  to 
sound  off.  And  both  are  romanticists  to 
the  tips  of  their  toes. 

"I  suppose  that's  one  reason  why  I  am 
opposed  to  runaway  marriage,"  Bun  said. 
"I've  had  a  mental  picture  of  my  wedding 
ever  since  I  was  a  little  girl  and  an 
elopement  just  won't  fit  that  picture. 

"I  want  a  simple  church  wedding  with 
only  my  family  and  closest  friends  there, 
people  who  really  care  about  me.  I 
definitely  don't  want  a  'Hollywood  pro- 
duction' with  a  lot  of  people  gaping  at 
what  amounts  to  a  free  show.  I  want 
to  wear  an  ivory  satin  gown  with  long 
sleeves,  a  train  and  a  veil.  I  want  to 
carry  white  orchids  and  have  two  or 
three  of  my  best  friends  for  bridesmaids. 
I  want  to  have  all  the  usual  showers 
and  parties  before  the  wedding  and  I 
want  to  have  a  small  reception  after- 
wards with  a  wedding  cake  and  a  toast  in 
champagne.  I  want  to  have  a  trousseau 
of  lovely  clothes  and  a  real  honeymoon. 
In  other  words,  I  want  to  be  married 
like  any  girl  in  any  small  town,  and 
nobody  can  talk  me  out  of  it! 

"ELOPEMENTS,  I  suppose,  do  have  a 
*■  certain  excitement  about  them,  but 
to  me  the  marriage  ceremony  itself 
should  be  a  sacred  moment,  not  an  excit- 
ing one.  It  should  be  a  moment  of  such 
beauty  that  all  your  life  the  memory 
of  it  will  bring  tears  to  your  eyes.  At 
least,  that's  the  way  I  want  it  to  be  for 
me  and  I  know  it  can  be. 

"It  is  trite  but  still  true  that  getting 
married  is  the  most  important  step  a 
girl  takes  in  life,  for  it  means  she  is 
beginning  a  new  life,  ordered  by  dif- 
ferent standards  and  lived  by  different 
rules.  Surely  the  realization  of  that  im- 
portance will  be  greater  for  me  and  I 
will  be  more  prepared  to  make  the  sacri- 
fices and  give  the  understanding  it  en- 
tails  if   I   am   married    in    front    of   God 

Will   you   ever  be   rich? 

in  God's  House." 

The  marriage  ceremony  is  one  of  the 
most  important  moments  in  a  man's  life, 
too,  Jackie  said,  for  it  means  he  not  only 
is  beginning  a  newly  ordered  existence 
but  has  assumed  responsibility  for  an- 
other life.  He  admits  he  has  very  definite 
ideas  for  the  occasion. 

"I  want  a  formal  ceremony  in  church," 
Jackie  said.  "I  want  the  memory  of  my 
bride  walking  up  the  aisle  to  meet  me, 
the  music  of  a  great  organ  and  the 
solemn  words  of  the  ceremony  itself.  I 
want  my  family  and  close  friends  there. 
I  want  a  wedding  breakfast  for  the 
wedding  party  after  the  ceremony  and 
then  a  reception  with  champagne  and 
a  wedding  cake  with  those  little  figures 
on  top  which  you  keep  all  your  life. 
And  I  want  a  real  honeymoon,  a  boat 
trip  if  possible." 

Like  Bun,  Jackie  is  opposed  to  run- 
away marriage. 

"Marriage  is  so  doggoned  important. 
I  think  it  rates  a  lot  of  thought  before 
you  take  the  step."  he  said.  "Nine  times 
out  of  ten,  people  who  elope  do  it  on 
the  spur  of  the  moment.  Often  they 
haven't  discussed  marriage  and  what  it 

"Everything  about  an  elopement  is  so 
sudden  and  the  two  people  are  torn  away 
so  quickly  from  their  former  lives  they 
just  don't  have  time  to  make  the  neces- 
sary adjustments.  As  a  result,  many 
marriages  break  up  which  otherwise 
might  have  had  a  good  chance  to  suc- 
ceed. Then,  too,  I  think  the  ease  with 
which  a  couple  can  dash  off  in  the  middle 
of  the  night  and  find  themselves  married 
after  a  quick  word  or  two  by  an  utter 
stranger  can't  help  but  bring  the  feeling 
that  it  would  be  just  as  easy — and  just 
as  unimportant — to  get  a  divorce  if  the 
marriage  didn't  work  out  right  away. 

"On  the  other  hand,  if  you  stand  up 
in  church — or  in  a  home,  for  that  matter, 
if  the  same  thought  and  planning  has 
gone  into  the  wedding — and  make  cer- 
tain promises,  you're  doing  it  only  after 
both  of  you  have  done  plenty  of  think- 
ing. You  know  what  you  are  doing  and 
why  you  are  doing  it.  And  that,  above 
all,  it's  nothing  you  are  going  to  kick 
around  tomorrow  or  the  day  after.  There 
is  a  dignity  and  a  solid  something  about 
it  which  carries  through,  year  after  year. 
It's  something  to  draw  on  when  the  going 
gets  tough  or  makes  it  doubly  swell  if 
the  sailing  is  smooth.  Without  that  solid 
something,  that  sense  of  security  and 
permanence,  I  think  any  marriage  has 
two  strikes  on  it.  I  intend  my  marriage 
to  last — and  I  don't  want  that  kind  of 

Perhaps  in  the  future,  a  few  years  from 
now,  Bun  and  Jackie  will  share  the  ideal 
wedding  they  have  in  mind.  Jackie  says 
that  is  his  idea  if  Bun  still  feels  the  same 
about  him.  The  odds  on  both  are  pretty 

"Providing  she  isn't  late  for  her  own 
wedding!"  Jackie  chuckled. 

"And   providing   he   has   anything   left 
for  the  ring!"  Bun  laughed  back. 
The  End. 

If  you  have  ever  asked  yourself  this  question  and 
wondered  what  the  answer  would  be,  see  how  twenty- 
three    young    people    in    Hollywood    are    working    out 
security  for  their  precarious  futures 


photoplay  combined  icith  movie  mirror 

Love  among  the   Reagans 

(Continued  from  page  31)  Between  Jane 
and  whom  it  may  concern,  he  has. 
"Everybody  likes  him,"  says  the  candid 
Wyman.  "Few  people  like  me."  He's 
equable,  she's  hot-tempered;  he's  instinc- 
tively friendly,  she's  had  experiences 
which  tend  to  make  her  mistrustful. 

Their  one  serious  difference  arose  over 
an  attempt  on  Jane's  part  to  influence 
him  in  the  handling  of  his  career.  She'd 
been  in  the  business  longer,  she  wanted 
him  to  profit  by  her  blunders.  Ronnie 
indicated  that  he  preferred  to  make  his 
own.  Jane  recognized  the  impasse  and 
has  kept  her  hands  off  since.  On  the 
basis  of  his  upward  zoom  from  "Million 
Dollar  Baby"  through  "International 
Squadron"  to  "Kings  Row,"  she  concludes 
that  off  was  a  good  place  to  keep  them. 

Indeed,  it's  Jane,  the  stormy  half  of 
the  pair,  who's  done  most  of  the  surface 
adjusting.  "At  no  cost  to  myself,  be  it 
understood,"  she  says.  "I'm  only  a  thou- 
sand times  happier  than  I've  ever  been. 
I  used  to  be  the  kind  of  person  who  sat 
around  swank  night  clubs  with  a  big 
fuzz  on  my  head  and  a  long  cigarette 
holder  sticking  out  of  my  face.  Athletics 
held  no  charm  for  me.  First  I  was  too 
lazy,  and  then  what  for?  Till  along  came 
Reagan  and  all  I  heard  was  football  and 
track  and  swimming  and  golf.  The  only 
way  I  could  get  to  see  him  was  out  on 
a  golf  course.  So  where  do  you  think 
I  went?    Out  on  a  golf  course." 

NOW  they  play  together  every  Sunday, 
with  Ronnie  gloating  over  his  wife's 
perfect  swing.  She  started  her  swimming 
lessons  on  their  honeymoon  and  he 
thinks  they'll  get  round  to  horses  next. 
He's  broaching  the  idea  subtly  from  the 
angle  of  how  well  she'd  look  in  riding 

Ronnie's  notion  of  a  good  time  is  not 
going  to  night  clubs.  He  never  said  to 
his  bride,  "Let's  cut  them  out."  They 
just  oozed  out,  along  with  the  fuzz  on 
her  head  and  the  cigarette  holder.  Eve- 
nings are  now  given  to  movies,  gin 
rummy  and  books.  After  knitting  Ronnie 
all  the  socks  he  could  wear,  Jane  sud- 
denly discovered  the  existence  of  reading 
matter  and  devours  it  with  the  greed 
of  one  who's  been  unconsciously  hungry 
all  her  life. 

Before  marriage,  Jane's  spending  was 
governed  more  closely  by  her  whims 
than  her  bank  account.  Ronnie,  on  the 
other  hand,  is  a  guy  with  a  system,  self- 
installed,  since  to  him  a  business  man- 
ager is  a  tacit  admission  that  you're  too 
dumb  to  save  your  own  dough.  The 
Reagan  incomes  are  pooled.  It's  not  his 
money  or  her  money,  but  their  money, 
At  the  end  of  the  week,  so  much  goes 
into  the  joint  savings,  so  much  into  the 
joint  checking  account.  A  check  is  drawn 
to  cover  their  spending  money  for  the 

If  Jane  makes  a  wistful  crack  about 
some  divine  fur  coat  she  could  get 
along  beautifully  without,  Ronnie  says 
okay,  honey,  and  hauls  out  the  bank 
books.  It  winds  up  with  Mrs.  Reagan's 
wanting  to  know  what  he's  talking  about, 
it's  perfectly  obvious  they  can't  afford  a 
fur  coat,  while  the  mister  winks  approv- 
ingly at  himself. 

THEY'RE  planning  their  home  on  the 
same  sensible  structure  of  don't-bite- 
off-more-than-you-can-chew.  The  site  is 
on  a  hill,  commanding  a  view  from  City 
Hall  to  the  sea,  and,  like  any  average 
couple,  they're  waiting  for  FHA  to  come 
through  with  a  loan.  Their  ideas  of  what 
they  want  and  don't  want  are  well- 
defined.    Not   a   mansion,   predicated   on 

JANUARY,   1942 

possible  future  earning  power,  but  a 
seven-room  house  whose  carrying  charges 
they  can  afford  now.  A  paneled  living 
room  to  be  lived  in.  A  knotty  pine 
kitchen  with  a  huge  oak  table  in  the 
center,  because  everybody  likes  to  hang 
around  the  kitchen,  especially  Jane. 

To  Jane  the  house,  whose  foundations 
are  yet  to  be  laid,  is  a  vivid  actuality. 
To  Ronnie,  it's  a  set  of  blueprints. 
Standing  on  the  sagebrush-covered  lot, 
Jane's  eyes  will  focus  on  a  given  point. 
"What  kind  of  drapes  shall  we  have  at 
those  windows?" 

"What  windows?" 

"Over  there.  The  living-room  win- 
dows— " 

"Are  you   feeling   all   right?" 

"Oh  Ronnie,  that's  where  the  living- 
room  windows'll  be!" 

"Look,  honey,  would  you  mind  letting 
me  see  the  windows  once  before  we 
start  covering  'em?" 

This  story  revives  in  Jane  the  memory 
of  old  wounds.  "I  can  understand  his 
not  being  interested  in  drapes.  Anyway, 
at  this  point.  What  I  can't  swallow  is 
his  attitude  toward  my  clothes.  On  our 
honeymoon  I  said,  'We've  been  married 
two  days  and  I'd  kind  of  like  to  know 
what  you  like  and  what  you  don't.  Will 
you  come  with  me  to  pick  out  a  swim 
suit?'  He  said,  'I'm  busy,  I  have  to 
play  golf.' 

"Once  in  a  while  I'd  drag  him  into  a 
hat  shop — why,  I  don't  know.  He'd  sit 
behind  a  newspaper  and  say  mm.  If 
I  bought  the  hat  myself  and  tried  to  get 
a  reaction,  he'd  go  whew!  He  seems  to 
think  it's  a  man's  privilege  to  go  whew! 
and  that  a  woman's  supposed  to  know 
she  looks  all  right.  I  broke  him  of  that, 
though.    Now  he  says,  'My,  it's  pretty.'  " 

"A  woman,"  said  Ronnie,  "should  be 
satisfied  with  the  gleam  in  a  man's  eye. 
The  gleam  in  a  man's  eye  should  be 
more  flattering  than  a  lot  of  meaningless 
language.  While  we're  on  the  subject 
of  shopping,  let  me  put  in  my  oar.  When 
I  want  to  buy  a  pair  of  shoes  nowadays, 
I  have  to  fold  my  tents  like  the  Arabs 
and  silently  sneak  away." 

"That's  not  so!" 

"My  turn.  Mrs.  Reagan.  It  used  to  be 
that  I  wanted  a  pair  of  brown  shoes. 
I  went  out  and  bought  a  pair  of  brown 
shoes  and  that  was  that.  But  my  wife 
believes  in  shopping.  The  only  thing  she 
likes  better  than  a  women's  clothing 
store  is  a  men's  clothing  store.  So  she 
goes  along.  I  try  on  not  one  but  thirty 
pair  of  brown  shoes.  By  the  time  I  get 
through  trying  on  brown  shoes,  my 
socks  are  worn  out.  Then  she  sees  a 
robe,  then  she  sees  a  sweater,  then  she 
sees  socks  and  ties  and  dungarees.  I've 
got  a  robe  and  a  sweater  and  ties  and 
socks  and  dungarees. 

"Sometimes  I  think  I'm  getting  away 
with  murder.  When  it  comes  to  funda- 
mentals like  suits  and  babies,  I  find  out 
who's  boss.  I  think  Jane  started  talking 
about  a  baby  a  day  after  we  were  mar- 
ried. I  wanted  one,  too,  but  I  used  all 
my  male  logic  to  persuade  her  that  every 
young  couple  ought  to  wait  a  year.  She 
agreed  I  was  right  as  usual  and  she  was 
wrong.    So  we  had  a  baby." 

THIS  event  provided  Ronnie  with  some 
of  his  choicest  glimpses  into  the  mys- 
teries of  feminine  psychology.  They  were 
driving  downtown  one  day  before  Mau- 
reen Elizabeth's  arrival,  talking  of  noth- 
ing in  particular,  when  the  peace  was 
shattered  by  a  wild  sob  from  Jane. 

"Good  lord,  honey,  what's  wrong? 
What  did  I  say—?" 

"No-nothing — " 

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delightful,  the  color  beautiful.  Brian 
Aherne  is  lost  in  a  character  unsuited 
to  his  fine  talents.  The  performance  of 
Raymond  carries  more  sincerity  than  any 
of  the  others. 

another  between  Clark  and  Lana — that 
is,  if  that's  what  they  paid  their  money 

Your   Reviewer  Soys:   Hot  stuff. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  For  MacDonald  fans.  Sailors  On  Leave  (Republic) 

^  Dumbo  (Walt  Disney-RKO) 

It's  About:  A  little  elephant  that  discov- 
ered  he   could  fly. 

A  LL  the  whimsical  charm  that  Walt 
''Disney  has  showered  on  his  past  fan- 
tasies is  embodied  in  this  heart-touching 
story  of  "Dumbo,"  the  baby  elephant  who 
was  spurned  and  despised  because  of  his 
enormous  ears. 

Then,  one  day,  "Dumbo"  and  Timothy 
Q.  Mouse,  a  rodent  friend,  accidentally 
drank  some  giggle  water  and  after  a  night 
of  pink  elephants  found  themselves  up  in 
a  tree.  To  their  astonishment,  they 
learned  "Dumbo"  had  flown  there  and 
the  following  night  when  the  ringmaster 
prepared  to  make  a  monkey  of  poor 
"Dumbo,"  he  threw  everyone  into  a 
panic  by  taking  off  and  flying  himself 
into  stardom. 

Cliff  Edwards  is  the  voice  of  Jim  Crow, 
the  gay  old  bird,  and  Sterling  Holloway 
is  the  Stork. 

It's  appealing,  funny  and  tragic  in 
turn  and  drawn  to  beautiful  perfection. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  A  novelty  of  great 

^  Target  For  Tonight 

(Warners'    release    of    a    British 

Government  film) 

It's  About:   The  Royal  Air  Force  in  action. 

|  T  is  the  tremendous  simplicity,  straight- 
'  forward  honesty  in  telling  that  makes 
this  story  of  the  R.A.F.  one  of  the 
strongest  war  documents   ever  filmed. 

The  story  tells  of  a  raid  on  Nazi  oil 
tanks  from  the  time  air  photographers 
have  spotted  the  target  to  the  moment 
the  boys  hover  over  the  spot  in  their 
huge  death-dealing  bombers.  Boys  of  the 
R.A.F.  and  officers  of  the  station  are  the 
only  actors,  going  through  their  routine 
actions  calmly,  coolly,  matter-of-factly. 
A  certain  Scotch  lad,  with  his  cool  nerve 
and  quaint  brogue,  caught  the  eye  of  the 
Hollywood  preview  audience. 

The  actual  bombing  crew  are  all  mem- 
bers of  the  "F  for  Freddie"  six,  who  have 
already  made  more  than  200  flights  over 
Germany  and  are  known  throughout 
England  for  their  quiet  courage. 

We  consider  this  hour-long  picture  one 
of  the  greatest  of  its  kind  and  urge 
everyone  to  see  it. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:    Tremendous. 

Honky  Tonk  (M-G-M) 

It's  About:  An  unscrupulous  he-man  of 
the  old  West. 

"UONKY  TONK"  rambles  and  it  ram- 
n  bles,  and  it  gets  nowhere,  but  in  its 
circling  it  does  manage  to  gather  up 
Lana  Turner  and  Clark  Gable  and  give 
them  a  twirl  on  the  usual  sexy  old 

Gable  is  a  Western  con  man  who 
makes  his  living  off  "suckers."  He  and 
his  pal  Chill  Wills  get  elected  the  big 
bosses  of  a  Western  town,  tax  the  people 
into  rebellion  and  escape  with  their 
hides,  their  unreformed  minds  and  little 
else;  except,  of  course,  Lana,  daughter 
of   Frank    Morgan. 

But  the  customers  will  get  their 
money's  worth  out  of  one  embrace  after 

It's  About:  Sailors  who  try  to  promote 
the  marriage  of  a  pal  for  financial  reasons. 

DILL  LUNDIGAN  has  spun  a  fanciful 
O  yarn  of  an  inheritance  due  him  on  a 
certain  date  and  his  pals,  who  have 
loaned  him  money  on  the  strength  of 
it,  want  him  to  marry  before  the  dead- 

They  decide  night-club  singer  Shirley 
Ross  is  to  be  the  girl.  After  many  comi- 
cal interludes,  supplied  by  Chick  Chand- 
ler and  Cliff  Nazarro,  and  after  many 
trials  and  man-sized  tribulations,  -Bill 
and  Shirley — well,  anyway,  it's  a  cute 

Your  Reviewer  Says:    Sailor — beware. 

Never   Give  A   Sucker  An   Even 
Break  (Universal) 

It's  About:  A  writer's  attempts  to  sell  a 
screen  story. 

I N  this  picture  Bill  Fields  attempts  to 
*  sell  a  screen  story  he  has  written  to 
a  producer.  In  real  life  he  did;  he  sold 
this  one  to  Universal,  but  it  isn't  funny 
to   anyone   but   Fields  fans. 

It  seems  to  this  reviewer,  if  Mr.  Fields 
would  kindly  forget  his  yen  for  author- 
ship and  get  back  to  his  Mr.  Micawbers 
this   would  be   a   happier  world. 

Little  Gloria  Jean  is  a  bright  spot  in 
the  goings-on  and  Franklyn  Pangborn 
swipes  a  few  scenes  here  and  there. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:    Strictly  a  Fields  day. 

Mercy   Island   (Republic) 

It's  About:  A  successful  attorney  who  be- 
comes obsessed  with  a  desire  to  condemn 
a  fugitive. 

|_|  ERE  is  one  of  those  psychological 
*'  tales  of  a  man  who  lets  himself  be- 
come eaten  with  one  desire — to  return 
to  justice  Otto  Rruger,  a  surgeon  who 
has  been  hiding  in  the  Florida  Keys. 

Anyway,  Ray  Middleton,  a  successful 
attorney,  his  wife  Gloria  Dickson  and 
others  are  swept  ashore  in  the  Keys  and 
from  the  minute  Middleton  discovers 
Kruger,  a  surgeon  who  gave  a  merciful 
drug  to  a  condemned  convict,  he  goes 
mad  with  the  desire  to  turn  in  Kruger. 

Middleton  is  pretty  good,  too.  and  the 
climax  of  the  story  well  worked  out. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:    Not  bad. 

Down  Mexico  Way  (Republic) 

It's  About:  Bad  men  who  get  caught  by 
good  men. 

GENE  AUTRY  fans  step  forward!  All 
others  may  leave  the  room  if  they 
so  desire,  because  this  movie  is  of  Autry. 
for  Autry,  by  Autry,  a  brave  and  fear- 
less lad  who,  when  he  discovers  his 
townsfolk  have  been  gypped  by  a  band 
of  crooked  movie  promoters,  rides  right 
over  into  Mexico  to  round  them  up. 

There  he  finds  them  at  the  same  old 
racket  and  with  the  police  on  motor- 
cycles and  Gene  on  his  horse  he  snags 
them,  but  good. 

Fay  McKenzie  is  pretty  and  talented 
as  Autry 's  new  leading  lady. 

Autry  fans  will  be  thrilled  to  the  mar- 
row of  their  bones.    They  should  be. 

Your  Reviewer  Soys:   Look  at  that  guy  ride. 
photoplay  combined  with  movtf  ^iirror 

Speak  for  Yourself 

(Continued  from  page  6)  the  sofa  wakes 
up  and  accompanies  her  perfectly  and 
all  the  people  around  know  all  the 
words  and  join  in,  even  though  Nelson 
Eddy  has  just  finished  composing  the 
song  for  her. 

If  I  try  to  brighten  my  dishwashing  by 
bursting  into  song,  someone  in  the  next 
room  says,  "There's  such  an  awful 
draught  I  think  I'll  close  the  door,"  or 
"Let's  turn  on  the  radio,  there  must  be 
something   bet —   I   mean   good   on." 

When  Don  Ameche  comes  home  after 
a  hard  day  of  inventing  things,  he  kisses 
Loretta  Young  tenderly  and  murmurs, 
"Mmm!  Dearest,  the  thought  of  you  here 
waiting  patiently  makes  all  the  struggles 
and  disappointments  of  the  days  seem 
unimportant;  you  make  it  all  so  worth 

When  Bill  comes  home  at  six  he  gives 
me  a  quick  kiss  and  says,  "Mmm!  You've 
been  eating  onions.  How  soon  will  dinner 
be   ready?" 

When  Charles  Boyer  discovers  how 
unjustly  he  has  accused  the  light  of 
his  life,  he  murmurs  pleadingly,  "Dar- 
ling, I've  been  a  blind,  stupid  fool!  Can 
you  ever  forgive  me?"  and  then  he  kisses 
her  until  the  Hays  Office  and  I  both 
swoon — but  for  different  reasons. 

When  Bill  finds  out  that  I  didn't  do 
something  he  said  I  did,  he  barks,  "All 
right,  all  right,  so  I  was  wrong!  Can't 
we  talk  about  anything  else?" 

I  like  the  movies. 

E.  H.  Church, 
Woburn,  Mass. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
It's  Happened! 

CHEERS  for  Miss  Bishop!  Cheers 
^"  and  more  cheers!  After  long  waiting 
and  hoping,  it's  a  grand  and  glorious 
feeling  to  meet  in  the  movies  a  school- 
teacher of  the  female  species  who  is  hu- 
man. From  the  pedantic,  absent-minded 
school  mistress  with  shell -rimmed  glasses, 
a  sort  of  feminine  Ichabod  Crane,  who 
appears  in  features,  to  the  dreadful 
creature  of  the  comics,  flourishing  a  ruler 
in  one  hand  and  a  dunce  cap  in  the  other, 
we've  been  grossly  misrepresented. 

I  was  almost  ready  to  suggest  the  role 
of  a  deep-dyed  villain  for  one  of  us — a 
good  villain  is  preferable  to  a  bad  carica- 
ture any  day!  Then  along  came  Mr. 
Chips,  and  we  took  hope.  And  now — it's 
happened!  Miss  Bishop  is  human  and  at- 
tractive. We  are  deeply  grateful,  for, 
after  all,  we're  just  folks,  who  sometimes 
have  cars  and  fur  coats  and  sometimes  a 
mother  or  an  aunt  to  support;  who  dance 
on  Saturday  nights  and  attend  church  on 
Sundays;  who  like  laughter,  but  are  not 
unacquainted  with  tears. 

Annie  Laurie  Von  Tungeln, 
Tulsa,  Okla. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
Family  Revolution 

kA  Y  husband's  being  away  on  defense 
' '  *  work  makes  time  drag  for  me,  liv- 
ing with  the  family.  So  the  other  night  I 
said,  "Folks,  let's  go  and  see  "Hold  Back 
The  Dawn.'  " 

"Isn't  that  Charles  Boyer?"  said  my 
young  brother. 

"It  is,"  I  answered. 

"Gimme  Spencer  Tracy,"  he  said. 

"And  give  me  Robert  Taylor,"  said  my 

Mother  pondered.  "There  was  some- 
thing about  James  Stewart — "  she  began, 
but  Dad  cut   in. 

"James  Cagney  should  be  seen  more 
often  upon  the  screen,"  said  he  judicially. 

JANUARY,    1942 

"But  I'm  bored,"  I  wailed. 

"Oh,  very  well,"  said  the  family. 

Hours  later  we  returned  and  sat  quiet- 
ly in  the  living  room. 

"Spencer  Tracy  used  to  be  my  favorite 
actor,"  said  little  brother  thoughtfully. 

"There  is  something  about  Charles 
Boyer — "  began  Mother,  but  my  sister, 
rousing  from  a  dream,  said,  "I  wonder 
what    he'll    play    in    next?" 

"Who?"   I   asked. 

"Why,  Charles  Boyer,"  chorused  the 

And  Dad,  rising  and  glancing  at  the 
clock,  said,  "Charles  Boyer  should  be 
seen  more  often  upon  the  screen." 

And  so  to  bed. 

Ellen  M.  Jaeger, 
El  Paso,  Tex. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
Well,  Why  Go  On? 

WE  are,  quite  wisely,  making  every 
effort  to  win  the  good  will  and  ap- 
proval of  the  South  American  countries. 
How  do  the  inhabitants  of  these  countries 
get  their  impressions  of  us?  Largely 
through  the  movies. 

And  what  impressions  they  must  get! 
The  general  idea  of  such  popular  pic- 
tures as  "Meet  John  Doe,"  "Grapes  Of 
Wrath,"  etc.,  is  that  anyone  with  more 
than  a  dime  in  his  pants'  pocket  is  a 
cruel,    scheming   scoundrel. 

Other  impressions — our  aviators  are 
chiefly  concerned  with  women,  flying  be- 
ing only  secondary.  The  life  of  our  sol- 
diers and  sailors  is  largely  custard-pie 
comedy.  Our  women  are  beautiful  but  of 
dubious  virtue.  We  spend  most  of  our 
time  dancing  and  singing.  Our  factories 
are  full  of  spies.  In  sections  where  cow- 
boys aren't  shooting  each  other  up, 
crooks  are. 

But  why  go  on?  Is  it  any  wonder  that 
South  America  hesitates  to  accept  us  as 
the  shining  knights  of  the  North?  I  say, 
why  not  have  some  movies  that  show 
us  as  we  really  are?  I  think  we're  really 
quite  nice  people. 

Marion  Goodwin, 
Andover,   N.   Y. 


I UST  recently  in  a  daily  movie  column 
-'  published  in  our  newspaper  I  read  that 
the  publicity  men  of  the  movies  were 
trying  to  "blitzkrieg"  the  interesting 
articles  in  your  much-read  magazine  that 
are  so  forcefully  written  by  your  con- 
tributor   "Fearless." 

"Fearless"  is  giving  readers  the  truth. 
I  look  for  it  immediately  when  I  read 
your  fine  magazine.  I'm  sure  others  look 
for  the  monthly  article,  too.  Certainly 
truth  is  more  interesting  and  more  gla- 
morous— truly  it  is  "stranger  than  fiction." 

So  keep  on  publishing  those  articles. 
Don't  let  them  make  you  afraid,  "Fear- 

Mrs.  B.  Hoffmann, 
Wichita,  Kan. 

Kl  OT  long  ago  I  saw  the  movie  "Blood 
'  ^  And  Sand,"  in  which  Rita  Hayworth 
was  one  of  the  stars.  I  thought  she  was 
splendid  in  the  whole  show  except  for 
one  thing:  her  singing.  It's  terrible  and 
if  she  always  sings  like  that,  please  tell 
her  for  me  to  stick  to  dancing.  There 
she  was,  looking  so  beautiful  and  swaying 
so  alluringly,  that  naturally  you  expected 
a  lovely  husky  voice  to  do  the  vocal,  but 
horror  of  horrors,  there  emerged  a  shrill 
pip  squeak. 

Mrs.  W.  W.  Jackson, 
Shreveport,  La. 


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25c     _  _ 


{Continued  jrom  page  57)  isn't  a  nat- 
ural fighter  and  he  finally  got  raised  to 
a  decent  salary  only  after  he  had  threat- 
ened to  quit  and  because  he  had  become 
so  valuable  Paramount  could  no  longer 
ignore  his  entirely  just  demands. 

Bill  Holden  started  for  an  even  lower 
wage  than  Fred,  supposedly  for  a  mere 
$50,  was  allowed  to  be  discovered  for 
"Golden  Boy"  (actually  he  was  loaned 
out  to  Columbia  by  Paramount  for  plenty 
of  hay) ,  give  a  fine  performance  and  gar- 
nered plenty  of  publicity,  thereby  in- 
creasing his  potential  value,  and  yet  had 
to  fight  violently  and  verbally  to  get  his 
contract  increased. 

Right  there  is  where  the  bonus  dicker 
usually  comes  in.  When  a  star  has  obvi- 
ously clicked  as  Bill  did  in  "Golden  Boy" 
he  gets,  if  he  is  restive  and  noisy  enough 
about  it,  a  "bonus."  This  is  real  and  not 
stage  money  and  may  run  anywhere 
from  $10,000  to  $50,000  extra. 

I T  sounds  good  and  it  looks  good  and 
'  most  young  players  fall  for  it,  not  stop- 
ping to  realize — as  the  shrewd  producer 
did  all  the  time — that  this  bonus  does  not 
increase  the  salary  on  the  books;  that  it 
is  a  favor  that  can  be  given  at  any  time — 
or  just  as  well  withheld — and  that  the 
salary  can  stay  at  the  same  level  for 
whatever  period  is  stated  in  the  contract, 
no  matter  how  terrific  the  star  may 
become  through  his  own  ability. 

As,  for  instance,  consider  the  cases  of 
Robert  Taylor  vs.  Buddy  Rogers.  Both 
began  as  glamour  boys  at  low  salaries. 
The  initial  appeal  of  both  of  them  was  to 
the  ladies.  Bob  Taylor  began  at  $35  a 
week,  Buddy  at  $75.  The  difference  in 
the  two  careers  came  in  the  fact  that 
Bob,  through  shrewder  management  and 
through  a  studio  that  more  quickly  re- 
wards its  young  players,  got  almost  im- 
mediately into  real  dough  (through  his 
original  contract's  having  been  scrapped), 
while  Buddy  Rogers  was  carted  around 
this  country,  displayed  to  the  girls,  made 
"America's  Boy  Friend"  but  never  once 
given  a  worthy  contract  or  put  into  a 
strong  picture  to  follow  his  initial  break 
in  "Hell's  Angels."  His  vogue  died  be- 
fore he  could  cash  in  on  it. 

This  would  seem  to  indicate  that  it  is 
smartest  to  make  a  good  fat  contract  at 
the  start,  but  this  can  work  both  ways. 
Nancy  Kelly,  a  great  hit  on  the  Broadway 
stage,  was  brought  to  Twentieth  Century- 
Fox  at  $900  a  week  at  the  same  time  that 
Linda  Darnell  was  brought  at  $75  (the 
usual  starting  salary,  incidentally).  Nancy 
got  all  the  initial  publicity,  all  the  big 
roles,  but  she  didn't  click  as  expected 
and  thus,  in  a  few  months,  she  began  to 
get  "between  pictures."  Linda  looked  so 
beautiful  on  screen  that  her  loveliness 
was  all  that  was  necessary,  while  she  was 
getting  time,  off  screen,  to  learn  acting 
and  to  grow  up.  Meanwhile,  for  every 
week  Nancy  wasn't  before  the  cameras, 
those  $900  were  piling  up.  A  producer 
who  might  want  her  would  look  at  the 
books,  see  that  to  have  her  in  his  cast 
would  mean  he  had  to  start  with  some 
$10,000  to  $15,000  of  Nancy's  back  salary 
charged  against  his  budget.  Therefore, 
he  would  turn  to  the  equally  young,  very 
lovely  and  delightfully  inexpensive  Linda 
or  to  Brenda  Joyce,  who  also  fitted  all 
those  adjectives.  Brenda  Joyce  got  her 
chance  in  "The  Rains  Came"  not  half  so 
much  because  she  is  a  delightful  girl  and 
the  studio  wanted  to  see  if  she  could  be 
put  across,  as  it  wanted  to  do  something 
about  a  pay  roll  already  top-heavy  with 
the  salaries  of  Tyrone  Power  and  two 
"borrowed"  players,  Myrna  Loy  and 
George  Brent.  Supposedly  Warners  got 
$150,000   for   Brent    in   that    one,   though 

Brent  continued  to  get  merely  his  $2,000 
a  week  Warner  salary. 

Because  Joyce  and  Darnell  were  so 
inexpensive  to  cast  they  worked  con- 
stantly. Therefore,  not  a  nickel  of  back 
salary  accumulated  against  them,  while 
Nancy  Kelly  began  to  get  strangled  by 
her  own  good  contract. 

Exactly  this  happened  with  Patricia 
Morison,  also  from  the  New  York  stage, 
also  brought  out  for  about  $1000  weekly. 
Pat  got  the  casting  and  the  publicity — 
at  first.  Then  she  got  stymied  and  now 
she  is  slowly  climbing  back.  As  she 
is  really  a  very  good  actress,  she  will 
undoubtedly  click  this  time. 

But  Veronica  Lake!  Well,  there  you 
have  it.  The  Lake  came  in  for  nickels 
and  dimes  and  has  done  everything  wrong 
ever  since,  given  the  wrong  interviews, 
sassed  producers,  stopped  for  marriage 
and  to  have  a  baby.  Yet  none  of  it  can 
hamper  her  for  that  simple,  mysterious 
reason  that  she  has  what  it  takes.  Her 
chance  in  "I  Wanted  Wings"  was  as  noth- 
ing against  Brenda  Joyce's  chance  in 
"The  Rains  Came."  The  differential  was 
that  there  is  a  compelling  something  in 
Miss  Lake  that  is  not  in  Miss  Joyce.  The 
one  girl  has  showmanship  and  the  other 
hasn't,  and  so  the  Lake  contract  has  been 
torn  up  and  a  new  one  substituted,  while 
Brenda  Joyce,  a  charming,  co-operative, 
delightful  but  not  too  compelling  girl, 
works  less  and  less  regularly. 

For  the  truth  about  Hollywood  salaries 
is  that  a  producer,  like  any  other  mer- 
chant, will  pay  what  he  has  to  and  not 
one  cent  more.  A  dozen  factors  can  come 
in  to  affect  salaries  either  up  or  down. 
Ronnie  Colman,  when  he  made  "Under 
Two  Flags,"  got  $100,000  and  insisted 
upon  top  billing,  even  though  his  co- 
star,  Claudette  Colbert,  getting  $150,- 
000,  was  accustomed,  because  of  her 
sex,  to  the  usual  movie  courtesy  of  top 
billing  over  any  man  star.  Yet  last  spring, 
because  of  an  existing  contract  with 
William  Hawks,  Ronnie  made  "My  Life 
With  Caroline"  for  $50,000  and  that  turned 
out  so  badly  that  it  will  undoubtedly  de- 
press his  salary  on  his  next  picture. 

Reversely,  a  Vic  Mature  can  go  to  New 
York  and  hit  in  a  Gertrude  Lawrence 
play  and  come  back  worth  his  weight  (a 
lot  of  weight  that  is!)  in  gold. 

Given  breaks  like  that  all  the  actor  has 
to  do  is  to  be  a  riot.  Because  Hollywood 
is  just  like  Jones  Corners  in  this  respect. 
Actors  moan  about  "not  getting  my 
chance"  but  they  actually  do  get  it  con- 
stantly. John  Hubbard  started  out  with 
Vic  Mature  at  Roach's  and  at  a  much 
better  salary  and  in  much  better  roles. 
But  two  studios  are  not  battling  over 
John's  contract,  with  one  paving  off  the 
other  to  the  tune  of  $80,000  as  Twentieth 
Century-Fox  has  just  done  to  secure 
Vic's  exclusive  services.  And  Clark  Gable 
played  extra  in  "The  Painted  Desert"  of 
which  William  Boyd  was  the  star.  Yet  not 
so  long  ago  there  was  the  classic  instance 
of  Mr.  Gable's  refusing  to  be  loaned  to 
Selznick  for  "Gone  With  The  Wind"  un- 
less he  could  loan  himself.  No  "deal." 
no  "bonus"  for  Mr.  Sex  Appeal.  He 
dictated  his  own  terms:  $7,500  a  week 
for  a  flat  six  months,  over  and  above  his 
regular  M-G-M  salary.  He  got  it,  and 
then  worked  twenty-nine  days! 

And  that,  dear  kiddies,  is  why  Vivien 
Leigh  got  discovered — because  Selznick 
had  to  have  a  low  salary  somewhere 
around  the  cast.  But  Miss  Leigh  was 
very  very  good,  and  Gable  was  very  good 
also  and  as  for  the  picture,  it  was  terrific 
and  everybody  connected  with  that  one, 
including  the  bookkeepers,  has  lived  hap- 
pily  ever   after. 

The  End 

PHOTOPLAY    COW!  billed    With     MOVIE    MIRROR 

Resolutions  the  Stars  Should  Make 

(Continued  from  page  21)  give  him  re- 
makes like  that  outmoded  story?  Why, 
Spence  cut  his  eyeteeth  on  things  like 
that  in  his  old  stock  days.  And  for 
heaven's  sake,  keep  on  rolling  in  the 
neurotics  for  Bette  Davis — and  don't 
waste   her   on   any   more   cactus   bushes. 

Jean  Arthur  should  set  her  heart  on 
doing  another  picture  with  Frank  Capra 
like  "You  Can't  Take  It  With  You."  And 
let's  insist  that  Capra  make  three  pic- 
tures a  year  always. 

Joan  Crawford  should  resolve  to  get 
another  picture  like  "A  Woman's  Face" 
and  she'll  stay  right  up  there  on  top  and 
keep  on  adopting  children. 

Let's  bring  Stirling  Hayden  back  to 
the  screen  and  send  Madeleine  Carroll 
back  to  England  to  star  in  a  picture  for 
the  British  War  Relief. 

Let's  resolve,  if  more  goodwill  is 
needed  in  South  America,  that  men  like 
Buddy  De  Sylva  put  on  a  musical  show 
down  there  with  Mickey  Rooney  and 
Bob  Hope  acting  in  it  and  Jeanette  Mac- 
Donald  and  Irene  Dunne  doing  the  sing- 
ing. And  in  return  for  Carmen  Miranda, 
let's  give  them  one  picture  starring  Fred 

JOAN  FONTAINE  should  stop  putting 
on  the  gloves  with  her  producer,  David 
Selznick,  and  take  his  advice.  But  for 
him,  she  might  still  be  known  as  Olivia 
de  Havilland's  baby  sister,  instead  of 
Joan  Fontaine,  star  of  "Rebecca"  and 

Resolved  that  the  producers  keep  on 
giving  Roz  Rossell  good  parts  this  year, 
just  as  they  did  last,  even  though  she's 
no  longer  under  contract  to  Metro - 

Hedy  Lamarr  should  resolve  to  keep 
away  from  those  law  suits.  Nothing  bores 
the  public  so  quickly,  except  perhaps 
too  many  divorces. 

Here's  hoping  that  Charles  Boyer  will 
stay  as  sweet  as  he  is.  But  he'll  never 
make  the  money  for  producers  that  he 
should  so  long  as  his  female  fans  insist 
upon  taking  their  lunch  and  dinner  to 
the  theater  and  sitting  through  a  whole 
day  of  Boyer — then  go  home  raving, 
which  makes  their  husbands  so  mad  that 
they  won't  go  to  see  a  picture  for  a 

Resolved  to  give  Louis  B.  Mayer  a  pat 
on  the  back  for  knowing  how  to  develop 
young  stars,  especially  the  children,  and 
for  not  holding  back  talent  or  salary  for 
Virginia  Weidler  and  little  Jackie  Horner. 

And,  oh  Lord,  keep  that  raging,  fight- 
ing Irish  spirit  in  Jimmy  Cagney.  And 
if  Ann  Sheridan  is  possessed  to  have 
George  Brent,  for  heaven's  sake,  give 
him  to  her. 

Resolved  that  in  this  year  of  grace 
1942  Eddie  Albert  devote  all  his  time 
to  his  art,  instead  of  giving  it  away  and 
being  thrown  to  the  lions. 

My  last  year's  resolution  still  goes 
for  Paulette  Goddard.  Having  filled  her 
jewel  case  with  diamond  bracelets  and 
knickknacks,  and  her  home  with  paint- 
ings, she   can  still  take   care   of  herself. 

GRANT  us,  oh  Lord,  that  Cary  Grant 
stands  firm  and  remains  a  bachelor. 
After  all,  we  must  have  one  star  who 
makes  our  hearts  go  pit-a-pat  and  keeps 
our  arteries  from  hardening.  I  could  do 
the  same  flutter  over  Gary  Cooper,  but 
he's  been  an  old  married  man  lo  these 
many  years.  Don't  think  we  need  reso- 
lutions for  Gary,  'cause  he's  like  Old 
Man  River — just  keeps  rollin'  along. 

Because  our  Negro  pictures  weren't 
successful  in  the  past,  let's  not  be  afraid 
to  try  again.    I'd  like  to  see  Paul  Robe- 

JANUARY,   1942 

son,  Marian  Anderson,  Dorothy  Maynard, 
Rochester,  Wonderful  Smith,  Hattie  Mc- 
Daniel,  the  Hall  Johnson  Choir,  Ethel 
Waters,  Todd  Duncan,  Duke  Ellington 
and  all  the  rest  of  them  go  to  town  in  a 
picture  written  and  produced  by  Buddy 
De  Sylva,  with  music  by  Jerome  Kern. 

Let's  give  Marlene  Dietrich  another 
with  Director  Mitch  Leisen,  which  will 
co-star  Jean  Gabin,  with  story  written 
by  Erich  Remarque. 

And  a  cheer  to  the  youngsters  like 
Deanna  Durbin,  Judy  Garland,  Kathryn 
Grayson  and  Gene  Tierney  for  giving 
their  marriages  the  dignity  which  goes 
with  that  solemn  occasion. 

Ann  Sothern  made  1941  very  exciting 
and  I  predict  before  1942  is  finished  she'll 
resolve  herself  right  into  position  as  top 
star  on  the  Metro  lot — and  she  deserves 
the  place. 

Now  that  John  Carroll  has  taken  off 
his  mental  diapers  and  put  his  mentality 
into  long  trousers,  he's  going  places.  And 
if  someone  could  persuade  Victor  Ma- 
ture to  forget  that  he  was  ever  called 
"a  beautiful  hunk  of  man,"  maybe  he 
could  learn  to  live  up  to  the  title  of 
actor  and  earn  the  salary  he's  getting. 
Remember  Edwin  Booth  made  acting  a 
dignified  and  honorable  profession. 

Gene  Tierney  should  insist  on  two 
weeks'  vacation  between  pictures.  She's 
going  too  fast  for  her  age  and  consti- 

RESOLVED  that  Linda  Darnell  mix  a 
little  fun  and  romance  into  her  very 
busy  schedule.  All  work  and  no  play 
keeps  her  acting  routine  instead  of 

Resolved  that  Darryl  Zanuck  take 
Tyrone  Power  out  of  the  American  heel 
class  and  just  once  in  a  while  let  us 
see  the  boyish  quality  he  was  born  with 
and  still  retains.  Also,  that  Cesar  Ro- 
mero get  better  parts. 

Resolved  that  when  Bob  Montgomery 
returns  from  London  the  industry  should 
give  him  a  little  credit,  instead  of  wait- 
ing for  the  public's  cue. 

Resolved  to  find  another  part  for  Mar- 
garet Sullavan  as  good  as  "The  Shop 
Around  The  Corner."  If  given  parts 
worthy  of  her,  she  could  be  a  truly  great 

Resolved  that  a  portion  of  our  next 
lend-lease  bill  will  be  fifty  percent  of 
the  Hollywood  earnings  of  our  English 
colony — except  for  Cary  Grant  and  a 
few  more  who  have  already  donated 
more  than  half. 

Now  that  Betty  Field  has  shown  her 
versatility  by  playing  a  gangster's  moll 
in  "Blues  In  The  Night"  and  Cassie  in 
"Kings  Row,"  let's  give  her  a  place  in 
Hollywood  comparable  to  that  of  Ida 
Lupino  and  Bette  Davis. 

Martha  Scott,  just  after  she  had  got 
her  foot  in  "Heaven,"  heard  the  flapping 
of  wings.  No,  not  angels' — the  stork's. 
But  don't  let  that  happen  too  often, 

Resolved  that  in  1942  Orson  Welles 
should  save  his  money,  because  luck  like 
his  can't  last  forever. 

Resolved  that  Mary  Pickford  in  this 
year  should  start  an  unknown  up  the 
ladder  of  fame  and  teach  her  all  the 
things  that  made  Mary  America's  Sweet- 
heart. In  that  way  she'll  find  happiness 
and  be  an  inspiration  for  the  millions 
who  still  call  her  Sweetheart. 

And  resolved  that  Will  Hays  should 
give  back  the  sweaters  to  the  poor  shiv- 
ering girls  who  can  wear  'em  and  return 
the  fire  hydrants  to  the  dogs  in  movies. 

And  to  all  of  you  a  happy  New  Year. 
The  End. 

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*J  I  V  E.  II     \^y         0f  Dime 


Send  name  and  address.  Lovely  Little  Watch  or  Cash  Com- 
mission. Send  no  money.  EITHER  Watch.  Cash  or  other 
valuable  premiums  GIVEN.  Simply  Give  Away  Free  Big 
Colored  Pictures  with  our  well  known  White  CLOYK1UXK 
Brand  SALVE  used  for  chaps,  mild  burns,  cuts.  Salve  easily 
sold  to  friends  at  25c  a  box  (withfavoritepietureFREE)  and 
remitting  per  catalog.  Act  Now!  Nothing  to  buy.  46th  year. 
Write  today  for  order  of  Salve  and  Pictures  sent  postage  paid. 
WILSON    CHEM.    CO.,    Inc..    Dept.    65-19.    Tyrone.     Pa. 


Without  Calomel — And  You'll  Jump  Out 
of  Bed  in  the  Morning  Rarin'  to  Go 

The  liver  should  pour  2  pints  of  bile  juice  into 
your  bowels  every  day.  If  this  bile  is  not  flowing 
freely,  your  food  may  not  digest.  It  may  just  de- 
cay in  the  bowels.  Then  gas  bloats  up  your  stom- 
ach. You  get  constipated.  You  feel  sour,  sunk  and 
the  world  looks  punk. 

It  takes  those  good,  old  Carter's  Little  Liver 
Pills  to  get  these  2  pints  of  bile  flowing  freely  to 
make  you  feel  "up  and  up."  Get  a  package  today. 
Take  as  directed.  Effective  in  making  bile  flow  free- 
ly. Ask  for  Carter's  Little  Liver  Pills.  10c*  and  25*. 



"See"   Carmen   Miranda 
sing.      "My   singing    is 
as  much  with  my  hands 
as    my   voice,"    she    says 


'  >k 

\    V 


'                   "."'■ 

.  *  t 

To    take    advantage 
of  some  free  hand- 
outs  reserved  for 
them  and  them  alone 

Miranda   makes   her 
hands    work    for   her 
just   as   expressively 
off  screen   as  on 


If  you  want  a  nice  handout  for  free, 
go  watch  Carmen  Miranda,  Brazilian 
bombshell.  You'll  get  a  few  tips  on 
how  a  lady  can  make  her  hands  say 
things  she  wouldn't  be  caught  whis- 
pering. Incidentally,  if  you  get  your 
ticket  bought  for  you,  you'll  probably 
get  another  kind  of  handout,  too,  if 
your  ticket-buyer's  the  type  who  goes 
for  holding  hands  while  he  watches 
Miranda  in  "Week  End  In  Havana." 

Nice  work  if  you  can  get  it;  one 
way  to  get  it  is  to  keep  your  hands 
soft,  which  is  just  a  matter  of  cream- 
ing, creaming  and  creaming  again.  Go 
to  bed  at  night  with  your  little  digits 
well  covered  with  hand  cream  and  a 
pair  of  cotton  gloves  .  .  .  take  a  tip 
from  your  doctor  and  push  your 
cuticle  back  with  the  towel  when  you 
wash  your  hands  .  .  .  and  keep  the 
cuticle  smooth  by  daily  chores  with 
cuticle  remover  and  soft  brush  .  .  . 
use  hand  lotion  every  time  you  put 
your  hands  in  water  and  as  many 
other  times  as  you  think  of  it. 


...  as  a  snappy  handout  in  return 
for  the  sweaters,  or  socks,  or  scarfs 
you'll  earnestly  knit  them  this  winter. 
American  hands  are  busy  now,  flash- 
ing over  khaki  wool,  and  when  that 
private,  or  sergeant,  or  top  sergeant 
(if  you're  lucky!)  wears  the  sweater, 
he     thinks    sweet     thoughts    of    how 





"If  something  is  important  to  you, 
you  take  care  of  it,  so  I  take  care 
of  my  hands."  Fast  handwork  comes 
to    light    in    "Week    End    In    Havana" 

pretty  you  look  knitting. 

Well,  do  you?  Red  hands  don't  be- 
long in  the  knitting  brigade.  Since 
your  hands  are  in  the  spotlight,  keep 
them  white  with  hand  cream  or  lo- 
tion ...  if  they're  in  need  of  long 
hard  work  before  they're  presentable, 
make  them  up  for  the  time  being  as 
you  would  your  face,  with  a  founda- 
tion cream  and  a  light  dusting  of 
talcum  .  .  .  and  if  your  mittens  aren't 
warm  enough  and  you  find  youi'self  in 
the  red  so  far  as  hands  go,  just  hold 
your  hands  up  over  your  head  when 
you  take  your  gloves  off.  That  way, 
the  blood  is  taken  from  them  and 
they'll  turn  lily-white  in  a  couple  of 


.  .  .  for  all  the  bandages  you'll  roll 
for  them  in  your  spare  hours.  Now 
you  may  be  able  to  roll  more  band- 
ages per  minute  than  your  sister 
workers  but  that  won't  mean  a  thing 
if  your  hands  are  rough.  Rough  edges 
on  nail  or  cuticle  still  slow  you  down 
...  so  keep  your  nails  pliable  by 
soaking  them  in  nail  oil  often  (Mi- 
randa swears  by  this  procedure)  .  .  . 
smoothing  them  (not  daily  filing — it 
wears  them  down)  with  an  emery 
board  .  .  .  digging  your  hands  in  a 
cake  of  soap  before  starting  any  heavy 
work  to  keep  your  nails  from  chip- 


ping.  Put  on  two  coats  of  nail  polish, 
natural  shade  underneath  if  you  pre- 
fer,   and    watch    your    manicure    last. 


It  happens  once  in  a  lifetime;  now 
that  you  have  it  what  are  you  going 
to  do  with  it?  Well,  for  one  thing, 
you're  going  to  be  able  to  concen- 
trate on  it  because  you're  not  going 
to  be  bothered  with  how  your  hands 
look  .  .  .  that  is,  you're  not,  if  you've 
been  sure  to  use  nail  white  constantly 
under  your  nails  .  .  .  that  way  you  can 
clean  them  easily  because  the  grit 
clings  to  the  cream,  is  taken  out  read- 
ily, doesn't  get  into  the  surface  of 
the  nails  themselves. 


Sometimes  a  handout  like  this 
sneaks  up  on  you.  so  be  prepared  and 
when  you  hold  out  that  third  finger, 
left  hand,  be  sure  it's  going  to  do 
justice  to  what's  going  on  it.  Which 
means  you  do  everything  you've  just 
read,  that  you  remember,  too,  to  keep 
your  hands  supple  and  graceful  by 
exercising  them.  There's  an  easy  an- 
swer to  the  exercise  problem  .  .  . 
when  you  have  a  minute  alone  just 
relax  your  hands  and  shake  them 
loosely  as  hard  as  you  can. 

Better  watch  out  or  before  you 
know  it  you'll  be  just  like  Miranda! 

PHOTorLAY  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Casts    of   Current    Pictures 

"ALL-AMERICAN  COED"— Hal  Roach-U.  A. 
Story  by  Cortland  Fitzsimmons  and  Kenneth  Hig- 
gins.  Directed  by  LeRoy  Prinz.  Cast:  Virginia. 
Frances  Langford;  Bob  Sheppard,  Johnny  Downs; 
Bunny,  Marjorie  Woodworth;  Slinky,  Noah  Beery, 
Jr.;  'Matilda,  Esther  Dale;  Hap  Holden,  Harry 
Langdon;  Tiny,  Alan  Hale,  Jr.;  Henry,  Kent 
Rogers;  2nd  Senior,  Allan  Lane;  3rd  Senior,  Joe 
Brown,  Jr.;  Doctor,  Irving  Mitchell;  Washwoman 
(Deborah),  Lillian  Randolph;  4th  Senior,  Carlyle 
Blackwell,  Jr. 

Screen  play  by  Bruce  Manning  and  Felix  Jackson. 
Based  on  the  story  by  Ladislaus  Bus-Fekete. 
Directed  by  William  A.  Seiter.  Cast:  Andre  Cassil, 
Charles  Boyer;  Jane  Alexander,  Margaret  Sulla- 
van;  Nancy  Benson,  Rita  lohnson;  George  Hast- 
ings, Eugene  Pallette;  Edith  Meredith,  Ruth  Terry; 
Michael  Dailcy,  Reginald  Denny;  O'Leary,  Cecil 
Kellaway;  Timothy,  J.  M.  Kerrigan;  Dr.  Gunther, 
Roman  Bohen;  Gus,  Gus  Schilling;  Xora,  Virginia 
Brissac;  Martha,  Mary  Gordon. 

"DOWN  MEXICO  WAY"— Republic.  Screen 
play  by  Olive  Cooper  and  Albert  Duffy.  Based  on 
a  story  by  Derrell  and  Stuart  McGowan.  Directed 
by  Joseph  Santley.  Cast:  Gene,  Gene  Autry;  Frog, 
Smiley  Burnette;  Maria  Elena,  Fay  McKenzie; 
Pancho  Grande,  Harold  Huber;  Gibson,  Sidney 
Blackmer;  Allen,  Joe  Sawyer;  Mayor  Tubbs.  An- 
drew Tombes;  Flood,  Murray  Alper;  Gerard. 
Arthur  Loft;  Juan,  Duncan  Renaldo;  Davis,  Paul 
Fix;  Don  Alvarado.  Julian  Rivero;  Mercedes,  Ruth 
Robinson;  Capt.  Rodriguez,  Thornton  Edwards, 
and  The  Herrera  Sisters. 

"HONKY  TONK"— M-G-M.  Screen  play  by 
Marguerite  Roberts  and  John  Sanford.  Directed  by 
Jack  Conway.  Cast:  "Candy"  Johnson.  Clark  Gable; 
Elizabeth  Cotton,  Lana  Turner;  Judge  Cotton, 
Frank  Morgan;  "Gold  Dust"  Nelson,  Claire  Trevor; 
Mrs.  Vamer,  Marjorie  Main:  Brazos  Heam,  Al- 
bert Dekker;  Daniel  Wells.  Henry  O'Neill;  The 
Sniper,  Chill  Wills;  Pearl,  Veda  Ann  Borg;  Gover- 
nor IVilson,  Douglas  Wood;  Mrs.  Wilson,  Betty 
Blythe;  Harry  Gates,  Harry  Worth;  Blackie,  Lew 

"HOT  SPOT"— 20th  Century-Fox.  Screen  play 
by  Dwight  Taylor.  From  the  novel  by  Steve  Fisher. 
Directed  by  Bruce  Humberstone.  Cast:  Jill  Lynn. 
Betty  Grable;  Frankic  Christopher,  Victor  Mature; 
Vicky  Lynn,  Carole  Landis:  Ed  Cornell,  Laird 
Cregar;  "Jerry  MacDonald,  William  Gargan;  Robin 
Ray,  Alan  Mowbray;  Larry  Evans.  Allyn  Joslyn; 
Harry  Williams,  Elisha  Cook,  Jr.;  Reporters,  Chick 
Chandler,  Cyril  Ring;  Asst.  District  Attorney, 
Morris  Ankrum;  Florist,  Charles  Lane;  Caretaker, 
Frank  Orth;  Hcad-vaitcr,  Gregory  Gaye;  Mrs.  Han- 
del, Mae  Beatty. 

Century-Fox.  Screen  play  by  Philip  Dunne.  Based 
on  the  novel  by  Richard  Llewellyn.  Directed  by 
John  Ford.  Cast:  Mr.  Gruffydd,  Walter  Pidgeon; 
Anqharad,  Maureen  O'Hara;  Mr.  Morgan,  Donald 
Crisp;  Bronwyn,  Anna  Lee;  Hutu,  Roddy  McDow- 
all;  lanto,  John  Loder;  Mrs.  Morgan,  Sara  All- 
good;  Cyfartha.  Barry  Fitzgerald;  Ivor,  Patric 
Knowles;   Welsh  Singers,  Themselves;   Mr.  Jonas, 

Brian  Donlevy  makes  a  direct  hit  on 
the  box-office  fence  without  any 
hitching  of  wagons  to  stars  in  Para- 
mount's  "The  Remarkable  Andrew  ." 
In  an  Andrew-Jackson  costume,  he 
does  some  lot-pacing  with  Ellen  Drew 

JANUARY,    1942 

Morton  Lowry;  Mr.  Parry,  Arthur  Shields;  Cein- 
wen,  Ann  Todd;  Dr.  Richards,  Frederick  Worlock; 
Davy,  Richard  Fraser;  Gwilym,  Evan  S.  Evans; 
Oti'f»,  James  Monks;  Dai  Bando  Rhys  Williams; 
Mervyn,  Clifford  Severn;  Evans,  Lionel  Pape;  Mrs. 
Nicholas,  Ethel  Griffies;  Motshcll,  Dennis  Hoey; 
Iestyn  Evans,  Marten  Lamont;  Meillyn  Lewis,  Eve 
March;  Ensemble  Singer,  Tudor  Williams. 

Screen  play  by  Howard  Estabrook.  Original  story 
by  E.  Lloyd  Sheldon  and  Jack  DeWitt.  Directed  by 
Tim  Whelan.  Cast:  Tim  Hanley,  George  Brent; 
Carta  Nillson,  Ilona  Massey;  Reggie  Oliver,  Basil 
Rathbone;  Sidney  Grenner,  Gene  Lockhart;  Web- 
ster, George  Zucco;  Dr.  Rowan,  Francis  Pierlot; 
Bruner,  Martin  Kosleck;  Tetlow,  Charles  D. 
Brown;  Mrs.  Grenner,  Marjorie  Gateson;  Moul- 
ton,  Leland  Hodgson;  Sewell,  Clayton  Moore; 
Dcnby,  Gordon  DeMain;  Sir  Henry,  Frederic  Wor- 

"MALTESE  FALCON,  THE"  —  Warners. 
Screen  play  by  John  Huston.  Based  on  the  novel 
by  Dashiell  Hammett.  Directed  by  John  Huston. 
Cast:  Samuel  Spade,  Humphrey  Bogart;  Briuid 
O'Shaughnessy,  Mary  Astor;  lva  Archer,  Gladys 
George;  Joel  Cairo,  Peter  Lorre;  Lt.  of  Detectives 
Dundy;  Barton  MacLane;  Effie  Ferine,  Lee  Patrick; 
Kasper  Gutman,  Sydney  Greenstreet;  Detective 
Tom  Polhaus,  Ward  Bond;  Miles  Archer,  Jerome 
Cowan;  Wilmer  Cook,  Elisha  Cook,  Jr.;  Luke, 
James  Burke;  Frank  Richman,  Murray  Alper; 
Bryan,  John  Hamilton. 

"MEN  IN  HER  LIFE,  THE"— Columbia. 
Adapted  by  Fredrick  Kohner,  Michael  Wilson  and 
Paul  Trivers  from  the  original  by  Lady  Eleanor 
Smith.  Directed  by  Gregory  Ratoff.  Cast :  Lina 
Varfavina,  Loretta  Young;  Stanislaus  Rosing, 
Conrad  Veidt;  David  Gibson,  Dean  Jagger;  Marie, 
Eugenie  Leontovieh;  Roger  Chevis,  John  Shepperd; 
Victor,  Otto  Kruger;  Manilov,  Paul  Baratoff; 
Rose,  Ann  Todd;  Nurdo,  Billy  Reyes;  Madam 
Okenkova,  Ludmila  Toretvka;  Lina's  dancing 
partner,  Tom  Law. 

"MERCY  ISLAND"— Republic.  Screen  play  by 
Malcolm  Stuart  Boylan.  From  the  novel  by  Theo- 
dore Pratt.  Directed  by  William  Morgan.  Cast: 
Warren  Ramsey,  Ray  Middleton;  Leslie  Ramsey, 
Gloria  Dickson;  Dr.  Sanderson.  Otto  Kruger;  Clay 
Foster,  Don  Douglas;  Captain  Lozve,  Forrester  Har- 
vey; Wiccy,  Terry  Kilburn. 

BREAK" — Universal.  Screen  play  by  John  T. 
Neville  and  Prescott  Chaplin.  Original  story  by 
Otis  Criblecoblis.  Directed  by  Edward  F.  Cline. 
Cast:  W.  C.  Fields.  W.  C.  Fields;  Gloria  Jean. 
Gloria  Jean;  Butch  and  Buddy,  Themselves;  Mile. 
Gorgeous,  Anne  Nagel;  Franklyn  Pangborn.  Frank- 
lyn  Pangborn;  Mrs.  Pangborn,  Mona  Barrie;  Leon 
Errol,  Leon  Errol;  Ouliotta  Delight,  Susan  Miller; 
Mrs.  Hemogloben,  Margaret  Dumont;  Peter  Carson, 
Charles  Lang;  Steve  Roberts,  Emmet  Vogan; 
Waitress,  Jody  Gilbert. 

"SAILORS  ON  LEAVE"— Republic.  Screen 
play  by  Art  Arthur  and  Malcolm  Stuart  Boylan. 
Original  story  by  Herbert  Dalmas.  Directed  bv 
Albert  S.  Regell.  Cast:  Chuck  Stephens,  William 
Lundigan;  Linda  Hall,  Shirley  Ross;  Swift  y, 
(/hick  Chandler;  Aunt  Navy.  Ruth  Donnelly;  Gwen, 
Mae  Clarke;  Mike,  Cliff  Nazarro:  Dugan,  Tom 
Kennedy;  Sadie,  Mary  Ainslee;  Bill  Carstairs, 
Bill  Shirley;  Thompson,  Garry  Owen;  Sawyer, 
William  Haade;  Sunshine,  Jane  Kean. 

"SMILIN'  THROUGH"— M-G-M.  Screen  play 
by  Donald  Ogden  Stewart  and  John  Balderston. 
Based  on  the  play  by  Jane  Cowl  and  Jane  Murtin. 
Directed  by  Frank  Borzage.  Cast:  Kathleen, 
Moonyean  Clare,  Jeannette  MacDonald;  Sir  John 
Carteret,  Brian  Aherne;  Kenneth  Wayne,  Jeremy 
Wayne,  Gene  Raymond;  Reverend  Owen  Harding, 
Ian  Hunter;  Ellen.  Frances  Robinson;  .Willie. 
Patrick  O'Moore;  Charles  (.Batman),  Eric  Lons- 
dale; Kathleen  (as  a  child),  Jackie  Horner;  Sexton, 
David  Clyde;  Dowaqer,  Frances  Carson;  Woman, 
Ruth  Rickaby. 

"SWAMP  WATER"  —  20th  Century-Fox. 
Screen  play  by  Dudley  Nichols.  From  the  story  by 
Vereen  Bell.  Directed  by  Jean  Renoir.  Cast:  Ton: 
Keefer,  Walter  Brennan;  Thursday  Ragan,  Walter 
Huston;  Julie,  Anne  Baxter;  Ben,  Dana  Andrews; 
Mabel  McKenzie,  Virginia  Gilmore;  Jesse  Wick, 
John  Carradine;  Hannah,  Mary  Howard;  Sheriff 
Jeb  McKane,  Eugene  Pallette;  Tim  Dor  son.  Ward 
Bond;  Bud  Dorson,  Guinn  Williams;  Marty  Mc- 
Cord.  Russell  Simpson;  Hardy  Ragan,  Joseph  Saw- 
yer; Tulle  McKenzie,  Paul  Burns;  Barber,  Dave 
Morris;  Fred  Ulm,  Frank  Austin;  Miles  Tonkin, 
Matt  Willis. 

"YOU'LL  NEVER  GET  RICH"— Columbia. 
Original  screen  play  by  Michael  Fessier  and  Ernest 
Pagano.  Directed  by  Sidney  Lanfield.  Cast: 
Robct  Curtis.  Fred  Astaire;  Sheila  Winthrop, 
Rita  Hayworth;  Tom  Barton,  John  Hubbard;  Mar-- 
tin  Cortland,  Robert  Benchley;  Sonya,  Osa  Massen; 
Mrs.  Cortland,  Frieda  Inescort;  Kewpie  Blain, 
Guinn  Williams;  Top  Sergeant,  Donald  MacBride; 
Swivel  Tongue,  Cliff  Nazarro;  Aunt  Louise, 
Marjorie  Gateson;  Mrs.  Barton,  Ann  Shoemaker; 
Colonel  Shiller,  Boyd  Davis. 



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A  dozen  leaflets, 
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nspired  soda  jerker  Jane 
Withers  who  can  pull  some 
fast    tricks    with    taffy 

I'VE  just  come  back  from  spending  the 
afternoon  with  Jane  Withers  and  I'm 

all  agog — so  much  so  that  I  might  al- 
most head  this  account  of  our  visit  "Brat 
Into  Beauty."  For  beauty  is  now  the 
word  for  Jane;  the  chubby,  mischievous 
little  monkey  whose  brat  impersonations 
I've  adored  ever  since  I  first  saw  her  on 
the  screen  has  blossomed  into  a  junior 
glamour  girl  and  her  next  movie  role  is 
practically  a  "grownup"  one,  the  star  of 
Twentieth  Century-Fox's  forthcoming 
"Young  America." 

More  astonishing,  though,  than  Jane's 
emergence  into  slim,  svelte  sub-deb  love- 
liness is  the  discovery  that  she  wrote  the 
story  for  her  last  picture.  Perhaps  you 
won't  find  her  name  listed  as  the  author 
— Jane  modestly  prefers  to  hide  behind 
a  pen  name  and  so  far  Twentieth  Cen- 
tury-Fox has  been  unable  to  make  her 
change  her  mind  on  this  point.  But 
when  you  see  "Small  Town  Deb"  if 
you  read  "Screen  play  by  Jerry  Wal- 
ters," just  take  my  word  for  it  that 
"Jerry  Walters"  is  Jane's  nom  de  plume 
for  her  first  screen-writing  venture. 

Jane  herself  met  me  at  the  door  and  led 
me  upstairs  to  her  "apartment."  The 
"apartment"  is  Jane's  own  particular 
nook.  It  is  on  the  top  floor  of  the  house, 
where  Jane  and  her  gang  can  romp  to 
their  hearts'  content  without  upsetting 
the  rest  of  the  household. 

The  furniture  is  sturdy,  designed  for 
comfortable  sprawling,  and  the  walls  are 
of  paneled  wood  which  makes  a  perfect 
background  for  draperies  and  upholstery 
of  chintz  and  cretonne.  There's  a  pint- 
sized  piano  and  a  victrola  so  that  Jane's 
cronies  can  listen  to  her  wonderful  col- 
lection of  records — classical  numbers  if 
they're  in  the  mood  for  them  and  the 
latest  jive  if  they  feel  like  jitterbugging, 
which  they  frequently  do. 


Best  of  all,  the  "apartment"  boasts  a 
soda  fountain  (Janie  is  an  inspired  "soda 
jerker")  and  a  stove  in  which  the  young 
hostess  prepares  the  snacks  her  guests 

She  admits  n.odestly  that  she's  a 
"pretty  good  cook,"  but  it's  at  candy- 
making  that  she  really  shines. 

"You  bet  I  like  candy,"  she  told  me.  "I 
like  old-fashioned  white  taffy  and  plain 
fudge  and  caramels  and  I  can  make  all 

She  used  to  have  trouble  with  taffy, 
but  she's  proud  of  the  fact  that  it 
"really  taffies  now."  Perhaps  this  is  the 
reason  why  the  snack  frequently  turns 
into  a  good  old-fashioned  taffy  pull.  This 
form  of  entertainment,  incidentally,  is 
just  as  popular  in  present-day  Holly- 
wood as  it  was  when  your  great-grandma 
was  a  girl,  so  if  you  want  to  be  a  hostess 
young-Hollywood  style,  why  not  stage  a 
taffy  pull  of  your  own.  It's  loads  of  fun 
and  easy,  too,  if  you  just  follow  this 
recipe  Jane  gave  me  for  taffy  which 
"really  taffies." 

White   Taffy 

1 2  cup  light  corn  syrup 

2  cups  sugar 
-:;  cup  water 

1  tsp.   vanilla 

Mix  together  all  ingredients  except 
vanilla  and  stir  over  low  heat  until  sugar 
is  dissolved.  Cook  without  stirring  until 
a  drop  of  mixture  poured  into  cold  water 
will  form  a  hard  ball  (268  degrees  F.  on 
candy  thermometer) .   Remove  from  heat, 


stir  in   vanilla    and   pour    onto    buttered 

When  mixture  begins  to  harden  at 
edges,  work  it  with  a  spatula  until  it 
is  cool  enough  to  handle.  Pull  until 
light-colored  and  porous  and  cut  into 


2  squares  chocolate 
x2   cup  dark  corn  syrup 

2  cups  sugar 

1  tbl.  butter 
l2  cup  milk 

1  tsp.  vanilla 

Mix  together  all  ingredients  except 
vanilla  (the  chocolate  should  be  cut  into 
small  pieces).  Cook  slowly,  stirring  con- 
stantly, until  boiling  point  is  reached, 
then  continue  cooking,  stirring  only 
enough  to  keep  mixture  from  sticking, 
until  a  drop  tried  in  cold  water  will  form 
a  soft  ball  (238  degrees  F.).  Remove 
from  heat  and  allow  to  cool,  then  add 
vanilla  and  beat  until  thick.  Pour  onto 
buttered  platter  and  cut  into  squares. 


1i>  cup  light  corn  syrup 

2  cups  sugar 
4  tbls.  butter 
1  cup  cream 

Vz  cup  milk 
1  tsp.  vanilla 

Mix  together  all  ingredients  except 
vanilla  and  cook  until  mixture  forms  a 
soft  ball  when  tested  in  cold  water  (238 
degrees  F.).  Remove  from  heat,  stir  in 
vanilla  and  pour  onto  buttered  platter. 
When  almost  cold,  cut  into  squares. 

photoplay  combined   with  movie  mirror 

Our  Most  Important 1RMCK 

Not  the  truck  that  hauls  the  big  guns 
or  moves  the  army.  Not  the  truck 
that  delivers  gasoline  or  moves 
pianos  or  carries  the  mail. 

America's  most  important  "truck" 
grows  in  the  garden,  the  truck  garden. 

•        •        • 

ALL  VEGETABLES  — especially  green 
Ix.  and  leafy  ones,  yellow  ones,  roots 
and  kernels — are  vital  to  the  nation's 
strength  and  health.  From  them  come 
needed  amounts  of  Vitamins  Aand  C  and 
many  minerals  we  cannot  live  without. 
What  good  would  army  trucks  be  if 
the  army  itself  were  red-eyed,  scurvied 
and  anemic  from  lack  of  vitamins  and 

Fresh,  canned,  dried  or  frozen — your 
green  and  yellow  vegetables  are  health- 
ful and  wholesome.  Modern  packing 
and  delivery  methods  are  designed  to 
bring  them  to  you  with  the  least  possi- 
ble impairment.  But  you  must  be  care- 
ful in  the  cooking.  Save  the  juices. 
Don't  overcook  your  vegetables;  don't 
add  soda.  Don't  pare  away  or  throw 

away  valuable  parts. 

And  here  is  where  America's  cooks 
can  add  untold  values  to  the  nation's 
strength  and  stamina;  the  richer,  more 
concentrated  foods  tend  to  tempt  the 
taste.  Chocolate  fudge  is  easier  to  "sell" 
at  the  table  than  is  spinach.  So  you,  the 
cooks,  must  find  ways  to  get  more 
vegetables  eaten.  Serve  salads,  garnish 
your  vegetable  dishes  tastefully,  serve 
a  variety  of  them,  serve  them  at  two 
meals  every  day. 

Do  this  job  well  and  you  will  contrib- 
ute just  as  much  to  the  nation's  defense 
as  any  soldier  or  nurse  or  statesman. 


It  takes  only  a  few  kinds  of  simple  foods  to 
provide  a  sound  nutritional  foundation  for 
buoyant  health.  Eat  each  of  them  daily.  Then 
add  to  your  table  anything  else  you  like 
which  agrees  with  you. 

MILK  AND  CHEESE  — especially  for 

Vitamin  A,  some  of  the  B  vitamins, 

protein,  calcium,  phosphorus.  Vitamin 

D  milk  for  the  "sunshine"  vitamin. 

MEAT,  eggs  and  sea  food— 
for  proteins  and  several  of 
the  B-Complex  vitamins; 
meat  and  eggs  also  for  iron. 

Attractive  displays  of  vegetables, 
special  sales  and  offers  of  canned 
goods  are  your  dealer's  way  of  help- 
ing to  get  more  vegetables  onto  the 
nation's  tables.  Encourage  and  sup- 
port this  program  our  government 
has  for  making  America  strong. 

tables for  B  vitamins.  Vitamin 
A,  Vitamin  C  and  minerals. 

FRUITS  and  fruit  juices— for  Vita- 
min C,  other  vitamins  and  minerals. 

This  message  is  approved  by  the  office  of 
Paul  V.  McNutt,  Director  of  Defense  Health 
and  Welfare  Services.  It  is  brought  to  you  as 
our  contribution  to  National  Nutritional 
Defense  by  Photoplay- Movie  Mirror 

BREAD,  enriched  or  whole 
grain,  and  cereals  with  milk 
or  cream,  for  B  vitamins  and 
other  nutrients. 

Enough  of  these  foods  in  your  daily  diet  and 
in  the  diets  of  all  Americans  will  assure  better 
health  for  the  nation,  will  increase  its  ener- 
gies to  meet  today's  emergencies. 

fvod #/// {wi/</a/V£H//1mer/ca 

JANUARY,    1942 


How  Not  to  Trim  Your  Christmas  Tree — Laraine  Day 

(Continued  jrom  page  34)  trick  sets  of 
cosmetics  complete  with  powder  base, 
eye  shadow,  lipstick,  powder,  cleansing 
cream  and  tooth  paste;  (c)  two  bottles 
of  bath  crystals;  and  (d)  a  utilitarian 
kitchen  apron,  made  by  the  lily-white 
hands  of  a  well-meaning  but  thoughtless 

After  this  recital,  Laraine  laughed  rue- 
fully. "I'm  not  ungrateful,  really  I'm  not. 
I  just  can't  bear  to  think  of  givers  spend- 
ing good  money  on  useless  gifts.  With 
the  same  amount  which,  annually,  is  put 
into  frivolous  items  that  become  dresser- 
drawer  litter,  one  can  buy  clever  perti- 
nent gifts." 

The  best  insurance,  according  to  La- 
raine, that  one  can  have  against  Christ- 
mas' being  a  deluge  of  disappointment 
is  a  tactful  mother.  One  Christmas, 
Laraine's  mother  gave  her  a  suit.  Quiet- 
ly she  mentioned  this  fact  to  a  number 
of  relatives  and  intimate  friends  who  al- 
ways remember  Laraine.  The  result  was 
spectacular.  One  friend  gave  a  match- 
ing purse;  an  aunt  selected  a  blouse  to 
match  and  one  to  contrast;  Laraine's  twin 
brother  gave  her  gloves  and  half  a  dozen 
key-toned  stockings.  How's  that  for 
making  a  girl's  eyes  shine  like  lighted 

However,  the  incandescence  in  La- 
raine's eyes  nearly  blew  a  fuse  that 
afternoon  when  a  bowl  filled  with  gold- 
fish and  little  shell  castles  was  delivered 
by  messenger.  "I've  never  liked  the  ex- 
pression of  goldfish  anyway;  they  leer 
when  they  look  at  you,"  she  says. 

To  sum  up  the  grievances  listed  above, 
it  becomes  clear  that  gifts  for  girls  fall 
into  three  divisions:  the  "too,  too  taboo;" 
the   "give   with   restraint"  and  the   "kiss 

me  quick,  I'm  all  agog." 

Taboo  Gifts 

Taboo  are  clothes  hangers  and  closet 
gadgets,  as  well  as  those  gorgeous  satin 
envelopes  for  hankies,  nighties,  etc.,  etc., 
unless  an  extremely  adroit  campaign  has 
been  launched  to  find  out  the  color 
scheme  of  the  person's  room.  Pets  of  all 
sorts  are  out,  on  the  ground  that  a 
welcome  gift  expresses  a  compliment 
but  should  not  impose  an  obligation. 
Candy,  that  beloved  old  standby,  is  won- 
derful in  small  quantities,  but  who  ever 
heard  of  a  little  candy  at  Christmas.  Any 
girl  who  has  a  serious  diet  afoot  is  going 
to  tell  a  white  lie  when  she  thanks  you 
for  several  pounds  of  temptation. 

Give-With-Restraint  Gifts 

Perfume  is  a  delightful  gift  only  when 
you  are  positive  that  you've  chosen  the 
recipient's  pet  brand.  Recipe  for  finding 
out  pet  brand  goes  like  this:  Say,  "Ah, 
how  does  a  girl  manage  to  smell  like 
moonlight  and  honeysuckle  and  a  pine 
forest  at  the  same  time?"  She  will  an- 
swer, "Oh,  this  is  just  the  last  of  my 
bottle  of  Midnight  in  Arabia."  Your  cue 
is  to  run,  do  not  walk,  to  the  nearest 
notebook  and  write  the  brand  opposite 
the  girl's  name. 

Stockings,  especially  in  these  hazardous 
days,  are  a  gift  from  the  gods,  but  be  sure 
the  size  is  right.  Tactic  to  secure  this 
information  goes  thus:  "What  slim  feet 
you  have!  What  size  shoe  do  you  wear?" 
When  she  tells  you,  just  add  three  and 
you  have  her  stocking  size.  Now  you 
know  why  you  took  arithmetic  in  gram- 

mar school. 

Gloves,  particularly  high  colors  such 
as  red  or  green  or  the  heavenly  new  blue, 
are  brilliant  ideas,  but  the  only  way  to 
get  the  right  size  in  this  case  is  to  steal 
a  pair  of  her  old  ones,  check  for  size  and 
return  as  inconspicuously  as  possible. 

Jewelry,  of  course,  is  an  item  Emily- 
Posted  as  a  proper  gift  only  for  an  en- 
gaged girl  from  her  ring-master. 

Kiss-Me-Quick,  I'm-AU-Agog  Gifts 

Under  this  heading  belong  such  things 
as  monogrammed  handkerchiefs  or  sta- 

Any  monogrammed  item,  in  fact,  gives 
that  "This  has  been  planned  for  you" 
touch  to  a  gift. 

Laraine  says  that  every  girl  she  knows 
would  adore  a  heroic-sized  purse  in  some 
high  color  to  brighten  a  wintry  black  suit 
or  to  dramatize  a  fur  coat. 

Miss  Day,  speaking  again,  says  sensibly, 
"Every  girl,  whether  she  is  living  at 
home  or  has  an  apartment,  likes  to  have 
sets  of  really  nice  silver,  china  and 
glassware  started  for  her.  One  crystal 
goblet,  accompanied  by  a  note  to  the 
effect  that  it  is  the  initial  member  of  a 
set  to  follow  at  holiday  intervals,  isn't 
any  more  expensive  than  some  foolish 
gimcrack  that  will  have  been  forgotten 
by  February  tenth.  One  good  demi-tasse 
cup,  or  one  piece  of  sterling  flatware  are 
forever-and-aye  gifts  and,  comparatively, 
they  aren't  expensive." 

There's  no  doubt  about  it:  Christmas 
is  a  great  Day.  And  so,  you'll  agree  after 
studying  the  Yuletide  yummies  above,  is 

The  End 

How  Not  to  Trim  Your  Christmas  Tree — Jeffrey  Lynn 

(Continued    from    page    35)     lanky    fur. 

Don't,  please,  please  don't  give  your 
giftee  one  of  those  matched  toilet  sets 
unless  you  are  quite  positive  that  you 
know  his  taste. 

Cigarette  lighters,  while  an  impressive 
gift  to  open,  are  soon  foiled  by  human 
laziness,  according  to  Jeffrey.  He  says 
that  every  time  a  man  buys  a  pack  of 
cigarettes  he  is  handed  a  book  of 
matches  which  are  convenient  and  dis- 
posable. He  may  carry  a  lighter  for  a 
time,  but  the  first  time  the  flint  wears 
out  or  the  fluid  is  exhausted — clunk! 
the  lighter  is  dropped  into  the  top  dresser 

Diffidently,  Jeffrey  broached  one  of  the 
more  delicate  Yuletide  subjects.  There 
seems  to  be  a  tendency  upon  the  part  of 
the  more  photogenic  sex  to  give  itself 
in  tinted  miniature  or  white  leather 
frame,  to  be  set  on  the  boy  friend's  desk 
or  bureau.  As  time  goes  by,  this  year's 
camera  cutie  gives  place  to  next — or 
worse,  the  new  photograph  is  superim- 
posed over  the  old.  So  don't  have  a 
picture  taken  for  a  man  unless  you  are 
engaged  to  him  and  the  wedding  date  is 
set.  Otherwise  the  day  may  come  when 
some  man's  wife  will  be  laughing  at  the 
way  you  looked  in  that  hat. 

(SHOULD  think  I've  spread  enough 
gloom,"  opined  Jeffrey,  smiling.  I 
don't  believe  in  criticising  a  system  un- 
less I  can  offer  some  constructive  com- 
ment once  the  kicking  is  done.  Now 
that  I've  growled  out  a  lot  of  don'ts,  how 
about  my  giving  some  do's?" 

See?  That's  what  they  mean  in  Holly- 
wood when  they  say  Jeff  is  on  the  beam. 

To  begin  with  the  Small-Remembrance 
Department:     If  a  man  smokes,  a  carton 


of  his  favorite  brand  is  always  a  slip- 
proof  present.  Books  have  to  be  carefully 
chosen,  but  they  are  appreciated.  For 
instance,  if  you'-  A.W.  (amateur  wolf) 
gives  after-dinner  speeches  at  school  or 
in  business,  a  collection  of  famous  quo- 
tations will  give  him  that  Flattered  Feel- 
ing. If  he's  a  ham,  find  out  what  technical 
radio  book  he'd  like  to  have.  While  we're 
on  the  subject  of  reading  matter,  there's 
no  more  lasting  gift  than  a  subscription 
to  his  pet  magazine. 

"But  the  fastest  way  to  a  man's  heart," 
explains  Jeffrey,  "is  by  way  of  his  favo- 
rite sport." 

If  he  skates,  check  to  find  out  whether 
he  has  a  good  pair  of  blade  guards.  If 
your  present  dares  swoop  over  to  the 
lavish  side,  how  about  one  of  those 
Swedish  wind-resistant  jackets  that  turn 
zero  blasts  to  zephyrs. 

For  the  hunter  there  is  no  more  Christ- 
masy — and  precautionary — gift  than  a  red 
shirt.  Or  a  red  shirt  AND  a  red  wool 
jacket  AND  a  red  knitted  cap. 

When  he  isn't  hunting  in  this  garb,  you 
can  stand  him  in  the  window  as  a  Yule- 
tide candle. 

A  boy  who  has  a  nice  racket — either 
tennis  or  badminton — will  let  you  muscle 
in  to  the  extent  of  providing  a  good 
press.  If  he  already  owns  a  press,  how 
about  a  can  of  birdies,  or  a  dozen  tennis 

"Of  course,"  Jeffrey  forestalled  an  ex- 
pected complaint,  "so  many  girls  want  to 
give  something  that  can  be  kept  forever. 
Unfortunately,  most  men  aren't  a  third 
as  sentimental  as  girls  are.  They  don't 
care  how  long  a  present  lasts  if  it  is  use- 
ful while  it  lasts.  And  at  Christmas  the 
prime  idea  is  to  please  the  receiver,  not 
to  satisfy  one's  own  desire  for  perpetuity." 

If  your  heartbeat  is  a  golf  whiz,  give 
him  a  set  of  golf  mittens  for  his  club. 
And  the  score  on  the  sale  slip  will  be 
way  below  par. 

For  the  fisherman,  there's  nothing  quite 
like  a  tackle  box.  If  your  honey  already 
has  one,  he'll  develop  a  gleam  in  his  eye 
when  he  unwraps  an  assortment  of  dry 

"What  about  a  gift  for  a  boy  in  camp'?" 
Mr.  Lynn  was  asked. 

Jeffrey  thought  gifts  for  the  military 
should  be  divided  into  three  groups:  those 
under  ten  dollars  in  price;  those  under 
twenty-five  dollars;   and  sky's-the-limit. 

Under  ten  dollars,  an  order  for  a  carton 
of  cigarettes  to  be  shipped  once  a  month 
for  six  months  is  a  bull's  eye.  So  is  a 
year's  subscription  to  a  weekly  maga- 
zine. Monogrammed  handkerchiefs  and 
a  small  steel  strong  box  with  a  stout  lock 
for  the  preservation  of  personal  gadgets 
would  be  welcome.  Stationery  (with 
envelopes  unlined)  falls  into  the  gentle 
hint  department. 

Under  twenty-five  dollars,  you  can 
get  a  compact  portable  radio — the  smaller 
the  better.  You  can  order  a  box  of  fancy 
foodstuffs  to  be  sent  to  him  each  month. 
How  about  an  electric  razor,  or  a  good 
traveling  bag  if  his  is  getting  scuffed? 

If  the  sky  really  is  the  limit,  don't  be 
bashful.  Write  to  him  and  ask  him  out- 
right what  he  wants  for  Christmas,  bar- 
ring an  honorable  discharge. 

"And  what  do  you,  personally,  want 
for  Christmas,  Mr.  Lynn?"  we  asked. 

His  answer  proves  that  men,  no  matter 
how  suave  and  intelligent,  can  still  be 
present-problems.  "Gosh,"  he  said, 
rumpling  his  hair.  "I  don't  know." 

Well.  Merrv  Christmas,  anyhow. 
The  End 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 




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Color  of  Hair 

Color  of  Eyes 

"Less   nicotine    in   the   smoke    means   a 
milder  smoke  — so   Camels   are 

my  favorite   cigarette 



\  T  RIGHT,  baroque  evening 
gown  from  the  I  eslie  Morris 
winter  collection  al  Bergdorf 
Goodman.  White  slipper 
satin  appliqtied  with 
velvet  scrolls  .  .  . 
inspired  by  the  ruby-  w 

and-diamond  shoulder  clip. 

IETITE  and  charming.  Leslie  Morris 
(sealed,  smoking  a  Camel)  wears  a  soft 
suit  of  her  own  design... navy  wool  frosted 
with  ermine  lapels.  Noted  for  her  magnificent 
interpretation  of  the  simple,  she  seasons  a 
red  wool  sheath  with  a  jacket  embroidered 
in  gold  thread,  banded  in  mink.  "All  the 
time  I'm  smoking  a  Camel,"  she  says.  '"I  en- 
joy it  thoroughly.  So  much  milder  — and  full 
of  marvelous  flavor !  My  guests  prefer  Camels, 
too.  so  1  buy  my  Camels  by  the  carton." 

AT  LEFT,  a  distinctive  Leslie 
Morris  silhouette  of  flame-blue 
velvet. ..diaphanous  star-studded 
veil.  Prominent  among  designers 
who  are  making  America  the 
source  of  fashion,  Leslie  Morris 
says:  "I  find  it's  more  fun 
to  smoke  Camels. 
They're  grand- 
tasting— just 
couldn't  be 

It   .1    Reynolds  Tobacco  Company.  Winston  -  Salem,  N.  C. 



than  the  average  of  the  4  other  largest-selling 
brands  tested— less  than  any  of  them— according  to 
independent  scientific  tests  of  the  smoke  itself! 

BY  BURNING  25%  SLOWKK  than  the  aver- 
age of  the  t  other  largest-selling  brands  tested 
—  slower  than  an\  of  them  —  Camels  also  him" 
>oii  a  smoking   plus  equal,  on  the  average,  to 



/%e  ccaa^/^e  c^C<7rt%&l  /cwaazxt- 





Mary's  lashes  now  ap- 
pear long,  dark,  and 
lovely— with  a  few  simple 
brush-strokes  of  harm- 
MASCARA  (solid  or 
cream  form  -  both  are 
tear-proof  and  non- 

Mary's  eyebrows  now 
have  expression  and 
character,  thanks  to 
the  smooth-marking 

For  a  subtle  touch  of 

ded    charm,    Mary 

blends  a  bit   of  creamy 

SHADOW  on  her  lids— 
her  eyes  appear  spark- 
ling and  colorful! 



,,  folded  her  EVERYWHERE  she  went. 

She  was  dainty  and  sweet. 

Her  nose  was  ALWAYS  carefully  powdered 

a  ■   *t  the  RIGHT  shade  of  lipstick, 
\nd  she  used  just  the  Kion 
But  the  KINDEST  thing  you  could  say 

About  her  EYES  was  that  they  were -well, 

Just  a—  MAYBELLINE  advertisement, 

One  day  Mary  read  a  MAY  B^ 

Just  as  you  are  doing,  and 
LOOK  at  Mary  NOW! 

MORAL-.    Many  a  girl  has  beaten  her 
rival  by  an  EYELASH! 


L    A    R    G    F    S    T    -    S    E    L   L    I    N    G 

F    Y    E 


$mtie,7Yam  Girl,  Smile... 

Eyes  Applaud, Hearts  follow  a  Sparkling  Smile! 

Wake  your  smile  your  beauty  talis- 
nan.  Help  keep  it  bright  and  spar- 
ding  with  Ipana  and  Massage. 

Haven't  you  noticed  that  it  isn't 
always  the  prettiest  girl  who  is  the 
Dest-liked,  the  most  popular? 

Heads  turn  and  hearts  surrender  to 
he  girl  who  smiles!  Not  a  timid,  half- 
learted  smile— but  a  real  smile— gener- 
ous and  gay.  A  smile  that  says,  "Look, 
['m  in  love  with  life!" 

So  wake  up,  plain  girl— wake  up  and 
mile/  You  can  steal  the  show  if  your 
imile  is  right.  You  can  be  a  star  in  your 

own  small  world— you  can  win  compli- 
ments—you can  win  love  and  romance. 

But  your  smile  must  be  right.  It  must 
flash  freely  and  unafraid,  lighting  your 
face  with  beauty.  And  remember,  for  a 
smile  to  keep  its  sparkle,  gums  must  re- 
tain their  healthy  firmness. 

So  if  you  ever  notice  a  tinge  of  "pink" 
on  your  tooth  brush— see  your  dentist! 
He  may  tell  you  your  gums  are  tender 
because  soft  foods  have  robbed  them  of 
exercise.  And  like  thousands  of  dentists, 
he  may  suggest  Ipana  and  massage. 

Take   his   advice!    For    Ipana   Tooth 

Paste  not  only  cleans  and  brightens  your 
teeth  but,  with  massage,  it  is  designed  to 
help  the  health  of  your  gums  as  well. 

For  a  Lovelier  Smile  — 
Ipana  and  Massage 

Massage  a  little  extra  Ipana  onto  your 
gums  every  time  you  clean  your  teeth. 
That  invigorating  "tang"  means  circu- 
lation is  quickening  in  the  gum  tissue- 
helping  gums  to  new  firmness. 

Get  a  tube  of  Ipana  Tooth  Paste  at 
your  druggist's  today.  Let  Ipana  and  mas- 
sage help  keep  your  teeth  brighter,  your 
gums  firmer,  your  smile  more  sparkling. 

Start  today  with 

RUARY,    1B42 



















Published  in 
this  space 

The  greatest 
star   of  the 

Begins  the  nineteen  hundred  and  forty- 
second  Annum  Domini  and  the  third 
year  of  this  column. 

•  •       •       • 

May  our  foes  wither  like  the  chilled 
leaves.  May  Decency  find,  with  re- 
newed vigor,  the  mislaid  path  plotted 
in  the  year  one. 

*  *       •       * 

So  wisheth  the  philosopher  Leo,  Coeur 
de  Lion. 

•       *       *       • 

Each  of  us,  in 
his  own  way,  has 
his  job  to  do. 
And  ours  is  to 
entertain,  to  di- 
vert, to  interest, 
to  serve. 

We  offer  the  best 
that  the  screen  can  provide.  With  each 
year  t  he  movies  come  to  fuller  flower.  In 
addition  to  technique  they  have  mas- 
tered pace  and  the  tempo  of  the  times. 

•  •       •       • 

When  you  see — and  you  will  see — 
Spencer  Tracy  and  Katharine  Hepburn 
in  "Woman  of  the  Year",  note  this 
blending  of  action,  merriment  and 

•  *  *  • 
It's  the  snap- 
piest yarn  that 
has  come  to  the 
studio  editor  in 
many  moons. 

•  •  *  * 
Spence  plays  a 
hail-fellow  sports 

writer  named  Sam.  Kate  plays  a  high- 
brow political  columnist  named  Tess. 

•  •       •       • 

Tess  gets  pretty  stuffy  about  sports  and 
one  day  Sam  takes  her  to  the  ball  game 
where  she  asks  some  pretty  cute  ques- 
tions, to  the  disgust  of  the  press  box. 

FEBRUARY.    1942 

VOL.  20,  NO.  3 

It's  either  war  or  love  twixt  Sam  and 
Tess.  All's  fair  in  both. 

•  •  •  • 
But,  baby,  what  comedy  comes  out  of 
the  mixing  of  the  two  worlds— the  peo- 
ple and  the  tall  brows.  That  party  where 
those  who  came  over  in  the  Mayflower 
rub  elbows  with  the  boys  who  are  more 
on  the  cauliflower  side. 

*   •   •   *o\/ 

"Woman  of  the. 
Year"  is  the  Pic- 
ture of  the  Yi  i! 

Advertisement  fur  Metro -(juldwyn  -Mayer  Picture* 

ERNEST  V.  HEYN      nTTl     QD    Y¥    O     CB~       HELEN  G1LMORE 

Executive  Editor  IOO     EI      1    g<     TT\     (3D      TT^  Associate    Editor 

This   Is   How   It   Really   Happened James   Reid 

For  the  first  time  the  dramatic  truth   about  Gene  Tierney's   marriage   from   Gene 

Hollywood — Beware   in    1942!    Matilda   Trotter 

A   reliable   astrologer   gives  you   the   '42   futures   of  your  favorite   stars 

This  Above  All         Fiction  version  by  Norton  Russell 

A  man  and  a  girls  struggle  against  a   love  they  both  try  to  deny 

When  G-Girls  Get  Together      Jerry  Asher 

Letting   down  the   pompadour  on   the  Ann   Sothern-Hedy   Lamarr  situation 

Will  You  Ever  Be  Rich? Marian  Rhea 

Exposing  a  few  ingenious  $  systems  of  bright  young  stars 

Portrait  of  a  Shy  Glamour  Girl  Joseph  Henry  Steele 

"Things  you  never  knew  before"  department  on   Rita   Hayworth 

The  Editor  Receives  an  Appeal  

A  young  California   private  takes  over  Photoplay-Movie   Mirror 

It's  Hollywood's  Private  Opinion Hedda  Hopper 

Some  question-mark   rumors  are   smoked   out  by   a   dauntless   columnist 

Bob  Sterling — Next  for  Fame      Helen  Louise  Walker 

Ida — the  Mad   Lupino Howard   Sharpe 

Round-up  of  Pace  Setters Sara  Hamilton 

Five  winners  are  chosen  for  special  introduction  to  you 

Stop  Crying!  

Instead  try  the   Lucille   Ball  way  to  happiness 

The  Truth  about  Stars'  Charities  

Helen   Gilmore 












Color   Portraits  of 

These   Popular  Stars: 

Nelson  Eddy 35 

Hedy  Lamarr    37 


Errol   Flynn    42 


Robert  Sterling      47 

Fred  MacMurray    57 

Rita  Hayworth    40  Cary   Grant    66 

'Louisiana"     Lovelies    

The  best  buy  you've  had   in  years — "Louisiana   Purchase' 



Close    Ups   and    Long    Shots  —  Ruth 
Waterbury  4 

Inside  Stuff— Cal  York      6 

Speak  for  Yourself 16 

Brief  Reviews   18 

So  You  Want  to  Be  Pretty!  20 

The  Shadow  Stage  22 

Fashion   Valentines   for  Judy  61 

Star  Finds  in  the  Stores 68 

Casts  of  Current  Pictures 99 

COVER:  Ann   Sothern,   Natural  Color   Photograph   by   Paul   Hesse 

PHOTOPLAY  combined  with  MOVIE  MIRROR  is  published  monthly  by  MACFADDEN  PUBLICATIONS,  .INC..  Wash 
ington  and  south  Avenues,  Liunellen.  New  Jersey.  Editorial  offices.  [22  East  42nd  St.,  New  \ork  N.Y.  Execu- 
tive office.  205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York.  N.  Y.  O.  J.  Elder.  President:  Haydoek  Miller,  secretary;  Charles  H.  shatluck. 
I,,.  ,..,,,.-,       u,n..     Million,     \dvertlsinc,     Manafrei         \dvcrl  is,,,;:     .inces,     122     1        42nd    St.,     Nej     York,     s      \        Chicago 

othee     221   North  LaSalle  St..  E.   F.  Lethen.  Jr..  Mgr.    Pacific  Coast    office:    San   IT, i 42H    Market    St..    I.ce  Andrews 

Mgr  Entered  as  second-class  matter  September  21.  1931,  at  the  post  office  in  Dunellen.  New  Jersey,  under  the 
act  of  March  3,  1879.  Additional  entry  at  Chicago.  III.  Price  In  the  United  Mates  and  Possessions  and  Newfound- 
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Member   of    Maefadden    Women's  Group 

Copyright.     19il,     by     Maefadden     Publications.     Inc.  ■,„„■«,„ 

The    contents    ol     this     magazine     may     not     be     reprinted     either     wholly     or     In     part     without     permission.        Registro 

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Prut     i     ,;      l        S.    A.    by    Art    Color    Printing    Co..    Dunellen.    N.    J. 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

A  MERVYN  LeROY  Production  with 



Screen  Play  by  John  Lee  Mahin  and  James  Edward  Grant 


Produced  by  JOHN  W.  CONSIDINE,  Jr. 

You're  cruel,  Johnnie.  You're  al- 
most 100%  bad.  But  whatever 
you  are,  darling,  you're  my  man.'' 


JUST  as  the  democratic  world  itself 
is  losing  some  of  its  fear  and  sees 
in  the  future  the  true  hope  of 
peace  and  victory.  Hollywood  is 
emerging  from  its  small  frights  at  the 
beginning  of  this  year  of  1942  .  .  .  and 
looking  forward  to  happier  things  .  .  . 
1941  has  taught  it  much  .  .  .  the 
world's  need  for  laughter,  for  one 
thing  .  .  .  the  world's  yearning  for 
youth,  for  another.  .  .  . 

The  Bioff  case  is  settled  and  done 
with,  with  Willie  duly  sentenced  .  .  . 
anti-Nazi  films  are  done  with  .  .  .  not 
because  Hollywood  doesn't  hate  Hitler 
as  violently  as  it  always  has  .  .  .  but 
because  you  and  I  have  shown  we 
have  enough  and  to  spare  of  war  and 
hatred  and  fear  from  our  radios  and 
newspapers  daily  and  that  we  do  not 
care  to  go  to  the  movies  to  get  more 
of  it  .  .  .  the  musical  comedies  and 
the  comedians,  musical  or  otherwise, 
are  coming  in  .  .  .  and  in  its  secret 
councils  this  January  Hollywood  now 
talks  of  several  new  personalities  .  .  . 
and  several  that  are  not  new  but  who 
are  changing.  .  .  . 

All  the  "safe  money  bets''  of  Holly- 
wood are  now  being  staked  on  the 
career  of  Alexis  Smith,  that  stunning 
girl  who  appeared  so  briefly  in  "Dive 
Bomber"  ...  as  much  as  Paramount 
believes  in  Veronica  Lake  and  Metro 
believes  in  Pat  Dane,  Warners  be- 
lieves— and  doubled — in  Alexis  ...  it 
isn't  because  Miss  Smith  is  at  once 
beautiful  and  "different"  ...  so  many 
girls  are  "new  and  different"  in 
Hollywood  .  .  .  every  year  in  every 
studio  six  or  eight  girls  who  will  fit 
that  description  are  signed  up  and 
almost  every  year  another  six  or  eight 
girls  who  formerly  could  be  so  desig- 
nated are  dropped  .  .  .  can  you,  for 
instance,  tell  me  right  off  quick  who 
is  the  "T.N.T."  girl?  There  was  one, 
signed  and  so  entitled  only  last  year 
by  a  certain  studio.  .  .  . 

So  why  does  inner  Hollywood  think 
Alexis  Smith  will  survive  where  the 
others  failed  .  .  .  for  this  reason  .  .  . 
Alexis  is  a  worker  .  .  .  she  is  a  worker 
in  the  way  that  Paulette  Goddard  is 
.  .  .  and  Rita  Hayworth  .  .  .  and  the 
way  Joan  Crawford  was  when  she 
began  .  .  .  Alexis  takes  ballet  .  .  . 
Alexis  takes  singing  .  .  .  Alexis  takes 
diction  lessons  .  .  .  she  cooperates 
with  the  publicity  department  .  .  . 
with  the  wardrobe  department  .  .  . 
with  the  production  department  .  .  . 
she  is  in  nobody's  hair  and  in  every- 
body's good  graces  at  her  studio  .  .  . 
and  she  is  in  her  earliest  twenties 
and  very,  very  beautiful  .  .  .  they  say 
Alexis  will  be  an  important  star 
within  the  next  two  years  and  they 
point   to   Rita    Hayworth,   the   young, 

Hollywood's  bad  boy  is  John  Carroll 
who  sasses  directors  and  clowns  his 
way  through  things  that  are  serious 


Hollywood's  good  girl  is  newcomer 
Alexis  Smith  who  is  in  nobody's 
hair   and   everyone's   good   graces 


cooperative  and  beautiful,  to  prove 
that  it  can  be  done.  .  .  . 

Hollywood  talks  anew  about  Ann 
Sheridan  these  evenings  .  .  .  Annie 
who  never  was  very  serious  about  her 
career  until  now  .  .  .  that  is,  unless 
she  concealed  her  real  feelings  abso- 
lutely miraculously  .  .  .  the  whole 
town  knows,  of  course,  about  the 
pushing  around  Annie  got  at  Para- 
mount and  about  the  somewhat 
flukey  accident  by  which  Warners 
decided  to  make  Ann  their  "oomph 
girl".  .  .  . 

But  now  that  the  much-publicized 
Brent-Sheridan  romance  is  cancelled, 
all  the  wise  boys  see  a  change  in 
Annie  .  .  .  they  even  wonder  if 
some  of  the  Brent  intellectualism, 
some  of  the  Brent  detachment  and 
breadth  of  view  may  not  have  touched 
Ann.  .  .  . 

At  any  rate,  whatever  it  is,  it  has 
made  her  a  different  actress  in  "Kings 
Row"  than  she  has  ever  been  before 
.  .  .  she  is  so  good,  in  fact,  that  now. 
long  before  the  film  is  released  and 
long  before  her  option  was  due  to 
come  up,  Warners  have  signed  her 
for  an  additional  five  years  .  .  .  mak- 
ing it  nine  in  all  that  they  expect  to 
have  her  on  their  lot  .  .  .  and  as  for 
Ann  herself  she  is  studying  charac- 
ter make-ups  as  never  before,  going 
in  for  costume  stills,  fittings,  hair-dos 
and  all  the  things  that  hitherto, 
around  Warners,  have  been  the  ex- 
clusive activities  of  the  Misses  Davis 
and  Lupino,  who  do  not  regard  ca- 
reers lightly.  .  .  . 

AMBITION,  energy,  self-denial, 
study  .  .  .  those  are  the  winning 
qualities  that  turn  unknowns  into 
celebrities  in  Podunk  .  .  .  remember 
the  case  of  Wallis  Warfield,  that  un- 
known little  girl  of  Baltimore  who 
was  to  upset  the  throne  of  England 
.  .  .  and  these  qualities  are  even  more 
winning  in  Hollywood  .  .  .  but  it  is 
hard,  indeed,  for  some  personalities 
to  submit  themselves  to  these  de- 
mands ...  as  Lana  Turner  is  learning 
...  as  John  Carroll  hasn't  yet  learned 
and  perhaps  never  will.  .  .  . 

In  the  inner  councils  of  M-G-M 
they  never  expected  Lana  Turner  to 
become  their  most  important  young 
woman  star  .  .  .  that  spot  they  had 
reserved  for  Judy  Garland  and  after 
her  Hedy  Lamarr  and  after  her  pos- 
sibly Ann  Rutherford  .  .  .  they  didn't 
bet  on  Lana  because  of  her  unpre- 
dictable character  .  .  .  her  moodiness 
.  .  .  and  Lana  wasn't  prepared  to  bet 
much  on  herself,  either,  as  she  proved 
when  she  very  nearly  and  very  gen- 
uinely i  wavered  on  the  brink  of 
giving  up  her  (Co7iti?iued  on  page  83) 

photoplay  combined  tvith  movie  mirror 





/y  recHNtcoLox 



Produced  and  Directed  by     EDWARD     H.    GRIFFITH 

Screen  Ploy  by  Virginia  Van  Upp     Based  on  a  story  by  Nelson  Hayes      A  Paramount  Picture 


BRUARY.     1942 

Mickey  the  Rooney  makes  up  to  pep 
up  Virginia  Hill's  party  at  the  Coun- 
tess Sonia  Cafe.  If  you  want  to  see 
the   lovely  he  brought,   look  on   p.  45 

Big  night  for  romantic  twosome  was  the  opening 
of  the  new  Trouville  Club.  Bob  Stack  and  Elyse 
Knox  got  handclaps  as  the  most  attractive  couple 

BV  Ml  fORK 


Some  of  this  Hollywood   news  will  leave  you  surprised;  some  will  have  you  very  much 
concerned    for    your    favorites;    most    of    it    will    have    you    chuckling    right    out    loud 

opening  of  the  new  Trouville 
Club  brought  out  the  young  peo- 
ple in  romantic  droves.  Happy,  as 
always,  were  Martha  O'Driscoll  and 
her  steady  beau  Richard  Denning. 
Ann  Rutherford  and  her  "platonic 
friendship"  beau,  Rand  Brooks,  danced 
every  dance.  Bob  Stack  and  Elyse 
Knox,  a  lovely,  attracted  the  most 
attention.  What  a  handsome  pair! 
The  fabulous  Virginia  Hill,  the  gal 


who  arrived  in  Hollywood  unknown 
and  has  captured  the  fancy  of  the 
whole  town  with  her  lavish  spending 
(Virginia  says  it's  alimony)  gave  an- 
other of  her  "come  one,  come  all" 
jamborees  and  younger  Hollywood 
showed  up  in  costumes  that  rioted 
the  guests.  Mickey  Rooney,  in  wig 
and  blacked-out  teeth,  won  the  home- 
baked  bobsled,  hands  down.  Frances 
Neal  and  Ava  Gardner  thought 
Mickev  too  clever.   That  Mickey  sure- 

ly knows  how  to  pick  'em,  all  right. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tom  May.  parents  of 
Ann  Rutherford's  best  beau.  David  May. 
provided  a  swellelegant  birthday  party 
for  Ann  with  all  the  younger  set  gath- 
ered round  to  blow  horns,  wear  paper 
caps  and  blow  old-fashioned  soap  bub- 
bles. The  happily  married  young 
couples,  Judy  Garland  and  Dave  Rose, 
Anne  Shirley  and  John  Payne,  Deanna 
and  Vaughn  Paul,  had  more  fun  than 
a   barrel    of    (Continued    on   page   8) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirrob 








There  never  was  a  better  rea- 
son for  "going  to  the  movies" 
. . .  'cause  there  never  was  a 
better  movie  to  go  to! 

The  most  laughed-at  play  of 
our  day — with  this  wonderful 
Warner  Bros,  cast  (including  the 
play's  celebrated  star)  to  make 
it  even  greater  as  a   picture! 


A  WARNER  BROS.  PICTURE  from  the  play  by  famous  GEO.  S.  KAUFMAN  and  MOSS  HART  •  Produced  by  Sam  H.  Harris 
with  RICHARD  TRAVIS    •    BILLIE   BURKE    •    REGINALD  GARDINER    •    Directed  by  WILLIAM  KEIGHLEY  •    Screen  Ploy  by  Julius  J.  and  Philip  G.  Eostem 


Soap-bubble  bri- 
gade that  cele- 
brated Ann's  birth- 
day was  led  by 
John  Payne  with 
h  i  s  wife  Anne 
Shirley  acting 
as      cheerleader 

Lew  Ayres  and  Hedy 
Lamarr  get  together  for 
charity,  meet  at  the 
Assistance  League  to 
formulate  a  set  of 
"do    unto    others"    rules 

Above:  The  younger 
set  dons  orchids  and 
comes  to  the  Ciro's 
party  given  for  Ann 
Rutherford  by  the 
Tom  May  ,  parents  of 
her  best  beau,  David 
May,  an  incident  that 
made  Hollywood 
start  talking  about  a 
Rutherford  -  May 
Yuma     elopement 

(Continued  from  page  6)  monkeys 
and,  as  usual  Mickey,  the  Rooney, 
was  all  over  the  place.  That  happy, 
happy  twosome,  Jackie  Cooper  and 
Bonita  Granville,  had  to  leave  early 
because   of  an   early   call   to   the  set. 

The  younger  set  is  writing  a  new 
song  these  days.  It's  a  blues  tune 
called  "When  It's  Early  Shooting 
Time  In  Hollywood." 

Over  at  the  famous  Assistance 
League  for  luncheon,  Cal  was  amazed 


to  discover  Lew  Ayres,  Hedy  Lamarr, 
Linda  Darnell,  Irene  Dunne,  Jane 
Wyman  and  others  all  gathered  about 
one  table.  They  explained  they  were 
the  committee  to  visit  the  different 
organizations  that  receive  help  from 
the  Community  Chest  and  invited  old 
Cal  to  join  the  trek.  We  missed  noth- 
ing— the  children's  hospitals,  nursing 
homes,  free  clinics  and  all.  If  you 
think  Hollywood  hasn't  a  charitable 
heart,  you  should  have  seen  us  at  the 

end  of  that  tour,  our  hearts  too  full 
for  words.  And  maybe  those  stars 
didn't  go  forth  with  their  messages  of 
"do  unto  others"  throughout  the 
homes  of  friends  and  stars. 

At  Ciro's  the  community  gathered 
in  the  cause  of  another  charitable 
mission — to  bring  refugee  artists, 
scientists  and  scholars  to  this  country, 
that  their  cultural  achievements  may 
be   a   blessing   to   us   and   the   world. 

Orson    (Contiiiued    on   page    10) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

/ rtever  nea/ecTmy  c/a/'/y 


f    "Here's  all  you  do  to  take  a  Lux  Soap 
*-     facial,"  says  this  famous  screen  star. "First 
pat  Lux  Soap's  lather  lightly  in." 

"Then  rinse  with  warm  water 
follow  with  a  dash  of  cool 
— and  pat  your  face  gently  with  a 
soft  towel  to  dry." 

how  softly  smooth  it  feels  — 
how  fresh  it  looks!  This  facial's 
a  wonderful  beauty  care.  Try  it!" 

9 out  of  IO  Screen  Stars  use  Lux  Toilet  Soap-  /fepc/A£/  &6as/icr/t& /*/&&■/ /te*f /a?/ 

FEBRUARY,    1942 

Have  you  ever  used 


Tampons  are  no  mystery  these 
days.  Every  month  more  and 
more  women  discover  the  won- 
derful freedom  of  internal  san- 
itary protection.  But  in  choos- 
ing a  tampon,  make  sure  it's 
truly  modern,  scientifically  cor- 
rect. OnlyMeds — the  new  and 
.improved  Modess  tampons  — 
have  the  "safety  center." 

Safety  Center  F 
What's  that  ? 

The  "safety  center"  is  an  exclusive 
Meds'  feature  that  nearly  doubles  the 
area  of  absorption.  This  means  Meds 
absorb  faster — and  so  surely — you  can 
forget  needless  fears.  Meds  are  made  of 
the  finest,  pure  cotton — they  hold  more 
than  300%  of  their  weight  in  moisture. 

tA  woman's  doctor  did  it? 

Yes,  a  leading  gynecologist — 
a  woman's  doctor — designed 
Meds.  They  are  scientifically 
shaped  to  fit.  As  for  comfort, 
you  feel  as  free  as  any  other 
day!  Nothing  to  pin!  Nothing 
to  bulge  or  show!  No  odor 
worries!  Easier  to  use,  too — 
each  Meds  comes  in  a  one- 
time-use applicator  that  ends 
old  difficulties. 

*Sut  don't  these  special 
features  make  Meds 
cost  more  ? 

Not  at  all!  Meds  cost  less  than  any  other 
tampons  in  individual  applicators.  No 
more  than  leading  napkins.  Try  Meds 
and  compare!  You'll  be  glad  you  did. 

BOX  OF  10-25^  •  BOX  OF  50-98^ 


The  JHodess  Tampons 

(Continued  from  page  8)  Welles  and 
Ida  Lupino  presided  and  never  has 
Cal  heard  more  stirring  speeches  than 
the  ones  delivered  by  these  two.  We 
motioned  to  Hymie  to  catch  with  his 
camera  the  little  byplay  as  Orson 
passed  Dolores  Del  Rio,  to  face  his 
audience.  Reaching  down  he  ten- 
derly kissed  her  hand.  What  a  gallant 
gentleman  that  Welles  genius! 

Hedy  Lamarr  with  Tim  Durant  was 
the  center  of  all  eyes.  John  Carradine 
with  his  droopy  face  foliage  drew  a  lot 
of  giggles;  Rudy  Vallee  created  a  stir 
by  escorting  a  blonde  for  a  change; 
Mickey,  the  old  Romeo,  brought  those 
two  lovelies,  Ava  Gardner  and  Anne 
Harris;  Eddie  Lowe  and  Lady  Fur- 
ness  accompanied  funny  man  Frank 
Morgan  and  his  wife.  When  Holly- 
wood puts  its  mind  and  heart  into  a 
thing,  you  can  be  sure  it  carries 
through   to  a   successful   finish. 

Cal  Calls  on  Alice:  The  minute  we 
heard  her  voice  on  the  phone  we 
knew  it  was  Alice  Faye.  "If  you're 
not  tied  up  this  afternoon  come  on 
out,"  she  urged.  "Haven't  seen  you 
in  ages." 

We  needed  no  more  invitation  than 
that,  for  Alice  Faye  Harris  is  one  of 
our  favorite  people  and  kindest 
friends.  And  besides,  we  confess,  we 
were  curious  to  see  how  Alice,  who 
knew  only  the  bright  lights  since  she 
began  with  Rudy  Vallee's  band  at  fif- 
teen, was  taking  her  self-imposed  year 
of  exile. 

Out  Ventura  Boulevard  to  the  scat- 
tered little  community  of  Encino  we 
jogged  along,  thinking  of  Alice  and 
her    past    unhappiness. 

A  left  turn  brought  us  into  a  coun- 
try lane  and  at  its  end,  nestled  against 
a  hill,  was  Phil  Harris's  house,  the  one 
Alice  had  moved  into  after  her  mar- 

nAide  Stuff 

Seeing  stars  on  Santa  Claus 
Lane:  Irene  Rich  is  Grand 
Marshal  of  Hollywood's  big 
annual    Christmas    parade 

Santa  Claus  lost  the  lime- 
light when  Rochester,  in 
boss  Benny's  car,  whizzed 
by.  Back-seat  driver  is 
the  imposing  Carmichael 


riage  to  the  band  leader. 

We  could  hardly  believe  our  eyes. 
The  quiet,  calm  self-confidence  of 
Alice,  the  beauty  and  taste  of  the 
home,  redone  by  Alice,  rose  like  a 
misty  dream  between  this  new  mature 
Alice  and  the  one  we'd  known  years 

She  spoke  of  her  year  out  for  moth- 
erhood. "I  think  I've  earned  it,  don't 
you?"  she  asked  anxiously.  If  Alice 
hasn't,  no  one  has.  But  time  out  for 
motherhood  isn't  the  "thing"  in 
Hollywood,  with  stars  working  within 
a  few  weeks  before  the  baby's  arrival. 
The  loss  of  salary,  the  fierce  competi- 
tion among  stars  plus  the  chance  of 
being  forgotten  by  the  fans  keep  them 
going  —  sometimes  beyond  their 

All  these  have  been  put  behind  by 
Alice.  Having  a  baby  is  to  her  the 
greatest  blessing  in  the  world  and 
Alice  is  willing  to  take  any  chance  for 
its  sake. 

Phil  came  in  while  we  were  there 
and  let  old  Cal  tell  you  this:  We  drove 
back  down  over  Laurel  Canyon  in  the 
purple  glow  that  passes  for  twilight 
out  here  with  the  assurance  that  we'd 
seen  that  rarest  of  rarities  in  Holly- 
wood— a  couple  with  complete  content 
and  happiness  in  each  other. 

But  how  many  stars  in  Hollywood 
ever  achieve  that? 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Grinning  Hope  greets  his  grinning 
public  on  Santa  Claus  Lane  clad 
in  satin,  riding  a  swayback  horse. 
Other  star  paraders  included  Burns 
and  Allen,  Edgar  Bergen  and  C. 
McCarthy,  Baby  Snooks  and  Daddy 

Guess  What?  Barbara  Hutton  gave 
!ary  Grant  a  complete  new  dining 
aom,  done  by  a  famous  decorator,  as 
n  "appreciation"  gift.  Guess  Bar- 
ara  appreciated  Cary's  gesture  in 
Arsenic  And  Old  Lace."  Cary  gave 
is  entire  salary  for  this  role  to 
harities   (see  page  67). 

Incidentally,  Barbara  is  growing  too 
iin  these  days  for  even  fair  looks, 
[er  Hollywood  friends  are  concerned 
ver  her  frailty. 

Lt.  Fairbanks  is  Seasick  But  a  Sue- 
ess  in  the  Navy:  "The  Corsican 
brothers,"  Douglas  Fairbanks  Junior's 
ext  film  will  show  that  energetic  son 
I  an  athletic  father  bounding  about 
le  decks  of  a  rollicking  pirate  ship 
dth  gusto.  The  vessel  rolls  and 
Lunges  like  a  runaway  whale  in  the 
eavy  seas  of  the  story.  And  young 
•oug  is  as  serene  as  a  Bishop  at  a 
;a  party. 

Not  so  undisturbed  by  the  wild 
raves  is  Lieutenant  (junior  grade) 
•ouglas  Fairbanks,  Jr.,  United  States 
[aval  Reserve,  according  to  word  re- 
sived  from  Iceland,  where  Doug 
ame  ashore  recently  after  his  first 
ruise  on  one  of  our  battlewagons 
atrolling  the   North  Atlantic. 

"I  was  seasick  several  times,"  glum- 
r  admitted  Doug  to  reporters  at 
Reykjavik,  U.  S.  base  in  Iceland.  "And 

was  pretty  scared  a  couple  of  times 
rhen  our  rolling  destroyer  was  hunt- 
lg  U-boats,"  Junior  was  frank 
nough  to  confess.  "But,"  he  added, 
the  Captain  told  me  that  everyone 
ras  scared  the  first  time." 

Whether  or  not  Lt.  Fairbanks  is  a 

Even  at  winter  parties- 
it's  August  under  your  arms! 

Guard  popularity,  prevent  underarm  odor  with  Mum! 

WINTER  is  a  season  of  wonderful 
parties  and  wonderful  times,  if  a 
girl  is  popular!  So  don't  let  underarm 
odor  come  between  you  and  social  suc- 
cess. In  winter,  as  in  summer,  guard  dain- 
tiness with  sure,  dependable  Mum! 

Even  though  you  see  no  warning  trace 
of  moisture,  underarms  always  perspire. 
Heavier  clothing  and  heated  rooms  en- 
courage danger  for  the  girl  who  foolishly 
thinks  that,  in  winter,  she  doesn't  perspire! 

Everyone  does!  That's  why  it's  so  fool- 
ish to  trust  just  a  bath  to  keep  you  sweet. 
A  bath  only  removes  past  perspiration, 

but  Mum  prevents  risk  of  future  under- 
arm odor.  Use  Mum  for: 

SPEEDI  30  seconds  to  use . . .  protects  for 
a  whole  day  or  a  whole  evening. 

SAFETY!  Mum  has  won  the  Seal  of  the 
American  Institute  of  Laundering  as  be- 
ing harmless  to  fabrics.  And  Mum  won't 
irritate  skin,  even  after  shaving. 

DEPENDABLE!  Mum  guards  charm,  not  by 
stopping  perspiration,  but  by  preventing 
odor  all  day  or  all  evening.  Mum  is  pleas- 
ant, creamy,  fragrant— you'll  like  it!  Get 
Mum  from  your  druggist  today: 









For  Sanitary  Napkins 

More  women  prefer  Mum  for 
this  me,  too,  because  it's  gentle, 
safe  .  .  .  guards  charm.  Avoid 
offending— always  use  Mum. 


■"Has  to  xt*"* 

Product  of  Bristol-Myen 



BBRUARY,    1942 


nAide  Stuff 

Two  stirring  speech- 
makers  for  refugee 
charity:  Ida  Lupino 
and    Orson    Welles 

JEAN  PARKER  — appearing  in 
Paramount's  "No  Hands  on  the 
Clock"  — uses  GLOVER'S  once  a 
week  —  leaves  it  on  hair  over- 
night— shampoos  next  morning. 

Use  GLOVERS  Medicinal 

Treatment,  with  Massage,  for  Loose 

Dandruff,  Itchy  Scalp  and 

Excessive  Falling  Hair! 

Movie  stars  know  the  importance  of  using 
the  right  treatment!  If  you've  tried  scented 
hair  preparations  without  results,  switch 
now  to  this  famous  MEDICINAL  Treat- 
ment, used  by  millions.  Try  GLOVER'S, 
with  massage,  for  Dandruff,  Itchy  Scalp  and 
excessive  Falling  Hair.  You'll  actually  feel 
the  exhilarating  effect,  instantly!  Ask  for 
GLOVER'S  at  any  Drug  Store. 


Here's  a  convenient  way  to  convince  yourself!  Send 
loday  for  a  generous  complete  FREE  application  of 
Glover's  Mange  Medicine— also  the  New  GLO-VER 
Beauty  Soap  SHAMPOO  — in  hermetically  sealed 
bottles.  This  gift  is  distributed  by  coupon  only. 
Complete  instructions  and  booklet.  The  Scientific 
Care  of  Scalp  and  Hair,  included  FREE! 

Two  Bottles,  FREE!  Glover's 
Mange  Medicineand  the  New  GLO- 
VER Beauty  Soap  Shampoo,  as 
pictured.  SEND  COUPON  TODAY! 


Glover's.  <ffiO  Fourth  Ave.,  Dept.  SS2,    New  York 
Send  I  R  I  I   samples.  Glover's  Mange  Medicine 
and  new  GLO-VER  SHAMPOO  in  hermetically 
scaled  bottles.  I  enclose  3<*  to  cover  postage. 



good  sailor,  he  certainly  is  a  success 
as  press  and  public  relations  officer 
aboard  the  destroyer,  a  duty  to  which 
he  has  been  assigned  for  three  months. 
At  Reykjavik,  where  the  Icelanders 
have  been  grumbling  over  alleged  lack 
of  consideration  and  courtesy  by 
American  troops  stationed  there,  Fair- 
banks was  a  one  man  good-will  mis- 
sion. Hundreds  of  Icelandic  girls  lined 
up  in  front  of  his  hotel,  seeking  auto- 
graphs as  avidly  as  the  Broadway 
brigade  of  fans  who  congregate  on  the 
pavement  outside  New  York's  "21." 
Admirals,  resplendent  in  gold  braid, 
won  no  second  glance  from  the  Ice- 
landers. But  a  Hollywood  star  in  a 
Navy  uniform  was  enough  to  start  a 
near  riot  in  Reykjavik. 

Fireman,  Spare  My  Patience:  The 
funniest  story  of  the  month  was  told 
Cal  by  our  friend,  Bill  Powell,  who 
had   just    returned    from   Del    Monte. 

Bill  and  his  wife  had  gone  for  a 
walk  and  upon  returning  to  their  hotel 
bungalow  discovered  the  living  room 
ablaze.  Bill  leaped  into  action  doing 
his  bit  to  extinguish  the  fire.  Other 
hotel  guests  set  to  work  aiding  fire- 
man Bill,  each  assuming  the  other  had 
notified  the  fire  department. 

Finally,  Bill  rushed  to  the  phone 
and  rang  the  hotel  office.  "Isn't  some- 
body going  to  do  something  about  this 
fire?"   he  demanded. 

The  management,  not  catching  on 
that  Bill's  bungalow  was  about  to 
burn   down,   apologized    for   the   "de- 


lay"  and  promised  to  right  matters  at 
once.  They  did,  too,  providing  a 
climax  that  movie  comedies  would 
envy.  They  immediately  sent  a  boy 
over  with  an  armload  of  wood  and 
kindling  for  Bill's  fireplace! 

Cal's  News  Items  of  the  Month: 
While  Gene  Autry  was  in  the  East, 
his  beautiful  $250,000  mansion  in 
North  Hollywood  burned  to  the 
ground.  Fortunately,  Gene  had  trans- 
ferred most  of  his  priceless  trophies 
to  his  beautiful  Valley  ranch. 

A  sign  over  the  Twentieth  Century- 
Fox  door  of  Count  Oleg  Cassini,  who 
is  designing  clothes  for  "Tales  Of 
Manhattan,"  reads  "Miss  Gene  Tier- 
ney  not  allowed  in  this  office  during 
working  hours." 

Miss  Tierney's  the  Count's  wife.  If 
you  want  particulars  on  the  Tierney — 
Cassini  setup,  see  page  28. 

Mischa  Auer,  Russian  comic,  and 
Joyce  Hunter  will  honeymoon  on  a 
personal-appearance  tour. 

When  Ruby  Keeler,  divorced  spouse 
of  Al  Jolson,  married  John  Lowe. 
Pasadena  socialite,  it  became,  as  usual, 
a  family  affair,  with  Ruby's  brother 
Bill  acting  as  best  man,  her  sister 
Gertrude,  matron  of  honor,  her  sister 
Helen,  chief  spokesman  to  the  press, 
and  her  mother  in  the  front  seat  nod- 
ding her  approval.  'Tis  said  Ruby  re- 
linquished heavy  alimony  from  Mr. 
Jolson  to  wed  Mr.  Lowe. 

Hollywood  chuckled  over  the  fact 
levelheaded    Roz    Russell    refused    to 

photoplay  combined   with   movie  mirror 

allow  her  honeymoon  to  interfere  with 
business.  Three  days  after  she'd  ar- 
rived in  Miami  with  bridegroom  Fred- 
die Brisson,  Roz  wired  Hollywood 
about  an  available  part  in  the  "Tales 
of  Manhattan"  series,  the  seven-part 
episode  of  a  dress  suit.  These  Holly- 
wood gals  just  can't  keep  their  minds 
off  business — honeymoon  or  no  honey- 

Reginald  Gardiner,  who  is  attempt- 
ing to  rekindle  the  spark  with  Hedy 
Lamarr,  called  on  Hedy  one  evening 
and  discovered  her  girl  friend  Ann 
Sothern  was  to  be  on  hand  for  the 
evening.  For  three  hours  Reggie  en- 
tertained the  ladies  with  his  imitations. 
As  he  rose  to  leave  he  said,  "Next 
time  I'll  bring  along  a  boy  friend  for 
your  girl  friend." 

See,  fellows,  it  even  happens  in 

Cal  hears  Annie  Sheridan  is  seeing 
less  and  less  of  George  Brent.  After 
all,  a  gal  can't  give  the  best  years  of 
her  life  to  a  confirmed  non-marriage 
addict  with  all  the  Army,  Navy,  Air 
Corps  and  Marines  ready  and  waiting. 

Lili  Damita  has  filed  those  divorce 
papers  against  husband  Errol  Flynn, 
alleging  great  mental  and  physical 
anguish,  plus  suffering  and  extreme 
cruelty  at  the  hands  of  Mr.  Flynn, 
who  plays  only  dashing  gallant  heroes 
on  the  screen. 

If  this  ain't  a  woild! 

The  cynical  Mr.  Sanders,  who  dotes 
on  anecdotes  relating  to  his  extreme 
sinfulness  in  life,  turns  out  to  be  a 
normally  happy  man,  according  to 
latest  reports.  The  bride  is  said  to  be 
Elsie  Larson. 

Boasting,  Georgie,  or  just  wishful 

Ted  North  and  Mary  Beth  Hughes 
are  the  newest  romantic  pair  with  that 
wedding-ring  ceremony  on  their 

Wendy    Barrie    is    sporting    topaz 

Beauty  plus  talent  equals  a  good 
pose  at  a  Ciro's  party:  Edgar  Ber- 
gen,  Fay  McKenzie,   Billy  Gilbert 

New  Loveliness  Awaits  You! 
Go  on  the 


This  lovely  bride  is  Mrs.  E.  C.  Thuston,  Jr.,  of  Birmingham,  Ala.  who  says:  "I'm 
so  proud  of  my  complexion  since  1  changed  to  the  Camay  'Mild-Soap'  Diet!" 

This  exciting  idea  is  based  on  the 
advice  of  skin  specialists — it  has 
helped  thousands  of  lovely  brides! 

NEW  LOVELINESS  may  await  you  in  the 
Camay  "Mild-Soap"  Diet.  For  you 
may  be  blissfully  unaware  that  you  are 
cleansing  your  skin  improperly.  Or  that 
you  are  using  a  beauty  soap 
that  isn't  mild  enough. 

Everywhere  you'll  find 
charming  brides  like  Mrs. 
Thuston  who  have  trusted 
the  care  of  their  complex- 
ions to  the  Camay  "Mild- 
Soap"  Diet.  All  are  visible 

proof  that  this  thrilling  beauty  treatment 
really  works  for  loveliness! 

Skin  specialists  themselves  advise  reg- 
ular cleansing  with  a  fine  mild  soap. 
And  Camay  is  not  only  mild—  it's  actually 
milder  than  the  ten  famous  beauty  soaps 
tested.  That's  why  we  urge  you  to  "Go 
on  the  Camay  'Mild-Soap'  Diet!" 

Be  faithful!  Use  gentle 
Camay  night  and  morning 
for  30  days.  With  the  very 
first  treatment  you'll  feel 
your  skin  glow  with  new 
freshness.  Then,  as  the 
days  go  by,  thrilling  new 
loveliness  may  be  yours! 


Work  Camay's  milder  lather  over  your  skin,  pay- 
ing  special  attention  to  the  nose,  the  base  of 
nostrils  and  chin.  Rinse  with  warm  water  and 
follow  with  thirty  seconds  of  cold  splashings. 

FEBRUARY,    1942 

Then,  while  you  sleep,  the  tiny  pore  openings  are 
free  to  function  for  natural  beauty.  In  the  morn- 
ing—one more  quick  session  wi  th  this  milder 
Camay  and  your  skin  is  ready  for  make-up. 


Testing  ^'  1941 .1 
December  6. 

Right:  Ciro's  sits  up  and 
stares  at  Marlene  Dietrich 
in  a  shou  Ider  less  dress 
having  dinner  with  French 
star  of  the  moment  Gabin 

Organdy  Curtains 
Like  New  After 
18  Launderings 

Comparative  Starch  Tests  Prove 
Linit-Starched  Fabrics  Last  Longer 

Do  your  curtains  have  the  crisp, 
fresh,  cheerful  look  of  brand  new 
curtains  after  1 8  washings  ? . . .  Better 
switch  to  Linit— the  friend  of  fine 
fabrics!  Linit  penetrates  the  fabric, 
starches  evenly,  covers  tiny  fibres 
with  protective  coating.  Curtains 
starched  with  Linit  not  only  look 
beautiful,  they  stay  clean-looking 
longer;  iron  easier,  too. 





The  Mocambo  gets  a  shock  when 
it  gets  a  look  at  a  new  Lupe 
Velez,  dignified  and  blonde, 
with    writer    Erich    Remarque 

hair,  of  all  things,  which  reminds  us 
that  Hollywood  beauties  are  running 
every  which  way  these  days,  trying  to 
decide  on  a  permanent  hair  color.  Rea- 
son? Hair  dye  is  growing  scarcer  due 
to  defense  needs  for  chemicals. 

Joyce  Matthews  up  and  got  mar- 
ried to  funny  man  Milton  Berle. 
Counting  ever-present  Mama,  it  looks 
like  a  permanent  threesome. 

Buy  Wifee  a  Lollypop,  Boys:  The 
eyebrow-raising  tendency  among 
eligible  Hollywood  males  to  take  child 
brides  is  spreading  in  all  directions  at 
once,  leaving  the  young  ladies  in  their 
twenties  with  something  to  think 

It  was  the  thing,  in  Grandma's  day. 
for  a  girl  to  marry  early  and  settle 
down.  A  young  woman  of  twenty- 
three  or  twenty-four  was  well  on  her 
way  to  a  stolid  old-maid-hood.  Then 
ideas  changed  and  sweet  sixteen  went 
back  to  her  basketball  playing. 

But  look  at  Hollywood  today.  Bill 
Powell  in  his  late  forties  marries 
Diana  Lewis,  scarcely  twenty,  and 
proves  youth  and  middle  age  can  live 

happily  together.  A  writer  who  was 
interviewing  Bill  one  day  heard  a 
commotion  out  in  the  hall. 

"It's  probably  Mrs.  Powell  sliding 
down  the  bannisters,"  Bill  explained 
philosophically    to    the    visitor. 

"Back  to  school  for  three  weeks 
more,"  was  the  Board  of  Education's 
verdict  for  Jean  Wallace  after  her 
elopement  with  Franchot  Tone.  Jean, 
who  wasn't  quite  eighteen  at  the  time, 
was  compelled  under  the  California 
law  to  finish  her  school  course  under 
a  tutor.  And  Franchot  himself  is  a 
lad  in  his  late  thirties. 

Ken  Murray,  fortyish  and  funny, 
and  his  eighteen-year-old  bride  Clea- 
tus  Caldwell  are  very  happy.  "She 
offers  no  objection  to  my  pipe  smok- 
ing," Ken  told  us,  "and  I'm  careful  not 
to  knock  over  her  blocks." 

Nineteen-year-old  Judy  Garland 
became  the  bride  of  thirty-some- 
old  Dave  Rose,  and  sixteen-year-old 
Lois  Andrews  not  only  married 
Georgie  Jessel,  who  is  comfortably 
ensconced  in  his  middle  years,  but 
has  now  become  the  mother  of  his 

If  this  keeps  up,  there's  no  telling 
where  it  will  end,  perhaps  with  the 
Meglin  Kiddies  becoming  the  idol  of 
the  Hollywood  stag  row.  It's  tough 
on  the  gals  past  their  teens,  but  maybe 
there's  logic  in  the  idea  of  catching 
gals  young  enough  to  train  'em  in  a 
man's  way  of  life. 

Well,  well,  toodle-oo,  old  Cal  has  a 
date  with  Baby  Sandy.    See  you  later. 

Night-Club  Flashes:  Ann  Sheridan 
was  voted  the  glamour  beauty  of  the 
month  when  she  appeared  at  Ciro's 
with  Cesar  Romero.  Never  has  Ann 
looked  so  radiantly  lovely.  Even  the 
stars  present  stopped  to  gape.  Inci- 
dentally, a  near-riot  was  started  when 
a  fan,  pressing  near  Annie  for  an  auto- 
graph, attempted  to  unclasp  the  fas- 
tening to  her  beautiful  necklace.  The 
police  yanked  the  too-ambitious  fan 
away  and  Ann  in  triumph  marched  in 
to  the  chorus  of  "ohs"  and  "ahs." 

Lupe  Velez,  on  the  other  hand,  went 
photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

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A  "listen,  my  son,  and  you  shall  hear" 
pose  of  veteran  Basil  Rathbone  giving 
newcomer  Glenn  Ford  a  business  earful 
during   luncheon   at  the    Brown   Derby 

almost  unrecognized  with  her  blonde 
hair,  of  all  things.  The  dignity  of 
Lupe  since  she  has  fallen  in  love  with 
Author  Erich  Remarque  is  almost  as 
startling  as  her  former  outbursts.  Folk 
out  here  just  can't  believe  it's  Lupe. 

Marlene  Dietrich,  who  was  former- 
ly the  girl  friend  of  Erich,  is  still 
limping  slightly  from  her  accident. 
Her  limping  partner  is  still  French 
Jean  Gabin  who,  for  all  his  savoir- 
faire,  seemed  slightly  uncomfortable 
at  Marlene's  extreme  decollete! 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Wayne,  seldom 
seen  away  from  home,  made  a  rare 
appearance  at  the  Mocambo. 

Cary  Grant  Talks  To  You:  We 
roamed  out  on  Warners'  "Arsenic 
And  Old  Lace"  set  and  chanced  upon 
Cary  Grant.  The  talk  fell  to  vacations 
and  then  to  New  York.  Cal  asked 
Cary  if  he  really  had  fun  when  he 
went  to  New  York.  He  threw  up  his 
hands  in  horror  at  some  of  the  mem- 
ories, especially  at  his  experiences  at 
the  hands  of  those  rude  fans  who  are 
the  abomination  of  the  true  and  loyal 
fans  whom  stars  love. 

"It's  our  big  cities  that  are  bad,"  he 
said.  "And  if  they're  tough  on  a  guy 
like  me,  what  must  they  do  to  some- 
one like  Gable?" 

Maybe  if  all  you  real  and  genuine 
fans  could  pass  along  a  rebuke  to  the 
rude  ones,  it  might  help  the  situation. 

As  We  Go  To  Press:  Fans  and 
friends  of  Jackie  Cooper  were  dis- 
tressed at  the  news  of  his  mother's 
death.  Mrs.  Bigelow,  only  thirty-six, 
had  guided  her  son's  career  through 
his  "Our  Gang"  days,  his  success  in 
"Skippy"  and  "The  Champ,"  to  his 
present  popularity.  For  many  months 
Jackie  has  known  that  he  and  "Mom" 
were  fighting  a  losing  battle,  though 
he  never  told  her.  Nevertheless,  no 
amount  of  preparedness  in  facing 
death  makes  the  blow  any  less  crush- 
ing when  it  falls.  This  will  be  a  lonely 
Christmas  for  Jackie. 

FEBRUARY,    1942 



One  sure  "Yes!"  to  a  reader's 
suggestion  for  Richard  Carlson 
would  come  from  his  wife  Mona 

$10.00   PRIZE 
Try  It  Sometime! 

I'M  starting  a  one-woman  campaign 
for  M.S.M.F.  in  America.  M.S.M.F. 
stands  for  More  Sincere  Movie 
Fans.  This  hysteria  at  the  sight  of  a 
famous  profile  is  deadly  to  a  sincere 
fan  and  my  town  needs  educating 

To  begin  my  campaign,  I've  started 
writing  sincere  letters,  after  each 
movie  I  see,  either  complimenting  or 
criticizing  as  honestly  as  I  know  how 
the  performance  of  the  two  star 
players.  To  my  surprise  I've  found  that 
a  star  appreciates  sensible  letters  and 
the  one  star  who  answers  by  return 
mail,  with  a  personal  letter,  is  the 
much-abused  Robert  Taylor.  The  let- 
ters aren't  mimeographed  either; 
they  refer  to  my  letter  in  detail,  show- 
ing that  my  sincere  words  were  read 
and  appreciated.  Try  it  sometime 
.  .  .  instead  of  asking  for  a  lock  of 
hair,  a  fifty-dollar  loan  or  the  ring 
he  wore  on  his  little  finger  in  the  last 
picture,  give  him  your  opinion,  hon- 
estly, and  you'll  be  repaid  by  a  sin- 
cere, friendly  and  appreciative  letter. 

Who  wants  to  join  me? 

Oleta  Aubrey, 
Oklahoma  City,  Okla. 

$5.00  PRIZE 
Three    Cheers    for    American    Pix 

THREE  cheers  for  motion   pictures! 
They  have  thrilled  me  to  the  core 
With   epics   like   "The   Big  Parade" 
And  a  hundred  thousand  more! 
I  recall  "The  Covered  Wagon" 
Of  those  golden  silent  days 
When  the  "Birth  Of  A  Nation"  thrilled 

In  a  hundred  different  ways. 
I  have  watched  our  nation's  struggle 
In  its  fight  to  make  men  free. 
I  know  the  blood  that  freely  flowed; 


It  flowed  for  you  and  me. 
I  landed  with  the  Pilgrims, 
I  fought  at  Bunker  Hill, 
I  heard  a  speech  at  Gettysburg 
That's  ringing  through  me  still! 
In  days  of  dark  depression 
When  we  all  felt  pretty  glum, 
The  movies  picked  our  spirits  up, 
And  made  our  heartstrings  hum. 
So,  in  a  tragic  world  today 
Our  movies  represent 
The  American  Way  in  the  U.S.A. 
And   its   spirit   one  hundred   percent. 
Clare  Neuser, 
Scranton,  Penna. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
Dear   i Hollywood — 

WHY     not    give     George     Mont- 
gomery  a   real  break?    I   think 
that   he   is  just  about  the  best  thing 

following  prizes  each  month  for  the  best 
letters  submitted  for  publication:  $10  first 
prize;  $5  second  prize;  $1  each  for  every 
other  letter  published  in  full.  Just  write  in 
what  you  think  about  stars  or  movies,  in 
less  than  200  words.  Letters  are  judged 
on  the  basis  of  clarity  and  originality,  and 
contributors  are  warned  that  plagiarism 
from  previously  published  material  will  be 
prosecuted  to  the  full  extent  of  the  law. 
Please  do  not  submit  letters  of  which 
copies  have  been  made  to  send  to  other 
publications;  this  is  poor  sportsmanship 
and  has  resulted,  in  the  past,  in  embar- 
rassing situations  for  all  concerned,  as 
each  letter  is  published  in  this  department 
in  good  faith.  Owing  to  the  great  volume 
of  contributions  received  by  this  depart- 
ment, we  regret  that  it  is  impossible  for 
us  to  return  unaccepted  material.  Accord- 
ingly we  strongly  recommend  that  all  con- 
tributors retain  a  copy  of  any  manuscript 
submitted  to  us.  Address  your  letter  to 
"Speak  for  Yourself,"  PHOTOPLAY-MOVIE 
MIRROR,  122  East  42nd  St.,  New  York 
City,   N.  Y. 

that  has  happened  to  Hollywood  in  a 
long  time.  Besides  roles  in  a  few  B 
pictures  and  gadding  about  with  debs 
and  glamour  girls,  George  hasn't  been 
doing  right  by  the  public. 

For  gosh  sakes  don't  stick  him  in 
a  cowboy  outfit!  I  can  stand  Gary 
Cooper  and  a  few  of  his  type  in  a 
ranch  role,  but  not  that  heart-break- 
ing Montgomery  man. 

Ohhh!  to  be  able  to  see  him  in  a 
real  Charles  Boyer  type  picture.  Of 
course,  I  wouldn't  want  George  to 
set  the  world  on  fire,  but  he  does  de- 
serve a  much  better  break  and  I'm 
willing  to  bet  that  he  could  set  more 
than  one  feminine  heart  aflame. 

The  men  have  luscious  Lana  Turner, 
so  c'mon,  share  and  share  alike,  give 
us  dames  a  terrific  Montgomery 

D.  L.  Wetzel, 
Browning,  Mont. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
Upsetting   Pedestals 

AFTER  seeing  the  great  Spencer 
Tracy  in  "Dr.  Jekyll  And  Mr. 
Hyde"  I  feel  that  if  ever  I  read  again 
that  he  is  the  best  actor  on  the  screen 
I  shall  promptly  burn  the  magazine  or 
paper  that  says  so.  The  entire  audi- 
ence, when  I  saw  this  film,  roared  with 
laughter  at  the  man's  grimaces  and 
his  ridiculous  would-be  faunlike  leaps 
over  railings  and  chairs,  a  la  the  young 
Douglas  Fairbanks  the  First.  Only 
that  gay  gentleman  did  such  things 
in  comedies  and  Tracy  meant  his  ac- 
tions to  be  taken  seriously! 

The  film  was  a  poor  mixture 
of  pseudo-Freudian  psychology,  of 
course,  and  that  gave  the  poor  actor 
a  bad  handicap  to  start  with,  but  even 
that  big  a  handicap  couldn't  excuse 
his  downright  ham  acting.  He  was 
simply  out  of  his  depth  in  the  Steven- 
son   story,    although    there   are   some 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

actors  in  Hollywood  who  wouldn't 
have  been.  Robert  Montgomery 
could  have  played  it — he  has  enough 
sophistication  to  do  it  well. 

I  think  Louis  Hayward  could 
have  played  it  well;  I  wish  the  film- 
makers would  realize  the  sterling 
values  of  this  young  actor  and  give 
him  parts  worthy  of  his  ability.  Wil- 
liam Powell  could  have  done  it — yes, 
the  comic  Mr.  Powell.  He  once  did 
serious  plays  on  the  stage  and  did 
them  well.  He  has  suavity  and  under- 
standing and  he  wouldn't  have  been, 
like  Tracy,  lumbering  and  crude.  Nor 
would  he  have  been  funny. 

Wallace  Kirk, 
Oxford,  O. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
Love   Interest 

LET'S  not  have  any  more  of  Ruth 
Hussey  and  Melvyn  Douglas  as 
romantic  leads.  "'Our  Wife"  should 
convince  the  producers  that  while 
both  are  excellent  comedians  they 
definitely  do  not  win  the  audience's 
interest  in  love  scenes.  Miss  Hussey 
is  beautiful,  but  her  manner  is  far  too 
brittle  to  make  her  acceptable  as  a 
romantic  heroine.  And  Melvyn  Doug- 
las— despite  the  fact  that  he  has  been 
cast  as  the  loving  male  in  scores  of 
films — is  definitely  not  the  actor  for 
such  parts. 

In  this  respect,  there  is  an  interest- 
ing comparison  involving  another  cur- 
rent film,  "Unfinished  Business."  Both 
films  have  very  thin  plots  and  very 
ordinary  ones.  Yet  "Unfinished  Busi- 
ness" is  lifted  to  the  place  of  a  great 
picture  because  of  the  personalities  of 
Irene  Dunne  and  Robert  Montgomery. 
Love  scenes  between  them  are  superb. 

So  please,  Hollywood,  take  a  hint 
from  the  many  people  who  feel  the 
same  as  I  and  keep  Miss  Hussey  and 
Mr.  Douglas  in  the  comedy -characters 
which  they  do  so  well. 

M.  Simms, 
New  York  City. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
How  About  It? 

RICHARD  CARLSON  definitely  has 
earned  more  recognition  from 
Hollywood  than  he  has  thus  far  re- 
ceived. How  he  could  use  a  good 
meaty  role  like,  for  instance,  that  of 
Kenneth  Roberts'  new  hero,  Oliver 

Hollywood  must  have  considered 
making  a  picture  from  this  grand 
novel,  but  if  the  picture  is  made, 
probably  some  established  star  will 
be  given  the  top  spot.  It  seems  pro- 
ducers should  know  by  this  time  that 
the  quickest  way  to  make  a  new  star 
is  to  put  a  comparatively  unknown 
but  talented  person  in  the  leading 
role  of  a  big  picture,  particularly  one 
made  from  a   (Continued  on  page  98) 

YES,  INDEED  .  .  .  just  use  gentle,  fragranl 
Cashmere  Bouquet  Soap.  Revel  in  its  rich, 
cleansing  suds  that  banish  body  odor  and 
leave  your  skin  enticingly  scented  with  a 
subtle,  prolccling  fragrance! 

DEFINITELY!  In  fact,  thai  exquisite.  lingering 
seenl  is  the  success  secret  of  many  a  romance! 
And  thousands  have  proved  to  themselves 
that  Cashmere  Bouquet  is  one  perfumed 
t  won't  irritate  lli<-ir  skin! 

mWKS  /%?#  77/f  7?P... 
/J/M?  tf£££'S  O/Vf  £OZ 

rou/  SM£u  r#£  sow 

/7/?sr  fffO/es  yov  sc/k  . . 

%&?££££  C/lStf/W£££ 

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THAT'S  A  SWELL  IDEA!  It's  always  a  pleasure 
to  give  a  smart  girl  like  you  a  glamour  hint 
...  to  tell  you  about  the  lovelier  way  to 
avoid  offending  .  .  .  how  to  be  safe  with 
Cashmere  Bouquet  .  .  .  and  about  its  costlier 

perfume!  Don  t  forget,  there's  no  finer  com- 
plexion care  than  Cashmere  Bouquet,  every 
day  .  .  .  it's  one  perfumed  soap  that  can 
agree  with  vour  skin!  Belter  get  half  a  dozen 
cakes  of  Cashmere  Bouquel  Soap — now  ! 

Cashmere  JBouquct 

FEBRUARY.    194'' 



ON  A 


THERE  are  Western  stars  and 

WESTERN  stars  but  there  is  only 


IS  back  on  the  screen  with  his 

MOST  exciting  and  entertaining 


MEXICO  WAY"  is  the 

TITLE  of  this  newest 

THRILLER  — and 

GENE'S  great 


CAST  includes 




HUBER  for 

LAUGHS  — and 

FOR  romance, 

THERE'S  that 


NEW  discovery, 


WHO  was  a 


ON  the  stage 

IN  "Meet  the 

PEOPLE    and  will  be  even  more 

SO  when  GENE  starts  serenading 

HER  with  hit  songs  such  as  "Maria 

ELENA"  and  "Down  Mexico  Way" 

AND  lots  more — all  of  which  goes 

TO  make  this  one  absolutely  the 


FINEST  of  all 

THE  many  hits 

IN  which  GENE 

HAS  appeared. 

IF  you  don't  see  this  picture  and 

HEAR  these  songs,  you  will  be 

MISSING  a  real  movie  treat.  Like 

ALL  of  GENE  AUTRY'S  hits, 

THIS  one  is 




No  dialogue  necessary:  Lana  Turner  and  Robert  Taylor  don't 
talk,    just    act    in    a    scene    from    M-G-M's    "Johnny    Eager" 

ALL  AMERICAN  CO-ED— Ha\  Roach-U.A.: 
Johnny  Downs  dons  women's  clothes  and  enrolls  at 
a  strict  girls'  school  in  order  to  get  even  with  the 
school  for  having  cast  aspersions  on  a  near-by  male 
student  body.  Frances  Langford  sings,  which  is 
easy  to  take,  but  it's  a  non-entertaining  little 
musical.     (Jan.) 

mount: Dorothy  Lamour  is  back  again  in  Techni- 
color and  her  sarong.  Jon  Hall  is  the  native  who 
returns  from  the  states  with  his  new  education  to 
take  over  his  post  as  ruler  and  marry  his  betrothed, 
Miss  Lamour.  But  jealous  Philip  Reed  has  other 
ideas.  (Nov.) 

Charles  Boyer  is  at  his  smoothest  in  this  gay  movie 
as  the  playwright  who  marries  a  successful  doctor, 
Margaret  Sullavan,  who  puts  into  practice  all  her 
scientific  theories  about  marriage  and  takes  her 
own  apartment.  Both  Reginald  Denny  as  the 
"other  man"  and  Rita  Johnson  as  the  "other  wo- 
man" are  splendid.  It's  sparkling  as  your  Christ- 
mas tree.     (Jan.) 

\/    BADLANDS    OF    DAKOTA   —  Universal: 

Straight-shooting  Western,  with  Robert  Stack  as 
the  Easterner  who  marries  his  brother's  (Broderick 
Crawford)  fiancee,  Ann  Rutherford,  which  starts 
all  the  rumpus.  Richard  Dix  is  Wild  Bill  Hickok, 
Frances  Farmer  is  Calamity  Jane,  and  Addison 
Richards  is  Custer.   (Nov.) 

y  BELLE  STARR— 20th  Century-Fox:  The  no- 
torious woman  bandit  of  the  1860's  has  been  so 
whitewashed  that  much  of  the  punch  of  the  picture 
is  lost.  Gene  Tierney  plays  Belle,  who  turns  out  to 
be  a  gently  bred  Southern  girl  who  attempts  to  re- 
fight  the  Civil  War.  She  marries  Southern  rebel 
Randy  Scott  and  participates  in  his  escapades  until 
she  finds  out  his  cause  is  only  a  front  for  thieving 
and  killing.     (Nov.) 

i/  BIRTH  OF  THE  Bl  I  I  v  Paramount:  In  this 
natured,  easy-going  movie,  Bing  Crosby,  a 
Southern  lad,  finally  rounds  up  the  first  white  band 
to  play  blues  music  and,  through  the  aid  of  Mary 
Martin's  singing,  gets  a  hearing.  You'll  like  every 
minute  of  it.  tin  music  and  the  cast,  which  includes 
Brian    Donlevy   and    Rochester.    (Dec.) 

bia: The  ever-present  jewel  thieves  are  here  again 
in  tins  tired  plot,  with  Florence  Rice  as  a  scheming 
actress  who  swipes  the  pearls  from  Leif  Erikson  and 


Gordon  Jones,  and  then  sets  out  to  win  Alexander 
D'Arcy,  only  to  find  herself  in  a  spot.    (Nov.) 

BURMA  CONVOY— Universal:  Fast-moving, 
timely  melodrama  about  the  truck  caravans  bring- 
ing supplies  along  the  dangerous  Burma  Road. 
Charles  Bickford  is  the  leader  of  the  truck  drivers, 
Frank  Albertson  his  younger  brother,  and  Evelyn 
Ankers  provides  the  heart  interest.  (Dec.) 

\S<S  DIVE  BOMBER— Warners:  Timely,  in 
formative,  and  entertaining  is  this  picture  about 
the  experimental  work  of  flight  surgeons  in  the 
Naval  Air  Corps.  A  feud  between  Errol  Flynn  and 
Fred  MacMurray  is  the  framework  for  beautiful 
aviation  shots.  Alexis  Smith  registers  as  a  comer, 
and  Ralph  Bellamy  and  Regis  Toomey  lend  grand 
support.    (Nov.) 

DOWN  MEXICO,  IV A Y—  Republic :  When  Gene 
Autry  discovers  his  townsfolk  have  been  gypped 
by  a  band  of  crooked  movie  promoters,  he  rides 
right  over  into  Mexico  to  round  up  the  varmints. 
Fay  McKenzie  is  pretty  and  talented  as  Gene's 
new  leading  lady  and  Smiley  Burnette  is  right  in 
there  pitching.  One  of  the  best  of  the  Autry 
pictures.      (Jan.) 

\/   DR.    JEKYLL    AND    MR.    HYDE—ii-G-li: 

Although  this  is  its  third  screen  version,  it's  a 
gripping,  compelling,  interesting  picture.  Spencer 
Tracy  as  the  scientist  overacts  every  now  and  then. 
Lana  Turner  is  beautiful,  but  it's  Ingrid  Bergman 
who  walks  off  with  the  movie.  (Dec.) 

The  sudden,   tragic  death  of  Laraine   Day.   fiancee 
i  on    her    wedding    day    comes   as   a 

jarring    shock.     Through    the    comfort    offered    by 
Lionel   Barrymore  as  L>r.   Gillespie.   Lew  Ayres  as 
:   ,•  is   finally  able  to  return  to  work   after  his 
grievous  loss.  Nils  Asther  is  very  good. 

yy  DUMBO — Walt  Disney:  All  the  whimsical 
charm  that  Disney  has  lavished  on  his  past 
fantasies  is  embodied  in  this  heart-touching  story 
of  Dumbo,  the  baby  elephant  whose  enormous  ears 
causi  him  to  be  spurned  and  despised  until  he 
learns  how  to  fly.  It's  warm  and  appealing  and 
lunny.    beautifully     drawn    and    executed.       (Jan.) 

Columbia:  Ralph  Bellamy  is  again  the  famous  de- 
tective who  solves  some  murders  in  a  hospital,  but 
it's  the  side  splitting  performance  of  two  dumb 
bunnies,    Paul    Hurst   and    Tom    Dugan,   who   play 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

their  roles  straight,  that  provides  riotous  fun    (Dec.) 

FLYING  BLIND — Paramount:  Loads  ot  noise  and 
thrills  and  romance  are  packed  into  this  thriller 
about  spies  and  intrigue  on  a  honeymoon  air  ex- 
press. Richard  Arlen  is  the  pilot  who  neglects  his 
romance  with  Jean  Parker  until  they  find  themselves 
in  a  plane  with  villain*  Roger  Pryor  and  Nils 
Asther,  and  daffy  bride   Marie  Wilson.     (Nov.) 

GENTLEMAN  FROM  DIXIE ;  —  Monog  ram  : 
When  Jack  La  Rue  is  released  from  prison  he 
returns  to  his  brother's  stock  farm  down  South 
where  he  finds  villainous  John  Holland,  who  origi- 
nally framed  bun.  Marian  Marsh  is  his  brother's 
wife,  and  little  Mary  Ruth,  who's  an  accomplished 
musician,  is  her  stepdaughter.     (Dec.) 

Paramount:  Jimmy  Lydon,  as  Henry,  handles  the 
frustrations,  trials  and  tribulations  that  confront 
him  when  running  for  student  body  president  with 
all  the  finesse  of  a  veteran.  Great  support  in  June 
Preisser,  Mary  Anderson,  Martha  O'Driscoll  and 
Vaughan  Glaser  overcomes  the  weaker  moments. 

IONKY  TONK — M-G-M:  A  rambling  story  about 
i    Western    con   man,    Clark   Gable,   who   with    his 

al  Chill  Wills,  gets  elected  the  big  boss  of  a  town 
md  taxes  the  peopie  into  rebellion.  Lana  Turner's 
a  nice  girl  from  Boston  and  the  daughter  of  Frank 
Morgan,  whom  Clark  marries  on  his  way  up,  and 
Claire  Trevor  is  the  dance-hall  girl.     (Jan.) 

/HOT  SPOT— 20th  Century-Fox:  When  Victor 
Mature,  Alan  Mowbray  and  Allyn  Joslyn  turn 
waitress  Carole  Landis  into  a  glamour  girl  and  she's 
iound  murdered,  Mature  and  Carole's  sister,  Betty 
Grable,  become  suspects  and  are  relentlessly  pur- 
sued  by  menacing  detective  Laird  Cregar.  Cregar 
is  terrific  and  it's  a  fast-moving,  suspenseful 
picture.     (Jan.) 

yy  HOW  GREEN  WAS  MY  VALLEY— -20th 
Century-Fox:  An  Academy  Award  contender  is 
this  great  human-interest  document  of  a  boy's  life 
in  a  Welsh  mining  town.  Marching  through  the 
beautifully  directed  story  are  the  father,  Donald 
Crisp,  and  the  mother,  Sara  Allgood,  with  their 
sons,  among  them  Patric  Knowles,  John  Loder  and 
Roddy  McDowall.  Maureen  O'Hara  is  the  beauti 
ful  daughter  and  Walter  Pidgeon  the  preacher. 
Flawless  and   spellbinding.      (Jan.) 

Beautiful  spy  Ilona  Massey  leads  George  Brent 
of  the  F.B.I,  and  Basil  Rathbone  of  Scotland  Yard 
a  merry  chase  from  London  to  Lisbon  to  America, 
as  the  two  men  attempt  to  find  a  gang  of  saboteurs. 
The  two  detectives  are  charming  and  witty  and 
Ilona  is  delightful.  Gene  Lockhart  is  also  very 
good  as  the  wealthy  pro-Nazi.      (Jan.) 

KID  FROM  KANSAS,  THE— Universal :  A 
blight,  sabotage  and  all  kinds  of  trouble  hit  the 
banana  plantation  of  Leo  Carrillo;  and  Andy  Devine 
and  Dick  Foran  receive  the  blame  for  it  all  until 
Koran  escapes  from  jail  and  uncovers  the  real 
rascals.  A  lot  of  action  is  mixed  up  in  the  story 
and  the  trio  of  actors  do  right  well.    (Dec.) 

yy  LADIES  IN  RETIREMENT— Columbia: 
This  famous  stage  play  is  superbly  translated  to 
the  screen  with  a  never-relaxing  suspense.  Ida 
Lupino  is  mainly  responsible  for  its  compelling 
quality  of  repulsion  and  sympathy,  as  the  com- 
panion who  ruthlessly  murders  to  provide  a  home 
for  her  mentally  ill  sisters.  Louis  Hayward,  too. 
rates  honors,  as  does  Evelyn  Keyes  as  the  maid, 
and  Edith  Barrett  and  Isobel   Elsom.     (Dec.) 

M-G-M — Andy  grows  up  the  hard  way  when  he 
takes  a  fling  at  earning  his  own  living  in  New 
York;  and  hunger,  a  golddigger  and  the  tragic 
death  of  a  friend  teach  him  a  much-needed  lesson. 
Mickey  Rooney  is  tops  as  Andy,  as  is  Judy  Garland 
as  the  annoying  girl  friend.  Pat  Dane  and  Ray 
McDonald  rate  plenty  of  raves.     (Nov.) 

yy  LITTLE  FOXES,  THE— Goldwyn  RKO 
Radio:  An  Academy  Award  contender  is  this  grip- 
ping tale.  Bette  Davis  as  the  ruthless  Regina  holds 
ber  own  with  such  members  of  the  New  York  stage 
cast  as  Patricia  Collinge,  Charles  Dingle  and  Dan 
Duryea.  Herbert  Marshall  is  perfect  as  the  sick 
husband  and  newcomer  Teresa  Wright  is  a  coming 
star.     (Nov.) 

Laughs  follow  one  after  the  other  in  this  un- 
sophisticated comedy  about  a  radio  entertainer, 
Kdgar  Bergen,  who  with  Charlie  McCarthy  lands 
in  a  small  town  where  he  helps  Fibber  McGee  and 
Molly  defeat  a  couple  of  land  sharks.  Lucille  Ball 
and  Neil   Hamiton  add  to  the  fun.    (Dec.) 

yy  LYDIA  —  Korda-U.A.:  Different,  fascinating 
and  heart-warming  is  this  flashback  review  of  the 
suitors  in  one  woman's  life.  The  men  who  loved 
Merle  Oberon  but  failed  to  win  her  are  Joseph  Cot- 
ten,  George  Reeves,  Hans  Yaray  and  Alan  Mar- 
shall.   All  give  fine  performances.     (Nov.) 

yy  MALTESE  FALCON,  THE— Warners : 
This  is  one  of  the  best  mystery  pictures  since  the 
first  "Thin  Man"  and  a  masterpiece  of  well- 
sustained  and  acted  entertainment.  Mary  Astor 
enlists  the  help  of  detectives  Humphrey  Bogart  and 
lernnie  Cowan  in  her  efforts  to  recover  a  priceless 
falcon    statuette.     Sydney    Greenstreet   offers    some- 

(Continued  on  page  103) 

FEBRUARY,    1942 

>/6Js&    /fcreZT 

Come    out    in 



If  you're  tired  of  being  just  like  everybody  else — if  you'd  like  to 
be  admired — adored — perhaps  loved  anew — cover  your  "just  nice" 
skin  with  that  clear,  fresh  "English  look"  the  whole  world  envies. 
Princess  Pat  English  Tint  performs  the  lovely  miracle — instantly. 

First,  vou  set  your  cheeks  a-bloom  in  the  fragile  tints  of  the  English 
hedge-rose  with  Princess  Pat  English  Tint  Rouge. 
It's  the  most  flattering  shade  ever  created. 

Next,  you  change  your  complexion  into  one  of  true 
British  clarity  with  Princess  Pat  "light-as-air"  Face 
Powder,  in  the  shade  that  becomes  you  most. 
You'll  know  which  to  choose. 

Then,  Princess  Pat  English  Tint  Lipstick  (liquid 
or  regular)  to  give  your  mouth  the  most  "delicious" 
color  it  has  ever  had.     Oh!      How  sweet! 

Wherever  you  buy  cosmetics,  you'll 
find  Princess  Pat  English  Tint. 
Get  yours  at  once!  Thrill  everyone 
with  your  new  "English  look"! 

Send  for  Complete 
English  Make-up   Kit 

Yes,  a  complete  Princess  Pat  English  Tint 
make-up  kit— everything  you  need  for 
real  English  complexion  loveliness.  Contains  trial 
size  English  Tint  Rouge,  a  creamy  lipstick,  a  box  of 
Face  Powder  to  match  and  Liquid  Liptone.  An  ex- 
traordinary offer— a  •'make-up"  you  just  have  to  have. 
Send  name  and  address  together  with  25c  to  cover 
partly  postage  and  packing.  Address  Princess  Pat. 
2709  S.  Wells  St.,  Chicago. 





ta  k>  pliettw  ! 

You  can  be  if  you  give  yourself  a  personal 



Candid-ate  for 
the  role  of  Maria 
in  "For  Whom 
The  Bell  Tolls": 
fay  McKenzi 

check-up   on   this   important   make-up    point 

Jx^ate  youiieLQ  a.  blj  tound jeto . .  • 

— if  you're  not  "fussy"  about  the  way  you  put   on  your  lipstick. 
Take  Fay  McKenzie — she's  a  fussy  one,  and  she's  also  one  of  the 
prettiest  girls  in  Hollywood.   She's  getting  herself  talked  about  right 
now  as  Gene  Autry's  leading  lady  in   "Cowboy   Serenade";   she's 
getting  a  lot  of  handclaps  for  the  way  she's  decorating  magazines 
(you  can  see  her  in  another  light  on  page  13). 
Watch  her  put  on  lipstick;   be  amazed  at  the  pains   she   takes; 
you'll  get  back  a  grin  and  some  good  pointers.    "I  know  it  looks 
fussy,"  she  says,  "but  I  think  lipstick  is  the  key  to  good  make-up. 
If  you  go  wrong  there,  you're  all  wrong.   You  simply  have  to  find 
the  right  color,  key  the  rest  of  your  make-up  to  it  and  then  take 
time  to  put  it  on  correctly." 

So,   when   you  go   into   your   lipstick   act,    be   sure   you    do   it 
under  a  bright  light  and  that  you  stage  a  close-up  with  your 
mirror.    Follow  the  natural  outlines  of  your  mouth,  use  your 
finger  to  spread  the  rouge  softly  over  the  lips  and  be  sure  the 
color  is  carried  out  to  the  extreme  corners.    Most  important, 
have  a  variety  of  lipsticks  so  your  color  matches  your  outfit. 

(five  youtieln  a.  p<zt  on  tne  o<zclc . . . 

— know  the  trick  of  painting  your  upper  lip  just  a  bit  more 
heavily  than  your  lower  one.  Also,  be  smartly  aware  that  the 
lines  of  your  lips  should  always  turn  up;  otherwise  you'll  look 
like  a   candidate   for   the  title   of   saddest   girl   in   the   world. 

ft ut  on  the  dunce  5  cap .  .  . 

— if  you  haven't  realized  that  you  can  get  a  very  glamorous 
effect  with  lipstick  if  you  use  a  darker  rouge  as  base  and  then 
apply   the   correct   color   over   it.    Keep   to   the   old   theory    of 
rouging,   then  applying  a   bit  of  powder,   then   rouging   again. 
You'll  be   good  for  a   whole   evening   under   the   bright    lights 
without  having   to   re-do   your   mouth   make-up.     Incidentally, 
you  will  never,  of  course,  apply  a  new  make-up  over  the  old; 
there's  nothing  that  makes  your  mouth  look  more  old-shoe  than 
fresh  lipstick  applied  without  a  previous  thorough  clean-up  job. 



— that  you  and  your  lips  will  look  smooth  if  you  catch  on  to  the 
cure-all  for  winter's  chapped  lips:     Cream  or  lotion  rubbed   into 
the  lips  every  night  as  faithfully  as  you  rub  it  into  your  hands. 

>  atound u/e&Unq  Lau'ceL 

wteathi . 


— if  you   know  all  about  the  tricks   lipstick   colors   can   play   on   you. 
For  instance,  you'll  seldom  wear  a  blue-toned  lipstick  in  the  daytime  but 
you'll  always  wear  one  when  you're  going  to  shine  under  those  modern 
artificial  lights.  If  you  don't  believe  it,  try  wearing  an  orange  lipstick  under 
today's  bright  lights  and  watch  that  lipstick  do  an  unglamorous  fade-out. 

C/et  youtleLfj  in  the  leadlna  r&nLi  on  the  -(Qzmu . . . 

—by  playing  hostess  to  them  in  the  recreational  groups  that  are  springing  up  all 
over  the  country.  Be  like  Fay  McKenzie  again,  who's  acted  as  one  of  fifty  Holly- 
wood hostesses  to  the  U.S.O.  at  Ciro's:    Make  your  lips  look  pretty  by  smoothing 
just  a  bit  of  lustrous  cream  over  your  make-up,  keep  smiling  with  the  corners  of 
your  mouth  up,  dance  with  these  gallant  defenders  all  night  long,  and  keep  both 
yourself — and  your  make-up — wearing  well. 





photoplay  combined   with   movie  mirror 

Silkier,  Smoother  Hair. . .  Easier  to  Manage 

Lovelier  Beyond  Belief! 

Avoid  That  Dulling  Film  Left 
By  Soaps  and  Soap  Shampoos! 

Neiv  hair-do  ivitli  soft,  natural-looking  wave  and  curls  .  .  .by  Thomas  Frank,  famous  Chicago  hairstylist. 

Amazing  improvement  in  Special  Drene  Shampoo!  Now  contains 
wonderful  hair  conditioner  to  give  new  beauty  thrills! 

%  If  you  haven't  tried  Special  Drene  lately 
— since  it  has  that  thrilling  hair  conditioner 
in  it — you  simply  can't  realize  just  how  much 
lovelier  your  hair  can  look!  Because  it  now 
makes  the  most  amazing  difference — leaves 
hair  so  much  silkier,  smoother  .  .  .  makes  it 
behave  better,  fall  into  place  more  beauti- 
fully, right  after  shampooing! 

Reveals  up  to  33%  more  lustre! 

Yes!  In  addition  to  the  extra  beauty  benefits 
of  that  amazing  hair  conditioner,  Special 
Drene  still  reveals  up  to  33%  more  lustre 
than  even  the  finest  soaps  or  liquid  soap 
shampoos!  For  Drene  is  not  just  a  soap 
shampoo,  so  it  never  leaves  any  dulling  film, 
as  all  soaps  do!  Hair  washed  with  Special 
Drene  sparkles  with  alluring  highlights,  glows 
with  glorious,  natural  color.  Do  you  wonder 
that  girls  everywhere  are  so  delighted  with 

this  new  improved  Special  Drene  Shampoo? 

Unsurpassed  for  removing  dandruff! 

And  when  it  comes  to  removing  dandruff,  no 
special  "dandruff  remover"  shampoo  known 
today  can  beat  Drene!  You  know  how  im- 
portant cleansing  is  in  removing  dandruff — 
so  just  remember  that  for  cleansing  Drene  is 
supreme!  Try  improved  Special  Drene  right 
away — or  ask  your  beauty  operator  to  use  it! 


All  Special  Drene  now  at  your  dealer's  in 
the  blue  and  yellow  package  is  the  new, 
improved  Special  Drene  containing 


and  is  for  every  type  of  hair  . . .  dry,  oily 
or  normal.  Just  look  for  Special  Drene 
— in  the  blue  and  yellow  package! 

Don't  rob  your  hair  of  glamour  by 
using  soaps  or  liquid  soap  shampoos 
■ — which  always  leave  a  dulling  film 
that  dims  the  natural  lustre  and 
color  brilliance!  Use  Drene — the 
beauty  shampoo  with  the  exclusive 
patented  cleansing  ingredient  which 
cannot  leave  a  clouding  film !  Instead, 
it  reveals  up  to  33%  more  lustre! 

FEBRUARY,    1942 



A  reliable  guide  to  recent  pictures.     One  check  means  good;  two  checks,  outstanding 

Film  of  finished  deftness:  Shirley  Temple 
and  Laraine  Day  in  M-G-M's  "Kathleen" 

Wit,  dancing,  beauty  and  fun:  Zorina 
and  Bob  Hope  in  "Louisiana  Purchase" 

^  Kathleen  (M-G-M) 

It's  About:  A  little  rich  girl  who  mar- 
ried her  dad  to  the  right  girl. 

THOSE  who  said  Shirley  Temple 
was  no  longer  a  favorite  with  the 
fans  may  now  eat  humble  pie.  Shirley 
at  twelve  is  a  better  little  actress  than 
ever  before,  having  lost  all  her  baby 
mannerisms  and  gained  not  only  poise 
and  self-assurance  but  a  new  beauty 
and  charm.  We  base  these  assertions 
not  only  on  our  own  opinion  but  on 
those  of  the  preview  fans  who  actually 
cheered  Shirley  after  the  showing. 

Like  a  glove  the  story  fits  Shirley's 
needs.  It  has  her  the  lonely,  mother- 
less child  of  well-to-do  Herbert  Mar- 
shall, missing  her  father's  company 
and  loathing  the  snooping  companion- 
housekeeper,  Nella  Walker.  When 
Miss  Walker  is  finally  sent  packing, 
Laraine  Day,  a  doctor  of  child  psy- 
chology, replaces  her. 

In  the  meantime,  Mr.  Marshall  de- 
cides to  marry  Gail  Patrick,  of  whom 
Shirley  disapproves.  In  her  place,  the 
little  girl  schemes  and  plans  to  put 
Miss  Day  whom  Shirley  has  come  to 

There's  an  air  of  finished  deftness 
about  the  whole  story  that  radiates 
well-being,  good  humor  and  charm. 

Felix  Bressart  is  splendid  as  the 
antique  dealer  and  friend  of  Shirley's. 

Your   Reviewer  Says:    A  honey  with  a 

The  Best  Pictures  of  the  Month 

Ball  Of  Fire 


Louisiana   Purchase 

They  Died  With  Their  Boots  On 

One  Foot  In  Heaven 

The   Chocolate   Soldier 

Best  Performances 

Barbara  Stanwyck  in  "Ball  Of  Fire" 

The  professors  in  "Ball  Of  Fire" 

Shirley  Temple   in   "Kathleen" 

Richard    Whorf    in    "Blues    In    The 

Errol    Flynn    in    "They    Died    With 
Their  Boots  On" 

Fredric    March    in    "One    Foot    In 

Nelson     Eddy    in    "The    Chocolate 

Rise    Stevens    in    "The    Chocolate 

Robert    Young    in    "H.    M.    Pulham 

Don  Ameche  in  "Confirm  Or  Deny" 

Elizabeth  Bergner  in  "Paris  Calling" 

^  Louisiana  Purchase 

It's  About:   The  schemes  hatched  by 
the  fall  guy  for  conniving  crooks. 

FROM  the  stage  comes  the  musical 
hit,  "Louisiana  Purchase,"  to  wrap 
itself  around  three  intriguing  person- 
alities, Bob  Hope,  Vera  Zorina  and 
Victor  Moore.  With  the  aid  of  Irene 
Bordoni  they  shuffle  off  to  Buffalo  and 
all  points  west  for  a  well-rounded, 
deliciously  curved  comedy.  It  is  not 
the  most  hilarious  picture  we've  ever 
seen  or  even  the  fun-fest  it  could  have 
been,  but  it  will  do  nicely  until  Para- 
mount's  producer,  Buddy  DeSylva, 
gets  the  hang  of  movie  comedy. 

Hope  is  made  the  butt  of  four 
Louisiana  crooks  who  call  themselves 
The  Louisiana  Purchasing  Company. 
When  U.  S.  Senator  Victor  Moore 
comes  down  to  investigate  the  com- 
pany, poor  Hope  is  on  the  spot  until 
he  conceives  the  idea  of  framing  the 
Senator  into  compromising  situations 
with  Vera  Zorina,  a  scheme  that  back- 
slaps  Mr.  Hope  in  his  scoop-faced  pan. 

Hope  scores  with  his  wit  and  Zorina 
with  her  dancing.  Rare  beauties 
polka-dot  the  screen  here  and  there 
to  lend  intrigue  to  the  whole  Techni- 
color scheme  of  things.  The  Mardi 
Gras  scenes  are  especially  colorful. 

Your   Reviewer  Says:  Fun.  color,  mu- 
sic, beauty — the  4A  Muses. 

(Continued  on  page  24) 



photoplay  coiiibnied  with  mctte  mirror 



***oi«»  * 


20th  Century-Fox  is  now  producing  6?  J 'J        ,  ^ 

these  grand,  new  pictures  you'll  soon  ^V^^^ 

be  seeing  in  your  favorite  theatre!  \]  * ■ 


WHEN  HE'LL  SHOW  THEM!  ^J  ^^**^ 





0      T, 















mm  mma  wm  sasr  ^ 

Produced  by  DARRYLF.  ZANUCK  •  Directed  by  JOHN  FORD 

FEBRUARY,    1942 


m  &  l 

X  € 

Timely   excitement:    Elizabeth    Bergner 
and  Randolph  Scott  in  "Paris  Calling" 

Startling     and     different:     Barbara    Stanwyck 
and  Gary  Cooper  in  Soldwyn's  "Ball  Of  Fire" 

"  Paris  Calling  (Universal) 

It's  About:  French  sympathizers,  with 
the  aid  of  an  American  aviator,  con- 
spire against  the  Nazis. 

A  REVEALING  insight  into  the 
news  behind  the  news  is  this 
picture  of  French  sympathizers  who 
work  secretly  to  throw  off  the  bur- 
den of  the  Nazi  yoke.  Elizabeth  Berg- 
ner, as  the  wealthy  French  girl  who 
throws  in  her  lot  with  the  secret 
French  sympathizers,  is  terrific. 

Randy  Scott  as  the  American  flyer 
with  the  R.A.F.  and  Basil  Rathbone 
as  the  Frenchman  who  betrays  France 
are  very  good. 

Lively  moments,  timeliness  of  theme 
and  an  aura  of  excitement  dress  this 
story  in  thrilling  garments. 

Your   Reviewer   Says:  Thumbs  up. 
"V  Ball  Of  Fire  (Goldwyn-RKO) 

It's  About:  Consequences  when  a  pro- 
fessor  meets   a   night-club   floozy. 

WHEN  Mr.  Samuel  Goldwyn 
shears  the  lullaby  gaps  from 
this  wildly  hilarious  comedy,  he'll 
have  on  his  hands  a  picture  startling, 
new  and  different  in  idea. 

Gary  Cooper,  the  slow-burning 
"Ball  Of  Fire,"  and  Barbara  Stan- 
wyck, the  night-club  babe,  go  to  town 
with  two  wild  performances.  If  you 
don't  break  your  funny  bone  laugh- 
ing, we  miss  our  guess.  Gary  is  one 
of  a  group  of  professors  slowly  and 
laboriously  compiling  an  encyclopedia. 


(Continued  from  page  22) 
As  the  English  professor,  Cooper  sets 
out  into  the  city  to  broaden  his 
knowledge  of  slang.  His  roamings 
gather  in  Stanwyck,  on  the  lam  from 
the  police.  What  happens  to  the  pro- 
fessors, especially  Gary,  under  Stan- 
wyck's guidance,  shouldn't  happen  to 
the  seven  dwarfs. 

Kathleen  Howard,  Allen  Jenkins 
and  the  professors  lend  tremendous 
support.  With  those  bad,  draggy  mo- 
ments eliminated,  this  should  prove 
a  ball  of  fire  at  the  box  office. 

Your   Reviewer  Says:  The    answer    to 
the  $64  question. 

^  Confirm  Or  Deny 
(Twentieth  Century-Fox) 

It's  About:  An  energetic  head  of  an 
American  news  service  in  London. 

HERE'S  just  about  as  peppy  and 
active  a  little  piece  of  timeliness 
as  has  been  catapulted  out  of  Holly- 
wood in  a  long  time.  Don  Ameche, 
the  human  dynamo  of  an  American 
news  service  in  London,  injects  so 
much  nervous  energy  into  his  work 
the  audience  is  pitched  to  a  high  C 
tension  throughout. 

The  attempts  to  keep  open  for  busi- 
ness despite  the  bombings  keep  the 
news  service  two  crater  leaps  ahead 
of  Hitler,  with  Joan  Bennett,  John 
Loder,  Raymond  Walburn  and  Roddy 
McDowall  caught  up  in  the  scramble. 
Joan  Bennett  is  very  good  in  her  role 
of  the  English  girl  employed  by  the 
service.  Roddy  McDowall,  who  val- 
iantly sticks  to  his  post,  and  Arthur 

Shields,   as  the  blind  newspaperman, 
are  both  splendid. 

It's  firecracker  fare,  so  don't  expect 
to  relax  or  sneak  any  catnaps. 

Your   Reviewer  Says:  Zip-p-p-p. 

^  Sullivan's  Travels  (Paramount) 

It's  About:  A    would-be    tramp    who 
achieves  his  wishes. 

AM  E  S  S  A  G  E  picture  that  de- 
nounces messages  is  the  theme 
of  this  rambling,  somewhat  garbled 
story;  it's  entertainment  that  some- 
how misses  greatness. 

Joel  McCrea  is  a  rich  young  Holly- 
wood motion-picture  producer  who 
wants  to  make  a  message  picture 
labeled  "Brother  Where  Art  Thou?" 
Persuaded  he  knows  nothing  of  the 
hardships  of  life,  Joel  sets  out  in  rags, 
equipped  with  a  ten-cent  piece. 

Landing  back  in  Hollywood,  he 
picks  up  an  extra  girl.  Veronica  Lake, 
and  this  time  the  two  of  them  start 
out  on  the  bumming  road,  like  two 
derelicts.  In  Hollywood  again,  Joel 
sets  out  a  third  time  on  his  philan- 
thropic mission,  gets  knocked  out, 
lands  in  a  prison  road  gang  and 
eventually  emerges  to  forsake  his 
morbid  picture  ambitions  for  comedy. 

One  of  the  most  powerful  moments 
ever  filmed  is  the  scene,  played — and 
sung — by  the  Hall  Johnson  Choir,  in 
a  Negro  Church. 

Your   Reviewer   Says:    See  it — for  that 

(Continued  on  page  106) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror    I 

Thomas  Mitchell  is  not  popular 
among  the  press,  though  they 
agree  he's  one  of  the  best  actors  in 
the  business. 

The  town  actually  has  the  nerve  to 
link  Mickey  Rooney's  name  with 
Norma  Shearer's  name  romantically. 
And  there  are  actually  some  people 
who  are  silly  enough  to  believe  it. 

Friends  are  hysterical  over  the  gift 
Bing  Crosby  brought  his  wife  from 
South  America.  It's  a  mahogany  foot- 
stool, of  all  things.  Try  wearing  that 
to  Ciro's! 

The  feud  between  comics  Bob  Hope 
and  Red  Skelton  has  calmed  down  to 
a  tornado.  It  began  when  one  of  Bob's 
radio  gag  men  deliberately  bolted 
over  to  Skelton's  side. 

Jni>Ue  Stuff 

Gable  has  a  red  face.  For  once  he 
thought  he  knew  better  than  wifey. 
Carole  advised  him  to  buy  up  nails 
for  use  on  the  ranch  before  defense 
priority  set  in;  he  didn't  think  the 
buying  of  nails  very  important.  Well, 
finally  came  the  time  when  Mr.  Gable 
needed  nails  badly  and  was  grinding 
his  teeth  because  he  hadn't  bought 

Whereupon,  Mrs.  Gable  led  him  out 
to  the  barn  where  she'd  hidden  2,000 
pounds  of  nails,  bought  at  seven  cents 
a  pound.  Hollywood  stores  are  now 
phoning  Clark  offering  seventeen 
cents  a  pound  for  the  nails! 

Two  girls  who  have  ruined  their 
good  looks  by  dieting — Judy  Garland, 
who  has  added  ten  years  to  her  age 
through  loss  of  poundage,  and  Ilona 
Massey  who  now  possesses  only  a 
shadow  of  her  former  beauty. 

Olivia  de  Havilland  takes  her  din- 
ner along  in  a  hamper  to  Ciro's,  so 
strict  is  her  diet.  Olivia's  date  these 
nights  is  usually  Roger  Pryor,  es- 
tranged husband  of  Ann  Sothern. 

The  town  is  giggling  over  Fred 
Astaire's  odd  experience.  Fred,  who 
is  completely  sold  on  the  acting  ability 
of  Joan  Leslie  and  is  so  anxious  to 
have  her  for  his  next  leading  lady, 
was  afraid  to  leave  the  deal  to  agents 
and  decided  to  phone  Joan  himself. 
Her  sister  answered   the  phone. 

"Oh,  I'm  sorry,  Joan  can't  come  to 
the  phone  now,"  she  said.  "She's  up- 
stairs doing  her  homework!" 

tot!     i  WF* 

Romantic  "Find"! 

colo'J  . 










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("but  he  walked  right  out  of  the  dream) 



Helen,   my  Pet  '  ,t  untii  i 

«hat  a  ^'happened.   That  Dream 
tell  y°u  what      *  tSne  about  has 
™  l\l  SWf^Vc?Sig« V  ^st /opped 
^sudden^out  of   th,n  a,^  And 

ft  all  places -on  a ■*££-        the  trip, 

1  had  J^t  got  =e Uleo. 
when  I  happened  to  gia        a  the 

there  he  wab  -  two   en  deep- 

most  bee-u-ti-ful.   gorg  ned  for... 

hronzed  male  a  gal  ever  >  &  sort 

Sfng  ^ffe^ten-fn-fhree-days  took. 
of   l-haven  t-eaten  And  ne 

His  name's  Cary  For  D     am 

lives  up  near  here.    He  les ,    i 

Guv'    aU   ^ber' very   much  of   anything 
can't  remember  very      ..except   that 
that  we  talked  abou t^  to  be 

when  he  said  he  «s  |  z  thou^' 

on   this  housepart^  -n  this. . 

for  a 


-  a  dance  tonigm.- 


vAeleh-  i  sWuidf'^etW" 

-a  1  "ess  Sraij^^^^ 
^enLDpened3°^ dance,  ^anced 

1  6uotn  vou  *"~  ne,ed  cu»r  t    .     the 
^  ten  to  »  ,s  chanfe  too  •  _ 

,rl   Vned-h  '      suddenly '        waa 

ther  h1^,    t  don't  t"     vemn&  v 

wo^^tUV^JHaieV   ^U"  °  ^ 

other  nijfi  don' \\-even^- 

«»V «%"  H«  * !V 4l4.««^U 

Helen-  hv  that  note  - 

What  did  you  mean  by^that  ^^ 

"See  page  °^pfine  advertisement 

That's  a  LlSte"  %„relv,  you're 
Ibout  bad  wreath  Surely ; s 

not  trying  to  ten 

that  way? 

I  hope  it  s.n°nut  if  it  is,  it  s 
were  hiding  at.  B ut,     last  ,ime 
certain  y  going  to      t<>  say  a 

thfng  liHe  t^at  about  me. 



top  anasyddeniy  ^  of  *e  Jthe  roa*. 
Ranged.  ring  ah  s0*eth  er  &et 
¥»«  S3  lateV  we  J  t  he 

^ott  caTcted  as  J-  ■   ^ed  <f  ,^n  b^* 
•a»-   S?s  &d" Lr  i.  *f  could  vt  *•< 

■"iff  £•  «2ft*  ** 

f&t  b»  ^1SS  f>^— 


HeL   darling. 

*"*«?  marvelous '   ^rythinS's  *on- 
c/jy's  just   the  »avghoge°us  again! 
day  on   the   train     y  he  was  that   f,:^* 
and  kindere  a^nVce^V^  "itS"* 
guy  he  is!  er-   ^osh  what  a 

^oleTl^H  ?**  X  th^  ho. 
"ght-abou?  that   nn?g  hio'    Y°»  "ere 
sorry   if   T  was  st,,??*6'    2  mean.    I'm 
couldn't   be  ml,l  Uffy  abo"t    it      T 
body  for  MythfnVgr|tefui   n°*  to  anv 

made   everything \ife   Llsterir.e   that 
tween^Carfand^e "   right  again  be! 

'»ea?eiary"'l,i"?vI?onie  tomorrow     t 

Sis*  t&r^zss.&fc 



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•  Sometimes,  of  course,  halitosis  is  systemic.  But  most  cases, 
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Lambert  Pharmacal  Company,  St.  Louis,  Missouri 

LISTERINE    for    halitosis    (bad  breath) 



When   We   Look   Back 

N  DAYS  like  these,  with  our  country  at  death  grips 

with  the  Axis,  it  seems  singularly  unimportant  that  in 

a  few  weeks  the  Academy  will  give  its  annual  awards 
or  the  best  pictures  and  achievements  of  the  year.  And 
ret  looking  back  in  later  years,  the  trivia  of  these  days 
vill  take  on  a  certain  bemused  interest. 

Will  any  of  the  pictures  which  you  and  I  saw  during 
941  live  in  our  minds  through  the  explosive  years  ahead 
if  us?  Which  have  qualities  that  will  make  them  suffi- 
iently  memorable  so  that  when  we  look  back  they  will 
:ome  to  life  again? 

Each  year  The  Film  Daily,  trade  paper  of  the  industry, 
sks  the  editors  of  America  to  vote  on  the  ten  best  pictures 
if  the  year.  Putting  aside  any  technical  considerations — 
or  several  of  the  pictures  which  I  know  are  memorable 
lad  to  be  excluded  from  the  famous  Film  Daily  poll 
>ecause  they  were  released  a  little  too  late  in  the  year — 
et's  look  'era  over. 

"Dumbo"  you  will  always  remember  for  its  exquisite 
enderness  as  well  as  for  its  great  good  humor.  Who  can 
ver  forget  the  enchanting  absurdities  of  little  Dumbo, 
he  flying  elephant? 

"Citizen  Kane,"  much  discussed,  much  censored,  will 
ie  remembered  because  of  its  superb  adroitness  in  using 
n  episodic  technique  in  masterful  dramatic  fashion. 
Everyone  who  saw  the  picture,  even  those  who  didn't 
ike  it,  had  to  admit  that  here  was  a  new  mind,  a  new 
magination  at  work. 

Man's  relations  with  the  beyond  would  not  seem  a 
ubject  for  a  constantly  amusing  and  always  believ- 
ble  picture,  but  that  is  exactly  what  "Here  Comes 
dr.  Jordan"  turned  out  to  be.  It  is  memorable  not 
nly  for  Robert  Montgomery's  and  James  Gleason's 
pirited  performances  but  also  for  the  most  original  story 
if  the  year. 

For  its  dramatic  intensity  we  shall  surely  remember 
The  Letter"  and  the  fine  acting  of  Bette  Davis  and  the 
ate  James  Stephenson. 

Better  than  the  stage  version,  "The  Philadelphia  Story" 
hould  be  remembered  as  the  best  comedy  of  manners 
if  1941. 

For    propaganda    which    really    came    off    and    at    last 

showed  some  sign  of  hope  for  the  misled  German  people, 
"Underground"  belongs  on  this  list.  For  propaganda 
combined  with  swell  melodrama,  "Night  Train"  wins 
special  mention. 

Also  tied  to  the  events  of  today  but  to  be  remembered 
chiefly  for  its  poignant,  heart-rending  love  story,  "Hold 
Back  The  Dawn"  cannot  fail  to  live  in  our  minds. 

Using  as  its  theme  the  richness  of  the  lives  of  simple 
people,  "How  Green  Was  My  Valley"  left  me  feeling  that 
I  had  shared  the  daily  living  of  those  in  that  little  Welsh 
town.    I'm  sure  I  shall  never  forget  the  experience. 

TO  ROUND  out  the  ten  most  memorable  pictures  of  the 
year — and  it  is  by  no  means  the  least  because  it  is  men- 
tioned last — let  us  include  "Sergeant  York."  Patriotism 
can  so  easily  be  made  maudlin  or  jingoistic;  this  picture 
made  it  something  simple  and  moving,  something  im- 
portant in  the  heart  of  a  man — so  important  that  for  it  he 
is  willing  to  compromise  with  his  ideals. 

Yes,  the  Academy  will  be  choosing  the  best  picture  of 
the  year,  best  performances,  et  cetera;  certainly  they 
could  do  no  better  than  to  pick  "Sergeant  York"  for  the 
best  picture  and  Gary  Cooper  for  the  best  male 

Last  year  they  picked  James  Stewart  for  "The  Phila- 
delphia Story,"  which  makes  it  impossible  for  Katharine 
Hepburn  to  win  it  this  year  for  the  same  picture.  Due  to 
the  fact  that  technically  the  picture  was  released  in  1940 
she  will  be  out  of  the  running  for  a  1941  Award,  which 
to  my  mind  is  a  pity  because  she  deserves  it.  But  there 
is  an  easy  second  choice — the  performance  of  Olivia 
de  Havilland  in  "Hold  Back  The  Dawn." 

And  for  the  finest  character  performances,  Donald  Crisp 
in  "How  Green  Was  My  Valley"  and  James  Gleason  in 
"Here  Comes  Mr.  Jordan"  should  vie  for  the  honors. 

This  year  a  child  has  given  a  great  performance  and  1 
hope  the  Academy  will  remember  it — that  of  Roddy  Mc- 
Dowall  in  "How  Green  Was  My  Valley." 

When  we  look  back  in  later,  more  peaceful  years,  the 
details  of  many  of  these  pictures  will  be  forgotten.  But 
for  one  reason  or  another  I  believe  each  one  of  the  ten 
will  be  remembered. 

EBRUARY,    1942 


No   one   ever   before   went  to   Gene   Tierney   and   asked   her  for  the   real  story  of  her 
marriage  to  Oleg  Cassini.     So  now,  in  appreciation,   she   gives   us  the   dramatic   truth 

Gene's  mother  commented  on 
Oleg:  "He's  the  only  per- 
son   who    calms    you    down" 


"  I   DEFY  Hollywood  gossip-mongers, 

I    or  my  family,  or  anyone  else  to 

I  break  up  my  marriage.  I'll  make 
it  last  if  I  die  in  the  attempt!" 

Gene  Tierney's  eyes  flashed  green 
fire.  She  had  just  read  another  story 
about  her  marriage  to  Count  Oleg 
Cassini,  written  by  someone  who  had 
never  seen  her  about  it,  and  the  star 
of    "Son    Of    Fury"    was    smoldering. 

"I've  been  told  that  I  should  laugh 
at  these  stories,  but  I  can't.  They 
burn  me  up.  My  marriage  means  too 
much  to  me  for  me  to  laugh  when 
things  that  are  not  only  untrue,  but 
unfair,  are  printed  about  Oley  and  me. 

"I'm  fed  up  with  these  sob  stories 
about  The  Poor  Little  Rich  Girl, 
Whose  Hasty  Marriage  to  The  Foreign 
Nobleman  Has  Made  Her  a  Countess 
—But  Isn't  Likely  to  Make  Her 

"I  didn't  marry  Oley  for  his  title. 
For  one  thing,  he  won't  have  a  title 
after  November  first,  when  he  be- 
comes an  American  citizen.  And  he 
didn't  marry  me  for  my  money,  be- 
cause I  don't  have  any  money  except 
what  I  earn — and  he  earns  a  good 
living,  too.  Also,  we  didn't  elope  two 
weeks  after  first  meeting.  We  went 
together  for  six  months  before  we 

"People  seem  to  have  the  idea  that 
I  married  a  suave,  elderly  gentleman 
and  that  he  married  a  naive  young 
schoolgirl.  To  be  exact,  Oley  is 
twenty-eight,   and   I  was  twenty-one 

FEBRUARY,    1942 

on     November     the     twentieth. 

"Sometime,  somewhere,  I  wish 
somebody  would  get  the  whole  story 

It  sounded  as  if  she  might  be  in 
the  mood  to  give  the  story. 

"I've  always  been  in  the  mood  to 
give  it,"  she  said.  "I  don't  know  why 
people  have  preferred  to  make  up 
their  own  stories,  instead  of  asking 
me  for  the  real  one.  Maybe  they've 
been  afraid  I  would  be  afraid  to  give 
them  the  facts." 

Gene  smiled  at  the  ridiculousness 
of  her  having  any  timidity  on  that 
score.  And  she  looked  positively 
happy  to  see  us  produce  paper  and 
pencil^  ready  to  take  notes. 

She  started  at  the  beginning. 

"We  met  at  a  party  that  Johnny 
Maschio  and  Connie  Moore  gave — 
last  December,"  she  said.  "I  was  in- 
vited because  Johnny  was  my  agent. 
Oley  was  invited  because  he  had  de- 
signed Connie's  clothes  for  'I  Wanted 

"Sometimes  I  wonder  if  he  would 
have  been  interested  in  me  that  eve- 
ning— if  he  hadn't  liked  what  I  was 
wearing.  He  asked  me  for  a  date. 
I  told  him  that  my  time  was  pretty 
well  taken  up.  Then  he  asked  if  he 
couldn't  have  my  phone  number,  at 
least.  I  was  reluctant  to  give  it,  be- 
cause I  wasn't  particularly  attracted 
to  him — I  didn't  think  he  was  hand- 
some— but  I  did  tell  him  the  number, 

"A  couple  of  nights  later  he  phoned. 
I  knew  he  was  going  to  ask  for  a 
date  again  and  I  wanted  Mother  to 
talk  to  him  and  tell  him  I  was  busy, 
but  she  thought  I  should  tell  him 
myself.  Ironic,  isn't  it,  that  Mother 
didn't  try  to  discourage  him  then  and 

"So  I  went  to  the  phone  and,  sure 
enough,  he  asked  me  for  a  date.  And 
I  kept  saying,  'I'm  so  sorry — but  I  am 
so  busy.'  He  kept  me  on  the  phone 
two  hours,  refusing  to  take  'No'  for 
an  answer.  Finally,  I  gave  in.  I  said, 
'All  right.'  And  came  away  from  the 
phone,  mad  at  myself  for  saying 
that.  But" — she  smiled — "I'm  not  mad 
about  that  any  more. 

"Our  date  was  for  New  Year's  Eve. 
We  were  going  to  Ciro's.  So  I  dressed 
in  something  I  considered  pretty  ele- 
gant— an  evening  gown  in  the  Empire 
style,  a  la  Josephine,  which  I  had 
designed  myself.  I  thought  I'd  let 
him  know  that  I  was  a  designer,  too. 
In  fact,  I  almost  took  up  designing 
as  a  profession,  instead  of  acting.  I 
would  have,  if  I  had  listened  to  my 

"So  I  came  forth  in  my  Josephine 
gown — and  I  was  greeted  by  this 
expression  of  dismay  on  Oley's  face. 
'Where,'  he  asked,  very  pained,  'did 
you  get  that  horrible  dress?  It's  not 
for  you.  It's  much  too  extravagant. 
You  look  like  Betty  Boop  in  it.  You 
should  wear  very  simple  things. 
Please,  won't  (Continued  on  page  70) 



some    happy,    some    ominous  —  as    seen 

IT  is  1942.  Hollywood,  beware! 
Once  more  I  consult  my  charts 
in  order  to  look  into  the  future 
and  warn  the  stars  of  coming  events. 
But,  before  I  unfold  the  future  for 
you,  let's  take  a  look  at  the  February 
issue-  of  Photoplay-Movie  Mirror  for 
1941.  I  turn  to  page  72  and  quote 
from  "Hollywood.  Beware  In   1942!": 

Katharine  Hepburn:  "The  tempes- 
tuous Katharine  Hepburn  appears  to 
come  out  from  under  the  bad  aspects 
which  have  been  dogging  her  for  some 
time.  During  most  of  1941  she  is 
under  good  vibrations  so  far  as  her 
public  and  her  career  are  concerned." 

"The  Philadelphia  Story"  brought 
Katharine  back  with  a  loud  explosion 

of  praise  from  both  cxitics  and  public. 
She  appears  to  have  mended  her 
ways  and  her  manners  with  the  press 
and  with  Hollywood  in  general  and 
according  to  the  last  reports  I  re- 
ceived Katie  has  the  world  and  her 
studio  by  the  tail. 

Myrna  Loy:  "Professionally  My  ma 
is  under  fine  aspects  .  .  .  Her  private 
life,  however,  is  something  else  again. 
The  position  of  her  stars  shows  ten- 
sion, conflict  and  serious  misunder- 
standings in  the  home."  (Editor's 
note:  Alter  this  article  was  written. 
Miss  Loy  announced  that  she  and 
husband  Arthur  Hornblow  Jr.  would 

They  separated,  went  back  together 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mierob 


reliable  astrologer  In  the  '42  futures  of  your  favorite  stars 

again  and  there  have  been  reports  of 
a  second  separation.  More  about  this 

Shirley  Temple:  "What  is  going  to 
happen  to  Shirley  Temple?  .  .  .  Saturn 
in  Taurus  in  bad  aspect  to  her  other 
planets  puts  her  under  a  temporary 
eclipse  for  the  next  few  years  and  no 
matter  what  she  does  in  a  profes- 
sional way,  or  how  well  she  does  it, 
she  will  meet  with  adverse  criticism 
and  unpopularity.  It  would  be  far 
wiser  for  Shirley  to  retire  to  private 
life  until  midsummer,  fall  or  winter 
1943.  At  this  time  she  will  have  all 
the  appeal  of  a  new  and  delightful 

Well,  up  to  the  time  this  article  is 

being  written  (early  November,  1941) 
there  has  been  newspaper  talk  of 
radio  programs,  contracts  with  pic- 
ture studios  and  great  plans  for  Shir- 
ley but  a  single  picture,  "Kathleen," 
is  all  of  note  that  has  materialized 
for  the  child  and  on  that  the  public 
has  not  yet  had  an  opportunity  to 
give  its  verdict. 

I  have  at  last  obtained  what  I  be- 
lieve to  be  Shirley's  accurate  birth 
year  and  will  discuss  her  future  later. 

Clark  Gable:  ".  .  .  popularity  and 
box-office  appeal  not  only  through 
1941   but   for  many   years   to  come." 

Did  he  ever  have  more  box-office 
appeal  than  in  "Honky  Tonk?" 
(Continued  on  page  73) 

FEBRUARY,    1942 



Tyrone  Power  as  Clive: 
He  had  a  nice  face. 
Nose  a  bit  too  fine, 
mouth  a  little  large, 
eyes — the  eyes  were 
like   his   voice,    tired 

OT  by  coincidence,  it  was  the 
day  France  capitulated  to  Ger- 
many in  the  Forest  of  Com- 
piegne  that  Prudence  Cathaway  joined 
the  WAAFs — the  Women's  Auxiliary 
Air  Force.  She  signed  up  as  an 
ordinary  private,  which  was  a  severe 
shock  to  her  family,  whose  influence 
could  easily  have  got  her  an  offi- 
cer's commission.  Her  Uncle  Willfred 
summed  up  the  general  feeling  as 
Uncle  Willfred  always  summed  things 
up,  neatly: 

"For  generations.  Prudence,  the 
Cathaways  have  been  leaders,  not 
followers.  In  joining  this  women's 
army  as  a  private,  a  common  private, 
you  are  deliberately  throwing  aside 
the  hereditary  instincts  that  entitle 
all  Cathaways  to  lead." 

Nevertheless,  because  Prue  felt  she 
was  no  better  than  Annie,  the  local 
scrubwoman,  simply  because  her 
family  was  old  and  rich  and  Annie's 
wasn't,  she  held  to  her  decision.  She 
was  assigned  to  the  camp  near  Gosley, 
in  Kent.  It  was  a  collection  of  brown 
wooden  barracks  set  on  the  edge  of 
the  downs  and  peopled  by  girls  who 
had  been,  in  civilian  life,  waitresses, 
chambermaids,  stenographers,  debu- 
tantes. Violet  Worthing,  who  occupied 
the  bed  next  to  Prue's  in  the  dormi- 
tory, was  "local."'  She  was  a  big, 
healthy  girl  with  scrubbed-pink 
cheeks  and  she  confided  that  her 
young  man  was  Joe  Telson,  who  was 
also  local  and  was  going  to  join  the 
Navy  soon.  Violet  hoped  to  bring 
him  to  the  point  of  proposing  before 
he  left.  She  was  puzzled  and  a  little 
hurt  when  Prue  showed  no  interest 
in  finding  a  young  man  of  her  own. 
In  Violet's  philosophy,  there  was  little 
point  in  joining  the  WAAFs  and 
wearing  a  nice  uniform  if  you  didn't 
hope  to  catch  a  man  thereby. 

Prue  had  been  at  the  camp  a  week 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

!f  you've  decided  it  isn't  right 
or  you,"  he  said,  "we  can  pack 
p  and  go."  But,  being  a  woman, 
'he  stayed.    He  was  the  one  to  go 

Screen  play  by  R.  C.  Sherriff.    From 
the   novel    by   Eric    Knight.    Directed 
by  Anatole  Litvak 

Fiction  Version  by 


when  Violet  came  into  the  dormitory 
one  evening,  almost  in  tears.  It  was 
Joe's  last  night  in  Gosley,  his  last 
chance  to  propose.  And  instead  of 
seeing  her  alone  tonight,  he  was  go- 
ing to  bring  a  chum. 

"Joe  loves  me  right  enough,"  Violet 
complained  bitterly,  "but  he's  just 
scared  stiff  about  marrying.  So  he 
brings  along  a  chum  to  walk  between 
us!"  She  leaned  forward  in  sudden 
appeal.  "Prue — won't  you  do  some- 
thing for  me?  Come  out  tonight  and 
take  Joe's  chum  away.  Please!  I  just 
got  to  get  Joe  alone!" 

Prue  hesitated,  wanting  to  refuse. 
All  her  training,  the  ghosts  of  every 
snobbish  ancestor,  said  that  to  go  out 
with  a  man  she  had  never  met  was 
common — common.  Perhaps  that  was 
why  she  agreed  and  was  with  Violet 
when  night  had  fallen,  outside  the 
camp  gates.  Joe  and  Joe's  friend  were 
only  darker  shadows  in  the  black-out. 
Violet  assumed  command  as  soon  as 
introductions  were  accomplished  and 
almost  dragged  Joe,  panic-stricken 
and  helpless,  down  the  road.  His 
friend  made  an  uncertain  movement 
to  follow  them,  but  Prue  stood  where 
she  was  and  said  firmly, 

"There's  a  concert  in  the  camp  this 
evening.    Would  you  like  to  go?" 

"If  you  want  to.  I  really  don't  care." 
His  voice  was  indifferent,  tired;  and 
it  was  not  the  kind  of  voice  that 
should   have  been   either.      It   was  a 

Copyright    1942   by   Twentieth 
Century-Fox  Film  Corporation 


Joan  Fontaine  as  Prue: 
She  was  delicate,  fine- 
boned,  her  face  haloed 
by    crisp    golden    curls 

FEBRUARY,    1942 


,-    /!>' 




young  voice  that  had  forgotten  it 
was  young. 

"Or  perhaps  you  would  rather 

"I've  just  told  you.  It  doesn't  mat- 
ter.   I  don't  care." 

They  walked  for  a  time  in  silence. 
Then  he  said,  "Is  this  what  you  usu- 
ally do  when  you  come  out  like 

Sharply — "I  don't  usually  'come  out 
like  this.' " 

"Oh."  He  considered  that  for  a 
few  paces.  "Then  why  am  I  specially 

"If  you  really  want  to  know,  I 
came  to  help  Violet  be  alone  with 
Joe.  Or  didn't  you  know  Violet  and 
Joe  were  in  love?" 

"I  didn't,"  he  said. 

Far  away,  the  eastern  horizon  was 
aglow  with  flickering,  uncertain  light. 
Searchlights  swung  back  and  forth 
through  the  air.  The  mutter  of  gun- 
fire came  to  them  across  the  empty 
fields.  "They're  bombing  Dover,"  he 
said.    "Or  maybe  Canterbury." 

"They'll  be  bombing  our  camp  one 
of  these  days."  Prue's  voice  trembled 
a  little. 

He  laughed  shortly.  "Don't  worry! 
They're  not  going  to  waste  bombs  on 
a  WAAF  camp  .  .  .  Cigarette?" 


In  the  brief  flare  of  the  match  he 
saw  her  face  for  the  first  time — deli- 
cate, fine-boned,  haloed  by  crisp 
golden  curls.  "What's  the  English 
aristocracy  doing  in  the  ranks  of  the 
WAAF?"  he  asked. 

"Are  you  one  of  the  aristocracy 


"I  neither  hate  nor  admire  them," 
he  told  her.    "I  ignore  them." 

He  lit  his  own  cigarette  then  and 
she  saw  his  face.  It  was  a  nice  face. 
The  nose  was  a  bit  too  fine,  the  mouth 
a  little  large,  the  eyes — the  eyes 
were  like  his  voice,  tired.  He  was 
dressed  in  shabby,  poorly  cut  tweeds. 

"You're  bitter  about  something," 
she  said.  "Isn't  there  anything  you 
believe  in?" 

He  blew  the  match  out,  curtly.  "I 
believe  in  people  who  know  what 
they're  doing — and  where  they're  go- 
ing. Precious  few  of  'em  around,  just 

At  ten  o'clock  they  were  back  at 
the  camp  gates  to  meet  Violet  and 
Joe.  All  about  them  were  couples 
kissing  good-night  in  the  darkness, 
ignoring  the  lack  of  privacy.  He  hesi- 
tated, then  self-consciously  pulled 
her  to  him  and  kissed  her  on  the 
lips;  she  responded  automatically, 

"Can  I  see  you  again  tomorrow 
night?"  he  asked. 

"I  don't  know.    I  may  be  busy." 

"I'll  wait  for  you  here.  If  you  can't 
come  .  .  ." 

"If  I  can't  come — then  what?" 

He  turned  away  to  join  Joe.  ".  .  .  It 
won't  make  any  difference." 

Prue  lay  awake  for  a  while  that 
night,  in  her  cot  next  to  Violet — who 
was  happy  now,  for  she  and  Joe  were 
engaged.  In  the  darkness  against  her 
closed  eyelids  she  kept  seeing  his  face, 
briefly  illumined  by  the  tiny  flame  of 
the  match.  Her  lips  framed  his  name: 
"Clive.  Clive  Briggs."  It  was  an  ordi- 
nary name.    (Continued  on  page  87) 

There  was  a  silence. 
Prue  was  there  in  his 
arms,  wraith-like  in 
her     soft     negligee 


Color  Portrait  Series: 

A/elion  £d(lij 

Big  name  on  the  roster  of  stars  ap- 
pearing, via  the  CBS  Sunday  night 
coast-to-coast  broadcasts,  on  the 
Gulf  Screen  Guild  Theater;  now 
playing,  on  the  screen,  in  M-G-M's 
"I  Married  An  Angel" 

page  35 


Appearing  in  M-G-M's 

"H.  M.  Pulham  Esq." 

page  37 

sxlta  -Hauutottn 

Appearing  in  Columbia's 

"You'll  Never  Get  Rich" 

page  W 

<Lttol    rltfnn 

Appearing  in  Warners' 

"They  Died  With  Their  Boots  On" 

pagt  42 

photoplay  combined  with   movie  mirror 





J  cA 

"What  have  I  got  in  common  with  that  glamour  puss?"  said  Ann.  "Me  like  that  Maisie!" 
exclaimed   Hedy  incredulously.  So  they  passed   without   speaking.   Then   they   met.   .   . 

^iDlwt  u-uiltli)  ad  ixmSwi 

In  plain  female  circles  this  is  called  "letting  down  the 
pompadour"  on  the  Ann  Sothern-Hedy  Lamarr  situation 

NEVER  let  it  be  said  that  it  can't 
happen  here. 
We  mean  a  lasting  friendship 
between  two  G-girls — glamour  girls  to 
you.  And  long  may  they  scintillate 
in  their  sequins  and  silver  fox!  Ever 
since  Theda  Bara  beaded  her  first 
lash,  you've  heard  tell  that  the  dear 
girls  are  just  sweet  cinema  sisters 
under  the  skin.  As  closely  attached 
as  the  Siamese  twins!  But  invariably, 
it  seems,  a  friendship  between  Muzzie 
May  Robson  and  Jane  Withers  is  the 
kind  that  really  rates. 

All  of  which  compels  us  to  point 
with  pride  and  perplexity  to  those 
two  luscious  ladies.  To  Ann  Sothern 
and  Hedy  Lamarr.  In  the  face  of  it 
all,  they've  managed  to  become 
friends.     Good  friends.     A  less  grue- 



some  twosome  we  hope  never  to  meet! 

By  every  law  of  human  nature 
there's  as  much  apparent  reason  for 
Ann  and  Hedy  to  be  friends  as  there  is 
for  Dietrich  to  play  Little  Eva.  When 
the  possibility  of  such  an  alliance  was 
merely  mentioned,  the  misses  Sothern 
and  Lamarr  all  but  held  their  pretty 
noses  and  shrieked.  You  see,  each 
gave  the  other  a  nice  juicy  pain  in 
the  neck.  And  then  they  were  intro- 

For  almost  two  years  Ann  and  Hedy 
used  to  pass  each  other  daily  on  the 
M-G-M  lot.  Hedy,  who  is  actually 
shy  in  the  presence  of  strangers,  never 
knew  whether  to  speak.  Ann,  creating 

the  impression  that  she  was  mentally 
on  the  China  Clipper,  was  usually 
concentrating  on  memorizing  her  lines. 
So  they  didn't  think  too  much  of  each 
other — if  they  thought  of  each  other 
at  all. 

At  the  time  both  girls  were  study- 
ing with  Phyllis  Laughton,  a  top 
Hollywood's  dramatic  coach.  Know- 
ing them  so  well,  it  was  Phyllis  who 
first  suggested  that  they'd  like  each 
other.  Ann  listened  politely  to  Phyllis. 
Ann  looked  bored.  Hedy  smiled 
sweetly.  And  changed  the  subject. 
Strange  as  it  may  seem,  Ann  and 
Hedy  don't  have  many  close  friends. 
Phyllis  knew  this.     So  she  persisted. 

"But  w-w-why?"  Ann  would  ask,  a 
slight  note  of  irritation  creepine  into 
her  voice.    (Continued  on  page  85) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 


No  matter  how  small  your  budget,  you  can  say  "yes"  if  your  rainy-day 
ritual    is    at    all    like    the    ingenious    $    systems    of   these    young    stars 

THEY  were  having  a  huddle  on 
the  "Sweater  Girl"  set  at  Para- 
mount—Eddie Bracken,  June 
Preisser,  Betty  Jane  Rhodes,  Phil 
Terry,  Bill  Henry  and  Ella  Neal — six 
attractive  young  starlets  typical  of 
this  rising  generation  of  Hollywood 
celebrities.  All  around  was  the  con- 
fusion of  setting  up  a  new  scene,  but 
it  didn't  make  any  difference  to  them. 
They  had  something  else  on  their 
minds  and  that  something  was  busi- 
ness. Business  with  a  capital  "B." 
The  all-important  business  of  han- 
dling that  weekly  pay  check. 

They  were  serious  about  it,  too — 
plenty  serious.  Time  was,  perhaps, 
when  Hollywood  movie  stars  spent 
their  money  for  Moorish  castles  and 
pink  automobiles  and  yachts  as  big 
as  battleships.  Time  was  when  Holly- 
wood movie  stars  gave  not  a  thought 
to  the  future.  Tomorrow  could  take 
care  of  itself.  But,  as  little  June 
Preisser  was  saying  in  the  huddle — 
"Tomorrow  didn't  take  care  of  it- 
self. They  found  themselves  down 
and  out  and  on  the  county,  lots  of 
'em.  It  was  pitiful.  It  still  is.  Me — 
I'm  saving  my  money!  When  I  get 
too  old  to  work,  I'll  buy  me  a  chicken 


farm  or  something  and  live  on  that!" 

At  this  point  there  was  a  certain 
amount  of  derisive  laughter  at  thought 
of  Junie's  managing  chickens.  Never- 
theless, the  group  thought  the  idea 
was  all  right.  They  were  agreed  that 
money,  at  least  some  of  it,  is  made 
to  be  saved!  No  living  on  the  county 
for  them,  or  at  best  on  the  largesse 
of  the  Screen  Actors'  Guild!  Young 
as  they  were,  imbued  as  they  were 
with  the  joys  and  irresponsibilities  of 
youth,  money  was  nevertheless  im- 
portant to  them  in  a  way  you  didn't 
expect  it  to  be.  It  was  important  to 

"It  isn't  how  much  you  save,"  Eddie 
Bracken  threw  in.  "It's  making  your- 
self do  it  regularly,  come  hell  or  high 

The  others  agreed  and  from  here 
the  conversation  progressed  to  how 
they  were  doing  it.  Savings  bank, 
life  insurance,  annuities,  bonds,  com- 
mercial enterprise?  Each  had  his  own 
ideas,  of  course. 

For  instance,  Bill  Henry  who  is,  as 
you   know,   a   married   man   with   an 

infant  son,  manages  to  save  about 
thirty  per  cent  of  what  he  makes. 
Of  that,  one  third,  or  ten  per  cent  of 
the  whole,  goes  into  payments  on  an 
educational  endowment  policy  which 
in  sixteen  years  will  send  Bill  Jr.  to 
college  and  on  a  $5,000  endowment 
policy  to  start  young  Bill  out  in  busi- 
ness after  he  is  through  school. 

"I  don't  think  you  should  have  kids 
unless  you  fix  up  their  future  pretty 
well,"  Bill  remarked.  Of  the  remain- 
ing twenty  per  cent  saved,  half,  or 
another  ten  per  cent  of  the  whole, 
goes  into  government  bonds  and  the 
rest  into  a  bank  savings  account.  Bill 
also  keeps  a  special  savings  account 
from  which  to  pay  his  income  tax 
each  year  so  that  his  regular  budget 
isn't  upset. 

EDDIE  BRACKEN  said  he  saves 
about  twenty-five  per  cent  of  his 
salary.  Of  this,  a  fifth,  or  five  per  cent 
of  the  whole,  goes  into  what  he  calls 
his  "director  fund."  You  see,  Eddie 
has  one  real  ambition  in  life:  He 
wants  to  be  a  screen  director.  Every- 
thing else  he  does  is  only  a  means 
to  an  end.  During  the  making  of 
"Sweater     (Continued    on    page    79) 



nO^<         -of' 

Twenty-five  a  week  for 
life — that's  what  Lynn 
Bari  will  have  someday 

*<oN    ** 











•limn  rf » *] « 

Rita  Hayworth  does  a  lot  of 
things  in  public  just  to  make 
her  feel  important.  But  in 
private  she's  quite  different! 


Read  and  marvel:  Best-figure-girl  Hayworth  wears 
filmy  black  lace — or  the  equivalent — only  when  pos- 
ing for  publicity.   Above:   With  husband  Ed  Judson 

SHE  doesn't  know  how  to  cook. 
Her   husband   calls  her   Angel 

Her  bust  measures  the  same  as  her 
hips — thirty-four  inches. 

She  is  always  imagining  that  peo- 
ple do  not  like  her. 

She  was  christened  Margarita  Car- 
men Cansino. 

She  was  born  in  a  hospital,  never 
wears  a  corsage,  and  has  a  disconcert- 
ing habit  of  humming  when  someone 
is  talking  to  her..  She  is  frightened  by 

She  took  the  Rita  from  Margarita, 
adopted  her  mother's  maiden  name, 
Hayworth,  because  she  wanted  to 
avoid  being  typed  as  strictly  Spanish. 
She  is  five  feet,  five  and  one-half 
inches  tall  and  never  answers  letters 

She  has  a  passion  for  garlic  and  raw 

She  frequently  sleeps  in  the  raw 
during  hot  weather  and  goes  to  church 
an  average  of  twice  a  month.  She  uses 
a  heavy  perfume. 

She  doesn't  like  pork. 

She  is  very  fond  of  shrimp  cock- 
tails, never  takes  long  walks  and  is 
given  to  worrying  about  herself.  Her 
wedding  ring  is  a  plain  gold  band. 

She  knocks  wood,  is  superstitious 
about  a  hat  on  a  bed,  and  declines 

FEBRUARY,    1942 

sailing  invitations  because  she  gets 
violently  seasick. 

She  dislikes  cats,  has  never  gone 
skiing,  and  prefers  stretching  out  in 
bed  when  reading.  Her  favorite 
comic  strips  are  "Flash  Gordon"  and 

Rita  Hayworth  prefers  pajamas  to 
nightgowns — usually  tailored  and  in 
stripes.  Her  eyes  are  hazel  with 
brown  pigments. 

She  makes  geometrical  doodles 
while  telephoning. 

She  abhors  having  a  clock  near  her, 
goes  to  bed  at  irregular  hours,  and  is 
overly  quick  in  criticizing  other 
people's  mistakes.  Her  childhood  idol 
was  Billie  Dove,  the  silent  film  star. 

She  has  a  habit  of  biting  her  cuti- 
cles, and  believes  that  human  snob- 
bery is  artificially  acquired. 

She  rarely  uses  a  cigarette  holder. 
"Only  in  public  places  when  I  want 
to  feel  important." 

She  loves  playing  wild  poker  for 
ten-  and  twenty-cent  chips,  and  never 
remembers  the  name  of  the  person 
she's  introduced  to.  She  religiously 
sees  every  Bette  Davis  picture. 

Her  father  is  Eduardo  Cansino — 
third-generation  star  of  the  Spanish 
dancing  family.  She  weighs  a  hundred 
and  fourteen  pounds. 

Her  hair  was  black  but  for  photo- 

graphic reasons  is  now  reddish  au- 
burn with  blondish  highlights.  Her 
husband  is  E.  C.  Judson,  an  oil 

She  swims  well,  dives  badly,  and 
deplores  her  excessive  reticence.  She 
drinks  three  or  four  glasses  of  milk 
a  day. 

She  once  stopped  at  a  motel  and 
swears  she'll  never  do  it  again. 

RITA  HAYWORTH  sleeps  on  her 
right  side,  takes  about  an  hour  to 
fall  asleep,  and  would  like  to  be  a 
nurse  in  the  event  we  go  into  war. 
Her  husband  has  always  encouraged 
her  being  a  glamour  girl. 

She  is  usually  punctual,  graduated 
from  high  school  and  is  invariably 
dressed  on  time  while  it  is  her  hus- 
band who  keeps  her  waiting. 

She  never  diets. 

She  cannot  crochet  or  knit. 

She  adores  strapless  evening  gowns 
but  does  not  possess  one.  She  likes 
sardines,  oysters  and  the  Russian 

She  cannot  read  music.  She  has  a 
mania  for  buying  shoes  and  hats, 
seldom  wearing  any  of  them.  She  is 
made  very  nervous  by  heated  dis- 

She  goes  to  a  masseuse  twice  a 
week,   eats    (Continued  on  page  68) 


The  Editor 
receives  an 






eD,T0R     -<*«.*«  CAI 


«oULD      Ng  »ou'  a*he*  < 
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?  ST  m*vl*Y '  o  *0 

■*Y0««  H» 







*::;:  «<;:::^ », 





'•    As 



Come  behind  the  editor's  desk 
for  a  moment  and  grapple  with 
the  problem  that  faced  us  recently 


After    fishing    for    an    inspiration 
we  finally  sent  the  following  reply 







— and  received  in  answer 
this  '-**- 

his  letter 














i.  T)oyle>     _ 

public  ««•» 

,4  1941 
October  2*. 

irn°     Movie  *irror 
»PUVT  Street 

lor*  City.  ^  ^Ach  i8  • 

5  »•  ^  our  eft*  of  C°°Per6  A  -connection"' 

Peter  Ashley!  That 
bell.  We  reached  into  the  draw- 
er and  pulled  out  a  story  we  had 
on  young  contract  players  in 
Hollywood,  showing  their  trials 
and — for  the  few  fortunates — 
their  triumphs.  Here's  what  we 
found:  The  biography  of  a 
young  hopeful  whoa  changed 
his  name  from  Guston  to  Ashley: 




There  it  was.  James  Suston — son  of  the  Swedish  consul 
to  Yokohama — who,  when  asked  if  he  had  any  famous 
ancestors,  wrote,  "I've  been  afraid  to  check  up  on  'em." 

Our  dilemma  is  now  solved.    We'll  be  glad  to  give  Cali- 
fornia's March  Field  a  break,  Private  Guston.  Here  it  is: 




FEBRUARY,    1942 

•J  farter-  1 

/  .  ^-—       Please  tnsmr  tta»   Tollo-lnc  queetlona  •»  eorplotely  a«  r"=1ibl«. 

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4*  !Ial£ht?_ 

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6.  Ban.  rvallty' 
7«   .ihoro  vera  you  born? 
6.   Data   of   blrtliT 
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Qraixsar  etho. 

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MM  d.t.11.1    jJJtUi 

u«rv    fa  JOuaaaneoltTaT 



r*^,.!*  © 


[b  nolbjiiKHxt 

Hollywood  hasn't  made  up  its 
mind  what  to  think  about 
Deanna  Durbin  and  Vaughn  Paul 
and    the    other    follow-suiters 


What    gives    in    the    Paulet 
Goddard-Charles  Chaplin  situ 
tion?    The  colony's  attitude 
this     is     a    great     big    surpr 

WHEN  Benjamin  Franklin  said, 
"We  must  all  hang  together, 
or  assuredly  we  shall  all  hang 
separately,"  he  was  expressing  the 
motion-picture  credo  some  years  in 
advance.  For  it's  Hollywood's  pri- 
vate opinion  that  "United  we  stand, 
divided  we  fall"  and  the  only  fault 
to  be  found  with  this  maxim  is 
that,  to  date,  the  uniting  force  has 
been  not  one  of  courage  but  of  fear. 
They've  stuck  together  from  fear 
of  almost  everything;  gossip,  black- 
mail, bad  publicity,  stories,  pictures 
and  the  bad  men  within  the  indus- 
try. These  last  have  been  the  worst 
of  all  and  instead  of  running  them 
out  of  town  they've  pandered  to 

them  and  huddled  with  them  and 
listened  to  them  until  it  will  take 
years  to  work  off  the  hangover  and 
get  back  onto  the  road  of  sanity. 

As  an  example  of  what  I  mean, 
let's  take  a  prominent  agent  I  know, 
a  man  with  all  the  charm,  personality, 
beauty  of  physique  and  mental  ac- 
complishment of  one  of  the  lower 
order  of  primates.  This  gent  wakes 
screaming  in  the  night,  dreaming  that 
he's  missed  some  important  opening 
or  official  function  and  he'd  rather 
be  dead  than  to  appear  at  such  occa- 
sions unaccompanied  by  one  of  the 
ruling  beauties.  He  has  a  list  of  the 
most  beautiful  girls  in  town,  num- 
bered from  one  to  ten.    His  secretary 

What  about  Katharine  Hepburn? 
Hollywood  thought  one  thing; 
the  public  thought  another; 
Katie    showed    up    Hollywood 

has  a  duplicate  fist.  The  day  before 
the  function  he  "picks  a  number  from 
one  to  ten"  according  to  his  mood, 
the  secretary  phones  and  the  lady 
attends  the  party  with  him.  Why? 
Because  the  poor  darling  is  anxious 
to  climb  to  stardom;  she  doesn't  really 
believe  he  can,  or  will,  help  her,  but 
she's  deathly  afraid  he  can  and  will 
harm  her  if  she  refuses.  Occasionally 
one  on  the  fist  makes  the  grade — 
more  often  she  doesn't. 

If  Hollywood  had  taken  the  bold 
stand  it's  adopted  since  that  Wash- 
ington investigation,  now  that  the 
labor  racketeers,  Bioff  and  Browne, 
have  been  sentenced,  we  wouldn't  be 
sitting  back  with  our  necks  pulled  in, 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 




— that  these  piquant  secrets  and   ques- 
tion-mark rumors  should  be  kept  from  the  pub- 
lic.    But  dauntless  Hopper  smoked  them  out 

Damita:  Even  ex-husband 
ol  Flynn  admitted  openly 
t  what  she  did  was  eminent- 
on   the   fair   and   square 

Keeping  everyone  guessing  is 
Mickey  Rooney  who  has  a  cer- 
tain light  in  his  eye  but  can't 
make  up  his  mind.  Or  has  he? 
And  is  it  Ava  Gardner,  the 
gal  he's  looking  up  to  at 
the  Mocambo?  Below:  One 
bugaboo  was  broken  recently. 
Result:  Joan  Fontaine's  do- 
ing some  heavy  pleading  con- 
cerning husband  Brian  Aherne 

waiting  for  the  next  axe  to  fall. 

The  Hollywood  Women's  Press 
Club  certainly  started  something 
when  at  their  last  meeting  they  de- 
cided to  give  out  awards  for  the  best 
loved  and  most  cooperative  stars  and 
also  their  own  booby  prizes  for  those 
who  cooperate  least  or  not  at  all.  Of 
course  they  had  their  tongues  in  their 
cheeks  but  they  weren't  quite  pre- 
pared for  the  avalanche  that  de- 
scended upon  them  (to  their  secret 
amusement).  Studio  after  studio 
called  and  said,  "You  aren't  going  to 
mention  our  Miss  so-and-so  as  the 
least  cooperative,  are  you?"  Certain 
stars  whom  they'd  been  inviting  for 
the  past  four  (Continued  on  page  93) 

FEBRUARY,    1942 





What  happened  in  Ciro's  that  night 
made  all  Hollywood  stop  and  stare. 
Then  they  started  to  talk  —  of  the 
very  things   you're   about  to   read 


Guaranteed  to  dispel 
any  doubts  about  the 
Sterling  qualities:  "Dr. 
Kildare's    Victory" 

CIRO'S,  in  Hollywood,  is  pretty 
blase.  Goodness,  it  ought  to  be 
by  now!  But  there  was  a  flurry 
even  in  this  diamond-studded  joint  a 
few  weeks  ago  when  Louis  B.  Mayer, 
entertaining  a  party  there,  rose  from 
his  chair  and  circled  the  room  with 
a  blushing,  certainly  a  good-looking 
young  man,  introduced  him  to  every- 
one in  the  place  and  announced 
expansively,  "This  is  Metro-Gold- 
wyn-Mayer's  next  big  male  star!" 

Now,  this  was  big  news  in  anybody's 
night  club  and  the  customers  all  put 
down  their  glasses  and  their  forkfuls 
of  boned  squab  and  stared  and  stared 
and  stared. 

The  flustered  young  man  was  Bob 
Sterling.  Mayer's  party  was  in  Bob's 
honor  and  the  entire  affair  seemed  a 
sort  of  official  debut  for  Bob  and  an 
admonition  to  the  world  at  large  to 
keep  an   eye   on   him   from   now   on. 


As  this  is  written,  young  Sterling, 
slightly  bewildered  and  brushing  the 
Stardust  from  his  eyes  after  playing 
what  he  says  was  "a  real  love  scene 
with  Garbo — even  if  it  was  just  a 
little  one,"  is  taking  stock  of  himself, 
trying  to  figure  out  what  comes  next 
and,  still  more  important,  what  he 
has  learned  from  what  came  before 
which  will  help  him  from  now  on. 

On  his  fist  of  things-to-be-remem- 
bered for  his  own  profit  he  has 
jotted  "successful  hitchhiking,  selling 
things,  sorting  people  out,  learning 
from  the  wallops  and  learning  not  to 
expect  what  you  probably  won't  get!" 
That  last  sounds  a  little  morose,  but 
there's  a  reason  and  we  may  as  well 
start  to  sort  this  all  out. 

It  all  started,  really,  back  in  New 
Castle,  Pennsylvania,  when  he  was 
offered  a  three-week  vacation  from 
his    job,    without    pay.     It    was    the 

"without  pay"  clause  that  got  him 
down.  For  Bob  had  been  making  his 
own  way  since  he  was  a  shaver  and 
he  didn't  consider  a  vacation,  without 
pay,  as  a  vacation.  He  considered  it, 
in  his  lofty  way,  a  "layoff." 

"A  vacation,"  he  said,  logically 
enough — and  to  the  boss,  too — "is 
something  you  get  for  nothing  as  a 
reward  for  having  worked  your  head 
off  all  year.  A  layoff  is  either  an  act 
of  God  or  it's  a  raw  deal  and,  which- 
ever this  is,  I  think  I'll  quit." 

So  he  went  home  and  said  to  his 
mother,  "I  think  I'll  go  to  Hollywood." 
She  said,  "I've  been  thinking  that  you 
probably  would.  When  do  you  start?" 
Bob  said,  "In  about  half  an  hour." 
And  his  mother  went  tootling  off  to 
see  that  he  had  some  clean  sox  to 
take  along. 

It  was  all  as  simple  as  that.  But 
not  quite  so   (Continued  on  page  95) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirrob 


The    best   buy   you've   had   i 




years    is    this    expose    of 

"Louisiana  Purchase,"  which 

covers   Bob   Clown   Hope 



and    uncovers— well, 
just     take     a     look 

■  •'■> 


It  has  nothing  to  do  with  his- 
tory books;  this  "Louisiana  Pur- 
chase" is  a  political  sellout  of 
a  mythical  New  Orleans  to  the 
tune  of  Irving  Berlin  songs.  Mr. 
Hope  chortles  his  way  through 
the  film  version  of  the  stage  hit 
as  a  rugged  State  Representative 




His  aides-de-camp — not  mythical— are  Mar- 
garet Hayes  and  Kay  Aldridge  who  cling 
strongly  to  their  ideals  (above) .  Two  of  twelve 
girls  chosen  from  800,  they  passed  tests  on 
beauty  of  face  and  figure,  song  and  dance 
talent,  appearance  in  Technicolor.  Margaret 
came  from  Paramount's  contract  list;  Kay 
was  a  famous  model.  Jean  Wallace  (right) 
started  in  the  film  as  an  unknown  newcomer; 
ended  up  as  the  new  wife  of  Franchot  Tone 





Fashion  shows  are  things 
of  beauty — that  is  they  are 
until  Bob  Hope  gets  into 
them.  He  turns  the  "LP." 
one  into  a  comedy  riot. 
Star  poser  is  Blanche  Grady, 
former  N.  Y.  showgirl-model 

Chicago's  contribution  to  the 
"Louisiana"  lineup  is  Alaine 
Brandes  (left),  former  model. 
She  came  to  Hollywood  two 
years  ago,  was  voted  by  photog- 
raphers the  most  photogenic  of 
the  younger  players,  now  gets 
her  first  chance  as  a  satin  sat- 
ellite of  the  ermined   Mr.  Hope 

Sixth  in  the  rounded  dozen  is 
Katharine  Booth,  who  came  from 
the  studio's  contract  list.  Over 
them  all  reigns  Hope,  who  sings, 
dances  (the  first  time  in  films) 
and,  as  usual,  loses  most  of 
his  furs  and  feathers,  this  time 
during   the   big   Beaux   Arts   Ball 


Hollywood   read   the   reviews,   felt 

something  big  was  happening,  knew 

lit  when   they  saw   her  as   the 

sane  Lana  in  "They  Drive  By  Night" 


SHE  was  fifteen,  then,  when  she 
came  to  New  York,  bound  for 
Hollywood;  and  the  way  she 
looked,  as  she  sat  on  the  rail  of  the 
Berengaria  pulling  her  skirts  higher 
for  the  ship  photographer's  cheese- 
cake art,  was  a  scandal  for  a  child 
that  age.  Even  for  a  young  miss  of 
seventeen,  which  she  said  she  was, 
it  was  too  much.  She  looked  sexy, 
which  meant,  in  1933,  as  much  like 
Jean  Harlow  as  possible.  Ida  looked 
very  much  like  her  indeed. 

Her  hair,  if  anything,  was  more 
platinum.  Her  clothes  were  cut  for 
a  Harlow-like  figure:  nature  had 
given  Ida  that,  all  of  it,  plus  eye- 
brows, which  she  had  discarded  in 
favor  of  pencil  lines.  Hollywood, 
when  she  got  there,  did  one  double- 
take  and  typed  her  at  once.  "We  will 
bill  her,"  they  said,  "as  a  kind  of  Jazz- 
age  holdover,"  only  up-to-date — a  de- 
pression flapper,  because  that's  what 
she  is." 

FEBRUARY,    1942 

But,  as  sometimes  happens,  Holly- 
wood was  wrong,  and  she  wasn't  at 
all;  and  the  next  two  years  were 
misery  after  the  varnish  of  newness 
wore  off.  She  took  a  house  with  a 
swimming  pool,  because  one  did.  Her 
mother  lived  with  her,  not  only  be- 
cause a  girl  had  to  have  a  mother  in 
Hollywood  but  because  Ida  was  fif- 
teen, and  After  All.  She  bought  a 
big  car,  a  radio-phonograph  with  a 
stack  of  hot-sweet  records — no  "clas- 
sical" music,  she  couldn't  abide  the 
stuff — and  an  apron.  She  went  to 
previews  in  the  big  car,  she  gave 
parties  in  the  house  and  around  and 
even  in  the  swimming  pool,  with 
the  phonograph  going  all  night  long. 
The  apron  she  brought  out  on  oc- 
casion to  wear  while  she  beat  with  a 
spotless  spoon  at  the  bottom  of  a 
spotless,  empty  cooking  pan  over  a 
cold  stove.  Studio  photographers 
snapped  her  then;  the  pictures  looked 
very   nice,   although   completely    un- 

real, on  pages  of  magazines  opposite 
pictures  of  her  in  a  Harlow  eve- 
ning dress.  The  stories  accompany- 
ing the  photos  were  titled  "Frankly 
Foolish,"  "Lupin'  The  Loop  To  Holly- 
wood," and  "You've  Got  To  Be 
Naughty  To  Be  Nice."  Once  some- 
body fell  into  her  pool,  fully  clothed, 
whereupon  the  newspapers  said  you 
had  to  allow  yourself  to  be  pushed, 
with  all  your  clothes  on,  into  Ida 
Lupino's  pool,  and  not  get  mad  after- 
wards, or  Ida  wouldn't  like  you.  There 
was  a  story  about  that. 

Also,  on  occasion,  she  made  moving 
pictures  for  Paramount  in  which  she 
invariably  played  an  American  girl 
with  a  slangy  accent.  The  studio  said 
she  had  the  best  American-girl  accent 
on  the  lot,  which  always  amused  her 
because  she  was  a  true  Cockney, 
born  within  sound  of  London's  Bow 
Bells.  No,  the  studio  said,  you  are- 
what  you  are  and  as  such  you  are 
perfect,    and    there's   no    point   giving 


you  parts  where  you  have  to  act.  That 
would  ruin  you  as  a  property.  No, 
once  and  for  all  ...  . 

So  that  she  was  unhappy  really, 
bored  and  furious  and  homesick  for 
England.  Jack's  letter,  the  one  that 
asked  her  to  marry  him,  came  on  an 
afternoon  when  things  had  been 
particularly  bad.  She  took  it  into 
the  garden  to  read.  The  postmark 
said  Baden-Baden,  which  surprised 
her  mildly;  she  thought  he'd  got  back 
from  his  tour  before  this.  She  sat 
sideways  on  the  edge  of  a  chair, 
tapping  the  rim  of  her  sun  glasses 
absently  against  her  teeth  as  she 
read  the  impulsively  written  pages,  all 
seven  of  them. 

After  she  had  finished  she  looked 
very  hard,  for  a  minute  or  two,  at 
a  blackbird  on  a  eucalyptus  limb, 
trying  to  concentrate  on  the  bird. 
Bjft  it  wasn't  any  use. 

When  her  mother,  Connie,  went 
into  the  garden  later  Ida  was  holding 
both  hands  over  her  face,  but  the 
tears  were  dripping  dismally  down 
the  backs  of  them,  even  so.  She  had 
never  been  one  to  take  emotion 
lightly,  and  she  did  not  take  it  lightly 
now.  You  could  hear  what  Ida 
Lupino  thought  of  Hollywood  if  you 
stood  in  Santa  Monica  that  night. 
When  she  was  finished,  a  little  quieter, 


A  Lupino-Hayward  pose  in  their 
courting  days.  He  started  by 
telling    her   to   wash    her    face 

she  told  Connie  she  was  going  back 
to  England,  going  home.  To  Stanley, 
her  father.    To  Jack. 

"What,"  Connie  asked,  nervously 
peeling  the  polish  from  her  nails, 
"will  Paramount  say?" 

"As  if  I  cared/" 

But  she  did.  She  was  honestly 
glad  when  her  bosses,  sentimental  to 
the  last,  told  her  to  try  it  for  three 
months.  "If  you  still  mean  it  then, 
we'll  tear  up  the  contract,"  they  said; 
after  she'd  thanked  them  and  been 
shown  to  her  car  they  turned  quietly 
to  each  other,  smiling.  They  knew 
what  London,  contrasted  with  Holly- 
wood, would  do  to  a  girl  of  Ida's 

Still,  they  couldn't  know  that  one 
evening,  even  while  she  and  Connie 
and  a  servant  were  packing  trunks 
for  the  journey,  a  cablegram  would 
come,  saying  incredibly  that  Jack  had 
had  an  accident  in  Germany,  cycling 
one  day;  that  he  was  dead,  that  de- 
tails would  follow  by  mail,  that  .... 

"All  right,  don't  read  any  more 
of  it,"  Ida  said.  She  was  holding  a 
silk  blouse  in  her  hand;  she  folded 
it,  tore  it  neatly  in  two,  folded  it 
again  and  placed  it  precisely  into  a 
corner  of  her  steamer  trunk. 
"Stanley's  meeting  the  boat  train, 
didn't    he    say?      Don't    forget    that 

packet  you've  tied  up  for  him.  Put 
it  in  the  big  case." 

"I'll  do  that  now,"  Connie  whis- 
pered, although  she  had  done  it  the 
night  before. 

Ida  returned  to  Hollywood  before 
the  three  months  were  up.  The  second 
night,  at  the  Savoy  Bar,  in  London, 
Stanley  had  told  her  she  would  want 
to  do  that.  "It's  your  new  life,  your 
whole  new  world,"  he'd  said,  grin- 
ning cheerfully  at  her  over  his  glass. 
"You've  had  a  rotten  do,  Ducks,  but 
you'll  pop  back  and  things'U  be  better, 
wait  and  see." 

And  she  did,  and  they  were.  For 
one  thing,   she   met  Louis  Hayward. 

The  new  house  she  took  was  in  the 
Outpost,  clinging  to  the  side  of  a  hill 
and  boasting  a  wandering  sort  of 
garden  that  fell  precipitately  into  that 
belonging  to  the  house  below.  Louis 
owned  the  house  below.  On  the  rare 
occasions  when  she  paused  to  think 
about  it,  she  knew  that  he  was  also 
English,  also  of  her  profession,  and 
that  she  had  met  him  once,  briefly, 
three  years  since  on  an  Elstree  sound 
stage.  They  had  not  hit  it  off.  He 
had  thought  her  a  silly  punk  kid,  and 
she  had  found  him  offensively  ar- 

Sometimes,  though  (it  couldn't  be 
helped,  living  so  close  and  all),  they 
met  in  the  late  afternoon  when  both 
were  out  walking  dogs. 

The  cliche  situation  of  the  friendly 
pooches'  cementing  their  owners' 
friendship  did  not  work  in  this  case, 
since  the  animals  loathed  each  other 
on  sight  and  frequently  fought,  with 
both  Ida  and  Louis  commanding  their 
respective  pets  to  desist  from  slum- 
ming and  come  away  from  the 

But  once  Louis  stood  alone,  just 
around  the  bend  of  the  road  as  Ida's 
collie  led  her  along  it.  It  was  one  of 
those  evenings,  with  a  white  moon 
washing  the  whole  incredible  Cali- 
fornia backdrop  in  a  chalk  fight, 
silhouetting  Louis  to  his  advantage, 
making  him  look  alone  and — some- 
how— bereft.  Suddenly  contrite,  Ida 
pulled  the  collie  back. 

"Is — your  dog  in  hospital?"  she 

"He's  languishing  in  his  house," 
Louis  said;  adding,  as  if  pleased  with 
the  thought,  "Securely  chained,  too." 

"How  really  beastly  of  you,"  Ida 
told  him  warmly. 

"You  don't  know  the  circumstances. 
He  ate  part  of  a  neighboring  clergy- 
man last  night,  and  this  is  his  punish- 
ment. Besides,"  said  Louis,  "I've 
had  in  mind  to  give  you  a  talking  to, 
lately.     Come  along,  Lupino." 

"Likely!"  she  said,  with  the  sound 
of  the  Bow  Bells  in  her  voice.  "  'Oo 
are  you  telling  'come  along,'  I'd  like 

There    was,    then,    the    delicious 

photopiay  combined  with  movie  mihbor 

Tightness  of  his  accent  in  return,  the 
perfect  adenoidal  Cockney  usage  that 
only  the  English,  somehow,  can 
achieve:  "Come  off  it,  'oo  d'you  think 
you're  coddin'?  Keep  a  civil  tongue 
in  your  'ead,  Miss." 

"Very  well,  Mr.  Hayward,"  she  said, 
almost  demurely. 

They  talked  late  that  night,  and  the 
next;  and  six  nights  later  they  talked 
again,  on  which  night  they  fought 
heatedly  into  the  small  hours.  "It's  so 
wrong,  the  whole  thing,"  Louis  kept 
insisting.  "Don't  you  see?  You  look 
such  a  fright  .  .  .  Let  that  hideous  hair 
grow  out  to  its  natural  color,  get  some 
decent  clothes.  .  .  ." 

"That's  fine  for  you  to  say!"  she 
screamed,  hating  him  terribly,  utterly 
unaware  that  she  was  falling  in  love 
with  him.  "You're  a  man,  you  don't 
have  to  worry  about  bleaching,  you 
look  the  same  always,  you're  no  great 
shakes  yourself,  blast  you!" 

HE  said  other  things,  during  the 
months  that  followed — while  she 
fell  in  love  with  him  irrevocably,  and 
admitted  it  to  herself,  and  while  she 
worked  to  acquire  that  thing  called 
personal  integrity,  incalculably  valu- 
able. .  .  . 

"Wash  your  face,"  he  said,  referring 
to  the  ridiculous  make-up  she  wore. 

"Look,"  he  said.  "No,  don't  pull 
your  hand  away.  I'm  being  friendly 
.  .  .  there's  a  period  in  life  when  things 
have  to  come  to  you.  Do  I  sound  like 
a  third-rate  lecture?  Sorry.  But 
they  do,  and  you  have  to  sit  back  for 
them.    Wait  for  them  now,  Lupino." 

"I  can't!"  she  told  him,  then. 

But  she  did.  She  waited  for  sixteen 
extremely  long,  frantic  months,  while 
nothing  happened,  nobody  telephoned 
her,  no  one  hired  her;  while  her  pro- 
fessional standing,  her  career  and  her 
ego  went  to  pod;  and  while  not  a 
single  person,  except  Louis,  believed 
in  her  at  all. 

That  was  in  1937.  Ida  Lupino  had 
had,  altogether,  four  years  of  a  kind 
of  success  which  was  almost  big,  not 
quite.  She  was  not  ever  a  star.  Para- 
mount remembered  her  during  that 
time,  which  was  the  trouble;  they 
remembered  her,  as  something  in  the 
past,  a  personality  who  had  been 
terrific,    but    wasn't    any    longer. 

Louis  said,  "Change  over.  You're 
phony  now.  Let  your  hair  grow  out. 
I'll  stick  by  you." 

He  stuck  by  her,  which  was  the 
wonderful  thing  about  it  all. 

That,  and  a  mild  attack  of  infantile 
paralysis,  of  all  things.  She  caught 
this  particular  bug  during  an  epidemic 
current  at  the  time;  and  it  was  a  poor 
thing  of  a  germ,  as  germs  go,  al- 
though even  in  its  debilitated  state  it 
was  busy  enough  to  put  Ida  to  bed 
for  three  months.  She  came  out  of 
the   illness   with   no   bad   effects   and 

FEBRUAHY,    1942 

with  a  great  new  gift,  a  talent  she 
hadn't  known  she  possessed.  Delir- 
ium merged  into  simple  fever,  which 
became,  finally,  the  colossal  boredom 
of  the  bedridden.  She  had,  of  course, 
heard  wild  and  lovely  music  during 
the  delirium;  but,  with  the  diminish- 
ing fever,  a  few  majors  joined  the 
original  minors;  when,  at  last,  she  was 
simply,  dully  recuperative  she  could 
remember  the  melodies.  They  were 
new,  enchanting,  even  brilliant,  she 
decided,  as  she  lay  listening  to  her 
memory  singing  them. 

The  ennui  was  a  good  thing,  then. 
She  knew  comparatively  little  of 
music — good  music;  but  she  had  to  do 
something,  which  meant  (at  that  mo- 
ment, to  the  magnificently  neurotic 
child  she  still  was)  composing.  Fortu- 
nately, Ida  Lupino  was  born  with  a 
rare  combination  of  abilities:  Intelli- 
gence, imagination,  an  ear  attuned  to 
almost-absolute  pitch,  the  memory  of 
an  elephant,  and  discrimination.  She 
heard  music;  she  had  inherent  good 
taste  about  music;  and,  forthrightly, 
jumping  over  the  dull  long  learning 
period,  she  started  creating  music. 

To  the  surprise  of  everyone,  includ- 
ing Louis,  it  was  pretty  good.  She 
wrote  fifty  songs  during  her  time  out 
from  pictures. 

When  Paramount  signed  her  again, 
for  three  pictures  a  year,  people  read 
the  two-line  paragraph  about  it  in 
Variety  and  with  gasping  yawns 
turned  to  the  film  sections  of  their 
morning  papers.  Until,  one  morning, 
the  reviews  of  "The  Light  That 
Failed"  appeared.  "Here,"  said  the 
reviewers  happily,  "is  an  actress  who 
can  imbue  an  overworked  role  with 
new  spirit,  new  meaning." 

This  development  was  not  im- 
promptu on  Ida's  part.  She  was  pre- 
pared, when  the  chance  came.  Seven 
years  before,  Director  William  Well- 
man  had  promised  her  the  part  of 
Bessie  in  that  picture,  if  he  ever  made 
it.  When  she  heard  that  now,  finally, 
he  had  got  round  to  it,  Ida  went  over 
to  Paramount  (where  she  had  not 
made  a  picture  for  months)  and  raised 
what  is  technically  known  as  a  stink. 
"He  promised!"  she  told  them  passion- 
ately. They  put  it  up  to  him,  where- 
upon he  admitted  that  he  had.  He  was 
a  man  of  his  word,  even  in  Hollywood. 

She  couldn't  let  him  down. 

A  lull  of  six  months  followed  that 
role  of  Bessie,  for  no  logical  reason; 
then  Warners  came  to  her  with  a  story 
called  "They  Drive  By  Night."  She 
did  not  make  the  other  two  pictures 
for  Paramount.  She  was  too  busy  be- 
coming a  great  new  star,  under  a  great 
new  Warners  contract. 

They  were  very  dressed  up  that 
night;  Louis  in  tails,  Ida  in  a  new 
Irene  number.  Louis  had  the  town  car, 
liveried  chauffeur  and  all;  reserva- 
tions at  the  five  smartest  clubs  in  town 

had  been  made  earlier  by  phone;  and 
his  orchids  nestled  sumptuously  on 
Ida's  furs.  "Looks,  sounds  and  feels 
like  a  celebration,"  Ida  commented. 

"You're  going  to  be  proposed  to," 
he  said. 

"What,   again?" 

"This  time  I  mean  business.  You  re- 
member I  said  pride  had  a  lot  to  do 
with  us  and  marriage?  Well,  I've  got 
'The  Duke  Of  West  Point'  under  my 
belt  now.  The  reviews  on  it  are  good 
and  it  means  a  new  contract,  I  think. 
And  you  had  to  come  back.  You've 
done  that.  Can  you  think  of  a  single 
good  reason  .  .  .  ?" 

"No,"  she  said,  looking  at  him  invit- 
ingly.    He  accepted  the  invitation. 

"Tell  him  to  drive  us  back  home," 
she    said    (Continued    on    page    105) 

Lupino-Hayward  happy- 
marriage  picture:  They 
look  over  their  grounds 

Joseph  Cotten,  young,  handsome,  blond, 
wants  to  stop  wearing  Gay-Nineties 
rigs  and  begin  making  love  to  heroinesi 






A  strange  man  gave  Rise 
Stevens  a  gingham  rabbit; 
she  ended  up  by  taking 
him  on  for  better  or  worse 


A  see-for-yourself  proposition  as  to 

Opera  a  La  Hollywood 

HAVE  you  ever  met  an  opera 
star  face  to  face,  in  the  broad 
daylight — without  the  trappings 
and  trimmings  of  a  Carmen  or  Deli- 
lah? If  not,  let  me  present  to  you  one 
of  America's  best — plain  everydayish 
Miss  Rise  Stevens  who  could  be  you 
or  I  or  the  girl  who  works  on  the 
seventeenth  floor  of  any  office  build- 
ing. There  is  no  folderol  non- 
sense about  this  American  young  lady 
who  happens,  through  fate's  kindness, 
to  be  occupied  in  the  business  of 
singing.  And  what  singing,  as  you 
jolly  well  know  if  you've  heard  Miss 
Stevens  in  the  delightful  picture,  "The 
Chocolate  Soldier,"  with  Nelson 

Born  in  New  York  in  a  typical  av- 
erage American  family,  Miss  Stevens 
attended  various  grammar  schools 
about  the  city,  graduating  from  the 
New  Town  High  School  at  Elmhurst, 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mtrbor 


tha  O'Driscoll  wants  to  be 
t-free;  she  evolved  a 
ue  dating  plan  to  insure  it 

Philip  Reed"s  a  bachelor,  a  "best" 
tennis  player,  a  violinist.  He's 
also  set  in  his  ways;  he  admits  it 

Evelyn  Keyes  can't  think  up  a  good 
alibi  for  her  actions  at  night  clubs 
so  she  stays  home  and  reads  instead 

f,  out  of  1 00  candidates  for  special  introduction  to  you,  these  five  winners  were  chosen 

New  York.  At  ten  she  discovered  the 
golden  flute  of  magic  within  her  throat 
and  made  her  first  public  appearance 
singing,  over  the  air,  on  the  Sunday 
morning  "Children's  Hour."  At  seven- 
teen she  played  the  mother  in  the 
school's  version  of  "The  Chocolate 
Soldier,"  little  dreaming,  as  the  books 
>ay,  that  one  day  she'd  be  the  glorious 
leroine  of  the  same  operetta  in  the 
Uamorous  town  of  Hollywood. 

Following  school  Rise  was  engaged 
or  the  Opera  Comique  series  at  the 
ieckscher  Theater  in  New  York.  Her 
roice  stood  out  like  an  orchid  in  a 
landelion  bed,  so  much  so  that  Ma- 
lame  Anna  Schoen-Rene  who  heard 
ler,  was  dumbstruck  at  the  knowl- 
edge that  Miss  Stevens  had  never  had 
i  lesson.  Instantly  she  set  about  ar- 
anging  for  her  protegee  a  special 
cholarship  at  the  Juilliard  School  of 

Then  something  happened  that 
brew  three  gadgets  out  of  line — Miss 

EBRUARY,    1942 


Stevens,  ambitious  and  poor,  turned 
down  an  offer  from  the  Metropolitan 
Opera  Company.  She  felt  it  had 
come  before  she  was  quite  ready  for 
it.  In  1935  she  went  abroad  for  the 
first  time,  studying  at  the  Mozartteum 
School  at  Salzburg  and  trying  to  ar- 
range for  engagements  with  people 
who  didn't  want  to  arrange  any  such 

In  Paris,  while  she  was  practising 
one  day,  a  man  knocked  on  her  door. 
Questions  followed  and  the  music  - 
loving  neighbor  immediately  ar- 
ranged for  concerts  throughout  the 
small  towns  of  Czechoslovakia  and 
Hungary  for  Miss  Stevens. 

A  year  later  she  made  her  big 
European  debut  at  Prague  in  the 
opera  "Der  Rosenkavalier,"  singing 
the  role  of  Octavia.  Walter  Szurovy, 
a  handsome,  blond  Hungarian  actor, 

who  had  heard  of  the  young  Ameri- 
can who  was  about  to  appear  as 
"Mignon,"  went  backstage  to  see 
what  all  this  talk  was  about.  Rise, 
reposing  in  her  draped  vehicle,  was 
waiting  to  be  hauled  onto  the  stage. 
The  actor  tweaked  her  protruding 
bare  toe.  Rise's  amazed  face  poked 
through  the  curtains. 

"Here,  good  luck  to  you,"  he  said 
in  his  native  tongue  and  threw  into 
her   carriage   a   gingham   rabbit. 

Later,  of  course,  they  were  married. 
They  are  immensely  happy. 

Triumphs  in  South  America  fol- 
lowed, with  Rise  the  first  North 
American  to  appear  at  the  famed 
Teatro  Colon  at  Buenos  Aires.  Eu- 
rope, America,  South  America  again 
hailed  the  young  star  and,  finally 
and  at  last,  she  felt  ready  to  ac- 
cept the  Metropolitan  offer  in  New 

M-G-M  first  heard  her  lovely  voice 
during     her     San     Francisco     opera 


Martha  O'Driscoll,  girl  who  bowls 
over  bowlers  with  her  high  score, 
takes  in  the  Trouville  Club  open- 
ing  with   young    Richard    Denning 

engagement  on  the  West  Coast.  A  test 
followed  and  the  delightful  "Choc- 
olate Soldier"  resulted. 

She  has  ideas,  sound,  sane  and 
American.  She  believes,  for  instance, 
that  opera  should  be  given  to  the  peo- 
ple, those  who  really  love  it,  at  prices 
reasonable  enough  that  all  may  hear 
it.  Opera  itself  should  progress  as  an 
art  as  other  fields  of  entertainment 
have.  The  Government,  if  necessary, 
should  get  behind  it,  forming  opera 
stock  companies  across  the  land. 

She  approves  the  swinging  and  jazz- 
ing of  operatic  airs.  It's  the  people's 
way  of  interpreting  good  music,  she 

She  gives  orchids  to  Benny  Good- 
man for  his  knowledge  of  music  and 
feels  Mr.  Goodman  is  capable  of  con- 
ducting a  symphony  orchestra,  so  deep 
is  his  knowledge  of  music. 

Yes,  she's  one  of  us,  her  fans,  this 
brown-eyed,  brown-haired  young  lady 
with  the  voice.  And  if  we  have  our 
way,  we'll  have  less  nonsense  and 
more  of  Rise  Stevens  in  pictures. 

Gentleman  of  the  Old  Sowf 
The    oddest    thing    that    ever    hap- 
pened to  Joe  Cotten  was  Orson  Welles. 
The  two,  complete  strangers  to  each 
other,    met    when    a    humorous    slip 


made  during  a  serial  radio  show  threw 
the  two  spectators  into  hysterics.  An 
usher  promptly  threw  the  gentlemen 
into  the  alley  and  thus  was  born  a 
partnership  that  has  lasted  through 
hell  and  high  water — mostly  high  and 
very   hot  water. 

Joe  had  come  up  from  Petersburg, 
Virginia,  his  home  town,  to  New  York 
to  be  an  actor.  Walking  into  Mr.  Be- 
lasco's  office  he  asserted  that  he  would 
like  very  much  to  become  an  actor. 

"Very  well,"  Mr.  Belasco  agreed 
and  that  was  that.  Joe  was  an  actor, 
understudying  Lynne  Overman  in 
"Dancing  Partner"  and  Melvyn  Doug- 
las in  "Tonight  Or  Never."  The  lead  in 
a  Boston  stock  company  followed  and 
after  a  year  Joe  was  back  in  New 
York  for  a  new  play  when  chance 
threw  him  into  Orson.  From  then  on, 
Orson  went  his  way  and  Joe  went 
Orson's  way,  following  him  into  his 
W.P.A.  Mercury  Theater  project,  Joe 
sometimes  playing  bits  and  sometimes 
leads.  When  Hollywood  opened  its 
doors  to  Orson  (What  an  opening!) 
Joe  came  along  playing  a  leading  role 
in  "Citizen  Kane"  and  playing  it  so 
well  people  kept  asking  for  him,  con- 
cerning him  and  about  him.  Was  he 
young,  old,  middle-aged,  or  what? 

The  "what"  of  it  is,  Joe  Cotten  is  a 
young,  handsome,  blond,  unactorish, 
genuine  male  who  acts  only  before  a 
camera  or  an  audience.  He  is  the  best 
friend  Orson  has  in  this  world.  It  goes 
without  saying  Joe  is  loyal  and  pa- 
tient. Together  he  and  Welles  have 
written  a  play,  "Journey  Into  Fear," 
in  which  they  will  both  act  for  the 
screen.  Orson  tells  me  Joe  gets  the  girl 
in  their  new  one.  Joe  says  he  doesn't 
want  her  unless  he  can  get  out  of 
those  darned  1890  clothes  he's  always 
wearing  and  lean  up  against  a  ship's 
rail  with  her  in  the  moonlight  like  all 
the  other  heroes. 

Joe  was  the  sensation  of  the  stage 
play,  "The  Philadelphia  Story"  (next 
to  Hepburn,  that  is),  and  played  in 
the  show  both  before  and  after  his 
"Citizen  Kane"   venture. 

After  the  show  had  completed  its 
run,  Joe  returned  to  Hollywood  to 
play  with  Merle  Oberon  in  "Lydia," 
as  another  Gay  Nineties  beau,  and  is 
now  actively  engaged  in  the  Welles 
picture  "The  Magnificent  Ambersons," 
still  another  gallant  of  our  yesterdays. 

When  the  ladies  see  Joe  as  he  really 
is,  there  will  be  a  new  trend  toward 
the  Cotten  fad.  Only,  alas,  he's  mar- 
ried, and  happily,  to  a  former  fashion 
magazine  editor.  He  reads  everything 
that's  good,  including  Orson's  scripts, 
and  plays  anything  he's  given  on  his 
friend's  radio  show,  if  it's  only  a  line. 
He  plays  a  crack  game  of  tennis  and 
loves  to  live  in  California.  Occasion- 
ally he  lapses  into  his  Southern  dialect 
and  then  he's  really  irresistible.  Or 
have  you  found  him  that  already? 

A   Peach   From   Peachtree  St. 
Soft  brown  eyes,  natural  blonde  hair 
worn   in  longish  curls,  a  quiet  voice 
and  keen  determination  belong  to  Miss 
Evelyn  Keyes,  the  heroine  in  the  un-  j 
forgettable  picture,  "Here  Comes  Mr. 
Jordan,"  and  the  maid  in  "Ladies  In  i 
Retirement."      With    two    smash   hits 
such  as  those  in  a  row  and  "Martin  j 
Eden"  in  the  making,  to  Evelyn  be- 
longs  the   Keyes   to  the  Kingdom  of 

Four  years  ago  Evelyn  came  to  j 
Hollywood  from  her  home  in  Atlanta. 
Georgia,  with  several  hundred  dol- 
lars she'd  earned  dancing  in  night 
clubs.  She  was  going  to  crash  movies 
and  she  did. 

Luck  was  with  her  almost  from 
the  start.  Through  friends  she  met 
an  agent  who  was  willing  to  take 
the  newcomer  on  the  rounds  of  the 
studios'  casting  offices.  At  Para- 
mount, Jeanie  MacPherson,  writer  for 
Cecil  B.  DeMille,  spied  the  Georgia 
peach  and  became  interested,  so  much 
so  she  insisted  boss  Cecil  give  her  a 
hearing.  Impressed  with  Evelyn's 
quiet  manners,  perfect  diction  and 
good  looks,  Cecil  put  her  under  per- 
sonal contract.  For  two  years  she  did 
small  bits  and  some  radio  work,  in 
which  she  shone  like  a  diamond. 

A  year  after  she'd  made  a  test  for 
Suellen   in    "Gone   With   The   Wind 
she  was  given  the  part  and  you  can 
imagine  Atlanta's  welcome  when  Eve- 
lyn returned  home  for  the  premiere. 

When  her  contract  with  DeMille 
had  expired,  Evelyn  traveled  to  Co- 
lumbia where  she  attracted  more  at- 
tention in  the  Brian  Aherne  picture, 
"The  Lady  In  Question,"  and,  in  time, 
was  rating  such  sugar-plum  roles  as 
the   "Mr.  Jordan"   one. 

Her  three  older  sisters  and  one 
brother  and  mother  haunt  the  theaters 
in  Atlanta  when  Evelyn's  pictures 
come  to  town.  Baby  has  made  good 
with  a  vengeance. 

In  Hollywood,  Evelyn,  who  is  un- 
married, shares  an  apartment  with  a 
girl  friend,  plays  tennis,  reads  avidly. 
She  reads  one  classic  a  month,  re- 

Last  summer,  with  free  time  on 
her  hands,  she  enrolled  at  U.C.L.A. 
for  the  contemporary  English  drama 
and  Shakespearian  classes.  Night 
clubs  seldom  see  her,  for  Evelyn  can  t 
find  enough  alibis  to  cover  up  her 
nonindulgence  in  powerful  liquic 
It's  either  alibi  or  be  thought  a  snob, 
so  Evelyn  stays  home  and  reads  and 
practices  on  the  piano. 

She  thinks  Glenn  Ford  the  greatest 
young  actor  in  Hollywood  and  studies 
his  every  move  in  their  picture  "Mar- 
tin Eden." 

Texas,  the  Lone  Star  State,  really 
gave  her  birth.  When  her  father  died 
(Evelyn  was  then  a  year  old)  the 
family  moved  (Continued  on  page  91) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mikw'S 

bis  is  Mr.  Normal:  Six  feet  three  of  average  American  guy — Fred  MacMurray  of  Paramount's  "Take  A  Letter,  Darling" 

W  elbmirnc 


BRUARY,    1942 



Interested  in  getting  what  you  want?  Female  tears  don't 

work  any  more;  this   device  does.   It  rated   Lucille 

Ball  a  home,  a  husband — and  happiness 


Picture  of  a  vivid  Cuban 
and  a  spirited  blonde  settling 
down:  Lucille  and  her  husband 
Desi  Arnaz  in  their  ranch  home 

THE  deafening  buzz  in  the  RKO 
commissary  rose  a  good  octave  as 
the  girl  with  the  hair  like  a  tossed 
salad  of  gold  paused  in  the  doorway. 

"Hi,  Lucille!"  a  table  of  wagsters 
hailed  her.  "Join  the  comedy  club. 
All  you  have  to  do  is  tell  the  funniest 
thing  that  ever  happened  to  you!" 

The  girl  moved  over  to  the  group 
with  a  lithe  casualness,  her  long- 
lashed  blue  eyes  measuring  them. 
"Well,  the  funniest  thing  was  when 
Desi  and  I  were  on  our  honeymoon." 
She  grinned  suddenly  and  sat  down. 
"He  was  filling  an  engagement  at  a 
night  club  in  Miami  when  the  Presi- 
dential Birthday  Balls  were  taking 
place  and  Miami  asked  him  to  be 
master  of  ceremonies  for  theirs  with 
me  as  guest  star.  The  Governor  of 
Florida  was  to  be  there,  the  Mayor 
of  Miami  and  a  slew  of  dignitaries. 
I  went  into  a  dither  memorizing  titles 
so  I  wouldn't  muff  the  event. 

"The  big  night  came.  I  draped  on 
the  white  furs  over  my  favorite  pink 
evening  dress  with  eighteen  yards  of 
jfluff  around  the  bottom  and  off  we 
iwent  with  motorcycle  police  escorts, 
Isirens,  spotlights  —  super  premiere 

"Everything  was  wonderful.  Desi 
(was  going  like  a  house  afire.  Then 
he  introduced  me." 

At  this  point  Lucille  jumped  up  to 
give  an  imitation  of  herself.  "I  ap- 
proached the  microphone  daintily — 
oh,  so  daintily — got  through  my  little 
speech  of  your  excellencies  and  your 

raauABY.  1942 

honors  without  a  miss,  then  bowed 
my  way  backwards  during  the  ap- 
plause to  my  seat.  That  is,  almost 
to  my  seat.  Because  just  as  I  got 
there,  my  heel  struck  the  chair,  both 
feet  went  up  in  the  air — but  air,  I'm 
telling  you — and  me  and  the  eighteen 
yards  did  a  reverse  spread  eagle  right 
on  the  back!" 

To  the  vast  amusement  of  the  com- 
missary Lucille  proceeded  to  fall  over 
the  chair  at  the  next  table  and  sprawl 
on  the  floor,  smart  slacks,  polo  coat 
and  all. 

"What  did  Desi  do?"  someone 

"Do?"  She  scrambled  up,  snatched 
a  fork  from  the  table  and  held  it  with 
both  hands  in  front  of  her  to  repre- 
sent a  microphone.  "He  just  hung 
on  to  the  mike  with  both  hands,  prac- 
tically paralyzed  with  laughter.  So 
was  the  whole  auditorium.  When  he 
finally  got  his  breath,  he  pointed  at 
me  where  I  was  still  on  the  floor  with 
four  men  trying  to  hoist  me  and  said 
helplessly,  'Ladies  and  gentlemen — 
my  wife' — and  went  off  into  another 

Lucille  dusted  herself  off  vigor- 
ously. "That's  the  time  Ball  got  a 
bigger  laugh  than  Hope  or  Bergen 
ever  did!" 

There  you  have  the  side  of  Lucille 
Ball  that  Hollywood  sees.  But  there's 
another  girl  who  walks  behind  the 
seemingly  assured  star — a  desperately 
shy  girl  whom  Lucille  has  had  to 
thrust    aside    ruthlessly     to    make 

First  payoff  on  her  new  theory 
was  breaking  into  "Roman  Scan- 
dals"  as  a  poster-model   girl 

She  came  to  Hollywood  on  a  one-film 
chance;  stayed  to  have  her  hair 
darkened   and   to   make   her  fortune 


her  place  in  the  world.  This  second 
Self,  who  really  came  first  in  Lucille's 
life,  had  her  roots  in  a  strange  and 
unhappy  childhood  where  tears  were 
her  constant  companion,  instead  of 
the  laughter  which  is  now  the  Ball 
stock  in  trade.  And  in  her  conquest 
of  tears  lies  the  solution  for  many  a 
misfit  life. 

When  Lucille  was  two  years  old  the 
sudden  death  of  her  father,  who  was 
an  electrical  engineer  in  Butte,  Mon- 
tana, broke  up  the  Ball  home.  Her 
health  shattered  by  the  blow,  Mrs. 
Ball  returned  with  Lucille  and  her 
baby  brother  Fred  to  her  people  in 
Jamestown,  New  York.  Lucille  was 
sent  to  live  with  a  relative,  a  woman 

They  know  who  brings  home  the 
bacon:  Sir  Thomas  of  Chatsworth 
and  Pinto  the  Great  play  up  to 
head    of  the    house    Desi    Arnai 

well  along  in  years  whose  old-fash- 
ioned background  of  starched  self- 
discipline  did  not  equip  her  to  handle 
the  high-tensioned,  imaginative 
youngster  with  whom  she  found  her- 
self sharing  her  home.  The  child  was 
frowned  upon  for  having  her  nose 
constantly  in  a  book  and  upbraided 
when  she  was  caught  in  the  extrava- 
gant play-actings  which  in  her  loneli- 
ness took  the  place  of  companions. 
Nevertheless,  she  contrived  to  create 
two  imaginary  playmates  who  were 
her  refuge  through  the  years,  Bob 
and  Sassa  Frassa — the  latter,  a  horse, 
if  you  must  know. 

The  child's  appalling  sense  of  isola- 

tion began  to  affect  her  school  work. 
Called  upon  to  recite  in  class,  her  eyes, 
like  teacups  of  blue  china  that  are  too 
full,  would  brim  over  and  not  a  word 
could  she  utter  of  a  lesson  she  knew 
by  heart.  Her  teacher  tried  to  bridge 
the  gap  by  organizing  a  birthday  party 
for  Lucille  at  school.  Word  of  this  got 
to  Lucille's  guardian  who  in  what  she 
meant  to  be  kindness  told  the  young- 
ster of  the  surprise  party.  She  ended 
by  saying  flatly,  "I  thought  you'd  bet- 
ter know  so  you  would  be  prepared." 

This  precipitated  another  storm  of 
weeping  and  the  two  looked  at  each 
other  in  despair  across  their  separate 
worlds.  Even  today  Lucille  bears  the 
scar  of  this  habit  when,  confronted  by 
bafflement,  or  any  of  the  old  frustra- 
tions, she  seeks  quick  escape  in  tears 
which   as   quickly   pass. 

Release  came  to  the  child  when  Lu- 
cille's mother,  who  had  married  again 
in  the  meantime,  sent  for  her  daugh- 
ter now  that  she  could  once  more  offer 
her  a  happy  home.  In  Jamestown, 
where  the  Hunts,  her  mother's 
French-Irish  family,  have  lived  so 
long  that  a  street  bears  their  name, 
the  tall  girl,  whose  grace  was  yet  only 
a  promise,  came  into  her  own.  Under 
the  warm  understanding  hand  of  her 
mother,  whom  she  has  always  wor- 
shipped, Lucille  became  a  leader  of 
the  younger  set.  She  was  jumping 
center  of  the  girls'  basketball  team. 
Her  horseback  -  riding  was  good 
enough  to  win  her  a  spot  on  a  wom- 
an's polo  team.  She  became  an  ex- 
cellent shot  with  a  gun,  drove  cars 
and  even  flew  a  small  private  plane, 
this  girl  who  was  too  timid  to  recite 
in  a  classroom. 

After  a  year  at  the  Chautauqua 
Institute  of  Music  in  an  effort  to  fol- 
low in  the  footsteps  of  her  mother, 
who  is  an  accomplished  pianist,  Lu- 
cille prevailed  upon  the  family  to  let 
her  attend  John  Murray  Anderson's 
school  of  dramatics  in  New  York.  For 
the  years  of  damned-back  childhood 
were  crying  for  expression.  But 
somehow  the  school  didn't  seem  to 
turn  the  trick.  Alone  in  the  biggest 
town  in  the  world,  she  found  that  all 
the  old  fears  were  returning — fear  of 
people,  fear  that  they  didn't  like  her, 
fear  of  failure. 

Bette  Davis  was  the  bright  and 
shining  student  there.  Not  so  Lucille, 
who  gazed  at  her  with  envy  and  de- 
spair. Once  again  fright  rose  in  her 
throat  and  tears  in  her  eyes  as  she 
mumbled  through  diction  classes  and 
hugged  the  backdrop  whenever  she 
was  given  bits  to  play  in  class  dramas. 

At  length  the  whole  tear  psychology 
came  to  an  abrupt  climax.  Discour- 
aged with  her  progress  at  the  dramatic 
school,  Lucille  answered  a  chorus  call 
for  Ziegfeld's  road  show  of  "Rio  Rita" 
and  agonized  through  weeks  of  the 
show  when  the  stage  manager  would 

yell  at  her,  "Hey,  you,  why  don't  you 
open  your  mouth  and  sing?"  Terrified, 
she  would  make  her  mouth  go,  pre- 
tending to  be  singing  with  the  others. 

Finally  the  day  came  when  she  was 
handed  her  notice.  The  world  went 
black.  Crying  softly,  she  walked  along 
the  street  to  her  hotel  room.  Would 
it  be  poison  or  just  a  quiet  dive  out 
the  window?  As  you  may  have  sus- 
pected, it  was  neither.  Sensibly 
enough,  she  tried  to  get  her  job  back, 
haunting  the  stage  manager  for  two 
days  without  daring  to  speak  to  him 
until  he  finally  shouted,  "No,  you 
can't  have  your  job  back!  Now  will 
you  stop  following  me?" 

Lucille  stood  on  the  curb  and  wept 
some  more.  Then  something  occurred 
which  has  happened  in  the  lives  of  so 
many  of  us.  A  chance  meeting,  a 
chance  word  and  suddenly  a  key  is 
thrust  into  our  hands  which  opens  the 
door  to  a  totally  different  life.  In  this 
instance,  a  friend  of  Lucille's  hap- 
pened by.  He  asked  what  was  the 
matter  and  after  she  had  blurted  out 
her  story,   he  said: 

"Don't  be  that  way.  Crying  does't 
pay  off."  He  scribbled  down  an  ad- 
dress on  a  card.  "Here.  If  you  need  a 
job,  go  down  to  this  company.  They'll 
give  you  a  job  modelling  a  coat  for 
twenty-five  dollars."  And  he  was 

LUCILLE  stared  at  the  card.  What 
had  he  said?  "Crying  doesn't  pay 
off."  Brother,  was  he  right!  Maybe 
she'd  better  try  laughing.  At  least  if 
she  laughed  at  herself  first,  she  could 
beat  the  rest  of  the  world  to  the 
punch — maybe  save  herself  the  punch. 
And  from  that  moment  she  began  to 
build  her  armor  of  comedy. 

Flinging  the  tears  out  of  her  eyes, 
squaring  her  shoulders  and  her  chin, 
the  future  female  comedy  riot  re- 
ported at  the  address  on  the  card.  And 
one  of  America's  most  famous  models 
was  born,  the  girl  who  was  soon  to 
become  a  mannequin  in  the  famous 
Hattie  Carnegie  salon,  the  Chester- 
field Girl  and  finally  be  chosen  as  one 
of  the  famous  poster  models  imported 
by  Mr.  Goldwyn  for  the  Eddie  Cantor 
picture,   "Roman  Scandals." 

Lucille  was  anything  but  agog  over 
the  prospects  of  going  to  Hollywood. 
The  wounds  of  her  drama  school  and 
"Rio  Rita"  experiences  were  still  too 
fresh.  But  she  was  badly  in  need  of 
a  rest.  Six  weeks  in  the  celebrated 
California  sunshine  with  all  expenses 
paid  there  and  back — not  bad. 

But  what  with  one  thing  and  an- 
other, the  "back"  didn't  take  place  for 
almost  as  many  years.  First,  because 
the  girl  with  the  sultry  mouth  and  the 
little-girl  eyes  seemed  to  have  caught 
on  luckily  to  one  of  the  rings  of  the 
Hollywood  merry-go-round.  Then. 
when  the  ring    (Cont'd  on  page  101) 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 


f    tfl>   !\ 

owers  look  at 
Judy  Garland  Rose  all  ready 
Valentine  Eve  celebra- 
tion^ witfi  husband  Dave.  The 
star.of  "Babes  On  Broadway" 
says  hello  In  a  conquest  dress 
of  ioft  net  with  a  huge  ruffle 
accenting  the  hemline.  She 
sweeps  along  dramatically  in 
a  long  fitted  green  evening 
coat  with  a  three-button  fast- 
ening; she  carries  a  muff  that 
any  girl  can  have  if  she  just 
stitches  up  some  soft  net  and 
sprinkles  it  generously  with 
white  violets,  the  same  flow- 
ers that  blossom  out  in  Judy's 
curls.  Gala  girl,  gala  mood, 
Want  diamond  neck- 
e  by  Gershgorn  and  Co. 

Photographs    by    Carpenter 

Rose-colored  version  of  a  plain  winter  suit:   Judy  takes  a 

classic  steel-grey  wool  two-piece  model,  makes  it  new  and 

different  by  accenting  the  tight-fitting   jacket  with  grey 

velveteen  collar  and  cuffs.    Soft  grey  feathers  fashion  the 

•perky  bonnet;  a  pretty  veil  adds  a  bit  of  feminine  witchery 

photoplay  combined  with  movh  mibroh 


IRUARY,    1942 

Laurels  to  Garland  for  another  prize-winning  idea  of  how 
to  change  an  outfit  to  suit  yourself  in  novel  fashion.     Add 
huge   beaver   buttons   to   the   jacket;   sling   a   big    beaver 
muff  over  your  arm;  top  everything  off  with  a  wide  beaver- 
trimmed  hat.  Outfit  from  Saks  Fifth  Ave.,  Beverly  Hills,  Cal. 







From  Dave  to  Mrs.  Rose:  Valentines  every 
day  in  the  year  for  wearing  dresses  like 

this.     To  be  specific,   it's  a  Jack   Perkins 
black  crepe  with  a.wide  accordion-pleated 

hemline,  a  so-slim  belt,  bodice  and  sleeves 

of  sheer  marquisette.    The   little  skullcap 
arid  the  Gershaorn  diamond  clip  are  standouts 

;  photoplay  combined  with  movie  mhwoh 


ess  in  a  mood  to  match  the 
V9  you  truly"  light  in  Dave's 
for  the  little  star  of  "Babes 
roadway."  Of  light  blue  net,  it 
res  a  glitter-girl  hit  by  silver 
sprinkled  from  bodice  to  be- 
ne hipline  and  by  the  wide 
>  of  net  from  the  ruching  to 
oor.  Judy  drapes  a  length  of 
prinkled  with  rhinestone  over 
air,  clasps  it  together  at  the 
Jer  with  a  gay  rhinestone  pin 



Cory  Grant  is  earning  money, 
big  money,  in  "Arsenic  And 
Old  Lace."  Just  how  selfish 
is   he   about  his   pay   check? 

You'll    find 

glowing    facts 
by   "Fearless" 


Hyman  Fink 

J     I 




e  Truth  About  STABS'  CHARITIES 

Some  stars  are  charity  "snobs";  some,  secret 
champions.  A  straight-from-the-shoulder 
talk     on     Hollywood's     rights     and     wrongs 

8?  "FEAKL&S 


Wally  Beery  dispenses  his  charity  with  that  "Oh,  gosh, 
it's  nothing"  attitude  he's  made  famous  on  the  screen 

vf  EARLY,  on  the  night  before 
|  Christmas,  Wally  Beery  gathers 
'  together  all  the  waifs  and  strays 
f  his  studio — and  of  Hollywood  in 
eneral — and  takes  them  to  his  home 
)r  a  Christmas  party.  In  numbers 
ley  run  anywhere  from  fifty  to  three 

Some  of  the  guests  may  be  stars  of 
le  past  now  sunk  to  playing  extra 
Dies;  others  may  be  grips  or  prop 
oys  or  out-of-work  movie  techni- 
ians  of  any  sort;  but  the  majority  of 
le  crowd  is  just  guys  who  have  no 
omes  or  close  relatives  with  whom  to 
lare  this  most  sentimental  of  holi- 
ays.  Not  one  there  is  "important." 
/hat's  Wally's  only  demand — that 
(lose  invited  be  genuinely  in  need  of 
I  little  Christmas  cheer. 
I  The  party  is  always  terrific.  Laugh- 
ibr  and  horseplay  and  song  and  liquid 
jfreshment  get  mixed  up  with  Gar- 
antuan  eats.  Just  before  dawn  and 
le  final  good-bys  come,  Wally  slips 
ireryone  a  present.  Some  are  large 
nd  some  are   small,   but   all   are   in 

iBRUARY,    1942 

relationship  to  the  need  of  the  re- 
ceiver and  all  are  handed  out  by 
Wally  with  that  "Oh  gosh,  it's  noth- 
ing" attitude  that  you  have  seen  him 
put  across  a  hundred  times  on  the 
screen.  Wally  never  thinks  of  it  as 
charity.  He  calls  it  "Having  my  gang 
for  Christmas  Eve." 

Hollywood,  of  course,  gives  its 
talents  and  support  to  the  regular 
"organized"  charities.  Bob  Hope  plays 
all  benefits  for  all  things  and  there 
is  no  screen  personality  who  isn't 
called  upon  constantly  for  cash  and 
free  appearances  for  this,  that  and 
the  other  worthy  cause.  Excepting 
only  Garbo,  all  stars  respond  to  these 
appeals  to  some  degree,  though  Hope 
surpasses  them  all. 

But  the  truth  about  the  real  Holly- 
wood charities  is  that  they  are  ex- 
actly like  everything  else  in  the  place 
— entirely  personal,  highly  dramatic, 
frequently  fantastic  and  largely  un- 
sung. The  truth  about  them  is,  too,  that 
there  are  some  unpleasant  incidents 
connected     {Continued    on    page    81) 

Winner  of  the  charity  crown, 
when  it  comes  to  giving  out 
time  and  money,  is  Joan  Crawford 

"A  tender  little  anecdote"  is 
what  "Fearless"  calls  the  account 
of  Loretta  Young's  good-deed  day 


Portrait  of  a  Shy 
Glamour  Girl 

(Continued  from  page  41)  very  little 
candy,  and  loves  to  dance  at  any  time 
or  place.    She  never  wears  girdles. 

She  wears  flesh-colored  lingerie. 

She  was  born  on  October  17,  1918,  in 
a  New  York  City  hospital.  She  lives  in 
an  apartment  and  her  mother  is  a  Hay- 
worth  of  an  English  acting  family  that 
first  trod  the  boards  in  Shakespeare's 
day.  She  believes  that  considerable 
money  is  essential  to  achieve  happiness. 

She  loves  night  clubs  and  throws  her 
clothes  over  a  chair  when  retiring.  Her 
jewelry  consists  of  a  bracelet,  ring,  watch 
and  earrings — all   made  of  gold. 

She  wears  filmy  black  lace  things  only 
when  posing  for  publicity  pictures.  She 
is  bored  at  baseball  games. 

Her  parents  tried  desperately  to  cure 
her  of  her  shyness  as  a  child.  She  is  not 
given  to  procrastination,  likes  her  steak 
done  medium  rare,  and  has  to  have  her 
hair  thinned  out  because  it  grows  so 

She  does  not  like  English  mustard  or 
frog  legs.  She  thinks  her  husband's 
greatest  asset  is  his  enthusiastic  interest 
in  her  career. 

She  likes  motoring  only  when  she  does 
the  driving. 

She  takes  a  hot  shower  and  always 
tapers  off  with  cold  water. 

RITA  HAYWORTH  has  never  been  out- 
side the  United  States  except  to  visit 
or  work  in  Mexico.    She  is  right-handed. 

She  takes  only  orange  juice  and  cof- 
fee for  breakfast. 

She  likes  herself  best  in  red  or  blue. 

Her  husband  is  of  Danish  descent,  and 
she  listens  with  her  right  ear  at  the 
telephone.  She  hates  anything  of  a  bilious 
green  color. 

She  was  married  in  Yuma,  Arizona,  by 
a  justice  of  the  peace,  and  nearly  every 
morning,  when  not  working,  she  listens 
to  all  the  family  plays  on  the  radio. 

Her  father  was  born  in  Seville,  Spain. 

She  has  never  been  on  a  steamship. 

She  never  follows  a  hunch. 

Her  favorite  aperitif  is  Dubonnet,  she 
visits  a  beauty  parlor  once  a  week,  and 
thinks  the  current  pompadour  vogue  is 

Rita  Hayworth  has  at  home  the  guitar 
she  used  in  "Blood  And  Sand,"  which 
neither  she  nor  her  husband  plays.  She 
has  never  seen  a  Gene  Autry  film  and 
nurtures  a  secret  desire  to  vacation  some- 
day in  Maine.  She  is  bad  at  spelling 
and  worse  in  arithmetic. 

She  is  frank,  sincere  and  soft-spoken. 

She  hates  Mexican  food,  contract 
bridge  and  affectation  in  people  who  are 
merely  lucky.     She  seldom  catches  cold. 

Her  favorite  musician  is  Vincent 
Gomez,  the  guitarist,  and  she  is  happiest 
when  working  the  hardest.  Her  kerchiefs 
have  fancy  borders  of  bright  colors. 

Her  mother  was  born  in  Washington, 
D.  C.  She  paints  her  toenails  and 
wishes  her  husband  would  not  drive  so 
fast.  She  would  rather  rhumba  than 
anything  else,  and  her  husband  is  always 
complaining   about   the   way   she   drives. 

She  has  never  been  to  Sun  Valley,  likes 
going  out  for  a  smoke  between  the  acts, 
and  likes  to  read  poetry  aloud  to  herself. 

She  is  constantly  humming  nondescript 
tunes.  She  calls  her  husband  Eddie  and 
the  only  book  she  has  read  more  than 
once  is  something  called  "The  Way  of 
the  Transgressor." 

She  thinks  the  average  man  presents 
a  much  more  aesthetic  sight  on  the  beach 
than  the  average  woman.  She  does  not 
care  for  caviar. 






VICTORY  CAP:  Here's  a  cute  little 
campus  captivator  if  we  ever  saw  one. 
It's  knit  of  wool  and  embroidered  with 
a  dashing  Victory  emblem  in  perfect 
harmony  with  the  basic  design  of  the 
cap.  Tie  it 
over  your 
curls  for  win- 
ter sports, 
spectating,  or 
just  ambling 
back  and  forth 
to  class.  $1.25 
to  $1.50  at 
leading  de- 
stores.  Or,  R. 
H.  Macy's, 
N.  Y. 

•  •  * 
SILKEN  FILM:  Something  new  in 
the  beautifying  field  is  Toushay — a 
luscious  fragrant  peach-colored  lo- 
tion. You  smooth  it  on  before  wash- 
ing your  undies,  or  sorting  carbon 
paper,  or  busying  yourself  with  dusty 
household  tasks.  This  lotion  acts  as 
a  silken  protection  against  harshness, 
redness    and    roughness.     Even    after 

washing,  your 
hands  are  still 
soft,  smooth. 
It's  equally 
good  for  soft- 
ening rough 
elbows  and 
chapped  knees 
and  for  sheer 
luxury,  try  it 
as  a  body  rub. 
Toushay  Lo- 
tion, 50c  at 
drug  stores. 

•  •  • 
LASSO  BOOTS:  A  stormy  weather 
style  with  all  the  dash  of  a  romantic 
cowboy.  Made  of  rubber,  they're 
cleverly  fashioned  to  look  like  leather 
range  boots.  Lasso  boots  come  in  dif- 
ferent heel  heights  so  that  you  can 
wear  them  over  your  moccasin  or  sad- 
dle  oxford    shoes;    walking   shoes,    or 

dressy  high- 
heeled  day- 
time shoes. 
They'll  slip  on 
and  off  with 
the  greatest 
of  ease,  too.  B. 
F.  Goodrich 
Lasso  Boots 
are  $3  at  de- 
stores  and 
shoe  shops. 

She  thinks  the  new  colored-hose  fad 
is  "horrible." 

Her  only  collecting  hobby  is  saving 
stamps  for  her  mother,  she  rides  horse- 
back very  badly,  and  is  frankly  thrilled 
at  her  glamour-girl  status. 

She  smokes  less  than  a  pack  of  cig- 
arettes a  day  and  enjoys  watching  a 
bullfight  "because  of  the  grace  and  tech- 
nique involved  in  it."  She  takes  Vitamin 
B-l  tablets  regularly. 

Her  favorite  fountain  concoction  is  a 
chocolate  milk  shake.  She  likes  a  fire- 
place and  flowers  in  her  bedroom  and 
hopes  to  alternate  her  screen  work  with 
dancing  and  dramatic  roles. 

CHE  likes  football  and  auto  races. 
^  She  has  never  worn  glasses  other 
than  sunglasses,  and  considers  "Music  In 
My  Heart"  her  worst  picture.  Her  par- 
ents never  called  her  by  any  pet  name. 
Her  mouth  is  full  and  generous,  her 
golf  is  bad  and  she  loves  shooting  gal- 
leries where  she  demonstrates  a  more 
than  fair  marksmanship.  She  has  never 
been  accused  of  temperament. 

She  is  a  rabid  movie  fan,  occasionally 
goes  bicycling,  and  admires  the  choreog- 
raphy of  Martha  Graham  and  Mary 

Rita  Hayworth  likes  beer,  scrubs  her 
teeth  twice  a  day  and  is  stubborn  about 
admitting  a  mistake,  but  she  always 
gives  in.  She  is  fond  of  all  varieties  of 

She  has  two  Doberman  pinschers,  pre- 
fers biographies  and  danced  with  her 
father  at  the  late  Agua  Caliente  Hotel 
where  she  was  discovered  by  Hollywood. 
She  is  superstitious  about  her  birth  date, 
the  seventeenth,  because  it  figured  in  her 
first  contract  with  Fox  Films  and  her  test 
for  "Only  Angels  Have  Wings." 

She  still  has  a  pair  of  miniature  casta- 
nets which  she  used  at  the  age  of  four 
She  likes  trains,  coffee  and  tea  in  mod- 
eration, and  clings  affectionately  to  two 
hats  which  she  has  had  for  four  years 
and  which  she  wears  occasionally. 

She  has  no  favorites  among  male 
screen  stars.  She  likes  playing  backgam- 
mon and  "Indications,"  and  thoroughly 
approves  women's  wearing  slacks  for 
shopping  or  movies.  She  never  fails  to 
derive  special  pleasure  out  of  driving 
along  the  bridle  path  on  Beverly  Hills' 
Sunset  Boulevard. 

She  played  with  girls  in  preference  to 
boys  when  she  was  a  little  girl.  Her 
favorite  records  are  Strauss  waltzes. 

She  likes  wearing  ribbons  in  her  hair, 
smoked  salmon  and  earrings  of  plain  gold 
loops.    Her  ears  are  not  pierced. 

She  gives  away  most  of  her  wearing 
apparel  at  the  end  of  a  season.  Her  com- 
plexion is  olive,  she  doesn't  care  for  air 
travel  and  her  philosophy  is  a  modified 

She  is  adaptable  and  good-natured. 
She  does  not  go  in  for  roller-  or  ice- 

She  never  demurs  at  a  quiet  evening 
at  home. 

She  has  never  hostessed  a  large  party, 
spends  her  time  between  camera  setups 
worrying  about  the  next  scene,  and  be- 
lieves that  good  taste  is  something  one 
is  born  with.  Her  favorite  salad  is  chef  >. 
She  has  a  habit  of  using  every  ash 
tray  in  the  house. 

She  is  convinced  this  world  is  going 
to  be  a  tough  place  to  live  in  for  the 
next  fifty  years. 

Rita  Hayworth  hates  to  make  plans. 
She  detests  going  on  trips  that  have 
been  carefully  planned  and  she  has  no 
plans  whatsoever  regarding  her  profes- 
sional future,  regarding  an  eventual  re- 
tirement, or  the  possibility  of  having 

The  End. 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirroi 

s    <t 






SoeknG'fo  Cupid 


Eugenia  Loughlin's  engagement  to  S.  Cail 
Borden  Tennant  of  Houston  (pictured  together 
at  right)  has  stirred  far-reaching  interest. 
This  beautiful  Pond's  Bride-to-Be  will  he 
married  this  winter,  after  her  fiance  com- 
pletes his  officer's  training  at  Fort  Riley. 

Engagement  Ring. 
The  platinum  and 

baguette  diamond 
setting  was  designed 
by  her  fiance.  "I 
guess  Rorden  and  I 
made  over  a  hundred 
sketches  for  it," 
she  says. 


She  uses 


See  how  her  SOFT-SMOOTH 

Glamour  Care  will  help  your  skin 

1.  Eugenia  SLATHERS  Pond's  Cold  Cream  thick  over 
her  lovely  face  and  throat.  Pats  it  on  briskly  with 
quick  little  upward  pats.  This  softens  dirt  and  old 
make-up.  Then  she  tissues  off  the  cream.  "I  adore  the 
cool,  clean  feel  Pond's  gives  my  face,"  she  says. 

2.  Eugenia  RINSES  with  lots  more  Pond's.  Tissues  off 
the  cream  again. 

This  second  time  helps  clean  off  every  little  smitch 
of  soil,  leave  her  fine-textured  skin  flower-soft. 

You'll  love  Eugenia's  SOFT-SMOOTH  Glamour  Care 
with  Pond's  Cold  Cream. 

Use  it  every  night — and  for  daytime  clean-ups. 
See  your  skin  look  softer,  smoother,  prettier. 
You'll  know  then  why  so  many  more  women  and  girls 
use  Pond's  than  any  other  face  cream  at  any  price. 
Buy  a  jar  today — at  any  beauty  counter.  Five  popular- 
priced  sizes.  The  most  economical — the  lovely  big  jars. 

Send  coupon  for  5  POND'S  Beauty  Aids 


1.  Pond's  SOFT-SMOOTH 
Glamour  Cold  Cream 

2.  Vanishing  Cream 

3.  New  Dry  Skin  Cream 

4.  New  Dreamflower 
Face  Powder  (6  shades) 

POND'S,  Dept.8MM-CB.  Clinton,  Conn. 
Send  me  samples  of  5  Pond's  Beaut) 
Aids  listed  at  left  used  by  lovely  en- 
gaged girls  and  society  beauties  like  Mrs. 
Geraldine  Spreckels  and  Mrs.  Krne-t 
du  Pont,  Jr.  Enclosed  is  10*  to  cover 
your   distribution    expenses,    including 

5.   Pond's  "Lips"  (5  shades)     postage  and  packing. 


(Offer  good  in  U.  S.  only) 

UARY,    1942 


(Continued  from  page  29)   you  change?' 

"He  said  it  very  charmingly — but  that, 
in  effect,  was  what  he  said.  You  can 
imagine  what  I  was  tempted  to  say  in 
reply.  But  I  suppressed  the  impulse.  It 
was  so  late  by  this  time  that  either  I 
went  out  with  him  or  I  stayed  home  by 
myself — which  was  no  way  to  spend  New 
Year's  Eve.  I  changed  to  something 
simple,  which  he  admired  as  much  as 
he  had  disliked  the  other.  That  made 
everything  all  right,  because  I  had  de- 
signed this  one,  too. 

"I  hadn't  been  with  him  a  half-hour 
before  I  decided  I  liked  him.  I  hadn't 
encountered  anyone  in  Hollywood  with 
whom  I  had  been  able  to  talk  so  freely, 
almost  immediately.  And  he  was  a 
magnificent  dancer.  From  Ciro's,  we 
went  on  to  another  club,  and  we  danced 
and  danced  and  danced.  I  had  never 
enjoyed  dancing  so  much  before. 

"We  didn't  get  home  until  nearly  dawn. 
And,  at  the  door,  when  I  told  Oley  what 
a  good  time  I  had  had,  he  said,  'I  feel 
that  this  should  be  a  good  omen  for  us — 
our  starting  the  New  Year  together.' 

"After  that,  we  dated  and  dated.  We 
talked  with  each  other  several  times  a 
day  on  the  telephone.  However,  both 
of  us  were  reluctant  to  become  too  se- 
rious and  we  dated  others  despite  the 
fact  that  we  knew  we  were  headed  for 
each  other.  We  went  together  two  or 
three  times  a  week  for  three  months. 
Then  one  night  we  decided  to  get  mar- 
ried.    Why  wait?" 

THEY  were  going  to  fly  to  Yuma  that 
■  night. 

"But  at  the  airport  I  suddenly  thought 
that  I'd  like  my  mother  at  my  wedding. 
After  all,  marriage  was  such  a  serious 
step.  Besides,  it  was  a  miserable  night 
for  flying.  But  Oley  was  surprised  at  my 
sudden    indecision. 

"He  didn't  try  to  persuade  me.  He 
simply  said,  very  grimly,  'I'm  glad  you've 
shown  your  true  colors.  I  wouldn't  want 
to  marry  a  girl  who  doesn't  know  her 
own  mind — who  isn't  sure  of  her  own 
emotions.'  After  that  he  drove  me  home 
in  complete  silence. 

"For  weeks  after  that,  he  wouldn't  see 
me.  Once  or  twice  we  bumped  into  each 
other  at  parties  and  he  was  friendly,  but 
nothing  more.  Once  or  twice,  I've  for- 
gotten why,  he  sent  me  gardenias.  He 
didn't  come  around  himself. 

"I  used  to  call  him  and  tell  him,  in 
detail,    about    my    crush    on    So-and-So. 

"My  mother  kept  saying,  'Don't  be  so 
cruel.  Don't  keep  calling  him  like  this, 
reminding  him  of  you.  Make  an  end  of 
the  whole  thing.'  I  kept  saying  to  my- 
self, 'If  you  don't  break  with  him  now, 
you  never  will.'  Yet,  somehow,  I  couldn't 
bring  myself  to  make  that  break. 

"I  couldn't  understand  why.  As  I 
kept  telling  Oley,  'You're  the  only  per- 
son I  can  talk  to,  but  I  can  never  fall  in 
love  with  you.'  I  didn't  realize  that  I 
was  in  love  with  him  all  the  time." 

And  how  did  she  explain  that  blind 

Gene  smiled.  "All  my  life,  I  had 
dreamed  that  when  I  fell  in  love,  it 
would  be  with  a  divine-looking  man — a 
knight  in  shining  armor.  And  Oley  didn't 
exactly  fit  the  description  of  that  dream- 
man.  Something  else  that  confused  me 
was  that  Mother  liked  this  other  boy — I 
won't  mention  his  name — who  was  ter- 
ribly good-looking.  She  felt  that  perhaps 
he  was  the  one  for  me.  I  tried  to  see 
him  through  her  eyes.  I  almost  con- 
vinced myself  that  I  was  falling  in  love 
with  him.  When  he  asked  me  to  marry 
him,  I  said   I'd  give  my  answer  after  I 


This  Is  How  It  Really  Happened 

went  to  New  York  and  talked  with  my 

"Then,  suddenly,  it  came  over  me,  'Oh, 
no,  this  isn't  it  at  all.  This  isn't  love. 
I  realized  suddenly  that  my  mother  and  I 
were  two  entirely  different  people.  That 
the  boy  who  could  have  made  her  happy, 
if  she  had  been  in  my  place,  wasn't  the 
one  for  me.  I  knew  that  before  I  went 
to  New  York  to  talk  with  my  father.  I 
broke  with  the  boy  before  I  even  left. 

"When  I  saw  my  father,  I  told  him,  'All 
this  stuff  in  the  papers  about  my  coming 
East  to  ask  your  permission  to  marry  is 
strictly  bunk.  I'm  not  even  in  love.'  He 
asked,  'Well,  then,  why  did  you  come 
East?'  I  said,  'I  simply  had  to  get  away — 
to  try  to  get  a  perspective  on  myself,  to 
try  to  decide  what  I  want  from  life.  I'm 
all    confused.' 

"While  I  was  in  New  York,  I  wrote 
Oley  a  couple  of  letters.  He  didn't  an- 
swer them.  Still,  when  I  got  back  to 
Hollywood,  I  swallowed  my  pride  and 
called  him  and  asked  him  to  take  me 
dancing.     He  said   he   was   busy. 

"THEN    Pat    Morison    gave    a    cocktail 

'  party.  I  was  invited  and  I  happened 
to  know  that  Oley  was  invited,  too.  I 
rigged  myself  all  up,  having  visions  of 
our  getting  together  at  the  party  and, 
afterward,  spending  the  evening  together 
somewhere,  dancing.  And  we  did  get 
together  at  the  party.  Only  he  said,  'I'm 
sorry  we  can't  go  dancing  tonight.  I 
have  a  date  I  can't  break.  But  I'll  take 
you   to   dinner.' 

"He  couldn't  have  done  anything  that 
would  have  made  me  more  determined 
to  win  back  his  interest.  I've  found  out 
since  that  he  was  interested  all  along. 
But  he  knew  how  to  handle  me." 

Gene  punctuated  that  last  sentence 
with  another  smile. 

"Then  I  developed  that  horrible  allergy 
thing.     My   eyes   were   swollen,   and   my 

Initially  responsible  for  the  Tierney- 
Cassini  marriage  are  Connie  Moore 
and  agent-husband  Johnny  Maschio.  It 
was  at  their  house  Gene  and  Oley  met 

face  was  swollen,  and  they  couldn't 
seem  to  find  out  what  was  wrong  with 
me.  I  think  the  whole  trouble  was 
nerves.  I  was  still  new  to  Hollywood — 
which  was  completely  different  from  any 
other  world  I  had  ever  known.  I  had 
always  led  a  more  or  less  sheltered,  in- 
conspicuous life.  And,  until  then,  I  had 
been  more  or  less  inconspicuous  in 
Hollywood,  just  another  hopeful  begin- 

"Suddenly,  I  was  pushed  into  the 
title  role  of  a  big  Technicolor  picture, 
pitted  against  people  who  were  expe- 
rienced. My  nerves  simply  went  hay- 
wire under  the  strain. 

"You  remember  the  rumors — that  I 
might  never  look  normal  again,  never 
make  another  picture.  Only  a  very  few 
people  subjected  themselves  to  the  ordeal 
of  coming  to  the  hospital  to  see  me.  Oley 
was  one  of  them.  No  one  else  came  as 
often  as  he  did.  And  he  was  so  sweet, 
every  time  he  did  come.  I  found  myself 
thinking,  'He  must  love  me,  to  want  to 
see  me,  even  like  this.' 

"Mother  said,  'He's  the  only  person  who 
calms  you  down.'  I  kept  thinking  about 
that,  too.  Thinking:  'I  must  love  him — 
for  him  to  have  an  effect  on  me  that  no 
one  else  has.'  Thinking:  'When  he's  with 
me,  I  don't  seem  to  need  anyone  else. 
The  two  of  us  are  complete.' 

"Suddenly,  the  allergy  thing  subsided. 
I  was  able  to  go  back  to  work.  Only 
I  had  to  have  vitamin  shots  to  keep 
going.  Oley  would  drive  me  to  the 
doctor.  We  saw  each  other  every  day. 
Finally,  we  reached  the  point  where  we 
became  engaged.  We  planned  to  marry 
on  June   twenty-eighth. 

"I  JNTIL  then,  my  family  had  liked  Oley. 
^  And  even  then  they  didn't  exactly 
dislike  him.  'Of  course,  you  can  marry 
him,'  my  father  said,  'only  I  expect  him 
to  become  a  member  of  the  Belle-Tier 
Corporation.'  He  sent  out  a  contract  for 
Oley  to  sign." 

When  Gene  went  on  the  stage,  her 
father  and  mother  (whose  name  is  Belle) 
formed  the  Belle-Tier  Corporation,  for 
the  purpose  of  supervising  the  career  of 
their  under-age  daughter,  serving  as  her 
agents  and  protecting  her  earnings. 

"Oley  took  one  look  at  the  contract, 
and  said,  'Darling,  I  love  you  very  much 
— but  not  enough  to  sign  this."  He  would 
be  signing  away  his  right  as  a  husband 
to  have  some  say  about  where  his  wife 
should  live.  If  the  head  officers  of  the 
corporation — namely,  my  father  and 
mother — decided  I  should  live  in  New 
York  and  work  on  the  stage,  he  would  be 
powerless  to  intervene. 

"To  prove  that  he  had  no  interest  in 
my  earnings,  past,  present  or  future,  he 
had  Bentley  Ryan,  a  friend  of  mine  and 
my  lawyer,  draw  up  a  legal  document, 
which  he  signed,  not  only  renouncing  all 
rights  to  handle  my  money,  but  renounc- 
ing all  community  property  rights  in  case 
of  divorce.      (Heaven  forbid!) 

"But  that  gesture  of  Oley's  wasn't 
enough  for  my  family.  My  brother  wrote 
me:  'If  you  marry  a  Count — any  Count — 
I'll  never  speak  to  you  again.'  My 
father  made  it  plain  that  he  wouldn't 
give  his  consent  to  my  marriage  unless 
Oley  signed  that  contract. 

"I  had  been  having  this  battle  with  my 
nerves,  my  career  was  like  this" — she 
made  a  wobbling  motion  with  her  hands 
— "and  now  even  my  own  family  was 
becoming  difficult.  Nothing  was  certain 
except  that  Oley  and  I  were  in  love.  To 
make  that  fact  complete,  we  flew  to 
Yuma  and  were  married  June  first." 
{Continued  on  page  72) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirrof 

How  one  Tragic  Mistake  can  add 
Years  to  your  Face! 

CERTAIN  SHADES  of  powder  act  like  the  harsh,  unflatter- 
ing light  in  this  picture.  They  accent  every  line— exaggerate 
every  tiny  skin  defect,  and  even  the  size  of  the  pores— often 
make  a  woman  look  years  older  than  she  actually  is. 

BUT  THE  RIGHT  SHADE  of  face  powder  is  as  subtle  in  its 
flattery  as  the  perfect  lighting  in  this  picture.  It  subdues  the 
little  faults  of  the  skin— hides  the  lines  and  imperfections- 
makes  a  woman  look  younger  and  more  glamorous! 

One  Sure  Way  to  Avoid  This  Mistake! 

1\  T  7HENEVER  I  see  a  woman  who  is  the 

1  V  V  innocent  victim  of  an  unflattering 
shade  of  face  powder,  I  think:  "What  a 
pity!  She's  adding  tragic  years  to  her 
face,  making  herself  look  older  than  she 
is— and  so  needlessly!" 

\bur  face  powder  should  improve  your 
ppearance.  It  should  flatter  you,  make 
jyou  look  younger  and  lovelier.  If  the 
■powder  you  use  doesn't  do  these  things 
it  is  not  a  true  cosmetic! 

The  whole  secret  is  finding  the  exactly 
shade  of  powder  for  you— the  shade 
.that  gives  your  skin  new  glamor.  And 
aow  you  can!  \es,  now  you  can  find  your 
*nost  flattering  shade  of  face  powder— 
without  guesswork. 

How  fo  find  your  Lucky  Shade 

Here's  how:  Send  today  for  the  9  thrill- 
ng  new  shades  of  Lady  Esther  Face 
Powder.  Try  them  all,  one  after  another, 
"ight  on  your  own  skin.  Keep  looking  in 

I  BRUARY,    1942 

your  mirror— it  will  tell  you  when  you've 
found  your  Lucky  Shade! 

\bu  see,  my  powder  is  different  because 
it's  made  differently!  It's  made  a  new 
way— the  first  really  new  way  in  genera- 
tions. It's  blown  and  re-blown  by  TWIN 
hurricanes  until  it's  softer  and  finer  by 
far  than  any  ordinary  face  powder.  And 

it  goes  on  a  new  smoother  way  that 
makes  it  cling  hour  after  hour.  "Ves,  Lady 
Esther  Face  Powder  clings  and  flatters 
you  for  4  long  hours  or  more! 

Send  for  all  9  shades 

Find  your  most  flattering  shade  of  Lady 
Esther  Powder.  Just  mail  the  coupon  be- 
low for  the  9  new  shades  and  try  them 
all.  You'll  know  your  Lucky  Shade  — it 
makes  your  skin  look  younger,  lovelier! 

e^ad£_£^#&Z/  f 


Lady  Esther,  (75) 

7134  West  65 th  Street,  Chicago,  III. 

Send  me  your  9  new  shades  of  face  powder,  also 
a  generous  tube  of  4-Purpose  Face  Cream.  I  en- 
close IOC  to  cover  cost  of  packing  and  mailing. 




If  you  live  in  Car 

ada,  write  Lady  Esther,  Toronto,  Ont. 


(Continued  from  page  70)  Immediately 
after  the  wedding  (by  a  justice  of  the 
peace),  they  phoned  Gene's  father. 

"Oley  told  him  that  he  had  signed  away 
all  rights  to  my  money.  My  father  said, 
'My  blessings,  my  son."  Afterward,  how- 
ever, he  issued  that  famous  statement  to 
the  Press:  'Gene  is  just  a  misguided 
child.  She  has  been  carried  away  by  this 
suave  man  of  the  world.'  And  the  sob 
stories  began. 

"The  most  spiteful  one  was  written  by 
a  woman  I  had  never  even  seen,  who 
made  it  sound  as  if  she  knew  me  inti- 
mately. She  wondered  how  I  could  have 
married  a  man  named  Oleg,  she  ques- 
tioned his  background  and  she  intimated 
that  this  was  probably  only  the  first  of 
several  marriages  for  me.  I  couldn't  rest 
until  I  had  looked  up  that  woman. 
People  warned  me  against  doing  it — they 
said,  'She'll  only  write  worse  things' — 
but  I  wanted  to  know  that  she  knew 
exactly  what  I  thought  of  her  ...  I'd 
love  to  put  her  background  against  my 

"/^\LEY  is  no  phony.  He  didn't  give 
^  himself  the  title  of  'Count.'  He 
was  born  with  it — a  descendant  of  sev- 
eral generations  of  Polish  and  Ukranian 
nobility.  His  grandfather,  Count  Arthur 
Cassini,  was  Russian  Ambassador  to  the 
United  States.  (Port  Arthur,  Texas,  was 
named  in  his  honor.) 

"Oley"  was  born  Count  Oleg  Loiewski 
Cassini  de  Capizucchi,  in  Paris,  where  his 
father  was  then  in  the  diplomatic  service 
of  Imperial  Russia.  When  Russia  went 
Red.  the  Cassinis — being  White  Russians 
— found  themselves  a  family  without  a 
country.  Switzerland  gave  them  haven, 
in  Montreux.  There  Oleg's  mother 
opened  a  small  dress  shop.  The  venture 
prospered  and  they  moved  to  Italy, 
where  opportunity  seemed  to  beckon. 

Growing  up,  Oleg  showed  artistic  tal- 
ent. When  he  was  twenty,  his  mother 
sent  him  to  Paris  to  study  art.  His 
teacher  said,  "You  have  talent,  but  you 
won't  be  a  great  artist  until  you  have  a 
soul — ten  or  fifteen  years  from  now." 
Oleg  couldn't  afford  to  wait  that  long. 
He  decided  he  had  better  commercialize 
his  talent.  He  went  back  to  Italy,  started 
sketching  dress  designs  for  his  mother's 
salon.  Since  the  customers  liked  his 
sketches,  his  mother  sent  him  back  to 
Paris  to  study  with  Patou,  the  famous 
French   designer. 

The  family  came  to  America  five  years 
ago,  to  escape  the  European  trend  of 
things.  Oleg  connected  in  New  York 
with  Designer  Jo  Copeland,  then  came 
on  to  Hollywood,  where,  for  a  year  and 
a  half,  he  worked  for  Paramount.  Now 
he's  working  for  himself — his  first  assign- 
ment, just  completed,  being  the  creation 
of  the  gowns  in  "Shanghai  Gesture," 
starring  Gene  Tierney.  And  he  has  done 
all  right  by  his  bride.  In  fact,  he  has 
done   sensationally. 

So  sensationally  that  Twentieth  Cen- 
tury-Fox has  signed  him  to  create  the 
gowns  for  Ginger  Rogers,  Rita  Hay- 
worth  and  their  feminine  co-stars  in 
the  all-star  "Tales  of  Manhattan."  Three 
other  big  assignments  are  to  follow. 

People  have  been  commenting  lately 
that  Gene  has  suddenly  "grown  up,"  be- 
come a  poised  young  sophisticate. 

Gene  said,  "I  can  thank  Oley  for  that. 
I  didn't  know  how  to  dress  the  part 
until  he  came  into  my  life.  And,  for 
that  matter,  I  didn't  know  how  to  act  the 
part.  It's  one  thing  to  get  all  rigged  up, 
and  another  thing  to  carry  it  off.  I  gave 
away  all  my  dresses  last  week.  From 
now  on,  everything  I  wear  off  the  screen 
will  be  designed  by  my  husband.  And 
I  want  people  to  know  it." 

Gene  added,  "Oley  has  been  good  for 


U(>to-the-minute  data  on  John  Boles: 
He  retired  voluntarily  from  films  in 
'38;  won  U.S.  and  South  American  fame 
singing;  now  returns  to  the  screen 
in   Monogram's  "Road  To  Happiness" 

me  in  so  many  ways.  He  has  given  me 
confidence  that  I  never  had  before.  I 
feel  as  if  I  am  just  beginning  to  live.  My 
life  is  complete  at  last." 

And  she  wasn't  thinking  of  the  sen- 
sational movie  breaks  she  has  had  since 
her  marriage — in  "Sundown,"  "Shanghai 
Gesture"  and  now  "Son  Of  Fury"  (op- 
posite Tyrone  Power). 

She  commented,  smiling,  "Sometimes  I 
think  he  knows  me  better  than  I  know 
myself.  The  other  day,  for  example,  I 
did  something  he  didn't  like — but  he 
found  a  marvelous  way  to  tell  me  so. 
'Don't  ever  do  that  again,  Gene,'  he  said. 
'You're  such  a  wonderful  person  in  my 
mind — an  ideal.  I  don't  want  anything 
to  shatter  that.  I  don't  want  to  believe 
that  the  girl  of  my  ideal  could  do  a 
thing  like  that.'  If  anything  could  per- 
suade me  of  the  error  of  my  ways,  that 
could  .  .  .  And  I'm  getting  pretty  under- 
standing myself.  Last  Sunday,  for  exam- 
ple, he  was  burning  some  things  out  in 
the  back  yard  and  the  fire  got  a  little 
out  of  control.  He  was  trying  to  beat  it 
out  with  a  stick.  I  rushed  out  with  a 
pan  of  water — and  that  put  it  out.  But 
I  didn't  say,  'Why  didn't  you  think  of 
that?'  He  was  crestfallen  enough  that 
he  hadn't,  without  my  rubbing  it  in. 
And  I  know  he  appreciated  my  realizing 

THE  newly  weds  have  bought  a  small 
'  New  England  Colonial  house,  on  two 
acres  of  wooded  ground,  in  Hidden  Val- 
ley, an  offshoot  of  Coldwater  Canyon. 

"It  was  a  find  of  finds,"  Gene  said. 
"We  got  it  for  only  $10,000.  We  bought 
it  jointly.  We're  furnishing  it  on  the 
same  cooperative  basis.  He's  buying  the 
essential  things,  like  stoves  and  refrig- 
erators, and  I'll  supply  the  Early  Amer- 
ican touches." 

Speaking  of  homes,  there  had  recently 
been  a  to-do  in  the  newspapers  about 
the  possible  eviction  of  Gene's  father 
and  mother  from  their  home  at  Westport, 
Connecticut,     because     of     a     foreclosed 

mortgage.  The  mortgage-holder  had  been 
awarded  a  judgment  of  $5004  against  her 
parents,  "who  told  the  court  they  were 
attempting  to  refinance  the  debt."  As  if  to 
explain  the  Tierneys'  difficulties,  the 
newspapers  had  taken  pains  to  point  out 
that  Gene's  parents  not  only  had  opposed 
her  marriage  but  also  had  been  unsuc- 
cessful in  seeking  to  enforce  a  contract 
requiring  the  payment  of  twenty-five 
per  cent  of  her  earnings  to  the  family 
corporation  formed  to  handle  her  affairs. 
All  this  had  made  Gene  sound  like  a 
daughter  who  was  bitterly  disinterested 
in  what  happened  to  her  parents — or 
their  home. 

Gene's  eyes  flashed  green  fire  again, 
when  she  was  reminded  of  that  insinua- 
tion in  the  public  prints. 

"It's  true  that  I  haven't  seen  my  father 
since  my  marriage,  but  that  hasn't  been 
my  fault,"  she  said.  "I've  tried  repeat- 
edly to  have  him  come  to  Hollywood  and 
meet  my  husband — pending  the  time 
when  our  work  would  allow  Oley  and 
me  to  go  East.  He  has  never  met  Oley, 
you  know. 

"It  was  news  to  me,  as  much  as  it 
was  to  the  newspapers,  that  my  father 
and  mother  were  in  danger  of  losing 
their  home.  And  there  was  only  one 
reason  why  I  didn't  immediatelv  satisfy 
that  $5,000  judgment  myself.  I  didn't  have 
that  much  money  in  the  bank. 

"That's  probably  hard  for  people  to 
believe.  But  I've  been  getting  my  pay 
checks,  personally,  only  since  last  June — 
when  I  signed  this  new  contract.  Since 
then  I've  made  a  substantial  payment  on 
our  own  house  along  with  Oley,  and 
contracted  for  the  remodeling  of  that 
house  and  bought  a  fur  coat.  All  of 
which  has  kept  me  from  saving  very 

"Before  last  June  all  my  earnings  went 
to  the  family  corporation.  My  parents 
received  a  generous  percentage  of  every- 
thing I  earned.  The  remainder,  over  and 
above  my  living  expenses,  was  to  be 
kept  for  me  until  I  was  of  age.  When 
I  heard  of  my  parents'  difficulties,  I  was 
stunned.  I  told  my  father  to  take  enough 
of  my  funds  to  save  the  house.  He  didn't 
do  so — I  don't  know  why.  I'm  com- 
pletely baffled  by  the  whole  business.  I 
can't  understand  why  my  parents  should 
be  in  such  a  position  and  I  can't  explain 
why  my  father  didn't  take  my  sugges- 
tion— unless  it  was  a  matter  of  pride 
with  him.  A  matter  of  turning  over  my 
funds  to  me  intact  when  I'm  of  age. 

"I'll  be  of  age  after  November  nine- 
teenth. If  my  funds  are  turned  over  to 
me  then  and  their  house  hasn't  actually 
been  taken  over  yet,  I'll  pay  off  the 
mortgage  in  its  entirety." 

But  she  still  hadn't  told  why  she  wa> 
so  positive  her  marriage  was  going  to 

"I'll  tell  you  why,"  she  said.  "I  can 
compare  our  marriage  to  our  house.  Be- 
fore we  found  this  place,  I  looked  at  a 
hundred  houses.  I  liked  some  thing> 
about  one  house  and  other  things  abou: 
another  house — but  I  still  kept  on  look- 
ing, because  I  didn't  feel  that  I'd  yet 
found  exactly  the  right  house,  the  one  I 
could  live  in  for  keeps.  When  I  found 
this  house,  I  knew  that  it  was  the  one.  I 
didn't  have  to  look  any  farther. 

"Before  I  came  to  know  Oley,  I  looked 
over  other  men.  I  liked  some  things 
about  one,  and  other  things  about  an- 
other, and  I'd  rave  about  them — but  I 
didn't  make  a  final  choice  of  any  of  them, 
because  I  didn't  feel  that  I'd  found  the 
one  I  could  live  with  for  keeps.  But  when 
I  came  to  know  Oley,  I  had  that  same 
sure  feeling  that  I  didn't  have  to  look 
any  farther.  I  could  be  completely 
happy  with  him." 

The   End. 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Hollywood— Beware 
in  1942! 

(.Continued  jrom  page  31) 

Carole  Lombard:  ".  .  .  her  chart  warns 
of  a  health  condition."  All  the  world 
knows  that  Carole  has  not  been  well  this 
year  and  she  still  has  a  trying  period 
to  go  through;  nerves,  illnesses  difficult 
to  diagnose  correctly  and  emotional  dis- 

Ginger  Rogers:  "1941  is  a  good  career 
year  for  Ginger  Rogers.  Ginger  is  a  very 
i  talented  young  lady  and  can  rise  to  any 
heights  she  desires.  .  .  ." 

She  got  the  Academy  Award  for  her 
•work  in  "Kitty  Foyle."    Not  bad,  eh! 

Cory  Grant:  "Money,  prestige  and  ro- 
mance." It  looks  like  a  double  dose  of 
everything  for  Cary.  He  has  earned 
-  money  and  prestige  on  his  own  account. 
■  His  romance  with  Barbara  Hutton  has 
not  detracted  from  his  prestige  and 
money  surely  is  in  the  pockets  of  each 
of  them. 

Olivia  de  Havilland:  "A  year  full  of 
activity  for  Olivia  .  .  .  honors  .  .  .  awards 
.  .  .  and  financial  success." 

In  "The  Strawberry  Blonde"  she  was  a 
wonderful  surprise  even  to  her  severest 
critics  and  the  sincerity  and  simplicity 
of  her  performance  as  the  American 
schoolteacher  in  "Hold  Back  The  Dawn" 
must  surely  bring  her  honor  and  finan- 
cial success. 

Bette  Davis:  "Her  stars  point  to  mar- 
riage during  1941." 

I  don't  have  to  go  into  detail  about 
that  prediction.  It  happened  New  Year's 
Eve.   That's  close  enough  to  suit  me. 

Errol  Flynn:  "Beware,  Errol,  look  out 
for  trouble  through  the  opposite  sex." 

We  won't  mention  any  names,  but  it 
seems  there  was  a  famous  cafe  battle  and 
Errol  got  stabbed  by  a  lady  with  a  fork. 

".  .  .  accidents,  blackmail  and  di- 
vorce. .  .  ." 

Lili  Damita,  his  wife,  has  just  sued 
him  for  divorce. 

"Especially  be  on  your  guard,  Errol, 
from  July,  1941,  to  January,  1942." 

As  this  goes  to  press  there  is  still 
time  for  Errol  to  get  in  a  jam  so  I  hope 
he  stays  on  his  guard. 

Picture  that  proves  a  prophecy 
made  on  the  following  page:  Hedy 
Lamarr  has  a  dancing  date  with 
Reginald  Gardiner  at  the  Mocambo 

•'EBRUAHY,    1942 


'See  that  woman? — I'd 

swear  she  buys  a  different 
laundry  soap  every  week. 

"Know  how  she  buys? — She  comes  in  and  asks  me, 
'Which  one's  having  a  sale  today?'  So  I  tell  her  and  out 
she  goes,  pleased  as  Punch,  with  a  bagful  of 
bargains.  .  .  .  And  next  week  she's  back  again 
— buying  somebody  else's  soap." 

"Some  day  she'll  try  Fels-Naptha  Soap 
and  she'll  be  done  with  all  that,    ggj^ 
Instead  of  saving  pennies  here,      » t IS" NAP T I 
she'll  save  dollars  at  home 
you  wait  and  see." 


Ooesrit  this  open 
your  eyes  ? 

MAYBE  YOU'VE  NEVER  paid  much  attention 
when  we  told  you  Modess  is  softer.  Maybe 
you're  so  used  to  buying  one  type  of  napkin 
that  it  has  never  even  occurred  to  you  to  try 
another,  newer  type. 

WELL,  THEN,  LISTEN  to  over  10,000  women  who 
tested  Modess  against  the  napkin  they'd  been 
buying.*  3  out  of  every  4  of  these  women  dis- 
covered that  Modess  was  softer! 

SOFTER  THAN  THE  NAPKIN  they'd  been  buy- 
ing! The  vote  of  women  just  like  yourself! 
Doesn't  it  open  your  eyes?  Doesn't  it  make  you 
wonder  if  you,  too,  have  been  missing  out  on 
extra  comfort? 

next  time  you  buy  napkins.  And  if  you  don't 
agree  with  millions  of  loyal  users  that  Modess  is 
softer,  more  comfortable  than  any  napkin  you' ve 
ever  used,  just  return  the  package  insert  slip  to 
the  Personal  Products  Corporation,  Milltown, 
X.  J.,  together  with  a  letter  stating  your  ob- 
jections. We'll  gladly  refund  your  full  purchase 

*Let  us  send  you  tin-  full  details  of  this  amazing  S.,fi  ness 
Test.  Write  the  Personal  Products  Corp.,  Milltown,  N.  J. 

3  out  of  every  4  voted 




Hint  to  pretties: 
Wendy  Barrie,  run- 
ning partner  of 
George  Sanders  in 
"The  Gay  Falcon," 
ties  a  brico  scarf  un- 
der her  chin,  smiles 
for  the  camera, 
gives  her  public  a 
smart  idea  of  what  a 
scarf  does  for  a  girl 

Pronounce  Modess  to  rhyme  with  "Oh  Yes" 

"As  for  Errol's  career — unless  he  jeop- 
ardizes it  by  his  Martian  (meaning  under 
the  influence  of  Mars)  activities,  the  year 
brings  him  additional  popularity." 

"They  Died  With  Their  Boots  On" 
promises  to  be  his  biggest  success  since 
"Captain  Blood."  We'll  be  "back  in  a 
flash  with  a  flash"  about  Errol's  doings 
for  1942. 

Ann  Sheridan:  "1941  brings  bewilder- 
ing waves  of  good  fortune  but  it  also 
brings  unexpected  waves  of  adversity. 
However,  the  two  seem  to  balance." 

For  a  time  it  looked  as  though  Ann's 
differences  with  her  studio  might  spell 
the  end  of  her  brief  career    (adversity). 

"August  1  begins  a  new  and  exciting 
cycle  for  her  professionally." 

Her  differences  settled,  it  looks  as 
though  Ann  is  now  'well  on  her  way  to 
being  established.  Her  romantic  life? 
Wait  a  few  pages. 

Deanno  Durbin:  ".  .  .  Remember  that 
whatever  happens,  1944  and  1945  see  you 
achieve  far  greater  success  than  you 
have  had  so  far.  You  have  excellent 
judgment;  be  sure  you  use  it." 

Very  good  advice  for  Deanna  to  re- 
member now,  in  the  light  of  her  trouble 
with  her  studio  and  the  fact  that  Uni- 
versal holds  her  contract  until  1943. 

Hedy  Lomarr:  "November  9,  1941,  be- 
gins a  new  cycle  favorable  for  publicity 
and  this  period  seems  to  bring  her  into 
very  beneficial  contact  with  writers  or 

By  the  time  you  read  this  you  will 
know  whether  this  prediction  is  accurate 
or  not.    It  is  too  early  for  me  to  tell. 

"As  for  love — January  1  to  4  sees  the 
beginning  of  a  new  love  affair  or  the 
revival   of  an   old   one." 

There  are  and  have  been  many  re- 
ports about  Hedy  and  Reginald  Gardiner 
up  to  the  time  of  her  marriage  to  Gene 
Markey  and  after  her  divorce  from  him. 
Also  she  seems  to  play  quite  a  game  of 
hide-and-seek  with  John  Howard  and 
last  January  she  resumed  her  friendship 
with  both  of  these  men  according  to 
the  gossip  columns  and  still  sees  them 
both   if  rumor  is  to  be  trusted. 

AND  so  with  Hedy  we  leave  1941  and 
spread  out  the  astrological  charts  to 
read  what  1942  holds  for  the  Hollywood 

Stirling  Hayden:  Since  there  has  been 
so  much  speculation  about  Stirling  Hay- 
den, let's  start  off  with  a  look  at  his  chart. 
Mars,   planet   of   war   and   energy,   is   in 


Stirling's  fifth  house,  house  of  the  movies, 
and  in  Leo,  sign  of  the  actor,  but  it  is 
opposed  to  Venus,  planet  of  love,  and 
Uranus,  the  planet  that  accounts  for  sud- 
den and  unexpected  events  and  erratic 
behavior.  Therefore,  when  Stirling  an- 
nounced that  he  was  getting  out  of  the 
movies,  he  meant  just  that.  Strange  as 
it  may  seem,  this  good-looking  boy 
doesn't  give  a  hang  about  the  plaudits 
of  the  public;  in  fact,  he  shrinks  from 
publicity  and  exploitation.  It  is  my  guess 
that  all  the  publicity  about  him  and 
Madeleine  Carroll  makes  him  even  more 
determined  to  get  out  of  the  public  eye. 

Stirling  is  best  fitted  for  work  behind 
the  scenes,  whether  it  be  in  the  movies 
or  with  the  Government.  During  1942 
Stirling  appears  to  be  doing  work  in 
seclusion.  It  could  very  well  be  in  the 
Intelligence  Department,  with  a  branch 
of  radio,  or  it  may  be  some  secret  mis- 
sion. He  has  a  keen  inventive  mind  and 
someday  money  will  come  to  him  through 
invention  or  creative  work.  His  chart 
tells  us  that  he  is  fitted  to  give  rather 
than  to  take  orders. 

Now  let's  see  about  the  Madeleine  Car- 
roll angle.  If  the  birth  date  I  have  is 
correct,  Stirling  began  to  get  restless  and 
dissatisfied  along  in  May,  1941.  In  July 
romance  and  love  ran  riot  causing  a  ter- 
rific emotional  conflict.  As  for  love  in 
1942,  August  or  early  September  brings 
him  either  a  renewal  of  the  love  of  July. 
1941,  or  a  new  love  and  with  it  marriage. 

Kathryn  Grayson:  She  took  matters 
into  her  own  hands  and  pranced  off  to 
marry  the  man  of  her  choice  with  com- 
plete disregard  for  the  powers  that  be 
or  her  indebtedness  to  them.  Now  she 
must  watch  out  this  year  for  conflict 
and  trouble  between  her  and  those  in 
authority  and  think  well  before  she  acts 
She  can  rise  to  great  heights  and  will  re- 
tain her  popularity  with  the  public;  but 
she  should  remember  that  the  public 
must  see  and  hear  her  in  order  to  appre- 
ciate her  and  that  it  is  the  people  behind 
the  scenes  who  can  block  or  open  up  the 
road  to  success. 

During  1942,  Kathryn,  your  luck  and 
your  stars  won't  be  pulling  for  you  quite 
so  strongly  as  they  were  in  1941,  so  use 
that  alert  brain  of  yours  to  control  you: 
impulsive  nature  and  heed  the  advice  of 
your  elders. 

Robert  Stack:  I  don't  know  anything 
about  Robert  Stack  except  an  astrolog- 
ical chart  on  a  piece  of  white  paper,  so 
if   I   stick   my   neck    out   and   into   your 

photoplay  combined  tuith  movie  mirror 

private    affairs,    Robert,    and    cause    you 
any  trouble,  please  forgive  me. 

Robert's  chart  shows  him  to  be  tem- 
peramental, independent  and  much  in- 
clined to  act  first  and  think  afterward. 
He  has  a  keen  mind  and  a  good  memory 
and  his  popularity  will  increase  as  he 
grows  older.  He  should  be  given  serious 
parts.  His  chart  shows  a  stormy  love 
life  and  plenty  of  it. 

Dynamic  aspects  are  in  his  chart  for 
1942  which  may  interrupt  his  career  in 
September  or  October. 

Joan  Crawford:  It  looks  as  though 
Joan  Crawford  has  gone  in  for  consid- 
erable seclusion  this  past  year  and  I  have 
an  idea  that  she  is  going  to  spring  a  few 
surprises  come  1942. 

July  and  August  mark  a  favorable 
period  for  a  new  venture.  She  appears 
to  break  away  from  former  activities  and 
to  seek  a  new  vehicle  for  self-expression. 
This  will  be  a  particularly  fine  time 
for  her  to  sign  a  radio  contract  or  begin 
a  radio  program,  concert  work,  perhaps 
even  opera.  Don't  let  anyone  fool  you 
about  Joan's  voice.  She  really  has  one. 
Venus  in  Taurus  proves  it. 

Joan  is  as  full  of  surprises  as  a  church 
fair  grab  bag  and  she  may  pull  out  a 
love  affair  or  marriage  which  has  thus 
far  escaped  the  press.  Around  February 
20  romance  rears  its  beautiful  head  again 
and  between  February  and  early  summer 
there  is  a  strong  indication  that  she 
will  announce  her  marriage. 

Great  happiness  comes  to  Joan  through 

George  Sanders:  He  has  a  remarkable 
chart  and  at  last  he  is  really  coming  into 
his  own  in  spite  of  those  who  have  thus 
far  kept  him  back.  He  has  originality, 
force,  magnetism,  sex  appeal  and  brains 
and  could  handle  a  three-way  contract — 
writing,  acting  and  directing.  Instead  of 
heavies  and  menaces  he  should  play 
swashbuckling  romantics  or  sophisti- 
cated romantic  parts. 

The  next  two  years  for  George  should 
be  super.  His  finances  appear  to  boom 
and  though  I  seldom  advise  it,  in  his 
case,  after  July,  1942,  he  can  even  afford 
to  take  financial  risks. 

If  unmarried  now,  George  cannot 
escape  much  longer  if  the  woman  with 
whom  he  is  in  love  is  free;  and  sure  as 
fate  he  is  in  love  according  to  every 
indication  in  his  chart.  For  George  San- 
ders from  now  into  the  fall  of  '42  will 
be  a  very  romantic  period. 

Judy  Garland:  The  new  year  brings 
even  more  success  to  her  and  anything 
she  starts  the  last  week  in  May  will 
bring  her  happiness  and  good  luck. 

However,  she  must  be  on  her  guard 
against  people  who  may  try  to  double- 
cross  her.  Judy  is  idealistic  and  loyal  to 
a  fault  and  this  year  she  may  suffer  loss 
through  the  opposite  sex.  This  can  refer 
to  business,  friendship  or  love.  So  use 
caution,  Judy,  in  every  decision  you 
make  during  1942. 

There  is  a  bird  looming  in  the  dis- 
tance and  it  looks  as  though  the  stork 
may  circle  over  the  Garland -Rose  home 
in  1942  or  early  1943. 

Hedy  Lamarr:  From  February  1  to 
March  6,  Hedy  must  be  careful  of  acci- 
dents, especially  at  the  studio  or  on  loca- 
tion. After  June  long  journeys  are 
favored  for  her,  particularly  a  sea  voy- 
age. She  may  go  to  distant  lands  to 
make  a  picture,  as  an  entertainer  or  on 
a  friendly  mission. 

The  stars  indicate  marriage  or  a  thrill- 
ing love  affair  in  April  or  May  and 
money  comes  to  her  through  marriage, 
inheritance,  partnership  or  business. 

Errol  Flynn:  He  has  to  beware  of  the 
opposite  sex;  even  more  so  than  in  1941. 
They  spell  bad  news  for  you  this  year, 
Errol,  so   if  you  haven't   any   caution   of 

FEBRUARY.    1942 

Gown  by  courtesy  of  Milgrim,  New  York 

Use  FRESH  #2  and  stay  fresher! 

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FRESH  #2  corres  in  three  sizes— 50V  for 
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Make  your  own  test  at  our  expense.  Once 
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Dept.  MF-2,  Louisville,  Ky. 
We'll  send  you  a  trial-size  jar 
of  FRESH  *-l,  postpaid. 

Companion  of  FRESH #2  is  FRESH #1. 
FRESH  #1  deodorizes,  but  does  not 
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Joan  Blondell,  starring  in  Re- 
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I  want  to  have  those  soft  hands  Joan  Blondell  advises. 
Please  send  purse-size  botde  of  Jergens  Lotion — frit. 



City State . 

your  own,  hire  ten  people  if  necessary 
to  protect  you.  From  the  middle  of  Au- 
gust through  September  you  might  in- 
crease the  ten  to  twenty  and  keep  them 
around  you  for  the  balance  of  the  year. 

From  the  end  of  May  well  into  June 
Errol  is  favored  in  his  career  and  his 
box-office  appeal,  for  he  has  Jupiter 
conjuncting  his  sun,  an  aspect  which 
occurs  once  every  twelve  years. 

Myrna  Loy:  The  month  of  May  brings 
a  period  of  emotional  strain  to  Myrna 
Loy  and  she  will  probably  have  to  keep 
her  chin  up  just  as  she  has  for  the  past 
year  and  a  half.  The  middle  of  June, 
however,  should  put  an  end  to  Myrna's 
domestic  troubles. 

June  brings  her  unexpected  benefits 
both  in  career  and  finances  and  this  will 
be  a  wise  time  to  sign  contracts,  papers 
or  to  enter  into  a  profitable  partnership. 

Myrna  has  managed  to  triumph  over 
her  adverse  aspects  so  far  and  if  she 
can  carry  on  until  June,  her  stars  will 
bring  her  her  heart's  desire. 

Olivia  de  Havilland:  She's  another  girl 
who  is  coming  under  wonderful  aspects 
around  June  10  for  the  remainder  of 
the  year.  Olivia's  stars  point  to  an  award 
either  for  1942  or  possibly  in  1943  for 
work  begun  this  year.  Now,  Olivia  scales 
the  heights.  April  1  she  comes  under 
Jupiterian  vibrations  which  increase  her 
magnetism  and  give  her  a  much  stronger 
appeal  for  men  than  she  has  had  pre- 

During  March  and  April,  Olivia,  guard 
against  accidents  and  hasty  decisions  and 
don't  get  temperamental. 

Alice  Faye:  In  February  and  March. 
Alice  Faye  meets  responsibilities  which 
cannot   be   sidestepped. 

She  must  take  care  of  her  health  and 
wratch  her  finances,  for  this  is  a  period 
which,  if  not  properly  handled,  can  have 
a  far-reaching  affect  upon  her  career  and 
her  life. 

From  May  until  the  middle  of  June. 
Alice,  guard  against  accidents  from  fire. 
electricity  and  water.  Guard  your  health 
and  be  more  conservative  in  every  way. 

August  15  marks  a  good  period  for 
Alice  to  resume  her  career  if  she  heeds 
all  the  foregoing  advice. 

Shirley  Temple:  1942  appears  to  release 
Shirley  from  the  Mars  tension  which  has 
been  obstructing  her  career  for  such  a 
long  time.  After  her  birthday  in  April 
she  comes  under  better  aspects,  but  until 
1943,  radio,  rather  than  motion  pictures, 
should  be  her  medium. 

Deanna  Durbin:  Even  though  her  last 
picture  was  a  wow,  she  had  better  not 
try  to  force  any  issues  until  July.  1943. 
For  no  matter  how  far  out  she  sticks 
that  pretty,  well-rounded  chin  of  hers 
she  can't  win.  Lie  low,  Deanna,  go  along 
amicably  until  next  year  when  the  lucky 
stars  that  put  you  where  you  are  today 
favor  you  again. 

Bette  Davis:  You  and  I  will  all  be 
happy  to  realize  that  Bette's  marriage 
looks  secure  for  1942.  She  is  under 
splendid  vibrations  from  Uranus  this 
year  and  her  career  continues  to  boom. 
During  the  latter  part  of  February  and 
early  in  March  Bette  must  look  out  for 
accidents  and  disagreements,  for  Mars 
makes  her  hotheaded  and  hard  to  get 
along   with. 

Nothing  but  a  transit  of  Mars,  the 
warrior,  Bette,  so  count  one  thousand 
every  time  you're  tempted   to  get   riled. 

NOW    let's   gaze   into   the   future   year 
for     some     of     Hollywood's    famous 

Stanwyck  and  Taylor:  The  charts  of 
these  two  blend  as  though  the  match  had 
been  made  in  heaven  instead  of  in  Holly- 
wood. This  is  one  movie  marriage  that 
shows  every  indication  of  enduring.    Bob 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

is  practical  and  his  practical  side  serves 
to  stabilize  Barbara's  high-strung,  emo- 
tional side.  He  is  also  romantic  and 
sympathetic.  Every  woman  knows  how 
necessary  this  is  to  make  marriage  last. 

In  comparing  their  charts  I  find  not 
only  congeniality  and  harmony  but  com- 
plete understanding  and  as  if  this  were 
not  enough  the  1942  planets  shower  them 
with  wealth  and  success. 

During  1942  Bob's  career  moves  along 
at  the  same  even  pace  and  he  maintains 
the  prestige  he  has  earned. 

Barbara  is  coming  under  marvelous 
vibrations.  I  believe  she  will  win  some 
sort  of  an  award  this  or  next  year. 

This  year  the  stars  make  up  for  some 
of  the  dirty  tricks  they  have  played  on 
her  in  the  past  and  bring  her  whatever 
she  most  desires,  whether  it  is  recog- 
nition for  her  work,  a  long-cherished 
secret  dream,  or  possibly  a  child,  her 
own  or  an  adopted  one. 

Gable  and  Lombard:  Last  year  I  told 
you  all  about  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clark  Gable 
and  how  well  suited  they  are  in  every 
way.  They  still  are — but  I  want  to  warn 
Clark  that  due  to  the  transiting  Jupiter 
in  opposition  to  his  radix  Jupiter,  Saturn 
and  Venus,  he  will  be  under  bad  aspects. 
He  must  be  as  conventional  as  a  country 
schoolmarm  during  all  of  1942  and  espe- 
cially during  August.  The  heretofore 
tolerant  public  will  scowl  and  turn 
thumbs  down  at  Clark's  slightest  devia- 
tion from  the  path  of  convention. 

August  and  part  of  September  are  bad 
for  Carole  also.  Her  chart  indicates  some 
sort  of  whispering  campaign  affecting  her 
home  started  early  and  which,  under  the 
bad  aspects  of  August  and  September, 
can  turn  into  loud  talk  and  black  head- 
lines if  not  checked  in  its  infancy. 
These  aspects  affect  only  Carole's  home. 
Her  career  prospers  and  brings  her  new 
acclaim  and  her  health,  which  has  not 
been  too  robust,  should  improve  after 

Clark,  be  careful.  You  can  lick  your 
stars,  you  know. 

Cory  Grant  and  Barbara  Hutton:  The 
charts  of  these  two  indicate  that  they 
could  have  been  married  last  May.  Any- 
how, I'll  wager  that  they  came  close  to 
it.  If  they  were  not  married  then,  I 
think  they  will  marry  between  June 
and  January,  1943. 

Ginger  Rogers  and  George  Mont- 
gomery: Harmony  in  their  charts,  but 
marriage  would  not  work  out.  Ginger's 
true  love  is  her  career  and  any  and  every 
man  she  marries  will  have  to  play  sec- 
ond fiddle.  It  isn't  any  secret  that  there 
comes  a  day  when  any  man  resents  this 
no  matter  how  much  he  loves  his  wife. 

Ginger's  career  is  safe  and  sound,  much 
more  so  than  her  love  life. 

George  Montgomery  definitely  should 
not  marry  this  year.  Nineteen-forty-two 
brings  him  honor  and  recognition  and 
money,  but  no  lasting  happiness  if  he 
flouts  the  warnings  of  his  stars  and  weds. 
Ann  Sheridon  and  George  Brent:      Both 

Flash  From  Miss  Garbo! 

Believe  it  or  not,  we  have  suc- 
ceeded in  gathering  some  highly 
confidential  and  most  revealing 
glimpses  of  this  lady  of  silence 
whom  Bette  Davis  calls  the 
greatest  actress  in  pictures. 
Watch     for     the     March     issue. 

is  meant  tor  mm®- 


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Let  me  try  the  new  Jergens  Face  Cream  at  your  ex- 
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FEBRUARY,    1942 






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of  them  have  their  Sun  in  Pisces.  It 
looks  like  a  true  love  affair  (no  matter 
what  the  recent  gossip  is)  and  it  would 
last  anywhere  but  in  Hollywood.  Ac- 
cording to  their  horoscopes  it  should 
even  outsmart  Hollywood.  Whether  the 
love  affair  lasts  or  not  there  should 
always  be  a  deep  friendship. 

June  10  to  July  15  favors  romance  for 
both  and  can  very  well  lead  them  to 
the  altar  or  a  justice  of  the  peace,  despite 
their  present  reported  break.  Both  are 
also  under  good  career  aspects  during 
these  months. 

Ann  must  be  careful  of  travel  the 
latter  part  of  February  and  in  March 
and  she  must  be  cautious.  Don't  sign 
any  papers,  Ann,  without  the  advice  of 
at  least  two  good  lawyers. 

George's  health  should  improve  after 
his  birthday  in  March. 

Careful  of  finances  in  June,  George, 
money  seems  to  go  out  faster  than  it 
comes  in.  Around  the  middle  of  June 
new  ventures  are  very  successful  for 
you,  perhaps  a  picture,  or  marriage  or 

Betty  Grable  and  George  Raft:I  could 
not  get  George  Raft's  authentic  birth 
year  and  I  certainly  would  like  to  have 
it,  for  I  would  like  to  untangle  him  for 
myself  and  his  public  and  find  out  just 
what  is  his  fatal  charm  for  women. 

According  to  the  chart  I  drew  up  from 
the  date  sent  me,  his  career  is  favored  if 
he  doesn't  gum  it  up  himseli.  Someone 
will  try  to  separate  George  and  his  money 
and  may  succeed  in  doing  so.  Inwardly 
he  will  feel  dissatisfied  with  everything 
and  be  inclined  to  tell  the  world  and 
his  employers  about  it. 

Take  off  those  dark  glasses  of  gloom. 
George  Raft,  and  let  the  sun  shine  in. 
This  year  Saturn  makes  you  gloomy: 
Uranus  upsets  your  apple  cart  and  the 
strangest  things  may  happen;  and  Mars 
makes  you  sore  at  the  whole  cockeyed 
world;  but  Jupiter  will  bring  you  good 
luck  if  you  will  forget  the  other  planets 
and  concentrate  on  him.  Keep  your 
mouth  shut  and  your  eyes  and  ears  open. 

Betty  Grable's  chart  shows  strong 
dominance  of  an  older  person,  heavy 
expenses  and  greater  responsibility  than 
one  of  her  age  should  carry. 

She  is  very  magnetic  and  has  consid- 
erable dramatic  ability.  Thus  far  her 
gorgeous  figure  has  blinded  her  follow- 
ing to  her  talent. 

The  latter  half  of  1942  brings  her  near 
the  top  in  her  profession.  December  18. 
1941,  indicates  the  breaking  up  of  old 
conditions  and  begins  a  new  cycle  which 
brings  Betty  happiness  and  benefit. 

She  will  be  under  excellent  vibrations 
for  marriage,  for  she  has  Jupiter  Ln  her 
house  of  marriage  this  year.  I  doubt  if 
George  Raft  is  the  man  because  Bett> ''s 
stars  point  to  a  new  romance. 

That's  all,  and  remember  this,  all  of 
you  who  have  read  these  words  and  may 
be  wondering  about  your  own  year  ahead. 
you  can  control  your  destiny  by  heeding 
the  advice  and  warning  of  your  stars. 
When  Saturn,  the  red  light,  flashes,  stop! 
Stop  dead  and  wait  for  the  go  sign  from 
Jupiter.  When  Mars,  the  warrior,  warns 
you  not  to  scrap  and  argue,  stay  away 
from  people  until  the  Mars  transit  moves 
on.  It  only  stays  in  one  sign  two  months, 

Just  don't  try  to  butt  your  head  against 
the  fence  of  the  stars.  Wait  until  the 
proper  time  and  the  gate  will  open  of  its 
own  accord. 

Good  luck  to  all  of  vou  for  1942. 


To  the  readers  of  Photoplay-Movie 
Mirror:  Your  solar  chart  can  be  obtainec 
by  sending  your  birth  date  and  one  dollar 
to  Matilda  Trotter,  Bradford  Woods. 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirrof 


(Continued  jrom  page  38)  Girl,"  he 
worked  as  a  sort  of  apprentice  to  each 
of  the  production  heads — learning  about 
picture-making  from  start  to  finish.  His 
"director  fund"'  is  a  sum  set  aside  toward 
a  day  when  he  will  renounce  acting  and 
try  to  get  himself  a  director's  job. 

"Maybe  that  won't  be  easy  to  do,  but 
if  it  isn't,  I'll  have  my  'fund'  to  live  on 
until  I  can  get  started,"  he  explained. 

Eddie  said  that  another  ten  per  cent 
of  his  earnings  goes  into  various  forms 
of  life  insurance,  both  endowment  poli- 
cies and  ordinary  life  policies  that  can 
be  converted  into  annuities. 

"I  want  to  know  my  wife  will  be  taken 
care  of  if  anything  happens  to  me,"  he 
said.  "Seems  to  me  too  many  fellows 
don't  care  what  happens  to  their  families 
after  they  themselves  are  dead." 

The  remaining  ten  per  cent  of  Eddie's 
salary  saved  goes  into  a  fund  he  and 
his  wife  call  their  "house  fund."  With 
this  they  are  going  to  build  or  buy  a 
house,  but  not  until  they  have  enough 
10  make  a  good  substantial  cash  payment. 

Little  June  ("Half  Pint"  they  call  her 
at  Paramount)  Preisser  also  saves  twen- 
ty-five per  cent  of  her  earnings,  she 
declared  proudly.  (This  is  in  addition  to 
the  fifty  per  cent  automatically  im- 
pounded until  she  is  twenty-one  by  the 
State  of  California  under  the  "Coogan 

"Besides,"  she  added,  "a  girl  likes  to 
be  independent  even  though  she  does 
finally  find  herself  a  husband  to  support 
her!"  (June  is  engaged  to  Gar  Wood  Jr. 
and  will  probably  be  getting  married 
any  day  now.)  She  said  she  likes  to 
have  ready  cash  on  hand  and  so  half 
of   her   savings   go   right   into    the   bank. 

Will  You  Ever  Be  Rich? 

She  buys  annuities  with  the  other  half. 
"You  know — so  I'll  have  a  steady  in- 
come when  I  become  old  and  feeble,  but 
not  a  big  sum  of  money  which  some 
slicker  might  get  away  from  me.  You 
know  how  impractical  old  ladies  are.  .  .  ." 
She  grinned  that  engaging  Preisser  grin. 

ELLA  NEAL  declared  she  is  saving 
■-  twenty  per  cent  of  her  earnings  which, 
she  insisted,  proudly,  "is  pretty  darn  good 
when  you  figure  I've  only  been  in  pic- 
tures a  year  and  don't  exactly  make  a 

When  Ella  was  given  her  Paramount 
contract,  her  mother  signed  a  release 
guaranteeing  not  to  claim  any  of  her 
earnings.  Thus  none  of  her  salary  is 
impounded  by  the  state,  though  she  is 
not  yet  twenty-one.  Her  savings  include 
payments  on  a  small  endowment  insur- 
ance policy,  which  her  parents  took  out 
for  her  some  time  ago  in  order  to  teach 
her  to  save  money,  and  bank  accounts. 
She  said  she  wants,  someday,  to  buy  a 
dress  shop  and  design  the  clothes  herself. 

Phil  Terry  said  he  saves  about  twenty- 
five  per  cent  of  what  he  makes  and  that 
practically  all  of  that  goes  into  govern- 
ment bonds. 

"I'm  patriotic,  you  see,"  he  remarked. 
And  then,  grinning,  "Besides,  government 
bonds  are  a  darn  good  investment!" 

Betty  Jaynes  Rhodes  (who  in  private 
life  is  Mrs.  Douglas  McPhail  and  has  a 
small  daughter)  admitted  she  doesn't 
save  much  of  her  money  besides  the 
fifty  per  cent  which  is  automatically  im- 
pounded by  the  state,  since  she  is  not 
of  age.  She  said,  however,  that  she  does 
carry  a  small  life  insurance  policy  for 
the  baby  and  another  for  Douglas. 

A  BOUT  this  time,  most  of  the  group 
*"*  were  called  back  to  work,  but  they 
left  us  with  something  to  think  about. 
Was  such  practicality  typical  in  this 
fabulous  Hollywood  of  ours,  or  was  it 
simply  remarkable  coincidence  that  all 
in  this  sextette  should  handle  their  money 
so  carefully,  while  others  trod  the  tra- 
ditional path  of  extravagance?  So  we 
interviewed  a  large  group  of  Hollywood's 
best  known  starlets — not  the  Mickey 
Rooneys  or  the  Judy  Garlands,  to  whom 
wealth  and  security  are  already  definitely 
assured,  but  those  who  have  not  yet 
climbed  quite  so  high  and  whose  salaries 
are  not,  therefore,  quite  so  large. 

There  is  Tim  Holt  who  says,  "Saving 
is  forgetting  that  you  make  as  much 
money  as  you  do."  Tim,  as  you  know, 
has  a  contract  with  RKO.  He  also  has  a 
real  business  head  on  his  shoulders.  He 
started  out  with  nothing.  He's  been 
working  five  years.  During  that  five 
years,  he  has  acquired  a  wife,  a  baby, 
a  fifteen-acre  ranch,  a  completely  fur- 
nished home  on  the  Pacific  Palisades, 
five  horses,  a  large  amount  of  life  insur- 
ance and  a  small  savings  account. 

He  bought  the  ranch  from  a  bank 
whose  officers  he  talked  into  selling  with- 
out the  usual  down  payment — since  he 
didn't  have  any  down  payment.  Now, 
the  establishment  which  is  run  by  a  man 
who  formerly  worked  for  Tim's  father, 
Jack  Holt,  is  practically  paying  for  it- 
self. To  date,  Tim  figures  it  has  cost  him 
about  twenty-five  per  cent  of  his  earn- 
ings— which,  he  points  out,  weren't  very 
much  at  the  beginning  of  his  career. 
Besides  this,  Tim  has  invested  about 
fifteen  per  cent  of  his  income  in  life 
insurance — the    kind    that    later    can    be 



.  -fgL 





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today  ft       J  OUnces 
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•k     Pepsi-Cola  is  made  only  by  Pepsi-Cola  Company,  Long  Island  City,  N.  Y.  Bottled  locally  by  Authorized  Bottlers  from  coast  to  coast,      "At 

FEBRUARY,    1942  79 



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converted  into  annuities. 

Now  that  his  ranch  is  costing  less  and 
less  of  his  earnings,  Tim  is  putting  the 
surplus  into  defense  bonds.  He  keeps 
only  a  small  amount  of  cash  in  the  bank. 
"I  think  money  should  work  for  you, 
rather  than  lie  idle,"  he  said. 

Anne  Shirley,  also  at  RKO,  says  she 
saves  approximately  fifteen  per  cent  of 
her  salary,  which  is  disposed  of  as  fol- 
lows: Ten  per  cent  in  government  bonds, 
bought  for  her  baby  daughter;  five  per 
cent  in  life  insurance  which  can  be  con- 
verted into  annuities  later  on  if  she 
wishes.  She  uses  another  five  per  cent 
of  her  income  for  payments  on  an  an- 
nuity she  is  buying  for  her  mother.  Anne 
is,  also,  one  of  those  sagacious  movie  stars 
who  puts  away  a  certain  sum  each  week 
into  an  "income  tax  fund."  Although  in 
private  life  she  is  Mrs.  John  Payne,  she 
and   John   keep   their   finances   separate. 

JOHN,  who  is  Twentieth  Century's  whit- 
est hope  for  1942,  admits  he  isn't  too 
practical  in  the  handling  of  his  money 
and  that  budgets  drive  him  crazy.  So 
he  just  does  this:  After  all  obligations 
are  taken  care  of,  he  saves  the  rest, 
putting  it  into  government  bonds  and 
annuities.  John  doesn't  believe  in  that 
great  American  institution,  the  install- 
ment plan;  he  pays  cash  for  everything 
and  doesn't  buy  if  he  hasn't  the  cash. 
He  said  he  has  never  figured  out  the  per- 
centage of  his  salary  saved,  that  he 
just  does  the  best  he  can — but  never  for- 
gets  to   have   fun   while   he   goes   along. 

George  Montgomery,  handsome  young 
star  at  Twentieth  Century-Fox,  has  or- 
dered the  studio  Credit  Union  (a  sort  of 
savings  bank  which  pays  good  interest) 
to  withhold  half  of  every  pay  check.  With 
the  rest  of  his  money,  he  supports  him- 
self and  five  relatives,  which  doesn't 
leave  him  very  much  over,  he  told  us. 
However,  he  went  home  to  Great  Falls, 
Montana,  a  while  back  and  made  down 
payments  on  two  ranches! 

"Took  every  cent  I  had,"  he  confided. 
His  agent  was  mad  as  hops.  So  now  it  is 
in  George's  contract  that  he  mustn't  buy 
any  more  ranches  without  his  agent's 

Lynn  Bari,  also  at  Twentieth  Century, 
may  be  very  feminine  and  sex- appealing, 
but  she  knows  what  financial  matters  are 
all  about,  too.  Lynn  is  a  firm  believer  in 
government  bonds.  She  doesn't  exactly 
budget  her  earnings,  but  after  all  her  bills 
are  paid  and  a  sum  set  aside  for  payments 
on  income  tax  and  on  an  annuity  she  is 
buying  which  will  give  her  $25  a  week 
for  life  after  fifteen  years,  she  puts  any 
cash  left  over  in  all  kinds  of  bonds — de- 
fense bonds,  postal  savings,  United  States 
bonds,  and  so  on.  Roughly,  she  figures 
that,  with  the  annuity  she  is  buying,  she 
is  saving  about  thirty  per  cent  of  her 

CAROLE  LANDIS,  another  Fox  star, 
spends  every  Thursday  evening  go- 
ing over  her  finances  and  keeps  a  record 
of  them  down  to  the  very  last  cent. 
Ever  since  she  has  been  earning  any- 
thing, she  has  saved  twenty-five  per 
cent  of  what  she  makes — even  back  in 
the  days  when  that  meant  scrimping 
plenty!  At  first,  her  savings  simply  went 
into  the  bank — "sometimes  a  dollar  at  a 
time,"  she  says — but  now  •  that  she  has 
more  money,  it  is  handled  this  way:  One 
fifth  of  her  savings  allotment  goes  into 
an  endowment  insurance  policy  with  her 
mother  as  the  beneficiary;  two  fifths  of 
the  allotment  into  government  bonds  and 
two  fifths  into  a  fund  she  is  setting  aside 
with  which  to  buy  a  home  for  her  mother, 
herself  and  her  five  dogs!  Carole  sup- 
ports her  mother,  and  Mrs.  Landis,  in 
turn,   keeps  house  for  Carole. 

John  Shelton,  another  of  Twentieth 
Century's  white  hopes,  has  his  finances 
figured  out  in  still  a  different  way.  He 
sets  aside  fifty  per  cent  of  his  earnings 
and  puts  every  last  cent  of  it  into  good 
old  California  real  estate — the  safest  in- 
vestment in  this  man's  world,  he  thinks. 
He  is  buying  two  ranches — one  in  the 
northern  part  of  the  state  and  one  in 
the  south.  The  one  up  north  is  looked 
after  by  a  young  graduate  of  California's 
Davis  Agricultural  College  on  a  per- 
centage basis.  It  is  stocked  with  cattle 
and  so  far  has  paid  for  its  upkeep  and 
part  of  the  original  investment. 

And  take  Susanna  Foster.  Sue  is 
young,  but  ever  since  she  has  been  work- 
ing she  has  had  the  say  as  to  what 
should  be  done  with  her  earnings — that 
is,  of  course,  besides  the  fifty  per  cent 
which  is  automatically  impounded  by  the 
state  until  she  becomes  of  age.  Susanna 
has  dependents,  too — her  father,  mother 
and  two  sisters  and  it  takes  quite  a  little 
to  keep  a  family  that  size  going.  She  is 
also  spending  a  goodly  sum  on  music 
lessons,  not  only  for  herself  but  for  her 
sisters,  which  costs  money.  But  notwith- 
standing all  this,  she  regularly  puts  away 
five  per  cent  of  every  pay  check.  One 
week,  the  money  goes  in  the  bank;  the 
next,  into  defense  bonds.    And  so  on. 

"I  like  my  eggs  in  several  baskets." 
she  explained  with  a  most  grownup  air. 

Patricia  Morison  saves  forty  per  cent 
of  her  income  and  this  forty  per  cent 
is  disposed  of  as  follows:  Twenty-five 
per  cent  goes  into  her  savings  account: 
five  per  cent  into  a  life  insurance  policy 
which  has  a  good  loan  value  for  an  emer- 
gency and  of  which  her  mother  is  the 
beneficiary;  ten  per  cent  into  Paramount 

NELL  O'DAY,  at  Universal  (you'll  be 
seeing  her  soon  in  "Stagecoach  Buck- 
aroo"),  saves  twenty  per  cent  of  her 
salary  and  has  ever  since  she's  been 
working.  Of  that  amount,  half  goes  into 
the  savings  account;  a  fourth  into  pay- 
ment on  a  life  insurance  policy  benefiting 
her  mother,  whom  she  supports,  and  a 
fourth  into  government  bonds. 

"I  like  a  good  big  savings  account." 
she  confided.  "I've  been  in  the  show 
business  long  enough  to  appreciate  what 
it  means  to  have  cash  on  hand — and  what 
it  means  if  you  don't!" 

She  said  she  had  only  bought  the  life 
insurance  policy  last  year.  "Before  that. 
I  used  to  take  little  fliers  in  the  stock 
market,"  she  said.  "I  thought  I  was  very 
clever  in  the  world  of  finance,  and  I  did 
build  my  little  capital  into  quite  a  sum. 
And  then — I  lost  it  all  at  once!  Sud- 
denly, I  realized  that  if  anything  should 
happen  to  me,  things  would  be  pretty 
hard  for  Mother.  So  I  quit  playing  the 
market  and  bought  a  30-pay-life  policy. 
That  means  that  it  will  be  paid  up  in 
thirty  years  and  the  cash  value  will  be 
practically  as  much  as  ,the  net  amount 
of  all  premiums  in  the  thirty  years.  In 
the  meantime,  Mother  is  protected." 

And  so  there  you  see  what  some 
typical  young  Hollywood  stars  are  doing 
with  their  money.  And  you  see,  too,  that 
every  one  of  them  is  preparing  for  that 
sad,  distant  day  when  career  must  end. 
They  are  young  now.  You  might  think 
their  heads  would  be  turned  by  the  suc- 
cess that  has  come  their  way  so  spec- 
tacularly and  so  fast.  But  that  isn't  the 
case.  At  last,  to  our  way  of  thinking, 
no  youngster  is  having  his  head  turned 
by  success  when  he  can  so  straight  and 
soberly  look  ahead  toward  that  rainy  day. 
inevitable  in  the  lives  of  most  of  us. 
and  say,  "Well,  I  hope  you're  a  long 
way  off  from  me.  but  anyway.  I'll  be 
ready  for  you  when  you  come!" 
The   End. 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

The  Truth  about  Stars' 

(Continued  from  page  67)  with  charities, 
incidents  that,  if  names  were  published, 
would  be  enough  to  damn  some  Holly- 
wood figures  forever. 

For  instance,  some  stars  are  fearful 
snobs  about  their  charities  and  some  are 
charity  climbers,  just  like  their  society 
sisters  in  other  towns.  And  some  stars 
:  are  downright  stingy,  with  two  particular 
stars,  both  male,  standing  out  as  tighter 
than  mucilage  on  a  stamp. 

The  charities  that  attracted  all  the 
snob  stars  were  the  British  charities,  so 
terribly  cricket,  you  know,  and  absolute- 
ly plumey  with  lords,  ladies  and  even 
duchesses.  It  isn't  as  though  a  lot  of 
sincere  people  didn't  start  making 
bundles  for  Britain,  genuine  souls  like 
Benita  Hume  Colman,  Annabella,  Pat 
Paterson  Boyer  and  many  others.  But 
there  were  also  some  stars  who  had  never 
got  on  quite  the  right  side  of  the  Beverly 
tracks  who  tried  to  make  it  by  going  all 
out  for  Britain. 

There  was,  or  rather  is,  one  in  par- 
ticular who,  very  American,  is  driving 
all  her  sister  Americans  wacky  by  her 
demands  upon  them.  She  decided  one 
night  to  call  a  star  who  heretofore  had 
been  too  minor  for  her  to  notice. 

"I'm  collecting  for  the  British,"  said 
Miss  Climber.    "What  will  you  give  me?" 

"Nothing,"  said  the  lesser  star. 

"But  you  don't  understand.  This  is 
Miss  Blank,"  said  the  star. 

"I  do  understand,"  said  the  lesser  star, 
"and  I  still  won't  give  unless  you  will 
give  an  equal  amount  to  my  favorite 
American   charity." 

The  major  star  rang  off  indignantly. 
Giving  to  starving  Americans  isn't  chic 
right  now. 

The  two  stars  who  get  a  gross  of  fish- 
hooks with  each  pay  check,  to  make  sure 
that  not  so  much  as  a  dime  will  slip 
-  away  from  them,  work  at  two  different 
studios.  The  one  is  carefree  as  a  lark 
but  has  been  desperately  poor,  has  earned 
everything  he  has  by  his  own  efforts  and 
thinks  the  other  guy  can  do  the  same.  He 
won't  give  to  anything  and  he  is  honest 
enough  to  admit  it. 

The  second  star  does  a  bit  of  camou- 
flaging. He's  the  type  who  is  fussy  about 
service  in  the  studio  cafe  and  then  tucks 
a  nickel  under  the  plate  for  the  waitress, 
whose  weekly  salary  is  100  per  cent  less 
than  his.  Hit  him  with  a  hard-luck  story 
and  you  get  a  lot  of  sympathy— and  that's 
all.  His  act  is  that  his  agent  keeps  him 
broke,  having  him  on  a  budget,  you  un- 

D  UT  now  for  some  heartening  anecdotes 
u   about    Hollywood    charities. 

As  far  as  the  purely  personal  charities 
go,  some  of  them  are,  of  course,  so  big 
that  there  is  no  keeping  them  out  of  the 
papers  as  the  stars  would  prefer.  In  that 
class  were  Cary  Grant's  gift  of  the  $125,- 
000  he  earned  from  "The  Philadelphia 
Story"— half  to  the  British  Red  Cross  and 
half  to  the  American  Red  Cross— and 
Edward  G.  Robinson's  patriotic  and  beau- 
tiful contribution  of  $150,000  to  the  USO. 
Cary  gives  away  most  of  his  "extra" 
checks.  Checks  he  gets  from  broadcasts 
he  automatically  turns  over  to  China  re- 
lief. The  $125,000  he  is  receiving  from 
Arsenic  And  Old  Lace"  he  will  never 
see.  That  goes  twenty-five  per  cent  to 
'jthe  USO,  twenty-five  per  cent  to  the 
American  Red  Cross  and  fifty  per  cent 
to   British   charities. 

Rosalind  Russell  turns  over  not  only 
her  broadcast  checks  but  much  time  to 
China  Relief,  as  also  do  Myrna  Loy,  Gin- 

jFEBRUARY,    1942 

"In  those  days  they  called  me 
The  Wreck  of  the  Hesperus" 

"Don't  believe  it.  It's  impossible.  It  can't  be  you,  my  good-looking  friend. 


"You're  nice  and  polite.   But  there  I  am,  skinny,   homely,   and  tired- 
looking.  Why,  I  even  ..." 

"Even  what?  Tell  me  more!" 
"I  got  used  to  it!  Thought  it  nor- 
mal, until  I  was  told  I  had  a 
Vitamin  B  Complex  deficiency." 
"That's  over  my  head." 
"It's  a  shortage  of  those  amaz- 
ing vitamins  you  find  in  their 
natural  form  in  fresh  yeast. 
So  I  bought  a  week's  supply  of 
fleischmann's.  Took  two  cakes 
a  day  in  nice  cool  tomato  juice, 
and  pretty  soon  ..." 

"My  Cinderella  girl!  I  get  it.  But 
I  don't  get  the  tomato  juice  part." 
"That's  the  new  way  to  take 
fleischmann's.  Listen!  Mash  a 
cake  of  fleischmann's  in  a  dry 
glass  with  a  fork,  add  a  little 
tomato  juice,  stir  till  blended,  fill 
up  the  glass  and  drink.  Divine!" 



""Vj  li«<l  MM"""* 

ToVt  two  <o»«s  »  ^a-  C\ 




Ever  read  the  fleischmann 
label?  This  is  the  only  yeast  with 
all  these  vitamins.  And  the  only 
sources  of  the  important  Vitamin 
B  Complex  are  natural  sources, 
such  as  yeast  and  liver.  Remem- 
ber, if  you  bake  at  home,  that 
three  of  the  important  vitamins  in 
fleischmann's,  Bi,  D,  and  G, 
are  not  appreciably  lost  in  the 
oven;  they  go  right  into  the  bread. 

Fleischmann's  Fresh  Yeast 
For  Natural  Vitamin  B  Complex 



QftA.  RIGHT/ 


Eyes  are  always  right— for  love, 
for  romance,  for  social  or  business 
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Winx  brings  out  the  natural  beauty 
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Try  Winx  and  see  for  yourself 
what  a  marvelous  difference  it 
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cara (either  solid  or  creamy  form) 
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riant. Winx  Eyebrow  Pencil  adds 
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add  a  subtle  touch  of  Winx  Eye 
Shadow.  This  completes  the  picture 
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Insist  on  Winx  for  finer  quality. 
Winx  is  water-resistant  and  easily 
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Available  in  all  popular  harmoniz- 
ing shades.  For  lovely  eyes  get 
Winx  today.  At  drug  and  depart- 
ment stores  or  in  handy  purse  sizes 
for  100. 



ger    Rogers,    George    Murphy    and   Alan 

But  did  you  ever  hear  about  the 
sorority  that  Barbara  Stanwyck  created, 
founded  and  supports? 

The  way  "Athena,"  the  Stanwyck  soro- 
rity, started  is  a  tale  entirely  character- 
istic of  Barbara  Stanwyck,  who  loves  to 
pretend  that  she  is  very  hard-boiled. 
Stany  herself  has  never  told  the  story 
and  has  harshly  forbidden  her  publicity 
agent's  ever  giving  it  out,  but  "Fearless" 
came  upon  the  yarn,  completely  authen- 
ticated, from  one  of  the  girls  who  has 
benefited  from  the  star's  largesse. 

Like  many  another  girl  who  has  lacked 
the  privilege  of  higher  education,  this 
particular  miss  felt  very  inferior  about 
never  having  gone  to  college.  Stany  her- 
self had  had  to  go  to  work  so  early  that 
she  never  even  finished  high  school,  and 
meeting  this  particular  lonely  girl  got 
Mrs.   Robert  Taylor  to  thinking. 

"Why  do  sororities  have  to  be  limited 
to    college    girls?"   she    asked. 

"Well,  there's  some  in  high  schools  and 
junior  colleges,"  said  the  girl,  "but  mostly 
they  are  college  stuff." 

"What  good  are  they?"  asked  Stany. 

"Well,  they  give  you  a  chance  to  meet 
other  girls,  have  social  life,  have,  well, 
fun  and  companionship." 

"Could  one  be  composed  entirely  of 
working  girls?" 

"Oh,  of  course!" 

"Do  you  know  any  good  Greek  names?" 

"Well,  there  was  Athena,  the  goddess  of 

"That's  it,"  said  Stany.  "Athena,  the 
wise  dame.  You  organize  the  club  and 
I'll  back  it — Athena,  a  sorority  for  work- 
ing girls  who  never  went  to  college." 

That  was  how  it  started,  several  years 
ago,  and  today  in  and  about  Hollywood 
you  will  find  many  branches  of  "Athena" 
and  many  adoring  girls  singing  Barbara 
Stanwyck's  praises.  The  girls  pay  club 
dues  and  try  to  make  their  individual 
clubs  self-supporting.  It  is  a  real  sister- 
hood, with  all  the  members  pledged  to 
help  one  another  in  sickness  or  heart- 
breaks or  job-hunting.  "Athena"  is  be- 
ginning to  branch  out  into  other  states 
and  communities,  but  Barbara  is  a  patron 
star  of  all  the  branches  and  her  wide- 
open   checkbook  is   always  there. 

Then  do  you  know  about  Hedy  La- 
marr's  sponsoring  the  "Nobody's  Chil- 
dren" program?  It  came  about  this  way: 
The  little  boy  whose  custody  Hedy 
has  now  finally  been  given  came  to  her 
through  the  agencies  which  were  finding 
homes  for  other  youngsters  via  this  radio 
appeal.  The  program  was  nation-wide  but 
unsponsored.  Radio  time  must  be  paid  for 
and  finally,  funds  running  short,  it  faced 
going  off  the  air.  It  was  then  that  Hedy, 
who  isn't  high-salaried,  stepped  forward 
and  backed  the  program  for  three  solid 

months.  She  sincerely  wanted  to  help 
more  babies  to  find  homes,  not  so  much 
for  the  kiddies  themselves  as  that  other 
foster  parents  might  discover  the  source 
of  happiness  she  had  discovered  through 

When  it  comes  to  actual  money  given 
out  and  to  personal  time  expended,  Joan 
Crawford  wins  all  the  charity  crowns. 
Joan  supports  two  hospital  beds  in  a 
leading  Los  Angeles  hospital,  has  one 
specialist  constantly  on  call  for  emerg- 
ency cases  that  may  be  brought  to  her 
attention.  Over  and  beyond  this  clinic 
Joan's  personal  benefactions  are  too  many 
even  to  list  and  it  is  doubtful  if  she  her- 
self could  remember  all  of  them.  She 
is  forever  setting  somebody  up  in  busi- 
ness, or  financing  some  romantic  but  poor 
girl's  wedding  or  providing  some  over- 
worked boy   with  a  vacation. 

It  was  Loretta  Young  who  provided 
the  Sisters  of  Charity  with  their  auto- 
mobile, and  provided  us  with  this  tender 
little  anecdote.  Two  nuns  called  upon 
her  for  a  donation  one  afternoon  and  as 
they  were  leaving  with  a  four-figure 
check  safely  tucked  away,  Loretta  said 
she  would  see  them  to  their  car. 

The  Sisters  smiled  gently.  "We  have 
no  car,"  they  said. 

Loretta  gazed  at  them  in  bewilder- 
ment. She  lives  in  swanky  Bel-Air.  a 
good  five  to  ten  miles  from  the  nearest 
bus  line. 

"How   did   you   get   here?"   she   asked. 

"We   walked,"   the   nuns   said. 

Of  course,  they  went  away  in  the 
immediately  produced  Young  limousine 
and  before  noon  the  next  day  a  new 
sedan  was  delivered  to  the  convent. 

ONE  of  the  very  nicest  of  Hollywood 
stories  concerns  a  star  and  the  lady 
he  supports.  Believe  it  or  not,  but  it  is 
absolutely  true  that  he  has  never  met 
her  and  wouldn't  know  her  if  he  saw 
her.  But  he  did  know  her  husband,  who 
was  a  small-salaried  stock  actor  at  the 
studio  where  the  star  is  under  contract. 

The  stock  actor  was  suddenly  kille'i 
in  an  automobile  accident.  Hollywood, 
after  the  first  rush  of  flowers,  didn't  pa; 
much  attention,  since  the  fellow  had  bee 
quite  unimportant.  But  the  star  started 
investigating,  found  the  actor's  wife  wa; 
an  invalid  and  nearly  penniless.  He  wrote 
to  the  girl,  discovered  what  a  fine,  brave 
person  she  was  and  started  providing 
the  comforts  of  a  small,  sunny  apartment, 
regular  medical  care  and  good  food  for 
her.  He  has  told  her  she  can  count  on 
these  comforts'  enduring  indefinitely. 

This  is  just  another  charity  which  can": 
be  publicized,  since  the  simple,  open- 
hearted  generosity  of  it  would  be  mis- 
understood by  those  to  whom  no  gesture, 
however  fine,  is  ever  disinterested. 
The  End 

It's  Oscar  time  in  Hollywood!     So  don't  miss — 

Hedda  Hopper's  own  Academy  Dinner 

served  up   in  these  pages  next  month — a  feast  of  fun 
with   little  tin   Kewpies  and   onion   bouquets  for  all   in 


March  Photoplay-Movie  Mirror 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirrosI 

Close  Ups  and  Long  Shots 

(Continued  from  page  4)  career  alto- 
gether, because  Artie  Shaw,  her  husband, 
wanted  her  to  .  .  .  but  with  "Ziegfeld 
Girl"  the  Turner  ambition  was  born  .  .  . 
and  these  evenings  see  less  and  less  of 
the  gay  Lana  in  the  night  clubs,  more 
and  more  of  the  serious  Lana  at  home.  .  .  . 

But  John  Carroll!  .  .  .  John  Carroll 
happens  to  be  Mr.  Louis  B.  Mayer's  par- 
ticular enthusiasm  .  .  .  that  same  Mr. 
Louis  B.  Mayer  who  understands  stars 
so  thoroughly  and  sympathetically  .  .  . 
that  same  gentleman  who  maintains  a 
standard  of  good  taste  in  production  that 
few  studios  can  come  within  miles  of 
approaching  .  .  .  like  all  dominant  peo- 
ple Mr.  Mayer  can  be  stubborn  on  occa- 
sion and  John  Carroll  to  him  is  the 
irresistible  force  meeting  the  immovable 
object  ...  in  this  case,  a  producer  firmly 
believing  he  has  a  star  .  .  .  and  a  swag- 
gering devil-may-care  who  just  can't  be 
bothered  with  doing  the  things  you  have 
to  do  to  be  a  star.  .  .  . 

It  isn't  alone  that  John  Carroll  refuses 
to  be  seen  with  "the  right  people"  ...  or 
do  the  "right  things"  .  .  .  the  big  things 
with  Carroll  is  that  he  sasses  directors,  he 
doesn't  bother  to  learn  lines  until  he  gets 
right  on  the  set,  he  clowns  his  way 
through  things  that  he  should  be  serious 
about  .  .  .  repeatedly  Carroll  gets  in  a 
picture  and  runs  away  with  the  notices 
.  .  .  but  now,  after  three  years  on  the 
lordliest  lot  of  them  all,  he  is  still  right 
at  the  starting  gate.  .  .  . 

A  ND,  of  course,  Hollywood  is  ii 

in  an  ab- 
solute state  about  George  Montgom- 
ery's suddenly  appearing  as  an  escort 
for  Norma  Shearer  ...  on  account  of 
Georgie_was  supposed  to  be  escort  and 
leading  man,  on  screen  and  off,  to  Ginger 
Rogers  .  .  .  because  there  is  nothing  so 
potent  as  "romance  publicity"  for  a  hand- 
some young  man.  .  .  . 

It  is  probably  because  George  Sanders 
simply  will  not  give  out  with  any 
romance  publicity  or  any  publicity  at  all, 
practically,  that  makes  Hollywood  casting 
directors  continue  to  ignore  him.  ...  a 
million  women  could  tell  them  the  dream 
dynamite  that  one  packs  .  .  .  but  the  cast- 
ing boys  will  always  fall  for  the  lads  that 
the  glamour  girls  of  Cinema  Corners 
have  put  their  stamps  of  approval  on.  .  .  . 

Hollywood  gossips  now  that  Rise 
Stevens  has  been  put  into  "Rio  Rita" 
to  replace  Kathryn  Grayson  and  nobody 
expects  that  the  Deanna  Durbin  quarrel 
with  Universal  will  be  easily  settled  but 
the  way  all  eyes  are  watching  Vaughn 
Paul's  first  production  for  RKO  is  a 
caution  .  .  .  and  meanwhile  nobody  un- 
derstands just  what  it  is  Joan  Fontaine 
wants  in  the  way  of  roles  .  .  .  not  after 
she  had  to  be  practically  shanghaied 
into  playing  the  exquisite  part  of  the 
girl  in  "This  Above  All"  .  .  .  and  every- 
body wishes  he  didn't  know  all  those 
stories  about  the  Crosbys  and  wishes  that 
he  didn't  have  to  take  sides  .  .  .  because 
this  is  a  story  on  which  there  are  two 
such  definite  sides  .  .  .  Bing's  and  Dixie's 
.  .  .  with  four  such  sturdy  little  boys 
mixed  up  in  the  middle  of  it.  .  .  . 

And  if,  in  all  this  inner  chatter  of 
1942,  you  hear  small  mention  of  those 
names  which,  born  in  1941,  were  called 
"hot  box-office"  do  not  be  surprised  .  .  . 
the  old  order  has  changed  and  the 
youngsters  have  arrived  and  taken  over 
.  .  .  and  as  1942  goes  on  few  and  far 
between  will  be  the  mature  stars  who 
will  be  able  to  accomplish  Ann  Sothern's 
triumph  of  coming  back  via  the  "Maisie" 
B's  to  the  glittery  A  ascendancy  of  a 
"Lady  Be  Good"  and  "Panama  Hattie." 
The  End 

FEBRUARY,    1942 



MAKE  THIS  TEST— Brush  your  lips  across  the  back  of  your 
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HERE'S  WHY— Because  Cashmere  Bouquet  Lotion  removes 
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hands  exquisitely  soft  and  alluring. 

PLUSH  luxury!"  you  think,  when  you  hear  of 
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you  can  do  it  for  yourself,  many  times  a  day,  at 
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Cashmere  Bouquet  Lotion  works  "quick  as  a  kiss." 

So  after  every  dishwashing  you  can  give  your 
hands  that  kiss  appeal.  Cashmere  Bouquet  Lotion 
dries  in  ten  seconds.  Leaves  no  smeary,  gooey 
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men  love'. 

In  generous  10<f  and  larger  sizes  at 
all  drug  and  toilet  goods  counters. 

Cashmere  Bouquet 

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Cashmere  Bouquet  —  the  Ko>  al  Kamil> 

of  beauty  preparations. 





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Tanks  can  batter  their  way  through 
battle  lines. 

Bombers  can  blast  whole  cities 
into  the  earth. 

But  neither  can  conquer  a  people 
whose  nerves  can  "take  it,"  whose 
strength  is  great,  whose  courage  is  high. 

There  is  a  greater  enemy  to  nerves 
and  strength  and  courage  than 
tanks  and  bombers.  It  is  the  lack  of  a 
tiny  ingredient — found  so  generously 
in  a  grain  of  wheat — Vitamin  Bi. 
Without  this  ingredient,  we  become 
listless,  moody,  weary  and  afraid.  The 
starving  peoples  of  Europe  know  this 
only  too  well. 

In  the  United  States  of  America  there 
is  no  reason  why  everyone  cannot  have 
his  share  of  this  very  important 
Vitamin  Bi.  Millers  have  found  scien- 
tific ways  to  mill  flour  so  that  it  retains 
Vitamin  Bi  and  other  members  of  the 
B-Complex  "family,"  plus  food  iron. 
They  have  gone  even  farther;  those 

essential  ingredients  now  can  actually 
be  added,  either  in  yeast  or  pure  chemi- 
cal compounds,  so  that  the  Enriched 
Bread  you  buy  from  your  baker  or  the 
enriched  flour  you  buy  for  your  home 
has  the  recommended  amount  of  each! 
This  flour,  and  the  tasty  rolls,  bis- 
cuits and  bread  it  makes,  are  available 
to  all  of  us.  Enriched  flour  turns  out 
baked  products  that  taste  exactly  like 
they've  always  tasted,  but  made  with 
this  new  kind  of  flour,  these  foods 
now  add  to  your  diet  precious  food 
factors  to  bolster  your  strength,  pro- 
tect your  health. 


It  takes  only  a 'few  kinds  of  simple  foods  to 
provide  a  sound  nutritional  foundation  fot 
buoyant  health.  Eat  each  of  them  daily.  Then 
add  to  your  table  anything  else  you  like 
which  agrees  with  you. 

MILK  AND  CHEESE— especially  for 

Vitamin   A,  some  of  the  B  vitamins, 

protein, calcium,  phosphorus.  Vitamin 

D  milk  for  the  "sunshine"  vitamin 

MEAT,  eggs  and  sea  food 
for  proteins  and  several  of 
the    B-Complex    vitamins-; 
meat  and  eggs  also  for  iron. 


Wherever  you  see  flour  adver- 
tised as  "Enriched,"  your  mer- 
chant is  offering  a  product  that 
is  aiding  our  Government's  pro- 
gram to  make  America  strong. 

tables for  B  vitamins.  Vitamin 
A.  Vitamin  C  and  minerals. 

FRUITS  and  fruit  juices— for  Vita- 
min C,  other  vitamins  and  minerals. 

This  message  is  approved  by  the  officr  of 
Paul  V.  McNutt,  Director  of  Defense  Health 
and  Welfare  Services.  It  is  brought  to  you  as 
our  contribution  to  National  Nutritional 
Defense  by  Photoplav-Movie  Mirror. 

BREAD,  enriched  or  whole 
grain,  and  cereals  with  milk 
or  cream,  for  B  vitamins  and 
other  nutrients. 

Enough  of  these  foods  in  your  daily  diet  and 
in  the  diets  of  all  Americans  will  assure  better 
health  for  the  nation,  will  increase  its  ener- 
gies to  meet  today"s  emetgencies. 

fiocf #///£«//</ a /VEH/dmer/ca 


photoplay  combined  unth  movie  mirror       » 

When  G-Girls  Get  Together 

(Continued  from  page  36)  "What  have  I 
got  in  common  with  that  glamour  puss? 
She's  probably  bored  with  everything 
but  herself." 

"Me  like  that  'Maisie!'  "  Hedy  looked 
her  incredulity.  "I'll  bet  she  goes  jitter- 
bugging  every  night  at  the  Palladium." 

This  good-natured  "feud"  continued. 
From  time  to  time  other  mutual  friends 
told  Ann  she'd  like  Hedy.  Lily  Mac- 
Murray,  who  often  told  Hedy  how  much 
she'd  like  Ann,  invited  them  both  to  a 
party.  The  room  was  filled  with  people. 
The  two  girls  just  happened  to  sit  down 
on  the  same  couch,  at  the  same  time. 
So  they  started  to  talk.  Five  hours  later 
they  were  still  talking.  Lily  finally  had 
to  tell  them  it  was  time  to  go  home. 

HEDY  told  Ann  about  Jamesie.  Ann 
hung  on  every  word  concerning  the 
little  boy  who  is  at  last  Hedy's  for  keeps. 
For  the  very  first  time  since  he  was 
taken  out  of  her  life,  Ann  found  herself 
talking  about  David.  To  Hedy  she  poured 
the  touching  story  of  the  lad  she  had 
brought  into  her  home,  planned  to  adopt, 
to  give  a  brilliant  future.  Hedy  under- 
stood Ann's  suffering  when  she  spoke  of 
David's  departure.  Their  mutual  love 
of  children  was  the  first  binding  link. 
Since  Lily  MacMurray's  party,  there 
hasn't  been  a  week  when  Ann  and  Hedy 
missed  seeing  each  other.  Sometimes  it's 
oftener,  their  studio  work  depending. 
Soon  after  they  met  they  discovered 
their  houses  were  exactly  one  block 
apart,  their  street  numbers  exactly  the 
same.  Every  morning  when  she  isn't 
working,  Hedy  takes  a  walk  with  Jamesie. 
If  Ann  is  home,  they  stop  by,  awaken 
her,  sit  at  the  foot  of  her  bed  and 
"dish."  Hedy  rambles  on  for  hours.  Ann 
just  listens.  Later  on  in  the  day,  Ann,' 
who  hates  telephoning,  puts  in  a  call  for 
Hedy.  This  time  ^Ann  talks.  Hedy  lis- 
tens. They  discuss  the  studio,  scripts, 
personal  problems.  Hedy  is  inclined  to 
hide  away  from  people.  Ann  urges  her 
to  get  out  and  enjoy  herself.  When  Ann 
tries  to  plan  every  moment,  Hedy  begs 
her  to  stop  forcing.  To  live  more  for  to- 
day. So,  in  many  respects,  they  find 
themselves   good   for   each    other. 

As  a  rule,  when  a  married  couple  come 
to  the  parting  of  the  way,  the  wife  goes 
home  to  mother.  Ann's  mother,  a  con- 
cert singer,  was  busy  on  a  tour.    So  Ann 

t  went   to  Hedy's.     Having   a   similar  ex- 

*  perience  recently,  Hedy  could  appreciate 
Ann's  feelings.     She  determined  to  help 

(:  her  get  over  it.  It  wasn't  sympathy  that 
Ann  needed.  Hedy  was  intelligent  enough 
to  know  this  would  have  been  the  wrong 
procedure.    So  she  tried  other  tactics. 

"Annie  darling,  you  look  so  forlorn," 
Hedy   fondly  poked   fun   at   her.      "You 

|  look  just  like  Pluto!" 

i*  The  ridiculous  picture  appealed  to 
Ann's  sense  of  humor.  She  burst  out 
laughing.  Right  then  and  there  the 
name  stuck.    Later  on  Ann  got  even  by 

i  referring    to    Hedy    as    "Vinegar    Puss." 

.  This  title  too  has  now  become  a  legend. 
One  of  Ann's  favorite  stories  on  Hedy 
concerns  the  time  the  studio  called  her 
for  night  retakes. 

"I  was  only  supposed  to  work  until 
twelve,"  Ann  tells  it.  At  the  same  time 
she  doubles  up  laughing.  "Hedy  gave 
me  her  front  door  key  because  she  goes 
to  bed  early.  Well,  it  turned  out  that  we 
shot  until  after  two.  It  was  nearly  three 
when  I  very  carefully  unlocked  the  front 
door.  I  took  off  my  shoes  and  started 
tiptoeing  up  the  stairs  as  quietly  as  pos- 
sible. The  door  to  Hedy's  room  burst 
open.    There  she  stood  at  the  top  of  the 

■I stairs.    Her  arms  were  folded.     She  was 



Earn  Money 

orf  if<yu/i  own  ! 


Take  Orders  from  Friends,  Neighbors  for  Lovely 

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friends  and  neighbors  with  sensational 
new  kind  of  hosiery,  and  taking  their 
orders.  You  don't  need  experience — it 
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rEBRUABY,    1942 


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actually  tapping  her  foot. 

"  'Where  have  you  been?'  she  de- 
manded. 'I've  been  worried  sick.  You 
said  you'd  be  in  by  twelve.  Look  what 
time  it  is.  I've  been  calling  hospitals 
and  police  stations.  I  thought  something 
terrible  had  happened  to  you.' 

"Hedy  was  obviously  and  sincerely 
quite  upset.  But  it  was  such  a  funny 
picture,  her  standing  there  just  like 
my  mother.  I  felt  as  though  I  were  four- 
teen again.  I  sat  down  on  the  stairs  and 
laughed  until  I  cried.  The  madder  Hedy 
got,  the  funnier  it  seemed  to  me.  Then 
we  started  to  talk.  Hedy  loves  to  eat  all 
the  time — which  isn't  so  good  for  either 
of  us.  She  went  down  to  the  refrigerator 
and  brought  back  cheese  and  cold  meats. 
We  sat  there  talking  until  dawn." 

kA  OST  Hollywood  glamour  girls  fit  into 
»▼*  a  certain  pattern.  Their  beauty  se- 
crets they  guard  like  a  Government 
defense  plan.  While  they  give  evidence 
of  loving  each  other  to  death,  their  pro- 
fessional jealousy  is  forever  lurking. 

Ann  and  Hedy  are  two  of  the  most 
feminine  women  in  Hollywood.  They 
are  also  two  of  the  most  dominant.  Yet 
they  never  clash.  For  one  thing,  they  are 
interested  in  things  that  women  are  sup- 
posed to  be  interested  in.  They  love  good 
music.  Oftimes  they  spend  hours  pick- 
ing out  records.  Hedy  taught  Ann  some 
of  her  favorite  Viennese  folksongs.  Ann 
is  studying  French.  She  uses  Hedy  for  a 
guinea  pig. 

Both  girls  love  their  home.  Ann  owns 
hers.  Hedy's  is  rented  out  to  Franchot 
Tone  and  his  new  bride.  Hedy  is  collect- 
ing antiques,  china  and  brasses  for  a  new 
home  she  hopes  to  buy.  When  they 
aren't  poking  about  in  the  little  shops 
on  Los  Feliz  Boulevard,  they're  over  at 
the  Howard  nursery  picking  out  plants 
for  their  gardens.  Ann  taught  Hedy  how 
to  knit  and  crochet.  Hedy  showed  Ann 
how  to  do  needlepoint.  Hedy  loves 
American  slang.  From  Ann  she  has 
learned  when  to  say,  "Oh  Brother!" 

Hedy  hates  to  go  shopping.  She  prac- 
tically lives  in  slacks.  Ann  keeps  after 
her.  She  urges  her  to  wear  beautiful 
gowns  and  jewels  to  enhance  her  beauty. 
Ann  is  inclined  to  be  extravagant.  Hedy 
is  impractical.  But  she  nearly  swooned 
when  Ann  paid  two  dollars  and  a  half 
for  an  imported  lipstick.  Hedy  insisted 
that  Ann  try  her  own  special  brand.  Ann 
loved  it.  Where  could  she  buy  one  like 
it?  Hedy  answered  her:  "I  get  them 
at  Wool  worths!" 

The  same  generosity  that  prevails  in 
this  unusual  Hollywood  friendship  asserts 
itself  when  either  girl  is  talking  about 
the  other.  Of  Hedy,  Ann  is  always  en- 

"I've  always  been  so  busy  working," 
Ann  enthuses.  "So  I've  had  to  sandwich 
in  my  friends.  This  picture  doesn't  in- 
clude a  Hollywood  glamour  girl.  There 
isn't  anything  very  old-shoe  about  them. 
But  Hedy  is  the  antithesis  of  everything 
you'd  expect  such  a  beautiful  woman  to 
be.  She's  warm  and  unselfish.  She's  not 
like  a  career  girl  at  all.  I  really  think 
she'd  be  content  to  stay  at  home  all  the 

"Hedy  has  been  through  a  lot  in  her 
life.  This  makes  her  sympathetic.  Un- 
derstanding toward  others.  You  don't 
have  to  stand  on  ceremony. with  her.  She 
herself  is  much  too  unpredictable.  She 
breaks  dates.  Or  forgets  to  show  up.  At 
the  last  moment  she  changes  her  mind. 
But  you  never  pay  any  attention  to  any 
of  this.  You  know  she  is  your  friend. 
You  accept  her  as  she  is. 

"Hedy  has  a  good  insight  to  things. 
She  can  see  the  ultimate  results.  This 
influences  me.  I  am  inclined  to  worry 
until  the  ultimate  results  actually  appear. 

Before  I  met  her  I  imagined  that  Hedy 
would  be  dull — beautiful  but  dull.  I 
supposed  she'd  spend  hours  in  front  of 
her  mirror.  It  takes  her  fifteen  minutes 
to  shower,  dress,  put  on  lipstick  and  run 
a  comb  through  that  mop  of  hair.  We 
go  out  for  an  entire  day.  She  never 
looks  in  that  mirror  once.  When  you 
can  say  that  about  a  gal — you  know  she 
must   be   a  pretty   real   person." 

"  A  NN  is  much  closer  to  being  a  haus- 
*Mrau  than  she  is  a  jitterbug,"  Hedy 
tells  you  amusingly.  "But,  you  know, 
before  I  knew  her  I  only  used  to  see  her 
at  the  studio  in  those  'Maisie'  clothes, 
wearing  all  that  junky  jewelry.  I  im- 
agined she  must  be  that  same  kind  of 
person  off  the  screen,  which  proves  what 
a  convincing  actress  she  is.  I  didn't  real- 
ize how  beautiful  and  glamorous  she  was 
until  we  met  that  night  at  Lily  Mac- 
Murray's  party. 

"Ann  wasn't  made  to  be  a  career 
woman.  (Here  we  go  again!)  In  real 
life  she's  anything  but  one.  We  wouldn't 
be  friends  if  she  were.  She  probably 
won't  like  this,  but  I  think  Ann  has  the 
greatest  maternal  streak  of  any  woman 
I  know.  Ann  is  always  worrying  about 
something.  Or  someone.  Once  I  didn't 
call  her  for  three  days.  She  called  me 
and  really  let  me  have  it.  I  know  it 
wasn't  because  she  wanted  the  attention. 
Ann  is  the  most  unpossessive  person  at 
all  times.  She  was  really  worried  about 
me.     Isn't  she  wonderful? 

"Ann  has  the  most  amazing  self-con- 
trol. I  don't  know  how  she  does  it.  I 
get  mad  and  there  it  goes!  I  yell  and 
get  it  all  out  of  my  system.  So  I  for- 
give more  easily.  Ann  has  a  quiet  way  of 
working  things  out.  It  takes  her  a  long 
time  to  get  mad.  But  once  she  turns, 
it  isn't  a  whim  of  the  moment.  She  stays 
that  way.  You  can  depend  on  it.  You 
never  have  to  pretend  around  Ann.  You 
can  confide  in  her.  You  never  have  to 
caution  her. 

"Ann  and  I  are  so  different  in  tem- 
perament. She  is  the  typical  American 
girl — ambitious,  friendly,  always  active. 
I  can't  stand  to  make  plans.  Ann  is  al- 
ways planning  something.  We  both  like 
to  laugh.  Ann's  sense  of  humor  saves 
many  a  situation.  At  the  same  time,  she 
gets  so  serious  about  things.  When  I 
see  her  getting  that  sad  look,  I  just  have 
to  say,  'Now,  Pluto,  that  isn't  good  for 

"I  really  pay  little  attention  to  my  ap- 
pearance. I'm  not  interested  in  lots  of 
clothes.  I  seldom  wear  jewelry.  I  never 
wear  hats.  One  evening  Ann  came  over 
carrying  a  large  sack.  She  explained 
she  had  seen  a  hat  that  looked  just  like 
me.  Nothing  would  do,  I  must  try  it  on 
to  please  her.  I  appreciated  her  thought- 
fulness  and  interest.  So  I  put  on  the 

"  'You  see,  Pluto,'  I  pointed  out  to 
her,  'the  hat  looks  just  like  a  goose 
sitting  on  my  head.'  And  it  did.  So 
she  was  content  to  let  me  send  it  back 
"I've  never  had  a  friend  who  is  as 
genuine  and  natural.  She  is  honest  with 
me.  She  allows  me  to  be  honest  with 
her.  What  more  is  there  to  hope  for  in 
friendship?  I  know  this  sounds  silly, 
but  I  was  quite  lonely  before  I  met  Ann 
I've  had  lots  of  disappointments.  A  great 
many  worries.  So  I  stayed  by  myself 
Too  much  I  guess.  Ann  insists  on  shar- 
ing her  friends'  burdens.  So  she  made 
mine  seem  lighter.  She's  made  me  want 
to  be  with  people  again.  I  never  ex- 
pected to  find  this  kind  of  friendship — 
especially  in  an  actress.  But  I  guess 
anything  can  happen  in  Hollywood." 
Ain't  it  the  truth! 

The  End 


rHOTOPtAY  combined  with  movie  mirror 

This  Above  All 

(Continued  jrom  page  34)  She  knew  that 
she  would  meet  him  the  next  night;  she 
knew  that  somehow,  for  some  reason,  she 
would  always  do  whatever  he  asked 
her  to. 

I T  WAS  raining,  a  cold,  miserable 
I  drizzle,  and  the  tea  shops  and  cinemas 
were  full.  There  seemed  to  be  no  place 
in  Gosley  for  a  man  and  his  girl  to  go. 
They  waited  miserably  in  a  partially 
sheltered  doorway  until  the  bus  came 
and  climbed  into  it  along  with  too  many 
other  wet,  cross  people.  They  didn't  find 
out  it  was  the  wrong  bus  until  they'd 
gone  several  blocks  and  by  then  it  was 
too  late  to  do  anything  but  stay  on  until 
they  got  to  the  crossroads  where — 
eventually— they  could  catch  the  right 

At  the  crossroads  a  timetable  informed 
them  it  would  be  fifteen  minutes  before 
the  bus  could  be  expected — and  it  was 
still  raining  and  much  colder.  The  only 
shelter  in  sight  was  a  gaunt  corrugated 
iron  structure  built  over  a  partly  cut-out 
hayrick  and  they  ran  for  it. 
"I'm   sorry,"   Clive   said.     "It's   been   a 

:great  evening.  Crowded  out  of  the  tea 
shops  and  cinemas — turned  out  of  a  bus." 
Prue  shivered,  without  answering,  and 
he  said,  "You're  cold.  Here — "  He  took 
a  whiskey  flask  from  his  pocket.  The 
unaccustomed     spirits     made     her     eyes 

■water,   but   she   felt   warmer   afterwards. 

.The  hay  against  which  they  leaned  was 

isoft  and  comfortable.  Clive  laid  his  hand 
on  hers. 

"Don't  start  that!"  she  said  sharply  and 
snatched  her  hand  away. 

"I'm  not  starting  anything!"  He  was 
angry,  much  angrier  than  she  had  been, 
and  she  felt  ashamed. 

i     "I'm  sorry,"  she  said.     "Give — give  me 

I  another  drink  of  whiskey." 

"You're  so  beautiful,"  he  murmured 
when  she  handed  the  bottle  back.  This 
time  she  tucked  her  hand  into  the  palm 
of  his,  in  wordless  apology.  He  leaned 
over  and  kissed  her  and  her  arms  crept 
around  his  neck,  holding  him  close.  The 
whiskey  flask  slipped  to  the  floor  of  the 
rick,    forgotten. 

I  EAFORD  is  a  resort  town  on  the  south 
*~  coast  of  England,  with  a  boardwalk 
and  many  ugly  angular  hotels  and  an 
amusement  pier  where  before  the  war 
they  used  to  have  a  concert  party  and 
sell  souvenirs  and  soft  drinks  and  candy. 
The  pier  was  closed  and  the  boardwalk 
almost  deserted  the  afternoon  Clive  and 
Prue  arrived  there. 
Prue  had  a  seven-day  leave  from  camp 

'  and  she  had  wanted  Clive  to  come  with 
her  to  meet  her  family  at  Walsham.  But 
he  had  wanted  to  come  here  and  here 
they  were. 

The  station  taxi  deposited  them  at  the 
steps  of  the  Grand  Hotel  and  a  porter 
came  rushing  out  to  take  their  bags.  On 
their    way    into    the    lobby    they    met    a 

'  woman  in  a  traveling  coat,  followed  by 
two  children,  a  nurse  and  another  porter 
with  all  the  luggage  he  could  carry.  The 

'  woman  stopped  and  stared  after  Prue, 
who  had  walked  past  her  with  her  face 

Upstairs,  Clive  and  Prue  had  two  rooms 
with  a  connecting  door  between,  on  the 

!] ocean  front.  When  Clive  had  washed 
and  exchanged  his  coat  for  a  sweater  he 
came  through  the  connecting  door.  Prue 
[hadn't  taken  off  her  hat  and  coat.     She 

1was  standing  at  the  window,  looking  out 
•over    the    Channel — toward    Calais. 

Clive    stopped    his    cheerful    whistling. 
"Tired?"  he   asked. 
Prue    didn't    turn    around.     Her    voice 

j  FEBRUARY,    1942 

See  Marjorie  Woodworth  in  "D. 






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was  unsteady.     "I'm — all   right,   thanks." 

"But  what's  the  matter?  You  were 
happy  in  the  train — at  the  station." 

"Nothing's  the  matter." 

After  a  pause,  he  said,  "Look  here — if 
you've  suddenly  changed  your  mind,  say 
so.  If  you've  decided  that  it  isn't  right 
for  you,  we  can  pack  up  and  go  in  the 
morning.  You're  free  to  do  exactly  what 
you  like." 

"You  wanted  me  to  come  here,"  Prue 
said  angrily.  "Well,  here  I  am — so  please 
stop  asking  me  what  I  want  to  do!  You're 
the  man  .  .  .  it's  your  job  to  take  the 
responsibility  and  decide." 

"But  what  happened?  Why'd  you 
change  so  since  we  were  on  the  train?" 

"I  didn't  realize  what  I  was  letting  my- 
self in  for,  that's  all.     I'm  sorry." 

"It's  a  pity  you  didn't  find  this  out  be- 
fore," Clive  said  curtly. 

Dinner  in  the  huge,  echoing  dining  hall 
where  only  a  few  of  the  tables  were  oc- 
cupied was  a  torture  to  both  of  them.  On 
the  train  Prue  had  taken  off  her  uniform 
and  put  on  a  dress.  That,  and  her 
changed  attitude,  made  her  seem  like  a 
stranger  to  him.  He  remembered  that 
she  was  one  of  the  rulers  of  England 
and  that  he  had  been  born  and  raised  in 
a  Manchester  slum.  He  made  one  more 
effort,    at   the   end   of   dinner. 

"Let's  go  for  a  walk.  I  used  to  know 
a  little  place  at  the  back  of  the  town. 
It'll  be  more  friendly  there." 

But  it  was  time  for  the  news  on  the 
radio  and  Prue  would  not  go. 

"Can't  we  forget  all  that  for  one 
night?"  Clive  pleaded.  "Come  on — we 
can  go  along  the  beach  and  get  some 
fresh  air." 

"And  bury  our  heads  in  the  sand,  like 
ostriches?"  Prue  asked. 

"Are  you  coming?" 

"I  can't  understand  you,  Clive.  Don't 
you   want   to   know   what's   happening?" 

He  lost  all  his  patience.  "It's  not  going 
to  end  the  war  or  make  it  longer  if  we 
take  a  rest  from  that  sickening  radio, 
is  it?" 

Prue  set  her  chin  obstinately.  "It's 
our  job  to  listen — even  when  it's  hard  to 
take.  Go  ahead  and  take  your  walk. 
I'm  staying." 

When  he  returned,  his  face  damp  from 
the  sea  air,  he  found  her  packing  in  her 
own  room.  She  had  made  up  her  mind, 
she  said;  they'd  take  the  one  o'clock  train 
the  next  day. 

I  T  MUST  have  been  long  after  midnight 
I  when  Prue  awakened.  Lying  in  her 
bed,  she  could  hear  Clive's  voice  coming 
through  the  thin  wall  from  the  next 
room.  Clive's  voice,  yet  not  his  voice. 
It  was  harsh,  unnatural,  somehow  com- 

"Come  on,  you  fool!  Come  on!  There 
aren't  any  more!  It's  no  good,  I  tell  you! 
Get  out  of  it  .  .  .  it's  no  good!  .  .  .  ." 

For  perhaps  two  minutes  she  listened, 
terrified,  wanting  to  go  in  and  wake  him 
but  afraid  to.  Then  the  words  died 
away  into  unintelligible  mumblings,  fi- 
nally stopped. 

She  was  up  and  had  her  bath  in  the 
damp  cubicle  down  the  hall  before  he 
wakened  the  next  morning.  It  was  a 
beautiful,  sparkling  morning  and  even 
when  her  eyes  fell  on  her  packed  bag, 
she  felt  better.  When  she  was  back  in 
her  room  she  heard  Cliye's  door  open 
and  looked  out  to  see  him,  bare  legs  in- 
congruous under  a  short  topcoat,  going 
down  the  hall  toward  the  bath.  Im- 
pulsively, she  hurried  to  finish  her 
dressing  and  went  out. 

Clive  was  at  the  breakfast  table  looking 
sullen,  when  she  returned  with  a  package 
under  her  arm.  She  dropped  it  into  his 
lap.  "I  did  some  shopping  this  morning 
— for  you.     Open  it." 

Wonderingly,  he  snipped  the  strings 
with  his  knife  and  pulled  back  the  paper 
to  reveal  a  silk  dressing  gown. 


Suddenly  shy,  she  said,  "You  looked  so 
funny  walking  down  the  passage  in  tha' 
little  shriveled-up  coat  and  those  ban 
legs.  ..." 

Amazingly,  they  were  laughing,  great 
gusts  of  laughter  that  blew  away  all  of 
last  night's  constraint  and  wretchedness 

"I'm  sorry  about  last  night,"  Prue  said. 

"That's  all  right.     I  understand." 

"No,  you  don't.  The  fact  is,  we  ran 
into  my  Aunt  Iris." 

"Your  what?" 

"Aunt  Iris.  The  woman  who  was  leav- 
ing the  hotel  just  as  we  came  in.  Oi 
course  she  recognized  me.  Isn't  it  in 
credible?  Of  all  the  places  we  could 
pick!  I  knew  she'd  taken  the  children  to 
some  place  on  the  coast  so  they  wouldn't 
be  bombed,  but  I  didn't  know  where." 

"It  isn't  in  the  least  incredible,"  Clive 
said.  "It's  the  kind  of  thing  that  always 

Prue  picked  up  a  fork  and  traced  mus- 
ing patterns  on  the  tablecloth.  "Funny- 
how  romantic  a  thing  like  this  can  be.' 
she  faltered,  "when  nobody  knows  about 
it — then  suddenly  how — different — it  all 
seems  when  an  aunt  appears.  .  .  ." 

"Are  you  leaving  just  because  of  Aun" 

"I  .  .  .  suppose  so.  .  .  ." 

BUT,  after  all,  she  didn't  leave.  Instead, 
they  both  moved  to  another  hotel,  tht 
"friendlier"  place  Clive  had  mentionec 
the  night  before.  It  was  an  old  inn.  no: 
at  all  grand,  but — friendly. 

At  lunch  in  the  new  inn,  the  fat  pro- 
prietor brought  an  envelope  to  thei: 
table.  "A  telegram  for  you,  Mr.  Briggs 
Sent  over  from  the  Grand." 

Prue  saw  Clive's  skin  whiten,  hi> 
fingers  fumble  as  he  tore  the  envelopt 
open.  But  there  was  relief  in  his  face 
as  he  read  the  message. 

"Clive,"  she  said  gently,  "what's  wor- 
rying you,  darling?" 

"Me?     Why,  nothing." 

"You  told  me  you  slept  very  well?" 

"I  did.  Why?  What's  the  point?"  He 
was  defensive. 

"Nothing  .  .  .  Only  I — I  heard  talking 
in  your  room.  As  if  you  were  having  a 
nightmare,  a  very  special  kind  of  night- 
mare. And  now  this  telegram."  Sh< 
waited,  but  he  did  not  answer.  "It's  al. 
right  if  you  don't  want  to  tell  me,  Clive 
But  I  know  there's  something." 

He  tossed  her  the  telegram.  "That  isn  : 
anything.     Read  it,  if  you  like." 

"Wangled  forty-eight  hours  leave. 
Coming  down  for  binge.  Monty,"  it 

"Who's  Monty?" 

"An  old  friend  of  mine.  You'd  like 
him."  He  smiled  suddenly  and  lifted  tht 
glass  of  excellent  wine  The  Coach  and 
Four  served  with  its  lunches.  "Let's  for- 
get Monty.  I'm  beginning  to  feel  happ> 
again  and  there's  something  I  forgot  t 
tell  you  at  breakfast." 


"You're  very  lovely.    And  it  was  very 
sweet   of   you   to   give  me   that   drt- 

They  were  happy  for  the  rest  of  that 
day.  But  that  night  again,  Prue  wok( 
up  and  heard  his  voice  crying  out  in 
terror  and  command.  She  got  up.  this 
time,  and  went  into  his  room  to  wake 
him.  She  was  shocked  when  she  saw 
his  face  in  the  moonlight  streaming  in 
the  window.  It  was  wet  with  sweat, 
twisted  with  anguish.  She  shook  him  by 
the  arm  and  he  struggled  up  out  of 

"You  were  calling  out  orders.  .  .  ." 

"It's  nothing.  I'm  (Continued  on  page  90^ 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

"I  love  him  because  he  don't  know  how  to  kiss- 

Samuel  Goldwyn,  master  producer, 
scores  again  with  a  picture  both  heart- 
warming and  uproariously  funny— the 
story  of  a  sedate  professor  who  knew 
all  about  dead  languages  and  nothing 
about  live  ladies  until  a  night  club 
gal  crashed  his  bachelor  quarters  and 
rhumbaed  right  into  his  heart. 

few  j«#r 


Directed  by  HOWARD  HAWKS 

Released    through    RKO    Radio    Pictures    Inc. 

Screen  Play  by  CHARLES   BRACKETT  and   BILLY  WILDER 

Hear  Qene  Krupa  with  his  drums  and  his  famous  orchestra 

'EBRUARY.    1942 


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{Continued  from  page  88)  all  right.  It's 
just  when  I'm  overtired,  sometimes  I  talk 
in   my   sleep." 

"Clive  .  .  .  you  were  in  the  army?" 

"Yes,"  he  said  painfully. 

"Why  didn't  you  tell  me,  Clive?" 

"Why   should   I?      I'm   not   of  it  now." 

"Were  you  wounded?" 

"No,  I  ...  I  was  ill." 

"Were  you  in  France?  What  was  it 

"You  won't  be  satisfied  until  I  tell  you, 
will  you?"  he  said  savagely.  "All  right — 
it  was  hell!  Dirty,  foul,  disgusting.  D'you 
want  any  more?" 

"No,  not  if  you  feel  like  that." 

"How  did  you  expect  me  to  feel?" 

"Proud.  As  proud  as  I  am  that  you 
were  there.  Because  that's  the  one  thing 
about  you  I  didn't  understand.  I  knew 
you  weren't  the  kind  of  man  to  shirk." 

He  turned  away,  and  she  went  back  to 
her  own  room. 

KA  ONTY— Corporal  Montague— stamped 
'"*  in  upon  them  the  next  morning  as 
they  were  having  breakfast  in  Prue's 
room.  He  was  chunky,  blunt  and  con- 
siderably older  than  Clive,  whom  he 
called  Nipper.  Prue  told  herself  she 
should  resent  the  casual  way  in  which  he 
accepted  her  presence  with  Clive,  but  he 
was  too  disarmingly  friendly.  They  went, 
the  three  of  them,  to  the  cellars  of  the 
Victoria  Saloon,  where  a  soldier  played 
the  piano  and  the  floor  was  crowded  with 
dancing  soldiers  and  their  girls.  The 
single  waitress  was  swamped  with  orders, 
so  Clive  left  Prue  and  Monty  at  the  table 
while  he  went  to  the  bar  for  their  drinks. 

"Sorry  I  crashed  in  on  you  and  the 
Nipper  this  morning,"  Monty  said  in  em- 
barrassment. "If  I'd  known  you  was 
there  I  wouldn't  have  done  it." 

"That's  all  right.  Were  you  and  Clive 
in  .  .  .  France  together?" 

Monty  beamed.    "I'll  say  we  were!" 

"Was  he  .  .  .  was  he  a  good  soldier?" 

"Was  he — "  Monty  stared  at  her  in- 
credulously. "Listen  here,  Miss,  let  me 
tell  you  something.  If  you'd  seen  him 
coming  up  the  road  from  Arras  .  .  .  com- 
ing through  hell  as  cool  as  a  cucumber — 
then  going  back  next  night  and  doing  it 
again — you  wouldn't  have  to  ask  me  if  he 
was  a  good  soldier!" 

"Monty!"  They  looked  up.  Clive  was 
standing  over  them,  pale  with  fury. 
"When  you've  won  the  war,  give  me  a 
call.     I'll  be  at  the  bar." 

"Now,  Nipper!"  Monty  forced  Clive  into 
a  seat.    "Don't  be  a  silly  chump." 

"Well—"  Clive  said.  "All  right.  But 
we  won't  talk  about  the  war." 

"Right!"  Monty  agreed,  and  raised  his 

There  was  an  air  raid  that  night — Lea- 
ford's  first.  It  came  near  midnight,  after 
Prue  and  Clive  had  left  Monty  at  his  own 
hotel  and  returned  to  The  Coach  and 
Four.    But  they  had  not  gone  to  sleep. 

"Monty  looked  so  worried  when  you 
said  good-by  to  him,"  Prue  had  said. 
"And  I  noticed,  earlier,  the  two  of  you 
were  leaning  over  the  table,  talking  like 
conspirators.    What's  the  matter,  Clive?" 

Clive  turned  out  the  light  and  threw 
aside  the  black-out  draperies  at  the  win- 
dow. "Monty  wanted  to  see  me  about  a 
friend  of  his,  who  joined  the  army  the 
day  the  war  began.  He  believed  that  he 
was  going  to  fight  for  his  country,  but  he 
was  bitterly  deceived.  He  was  ready  to 
fight  and  willing  to  die,  if  there  was  sense 
and  reason  to  it — but  he  found  no  reason 
and  no  sense.  He  was  ready  to  follow  his 
leaders  and  he  found  them  stupid,  com- 
placent and  out  of  date,  with  no  claim  to 
leadership  but  birth  and  class  and  privi- 
lege. They  were  not  leading  him  in  a 
struggle  for  a  better  England — they  were 

asking  him  to  help  preserve  the  rotten, 
worn-out  conditions  that  had  kept  their 
class  in  comfort  and  his  in  poverty. 
They  asked  him  to  give  his  life  for  some- 
thing he  hated  and  despised." 

There  was  silence.  Prue  was  standing 
near  him,  wraith-like  in  her  negligee. 
She  said  softly,  "But  doesn't  he  think — 
this  friend  of  Monty's — that  this  is  no 
time  to  doubt  and  argue,  when  his  coun- 
try's fighting  for  its  life?  To  be  beaten 
in  this  war  would  be  terrible!" 

"That's  what  he's  trying  to  see  clearly," 
Clive  answered.  "He  asks  himself  this 
dreadful  question:  If  England  were  to 
lose,  could  we  be  worse  off,  or  weaker, 
or  more  shameful?  He's  told  himself  he 
is  fighting  for  England — but  do  you  know 
what  England  means  to  him?  It  means 
poverty — hunger — begging  for  work,  no 
matter  how  cruel  and  humiliating.  And 
if  our  armies  win  this  war — what  share 
will  this  man  and  millions  like  him  have 
in  the  victory?  None — England  will  be 
returned  to  the  men  who  have  owned  it 
and  disgraced  it,  so  that  they  can  go  on 
disgracing  it  until  the  next  war  comes." 

Prue  almost  whispered,  "But  what  is — 
this  man — going  to  do,  if  he  won't  fight 
any  more  for  England?" 

"Soon — very  soon — tomorrow,  perhaps 
— they'll  call  him  a  .  .  .  deserter  .  .  . 
They'll  hunt  him  down — arrest  him.  .  .  ." 

It  was  then  they  heard  the  first  planes 
coming  over  and  the  air-raid  siren. 
A  horrid  clicking  smack,  almost  directly 
overhead,  told  of  bursting  shrapnel  from 
Leaford's  anti-aircraft  batteries. 

Prue  clung  to  him,  trying  to  still  the 
terrified  leaping  of  her  heart  against  the 
solidity  of  his  body.  He  led  her  away 
from  the  window  to  the  chair  by  the  bed. 
cradling  her  there  in  his  lap  like  a  child. 

She  cowered  at  another  burst  of  shrap- 
nel.    "I'm  afraid  I'm  not  very  brave." 

"You  are  brave — and  you're  beautiful." 

"You're  saying  that  because  there's  a 
raid  on,  to  make  me  stop  thinking." 

"No.  I've  told  you  before,  and  I'll  tell 
you  again,  when  it's  over." 

A  bomb  dropped  near  them  then,  with 
a  crunch  and  a  crash.  "There,"  he  said. 
"The  closer  it  was  the  safer  we're  going 
to  be  from  now  on.  Two  won't  land  in 
the  same  spot." 

SHE  felt  his  courage  flowing  into  her 
and  knew  she  could  not  have  lived 
through  these  minutes  of  terror  without 
him.  When,  at  last,  the  "All  Clear" 
sounded,  she  went  limp  with  utter  weari- 
ness and  hardly  knew  when  he  picked 
her  up  and  laid  her  on  the  bed. 

Toward  dawn,  in  his  own  room,  Clive 
wrote  a  letter.  "Dearest,  I  would  no  more 
attempt  to  destroy  what  you  believe  than 
I  would  tell  a  child  that  Father  Christmas 
did  not  exist.  Where  I  am  going,  I  don't 
know,  and  I  don't  care.  I'm  tired.  I 
want  to  say  how  decent  you  were.  I  wish 
I  had  been  more  decent  to  you.  Good-by 
— and  our  coming  from  the  darkness  into 
the  light  of  knowing  each  other  was  very, 
very   sweet.     Yours,  Clive." 

He  had  dressed  before  he  sat  down  to 
write  the  letter.  Now  he  stood  up  and 
picked  up  his  hat  and  coat  and  the  letter 
and  went  out  into  the  hall.  He  would 
leave  the  letter  at  the  desk  downstairs 
and  they  would  give  it  to  her  in  the 
morning,  after  he  was  gone. 

A  deserter  from  England's  army  walks 
in  loneliness  and  danger,  every  mail's 
hand  against  him.  And  Clive  is  now  a  de- 
serter, cut  off  from  the  girl  he  loves  as 
well  as  from  his  countrymen.  Don't  miss 
the  conclusion  of  this  dramatic  romance 
in  next  month's  PHOTOPLAY -MOVIE 

photoplay  combined  tcith  movte  mirror 

Round-Up  of  Pace  Setters 

Continued  from  page  56)  to  Georgia, 
■"here  were  no  fine  schools  of  drama  to 
id  Evelyn  in  her  desires,  but  persistent 
ffort  and  faith  in  herself  turned  the 
rick.    So,  you  see,  it  can  be  done. 

What's    Sarong    With    This? 

Philip  (one  1,  please)  Reed  has  been 
naking  pictures  since  1933,  always  fully 
lothed  and  in  his  right  mind.  He  was 
landsome,  young,  talented.  And  so  what 
lappened?  Well,  practically  nothing,  as 
ar  as  that  goes.  At  least  no  presses  were 
topped,  no  worlds  were  set  afire  and  no 
ans  stampeded.  But,  in  1941,  Mr.  Reed 
r — removed  his  garments,  donned  a 
arong  for  his  role  of  the  meanie  in 
Aloma  Of  The  South  Seas"  and  over- 
ight  became  a  sensation.  Fortunately, 
is  acting  more  than  outshone  his  appeal 
d  the  feminine  eye  and  Mr.  Reed  is 
nally  on  his  way  with  the  pictures 
Weekend  For  Three"  and  "Heliotrope 
larry"  behind  him. 

Mr.  Reed  is  a  charming  gentleman  of 
everal  accomplishments.  Besides  his  act- 
rig  ability,  he's  the  best  tennis  doubles 
layer  in  Hollywood  and  so  talented  a 
iolinist  as  to  appear  with  Werner  Jans- 
en's  symphonic  orchestra.  Furthermore 
-get  ready,  girls — he's  a  bachelor,  a  tall, 
lack-haired,  brown-eyed  eligible  of 
hirty-two.  But  hard  to  catch.  He's  set 
i  his  ways.   He  says  so  himself. 

From  Erasmus  High  School  in  Brook- 
yn,  where  he  was  born,  Philip  with  his 
ne  "1"  joined  the  Freshman  class  at  Cor- 
ell  for  one  year.  School  dramatics,  plus 
is  music,  had  decided  him  on  his  course, 
le  would  be  an  actor. 

From  Cornell  to  Hoboken,  New  Jersey, 
raveled  our  hero  to  join  a  stock  com- 
•any  in  which,  to  his  utter  amazement, 
e  found  himself  appearing  in  blackface 
or  a  role  in  "The  Green  Goddess."  Reed 
without  Mammy  received  ten  bucks 
weekly  for  his  stint. 

Along  about  then  Philip  decided  to  add 
ancing  to  his  congregation  of  abilities 
nd  began  the  art  of  tapping  a  mean  toe 
/ith  a  redheaded  little  teacher  named 
'agney — Jimmy  Cagney. 

Several  stage  plays,  "Grand  Hotel" 
mong  them,  and  a  vaudeville  tour  with 
he  late  Lilyan  Tashman  and  Alma  Ru- 
<ens  came  before  his  advent  into  pic- 
ures,  which  included  such  opuses  as 
Klondike  Annie"  with  Mae  West,  "Ac- 
ent  On  Youth"  and  a  dozen  or  so  others. 

Back  in  New  York  in  1936,  Philip  (still 
/ith  his  one  "1")  joined  Tallulah  (with 
iree  "l's")  Bankhead  in  the  stage  play 
Reflected  Glory."  Hollywood  was  in  his 
lood  by  then;  he'd  bought  a  house  and 
/as  aching  to  get  back.  One  year  later 
e  thought  better.  He'd  traveled  to  Eng- 
and  to  make  pictures,  beheld  the  misty 
noors  of  Scotland,  viewed  the  lush  green 
■f  an  English  countryside  and,  because 
ie  was  one  of  the  best  tennis  doubles  in 
England,  he'd  been  entertained  in  the 
iome  of  Sir  James  Whatever-his-name- 
5  during  the  tournaments,  tasting  the  se- 
enity  of  English  country  life  and  sauted 
:idneys  for  breakfast.  Hollywood  could 
ever  be  his  all-in-all  again.  And  be- 
ause  he  lessened  his  grip  on  it,  Holly- 
wood flounced  after  him  like  a  shame- 
ess  hussy,  making  the  name  Philip  Reed 
ne  to  be  reckoned  with. 

His  last  stage  stint  was  a  pip.  He  played 
ll  through  the  New  York  and  now  mem- 
rable  Chicago  runs  of  "My  Dear  Chil- 
dren," with  John  Barrymore. 

He  believes  marriage  should  be  made 
nuch  more  difficult  to  achieve  and  di- 
■orce  easier.  He  doesn't  go  gadding 
bout  night  clubs  much  and  likes  quiet 

EBRUARY.    1942 


. . .  Returns  from 
forbidden  land 
to  teil  of  strange 


A  strange  man  in  Los  Angeles, 
known  as  "The  Voice  of  Two  Worlds," 
tells  of  astonishing  experiences  in 
far-off  and  mysterious  Tibet,  often 
called  the  land  of  miracles  by  the  few 
travelers  permitted  to  visit  it.  Here 
he  lived  among  the  lamas,  mystic 
priests  of  the  temple.  "In  your  previ- 
ous lifetime,"  a  very  old  lama  told 
him,  "you  lived  here,  a  lama  in  this 
temple.  You  and  I  were  boys  together. 
I  lived  on,  but  you  died  in  youth,  and 
were  reborn  in  England.  I  have  been 
expecting  your  return." 

The  young  Englishman  was  amazed 
as  he  looked  around  the  temple  where 
he  was  believed  to  have  lived  and 
died.  It  seemed  uncannily  familiar,  he 
appeared  to  know  every  nook  and 
corner  of  it,  yet— at  least  in  this  life- 
time— he  had  never  been  there  be- 
fore. And  mysterious  was  the  set  of 
circumstances  that  had  brought  him. 
Could  it  be  a  case  of  reincarnation, 
that  strange  belief  of  the  East  that 
souls  return  to  earth  again  and  again, 
living  many  lifetimes  ? 

Because  of  their  belief  that  he  had 
formerly  been  a  lama  in  the  temple, 
the  lamas  welcomed  the  young  man 
with  open  arms  and  taught  him  rare 
mysteries  and  long-hidden  practices, 
closely  guarded  for  three  thousand 
years  by  the  sages,  which  have  en- 

abled many  to  perform  amazing 
feats.  He  says  that  the  system  often 
leads  to  almost  unbelievable  improve- 
ment in  power  of  mind,  can  be  used  to 
achieve  brilliant  business  and  profes- 
sional success  as  well  as  great  happi- 
ness. The  young  man  himself  later 
became  a  noted  explorer  and  geogra- 
pher, a  successful  publisher  of  maps 
and  atlases  of  the  Far  East,  used 
throughout  the  world. 

"There  is  in  all  men  a  sleeping 
giant  of  mindpower,"  he  says.  "When 
awakened,  it  can  make  man  capable 
of  surprising  feats,  from  the  prolong- 
ing of  youth  to  success  in  many  other 
worthy  endeavors."  The  system  is 
said  by  many  to  promote  improve- 
ment in  health;  others  tell  of  in- 
creased bodily  strength,  courage  and 

"The  time  has  come  for  this  long- 
hidden  system  to  be  disclosed  to  the 
Western  world,"  declares  the  author, 
and  offers  to  send  his  amazing  9,000- 
word  treatise — which  reveals  many 
startling  results — to  sincere  readers 
of  this  publication,  free  of  cost  or  ob- 
ligation. For  your  free  copy,  address 
the  Institute  of  Mentalphysics,  213 
South  Hobart  Blvd.,  Dept.  89-L,  Los 
Angeles,  Calif.  Readers  are  urged  to 
write  promptly,  as  only  a  limited 
number  of  the  free  treatises  have 
been  printed. 



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dinners  at  the  homes  of  his  friends. 

And  no  need  to  write  the  Easter  Bunn 
He  definitely  will   not  bring  you  Philip 
Reed  as  an  Easter  token. 

"O"   As   In  Oh,   Honey: 

When  two,  eyes  of  blue  come  twinkli:  _• 
through,  it's  O'Driscoll  and  we'll  have 
you  be  knowing.  No  eyes  in  all  Holly- 
wood twinkle  and  laugh  as  do  Martha  s. 
And  why?  She's  been  five  years  getti:  a 
a  toehold  in  movies  and  that's  not  funnv. 
She  absolutely  lost  the  best  chance  that 
will  come  her  way  in  a  coon's  age  when 
her  studio  could  not  lend  her  for  the 
lead  in  "Our  Town"  that  made  Martha 
Scott  famous.  And  is  that  something  to 
laugh  about?  The  care  of  her  family  rests 
almost  entirely  on  her  well-modeled 
shoulders  and  would  anyone  grow  gayer 
than  a  gingerbread  man  over  that? 

Well,  Martha  would,  which  is  why  we. 
everyone  on  the  Paramount  lot  ar.d 
just  people  everywhere  love  O'Drisco... 

Martha,  whose  latest  picture  is  "Mid- 
night Angel,"  was  thirteen  when  she  left 
Phoenix  to  come  to  Hollywood  and  try 
her  luck  at  movies.  Since  she'd  been  a 
baby  almost,  Martha  had  been  preparing 
for  the  work  she  wanted  to  do,  studyir.2 
singing,  dancing  and  dramatics.  It  wis 
summer  vacation,  hot  as  blazes  in  Phoe- 
nix, and  Mrs.  O'Driscoll  agreed  to  bring 
her  daughter  to  the  Coast  just  for  the 
summer.  That  was  the  year  1935  AD. 
and  Paramount  studios  had  issued  a  call 
for  dancing  girls.  Martha  answered  the 
call,  giving  her  age  as  eighteen  (and  she 
really  looked  it)  and  went  to  work  in 
the  chorus  lineup  for  "Collegiate."  She 
danced  in  Paramount's  "Big  Broadcast  y. 
1936."  Universal  saw  her,  signed  her  ar.d 
practically  dropped  dead  when  Martha 
told  her  real  age — fourteen. 

She  didn't  make  history  or  pictures, 
either,  at  Universal,  but  a  huge  scrap- 
book  packed  from  cover  to  cover  reveals 
her  to  be  Universal's  choice  of  the  g  ri 
to  pose  for  leg  art,  for  bathing  suits,  for 
new  hair-dos  and  whatever  came  along 

What  finally  did  come  along,  of  course, 
was  M-G-M  and  after  Martha  had  grad- 
uated from  the  Immaculate  Heart  Con-  I 
vent  in  Los  Angeles  and  completed  her 
high-school  career,  she  signed  with  the 
Culver  City  studio.    "The  Secret  Of  Dr.  I 
Kildare"  as  a  nurse,  "Judge  Hardy  And 
Son"   as   the   bespectacled   rich   girl  and  I 
"Forty    Little    Mothers"    as    a    schoolgirl  | 
was  the  program  there.    Some   splendid 
radio    work    and    several    RKO    pictures 
were   sandwiched   in   between   and  then 
just  five  years  later,  when  she  really  was 
eighteen,    Martha    returned    to    her   first 
love,    Paramount,    where    she's    grabbeo  I 
off  a  rich  plum  in  "Out  Of  The  Frying 
Pan"  and  a  very  rich  one   in  DeMille': 
big  production,  "Reap  The  Wild  Winl 

Out  in  the  Valley  she's  bought  a  ho:n<  I 
for  herself,  her  mother  and  the  twi  I 
young  brothers  she  adores.  She  has  i  I 
unique  plan  for  keeping  her  heart  fre»  I 
from  entanglements.  She  doesn't  see  :<x  I 
much  of  any  one  lad,  lest  she  get  int<  I 
romance  heart-deep.  And  Martha  isn"'  I 
ready  for  real  romance  as  yet,  thougi  I 
she  has  the  Hollywood  night-lifers  guess,  I 
ing  on  her  cheek-to-cheeking  with  Rich 
aid  Denning. 

Her  bowling  team,  composed  of  Para)  I 
mount  workmen  and  facetiously  cahei  I 
The  Martha  O'Driscoll  Angels,  adores  hev  I 
When  a  member  is  absent,  Martha  pitchejJ 
right  in  and  bowls  with  them  and,  mori  I 
than  that,  she  bowls  them  over  with  ha  I 
high  scoring. 

She  saves  half  of  everything  she  makejil 
is  a  natural  blonde  and  a  natural,  chaimiJ 
ing,  delightful  person  to  know. 

We  know.    We  were  there. 
The  End 



•   '     Wittl     MOVIE    MIFSOI 

(Continued  jrom  page  45)  years  to  be 
honored  guests  at  their  luncheons,  only 
to  be  met  with  the  well-known  brush-off, 
suddenly  started  phoning  to  inquire  in 
honeyed  tones,  "When  am  I  going  to  at- 
tend one  of  your  nice  luncheons?"  This 
bold  stand  of  the  Press  Club  gals  is  doing 
plenty  towards  taking  the  starch  out  of 
the  stars.  They've  smoked  out  the 
phonies  for  fair  and  everybody's  having 
a  good  laugh  over  it. 

Although  we're  improving,  we  have  a 
long  way  to  go  yet.  Only  recently, 
after  the  Browne-Bioff  conviction,  a 
famous  editor  tried  to  canvas  the  im- 
portant people  of  Hollywood  for  a  round- 
'  robin  editorial  and  the  silence  was  so 
•  intense  you  could  have  heard  an  option 
drop  as  far  as  Burbank.  There  wasn't 
a  quote  in  a  carload.  It  was  our  chance 
to  speak  up,  but,  as  usual,  through  fear 
we  muffed  it! 

Hollywood's  private  opinion  of  certain 
stars  and  their  drawing  power  varies 
widely  from  that  of  the  public's — as  wit- 
ness the  time  an  exhibitor  printed  a  whole 
raft  of  names  which  were  poison  at  the 
box  office.  On  that  list  was  Katharine  Hep- 
burn, who  later  made  a  liar  out  of  the 
gent  in  "The  Philadelphia  Story"  (and 
I  think  "Woman  Of  The  Year,"  just  com- 
pleted, will  be  equally  good).  I  don't 
say  that  Katie  didn't  have  to  work  very 
hard  to  undo  the  bad  impression  she's 
made,  because  she  did,  but  she  had  what 
it  takes  and  justified  Hollywood's  faith 
in  her.  The  same  exhibitor  named  Mar- 
■  lene  Dietrich  and  his  timely  criticism  of 
her  got  her  down  to  some  real  acting. 
Director  Mitch  Leisen  tells  me  that  in 
"The  Lady  Is  Willing"  Marlene  gives  a 
grand  performance  and  one  of  the  nicest 

It's  Hollywood's  Private  Opinion 

compliments  she's  ever  had  was  told  to 
me  by  Aline  MacMahon,  who's  return- 
ing to  the  screen  in  this  one.  Aline  said 
she'd  expected  to  just  skim  through  the 
picture,  but,  after  watching  Marlene  work 
the  first  day,  she  took  her  script  home 
with  her  and  worked  half  the  night  over 
her  own  part.  That,  my  friends,  is  praise! 
There  are  many  others  in  our  town 
whose  talents  are  admired  and  re- 
spected by  their  fellow  players — Joseph 
Schildkraut,  Walter  Huston,  Montagu 
Love,  Marjorie  Main,  Spring  Byington, 
Edna  May  Oliver,  all  of  whom  turn  in 
consistently  flawless  performances.  But 
the  public  withholds  its  enthusiasm  and 
producers  continue  to  bow  to  the  box- 
office  bull  (or  is  it  the  golden  calf?). 

AS  FOR  Hollywood's  opinion  of  pic- 
tures, we've  guessed  wrong  so  many 
times  you'd  think  by  now  that  we'd  just 
keep  our  fingers  crossed  and  let  the  fans 
decide,  but  the  industry's  always  been  a 
hog  for  punishment  and  every  time  we're 
slapped  down  it's  just  a  dare  to  get  up 
and  try  it  again. 

With  all  the  brains  and  all  the  money 
and  all  the  talent  and  all  the  years  of 
experience  behind  us,  we  still  can't  tell 
a  hit  from  a  flop  until  it  comes  up  and 
kicks  us  in  the  face.  One  of  the 
best  and  most  recent  examples  of  this 
is  the  first  film  made  by  Abbott  and 
Costello,  a  lowly  B  that  was  beaten  to- 
gether for  a  mere  $190,000.  But  once 
released,  its  success  was  so  sensational 
that  it  emboldened  Universal  to  row  with 
their  sweet  little  money-maker,  Deanna 
Durbin.  A  year  ago  they'd  have  given 
her  the  moon  and  no  questions  asked; 
now  they're  talking  back! 

Hollywood's  private  opinion  of  divorce 
has  undergone  a  healthy  change  in  the 
past  few  years  and  our  married  couples 
no  longer  hop  into  and  out  of  double 
harness  with  the  old  carefree  abandon. 
The  Paulette  Goddard-Charlie  Chaplin 
marital  status  has  ceased  even  to  lift  the 
lowliest  eyebrow.  It's  just  boring,  no- 
body cares  and  Paulette  continues  to 
climb  in  popularity.  Lana  Turner's 
lightning  marriage  and  divorce  we've 
decided  to  overlook  as  a  high-school 
girl's  prank  but  she'll  do  well  not  to  re- 
peat it,  for  it's  much  smarter  these  days 
to  be  happily  married  with  even  a  baby 
or  two  (adopted  or  home  grown)  to  your 
credit.  The  question  of  divorce  is  now 
gone  into  with  much  honest  heart-search- 
ing before  the  final  decision.  One  recent 
divorcee  who  escaped  all  censure  is  Lili 
Damita.  Even  Errol  Flynn  admitted  that 
her  request  for  alimony  for  herself  and 
baby  was  eminently  fair  and  the  fact 
that  Lili's  still  in  love  with  the  big  good- 
looking  lug  has  won  her  sympathy  on 
all  sides. 

ANN  SOTHERN'S  decision  to  divorce 
Roger  Pryor  has  brought  no  reper- 
cussions other  than  the  regret  of  their 
many  mutual  friends,  because  they're 
both  such  swell  eggs  and  so  regular.  I 
think  one  of  the  main  factors  leading  up 
to  their  split  was  the  reversal  of  their 
monetary  positions.  No  man  wants  to 
feel  that  his  wife  is  the  superior  earner. 
It  not  only  deflates  his  ego — it  does 
something  to  his  manhood.  He  simply 
must  be  the  head  of  his  own  house. 

Hollywood  hasn't  quite  made  up  its 
mind  about  all  this  rash  of  young 
marriages  that's  broken  out  in  the  last 



Pepsodent  to  the  Rescue 

I.  Twins  are  confusing  enough.  But  when  one  of  them  deliberately 
tries  to  fool  a  fellow  .  .  .  well  ...  I  was  all  at  sea  .  .  . 

2.  I'd  hav^e  popped  the  question  to  Joan  weeks  ago  if 
I'd  been  sure  she  wasn't  that  mischievous  twin  of 
hers  who  never  let  me  be  quite  sure. Then,  one  night... 

4.  So  Joan  and  I  decided  to  turn  the  tables  on  her 
twin  sister.  Joan  switched  to  Pepsodent  Powder. 
Her  twin  kept  right  on  using  her  old  brand. 




5.  It  worked  like  a  charm!  One  quick  glance  told  me 
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Pepsodent  now,  but ...  I  can  tell  Joan  every  time . . . 
she's  the  one  with  my  solitaire  on  her  finger! 

6.  Independent  laboratory  tests  proved  this  fact.  No  other 
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Double  your  chances  by  making  your  teeth  Twice  as 
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FEBRUARY,    1942 





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year.  When  Deanna  Durbin  took  the  bit 
in  her  teeth  it  seemed  to  inspire  all  the 
other  youngsters  to  follow  suit.  Metro 
was  in  a  fine  lather  when  Judy  Garland 
announced  she  would  marry  Martha 
Raye's  (ex)  David  Rose  and  they  prac- 
tically swooned  when  their  little  nun- 
like Kathryn  Grayson,  whom  they'd 
sheltered  in  their  bosom  for  two  years 
and  who  was  about  to  step  into  stardom, 
eloped  with  John  Shelton,  a  young  man 
who  got  his  chance  at  the  same  studio. 
On  the  other  hand,  Twentieth  Century 
was  quick  to  see  the  advantage  in  the 
joining  of  their  star  Sonja  Henie  to 
millionaire  Dan  Topping,  also  Gene 
Tierney  to  Count  Oleg  Cassini,  and  the 
fact  that  Gene's  parents  acted  up  (as 
parents  usually  do  but  shouldn't)  not 
only  gave  her  even  more  publicity  but 
won  her  much  local  sympathy. 

The  end  of  the  juvenile  marriages  is 
not  yet  in  sight.  There's  that  certain  look 
in  the  eyes  of  Jackie  Cooper  and  Bonita 
Granville.  Mickey  Rooney  seems  un- 
decided between  a  half-dozen  young 
lovelies  and  it  looks  as  though  Ann  Ruth- 
erford might  soon  step  off  with  David 
May  (not  of  the  films).  Hollywood's  re- 
serving judgment  until  these  romances 
have  been  put  to  the  test  a  bit  longer. 

I T  was  long  Hollywood's  private  opinion 
'  that  married  couples  had  no  right  to  be 
teamed  on  the  screen.  They  seemed  tc 
think  that  husband  and  wife  in  a  picture 
together  would  have  no  romantic  appeal 
for  the  public.  But  Jeanette  MacDonald 
didn't  hold  with  this  view  and  fought 
like  a  tigress  for  Gene  Raymond  as  her 
lead.  The  success  of  "Smilin'  Through' 
has  proved  that  she's  right.  Since  then 
we've  had  Joan  Fontaine  pleading  to 
play  opposite  her  husband  Brian  Aherne 
and  I  suppose,  after  the  birth  of  her 
baby,  Alice  Faye  will  insist  that  her  lead- 
ing man  be  Phil  Harris. 

Probably  the  most  unique  and  mys- 
terious of  all  Hollywood's  private  opinions 
is  the  ruling  on  social  standing  and  why 
We  still  pick  'em  mostly  for  their  bank 
accounts  and  spending  capacity  rather 
than  background  and  good  manners,  al- 
though, since  the  war,  any  fourflushing 
phony  with  a  foreign  title  is  welcomed 
with  open  arms. 

Recently  the  Santa  Monica  set  found 
out  that  the  wife  of  a  well-known  star, 
who'd  been  fawned  upon  as  a  Southern 
aristocrat  of  azure  blood,  was  in  reality 
the  daughter  of  the  village  grocer  and 
got  her  money  through  a  former  marri- 
age. She's  a  perfectly  nice  and  very 
pretty  girl,  with  charming  manners,  bu! 
if  she'd  been  the  original  "Scarlet  Wo 
man"'  with  a  large  A  tattooed  on  her 
chest  she  couldn't  have  got  a  worse  cold 
shoulder.  Considering  the  beginning- 
of  most  of  these  social  arbiters,  such  a 
performance  sounds  a  bit  fantastic,  until 
you  stop  and  figure  it  out.  As  my  old 
Granny  used  to  say  (of  snobs),  "Don't 
be  too  hard  on  'em,  Elda.  You  know, 
when  you're  not  sure  of  yourself,  you 
have  to  be  awful  sure  of  the  other 

I  had  planned  to  finish  this  off  with  a 
word  about  Hollywood  parties,  but,  siiu 
the  war  got  under  way,  the  word's  gone 
round  to  pipe  down  on  any  opulent  dis- 
play.    Simplicity  is  the  keynote  and  the 
old,  amiable  orgies  where  people  imbibed 
freely,   took   down   their   back   hair  and 
had   themselves   a   heck   of  a   good   time 
are  a  part  of  our  dim  past.  The  average 
Hollywood     party,     these     days,     is    so 
genteel    and    so    dull    you    can    hear    its 
stays  creaking.     We've  gone  respectable 
and  conventional  in  a  big  way  and  our  I 
refinement  has  become  so  "supercolossa."  | 
that  I  wouldn't  even  bore  you  by  telling  | 
about   it. 

PHOTOPLAY    c<"mi>"»fM    With    MOVIE   MIRROR  > 

(Continued  from  page  46)  simple  after  he 
got  here — or  had  you  already  guessed? 
So  he  got  a  job  selling  ties  in  a  Los  An- 
geles men's  store. 

"Acting  is  selling,  you  know,"  he  says 
now,  looking  very  sage  about  it  all. 
"And  I'd  had  a  lot  of  selling  experience. 
I'm  glad  I  had  for  a  lot  of  reasons." 

He  pulled  up  a  knee,  wrapped  his 
arms  around  it  and  proceeded  to  ex- 
pound. He  is,  we  might  add,  one  of 
Hollywood's  most  amusing  expounders. 
He  warms  so  to  a  subject. 

"Y'see,"  he  said,  "you  have  to  like 
people  to  do  any  of  those  things.  You 
have  to  really  care  about  people.  It's  a 
knack.  And  I  guess  I  have  it.  That's 
where  the  hitchhiking  comes  in.  I 
hitchhiked  to  Florida  once  and  I  found 
out  that  it  isn't  so  much  picking  up  a 
ride.  It's  hanging  onto  the  ride.  If  you're 
interested  in  the  people  who  pick  you 
up — and  get  them  to  talk  about  them- 
selves— they'll  take  you  for  miles  and 
miles.  Otherwise,  they  put  you  down  at 
the  next  crossroads.  'Far  as  we  go, 
Buddy,'  they  say.    People  like   to  talk." 

HE  was  pi jtty  young  when  he  took 
the  Florida  jaunt  and  he  hadn't  the 
ghost  of  a  notion  of  what  he  wanted  to 
do  when  he  arrived  in  Miami.  The  only 
smitch  of  professional  experience  he 
could  boast  was  some  dabbling  in  high- 
school  dramatics  and  some  activity  with 
the  high-school  orchestra.  He  used  this 
store  of  knowledge  to  get  himself  a  job 
in  a  small  night  club  and  there  he  learned 
what  it  was  to  have  a  real  audience.  A 
paying  audience.  He  went  home  that 
spring  with  a  little  money  in  his  pocket 
and  the  sound  of  applause  in  his  ears. 

Bob  Sterling — Next  for  Fame 

We'll  pick  up  a  couple  of  threads  just 
here  and  then  deliver  Bob  to  Hollywood, 
where  he  belongs.  Home,  as  we  said,  was 
New  Castle,  Pennsylvania.  His  father, 
Walter  S.  Hart,  had  been  a  catcher  for 
the  Chicago  Cubs  and  had  retired  to 
New  Castle  to  manage  a  golf  course. 
When  Bob  returned  from  Florida,  seeing 
no  jobs  in  the  entertainment  business  at 
the  moment,  he  went  on  the  road  (to  his 
own  surprise)  selling  automobile  tires. 
He  liked  that,  too,  because  it  entailed 
meeting  people.  But  they  promoted  him 
to  the  credit  department  after  a  while 
and  that  entailed  a  lot  of  arithmetic  and 
no  selling.  That's  where  he  was  moping 
when  they  asked  him  to  take  a  "vaca- 
tion" without  pay. 

So-o-o,  next  thing  he  was  in  Holly- 
wood, selling  neckties.  He  kept  pecking 
away  at  the  studios  because  that  was 
what  he  had  come  out  to  do.  He  can't 
tell  you,  to  this  moment,  how  he  knew 
he  wanted  to  act.  He  certainly  had  no 
idea  about  how  to  go  about  it. 

"Acting  is  pleasing  people,"  he  said, 
helplessly.  "Just  as  you  do  when  you 
sell  them  things.  There's  more  to  it  than 
that.  It's  being  able  to  become  somebody 
you're  not  and  to  think  like  him  and 
look  like  him  and  .  .  .  Well,  I  don't 
have  to  tell  you  what  acting  is.  I  can't! 
It's  something  you  want  to  do  or  you 
don't.    I  want  to  and  I  have  to." 

There  was  a  pause  and  then  he  added, 
"You  still  have  to  sell  the  customers  a 
bill   of   goods." 

He  spent  those  early  evenings  in 
Hollywood  in  the  public  library,  reading 
plays,  just  in  case  something  should  come 
up.  He'd  try  to  think  how  he  would 
read  those  lines  and  often  he  thought  he 

was  pretty  good.  So  when  he  read  that 
Columbia  was  looking  for  a  likely  lad 
to  play  the  lead  in  "Golden  Boy"  he 
thought,  "I  can  do  that."  Forthwith  he 
went  out  to  Columbia  to  inform  the 
casting  office  of  this  interesting  fact. 
Someone  inquired  who  his  agent  was 
and  when  he  said  he  hadn't  one  they 
advised  him  to  get  one.  But  they  gave 
him  a  test,  anyhow,  and  signed  him  to  a 
year's  contract. 

"Everything's  all  right,"  someone  told 
him.  "You're  going  to  play  'Golden  Boy' 
and  then  you'll  be  all  set.  But  don't 
tell  anyone  yet.  We  want  to  break  the 
news  in  all  the  papers  at  once." 

So  he  read  and  reread  the  part.  Re- 
hearsed it  in  front  of  his  mirror.  Wore  it 
thin.  And  one  day  Bill  Holden  dropped 
in  to  see  him.  "I  know  who's  going  to 
play  'Golden  Boy,'  "  he  said,  grinning. 

"Oh — did  they  tell  you?"  Bob  practi- 
cally trilled  this. 

"Ye-ah.    It's  me.    Isn't  that  sumpin'?" 

It  was,  too.  Nobody  at  the  studio  had 
taken  the  trouble  even  to  tell  Bob  that 
the  part  had  been  given  to  someone  else. 
But  his  contract  held  for  a  time  and  he 
began  to  learn  about  acting  in  the  tiniest 
of  bit  parts.  "I  wasn't  good  for  anything 
else,"  he  says  now.  "But  anyone  who 
had  told  me  that  then  would  have  had 
me  to  fight!" 

HE  selected  an  agent  at  last  simply  be- 
cause he  liked  the  looks  erf  the  build- 
ing which  housed  the  agent's  office  on 
the  Sunset  Strip.  The  agent  took  him 
on.  Believe  us,  it  doesn't  often  happen 
like  that.  Usually  it's  almost  as  difficult 
to  get  an  agent  as  it  is  to  get  a  job  in 
pictures.      Followed    a    fruitless    trip    to 

Hollywood's  Most  Exciting  Magazine 

EXCITING!  Hollywood's  most  exciting  news  is  a  new  movie  magazine  "STAR- 
DOM"— different  from  any  you've  ever  seen!  Every  kind  of  feature  you  like  is  in 
it — from  engrossing,  intimate  revelations  by  and  about  stars,  to  fine  fiction  ver- 
sions of  fascinating  new  films.  Candid  photos  and  color  portraits  brighten  its  pages. 
Spend  an  evening  with  "STARDOM" — it's  a  new  world  full  of  gay  surprises! 


IT  A  P  T  Q  Truths  about  famous  people,  how  they  live,  what  they 
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men.  Learn  what  love  does  to  Dorothy  Lamour.  Read  the  "case  his- 
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pipTinkl     Like  light,  lively  stories?  Here's  "Ball  of  Fire,"  by  the 
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PHOTO Q    Luscious,  lovely— these  color  portraits  of  so-gorgeous 
nU  I  UO    Gene  Tierney  and  pulse-racing  Paulette  Goddard!  And 
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every  girl  can  be  a  picture  of  charm! 

FEBRUARY,    1942 

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Use  Packers  Pine  Tar 
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You'll  never  have  to 
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New  York,  a  return  to  Hollywood,  a 
test  or  two  and  a  couple  of  jobs  in 
things  like  "Gay  Caballero"  and  "Yester- 
day's Heroes,"  in  case  you  remember. 
Then  Metro  signed  him  and  started 
grooming  him — which  brings  us  right  up 
to  Louis  B.  Mayer's  party  at  Ciro's.  And 
right  up  to  his  role  in  the  Garbo  picture. 

He  fell  in  love  with  her,  cf  course. 
Young  players  (older  ones,  too)  nearly 
always  do.  At  the  drop  of  less  than  a 
hint  he  will  rush  into  a  recital  of  the 
simply  amazing  facts  that  Garbo  smiles — 
even  laughs — between  shots.  You  gather 
that  he  was  flabbergasted  to  see  her 
actually  eating  a  sandwich.  He  was 
worshipful  when  she  advised  him  about 
his  scenes  and  applauded  him  when  she 
thought  he  was  good.  He  was  completely 
breathless  about  it  all. 

Ann  Sothern  cried  one  day,  "Well,  tell 
us  something!  How  does  she  look?  How 
is  she  dressed?  How  is  she  wearing  her 
hair?    Tell!" 

Bob  was  bemused.  "She  looks  all 
right,"  he  reported,  brilliantly.  "Most  of 
the  time  she  has  on  something  shiny. 
I  guess  it's  white.  She  has  a  lot  of 
eyelashes.  And  her  hair — well,  it's  sort 
of  curly  and  shoved  up.  That  looks  all 
right,  too." 

Fashion  editors,  please  note. 

"But  I'm  not  even  going  to  wonder 
whether  I'm  good  in  the  picture — or  even 
whether  I'll  still  be  in  it  when  it's  re- 
leased— until  it  is  released,"  he  said.  "And 
I'm  not  going  to  wonder  about  my  next 
part  or  worry  about  what  they'll  ask  me 
to  do.  I'm  never  going  to  worry  about 
or  expect  anything  about  anything."  He 
paused  and  then  added,  "At  least,  I  hope 
I  won't.  Maybe  that's  the  most  impor- 
tant thing  I've  learned!" 

Bob  shared  a  bachelor  apartment  with 
young  Henry  Willson,  talent  scout  for  the 
Zeppo  Marx  agency,  until  a  few  months 
ago  when  his  father  met  with  an  acci- 
dent which  resulted  in  a  painful  leg 
injury.  This  gave  Bob  an  excuse  to  move 
his  family  (father,  mother  and  two  sis- 
ters) to  Hollywood  and  install  them  in  a 
little  house  in  Beverly.  You're  sure  that 
Bob  was  very  sorry  his  father  had  met 

with  an  accident.  But  there  was  a  cer- 
tain— er — satisfaction  in  his  feeling  about 
"being  at  home,"  with  his  mother's  cook- 
ing and  all. 

"She  makes  gravy,"  he  said.  "And  I'll 
eat  anything  with  gravy  on  it.  Meat, 
potatoes,  vegetables.  But  she  makes  me 
eat  bales  of  salads.  California,"  he  added, 
plaintively,  "seems  to  grow  an  awful  lot 
of  things  which  go  into  raw  salads!" 

Just  as  he  finished  his  exciting  chore 
in  the  Garbo  picture,  he  had  his  first 
really  tragic,  really  frightening  personal 
experience.  His  father  suffered  a  heart 
attack.    A  serious  one. 

"It's  so  awful — when  you  don't  know 
from  hour  to  hour,"  Bob  told  me,  that 
first  day  he  came  to  see  me.  "There's 
something — cosmic  about  it,  I  guess. 
Anyhow,  I'm  the  man  of  the  family  for 
the  time  being  ...  I'd  better  be  good!" 

And  there  was  that  sense  of  respon- 
sibility, that  first  feeling  of  growing  up. 
Bob  has  packed  a  lot  of  experience  into 
a  few  years.  Maybe  Louis  B.  Mayer  saw 
a  very  young  man  maturing  very  fast 
and  making  a  good  job  of  it. 

His  father  is  better  now  and  Bob  is 
settling  back  to  the  job  of  f  .ing  his 
niche,  getting  his  bearings.  Somo  of  it  is 
rough  going. 

C  OR  instance,  he  doesn't  like  to  go  to 
'  Ciro's  very  often.  The  photographers 
inside  and  the  autograph  hounds  outside 
the  place  appall  him.  "I  guess  I  just 
haven't  got  used  to  it  yet,"  he  confessed. 
"I  know  you  have  to  be  nice.  It's  part 
of  my  job  to  be  nice.  And  it  isn't  that 
I'm  shy,  either.  How  could  an  ex-tire 
salesman  be  shy?  But  something  hap- 
pens to  me  when  they  point  those  cam- 
eras or  when  a  lot  of  people  swarm  up 
and  ask  for  autographs.  I  get  cold  in- 
side. I  have  a  feeling  that  most  of  them 
don't  know  who  I  am — that  they're  tak- 
ing a  chance  on  my  being  somebody — and 
what  am  I  going  to  say  if  one  of  them 
asks  me?" 

Then,  of  course,  there's  the  girl  ques- 
tion. There  has  to  be  a  girl  question 
with  anything  as  good-looking  as  Bob 
Sterling  running  around  Hollywood.    He 

This  twosome — Bob  Sterling  and  Gene  Tierney — almost  ended  in 
a  united  marriage  front.  After  the  romance  was  over,  Gene 
met — and  married — Count  Oleg  Cassini    (see  story  on   page  28) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

finds     it     just     a     little     bit     puzzling. 

He  classifies  girls  roughly  as  "glamour 
girls"  and  "outsiders."  Don't  be  shocked 
at  the  latter  term.  It  merely  means  that 
the  girl  is  not  in  or  trying  to  get  into 
pictures.  The  difficulty  is  that  the 
glamour  girls  want  to  be  seen  only  in 
certain  places.  Their  movements  are 
pretty  much  curtailed.  And  they  want 
to  talk  shop  incessantly.  He  thinks  that 
this  constant  harping  on  work  gets  bor- 
ng — until  he  tries  to  spend  an  evening 
jvith  even  the  prettiest  girl  who  doesn't 
snow  a  thing  about  the  inside  of  a 
studio.  Bob  is  pretty  intense  about  his 
job  and  wants  to  talk  shop  a  little  bit,  he 
iiscovers,  after  all.  But  the  little  out- 
iider  is  consumed  with  curiosity  about 
Urn  figures  and  imagines  that  he  should 
enow  the  "inside  gossip"  about  every- 
)ody.  He  doesn't  and  that,  for  some 
:urious  reason,  embarrasses  him.  He  feels 
hat  he's  letting  her  down  and  they  gen- 
ially wind  up  the  evening  with  a  feei- 
ng of  mutual  disappointment. 

After  he  had  confided  these  bewilder- 
nents  he  said,  worriedly,  "Maybe  I 
houldn't  have  told  you  any  of  this.  I 
lave  a  feeling  that  when  I  fall  for  a  girl 
-and  it  might  be  any  time,  you  know! — 
t  will  be  hard  and  final.  And  none  of  the 
hings  I've  said  will  turn  out  to  be  true 
-or  to  matter." 

THE  house  where  he  lives  with  his 
'  father  and  mother  (where  he  eats  all 
he  gravy)  has  an  upstairs  suite  which 
s  his  own.  A  living  room,  dressing  room, 
>edroom  and  bath.  "It  just  happened  to 
lave  it,"  he  explained,  "and  it's  very 
onvenient  because  I  can  play  my  radio 
t  queer  hours  without  disturbing  the 
ithers.    We  were  awfully  lucky." 

He's  really  good  at  golf.  Plays  in  the 
3w  figures  and  is  viewed  with  respect 
>y  experts.  "I'll  play  in  a  tournament 
i'hen  I  get  time,"  he  says,  looking  wor- 
ied.  "It  might  be  fun,  at  that.  I've 
lever  had  time  to  play  except  around 
he  edges  of  other  things  I  was  doing." 

His  best  friends  are  the  aforementioned 
lenry  Willson  and  a  young  actor,  Craig 
itevens,  who  has  just  caused  such  a  stir 
iy  his  spectacular  work  in  Warners' 
Steel  Against  the  Sky." 

Then  there  is  Muggs,  the  mongrel  dog 
yhom  he  acquired  by  accident  at  Coro- 
lado.  "A  nice  girl  had  found  him  and 
aken  the  trouble  to  get  him  across  the 
»order  and  then  her  family  wouldn't  let 
ler  keep  him.  Can  you  imagine?"  Bob 
xplains.  Then  he  tells  you  and  tells  you 
nd  tells  you  how  wonderful  Muggs  is. 
It's  a  difficult  subject  to  change. 

Next  to  Muggs — and  gravy — he  likes 
lothes.  Especially  English  tweeds  and 
oft  suede  jackets  and  gabardine  slacks 
nd  shoes.  He's  a  sucker  for  good  shoes 
jid  confesses  that  he  has  never  yet 
■wned  enough  of  them  (with  shoe  trees) 
o  satisfy  him.  He  just  likes  to  see  them 
itting  on  a  shelf,  like  rows  of  chorus 
;irls  or  something. 

He's  nice  and  enthusiastic  and  unaf- 
ected  and  you'd  like  him  if  you  met  him. 
le  hasn't  quite  analyzed  that  inner  urge 
hat  makes  him  want  to  act.  He  hasn't 
[uite  analyzed  what  he  means  by  acting. 
ie  thinks  that  he  could  have  earned 
nore  money  faster  and  more  certainly 
f  he  had  chosen  something  else.  But 
cting  chose  him.  Nothing  in  life  could 
hrill  and  excite  him  as  much  as  that 
>rocess  of  running  through  a  script  with 

good  director  just  before  they  start  to 
ehearse.  He  hasn't  earned  much  money 
'et  and  the  crowds  still  frighten  him. 
Jut  this  is  his  world.  This  is  where  he 

What  he  wants  now  is  to  "sell  my  bill 
>f  goods." 

The  End 

Betty  Grable,  starring  in  the  forthcoming 
20th  Century-Fox  Technicolor  picture,  "So/ig 
of  the  Islands,"  with  make-up  by  Westmore. 
She  says:  "I  use  Westmore  Foundation 
Cream,  and  it's  really  wonderful!" 

It's  Easy  to  Look 



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.  .  .  Scientifically  Controlled 
Uplift  .  .  .  Five  Magic  Adjust- 
ment Features . . .  Scientifical- 
ly Shaped  Cupping  .  .  .  Com- 
plete Freedom  from  Bruising 
or  Binding. 

"LIFTEE"  Bra  provides  such 
amazingly    Controlled    Uplift 

that    Nature    is   outsmarted, 
and  even  a  plain  chest  is  trans- 
formed into  a  bosom  of  allur-  QS^^JM 
ing  beauty.  "LIFTEE"  gives  ^f' 
healthful,  caressing  protection        # 
to  the  ligaments  and  tissues,       «fc.,., 
banishes  strain  and  fatigue, 
and  produces  an  invigorating 

uplift  support  that  insures  restful  "floating"  of  the  breasts  in  their 
respective  cups. 


Be  good  to  your  breast  tissues  and  ligaments  by  wearing  a  Holly- 
wood "LIFTEE" — the  Bra  with  the  Five  Magic  Adjustment  Fea- 
tures— three  for  the  breasts,  one  for  the  shoulder  straps,  one  for 
the  back.  "LIFTEE"  Bra  is  made  of  high- 
est quality  pre-shrunk  silk-finished  broad- 
cloth, and  boasts  the  finest  and  most  deli- 
cate workmanship.  Retains  its  original 
shape  after  each  washing.  Shade,  Tea 
Rose.  Sizes  32  to  44.   Price  only   $1.98 


(U.  S.  Pat.) 






Hollywood  at  Wilcox.  Hollywood,  California 
n  Send  me  for  10  davs'  approval  a  genuine  Hollywood 
"LIFTEE"  Bra,  with  the  5  Magic  Features  for  Controlled 
Uplift.  I  will  pay  postman  $1.98,  plus  postage.  If  not  thrill- 
tngly  pleased,  I  may  return  it  for  prompt  refund.  My  bust 

size  is I  consider  my  breasts  Q  Junior,  Q  Small, 

Q  Medium,  D  Large.    (Check  one.) 

Name _ 

Address _ _ 

Q  We  pay  postage  if  you  enclose  $1.98  now.  Mark  box. 

Californians  must  add  6c  Sales  Tax. 


Romantic  Eyes 

in  60  seconds 

The  new  Cushion-Guard  Kurlash 
performs  magic  in  a  jiffy!  It 
curls  lashes  upwards  in  a 
"beauty  sweep"  resulting  in 
lovelier-looking  lashes  and 
brighter-shining  eyes!  Kurlash 
devotees  will  want  this  4-way 
improved  model.  As  to  those 
who  have  neverused  Kurlash  be- 
fore—  now  is  the  time  to  start. 

Copyright,  1942.  Four 

r  Supporter  Products  Co. 

Send  10c  to  Jane  Heath,  Dept.  E2 
Kurlash  Co.,  Inc.,  Rochester.  N.Y. 
for  trial  tube  of  Kurlene,  eye  lash 
cream  and  free  eye-beauty 
make-up   chart.    State    coloring. 


The  Only  Complete  Eye-Beauty  Line 

Rochester,  N.Y.  •  New  York  City  •  Toronto    Canada 

'EBRUARY,    1942 



your  hair-do  lovely! 

Speak  for   Yourself 

;    fomous 

Catch  a  lew  halts  between 
the  spill  teeth  ...  and 

Grip  Tuth  holds  your 
hair  as  you  set  it  I 

At  last!  A  way  to  keep  your  hair-do 
lovely,  for  days  longer!  Grip-Tuth,  the 
modern,  better  hair  retainer,  slips  into 
place  in  a  jiffy:  each  split  tooth  acts  like 
a  tiny  spring,  holding  curls,  waves,  any 
coiffure :  and  vou're 

perfectly  groomed, 
your  hair  securely 
in  place! 

NOTE:  If  notion  coun- 
ter or  beauty  shop  can't 
supply  you,  send  25c 
for  card  (two  retain- 
ers).  State   hair  color. 

W  3  comb  Each  SPLIT 
tooth  (like  tiny  spring) 
grips  gently,  holds 
firmfy,  keeps  hair  se- 
cure— GKIPTUJHs  / 
patented  principle'     / 

1 1 T  r  r  f 

GRIP-TUTH:  Diadem,  Inc.,  Leominster,  Mass.,  Dent.  51 

Nu-Hesive   Surgical   Dressings,   by   our   affiliated   com- 
pany, are  one  of  our  contributions  to  National  Defense. 


when  you  use  this  amazing 

4  Purpose  Rinse 

In  one,  simple,  quick  operation, 
LOVALON  will  do  all  of  these  4 
important  things  for  your  hair. 

1.  Gives  lustrous  highlights. 

2.  Rinses  away   shampoo   film. 

3.  Tints    the    hair  as    it  rinses. 

4.  Helps  keep  hair  neatly  in  place. 
LOVALON  does  not   dye  or  bleach. 
It  is  a  pure,  odorless  hair  rinse,  in 
12   different  shades.   Try  LOVALON. 

At  stores  which  tell  toilet  goods^ 


for  5  rin«e« 


for  2  rinses 

(Continued  from  page  17)  favorite  novel 
or  play.  Remember,  for  example,  Leigh 
in  "G.W.T.W.,"  Fontaine  in  "Rebecca," 
Scott  in  "Our  Town,"  Holden  in  "Golden 
Boy,"  Ford  in  "So  Ends  Our  Night" — and 
how  many  others? 

Carlson  would  be  a  great  Oliver  Wis- 
well.  He  is  a  fine  actor,  and  I  can  not 
imagine  anyone  more  perfect  in  appear- 
ance for  the  role.  All  through  the  book 
I  saw  him  in  those  Eighteenth  Century 
costumes,  fighting  valiantly  by  word  and 
deed  for  the  cause  he  thought  was  just. 

Hollywood,    how    about    giving    a    de- 
serving young  actor  a  real  break? 
Connie  Parker, 
Hollywood,  Calif. 

$1.00  PRIZE 
New  Year's  Thought 

THERE  are  no  players  whose  work  I, 
'  for  one,  enjoy  more  than  the  past- 
seventy  troupers,  seasoned  veterans  like 
C.  Aubrey  Smith,  May  Robson,  Lionel 
Barrymore,  et  al.,  and  I  should  like  to 
pay  this  small  tribute  to  them  now  at 
the  start  of  a  new  year.  Let  them  be 
reassured  that  in  the  floods  of  eulogy 
for  beauty  and  youth  they  are  not  for- 
gotten. In  almost  any  other  business  or 
profession  they'd  have  retired  long  since, 
but  old  troupers,  like  old  soldiers,  never 
die.    We  could  not  spare  them. 

D.  W.  Davies.  M.  D.. 
Vancouver,  Canada 


XA/HY,  with  their  whole  careers  before 
" "  them,  is  it  necessary  for  movie  ac- 
tresses to  emote  before  the  cameras 
when  they're  blessed-eventing?  I  have 
been  prompted  to  put  this  in  writing 
time  and  again,  but  with  the  most  recent 
and  flagrantly  offensive  case  in  "Citizen 
Kane,"  my  patience  finally  came  to  an 
end.  Not  only  is  Dorothy  Comingore's 
condition  noticeable,  but  in  a  recent 
movie  magazine  article  Dorothy  boasts 
about  the  way  she  successfully  (sez  she) 
fooled  her  admirers.  That  makes  me 
good  and  mad! 

Jean  Tigar   Cohen, 
Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

I  take  my  hat  off  to  Harry  Carey, 
the  top-notch  artist   in  Western   films.    I 

saw  him  in  pictures  some  twenty  to 
twenty-five  years  ago.  He  was  in  a  clasJ 
by  himself  then,  but  now  I  am  just  goJ 
ing  to  say,  "that  no  matter  how  goo* 
wine  is,  it  will  always  improve 

Keep   it   up,   Carey   old   boy,   and  giwi 
us  old-timers  someone  to  brag  about 
Fred  W.  Steinborn, 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

COR  "hevvin's"  sake,  won't  somebody 
'  please  stop  our  dramatic  and  roman- 
tic screen  actors  from  appearing  on  comk 
radio  shows?  We  feminine  movie  fans: 
would  like  to  keep  a  few  of  our  illusions  | 
but  how  can  we  with  Charles  Boyej 
singing  the  "Hut  Sut  Song"  and  Herber 
Marshall  cracking  corny  jokes  with  thV 
"Mad  Russian?" 

These   stars,   who   thrill    us    with   theii 
fine   acting    on   the   screen,   merely   suc- 
ceed in  making  themselves  appear  ridicu- 
lous by  their  antics  on  the  comedy  sho.vs 
Rita  Gage. 
Buffalo.  N.  Y 

A  S  a  small  fraction  of  the  movie-go:n| 
'*  public,    may    I    make    a    suggestion' I 
Many  good   books  and  plays  have  bea! 
transmitted  through  the  medium  of  motj 
tion  pictures  to  a  wider  and  appreciate 
audience.    Why   can't  this   be   done  v.  iu 

With  good  singers,  clever  directior 
beautiful  scenery,  plus  the  genius  toucjl 
of  Hollywood,  I  know  that  this  type  tv 
movie  would  meet  popular  approval.  I 
wouldn't  be  long  before  everyone  in  a)) 
the  forty-eight  states  would  be  familiarlj 
humming  tunes  from  "La  Bohemejj 
"Faust,"  "Madame  Butterfly"  and  othen 
Lena  Bonetti 
Baltimore,  Md 

J    DON'T    understand    Hollywood! 
'   producers  are  constantly  searching 
and  experimenting  with  new  talent,  w 
at  their  doorstep  sits  someone  like  CI 
Trevor.  She  has  beauty,  talent  and  youl 
She   is  capable  of  turning  in  as  good 
performance    as    the    greatest    of    thefl 
Yet   she   plays   small   roles   when   a  I 
qualified  actress  gets  starring  roles. 
I    think    she    is    definitely    great 
material  and  a  personality  Hollywood  ca 
be  proud  of.    Claire  Trevor  is  a  real  lad, 
and  a  great  actress! 

Emaleen  E.  Risk, 
Hollywood.  Calif. 

First-rank  supporter 
of  Miss  Bonetti  (see 
letter  above)  is  opera 
star  Rise  Stevens  of 
"The  Chocolate  Sol- 
dier." Check  up  on 
the  Stevens  viewpoint 
on  page  54;  then  make 
up   your   own   mind 


photoplay  combiiiod   trifh   movif  m:j» 

Casts  of  Current  Pictures 

"BABES     ON      BROADWAY"  —  M -G-M. 

Screen  play  bv  Fred  Finklehoffe  and  Elaine  Ryan. 
Original  story  bv  Fred  Finkiehoffe.  Directed  by- 
Busby  Berkeley.  Cast:  Tommy  Williams,  Mickey 
Rooney;  Penny  Morris,  Judy  Garland:  Miss  Jones. 
Fay  Bainter;  'Barbara  Jo,  Virginia  Weidler;  Ray 
Lambert,  Ray  McDonald;  Morton  Hammond. 
Richard  Quine;  Mr.  Stone.  Donald  Meek;  Alex- 
ander Woolhott.  By  Himself;  -Vic-*,  Luis  Alberni; 
Thornton  Reed,  Tames  Gleason;  Mrs.  Williams, 
Emma  Dunn;  Mr,  Morris,  Frederick  Burton;  In- 
spector Moriaritx .  Cliff  Clark:  Announcer.  William 
Post,  Jr. 

"BALL  OF  FIRE"— RKO  Radio.  Screen  play 
bv  Charles  Brackett  and  Billv  Wilder.  Directed 
by  Howard  Hawks.  Cast:  Prof.  Bertram  Potts, 
Gary  Cooper;  Suaarpuss  O'Shea.  Barbara  Stan- 
wyck; Prof.  Gurkakoff.  Oscar  Homolka;  Prof.  Je- 
rome, Henry  Travels;  Prof.  Magenbruch,  S.  J. 
Sakall;  Prof.  Robinson.  Tully  Marshall;  Prof 
Quintana,  Leonid  Kinskey;  Prof.  Oddly,  Richard 
Haydn;  Prof.  Peagram,  Aubrey  Mather;  Garbage 
Man.  Allen  Tenki'ns;  Joe  Lilac,  Dana  Andrews; 
Duke  Pastrami.  Dan  Duryea:  Asthma  Anderson, 
Ralph  Peters:  Miss  Bratia.  Kathleen  Howard; 
Miss  Mary  Field;  Lawyer,  Charles  Lane; 
McNeary,  Charles  Arnt;  "Horseface".  Alan  Rhem. 

"BLUES  IN  THE  NIGHT"— Warners.  Screen 
plav  by  Robert  Rossen.  From  a  play  by  Edwin 
Gilbert.  Directed  by  Anatole  Litvak.  Cast: 
Character.  Priscilla  Lane;  Kay  Grant,  Betty  Field; 
Jigger  Pine,  Richard  Whorf:  Del  Davis,  Lloyd 
Nolan;  Leo  Pozvell,  Jack  Carson;  Brad  Ames, 
Wally  Ford;  Nickie  Haroyan.  Elia  Kazan;  Pete 
Bossett,  Peter  Whitney;  Peppi,  Billy  Halop;  Sam 
Parvas,  Howard  da  Silva;  Blonde.  Joyce  Compton; 
Brakeman,  Herbert  Hey  wood;  Joe,  George  Lloyd; 
Barney,  Charles  Wilson;  Drunk.  Matt  McHugh; 
A  Barnstorming  Band.  Jimmy  Lunceford  and  his 
band;  A  Guy  Heiser's  Band.  Will  Osborne  and  his 

"CADET  GIRL" — 20th  Century-Fox.  Screen 
play  by  Stanley  Rouh  and  H.  W.  Hanemann. 
Original  storv  by  Jack  Andrews  and  Richard 
English.  Directed  bv  Ray  McCarey.  Cast:  Gene 
Baxter,  Carole  Landis;  Tex  Mallory,  George  Mont- 
gomery; Bob  Mallory,  John  Shepperd;  Runt.  Wil- 
liam Tracy;  Mary  Moore.  Janis  Carter;  Walton, 
Robert  Lowerv ;  "  Red,  Basil  Walker;  Jimmy, 
Charles  Tanner,:  Benny  Burns,  Chick  Chandler; 
Foo,  Otto  Han. 

Screen  play  by  Leonard  Lee  and  Keith  W  inter. 
Based  on  Ferenc  Molnar's  "The  Guardsman." 
Directed  by  Roy  Del  Ruth.  Cast:  Karl  Lang, 
Nelson  Eddy;  Maria  Lanyi,  Rise  Stevens;  Bernard 
Fischer,  Nigel  Bruce;  Madame  Helene,  Florence 
Bates;  Magda,  Dorothy  Gilmore;  Liesel  (maid). 
Nydia  Wes'tman;  Anton.  Max  Barwyn;  Klementor, 
Charles  Judels. 

"CONFIRM  OR  DENY"— 20th  Century-Fox. 
Screen  play  by  Jo  Swerling.  Based  on  the  story 
by  Henry  Wales  and  Samuel  Fuller.  Directed  by 
Archie  Mayo.  Cast:  Mitch,  Don  Ameche;  Jennifer 
Carson,  Joan  Bennett;  Albert  Perkins.  Roddy  Mc- 
Dowall;  Captain  Channing.  John  Loder;  H.  Cyrus 
Sturtevant,  Raymond  Walburn;  Jeff,  Arthur 
Shields;  Mr.  Hobbs,  Eric  Blore;  Dorothy.  Helene 
Reynolds;  William.  Claude  Allister;  M.  I.  Girl. 
Roseanne  Murray;  Johnny  Dunne,  Stuart  Robert- 
son; Dasy,  Queenie  Leonard;  Elizabeth  Harding, 
lean  Prescott";  Vpdyke,  Alan  Napier;  Mr.  Biudle, 
Billv  Bevan;  Sir  Titus  Scott.  Lumsden  Hare; 
Duffield.   Dennis  Hoey;   Floorman,  Leonard  Carey. 

inal screen  play  by  Lionel  Houser.  Directed  by 
Norman  Taurog.  Cast:  Judge  Cornelia  Porter, 
Rosa'ind  Russell;  Jeff  Sherman.  Walter  Pidgeon; 
Judson  M.  Blair,  Edward  Arnold;  Walter  Cald- 
well,  Lee  Bowman;  Dotty,  Jean  Rogers;  Adele 
Blair.  Mary  Beth  Hughes;  Judge  Graham,  Guy 
Kibbee;  Jane,  Barbara  Jo  Allen;  Raoul,  Leon 
Belasco;  Freddie.  Bobby  Larson;  Wilton,  Charles 
Coleman;    Northcott,   Thurston    Hall. 

"GLAMOUR  BOY"  —  Paramount.  Original 
screen  play  by  Bradford  Ropes  and  Val  Burton. 
Directed  by  Ted  Tetzlaff.  Cast:  Tiny  Barlow, 
Jackie  Cooper;  Jean  Winslow,  Susanna  Foster;  A. 
'J.  Colder,  Walter  Abel;  Billy  Doran,  Darryl  Hick- 
man; Brenda  Lee,  Ann  Gillis;  Georgie  Clemons, 
Jackie  Seaile;  Hank  London,  William  Wright; 
Helen  Trent,  Katherine  Booth;  Papa  Doran,  Wil- 
liam Demarest. 

"H.  M.  PULHAM  ESQ."— M-G-M.  Screen 
play  by  Elizabeth  Hill  and  King  Vidor.  From  the 
novel  by  John  P.  Marquand.  Directed  by  King 
Vidor.  Cast:  Marvin  Myles,  Hedy  Lamarr;  Harry 
Pulham,  Robert  Young;  Kay  Motford,  Ruth  Hus- 
sey;  Mr.  Pulham,  Si..  Charles  Coburn;  Bill  King, 
Van  Heflin;  Mrs.  Pulham.  Fay  Holden;  Mary 
Pulham,  Bonita  Granville:  Mr.  Bullard,  Douglas 
Wood;  W alter  Kaufman.  Charles  Halton;  Rodnev 
"Bo-Jo"  Brown,  Lief  Erikson;  Joe  Bingham,  Phil 
Brown;  Hugh  (The  Butler),  David  Clyde;  Miss 
Rollo,  Sara  Haden. 

A  Kalamazoo 

Direct  to  You"   s 








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This  Old  Treatment  Often 
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Many  Bufferers  relieve  nagging  backache  quickly, 
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The  kidneys  are  Nature's  chief  way  of  taking  the 
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When  disorder  of  kidney  function  permits  poison- 
ous matter  to  remain  in  your  blood,  it  may  cause  nag- 
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scanty  passages  with  smarting  and  burning  some- 
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kidneys  or  bladder. 

Don't  wait!  Ask  your  druggist  for  Doan  s  Fills, 
used  successfully  by  millions  for  over  40  years.  They 
give  happy  relief  and  will  help  the  15  miles  of  kidney 
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Doan's  Pills. 


Gives   a   natural,   youthful 
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rub   off   nor  interfere   with  curling.   For  30 
years   millions   have   used   it   with   complete 
satisfaction.  $1.35  for  sale  everywhere. 

I    BROOKLINE   CHEMICAL  CO.  Uo"1    MC2-42 

'    79  Sudbury  Street,   Boston,   Mass. 



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FEBRUARY.    1942'1! 

nPURN  the  tables  on  "regular"  pain !  Make 
•*■  the  pain  give  in,  while  you  carry  on  in 
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proved  to  millions  of  women  1 

Midol  is  offered  for  this  one  purpose — 
to  relieve  the  needless  functional  pain  of 
menstruation.  Use  it  confidently;  Midol 
contains  no  opiates.  One  ingredient  is  widely 
prescribed  for  headache  and  muscular  suffer- 
ing. Another  exclusive  ingredient  increases 
relief  by  reducing  spasmodic  pain  peculiar  to 
the  time.  Among  thousands  of  women  re- 
cently interviewed,  more  reported  using 
Midol  for  functional  periodic  pain  than  all 
other  preparations  combined,  and  96%  of 
these  Midol  users  said  they  found  it  effective. 

If  you  have  no  organic  disorder  calling  for 
special  medical  or  surgical  treatment,  Midol 
should  give  you  comfort.  Try  it !  All  drug- 
stores— large  size,  only  40^;  small  size,  20f. 


"'"'  Relieves  Functional  Periodic  Pain 



PINS   30<up-RINGS   $1.50 

ality  made  .  .  ■  silver,  gold  plated,  etc. 

r  new  book  thowi  over  300  handsome, 
smart,  up-to-the-minute  designs  by 
Baatian  craftsmen  ...  oldest,  largest 
makers.  Write  for  your  Free  copy  today! 

BASTIAN  BROS,  PepL65.  »ochtiltr,  H.Y. 


Without  Calomel— And  You'll  Jump  Out 
of  Bed  in  the  Morning  Rarin'  to  Go 

The  liver  should  pour  2  pints  of  bile  juice  into 
your  bowels  every  day.  If  this  bile  is  not  flowing 
freely,  your  food  may  not  digest.  It  may  just  de- 
cay in  the  bowels.  Then  gas  bloats  up  your  stom- 
ach. You  get  constipated.  You  feel  sour,  sunk  and 
the  world  looks  punk. 

It  takes  those  good,  old  Carter's  Little  Liver 
Pills  to  get  these  2  pints  of  bile  flowing  freely  to 
make  you  feel  "up  and  up."  Get  a  package  today. 
Take  as  directed.  Effective  in  making  bile  flow  free- 
ly. Ask  for  Carter's  Little  Liver  Pills.  10(J  and  25tf. 


Pain  Sent  Flying! 

Dr.  Scholl's  Zino-pads  in- 
stantly stop  tormenting 
shoe  friction;  lift  aching 
pressure;  give  you  fast  re- 
lief. Ease  tight  shoes;  pre- 
vent corns.  Separate  Meat- 
cations  included  to  quickly 
remove  corns.  Cost  but  a 
few  cents  an  application 

D-rSchof/s  Tmo  pad 


"KATHLEEN"— MG-M.  Screen  play  by  Mary 
C.  .McCall  Jr.  Based  on  a  story  by  Kay  Van 
Riper.  Directed  by  Harold  S.  fiucquet.  Cast: 
Kathleen  Davis,  Shirley  Temple;  John  Davis.  Her- 
bert Marshall;  Dr.  A.  Martha  Kent,  Laraine  Day; 
Lorraine  Bennett,  Gail  Patrick;  Mr.  Schoner, 
Felix  Bressart;  Mrs.  Farrell,  Nella  Walker;  Dr. 
Montague  Foster,  Lloyd  Corrigan;  Jarvis,  Guy 
Bell  is;  Policeman,  Wade  Boteler;  Manager, 
Charles  Judels;  Maid,  Else  Argal;  Margaret, 
Margaret  Bert;   Sign  Poster,  Joe  Yule. 

"KEEP     'EM     PLYING"— Universal.       Screen 
play    by    True    Boardman,    Nat    Perrin    and    John 
Grant.      Original   story   by 
Directed  by  Arthur  Lubin. 
Bud     Abbott;     Hcathcliff, 
Martha     Raye;     Barbara, 

Carol  Bruce;  Craig  Morrison,  William  Gargan; 
Jinx  Roberts,  Dick  Foran;  Butch  and  Buddy. 
Themselves;  Jimmy,  Charles  Lang. 

Edmond   L.    Hartmann. 

Cast:   Blackie  Benson, 

Lou     Costello;     Gloria, 

Martha     Raye;     Linda. 

"LOUISIANA  PURCHASE"  —  Paramount. 
Screen  play  by  Jerome  Chodorov  and  Joseph  Fields. 
Based  on  the  musical  comedy  by  Morrie  Ryskind. 
From  a  story  by  B.  G.  DeSylva.  Directed  by 
Irving  Cummings.  Cast:  Jim  Taylor,  Bob  Hope; 
Marina  Von  Duren,  Vera  Zorina;  Senator  Oliver 
P.  Loganberry,  \rictor  Moore;  Madame  Bordelaise, 
Irene  Bordoni;  Beatrice,  Dona  Drake;  Col.  Davis 
Sr.,  Raymond  Walburn;  Thug,  Maxie  Rosenbloom; 
Davis  Jr.,  Frank  Albertson;  Emmy-Lou,  Phyllis 
Ruth;  Police  Captain  Whitfield,  Donald  MacBride. 

Original  story  by  Arthur  T.  Horman  and  Jerry 
Cady.  Screen  play  by  Frank  Ryan  and  Bert 
Granet.  Directed  by  Richard  Wallace.  Cast: 
Bridget  Potter,  Joan  Carroll;  Red  Reddy,  Edmond 
O'Brien;  Linda  Norton,  Ruth  Warrick;  Charles 
McGregor,  Robert  Smith;  Space  O'Shea,  Eve 
Arden;  Prof.  Gibney,  Franklin  Pangborn. 

"ONE  FOOT  IN  HEAVEN"— Warners.  Screen 
play  by  Casey  Robinson.  From  the  book  by  Hart- 
zell  Spence.  Directed  by  Irving  Rapper.  Cast: 
William  Spence,  Fredric  March;  Hope  Morris 
Spence,  Martha  Scott;  Mrs.  Lydia  Sandow,  Betilah 
Bendi;  Preston  Thurston,  Gene  Lockhart;  Eileen 
Spence,  Elisabeth  Fraser;  Elias  Samson.  Harry 
Davenport;  Mrs.  Preston  Thurston,  Laura  Hope 
Crews;  Clayton  Potter,  Grant  Mitchell;  Dr.  John 
Romer,  Moroni  Olsen;  Hartzell  Spence,  Frankie 
Thomas;  Dr.  Horrigan,  Jerome  Cowan;  John  E. 
Morris,  Ernest  Cossart;  Mrs.  Morris,  Nana 
Bryant;  Eileen  Spence  (as  a  girl),  Carlotta  Jelm; 
Hartzell  Spence  (as  a  boy),  Peter  Caldwell;  Fraser 
Spence,  Casey  Johnson. 

"PARIS  CALLING"  —  Universal.  Original 
screen  play  by  Benjamin  Glazer  and  Charles  S. 
Kaufman.  Original  story  collaboration  by  John  S. 
Toldy.  Directed  by  Edwin  L.  Marin.  Cast: 
Marianne,  Elizabeth  Bergner;  Nick,  Randolph 
Scott;  Benoit,  Basil  Rathbone;  Colette,  Gale  Son- 
dergaard;  Lance,  Charles  Arnt;  Mouche.  Eduardo 
Cianelli;   Mme.  Jannetier,  Elizabeth  Risdon. 

"PERFECT  SNOB,  THE"— Twentieth  Century- 
Fox.  Original  screen  play  by  Lee  Loeb  and  Harold 
Buchman.  Directed  by  Ray  McCarey.  Cast: 
Dr.  Mason,  Charlie  Ruggles:  Martha  Mason, 
Charlotte  Greenwood;  Chris  Mason,  Lynn  Bari; 
Mike  Lord,  Cornel  Wilde;  Alex  Moreno,  Anthony 
Quinn;  Freddie  Browning,  Alan  Mowbray;  Nibsie 
Nicholson,  Chester  Clute. 

"PLAYMATES"— RKO-Radio.  Original  screen 
play  by  James  V.  Kern.  Directed  by  David  Butler. 
Cast:  Kay  Kyser,  Himself;  John  Barrymore,  Him- 
self; Conchita  del  Toro,  Lupe  Velez:  Grandma, 
May  Robson;  Lulu  Monahan,  Patsy  Kelly;  Pete 
Lindsey,  Peter  Lind  Hayes;  Pennypacker,  George 
Cleveland;  and  Kay  Kyser's  Band. 

"RISE  AND  SHINE-— Twentieth  Century- 
Fox.  Screen  play  by  Herman  J.  Mankiewicz. 
Based  on  the  book,  "My  Life  and  Hard  Times" 
by  James  Thurber.  Directed  by  Allan  Dwan. 
Cast:  Boley,  Jack  Oakie;  Jimmy  McGonigle,  George 
Murphy;  Louise  Murray,  Linda  Darnell;  Grandpa, 
Walter  Brennan;  Seabiscuit,  Milton  Berle; 
Menace,  Sheldon  Leonard;  Professor  Murray, 
Donald  Meek;  .Vomc,  Ruth  Donnelly;  Colonel 
Bacon,  Raymond  Walburn;  Coach  Graham,  Donald 
Mi'  Hride;  Mrs.  Murray.  Emma  Dunn;  President, 
Charles  Waldron;  Mrs.  Robertson,  Mildred  Cover; 
Butch,  William  Haade;  GoGo,  Dick  Rich. 

Screen  play  by  Irving  Breeder  and  Harry  Kurnitz. 
From  a  story  by  Harry  Kurnitz.  Based  upon  the 
characters  created  by  Dashiell  Hammett.  Directed 
by  Maj.  W.  S.  \*an  DykeTI.  Cast:  Nick,  William 
Powell;  Nora,  Myrna  Loy;  Paul,  Barry  Nelson; 
Molly,  Donna  Reed;  Lieutenant  Abrams,  Sam 
Levene;  "Whitey"  Barrow  Alan  Baxter;  Major 
Jason  I.  Scullcy,  Henry  O'Neill;  Nick,  Jr.,  Dickie 
Hall;  Claire  Porter,  Stella  Adler;  "Link"  Stephens, 
Loring  Smith;  Stella,  Louise  Beavers. 

"SULLIVAN'S  TRAVELS"  —  Paramount. 
Screen  play  by  Preston  Sturges.  Directed  by  Pres- 
ton Sturges.  Cast:  John  L.  Sullivan,  Joel  McCrea: 
The  Girl,  Veronica  Lake;  Mr.  LeBrand  (Head  of 
Studio),  Robert  Warwick;  Mr.  Jones.  William 
Demarest;  Mr.  Casalsis.  Franklin  Pangborn;  Mr. 
Hadrian,  Porter  Hall;  Mr.  Valdelle,  Byron  Foul- 
ger;  Pretty  Secretary,  Margaret  Hayes:  The  Doc- 
tor, Torben  Meyer;  Sullivan's  Butler,  Robert 
Grieg;  Sullivan's  Valet,  Eric  Blore;  Mr.  Carson 
(the  sheriff),  Al  Bridge;  Miz  Zeffie,  Esther  How- 
ard; Ursula,  Almira  Sessions;  Tough  Chauffeur. 
Frank  Moran;  Old  Bum,  George  Renevant. 

"SWING  IT,  SOLDIER"— Universal.  Original 
screen  play  by  Dorcas  Cochran  and  Arthur  V. 
Jones.  Directed  by  Harold  Y'oung.  Cast:  Jerry 
Trainor,  Ken  Murray;  Pat  Loring,  Frances  Lang- 
ford;  Evelyn  Loring,  Frances  Langford;  Brad, 
Don  Wilson;  Maxwellton,  Hanley  Stafford; 
Clementine,  Susan  Miller,  and  Brenda  and  Cobina, 
Skinnay  Ennis  and  his  band;  Kenny  Stevens; 
Senor  Lee;  Lew  Valentine;  and  The  Six  Sweet- 

Original  screen  play  by  Myles  Connolly  and  Paul 
Gangelin.  Based  upon  the  characters  created  by 
Edgar  Rice  Burroughs.  Directed  by  Richard  Thorpe. 
Cast:  Tarzan.  Johnny  Weissmuller;  Jane,  Maureen 
O'Sullivan;  Boy,  John  Sheffield;  Professor  Elliott, 
Reginald  Owen;  O'Doul,  Barry  Fitzgerald;  Med- 
ford,  Tom  Conway;   Vandermeer,   Philip   Dorn. 

"TEXAS" — Columbia.  Screen  play  by  Horace 
McCoy,  Lewis  Meltzer  and  Michael  Blankfort. 
Story  by  Michael  Blankfort  and  Lewis  Meltzer. 
Directed  by  George  Marshall.  Cast:  Dan  Thomas, 
William  Holden;  Tod  Ramsey,  Glenn  Ford;  "Mike'' 
King,  Claire  Trevor;  Windy  Miller,  George  Ban- 
croft; Doc  Thorpe,  Edgar  Buchanan;  Sheriff,  Don 
Beddoe;  Tennessee,  Andrew  Tombes;  Matt  Lashan, 
Addison  Richards;  Comstock.  Edmund  MacDonald. 

— Warners.  Original  screen  play  by  Wally  Kline 
and  Aeneas  MacKenzie.  Directed  by  Raoul  Walsh. 
Cast:  George  Armstrong  Custer,  Errol  Flynn; 
Elizabeth  Bacon,  Olivia  de  Havilland;  Ned  Sharp. 
Aithur  Kennedy;  California  Joe.  Charley  Grape- 
win;  Samuel  Bacon,  Esq.,  Gene  Lockhart;  Crazy 
Horse,  Anthony  Quinn;  Major  Romulus  Taipc. 
Stanley  Ridges;  General  Phil  Sheridan,  John 
Litel;  William  Sharp,  Walter  Hampden;  Lt. 
General  Winficld  Scott,  Sydney  Greenstrect:  Fits- 
hugh  Lee,  Regis  Toomey;  Callie,  Hattie  McDaniel: 
Lt.  'Queens  Own'  Butler  George  P.  Huntley,  Jr.: 
Captain  Webb,  Frank  Wilcox;  Sergeant  Doolittle, 
Joseph  Sawyer;  Senator  Smith,  Minor  Watson. 

Wait  until  the  boys  in 
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Sergeant  Sid  Avery, 
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tographer now  in  ser- 
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(Continued  from  page  60)  slipped  out  of 
her  hand  for  a  time,  she  didn't  have  the 
money  to  go  back.  And  finally,  after  she 
was  definitely  established  at  RKO,  they 
worked  her  like  a  steam  shovel.  So  much 
so  that  when,  after  many  cancelled  New 
York  vacations,  someone  tried  to  com- 
miserate- with  her,  she  got  off  her  now 
classic  crack: 

"Oh,  but  I  am  getting  a  vacation,  hadn't 
you  heard?  They  let  me  sit  down  now 
between  scenes!" 

Under  the  department  of  Lowest  Mo- 
ments, Lucille  says:  "Mine  was  the  day 
Mother,  Fred  and  Dad  (as  she  calls  her 
grandfather)  came  to  live  with  me  out 
here.  Sounds  inhospitable,  doesn't  it? 
But  you  see,  I'd  just  been  fired  and  we 
were  all  supposed  to  live  on  the  fruits  of 
my  first  contract.  As  soon  as  Columbia 
had  given  it  to  me,  I  had  wired  for  the 
family.  But  the  studio  closed  down  its 
stock  company  and  we  were  all  out — 
Ann  Sothern,  Gene  Raymond,  a  bunch 
of  us.  I  had  to  go  and  borrow  some 
money  before  I  could  meet  the  family 
at  the  train." 

Luckily  RKO  decided  to  put  on  "Rob- 
erta" with  a  promising  new  dance  team, 
Fred  Astaire  and  Ginger  Rogers,  and 
Lucille  bagged  herself  a  bit  as  a  dress 
model,  her  Hattie  Carnegie  technique 
making  her  a  natural.  This  resulted  in 
her  first  RKO  contract — "Fifty  bucks  a 
week,"  she  will  tell  you  without  batting 
one  lush  eyelash. 

The  RKO  ladder  hasn't  been  a  dizzy- 
ing one  in  point  of  speed.  It  took  a  lot 
of  pictures  to  win  her  her  first  good 
comedy  break  in  "That  Girl  From  Paris" 
in  which  she  got  a  chance  to  take  a 
couple  of  high  kicks  winding  up  in  a 
split,  all  done  by  the  aid  of  soaped  shoes. 
Came  "Stage  Door"  and  a  few  more  well- 
timed  sock  lines  and  presently — if  you 
could  call  two  years  later  "presently" — 
"Dance,  Girls,  Dance."  Unquestionably 
the  role  of  the  burlesque  queen  in  that 
picture  has  been  Lucille's  best  to  date, 
though  there  is  much  bating  of  breath 
around  the  lot  these  days  over  the  pic- 
ture they  whisper  will  make  her  a  full- 
blown star,  "Passage  From  Bordeaux," 
the  film  on  which  William  L.  Shirer  of 
"Berlin  Diary"  fame  is  acting  as  technical 
director.  Meantime  she's  doing  very  all 
right  in  "Valley  Of  The  Sun." 

DUT  Lucille  wouldn't  tell  you  that 
■^  "Dance,  Girls,  Dance"  or  "Valley  Of 
The  Sun"  or  even  "Passage  From  Bor- 
deaux" was  her  greatest  break.  Because 
it  was  on  "Too  Many  Girls"  that  she  met 
Desi  Arnaz.  And  a  rare  meeting  it  was. 
They  had  their  first  look  at  each  other 
in  the  studio  commissary  and  the  mo- 
ment was  one  of  instant  and  mutual 

Asked  if  Lucille  considers  herself  a 
hunch  girl,  one  of  those  creatures  who 
has  an  infallible  first  impression  of  her 
fellow  man,  Lucille  says,  "I  should  say 
not!  Look  at  Desi.  I  did  just  that — gave 
him  a  look — just  one  good  long  one — 
and  said  to  myself,  'Am  I  normal  or  can 
this  really  be  the  Cuban  sensation  that 
has  knocked  New  York  night  life  out 
of  its  floor  show  seats?" 

In  all  justice  Desi  was  looking  like 
anything  but  a  glamour  boy  at  the  mo- 
ment. He  was  dirty  and  perspiring  in  a 
greasy  old  leather  jacket.  The  immac- 
ulate ebony  hair  comb  was  aimed  in  all 
directions.  In  fact,  Desi  had  been  re- 
hearsing some  football  tricks  for  "Too 
Many  Girls." 

On  the  other  hand,  Desi  matches  Lu- 
cille for  off-the-beam  first  impressions. 
He  took  one  look  at  her  as  she  breezed 




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BRUARY,    1942 



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into  the  room  in  «n  evening  gown,  bur- 
lesque style,  with  a  white  fox  coat  to  the 
ankles  in  the  best  Broadway  bad  taste, 
her  hair  a  mess,  her  face  scratched  up 
with  one  eye  prominently  blacked — a 
too  perfect  make-up  job — and  said  "Ca- 
ramba!"  or  its  Havana  equivalent.  Lu- 
cille, you  see,  had  been  staging  her 
battle  with  Maureen  O'Hara  in  "Dance, 
Girls,  Dance." 

Three  hours  later,  bathed  and  groomed, 
they  met  on  the  steps  of  the  RKO  Little 
Theater  where  George  Abbott  had  issued 
a  call  for  the  cast  of  the  picture  in 
which  they  both  were  to  be.  Desi,  look- 
ing every  inch  the  Latin  Launcelot, 
flashed  a  smile  at  the  apparition  of 
preaches  and  cream  and  gold.  "Haven't 
we    met    somewhere?" 

CROM  that  point  they  continued  to 
'  meet  with  ever-increasing  frequency. 
The  picture  was  finished.  Desi  was 
scheduled  to  go  back  to  New  York  for 
personal  appearances  and  a  winter's  job 
at  Miami.  Lucille  was  tied  down  with 
picture  commitments.  They  knew  they 
wouldn't  see  each  other  for  a  year. 
Miserably  they  pulled  up  at  a  drive-in 
stand  one  night  and  tried  to  comfort 
each  other  by  recounting  all  the  reasons 
that  a  marriage  between  them  simply 
wouldn't  work. 

So  Desi  left  for  Manhattan  and  Lucille 
was  sent  out  by  the  studio  on  a  personal 
appearance  tour.  Then  the  wires  began 
to  hum.  More  specifically,  they  began 
to  explode.  Desi  was  distinctly  unhappy 
with  Lucille  so  far  away  from  him.  At 
length  George  Schaefer,  head  of  RKO, 
picked  up  his  Cupid's  bow  and  arrow 
and  the  long  distance  phone  and  called 
Lucille  where  she  was  playing  in  Mil- 
waukee. "Why  don't  you  take  a  run 
down  to  New  York,"  he  suggested.  Just 
as  if  he  didn't  know  Desi  was  appearing 
at  the  Roxy  Theater  there! 

The  result  was  a  morning  dash  by 
Lucille  and  Desi  to  Greenwich,  Con- 
necticut, and  a  marriage  license.  There 
was  no  time  to  get  a  regular  wedding 
ring,  so  Desi  tore  into  a  Woolworth's 
and  bought  his  beautiful  bride  a  ten 
cent  ring.  Lucille  wears  it  to  this  day, 
along  with  the  stunning  square-cut  dia- 
mond band  he  gave  her  on  their  second 
honeymoon.  Oh,  yes,  they're  having  a 
series  of  honeymoons  because  each  one 
has  been  interrupted  prematurely,  ac- 
cording to  their  notion  of  time.  They've 
had  five  so  far  and  they  seem  in  a  fair 
way  to  be  celebrating  a  permanent  one 
on  their  new  North  Ridge  ranch  in  San 
Fernando  Valley. 

THE  house  is  California  ranch  style  and 
'  they  chose  it  because  the  five  acres 
on  which  it  stands  were  virtually  un- 
planted,  even  to  the  swimming  pool,  now 
a  dream  come  true.  This  gave  them  an 
opportunity  to  leave  the  stamp  of  the 
Arnaz  personalities  in  developing  the 
flora  and  fauna.  Regarding  the  latter, 
three  canines  have  figured  prominently, 
the  Duke  of  North  Ridge,  Pinto  the  Great 
and  Sir  Thomas  of  Chatsworth  (the  name 
of  the  street  on  which  they  live) .  Then 


one  night  what  might  be  called  an  alley  I  | 
cat,  except  that  a  cat  would  have  to  go  a 
mighty  long  way  to  see  an  alley  in  th  se     ' 
parts,     barged     into     the     menage     and,    ' 
promptly  became  the  Duchess  of  DevonJ 
shire,  to  be  augmented  later  by  Queer. ie. 
another  peregrinating  feline. 

Prize  poultry  has  been  installed,  a 
hundred  or  more  birds,  and  the 
breakfast  table  now  sees  its  own  hon.e- 
grown  eggs  at  a  mere  twenty  cenu  i 

As    for    the    flora,    Desi    and    Lucrlk 
planned  to  kill  two  birds  with  one  rock,  j 
by  giving  a  housewarming  consisting  i 
tree  party   (each  guest  brings  a  tree)  ifl-   i 
honor  of  the  dogs.    But  tragedy  struck};  | 
The  Duke  of  North  Ridge  sickened  and 
died,  so  the  party  had  to  be  postponed)  ; 
So  did  the  trees. 

Contrary  to  the  usual  Hollywood  stop 
of  the  men  who  make  a  star's  career,  ii 
is   to   four   women   Lucille   is   especially 
grateful.   Two  of  these  are  Ginger  Roger? 
and   her   mother   Lela   who,   in   her  ca-t  j! 
pacity    as    head    of   the    studio    dramatic 
school  at  that  time,  taught  Lucille  most 
of  what   she   knows   about   acting.    Lela 
Rogers  never  had  a  more  ardent  student. 
When  other  glamour  kids  were  making 
up  excuses  to  cut   classes  because  of  a,  . 
too-late  party  the  night  before,  the  Bait' " 
girl  was  there  with  eyes  aglow.  thankfHi 
for  the  chance. 

Claudette  Colbert  is  the  third.    Lik 
has  never  more   than  met  Miss   Colben  [ 
on  social  occasions.   Yet  again  and  again 
word    has    come    back    to    her    that   ha«?!= 
right  ear  should  have  been  burning  be-,  j 
cause  at  dinner  the  night  before,  at  the  L 
Zanucks,    for     instance,    Claudette    wail- 
singing   her  praises   as   one  of  the  mania 
promising   younger   stars.    Or   at   a  pre-ll 
miere  with  the  Sam  Goldwyns.    Or  wheri  ; 
she    was    visiting    Louis    B.    Mayer    a'  L 
Metro.     Just    one    of    those    things    thayl. 
re-established   your  faith   in   Hollywoodllll 

Last  but  not  least  is  Carole  Lombardjll! 
Their  first  encounter  was  when  Lucilkg. 
had  wandered  over  to  a  friend's  for  din-jl 
ner    in    her    favorite    article    of    appareLjl 
slacks,  when  who  should  walk  in  but  thtj  I 
Gables.    After  one  startled  gulp  the  RKC 
comedy    bombshell — and    we    mean   LujJ 
cille — froze  up  like  a  Nesselrode  puddingj 
too  scared  to  open  her  mouth.     Not  sflij ) 
Carole.     She   plopped   herself  down  be-li  i 
side  Lucille,  told  her  what  a  future  tha.1. 
believed  she  had  and  exactly  what  i-ht 
should   do   about   the   next   steps  in  hell 
career.     Lucille  followed  that  counsel  to* 
her  everlasting  gratitude. 

Then  shortly  after  Desi  and  Lucille  re-  J 
turned  to  Hollywood  as  newlyweds,  thejJ 
were  having  dinner  at  Dave  Chasen's  anrjli 
spied  the  Gables  at  another  table.  Nofl 
wishing  to  intrude,  the  two  Arna  e. 
gaped  and  grinned  at  their  idols  like  twdl 
dumbstruck  fans.  Presently  the  Gabieil 
waved  gaily  at  them  and  before  therm 
could  catch  their  breath  over  came  a  castfl 
of  champagne  as  a  wedding  present  fronm 
Clark  and  Carole. 

So  perhaps  you  can  understand  whjl 
Lucille  has  decided  it's  a  swell  world  ill 
you  keep  on  laughing. 

The   End 



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Dept.    S92  Pleasant    Hill.    Ohio 

Brief  Reviews 

(Continued  from  page  19) 

tiling  new  in  the  way  of  shuddery  villainy  and 
Peter  Lorre  is  his  accomplice.     (Jan.) 

y  MEN  IN  HER  LIFE,  THE— Columbia :  Conrad 
Yeidt  is  a  retired  dancer  who  makes  of  ambitious 
Loretta  Young  a  world-famous  ballerina.  In 
gratitude,  Loretta  marries  him,  renouncing  John 
Shepperd,  who's  a  handsome  newcomer.  The  music. 
the  exquisite  dancing  and  the  glamour  and  excite- 
ment of  backstage  life  have  been  captured  and 
projected  by  director  Gregory   Ratoff.      (Jan.) 

MERCY  ISLAND— Republic:  When  attorney  Ray 
Middleton  and  his  wife,  Gloria  Dickson,  are  swept 
ashore  in  the  Florida  Keys  and  he  discovers 
fugitive  surgeon  Otto  Kruger  hiding  there,  he 
becomes  obsessed  with  the  desire  to  return  Kruger 
to  justice.  All  three  of  the  principals  are  quite 
good.      (Jan.) 

When  Leon  Errol  has  a  little  war  orphan  brought 
over  from  Europe,  he  hopes  it  will  fix  things  up 
with  the  troubled  marriage  of  Lttpe  Velez  and 
Buddy  Rogers.  The  baby  turns  out  to  be  a  glamour 
girl,  but  the  story  gets  duller  and  unfunnier.  (Dec.) 

MOONLIGHT  IN  HA WAII— Universal :  Leon 
Errol  and  Richard  Carle  feud  over  a  radio  show 
and  try  to  marry  wealthy  widow  Marjorie  Gateson, 
but  it's  Mischa  Auer  who  finally  gets  her.  The 
Merry  Macs,  Johnny  Downs  and  Jane  Frazee  all 
float  through  the  mild  little  story.     (Jan.) 

MR.  CELEBRITY— Producers  Releasing  Corp.:  A 
young  veterinarian,  James  Seay,  takes  his  nephew. 
Buzzy  Henry,  to  Celebrity  Farm  to  hide  out  from 
his  grandparents  and  so  retain  his  custody.  There 
he  encounters  Francis  X.  Bushman,  Clara  Kimball 
Young  and  Jim  Jeffries,  who'll  bring  you  nostalgic 
memories.  It's  sentimental,  but  lively  and  heart- 
warming, and  young  Buzzy  is  outstanding.     (Dec.) 

— Universal:  In  this  picture  Bill  Fields  attempts 
to  sell  a  screen  story  he  has  written  to  a  producer. 
In  real  life,  he  sold  this  one  to  Universal,  but 
we  don't  know  why  because  it  isn't  funny  and  it 
makes  no  sense.  Gloria  Jean  is  a  bright  spot  in 
the  dull  business  and  Franklin  Pangborn  swipes 
a  few  scenes.     (Jan.) 

<y  NEW  YORK  TOWN  —  Paramount:  Fred 
MacMurray,  a  sidewalk  photographer  in  New  York, 
shows  naive  New  Englander  Mary  Martin  how  to 
live  off  the  town.  But  when  he  tries  to  marry  her 
off  to  prosperous  Robert  Preston,  he  learns  that  all 
the  best  things  in  life  are  free.  Akim  Tamiroff  and 
Lynne  Overman  aid  MacMurray  in  this  enchanting 
comedy.    (Nov.) 

NIAGARA  FALLS— Roach -U. A.:  In  spite  of  Slim 
Summerville  and  Zazu  Pitts'  determined  comedy 
efforts  as  the  honeymooning  couple  who  come  to 
Niagara,  the  picture's  not  funny.  Slim  neglects  his 
bride  to  meddle  in  the  affairs  of  quarrelsome  Tom 
Brown  and   Marjorie  Woodworth.     (Dec.) 

y  NOTHING  BUT  THE  TRUTH— Paramount: 
In  spite  of  its  bewhiskered  story,  Bob  Hope  makes 
this  picture  a  laugh-provoking  winner.  He  bets 
$10,000  of  Paulette  Goddard's  money  that  he  can 
tell  the  truth  for  twenty-four  hours.  Howls  of 
laughter  are  the  result.     (Nov.) 

•  OUR  WIFE — Columbia:  All  about  one  husband. 
Melvyn  Douglas,  and  his  troubles  with  two  women, 
one  an  ex-wife,  Ellen  Drew,  and  the  other  his  fiancee, 
scientist  Ruth  Httssey.  Charles  Coburn  is  Ruth's 
father,  also  a  scientist,  and  John  Hubbard  her  non- 
scientific  brother      It's  got  a  lot  of  laughs     (Nov.) 

OUTLAW  TRAIL.  THE— RKO-Radio:  Intend- 
ing to  aid  in  a  bank  robbery,  young  Tim  Holt  turns 
hero  instead  when  he  aids  the  marshal  in  catching 
the  robber  band  and  when  the  marshal  dies,  Tim 
takes  over  his  job  and  stays  a  good  boy  from  there 
on  it.     Fans  are  sure  to  like  Tim.    (Dec.) 

PITTSBURGH  KID,  THE— Republic :  The  usual 

prize-fight  picture,  this,  relieved  in  its  monotonous 
plot  by  the  casting  of  Jean  Parker  as  the  manager 
of  fighter  Billy  Conn.  You're  going  to  be  agreeably 
surprised  at  Billy,  who's  not  half  bad  as  a  screen 
personality.    Jean's  a  cute  trick,  too.     (Dec.) 

REG'LAR    FELLERS— P.    R.    C. :      The   cartoon 
i  strip     characters,     played     by     Billy     Lee,     Alfalfa 
Switzer  and   Buddy  Boles,  are  back  again   for  an- 
other series  of  fun      It's  a  picture  for  kids      (Nov  ) 

SAILORS  ON  LEAVE— Republic:  Sailor  Bill 
Lundigan  s  pals  try  to  marry  him  off  before  a 
certain  date  so  he  can  collect  an  inherifaTice.  They 
pick    night-club    singer    Shirley    Ross    as    the    girl, 

but     Shirley    hates    sailors    and     Bill    doesn't 
to    get     married,     which     leads     to     many     comical 
interludes,  mostly  supplied  by   Chick   (handler  and 
Cliff   Nazarro.      It's  a   cute  movie.      (Jan.) 

mid-RKO:  Scattcrgood  Bainrs.  the  small-town  Mr. 
Fix  it  played  by  Guy  Kibbee,  helps  William  Henry, 
the  village  playwright,  outwit  Frank  Jenks  and 
Bradley  Page  and  present  a  smash  Broadwaj 
cess.  Its  homey  flavor  is  embellished  by  some 
bright  comedy  and  corny  but  good  gags.  (Nov.) 

)pacud  Cgmj  UJo>vk  to\ 



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It  yn 

lit,   Mich. 

Downs,  aided  by  Jane  Frazee,  tries  to  get 
lege  show  on  Broadway,  but  villainous  Walter 
Catlett  and  his  voluptuous  co-worker,  Iris  Adrian, 
throw  a  monke  wrench   into  the  works.    (Dec.) 

SK YLARK— Paramount:  Claudette  Colbert  is  the 
dissatisfied  wife  who  leaves  her  devoted  husband, 
Ray  Milland,  because  his  business  entanglements 
prove  too  annoying.  Brian  Aherne  is  miscast  as  the 
other  man  in  her  life,  but  Milland  and  Walter  Abel 
win  our  hearty  approval.    (Dec.) 

SMI  LIN'  THROUGH— M-G-M:  Jeanette  Mac- 
Donald  has  the  dual  role  of  the  bride  who  loses 
her  life  and  as  her  own  niece  years  later;  and 
Gene  Raymond  also  plays  a  dual  role  as  the 
rejected  suitor  and  his  son.  Brian  Aherne  is  mis- 
cast.    For  Jeanette's  fans  only.      (Jan.) 

SOUTH  OF  TAHITI— Universal:  Here  we  are 
again,  back  in  the  old  South  Seas,  with  Brian 
Donlevy,  Broderick  Crawford  and  Andy  Devine 
as  a  trio  of  pearl  robbers  who  reform  in  order  to 
thwart  Henry  Wilcoxon  and  his  gang.      (Jan.) 

yf  SUNDOWN — Wanger:  Sustained  action  is  the 
keynote  of  this  story  of  a  British  government  out- 
post in  Africa.  Bruce  Cabot  as  Commissioner  of  the 
post  steals  most  of  the  honors,  and  George  Sanders 
also  shines,  as  does  Gene  Tierney  as  the  beautiful 
half-caste.       (Dec.) 

\S  SUN  VALLEY  SERENADE— 20th  Century- 
Fox:  Sonja  Henie  is  a  Norwegian  refugee  adopted 
by  band  player  John  Payne,  who's  in  love  with 
Lynn  Bari,  the  band  singer.  When  the  orchestra 
goes  to  Sun  Valley,  Sonja  goes  along,  determined 
to  marry  John.  Sonja's  enchanting  and  her  skat- 
ing numbers  are  excellent.     (Nov.) 

\/y  SUSPICION— RKO-Radio:  A  triumph  of 
direction  and  acting  is  this  emotional,  suspenseful 
masterpiece  about  a  naive  English  girl,  Joan 
Fontaine,  who  falls  in  love  and  marries  Cary  Grant, 
only  to  discover  his  worthlessness.  Then  dread  and 
suspicion  enter  their  lives  and  desperation  brings 
on  fearful  consequences.     (Dec.) 

\/    SWAMP      WATER— 20th     Century-Fox:     A 

vivid  picture,  this,  of  the  simple  people  living  near 
the  swamps  of  Georgia.  Dana  Andrews  penetrates 
the  dangerous  swamp  in  search  of  his  lost  dog; 
finds  Walter  Brennan,  an  escaped  murderer,  living 
there  and  learns  of  his  innocence.  Anne  Baxter, 
Walter  Huston,  Mary  Howard  and  Virginia  Gil- 
more  are  all  excellent  performers.      (Jan.) 

SWING  IT,  SOLDIER— Universal :  For  radio- 
minded  fans,  this  gives  you  Ken  Murray  as  a 
rookie  who  mistakes  singer  Frances  Langford  for 
her  married  twin,  Don  Wilson,  Brenda  and  Cobina, 
and  Skinnay  Ennis  and  his  band.  The  music  is 
good  and  Frances  sings  several  numbers.     (Jan.) 

TANKS  A  MILLION— Ha\  Roach-U.A.;  This 
small-size  panic  is  all  about  a  draftee,  a  former 
railway  information  clerk,  William  Tracy,  who 
annoys  his  superior  officers  by  spouting  from  mem- 
ory long  passages  from  the  Army  manual.  James 
Gleason  is  the  enraged  officer  and  Elyse  Knox  the 
eye-filler.   But  it's  Private  Tracy's  picture.    (Nov.) 

^  TARGET  FOR  TONIGHT— Warners  release 
of  a  British  Gov't,  film:  Its  tremendous  simplicity 
and  straightforward  honesty  in  telling  make  this 
story  of  boys  in  the  R.A.F.  one  of  the  strongest 
war  documents  ever  filmed.  It  tells  the  story  of  a 
raid  on  Nazi  oil  tanks  by  English  bombers  and 
boys  of  the  R.A.F.  and  officers  of  the  station  are 
the  only  actors.     Dramatic  and  suspenseful.     (Jan.) 

THIS  WOMAN  .  IS  MINE— Universal:  Lus- 
cious  Carol  Bruce  is  a  stowaway  on  a  trading  ve? 
sel  during  the  18th  Century  with  John  Carroll, 
Franchot  Tone  and  Walter  Brennan  all  on  the  ship! 
The  only  exciting  moments  in  the  picture  are  the 
last  scenes  depicting  the  conflict  between  the  India:  s 
and  the  white  men.      (Nov.) 

TILLIE  THE  TOILER— Columbia:  First  of  a 
new  series,  this  introduces  Kay  Harris,  who  is  pert, 
pretty  and  talented  and  makes  an  ideal  Tillie.  Wil- 
liam Tracy  is  Mac,  Jack  Arnold  the  smug 
Whipple,  and  Daphne  Pollard  Mumsy.  It  flounders 
around  a  bit  due  to  poor  writing  and  direction,  but 
give  Tillie  time.    (Nov.) 

lumbia:  Trite,  corny  and  uninspired  is  this  story  of 
a  night-club  press  agent,  Joan  Davis,  who  substitutes 
her  roommates  Jinx  Falkenburg  and  I 
bury,  a  song  and  dance  team,  for  two  Cuban  enter- 
tainers who  failed  to  arrive.  Of  course,  everything 
gets  very  complicated.     (Dec.) 

•  UNFINISHED  BUSINESS  —  Universal: 
You'll  undoubtedly  enjoy  this  gay  movie  about 
small-town  girl   Irene  Dunne  who  meets  and 

in  love  with  debonair  Preston  Foster  who  prompt! -.- 
forgets  her.  Out  of  spite  she  marries  his  brother, 
Robert  Montgomery.      (Nov.) 

•  WEEK    END    IN    HAVANA— 20th   Century- 
Fox:  Frothy,  gay  and  tuneful  is  this  typical  / 
musical.  The  featherweight  plot  has  New  York 
girl  Alice  Faye  enjoying  a  Havana  vacation  a 
expense  of  a  steamship  company  and  a  romanc 
executive  John   Payne.      Carmen   Miranda's 

are  hot-pepperish.     (Dec.) 

\/\/  WHEN  LADIES  MEET—  M-G-M:  A  star- 
studded  picture,  this,  smart  and  entertaining. 
Robert  Taylor  is  in  love  with  authoress  Joan  Craw 
ford  who  is  in  love  with  publisher  Herbert  Mar: 
who  is  married  to  Greer  Garson  with  obvious  com- 
plications. Both  the  girls  do  splendid  jobs,  but  Bob 
Taylor  walks  away  with  every  scene.     (Nov.) 

M-G-M's  new  prize  comedian  Red  Skelton  pi 
himself  a  prize  indeed  as  the  radio  crime  story 
writer  who's  kidnapped  by  Conrad  Veidt  in  order 
to  create  a  perfect  crime  for  Mr.  Veidt.  It's  corn, 
we  admit,  but  it's  funny  and  gay.    (Nov.) 

WILD  GEESE  CALLING— 20th  Century-Fox: 
Henry  Fonda  is  the  boy  with  wanderlust  who 
meets  Joan  Bennett,  waterfront  chorus  girl,  and 
marries  her.  But  he  follows  disreputable  Warren 
William  to  Alaska  and  meets  disillusionment  before 
he  finally  finds  contentment.  It's  slow  and  aimless 
and  dull,  and  Bennett  is  thoroughly  miscast,  i  I 

WORLD  PREMIERE— Paramount:  John  Barry- 
more  is  a  movie  producer  who  takes  the  c; 
his  movie,  including  Ricardo  Cortez  as  the  star 
and  Virginia  Dale  the  heroine,  to  Washington  for 
the  world  premiere.  It  should  be  funny,  but  it 
turns  out  to  be  very  unfunny.     (Nov.) 

\/  YANK  IN  THE  R.A.F.,  A— 20th  Century-Fox: 
An  exciting  and  timely  show,  with  Tyrone  Power 
as  the  fearless,  cocky  American  who  joins  the 
R.A.F.  and  woos  night-club  dancer  Betty  Grable  on 
the  side.  The  scenes  in  the  R.A.F.  provide  tre- 
mendous interest.      (Dec.) 

\S  YOU'LL  NEVER  GET  RICH— Columb.. 
Fred  Astaire  is  a  rookie  recruited  from  the  ranks  • : 
dance  directors  and  when  Fred  goes  to  can-.  . 
Robert  Benchley  tries  to  wreck  his  romantic  pla;  - 
with  dancing  cutie  Rita  Hayworth.  It's  ga> 
amusing  and  Rita  is  the  best  dancing  partn'- 
Fred's  had  since  Ginger  Rogers.      (Jan.) 

Merrymaking  at  the  Mocambo  for  service  men:  Michele  Morgan  dances 
with  Sergeant  Pasternaki;  Marie  Wilson  takes  over  Private  Guston. 
Private   Guston   himself  takes  over   Photoplay-Movie   Mirror   on   page  43 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

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Ida — the  Mad  Lupino 

(Continued  from  page  53)  softly  after 
a   while. 

"We've  been  sitting  in  front  of  it  for 
the    last   half-hour,"   Louis   said. 

Then,  quite  suddenly,  Ida  Lupino  came 
together  as  a  personality;  she  emerged, 
as  does  the  picture  in  a  jigsaw  puzzle 
when  you  fit  two  or  three  pieces  into 
their  proper  places  and  find  you've  got 
a  herd  of  cows,  or  The  Flying  Dutchman. 
Except  that  Ida  turned  out  to  be  a  far 
more  exciting  picture;  to  the  surprise 
of  everyone,  including  her  studio  bosses, 
her  delighted  agents,  even  Connie  and 
Louis,  she  became  a  really  fine  actress. 
On  the  screen,  she  metamorphosed  her 
pure  Cockney  self  into  a  neurotic  little 
American  slut,  for  "They  Drive  By 
Night,"  accent  and  all,  to  perfection.  She 
did  "High  Sierra,"  and  her  mother  and 
husband  all  but  fell  out  of  their  seats  at 
the  preview,  in  sheer  astonishment. 

She  did  "Ladies  In  Retirement,"  with 
Louis.  That's  in  your  neighborhood 
theater  now,  probably.  You  can  go  see 
it,  to  know  what  I  mean. 

Along  with  normal  adjustments  and 
growing  up,  the  new  success  wrought  its 
good  magic  on  Lupino  as  a  woman,  as  a 
wife,  as  well. 

She  was  still  a  little  dramatic  about 
Life,  of  course,  as  she  will  always  be. 
Ida  Takes  Things  Big — Love,  her  Profes- 
sion, her  Spring  Cold,  the  State  of  Her 
Hair,  her  Newest  Picture.  All  in  capitals. 
All  and  each  the  most  important  thing 
that  ever  happened  to  anybody,  any- 
where. Some  people  live  that  way,  and 
when  they  are  great  in  what  they  do  you 
do  not  call  it  a  fault;  it  is  an  Idiosyn- 
crasy, or  even  Temperament. 

BUT  the  neuroses  are  not  there.  I  don't 
believe  really — and  I've  known  Ida 
Hayward  since  she  wore  platinum  hair — 
that  ever,  even  for  one  moment,  has  that 
very  shrewd,  practical,  imginative  mind 
of  hers  been  twisted  one  iota  off  its  true 
course.  She  has  a  few  minor  mental 
twists,  with  names:  she  has  echolalia, 
which  sounds  dreadful  but  which  is  the 
normal  rest-insurance  of  an  active,  tired 
mind  (she  counts  out  loud  the  letters  in 
signs,  and  wants  them  to  come  out  even). 
She  has  acrophobia.  (So  has  Joan  Craw- 
ford.) She  has  an  exhibitionist  complex 
(no  one  ever  becomes  an  actress  or  actor 
without  one)  which  she  manifests  in- 
versely, by  being  frightened  of   crowds. 

She  finds  it  extremely  hard,  on  an  in- 
stant's notice,  to  tell  the  absolute  truth 
about  herself,  or  her  life,  or  her  personal 
history.  That  is  because  she  has  spent 
so  many  years  trying  to  make  events 
match  with  the  essential  lie  about  her 

Outside  of  these  things  she  leads  as 
normal  a  life  as  any  woman  who  is  both 
an  intellectual  and  a  Hollywood  actress 
can  possibly  lead.  Her  marriage  is  a 
thoroughly  modern  arrangement:  More 
than  half  the  time  she  and  Louis  pass 
each  other  in  the  hall  and  say,  "Hi,  how 
was  your  day?  See  you  at  eleven  if 
you're  still  awake,  don't  forget  our  din- 
ner date  tomorrow." 

Louis  and  Ida  like  the  house  they  have, 
and  the  hill  it's  on.  So  they  stay  there, 
which  is  as  it  should  be.  But  in  that  house 
a  kind  of  harmony  prevails,  accented  by 
blue  notes  and  by  occasional  harsh  tints 
(when  Ida's  nerves  go  to  pieces  and  she 
makes  a  production  out  of  something). 
There,  too,  any  sensitive  observer  will 
recognize  the  seldom  feeling,  exciting 
because  it  is  so  rare  in  any  house,  that 
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FEBRUARY,    1942 



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The  Shadow  Stage 

(Continued  from  page  24) 

^  The  Chocolate  Soldier 

It's  About:  A  jealous  husband  who  tests 
the  fidelity  oj  his  capricious  wife. 

THE  big  news  of  this  gay  song  fest  is  a 
'  brown-eyed  young  charmer  from  the 
opera,  Miss  Rise  Stevens,  who  becomes 
Nelson  Eddy's  singing  partner  in  the 
chuckle-laden  story  of  "The  Guards- 
man" set  to  the  Oscar  Strauss  music  of 
"The  Chocolate  Soldier." 

Another  news  flash  emanating  from 
this  movie  is  the  clever  acting  of  Mr. 
Eddy  who  gives  his  very  best  per- 
formance since  "Naughty  Marietta."  Per- 
haps the  change  of  pace,  as  well  as  change 
of  partners,  accounts  for  Mr.  Eddy's  easy, 
natural  manner,  to  say  nothing  of  his 
surprising  gift  for  comedy.  As  the  mar- 
ried operetta  star  who  tests  the  loyalty 
of  his  wife,  Miss  Stevens,  Nelson  is  most 
amusing.  He  accomplishes  this  little  trick 
by  donning  the  whiskers  and  attire  of  a 
Russian  baritone  and  then  making  love 
to  his  wife. 

The  music  is  out  of  this  world.  "My 
Hero,"  the  hit  of  the  original  "Chocolate 
Soldier"  show,  and  "Evening  Star"  from 
"Tannhauser,"  the  beautiful  Strauss 
melodies,  plus  a  few  of  Mr.  Eddy's  best 
loved  selections,  are  sung  in  harmony 
with  the  story. 

Nigel  Bruce  and  Florence  Bates  are 
incidental,  but  nice  incidentals,  to  the 

Your   Reviewer  Soys:    A  musical  hit. 

Keep  'Em  Flying  (Universal) 

It's  About:  Two  cronies  bottleneck  a  naval 
training  school. 

I T  was  bound  to  happen!  Those  funny 
'  men,  Bud  Abbott  and  Lou  Costello, 
have  hit  an  air  pocket  in  their  too  con- 
stant movie-making  and  zoomed  down 
to  a  point  one  mile  this  side  of  nothing. 

The  boys  are  given  a  thin,  anemic  story 
with  little  of  the  humor  that  has  packed 
their  other  stories.  That  the  picture  is 
nothing  to  shout  about  is  certainly  not 
the  fault  of  the  boys.  The  story  simply 
isn't  there  and  what  there  is  of  it  is 
constantly  interrupted  with  the  singing 
of  Carol  Bruce  (badly  photographed) 
and  her  romantic  interludes  with  Dick 
Foran,  who  also  sings  at  odd  moments. 

The  twin -sister  routine  played  by 
Martha  Raye  missed  a  mile  for  our 
money.  Martha's  bag  of  tricks  seems 
oddly  shoddy  these  days. 

But  make  no  mistake,  despite  these 
faults,  the  boys  will  rate  cheers  per 
minute  simply  because  they  have  en- 
sconced themselves  so  thoroughly  under 
the  public's  funny  bone.  Several  of  the 
gags  are  most  amusing,  indeed,  such  as 
the  torpedo  on  the  loose  and  the  boys 
on  their  own  in  the  air. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  Funny  men  in  a  not- 
so-funny   story. 

The  Perfect  Snob 
(Twentieth   Century-Fox) 

It's  About:  A  socially  ambitious  mama 
and  a  carpet-slipper  dad. 

SOMETHING  old.  nothing  new,  some- 
thing borrowed  and  the  audience 
blue!  That  about  sums  up  this  little 
wedding -march    tale    of    a    small -town 

debbie  who  marries,  against  her  am- 
bitious mama's  wishes,  a  young  man 
who  (wouldn't  you  know  it?)  turns  out 
to  be  rich.  Cornel  Wilde,  a  newcomer, 
is  the  lucky  man. 

Charlotte  Greenwood  hardly  seems  the 
calculating  mama  type,  but  Charlie  Rug- 
gles,  as  take-it-easy  Pop,  is  just  right  in 
his  role.  Why  Lynn  Bari  was  tossed  into 
this  little  pot  stew  we'll  never  know. 

Oh  well,  it  means  well  and  tries  hard, 
this  little  moom  pitcher,  so  maybe  we 
shouldn't  be  too  hard  on  it. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  We'd  rather  throw 

Obliging  Young  Lady 

It's  About:  The  odd  position  of  a  child 
caught    between   two   dissenting   parents. 

JOAN  CARROLL  is  the  below  teen- 
•*  age  youngster  who  was  permitted 
(pardon  the  understatement)  to  loiter 
about  under  contract  to  Twentieth  Cen- 
tury-Fox Studios,  so  as  to  offer  no  com- 
petition to  their  starlet,  Shirley  Temple. 
Tired  of  the  seclusion,  Miss  Carroll  took 
herself  to  RKO;  made  a  hit  in  "Primrose 
Path,"  moved  on  to  New  York  to  startle 
the  customers  in  "Panama  Hattie." 

We  give  you  this  short  resume  of  her 
activities  because  one  day  we  feel  Joan 
will  be  news. 

This  movie  is  not  the  screen  success 
we  hoped  it  would  be  for  Joan.  It  has 
her  a  hoydenish  youngster  taken  by  a 
friend  of  her  parents  to  a  secluded  resort 
while  her  parents  battle  things  out  in 
court.  Needless  to  say,  Joan,  the  im- 
possible, makes  life  hot  for  everyone, 
including  reporters  Eve  Arden  and  Ed- 
mond  O'Brien,  who  is  sweet  on  Ruth 
Warrick,    Joan's    custodian. 

While  it's  nothing  to  write  home 
about,  it  has  its  moments  and  Joan  keeps 
things   lively,   that   we   promise. 

Your  Reviewer  Soys:  Fair  enough  but  not 
good  enough. 

Playmates  (RKO-Radio) 

It's  About:  The  efforts  of  two  press 
agents  to  place  their  clients  on  the  radio. 

TAKE  Kay  Kyser  and  his  band,  plus 
'  John  Barrymore  and  his  grimaces,  add 
Ginny  Simms  (Barrymore  should  love  a 
girl  called  Ginny)  gone  glamorous  and 
stir  in,  just  for  the  fun,  Patsy  Kelly,  Lupe 
Velez,  May  Robson  and  Peter  Lind  Hayes 
— and  what  have  you  got? 

If  you  ever  find  out,  let  us  know,  for 
never  have  we  witnessed  such  a  con- 
glomeration of  tomfoolery  and  nonsense. 
As  near  as  we  could  fathom,  press  agents 
Patsy  Kelly  and  Peter  Lind  Hayes  are 
"skumming  schemes,"  as  Amos  and  Andy 
say,  to  land  their  clients  John  and  Kay 
on  the  air.  They  end  up  in  a  debauched 
Shakespearean  spree  that  is  mighty 
touching  in  some  spots  and  mighty  bor- 
ing in  others. 

Kyser's  peculiar  talents  for  non-acting 
are  a  perfect  balance  for  Barrymore's 

The  music  is  delightful,  Ginny  beauti- 
ful, May  Robson  cute  as  the  grand- 
mother and  what  more  do  you  want  for 
your  money? 

Your  Reviewer  Scys:  A  combination  salad 
— with  ham. 

photoplay  combined  xcith  movie  mirror 



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TEBRUARY,    1942 

Swing  It,  Soldier  (Universal) 

It's  About:  A  rookie  who  mistakes  a 
singer  for  her  married  twin. 

D  ADIO  personalities  move  in  bag  and 
^  baggage  to  a  cozy  home  in  movie- 
town  and  proceed  to  entertain  and  at 
times  amuse.  Ken  Murray  is  a  likeable 
dumb-bunny  soldier  who  carries  a  mes- 
sage from  a  rookie  pal  to  his  wife  who  is 
going  to  have  a  baby.  Of  course,  Murray 
meets  the  single  twin  sister  instead  of  the 
married  sister  and,  well — you  can 
imagine  the  amazement  of  Miss  Frances 
Langford,  who  plays  the  dual  role,  at 
some  of  Mr.  Murray's  remarks. 

The  music  is  good.  Frances  sings  sev- 
eral numbers,  especially  the  old  favorite, 
"Melancholy  Baby,"  as  only  she  can. 
Don  Wilson,  recruited  from  the  Jack 
Benny  show,  and  Blanche  Stewart  and 
Elvia  Allman  (Brenda  and  Cobina)  are 
fugitives    from    Bob    Hope's    program. 

Skinnay  Ennis  and  his  band,  another 
Hope  asset,  provide  some  swell  swing. 

For  those  who  are  besieged  with  curi- 
osity to  see  radio  names  take  on  life, 
this  may  have  a  special  appeal.  Other- 
wise it's  just  a  movie. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  For  radio-minded 
fans  only. 

^  Texas  (Columbia) 

It's  About:  The  fate  of  two  boys  who 
travel  ivest  after  the  Civil  War. 

TEXAS"   is   one   of   the   best   Westerns 

'  we've  seen  in  a  long  time  and  for  two 
very  good  reasons,  namely — Glenn  Ford 
and  William  Holden.  If  these  boys  aren't 
the  two  best  younger  actors  in  the  busi- 
ness then  we  miss  our  guess.  Their  work 
is  a  joy  to  behold  and  to  them  goes  the 
credit  for  lifting  "Texas"  into  the  "y°u 
should  see"  class. 

The  story  has  the  two  boys  trekking 
westward  after  the  Civil  War,  each  to  go 
his  separate  way.  Ford  takes  the  high 
road;  Holden,  the  low  unlawful  path.  He 
joins  up  with  cattle  rustlers  bent  on 
keeping  the  ranchers'  cattle  from  reach- 
ing Abilene,  Kansas,  the  legitimate  mar- 
ket. Ford,  of  course,  is  on  the  side  of 
the  ranchers.  More  antagonism  grows 
between  the  boys  when  both  fall  in  love 
with  the  same  girl,  Claire  Trevor. 

There's  a  lot  of  punch  injected  into  the 
story  with  a  stampede  that's  a  lulu,  a 
shooting-iron  climax  and  an  old-time 
prize  fight  that's  a  honey. 

Edgar  Buchanan,  as  the  unscrupulous 
dentist  who  pulls  molars  while  hatching 
his  deviltry  (he's  a  dentist  in  real  life, 
too),  is  terrific. 

To  get  away  from  the  eternal  near- 
comedies,  why  not  give  yourself  a  change 
and  a  treat  and  see  "Texas."  You  can't 
go  wrong. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  An  A  Western,  load- 
ed with  talent. 

"  Rise  And  Shine 
(Twentieth   Century-Fox) 

It's  About:  The  attempts  of  a  gangster 
to  kidnap  a  football  star. 

THOSE  fans  who  are  eager  to  laugh 
at  the  slightest  excuse  will  have  that 
opportunity  to  indulge  in  their  favorite 
sport  when  "Rise  And  Shine"  comes  to 
town.  While  not  the  best  comedy  ever 
made  by  a  long,  long  way,  the  picture 
still  has  enough  bright  spots  to  coax 
forth  the   chuckles. 

i BE  the  KIND  of  WOMAN; 

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#  How  to  acquire  a  tempt- 
ing figure;  physical 

•  If  you  have  small  eyes, 
heavy  feet,  short  neck, 
(or  any  other  appear- 
ance "fault"),  this  book 
tells    you    just    what    to 

#    If    not     sure    of 
If    clothes 

never    ^W 



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look  well,  if  clumsy 
awkward,  if  rasping 
voice  ior  any  other 
trouble),  this  book  tells 
you  how  to  coi i  eel   fault 

#  Special  chapters  de- 
voted to  those  women 
who  are— SHORT— TALL 
—FAT  — THIN  — with  in- 
formation and  advice  on 
clothes  to  wear,  make- 
up and  hair  treatment, 
and  various  tricks  and 
ways  to  minimize  and 
conceal    these    flaws 

#  How  to  meet  and  make 
new  friends;  become 
liked  and  popular 

#  How  to  overcome  shy- 
ness,    self-consciousness 

#  How  to  have  good  times 
at  parties  and  affairs 

#  The  art  of  interesting 
conversation;  what  to 
talk  about 

#  How  to  understand 
men's    rea: 

172     PAGES— 49     ILLUSTRATIONS 


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Jack  Oakie  is  marvelous  as  the  dumb- 
hunky  football  star  who  is  the  saving 
grace  of  his  college  team.  Sent  to  observe 
the  star's  condition  by  a  betting  gangster 
is  George  Murphy,  himself  an  ex-all- 
American.  The  gangster  bets  as  Murphy 
predicts  until  the  final  game  when  the 
gambler  attempts  to  kidnap  Oakie  and 
place  all  his  money  on  the  opposing  team. 

With  Murphy  on  his  odd  mission  are 
Ruth  Donnelly  and  Raymond  Walburn. 
This  pair,  along  with  Milton  Berle  and 
Walter  Brennan  as  a  wooing  old 
"Gramps,"  add  to   the   confusion. 

The  best  we've  saved  until  the  last 
(at  least  she's  the  prettiest)  and  that  my 
friends,  is  Linda  Darnell,  cheerleader 
and  daughter  of  an  eccentric  old  pro- 
fessor, Donald  Meek. 

Youngsters,  we  think,  will  love  the 
goings-on  and  who  are  we  to  say  oldsters 
won't,  as  well? 

Your   Reviewer   Says:    College    chi-chi. 

^  One  Foot  In  Heaven  (Warners) 

It's  About:  The  struggles  of  a  young 
Methodist  minister  and  his  wife. 

A  QUIETLY  beautiful  story  is  this  one 
**  of  the  young  Canadian  doctor  who  is 
converted  overnight  and  enters  the  min- 
istry. With  his  bewildered  bride,  Martha 
Scott,  Fredric  March  as  the  preacher  be- 
gins his  work  in  a  small  Iowa  village 
under  the  most  adverse  circumstances. 
Together  they  travel  from  church  to 
church,  living  in  one  undesirable  par- 
sonage after  another,  their  faith  holding 
them  together  through  the  years. 

The  dream  of  his  life  is  realized  when 
the  minister  is  able  at  last  to  build  his 
own  church. 

Incidental  homey  events  concerning 
his  children,  his  congregation,  his  home 
life,  dot  the  story  with  gems  of  human 
interest.  March  is  ideal  as  the  minister 
and  Martha  splendid  as  the  wife. 

Frankie  Thomas  and  Elisabeth  Fraser 
are  the  children. 

Your  Reviewer  Soys:  A  warm,  tender 

Tarzan's   Secret  Treasure 

It's  About:    The  jungle  man  routs  a  band 
of  greedy  interlopers. 

THE  great  Tarzan  series  has  developed 
into  adventure  yarns  more  suitable  to 
children's  taste  than  to  adults'.  The 
scenes  have  become  repetitious  and  need 
an  injection  of  clear  originality  to  pep 
up  the  vine-swinging  capers  of  Mr.  Big 
Outdoorsy,  played  as  usual  by  the  bel- 
lowing Johnny  Weissmuller. 

This  time  a  party  of  scientists,  includ- 
ing villainous  Tom  Conway  and  Philip 
Dorn,  kidnap  Tarzan's  wife  (Maureen 
O'Sullivan)  and  son  (John  Sheffield)  in 
order  to  force  the  jungle  giant  into  re- 
vealing the  location  of  an  enormous  gold 
vein.  The  climax  is  thrilling,  with  ele- 
phants and  alligators  and  savages  in  a 
grand  melee  of  revenge. 

Your  Reviewer  Soys:   A  whooper-dooper  for 
the  kids. 

^  Shadow  Of  The  Thin  Man 

It's  About:    The  suave  detective  unravels 
a   race-track    murder   mystery. 

WELL,  here's  that  man  again,  calmly 
cooking  the  goose  of  crooks  and 
murderers  and  having  a  wonderful  time 
during  the  process.  Myrna  Loy  is  still 
the  playful  helpmate  of  our  charming 
sleuth  Nick  Charles,  played  as  ever  by 
William  Powell.  They  are  delightful,  gay 
people,  this  pair,  but  their  charm  and 
gaiety  are  beginning  to  seem  a  bit  repeti- 
tious if  you  ask  us.  Enough  is  too  much 
sometimes;  one  is  beginning  to  wonder 
when  the  Charles  family  is  going  to  quiet 
down,  if  ever. 

This  time  detective  '  (retired — oh 
yeah?)  Charles  is  on  his  way  to  a  race 
track  where  he  discovers  a  jockey  has 
been  killed.  Later  a  reporter  is  killed 
under  peculiar  circmstances  and  Nick  is 
right  on  the  scent  as  usual.  The  unravel- 
ing of  the  mystery  takes  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Smartypants    and    the    audience    through 

Favorite  of  the 
back-lot  gang  is 
"Tarzan's  Secret 
Treasure."  Johnny 
Weissmuller  plays 
Tarzan;  Maureen 
O'Sullivan  is  Mrs.  T.;. 
John  Sheffield  is 
the  chip  off  the  old 
brawn;  monkey 
Cheeta  plays  her 
own    inimitable    self 

innumerable   alleyways   of   laughter   and 

The  police  detectives  are,  as  usual, 
portrayed  as  dumb  ignoramuses  who 
couldn't  catch  a  fly  with  molasses,  let 
alone  glamour  girl  Stella  Adler  and  the 
usual  array  of  gangster  types.  Dickie 
Hall  is  the  Charles's  offspring,  a  cute 
youngster  and  a  chip  off  the  old  block 
if  ever  we  saw  one. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:    Murder      written      to 
swing  time. 

^They   Died  With  Their  Boots 
On  (Warners) 

It's  About:    The  lije  and  times  of  General 

WHOOPER-DOOPER  "mellerdram- 
mer"  is  woven  into  the  life  pattern 
of  an  American  figure,  General  George 
Custer,  and  the  result  is  rousing  enter- 
tainment. The  story  depicts  the  life  of 
Custer  from  the  time  he  entered  West 
Point,  a  fantastic  figure  in  braid  and 
brass  buttons,  followed  by  a  trail  of 
hound  dogs,  to  his  heroic  death  at  the 
hands  of  battling  Indians  on  the  Western 

His  romance  with  and  marriage  to 
Olivia  de  Havilland  add  the  necessary 
colors  to  the  completed  tapestry.  Olivia 
has  never  been  so  beautiful,  to  our  no- 

Through  his  cadet  days  and  his  brave 
deeds  in  the  Civil  War  and  back  to  his 
home  in  Michigan  we  follow  George 
Custer.  Then  comes  his  appointment  to 
take  over  the  Seventh  Cavalry,  stationed 
near  Fort  Lincoln.  When  Custer  arrives, 
drunkenness,  disorder  and  rowdiness 
mark  the  life  of  the  soldiers  within  the 
fort.  Under  his  guidance,  it  emerges  a 
crack  cavalry  regiment  which  bravely 
rides  with  Custer  to  their  death  in  one 
last  stand  against  the  Indians. 

Anthony  Quinn  is  very  good  indeed 
as  the  Sioux  chief  Crazy  Horse.  Charles 
Grapewin  as  the  old  codger  who  never 
quite  gets  to  "Californey,"  John  Litel  as 
General  Phil  Sheridan,  villainous  Arthur 
Kennedy  and  Walter  Hampden  lend 
splendid  support. 

For  those  who  love  a  good  rousing 
story  here  it  is.  Under  its  swooping 
sway  we  may  even  forget  that  under 
no  circumstances  could  Errol  Flynn  be 
termed  a  "damned  Yankee." 

Ycur  Reviewer  Says:    America      on 
movie  march. 



*  Blues   In  The   Night  (Warners) 

It's  About:   A  small  dance  band  that  falls 
heir  to  trouble  in  an  infamous  roadhouse. 

"DLUES  IN  THE  NIGHT"  is  an  odd, 
D  sultry,  moody  and  tempestuous  sort 
of  picture  with  men's  emotions  set  to  the 
throbbing  music  of  Jimmy  Lunceford's 
band.  It  serves  as  a  vehicle  to  introduce 
to  movie  fans  Richard  Whorf.  the  young 
stage  actor  who  has  been  associated  in 
the  past  with  Lunt  and  Fontanne.  That 
he  is  a  definite,  distinct  personality  can- 
not be  denied.  In  fact,  we  predict  Mr. 
Whorf  will  very  shortly  become  a  star 
of  the  very  first  magnitude.  Priscilla 
Lane  and  Betty  Field  share  equal  glorj 
for  their  strong,  outstanding  perform- 

The  story  tells  of  six  young  people, 
up  from  the  deep  South,  eager  to  play 
the  blue  music  in  their  souls.  Whorf. 
who  plays  Jigger,  is  the  pianist  whom 
Priscilla  Lane,  wife  of  musician  Jack 
(Continued  on  page  110) 

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Str  Your 
Doctor  Rrfutariy 

(Continued  from  page  108)  Carson,  se- 
cretly loves.  They  finally  land  an  engage- 
ment at  a  notorious  roadhouse  run  by 
gangster  Lloyd  Nolan.  Gutter  rat  Betty 
Field  soon  entices  Whorf  away  from  his 
band,  then  tosses  him  over.  When  she  re- 
turns for  more  deviltry,  Wally  Ford, 
another  of  Betty's  victims,  arranges  a 
very  neat  and  quite  horrible  revenge. 

It  sounds  queerly  somber  and  it  is 
queerly  somber.  But  it's  interesting, 
beautifully  acted  and  the  music  is  al- 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  A  fascinating  low- 

"H.    M.    Pulham    Esq.    (M-G-M) 

It's  About:  The  traditional  smu&iess  of 
a  died-in-the-wool  Bostonian. 

CRANKLY  disappointing,  is  our  candid 
'  opinion  of  the  movie  version  of  John 
P.  Marquard's  best  seller.  Robert  Young 
as  Pulham,  the  man  who  hasn't  the 
stamina  to  break  away  from  the  tra- 
ditional smugness  that  holds  him  to  the 
old  ways  of  life,  is  ideal  and  for  his  splen- 
did performance,  for  the  careful  direc- 
tion, the  playing  of  Ruth  Hussey  as  Kay 
Motford,  the  sterling  performance  of 
newcomer  Van  Heflin  who  plays  King. 
we  hand  out  our  one-check  approval. 

Perhaps  we're  wrong — we  have  been 
in  the  past,  heaven  knows — but  it  seems 
to  us  a  woman  as  beautiful  as  Miss 
Lamarr  should  listen  to  her  producer's 
pleas  to  remain  beautiful,  alluring,  sexy 
and  "Algier-ish."  We  already  have  too 
many  fair  actresses  and  no  beauty  so  rare 
as  Hedy's. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  Rather  heavy  in 
theme  and  execution. 


Design   For  Scandal  (M-G-M) 

It's  About:    A  double-crossing  news  pho- 
tographer and  a  beautiful  judge. 

WHEN  female  judges  become  as  beau- 
tiful as  Rosalind  Russell,  we  predict 
a  crime  wave  the  likes  of  which  this 
country  has  never  seen. 

Roz's  beauty  and  charm  are  the  undoing, 
alas,  of  nervy  news  photographer  Walter 
Pidgeon  who  sets  out  to  double-cross 
Judge  Roz  at  the  instigation  of  his  boss, 
Edward  Arnold,  who  wants  his  alimony 
reduced.  Pidgeon  and  Arnold  believe 
that  if  the  judge  herself  can  be  embroiled 
in  a  little  underhanded  scandal  she  may 
listen  to  reason.  Pidgeon,  therefore,  is 
out  to  provide  the  scandal,  only  Miss 
Russell  catches  on  in  time.  But  not  be- 
fore Mr.  News  Photographer  is  a  dead 
Pidgeon,  as  far  as  his  heart  is  concerned. 

The  whole  mess  ends  in  a  very  funny 
courtroom  farce  with  Guy  Kibbee  a 
screamingly   funny   judge. 

Lee  Bowman,  Mary  Beth  Hughes  and 
Barbara  Jo  Allen  get  caught  up  in  the 
nonsense  that  is  meant  to  be  entertaining 
fun  and  achieves  its  purpose. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:    A  blues  chaser. 


Babes  On  Broadway  (M-G-M) 

It's  About:    The  attempts  of  amateur  kids 
to   crash    Broadway. 

YOU'VE  seen  this  musical  over  and  over 
again — it's  the  same  old  story  of  would- 
be  actors  finally  hitting  the  big  time — 
but  still  we  must  admit  that  Mickey 
Rooney  and  Judy  Garland  do  manage  to 
instill  freshness  into  it. 

Mickev,    Ray    McDonald    and    Richard 


Quine  have  an  act  they  haven't  been  ab.e 
to  get  very  far  with  and,  of  course,  tht:r 
main  ambition  is  to  get  on  Broadway. 
Judy  Garland  and  a  group  of  Settlement 
House  kids  sidetrack  them  for  a  while. 
but  Mickey  and  Judy  put  on  a  show  to 
raise  money  to  send  the  kids  to  the 
country,  a  big  producer,  James  Glei- 
son,  sees  the  show  and  everything  turr.s 
out  all  right.    Not  surprised,  are  you? 

Mickey's  impersonation  of  Carmen  Mi- 
randa  is  one  of  the  high  spots  of  the 
picture;  Judy's  singing  and  Ray  Mc-  I 
Donald's  dancing  are  always  delightful; 
and  Fay  Bainter  is  charming  as  the  thea-- 
rical  producer's  assistant.  The  production 
numbers  are  staged  with  the  lavishn 
characteristic  of  all  M-G-M  musics 
and  you'll  undoubtedly  get  some  fun  ou 
of  most  of  the  proceedings,  though  som 
of   them    are   pretty    corny. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  For  Garland  ar.d 
Rooney  fans. 

Cadet  Girl 
(Twentieth  Century-Fox) 

It's  About:  A  West  Point  cadet  and  a 
beautiful   blonde. 

THERE'S  not  much  to  shout  about,  but 
■  if  you  think  that  little  detail  prevented 
the  makers  of  and  participants  in  th:s 
little  number  from  not  only  shouting  but 
waving  around  the  red,  white,  and  blue 
like  mad,  you  are  right  out  of  your  mind. 
In  fact,  so  loud  is  the  shouting,  duty  to 
Uncle  Sam  overcomes  love  and  romance. 

George  Montgomery  is  a  West  Pointer 
who  falls  in  love  with  Carole  Landis,  a 
singer  with  his  brother's  orchestra.  They 
decide  to  marry  even  if  it  means  George  s 
expulsion  from  the  famous  training 
school.  To  bring  Cadet  Montgomery  to 
his  senses,  his  musician  brother  composes 
a  rousing  song,  "Uncle  Sam  Ge-s 
Around,"  and  Cupid,  alas,  goes  down  for 
the    count    of    nine. 

Good  music,  good  looks  and  some  spe- 
cial bits  of  acting  here  and  there  keep 
the  picture  lively  at  least.  And  is  thai 
Montgomery   handsome    in   uniform! 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  An  Uncle  Sammy 

^  Glamour  Boy  (Paramount) 

It's  About:  A  star  who  is  a  has-been  r.t 

MARK  this  down  right  now  in  your 
little  date  book  as  a  movie  worth 
seeing  come  rain,  shine,  thunder  or 
lightning.  It's  not  a  great  big  smash- 
eroowoo,  remember,  but  it's  good,  it  s 
cozy,  it's  appealing  and  it's  loaded  with 
human  interest.  What's  more,  it  has 
Jackie  Cooper  playing  a  semifactual  role 
in  experiences  that  somewhat  parallel  h:s 

Once  a  famous  child  star,  Jackie,  now 
ignored,  is  called  in  by  a  studio  to  coach 
a  new  child  star,  Darryl  Hickman  (a 
real  Quiz  kid),  in  a  remake  of  Jackie  s 
former  hit,  "Skippy." 

In  the  meantime.  Jackie  meets  and 
falls  for  Susanna  Foster,  gets  himself  into 
plenty  of  grief  and  gradually  emerges 
with  a  bracing  new  viewpoint,  while 
smug  little  Hickman  slips  into  a  suit  of 
human    kindness. 

Walter  Abel's  singing  over  the  tele- 
phone to  little  Timmie  Hawkins.  Su- 
sanna's warbling  and  Jackie  Cooper  s 
viewing  himself  in  "Skippy"  are  the  high- 
lights of  this  little  breath  of  spring. 

Your    Reviewer    Says:     A    goodie. 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Special  work  for  women! 

An  Oppottuni^J 

■^d  in  addition  get 


kO  you  want  lots  of  extra  cash?  II  you 
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here  is  an  easy  way  to  get  money — 
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vertising is  creating  such  a  great  demand 
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Flack  of  North  Carolina  to  earn  $12.90  in 
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Idaho  to  earn  $11.00  in  two  hours  —  or 
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Mail  coupon  below  for  this  amazing  Free 
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No  Experience  or  Money  Required  and 
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Approved  by  Prominent  Fashion  Authorities 
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The  advanced  Fashion  Frock  1942  Spring  styles  are  thrilling. 
They  are  the  last-minute  fashion  ideas  that  have  just  been 
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ceptance of  fashion  editors  of  leading  magazines  tor  women, 
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Complete  Style  Portfolio  Sent  FREE! 

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STYLE  560 

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obbgation— Y»u> 

The  Nunnally  Houst  in  Atlanta  is  a 
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Its  spacious  interiors  glow  with  treasured 
pieces  of  mahogany  and  rosewood.  On 
the  tables,  Camel  cigarettes  .  .  ."My 
guests  prefer  them,"  says  Mrs.  Nunnally. 

Charming  member  of  a  fine  old 

Southern  family 

Mrs-  Hugh  Pendleton  Nunnally 


"The  mildness  of  a  Camel  cigarette  is  something 
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YOUNG  Mrs.  Hugh  Nunnally,  renowned  for  her  ex- 
quisite blonde  beauty,  traces  her  family  background 
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her  garden.  Her  favorite  cigarette  is  Camel.  And  she 
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other  cigarette  that  gives  me  the  pleasure  Camels  do.  So 
mild  and  good-tasting  — they're  just  more  fun  to  smoke, 
that's  all!  We  never  tire  of  them,  so  I  buy  my  Camels  by 
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A  few  of  the  many  other 

distinguished  women  who 

prefer  Camel  cigarettes: 

Mrs.  Nicholas  Bichlle,  Philadelphia 

Mrs   Gail  Borden,  Chicago 

Mrs.  Powell  Cabot,  Boston 

Mrs.  Charles  Carroll,  Jr.,  Maryland 

Mrs.  Randolph  Carter,  Virginia 

Mrs.  J.  Gardner  Coolidge  2nd,  Boston 

Mrs.  Anthony  J.  Drexel  3rd,  Philadelphia 

Mrs.  Alexander  Cochrane  Forbes, 

New  York 

Miss  Eleanor  1' 'rotbingham,  Boston 

Mrs.  John  Hylan  Heminway,  New  York 

Mrs.  Alexander  Ilixon,  California 

Mrs.  Martin  Osbom,  California 

Ml      Louis  Swift,  Jr.,  Chicago 

Mrs.  Oliver  De<  iraj  \  indi  rbilt  III, 


Mrs.  Kiliaen  M.  Van  Rensselaer, 


the  cigarette  of 
costlier  tobaccos 

The  smoke  of  slower-burning 
Camels  contains 

28%  LESS 

than  the  average  of  the  4  other 

largest-selling  brands  tested  — 

less  than  any  of  them  — according 

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of  the  smoke  itself! 

R.  J.  Reynolds  Tobaci  VInston-S«l«m.  N  C, 

BY  BURNING  25%  SLOWER  than  the  average 
of  the  4  other  largest-selling  brands  testeel  — 
slower  than  any  of  them — Camels  also  give  you 
a  smoking  plus  equal,  on  the  average,  to 



ft  1 1 /^v^, 

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FOR      THE      PRICE 



Know  the  Thrill  a  Lovelier  Skin  can  Brinq  You 
Go  on  the  CAMAY  MILD  SOAP  DIET ! 

«  < 



This  thrilling  idea  is  based 

on  the  advice  of  skin  specialists 

—  praised  by  lovely  brides! 

1IKE  thousands  of  other  brides  whose 
J  lovely  complexions  surely  qualify 
them  as  beauty  experts,  Mrs.  Conner 
is  devoted  to  the  Camay  "Mild-Soap" 
Diet.  You,  too,  can  follow  her  way  to 
greater  loveliness ! 

No  woman's  skin  can  be  truly 
beautiful  if,  unknowingly,  she  mars  it 
through  improper  cleansing.  Or  if  she 
uses  a  soap  that  isn't  mild  enough. 

Mrs.  Conner's  skin  is  wonderful 
proof  of  what  proper  care  can  do.  "I 
wouldn't  think  of  neglecting  my  'Mild- 
Soap'  Diet  routine,"  she  says. 

Tests  prove  Camay  milder! 

Skin  specialists  themselves  advise  a 
regular  cleansing  routine  with  a  fine 
mild  soap.  And  Camay  is  not  only  mild 
—it's  actually  milder  than  the  10  other 
famous  beauty  soaps  tested.  That's 
why  we  urge  you  to  go  on  the  Camay 
"Mild-Soap"  Diet  without  delay. 

Put  your  complete  trust  in  Camay. 
For  30  days  use  it  faithfully  night  and 
morning.  Your  skin  will  feel  fresher  at 
once.  And  as  the  days  go  by  you  can 
reasonably  expect  to  see  your  skin 
lovelier .  .  .  more  appealing. 



JVC  / -^rj*  f 


N  v 

coon  the  MILD-SOAP  DIET  TON,CHT 

This  charming  bride  i~  Mrs.  ('liar  M 
Conner.  Jr.  of  Charlotte,  N.  C,  who  1 
'"I  don't  believe  in  keeping  secrets  w 
ii  comes  to  my  beauty  care.  Winn 
people  admire  my  complexion  1  tell  t 
aboul  the  'Mild-Soap'  Diet  and  vh 
wonderful  lielp  it  lias  been." 


Get  three  cakes  of  Camay  today  I    Start    the 

"Mild-Soap"  Diet  tonight.  Work  Camay's  lather 
over  your  skin,  paying  special  attention  to  nose, 
base  of  nostrils  and  chin.  Rinse  with  warm  water 
and   follow  with  30  seconds  of  cold  splasbings. 

In  the  morning,  one  more  quick  session  with 
Camay  and  your  face  is  ready  for  make-up.  Do 
this  twice  a  day  for  30  days.  Don't  neglect  it  even 
once.  For  it's  the  regular  cleansing  that  reveals 
the  full  benefit  of  Camay's  greater  mildness. 


SmAe97Yam  Girl,  Smile... 

you  can  steal  yourown  Show-if  your  Smile  is  Right! 

Brighten  your  teeth  and  help  give 
your  smile  a  flashing  sparkle— with 
Ipana  and  massage. 

YOU  think  beauty  is  all-important? 
Well— look  around  you,  plain  girl! 
Just  look  at  those  who  are  wearing  soli- 
taires...  getting  bridal  showers... being 

Are  they  all  beautiful?  No,  indeed! 
But  they  all  know  how  to  smile!  Theirs  are 
not  timid  smiles,  self-conscious  and  shy 
—bat  big,  warm,  heart-winning  smiles 
that  say:  "I'm  glad  to  be  alive!" 

So  smile,  plain  girl,  smile!  You  can 

steal  your  own  show  if  your  smile  is 
right.  You  can  win  what  you  want  of 
life.  For  heads  turn  and  hearts  surrender 
to  the  girl  with  the  winning  smile. 

"Pink  Tooth  Brush"- 
A  warning  Signal 

If  you  want  bright,  sparkling  teeth  that 
you  are  proud  to  show,  remember  this: 
Gums  must  retain  their  healthy  firmness. 
So  if  there's  ever  the  slightest  tinge 
of  "pink"  on  your  tooth  brush,  make  a 
date  to  see  your  dentist  at  once!  His  ver- 
dict may  simply  be  that  your  gums  are 

spongy,  tender— robbed  of  exercise  by 
today's  creamy  foods.  And,  like  thou- 
sands of  other  modern  dentists,  he  may 
suggest  Ipana  and  massage. 

Take  his  advice!  For  Ipana  Tooth 
Paste  not  only  cleans  and  brightens  your 
teeth  but,  with  massage,  it  is  designed  to 
help  the  health  of  your  gums  as  well. 

Just  massage  a  little  extra  Ipana  onto 
your  gums  every  time  you  clean  your 
teeth.  That  invigorating  "tang"  means 
circulation  is  quickening  in  the  gum 
tissue— helping  gums  to  new  firmness. 
Get  a  tube  of  economical  Ipana  Tooth 
Paste  at  your  druggist's  today! 

Product  of  Bristol-Myers 

Start  today  with 

MARCH,    1942 



















ishedln  j      i%J%[ 

space  t     *.; 

The  greatest 

star  of  the 


When  the  going  got  toughest,  Abe  Lin- 
coln said,  "With  the  fearful  strain  that 
is  upon  me  night  and  day,  if  I  did  not 
laugh  I  should  die." 

•  •      •      • 

The  screens  of  Amer-  -.W^L'.'AV.'^li'  / 

ica  provide  enter-_ 

tainment  for  all.  The- 1 

movies  started  as  a  ■ 

novelty,  learned  not 

to  flicker  and  learned 

how  to  talk.  They  were  developed  by 

Americans  and  conquered  the  world 

with  their  merit. 

•  •      •       • 

Go  to  your  favorite  theatre.  There  are 
many  fine  films  from  all  movie  com- 
panies. Sometimes  they  miss,  sometimes 
they  hit,  but  the  average  is  high. 

•  •      •      • 
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer  is  the  leading 
producer  of  movies.  There  are  more 
M-G-M  stars  than  there  are  stars  of 
all  the  other  companies  combined. 

•  •      •      • 

You  have  seen  the  recent  films, 
"H.  M.  Pulham,  Esq."  (Lamarr-Young- 
Hussey),  "Woman  of  the  Year"  (Tracy- 
Hepburn)  and  "Johnny  Eager"  (Taylor- 
Turner).  If  you  haven't,  they  are  still 
playing  some  place. 

•  •      •      • 
Each  in  its  way  is  a  masterpiece. 

•  •      •      • 


Now  we  should  like  to  recommend 

Were  Dancing", 

which  is  based  in 

part  on  the  Noel 

Coward  playlets 

called  "Tonight  at 

8:30" — starring 

Norma  Shearer, 

Melvyn  Douglas. 

'Mrs.  Miniver", 
based  on  the  novel 
by  Jan  Struther, 
starring  Greer 
Garson  and  Wal- 
ter Pidgeon. 
•  * 
This  screen  play  is 
by  James  Hilton, 
author  of  "Good- 
bye Mr.  Chips"  and  R.  C.  Sherriff, 
author  of  "Journey's  End."  An  excit- 
ing collaboration. 

MARCH,    1942 

VOL.  20,  NO.  4 

Uncle  Sam,  you  can  count  on  me. 


Advertisement  for  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer  Pictures 


Executive  Editor 

combined  -with 

LTD   CX>  YW  U    CB 
00   n   EEL  EEl  QD    EH 


Associate  Editor 


Mickey   Rooney   Picks  a  Wife Sara   Hamilton  26 

Ann  Sheridan's  Surprise   Marriage Gladys   Hall  28 

"You've  Got  To  Believe  Me!" Will  Oursler  30 

Any  other  woman,  hearing  those  words,  would  have  reacted  just  as  Caryl  Winslow 

Hollywood  Meets  the  War  Challenge Louella  O.  Parsons     34 

A  scoop  story  on   the   stars'   inside   wartime   activities 

The  Girl  with  a  Hundred  Faces    Ida  Zeitlin     38 

A  story  that  packs  a   big   surprise — by  the   name  of   Rosemary   DeCamp 

"I'm  No  Cinderella  Boy" Robert  Stack  speaking     41 

My  Own  Super-Superlative  Awards  for   1941 Hedda  Hopper     42 

This   witty  columnist   has   some    ideas   along    the   Academy-Oscar   lines 

Strangers   in   Arms Marian    Rhea     44 

Private  lives  of  Michele  Morgan  and  Paul  Henreid,  Hollywood's  new  romantic  team 

How  to  Be  a  Social  Success Ouida  Bergere  Rathbone     47 

Different   kind   of   party  talk  from    Basil    Rathbone's   social-success   wife 

Valentines  from  Benny Dennis  Sprague     48 

Jackson   goes  tender   in    public — enough   said! 

Three  Little  Maids  in  Movies 50 

An  intriguing  just-we-girls  picture  of  Susan  Peters,  Ann  Edmonds  and  Jean  Ames 

This  Above  All Fiction  version  by  Norton  Russell     52 

An   exciting   special   preview  of  Twentieth   Century-Fox's   picture   of  the   year 

Garbo   Finds   Herself Rilla   Page   Palmborg     54 

A  new  and   daring   plan   of  life   prescribed   for  the   great  star   by  an   eminent 

Jackie  Had  a  Friend  Named  Mabel Adele  Whitely  Fletcher     62 

An  insight  into  Jackie  Cooper's  life  that  will  have  you   applauding   him  heartily 

The  Truth  about  Hollywood  Casting "Fearless"     65 


Robert   Stack 40 


George    Sanders 46 

Loretta  Young 64 

Color  Portraits  of 

These  Popular  Stars: 

Barbara   Stanwyck 33 

Veronica    Lake 36 

James  Cagney 37 


Close   Ups  and   Long  Shots —  Just  Picture  Yourself 22 

Ruth    Waterbury 4  Lady  Fare 56 

The  Shadow  Stage 6  March  Mode-Makers 57 

Inside    Stuff— Cal    York    8  Star  Finds  in  the  Stores 109 

Speak  for  Yourself 18  Dried  and  True 110 

Brief  Reviews 20  Casts  of  Current  Pictures 112 

COVER:    Bette    Davis,    Natural    Color    Photograph    by    Paul    Hesse 

PHOTOPLAY    combined    with    MOVIE-  MIRROR    is    published    monthly    by    MAC!   VJDDEN     PUBLK    VTIONS      l\c. 
ii..i,i,i   .iii.i   South   Avenues,   Dime-Men,   New  Jersey.     Editorial    ..Hue-.    \22    East     12nd    si  .    s«    l.ik.    s     \ .     1  - 
in.,  office,   205  E.   42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y.    O.  J.  Elder,  President;   Haydock  Miller  harlcs  II.   Shatluc*, 

Treasurer;     Walter    Hanlon.     Advei  I  I  .  ,,  dices.        122     E.     42nd     St.,     New      ,..ik      N.    Y.       I  Inc. its' 

n Mice,    221    North   I.aSallo   St.,    E.    F.    l.elhcn,   ,!r..    Ml:r.    Pacific   Coast    Oihco:    San    Francisco,     120    Market    St..    Lee   Andrews, 

Mgr.     Entered   as   second-class    matter   September    21,    1931,    at   the   post    office    In    Dunellen,    New    Jersey,   undi 

i    March   S,    1879.     additional  entn    a<   Chicago,    III.     Price   in  the  Umiri   states  and   Possessions,  and  Newfound- 

land,    si  00    i   year:    price  per  copy,    United   states.    10c;    Canada,    15c.     In   Canada.    Cuba,    Mexico,   Haiti,    Dominican 

Republic,     Spam     and     p. .-sessions,     and    Central     and     South     American     countries       ejcceptll  British     Honduras,     Hrilisll 

Dutch   and    French   Guiana,    81.50   a  year:    in   other itnes    sj .,-,o   a   year.     While    Manuscripts.    Photographs  and 

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photoplay  combined   with  movie  mirror 

Metro  -  Goldwyn  -  Mayer 






ANP  THerR£6ooDArjor»- 



with  FAY  BAINTER   •  REGINALD  OWEN  •  Directed  by  GEORGE  STEVENS 
Produced  by  JOSEPH  L.  MANKIEWICZ  •  Screen  Play  by  Ring  Lardner,  Jr.  and  Michael  Kanin 

MARCH.    1942 



Joel  McCrea  puts  himself 
into  the  Gary  Cooper 
class  in  "Sullivan's  Trav- 
els"   with    Veronica    Lake 

Claudette  Colbert  gives  a  "supreme"  performance  with 
John  Payne  and  Douglas  Croft  in  "Remember  The  Day," 
blend    of   gentle   tears   and   chuckling    laughter 

a    rare 

HOLLYWOOD,  under  war  condi- 
tions, is  a  strangely  changing 
place  .  .  .  the  windows  of  all 
the  Brown  Derbys  are  painted  over 
with  dark  brown  paint  so  that  not  so 
much  as  a  glimmer  of  light  steals 
forth  .  .  .  the  studios  are  all  on  a 
new  schedule  .  .  .  eight  to  five  .  .  . 
which  makes  Hollywood  even  more  of 
an  early-to-bed  town  than  it  is  nor- 
mally (and  it  has  always  folded  up 
around  ten  o'clock  despite  those  glit- 
tering photographs  you  see  from 
Ciro's,  the  Mocambo  and  such 
spots).   .   .   . 

These  new,  earlier  hours  are  an 
attempt  to  dodge  the  blackouts  but 
two  sets  of  movie  workers  suffer 
slightly  because  of  them  .  .  .  the  stellar 
girls  must  now  rise  by  five,  if  they  are 
to  be  on  the  sets,  made  up,  by  eight 
and  this  in  turn  means  that  the  hair- 
dressers must  crawl,  with  carefully 
shaded  lights,  through  that  darkest 
hour  before  the  dawn  to  see  that  the 
glamour  girls  have  every  curl  in  place, 
war  or  no  war.  .  .  . 

There  will  be  no  more  location  trips 
to  photograph  backgrounds,  no  more 
premieres  of  big  pictures,  no  more 
night  previews  of  mere  average  pic- 
tures until  we  have  won  this  battle  of 
freedom  .  .  .  the  location  trips  are  off 
because  all  the  "wild"  spots  in  and 
around  .  .  .  those  locations  which  for 
years  have  been  anything  from  the 
forest  primeval  to  the  hills  of  Shangri- 
La  to  the  movie-makers  .  .  .  are  now 

The  beguiling  Dumbo  rides  merrily 
on  the  high  road  to  bigger  and 
better  wartime  smile  entertainment 


Army  encampments  .  .  .  besides,  no 
studio  wants  to  have  its  valuable  stars 
even  five  miles  away  from  town.  .  .  . 

The  premieres  are  off  because 
their  vivid  lights  and  massed  crowds 
would  be  veritable  invitations  to 
air-raiders  and  because  all  parades 
of  luxury  are  in  bad  taste  now  .  .  . 
the  color  is  completely  departed  from 
the  previews  and  they  are  being  held 
in  the  afternoons  in  those  dreary  little 
studio  projection  rooms  which  the 
trade  has  always  called  "sweat  boxes" 
.  .  .  but  even  the  reviewers,  chronic 
grumblers,  are  not  grumbling  now  .  .  . 
complaining  is  in  bad  taste,  too,  and 
moreover  nobody  wants  to  be  travel- 
ing miles  and  miles  merely  to  cover 
some  "B"  offering.  .  .  . 

Even  the  locations  that  were  merely 
on  the  "back  lot"  of  the  various  studios 
.  .  .  those  "standing  sets,"  those  "for- 
eign streets,"  those  "steamship  piers" 
(complete  with  "standing"  waves  and 
"standing"  steamers),  those  "rivers" 
and  "jungles"  ...  all  have  been  moved 
inside  the  sound  stages  for  safety's 
sake.  .  .  . 

Yes,  Hollywood  under  war  condi- 
tions is  strangely  changing,  yet  in  one 
sense  it  is  becoming  only  more  its  self 
.  .  .  just  as  it  is  really  an  early-to-bed 

town  it  is  also  really  a  worker's  town 
and  now  it  is  becoming  more  so  .  .  . 
the  visitors  are  gone  .  .  .  gone  from 
the  sets  .  .  .  gone  from  the  restaurants 
.  .  .  gone  from  the  colony  itself  .  .  . 
the  closing  of  Santa  Anita  did  some 
of  that  .  .  .  the  closing  of  all  sets  to 
everyone  except  the  actual  studio 
personnel  or  the  working  press  did  the 
rest  of  it  .  .  .  the  only  "outsiders"  you 
see  in  Hollywood  these  days  are 
officials  from  Washington.  .  .  . 

There  are  scores  and  scores  of 
Washington  visitors  but  you  may  not. 
as  Lt.  Col.  Joseph  F.  Battley  told  me, 
"expect  this  to  be  a  glamour  war'' 
.  .  .  Washington  wants  enlistments  in 
all  ranks  .  .  .  technicians,  particularly, 
the  art  directors  who  know  so  much 
about  camouflage,  the  writers  for  prop- 
aganda work,  and  such  .  .  .  but  it 
wants  no  Garbo  in  overalls,  posing  as 
the  Spirit  of  Armament  ...  no  Rita 
Hay  worth  flashing  her  legs  and  her 
smiles  as  the  Spirit  of  Our  Flag  .  .  . 
Washington  has  asked  Hollywood  .  .  . 
and  will  be  receiving  from  Hollywood 
.  .  .  films  of  American  history  .  .  .  in- 
struction shorts  .  .  .  the  making  of 
diagrams,  posters  and  the  like  ...  in 
terms  of  actual  man  power  many  have 
been  called  and  many  have  been 
chosen  .  .  .  you  probably  will  not  see 
Second  Lt.  Stewart  back  again 
on    the     (Continued    on    page    91) 

photoplay  combined   with  MOVIE  mirror 

The  most  side-splitting, 
surprise-full  adventure  you'll 
see  this  year  ...  a  remarkable 
picture  about  a  remarkable  guy , 







•     HOLDEN    • 




Directed  by  STUART  HEISLER    •    Novel  and  Screen  Play  by  Dalton  Trumbo 
A  Paramount  Picture 



A  reliable  guide  to  recent  pictures.     One  check  means  good;  two  checks,  outstanding 

Rowdy,  rollicking  satire:  Ann  Sheridan, 
Richard  Travis,  Bette  Davis  and  Monty 
Woolley  in  "The  Man  Who  Came  To  Dinner" 

Knockout  performances  in  a  knockout, 
realistic  motion  picture:  Lana  Turner 
and    Robert  Tayior   in   "Johnny   Eager" 

*"  The  Man  Who  Came  To 
Dinner  (Warners) 

It's  Abouh  A  world-renowned  sophis- 
ticate who  takes  over  a  Midwest 

WHAT  "The  Little  Foxes"  was  to 
drama,  "The  Man  Who  Came  To 
Dinner"  is  to  comedy.  Every  bit  as 
good  as  the  play  that  rocked  Broad- 
way and  hinterland  audiences  for  two 
years  is  this  rowdy,  rollicking  and,  at 
times,  bitter  satire. 

The  audience  laughed  so  long  and 
so  loud  many  of  the  rare  verbal  tid- 
bits were  lost.  Bette  Davis  is,  of 
course,  splendid  as  secretary  to  Sheri- 
dan Whiteside,  the  man  who  came  to 
dinner.  Richard  Travis,  as  the  young 
newspaper  man,  is  a  winner  all  right. 

Ann  Sheridan  does  a  grand  job  as 
the  actress.  Jimmy  #  Durante  as 
"Banjo,"  Billie  Burke  and  Grant 
Mitchell  as  the  unwilling  hostess  and 
host  of  the  nasty  old  tyrant,  George 
Barbier  as  the  doctor,  are  outstanding. 
But  a  bit  by  Reginald  Gardiner  all 
but  steals  the  show. 

All  characters  are  drawn  from  life, 
so  have  fun  guessing  who's  who  while 
you  are  yelping  with  delight. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  An  eight-course 
banquet  of  delight. 

The  Best  Pictures  of  the  Month 
Johnny  Eager 

The   Man  Who  Came  To  Dinner 
Joan  Of  Paris 

Best  Performances 

Robert   Taylor    in    "Johnny    Eager" 

Van    Heflin   in   "Johnny   Eager" 

Douglas    Fairbanks   Jr.    in    "The 
Corsican   Brothers" 

Olsen    and    Johnson    in    "Hellza- 
poppin'  " 

Monty  Woolley  in  "The  Man  Who 
Came  To  Dinner" 

Claudette    Colbert   in    "Remember 
The  Day" 

Paul    Henreid    in    "Joan    Of    Paris" 

Michele  Morgan  in  "Joan  Of  Paris" 

^  Johnny  Eager  (M-G-M) 

It's  About:  A  hard-hearted  gangster 
who  discovers  that  love  and  death 
walk  hand  in  hand. 

BOB  TAYLOR  scores  a  knockout 
performance  as  a  conscienceless 
mobster  who  covers  his  crooked  deal- 
ings by  reporting  regularly  to  his 
parole  officer  and,  on  the  surface,  liv- 
ing respectably  as  a  taxi  driver. 

Beneath  that  front,  he's  a  mean 
killer,  utterly  incapable  of  under- 
standing man's  better  nature  until  he 
meets  Lana  Turner,  a  society  girl  and 
daughter  of  Attorney  Edward  Arnold. 
Even  then  his  meanness  takes  its 
natural  course  when,  in  order  to  keep 
Arnold  from  exposing  him,  he  frames 
Lana  into  believing  she  has  murdered 
a  man.  But,  in  an  ironic  twist  of  plot, 
he  gets  his  come-uppance. 

Van  Heflin,  as  his  only  true  friend, 
almost  steals  the  show — and  he  must 
be  good  to  rob  Taylor  of  one  iota  of 
glory,  Bob's  that  socko.  Frankly,  we 
like  Lana  better  in  "slitchy"  roles: 
but,  even  so,  her  performance  here  is 
proof  la  Turner  can  act. 

Everyone  in  the  cast  shines  in  his 
role  and,  while  the  theme  is  repel- 
lently  real,  it's  a  tremendous  picture. 

Your  Reviewer  Says:  A  lam  to  the 
heart.  (Continued   on   page   95) 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Get  ready 


thrilling  new  love  team! 

MARCH,    1942 

Oni>ide  Stuff 






A  why-people-gasped  picture:  Ginger 
Rogers  and  her  ex-husband  Lew  Ayres 
show  up  and  start  more  tongues  wag- 
ging   at    the    Russian    Relief    concert 

Lou  Costello  and  Bud  Abbott  finally 
make  it — that  is,  they  leave  their 
immortal  imprints  in  the  cement  of 
the    forecourt   of   Grauman's   Chinese 


DRAMA — First  Act:  For  some  time 
past  Cary  Grant  has  been  quietly 
taking  the  rap  with  news  photogra- 
phers for  raising  old  Ned  every  time 
the  boys  came  near  the  actor  and  Bar- 
bara Hutton.  Now  it  seems  Barbara 
herself  is  to  blame  and  has  come  for- 
ward and  admitted  it  to  the  camera 
lads,  which  changes  the  complexion  of 
things  a  bit.  We  never  could  believe 
Cary  capable  of  temperament,  having 
always  found  him  gracious  and 


By  the  way,  someone  reports  having 
seen  Cary  and  Carole  Landis  at  the 
beach  amusement  centers  several 
times.  Must  be  a  mistake.  But  think 
now,  whom  does  Miss  Landis  resem- 
ble? Sure,  Phyllis  Brooks.- And  whom 
does  Phyllis  more  than  resemble?  Of 
course,  Virginia  Cherrill.  now  the 
Countess  of  Jersey  and  Cary's  first 
wife.  Several  friends  still  insist  Vir- 
ginia was  Cary's  one  true  love. 

Drama — Second  Act:  Phyllis  Brooks 

John  Howard  and  Hedy 
Lamarr  see  each  other, 
but  they're  seldom 
seen  by  the  public. 
Brown  Derby  luncheon 
scene  shows  up  Hedy 
in  her  favorite  off- 
screen attire  —  slacks 
and  a  kerchief  tied 
over    her    braided    hair 

couldn't  help  but  see  us  sitting  there, 
but  she  obviously  didn't  care  a  whoop, 
for  the  telephone  conversation  went 
right  on. 

We  don't  know  who  was  on  the 
other  end,  but  our  ears  certainly 
pricked  up  (we  weren't  eavesdrop- 
ping, for  we  simply  couldn't  get  away) 
when  Phyllis  said:  "Oh.  I'd  love  to  see 
you.  I  suppose  you'll  be  going  to 
Cary's.  Yes,  he's  giving  a  party.  How 
I'd  love  to  go,  but.  you  see,  I  can't  on 
account   of    (Continued   on   page   10) 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirsob 

"9-letter  word  meaning  Social  Suicide" 

GOT  you  stumped,  has  it?  Well,  try 
"  again,  Buttercup.  It's  a  word  you,  in 
sarticular,  ought  to  Know  about.  Here  we 
rome  with  a  little  help  . . .  and  do  you  need  it. 

Suppose  you  start  with  an  "H".  Now 
Irop  in  an  "A".  Next,  try  an  "L",  as  in 
'love" — and  wouldn't  you  like  a  little 
)f  that! 

There!  You've  made  a  start.  At  this 
joint  may  we  suggest  an  "I".  You  know, 
'I"  as  in  "it" — which  you  haven't  got  or 
rou  wouldn't  be  sitting  at  home  of  a 
Saturday  night  doing  crossword  puzzles. 

In  the  next  space  try  a  "T".  We're  get- 
ing  places.  Now  an  "O".  That  gives  you 
T-A-L-I-T-O.  Only  three  more  letters  and 
'ou'll  have  the  answer. 

In  that  next  space  slip  in  an  "S" — could 
|;tand  for  "seductive"  in  your  case  but  for 

one  thing.  But  let's  get  on..; 

Put  in  another  "I"  as  in  "idea" — which 
you're  going  to  get  in  just  a  second. 

Now  end  it  up  with  another  "S"  and 
Lady,  you've  got  it. 

Got  what?  The  answer  to  your  puzzle, 
and  more  important  still,  perhaps  the 
answer  to  why  your  dates  are  so  few  .  .  . 
why  boys  don't  stick  around  .  .  .  why 
you're  sort  of  "on  the  shelf." 

It's  halitosis  (bad  breath) — the  9-letter 
word  for  Social  Suicide.  Halitosis  is  the 
offense  that  no  one  overlooks  and  that 
anyone  may  commit  at  some  time  or  other 
without  realizing  it. 

Of  course  there's  often  something  you 
can  do  about  it  .  .  .  something  you  ought 
to  do  about  it  if  you  want  others  to  like  you. 

To  make  your  breath  sweeter,  more 
alluring,  less  likely  to  offend,  use  Listerine 
Antiseptic . . .  every  night  and  every  morn- 
ing, and  before  any  date  at  which  you 
want  to  appear  at  your  best.  Never  .  .  . 
never!  .  .  .  omit  this  delightful  precaution. 

Why  Listerine  Does  It 

While  sometimes  systemic,  the  fermenta- 
tion of  tiny  food  particles  on  tooth,  gum, 
and  mouth  surfaces  is  the  major  cause  of 
halitosis  (bad  breath),  according  to  some 
authorities.  Listerine  Anti- 
septic quickly  halts  such 
fermentation,  then  over- 
comes the  odors  that  fer- 
mentation causes. 
Lambert  Pharmacal  Co. 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Before  any  engagement  let  Listerine  look  after  your  breath 

SlARCH.    1942 

jRl>i(k  Stuff 

Hard  nut  to  crack  at  a 
sweet  charity  meeting  was 
Jean  Arthur  who,  at  the  Los 
Angeles  Community  Chest 
get-together,  refused  to  pose, 
was  caught  in  a  flash  with 
her    husband    by    Hymie    Fink 

she  uses  IRRESISTIBLE 


There's  a  tantalizing  'come-hither'  note 
...  a  bright  promise  of  gay  adventure  in 
the  fairy-like  enchantment  of  Irresistible 
Perfume.  Create  a  magic  mood  by  touch- 
ing the  golden  fire  of  Irresistible  to  your 
hair,  throat,  wrist.  Now  in  adorable 
Valentine  Box. 

Only  10«  at  all  5  &  10<  stores 

use  IRRESISTIBLE  lipstick 

Brilliant  new  reds  and  ruby 
tones.  ThelipstickthafsWHIP- 
TEXT  to  stay  on  longer  .  .  . 
smoother 10« 

Community  talk  at  the 
committee  meeting  at 
the  Biltmore  Bowl  was 
loud  and  long  at  the 
Norma  Shearer-Edward 
Arnold  end  of  the  table 

(Continued  from  page  8)  Barbara. 
Oh,  no,  she  wouldn't  have  it.  It's  silly, 
for  I  wouldn't  mind  a  bit,  but  Barbara 

All  of  a  sudden  we  felt  we  had 
glimpsed  a  familiar  situation  from  an 
entirely  new  angle.  Cary  Grant, 
Barbara  Hutton  and  Phyllis  Brooks 
had  somehow  all  switched  places  and 
Phyllis  was  suddenly  the  leading  lady 
in  the  little  drama  that  had  so  in- 
trigued Hollywood.  She  was  no 
longer  the  pathetic  little  ex-sweet- 
heart she  had  seemed.  Maybe  she 
never  had  been.  But  you  know  how 
Hollywood  interprets  an  off-with-the- 
old  -  love  -  and  -  on  -  with  -  the-new-one 

As  we  looked  more  closely,  we  dis- 
covered Phyllis  had  even  taken  on  a 
new  beauty,  a  new  assurance  and  cer- 
tainly a  new  lease  on  her  career. 

We  remembered  someone's  having 
told  us  that  the  philosophy  of  her  good 
friend,  playwright  William  Saroyan, 
was  responsible  for  her  ditching  for- 
ever the  torch  she  had  been  carrying 
for  Cary.  Now  here  she  is  gay,  for- 
giving and,  so  it  seems,  completely 

Who  will  be  the  winner  in  the 
finale  of  this  little  drama,  we  wonder. 
Let's  hope  all  three  will  find  exactly 
what  they're  seeking. 


Charity  Calling:   We've  said  it  be 
fore  and  we  say  it  again — there's  no 
place  like  Hollywood  to  respond  to 
worthy  call  for  help. 

The  Los  Angeles  Examiner's  yearly 
benefit  to  buy  Christmas  baskets  for 
the  poor  brought  out  the  stars  in 

Red  Skelton,  Bob  Hope  and  Rudy 
Vallee  got  together  for  a  little  gabfest 
before  the  show — and  try  buying  that 
array  of  talent  for  peanuts.  Mickey 
Rooney,  with  his  fiancee  Ava 
Gardner,  won  tremendous  applause^ 
Mickey  and  Skelton  put  on  a  great: 
act  together. 

Cary  Grant  and  Pat  O'Brien 
couldn't  get  away  from  the  Megli 
Kiddies  and  Cary  was  especially 
drawn  to  little  Billy  Lee  and  Roddy 
McDowall  of  "How  Green  Was  My 
Valley"  fame. 

It  was  great  to  see  Bette  Davis  am 
Monte  Blue,  a  onetime  big  star,  to 

Four  famous  profiles,  Cesar  Romero 
Tyrone  Power,  Jimmy  Durante  anc 
John  Carradine.  were  in  collar-ad 
evidence.  George  Montgomery  anc 
Roy  Rogers  seemed  more  than  pleased 
with  Rita  Hayworth. 

As  usual,  it  was  a  wonderful  Holly- 
wood turnout,  with  stars  in  the  sky 
on  the  stage  and  on  all  the  flags. 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirroh 

Are   These   Your   Choice?:    If    you 

were  to  choose  the  ten  most  popular 
men  and  women  stars  of  1941,  whom 
would  you  select?  Well,  Feg  Murray, 
of  "Seein'  Stars"  fame,  made  a  news- 
paper canvass  from  coast  to  coast  and 
in  Latin  America,  and  here  are  the 
results,  given  in  the  order  of  the 
canvass:  Men:  Gene  Autry,  Tyrone 
Power,  Clark  Gable,  Errol  Flynn, 
Spencer  Tracy,  Nelson  Eddy,  John 
Payne,  Don  Ameche,  Robert  Taylor, 
Mickey  Rooney.  Women:  Bette 
Davis,  Sonja  Henie,  Betty  Grable, 
Alice  Faye,  Dorothy  Lamour,  Judy 
Garland,  Deanna  Durbin,  Jeanette 
MacDonald,  Olivia  de  Havilland, 
Linda  Darnell. 

One  notices  Jimmy  Stewart's  ab- 
sence from  the  screen  has  left  his 
name  only  a  memory.  Gene  Autry 
had  thirty-three  per  cent  more  votes 
than  his  runner-up,  Tyrone  Power. 
The  top  four  women  stars  in  popular- 
ity are  blondes.  Odd  that  Lana  Turner 
failed  to  make  the  list  for  the  year. 

More  than  400  different  players  re- 
ceived votes,  while  Hollywood  itself 
limits  its  star  rating  to  about  fifty 
people.  Interesting,  too,  is  the  rise  of 
newcomer  John  Payne. 

At  any  rate,  it's  the  people's  choice 
and  it's  the  people  who  make  or  break 
the  stars. 

The  Winnah:  Ginger  Rogers  let  fly 
with  a  right  hook  and  caught  Helene 
Fortescue  Reynolds  squarely  on  the 
chin.  Helene,  in  turn,  hooked  a  left 
to  Ginger's  blue  eye,  which  brought 
an  even  more  perfect  uppercut  to 
Helene's  amazed  jaw. 

Finally,  Director  Bill  Wellman 
called  "Cut"  and  the  two  girls  started 
out  of  the  scene,  panting,  when  an 
onlooker  on  the  "Roxie  Hart"  set 
stepped  over  and  held  up  Ginger's 

What's  a  charity  meeting  without 
a  blonde — two  of  them,  in  fact? 
Anne  Shirley,  Marjorie  Woodworth  and 
Roy   Rogers  do   their   committee   stuff 

"I'm  in  the  Dog-House— 
the  Boss  has  "Fire7  in  his  Eye! 


Ada:  And  you  can't  guess  why  you're  in 
the  dog-house,  Jane?  Well  my  pet,  you're 
decorative  to  the  eye,  and  you're  a  speed 
demon  for  work.  But,  Jane,  you're  guilty 

of  one  careless,  unforgivable  little  fault! 
Jane:  Now  don't  "underarm  odor"  me— or 
friendship  ceases. You  know  I'd  rather  skip 
breakfast  than  miss  my  morning  bath! 

F~r  J 


7J  /  ■'-'■ 




Ada:  Foolish  girl— why  trust  your  bath  to 
last  all  day!  Use  speedy  Mum  under  each 
arm— if  you  want  to  stay  flower-fresh! 
Jane:  So  that's  why  the  perfect  secretary  is 
withering  on  the  job.  I  am  ashamed! 

•  -  half  a  minute  — 
W„m  takes  l»*  ^  for  hours'. 
keeps  uade^s^atmodor) 

Wum  PreventSnnerspiration. 

M„m  won't  »"»",,„  today! 
harm  clothes.  Get  M 

Jane:  (later)  Mum's  marvelous  for  my 
speedy  morning  routine!  30  seconds  and 
I'm  through.  And  business  day  or  gala  eve- 
ning, I'm  free  from  worry— safe  from  of- 
fending. And  the  boss  is  smiling  these  days! 


-A   &ntle.  de- 

For  Sanitary  ""1*^  a  "musf  S«r 
UdabUdf^:Sm  this  uay,  too. 
this  purpose,   try 


Takes  the  Odor  Out  of  Perspiration 



Paul  Whiteman  opens  at  the  Flor- 
entine Gardens;  musical-minded 
Kay  Kyser,  Ginny  Simms  and  Rudy 
Vallee  yodel   him  a  big  welcome 

Barbara  Stanwyck  rises  to  the  oc- 
casion, bows  to  the  Gardens  cus- 
tomers. Gary  Cooper  and  her  hus- 
band Bob  Taylor  do  some  handwork 

"You've  got  the  best  feminine 
uppercut  I've  ever  seen,"  he  said  with 

Ginger  looked  at  him,  puzzled.  The 
man  laughed.  "I'm  Gene  Tunney," 
he  said,  "and  I'm  glad  I  gave  up 
fighting   before  you  took  it  up." 

Ginger  is  as  pleased  as  punch. 

That's  Telling  Them,  Girls:  Well,  the 
gals  of  the  Hollywood  Women's  Press 
Club  got  themselves  together  for  a 
little  voting  on  the  most  co-operative 
and  nonco-operative  stars  in  Holly- 
wood, Bette  Davis  and  Bob  Hope 
winning  the  co-operative  prizes 
hands  down.  On  the  wrong  side  of 
the  fence  are  Ginger  Rogers  and  Fred 
Astaire  as  booby-prize  winners  for 
nonco-operation  with  the  press. 

Among  the  most  nonco-operative 
femmes  as  voted  by  the  club  before 
its  final  decision  were  Ginger  Rogers, 
Marlene  Dietrich  and  Jean  Arthur. 
The  men  were  Fred  Astaire,  Ronald 

Colman  and  Bing  Crosby. 

When  Ginger  was  asked  her  opinion 
of  the  decision  she  said,  "I  have  noth- 
ing to  say,  except  that  I  seem  to  be 
listed  among  some  nice  people.  .  .  ." 

Here  is  what  the  others  said: 

Fred  Astaire:  "They  should  have 
respect  for  my  age." 

Marlene  Dietrich:  "I  thought  I  had 
co-operated  with  everybody,  but  pos- 

Top:  "Coop"  gives  a  handout. 
Directly  above:  Taylor,  with 
the  Coopers,  does  a  ditto  act 

sibly  I  was  so  overrun  with  men  re- 
porters that  I  didn't  give  enough  time 
to  the  ladies." 

Bing  Crosby:  "If  they  mean  I'm 
losing  my  hair,  that  isn't  my  fault." 

Ronald  Colman:  "Can  I  help  it  if 
I'm  dull?" 

Jean  Arthur,  as  usual,  wouldn't 
even  talk  to  anyone  about  it. 

Among  the  most  co-operative  were 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

J  Ml  JORKVp 


Orchids-and-bliss  picture  of 
Milton  Berle  and  bride  Joyce 
Mathews.  The  Berles — plus  Mama — 
now   live   in   the  Tom   Mix   mansion 

listed  Bette  Davis,  Rita  Hayworth, 
Ann  Sheridan.  The  men  were  Bob 
Hope,  Clark  Gable  and  Robert  Taylor. 

A  small  golden-apple  lapel  pin  was 
given  to  Bette  Davis  (see  page  72) 
and  a  golden-apple  script  marker  to 
winner  Bob  Hope.  Incidentally,  Bob 
Hope  won  the  Hollywood  photogra- 
phers' award  for  the  most  photo- 
generous  star  in  the  business. 

Now  you  know  how  inside  Holly- 
wood feels  about  certain  stars. 

Home-Wrecking  Annie:  "Never  have 
your  picture  taken  with  a  stranger," 
has  become  Ann  Sheridan's  New 
Year  resolution.  It  was  brought  about 
when  Annie  received  a  curtly  worded 
letter,  with  a  snapshot  enclosed,  from 
a  Chicago  woman.  The  snapshot  was 
a  picture  of  Ann  which  included  the 
woman's  husband. 

The  letter  read:  "My  husband  has 
been  boasting  that  he  met  you  socially 
when  he  went  to  California  on  busi- 
ness. I  know  he's  lying  and  that  he's 
just  trying  to  make  me  mad  because 
he  mentions  it  only  when  we're 
around  friends,"  and  closed  with  a 
plea  for  help. 

Ann  had  to  think  a  long  time  about 
that  picture.  Then  she  recalled  one 
night  at  an  ice  rink  a  stranger  had 
snapped  a  picture  of  her  while  another 
strange  man  was  standing  close  by. 

She  wrote  and  explained  that  fact 
to  the  Chicago  wife  and  then  wrote 
out  her  resolution. 

Thisa  and  Thata:  Loyalty  is  one  of 
Hollywood's  chief  charms.   It  was  dis- 

MARCH,    1942 


you  discover  the  secret  of  bath- 
ing away  body  odor  with  one  soap 
that  adorns  your  skin  with  a  pro- 
tecting fragrance  men  love.  You 
see,  you  no  longer  need  to  risk 
your  daintiness  with  an  unpleas- 
ant smelling  soap  . . . 

"//   -  ,   - 

WELL,  THERE  IS!  Just  get  gentle,  fragrant 
Cashmere  Bouquet  Soap!  You'll  adore  its 
rich,  cleansing  suds  that  banish  body  odor, 
leave  your  skin  enticingly,  alluringly  scented 
with  protecting  fragrance! 

INDEED  IT  DOES!  The  truly  exquisite  scent 
of  Cashmere  Bouquet  lingers.  And  thou- 
sands of  women  have  proved  to  themselves 
Cashmere  Bouquet  is  one  perfumed  soap 
that  won't  irritate  their  skin! 

NOW  YOU'RE  TALKING!  Smart  girls  like  you 
catch  on  quick  .  .  .  discover  the  lovelier  way 
to  avoid  offending — to  be  utterly  sure  with 
Cashmere  Bouquet!  And  you  appreciate 
Cashmere  Bouquet's  costlier  perfume! 

YOU  REALIZE  there's  no  finer  complexion  care 
than  Cashmere  Bouquet,  every  day  .  .  .  that 
it's  one  perfumed  soap  that  can  agree  with 
your  skin!  Be  smart  .  .  .  get  a  half  dozen 
cakes  of  Cashmere  Bouquet  Soap — today! 

Cashmere  Bouquet 



C  xcitinc  as  a  date  with  your 
\^J)  "one  and  only".  .  .  thrilling  as 
his  good-night  kiss— this  wonderful 
discovery  of  hidden  beauty  you  may 
never  have  realized  your  hair  pos- 
sessed. And  it's  magic-like  Colorinse 
that  imparts  this  glamorous  loveli- 
ness. Colorinse  that  brings  out  the 
warmth  of  color  in  your  hair— gives 
it  a  brighter,  richer  tone— a  softer, 
silkier  sheen  that  rivals  the  lustre 
of  the  stars  themselves.  You'll  wonder 
how  you  ever  were  content  with  dull 
drab-looking  hair  when  you  discover 
how  quickly  Colorinse  makes  it 
look  and  feel  entrancingly  different. 
Colorinse— in  14  flattering  shades— 
at  beauty  counters  everywhere,  lor  a 
lovelier  hair-do-  use  Trestle  Shampoo  before 
and  Nestle  Superset  after  Colorinsing. 

In  I  Of!  and 

jnh'm  Stuff 

Pennies  for  the 
poor  from  a  show 
by  million-dollar 
stars:  Bob  Crosby, 
Bette  Davis  and 
Monte  Blue  join 
forces    with  .  .  . 

.  .  .  Red  Skelton, 
Bob  Hope  and  Rudy 
Vallee,  show  up  to 
show  off  at  the 
Los  Angeles  Exam- 
iner's  yearly 
charity    event 

played  in  its  true  colors  when  old 
maestro  Paul  Whiteman  opened  at  the 
Florentine  Gardens  and  all  the  big- 
name  stars,  including  Bob  Taylor  and 
Barbara  Stanwyck,  Gary  Cooper  and 
his  wife,  turned  out  in  Paul's  honor. 
Dorothy  Lamour  is  drooping  over 
her  broken  romance  with  attorney 
Greg  Bautzer.  Friends  hope  Dottie 
and  Greg  will  get  together  soon.  At 
any  rate,  the  Navy,  who  have  chosen 
Dottie  as  their  favorite  gal,  gave  three 
cheers  over  the  news. 

Rockabye  Hollywood:  The  year  1941 
will  go  down  in  cinema  history  as  the 
year  of  births.  Some  even  point  to  it 
as  an  indication  of  war,  claiming 
more  children  are  born  just  before  or 
during  a  war  than  any  other  time.  At 
any  rate,  let's  take  a  glance  back- 
wards and  note  the  number  of  babies 
born  to  movie  celebrities,  a  record 
that  far  exceeds  the  number  of  di- 

The  really  important  stars  who  con- 
tributed to  Hollywood's  population 
include  Constance  Moore,  Veronica 
Lake,  Mary  Martin,  Lili  Damita  and 
Errol  Flynn,  Jane  Wyman  and  Ronald 
Reagan,  Connie  Bennett  and  Gilbert 
Roland,  Virginia  Bruce  and  J.  Walter 
Ruben,    Jack    Carson    and    Kay     St. 


Germaine,  Lois  Andrews  and  George 
Jessel,  and  Margaret  Sullavan.  The 
long-legged  bird  is  also  expected  to 
visit  the  Jackie  Coogans  and  Alice 
Faye  and  Phil  Harris. 

Some  group  of  babies,  isn't  it?  At 
any  rate,  it  shows  Hollywood  no 
longer  lives  under  the  fear  of  losing 
popularity  either  through  marriage  or 

Tidbits:  The  funniest  sight  Cal  has 
seen  in  months  was  Hedy  Lamarr 
lunching  at  the  Brown  Derby,  staring 
at  the  booth  directly  opposite  at  the 
extra  girl  who  is  her  exact  image. 

The  extra  girl  took  one  calm  look 
at  Hedy  and  went  right  on  eating. 
Hedy,  on  the  other  hand,  could 
scarcely  take  her  eyes  from  the  girl. 

It  made  a  cozy  tidbit  for  the  Derby 
lunchers.   .   .  . 

Betty  Grable  explains  that  as  a 
friend  and  sweetheart,  George  Raft  is 
perfect.  There's  just  one  drawback 
to  the  romance.  That's  his  gifts  of 
race  horses  that  George  registers  in 
Betty's  name.  They  always  come  in 

Whoa,  there,  romance! 

Behind  the  Scenes  with  Cal:  Friends 
are  holding  their  breath — but   Elaine 

photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirror 

Barrie  has  been  visiting  John  Barry- 
more  while  he's  been  ill.  If  that  pah- 
gets  together  old  Cal  simply  gives  up. 
Our  "noives"  can't  take  it. 

Doctors  say  "war  nerves"  were  re- 
sponsible for  the  premature  birth  of 
the  Connie  Bennett-Gilbert  Roland 
baby,  who  was  born  before  its  mother 
could  be  taken  to  a  hospital.  Little 
Miss  Christina  Roland  is  as  beautiful 
as  her  mommy. 

There  are  whispers  that  already 
powers-that-be  are  dictating  policies 
to  the  young  director-genius,  John 
Huston,  whose  first  picture,  "The 
Maltese  Falcon,"  was  a  directorial 
wow.  Huston,  Walter's  son,  is  busy 
with  the  Bette  Davis  picture,  "In  This 
Our  Life,"  and,  Cal  hears,  his  wonder- 
ful young  ideas  are  being  changed  by 
the  Front  Offices.  Bette  herself  is 
worried  over  it,  so  it  was  told  old  Cal. 
Shame,  isn't  it? 

Twinkle,  twinkle  little  star  in 
the  blackout.  Rita  Hayworth  comes 
to  Ciro's  with  husband  Ed  Judson 
in  blackout  hat  and  dress  equipped 
with    tiny    identification    reflectors 

V  for  Victor — To  Love  or  to  Hate: 

"What's  the  matter  around  here?" 
Vic  Mature  screamed  at  Cal  the  other 
day  on  the  "Song  Of  The  Islands"  set. 
"Nobody  hates  me  any  more  and  I'm 

"Are  you  crazy,  Mature?"  we  asked. 

"Crazy,  heck!"  he  came  back.  "To 
be  liked  by  everyone  in  this  industry 
is  bad.  Movie  biggies  pay  more  at- 
tention to  the  squawkers,  the  hard-to- 
get-along-with  guys  than  the  easy- 
brush-off  guy.  Say,  I  know.  When  I 
was  raising  heck  all  over  the  place 
about  my  Hal  Roach  contract  deal,  I 
got  plenty  of  attention.  It  was  good 
for  me.  When  I  justifiably  raised  more 
heck  during  the  shooting  of  'Hot  Spot,' 
what  happened?  Did  I  get  kicked  out 
or  slapped  down?  Don't  believe  it. 
Mr.  Zanuck  took  matters  in  his  own 
hands,  looked  at  the  rushes,  decided 
I  was  right  and  then  bought  my  con- 
tract from  Roach.  If  I'd  been  namby- 
pamby  about  that  trouble,  where 
would  I  have  been? 

MARCH.    1942 

Baby  your  face  at  bedtime  to 

Wake  up  Lovelier! 

Doctors  advise 
"baby- care"  for 
your  complexion 

Each  night  give  your  face  this  gende 
Ivory  soap-and-water  care  advised  by 
doctors  for  the  World's  Most  Perfect 
Complexion — baby's  own! 

Bedtime  beauty-care,  now  more 
than  ever,  means  Ivory  Soap.  For  the 
quick  cream  lather  of  New  "Velvet- 
Suds"  Ivory  is  gentler  than  ever  to 
your  skin.  Actually,  New  Ivory  is 
milder  than  10  leading  toilet  soaps! 

9944/l00%  PURE    •    IT   FLOATS 

IS  YOUR  SKIN  DRY.  sensitive?  You 
should  "baby"  it  with  this  gentle,  New 
Ivory  night-time  routine:  Cream  lukewarm 
Ivory  lather  well  into  your  skin  with  gentle 
fingertip  massage.  Warm  rinses — pat  dry. 
Since  your  skin  lacks  sufficient  oil,  apply 
lightly  a  little  cold  cream.  Doctors  advise 
gentle  Ivory  cleansing! 

IS  YOUR  SKIN  OILY?  Then  you'll 
want  New  Ivory's  richer,  creamier  lather  to 
remove  excess  oil.  Every  night:  With  a  rough 
washcloth,  lather  up  lukewarm  Ivory  velvet 
suds — Vi-inch  lather  simply  creams  off  your 
Ivory  cake!  Scrub  upward  and  outward  into 
every  inch  of  your  face.  Rinse.  Repeat.  Warm 
rinse,  then  cold.  Use  this  Ivory  method  3 
times  daily  for  sa/e  beauty-care! 

"Baby-care"  is  Beauty-care  .  .  .  use 

New  \e/vet-Judd  IVORY 





These  unretouched  photographs  (Case 
34)  show  results  of  Noxzema.  Left 
shows  badly  chapped  hands  before  treat- 
ment. Right  shows  wonderful  improve- 
ment after  using  Noxzema. 

X'ith  Noxzema,  definite  improve- 
nent  in  red,  rough,  chapped  hands 
s  often  seen  overnight!  That's  be- 
ause  this  famous  medicated  cream 
lelps  soften  dry,  rough  skin;  aids 
n  healing  tiny  skin  "cuts." 
igainst  snagging  precious  stockings. 
Hielp  keep  your  bands  and  feet  soft, 
smooth— with  Noxzema! 

Let  Noxzema  help  you  all  these 
ways  this  winter 

Noxzema  brings  quick,  soothing  re 
lief  to  red,  rough,  painfully  wind 
burned  skin  and  ugly  chapped  lips 
Mary  Richardson  of  St.  Paul.  Minn, 
says:  "1  use  Noxzema  on  my  face  to 
help  protect  my  skin  against  winter 
winds  and  to  soothe  it  after  exposure." 

CHAFED  SKIN.  Noxzema  brings  grand 
relief!  Mrs.  Harriette  Eddy,  of  Min- 
neapolis, writes:  "Every  winter  1  suf- 
fered from  Chilblains.  After  one 
application  of  Noxzema  I  felt  a  cool, 
soothing  comfort  I'd  never  known!" 

POOR  COMPLEXION.  Try  medicated 
Noxzema  for  externally-caused  blem- 
ishes; for  skin  reddened,  roughened  and 

"dried  out"  from  winter  winds.  See  for 
yourself  how  quickly  this  soothing 
cream  helps  improve 

your  complexion! 

SPECIAL  OFFER.  Here's  your  opportu- 
nity to  find  out  how  much  Noxzema 
<..m  do  for  you!  For  a  limited  time  you 
can  get  the  25*  jar  at  any  drug  or  cos- 
metic counter-.FOR  ONLY  19?!  Get 
your  jar  today! 

Jni'uk  otuff 

Bright  idea  to  give  ser- 
vice men  a  bright  outlook 
on  life:  Parties  Unlimited, 
with  a  star-studded  mem- 
bership, entertains  service 
men  based  near  Holly- 
wood. Fair  example:  Phyl- 
lis Brooks  gives  a  dance  at 
the  West  Side  Tennis  Club 

Claire  Trevor  takes  on 
two  of  the  armed  forces 
at  the  right,  shows 
them  a  wonderful  time 
at  the  Club,  sends  them 
home  cheering  Hollywood, 
the  stars,  and  one  of 
the  most  spirited  war- 
time organizations 
in     the     film     colony 

"Look,  I  love  Joe  von  Sternberg 
and  bless  him  for  what  he  did  for  me 
on  the  screen  in  'The  Shanghai  Ges- 
ture,' but,  brother,  when  he  got  sassy, 
I  got  sassy.  No  mealy-mouth  business 
about  it.  And  you  should  see  the 

"When  I  signed  this  new  contract 
my  agent  gave  me  just  two  words  of 
advice.  'Vic,'  he  said,  'be  difficult.' 
And  now  look,  everyone  slaps  me  on 
the  back,  nobody  hates  me.  I'm  wor- 

We  couldn't  help  but  laugh,  for 
we're  one  of  Vic's  ardent  admirers, 
but  there's  something  to  his  argument, 
especially  when  his  salary  has  jumped 
from  $400  to  $1,750. 

But  how,  Cal  pauses  to  inquire,  can 
anyone  hate  a  guy  as  co-operative  as 
Vic?    Even  to  oblige  him? 

When  Good  Fellows  Get  Together: 
We  happened  onto  the  "In  This  Our 
Life"  set  just  during  the  scene  when 
Charles  Coburn  hands  Olivia  de  Hav- 
illand  a  letter.  Olivia  was  supposed 
to  register  annoyance  as  she  read; 
take  it  from  visiting  Cal,  she  did. 
Afterwards,  she  showed  us  the  note 
unsuspecting  Coburn  had  handed  her. 
It  read: 

"Dear  Livvie:  While  you  are  work- 
ing like  a  slave  I've  been  given  the 
day  off.   It's  a  lovely  day  to  be  loafing. 

Wish    you    were    here.     Love.     Be* 

Bette  and  Olivia  are  having  fun  t< 
gether  in  this  picture  and  now  we 
waiting  for  Livvie's  revenge. 

The  Rotary  Club  Should  Kno* 
Clark  Gable  is  rapidly  taking  ov< 
the  role  of  the  best  businessman  i 
Hollywood.  On  their  recent  trip  bac 
East,  Clark  and  Carole  bought  a 
$1100  car  in  a  Middle  Western  tow 
and  drove  it  home.  In  Hollywood  the 
sold  the  car  at  only  $100  loss. 

The  expenses  home  amounted  I 
exactly  $87.  Carole  and  Clark  stoppe 
in  small  towns  and  hotels,  ate  i 
small  restaurants  and  had  a  biggt 
time  than  Santa  Claus. 

When  people  have  more  fun  tha 
Gable  and  get  a  bigger  kick  out  ( 
doing  it  the  American  way — that  o 
the  average  man — then  we  give  up 
You  just  can't  beat  that  guy! 

Or    Do    You    Prefer    Gin    Rummy! 
Hollywood  is  playing  a  new  game  ari( 
oddly    enough    it    began    among    th< 
secretaries    of    a    large    studio.     "If 
could  be  married  to  five  men  at  once,' I 
they  begin,  and  then  each  makes  he: 
choice.     A    writer's    secretary    madi 
this  choice:  Jock  Whitney  to  pay  th<. 
bills,  Clifton  Fadiman  to  talk  to,  R«| 
Skelton    to    make    her    laugh,    Fre< 


photoplay  combined  with  movie  mirkoii 


Astaire  to  dance  with  and  Lew  Ayres 
for  evenings  at  the  fireside.  Another 
chose  Howard  Hughes  to  pay  the 
bills,  Noel  Coward  to  talk  to,  Bob 
Hope  to  make  her  laugh,  Cesar  Ro- 
mero to  dance  with  and  Eddie  Duchin 
for  quiet  evenings  at  home. 

To  the  surprise  of  the  girls  the 
writer  himself  popped  out  with  his 
version.  Hedy  Lamarr  to  lavish  gifts 
upon,  Greer  Garson  to  talk  with,  Elsa 
Maxwell  to  make  him  laugh,  Rita 
Hayworth  to  dance  with  and  himself 
for  quiet  evenings  at  home. 

Got  any  better  suggestions? 

War  and  the  Working  Gal:  Patrons 
of  Nancy's  Gown  Shoppe  on  Holly- 
wood Boulevard  are  surprised  these 
days  to  find  Pat  Stewart,  much  pub- 
licized fiancee  of  Wayne  Morris, 
working  there  as  a  saleslady. 

Marriage  plans  of  Pat  and  Wayne 
have  hit  a  snag,  for  the  young  man 
doesn't  feel  the  salary  Uncle  Sam  pays 
him  in  the  Navy  is  adequate  for  the 
support  of  a  bride. 

So  while  Pat  is  waiting  for  things 
to  straighten  out,  she  decided  to  be- 
come a  working  girl. 

Are  You  Half  a  Hundred?:  Well, 
old  Cal  knows  well  enough  all  Photo- 
play-Movie Mirror  readers  aren't 
debs,  sub-debs  and  so-called  young 
matrons.  We  know  from  our  fan  mail 
that  older  men  and  women  are  just 
as  avid  readers  of  Hollywood  news  as 
the  youngsters,  so  here's  a  special 
bulletin  for  them.  Hugh  Herbert  has 
organized  a  "Fun  Begins  At  Fifty" 
Club.  If  you're  fifty  or  over  and  are 
frank  to  admit  it,  you  can  become  an 
honorary  member  by  just  writing 
Hugh  at  Universal  Studios. 

Among  the  Hollywoodites  who  have